stack_logging_disk.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <_simple.h>            // as included by malloc.c, this defines ASL_LEVEL_INFO
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/mach_vm.h>
#include <os/tsd.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <paths.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <TargetConditionals.h>		// for TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED, TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR
#include "stack_logging.h"
#include "malloc_printf.h"
#include "malloc_internal.h"

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Defines

// _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO...) on iOS doesn't show up in the Xcode Console log of the device,
// but ASL_LEVEL_NOTICE does.  So raising the log level is helpful.

#define _malloc_printf fprintf
#define ASL_LEVEL_INFO stderr



// The expansion factor controls the shifting up of table size. A factor of 1 will double the size upon expanding,
// 2 will quadruple the size, etc. Maintaining a 66% fill in an ideal table requires the collision allowance to
// increase by 3 for every quadrupling of the table size (although this the constant applied to insertion
// performance O(c*n))

// For a uniquing table, the useful node size is slots := floor(table_byte_size / (2 * sizeof(mach_vm_address_t)))
// Some useful numbers for the initial max collision value (desiring 66% fill):
// 16K-23K slots -> 16 collisions
// 24K-31K slots -> 17 collisions
// 32K-47K slots -> 18 collisions
// 48K-79K slots -> 19 collisions
// 80K-96K slots -> 20 collisions

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Macros

#define STACK_LOGGING_FLAGS(longlongvar) (uint32_t)((uint64_t)(longlongvar) >> STACK_LOGGING_FLAGS_SHIFT)
#define STACK_LOGGING_FLAGS_AND_USER_TAG(longlongvar) (uint32_t)(STACK_LOGGING_FLAGS(longlongvar) | (((uint64_t)(longlongvar) & 0x00FF000000000000ull) >> STACK_LOGGING_USER_TAG_SHIFT) )

#define STACK_LOGGING_OFFSET(longlongvar) ((longlongvar) & STACK_LOGGING_OFFSET_MASK)

#define STACK_LOGGING_OFFSET_AND_FLAGS(longlongvar, type_flags) ( ((uint64_t)(longlongvar) & STACK_LOGGING_OFFSET_MASK) | ((uint64_t)(type_flags) << STACK_LOGGING_FLAGS_SHIFT) | (((uint64_t)(type_flags) & 0xFF000000ull) << STACK_LOGGING_USER_TAG_SHIFT) )

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Types

typedef struct {
	uintptr_t	argument;
	uintptr_t	address;
	uint64_t	offset_and_flags; // top 8 bits are actually the flags!
} stack_logging_index_event;

typedef struct {
	uint32_t	argument;
	uint32_t	address;
	uint64_t	offset_and_flags; // top 8 bits are actually the flags!
} stack_logging_index_event32;

typedef struct {
	uint64_t	argument;
	uint64_t	address;
	uint64_t	offset_and_flags; // top 8 bits are actually the flags!
} stack_logging_index_event64;

// backtrace uniquing table chunks used in client-side stack log reading code,
// in case we can't read the whole table in one mach_vm_read() call.
typedef struct table_chunk_header {
	uint64_t							num_nodes_in_chunk;
	uint64_t							table_chunk_size;
	mach_vm_address_t					*table_chunk;
	struct table_chunk_header			*next_table_chunk_header;
} table_chunk_header_t;

#pragma pack(push,4)
typedef struct {
	uint64_t							numPages; // number of pages of the table
	uint64_t							numNodes;
	uint64_t							tableSize;
	uint64_t							untouchableNodes;
	mach_vm_address_t					table_address;
	int32_t								max_collide;
	// 'table_address' is just an always 64-bit version of the pointer-sized 'table' field to remotely read;
	// it's important that the offset of 'table_address' in the struct does not change between 32 and 64-bit.
	uint64_t nodesFull;
	uint64_t backtracesContained;
	union {
		mach_vm_address_t				*table;		// in "target" process;  allocated using vm_allocate()
		table_chunk_header_t			*first_table_chunk_hdr;		// in analysis process
	} u;
} backtrace_uniquing_table;
#pragma pack(pop)

// for storing/looking up allocations that haven't yet be written to disk; consistent size across 32/64-bit processes.
// It's important that these fields don't change alignment due to the architecture because they may be accessed from an
// analyzing process with a different arch - hence the pragmas.
#pragma pack(push,4)
typedef struct {
	uint64_t			start_index_offset;
	uint32_t			next_free_index_buffer_offset;
	char				index_buffer[STACK_LOGGING_BLOCK_WRITING_SIZE];
	backtrace_uniquing_table	*uniquing_table;
} stack_buffer_shared_memory;
#pragma pack(pop)

// target process address -> record table (for __mach_stack_logging_get_frames)
typedef struct {
	uint64_t		address;
	uint64_t		index_file_offset;
} remote_index_node;

// for caching index information client-side:
typedef struct {
	size_t			cache_size;
	size_t			cache_node_capacity;
	uint32_t		collision_allowance;
	remote_index_node	*table_memory; // this can be malloced; it's on the client side.
	stack_buffer_shared_memory *shmem; // shared memory
	stack_buffer_shared_memory snapshot; // memory snapshot of the remote process' shared memory
	uint32_t		last_pre_written_index_size;
	uint64_t		last_index_file_offset;
	backtrace_uniquing_table uniquing_table_snapshot; // snapshot of the remote process' uniquing table
} remote_index_cache;

// for reading stack history information from remote processes:
typedef struct {
	task_t			remote_task;
	pid_t			remote_pid;
	int32_t			task_is_64_bit;
	int32_t			in_use_count;
	FILE			*index_file_stream;
	uint64_t		remote_stack_buffer_shared_memory_address;
	remote_index_cache	*cache;
} remote_task_file_streams;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Constants/Globals

static _malloc_lock_s stack_logging_lock = _MALLOC_LOCK_INIT;

// support for multi-threaded forks
extern void __stack_logging_fork_prepare();
extern void __stack_logging_fork_parent();
extern void __stack_logging_fork_child();
extern void __stack_logging_early_finished();

// support for gdb and others checking for stack_logging locks
extern boolean_t __stack_logging_locked();

// single-thread access variables
static stack_buffer_shared_memory *pre_write_buffers;
static vm_address_t *stack_buffer;
static uintptr_t last_logged_malloc_address = 0;

// Constants to define part of stack logging file path names.
// File names are of the form stack-logs.<pid>.<address>.<progname>.XXXXXX.index
// where <address> is the address of the pre_write_buffers VM region in the target
// process that will need to be mapped into analysis tool processes. 
static const char *stack_log_file_base_name = "stack-logs.";
static const char *stack_log_file_suffix = ".index";

char *__stack_log_file_path__ = NULL;
static int index_file_descriptor = -1;

// for accessing remote log files
static remote_task_file_streams remote_fds[STACK_LOGGING_MAX_SIMUL_REMOTE_TASKS_INSPECTED];
static uint32_t next_remote_task_fd = 0;
static uint32_t remote_task_fd_count = 0;
static _malloc_lock_s remote_fd_list_lock = _MALLOC_LOCK_INIT;

// activation variables
static int logging_use_compaction = 1; // set this to zero to always disable compaction.

// We set malloc_logger to NULL to disable logging, if we encounter errors
// during file writing
typedef void (malloc_logger_t)(uint32_t type, uintptr_t arg1, uintptr_t arg2, uintptr_t arg3, uintptr_t result, uint32_t num_hot_frames_to_skip);
extern malloc_logger_t *malloc_logger;

extern malloc_logger_t *__syscall_logger;	// use this to set up syscall logging (e.g., vm_allocate, vm_deallocate, mmap, munmap)

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark In-Memory Backtrace Uniquing

static __attribute__((always_inline))
inline void*
allocate_pages(uint64_t memSize)
	mach_vm_address_t allocatedMem = 0ull;
	if (mach_vm_allocate(mach_task_self(), &allocatedMem, memSize, VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE | VM_MAKE_TAG(VM_MEMORY_ANALYSIS_TOOL)) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
		malloc_printf("allocate_pages(): virtual memory exhausted!\n");
	return (void*)(uintptr_t)allocatedMem;

static __attribute__((always_inline))
inline int
deallocate_pages(void* memPointer, uint64_t memSize)
	return mach_vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (mach_vm_address_t)(uintptr_t)memPointer, memSize);

static backtrace_uniquing_table*
	backtrace_uniquing_table *uniquing_table = (backtrace_uniquing_table*)allocate_pages((uint64_t)round_page(sizeof(backtrace_uniquing_table)));
	if (!uniquing_table) return NULL;
	bzero(uniquing_table, sizeof(backtrace_uniquing_table));
	uniquing_table->numPages = DEFAULT_UNIQUING_PAGE_SIZE;
	uniquing_table->tableSize = uniquing_table->numPages * vm_page_size;
	uniquing_table->numNodes = ((uniquing_table->tableSize / (sizeof(mach_vm_address_t) * 2)) >> 1) << 1; // make sure it's even.
	uniquing_table->u.table = (mach_vm_address_t*)(uintptr_t)allocate_pages(uniquing_table->tableSize);
	uniquing_table->table_address = (uintptr_t)uniquing_table->u.table;
	uniquing_table->max_collide = INITIAL_MAX_COLLIDE;
	uniquing_table->untouchableNodes = 0;

	malloc_printf("create_uniquing_table(): creating. size: %lldKB == %lldMB, numnodes: %lld (%lld untouchable)\n", uniquing_table->tableSize >> 10, uniquing_table->tableSize >> 20, uniquing_table->numNodes, uniquing_table->untouchableNodes);
	malloc_printf("create_uniquing_table(): table: %p; end: %p\n", uniquing_table->table, (void*)((uintptr_t)uniquing_table->table + (uintptr_t)uniquing_table->tableSize));
	return uniquing_table;

static void
__destroy_uniquing_table(backtrace_uniquing_table* table)
	deallocate_pages(table->u.table, table->tableSize);
	deallocate_pages(table, sizeof(backtrace_uniquing_table));

static void
__expand_uniquing_table(backtrace_uniquing_table *uniquing_table)
	mach_vm_address_t *oldTable = uniquing_table->u.table;
	uint64_t oldsize = uniquing_table->tableSize;
	uint64_t oldnumnodes = uniquing_table->numNodes;

	uniquing_table->numPages = uniquing_table->numPages << EXPAND_FACTOR;
	uniquing_table->tableSize = uniquing_table->numPages * vm_page_size;
	uniquing_table->numNodes = ((uniquing_table->tableSize / (sizeof(mach_vm_address_t) * 2)) >> 1) << 1; // make sure it's even.
	mach_vm_address_t *newTable = (mach_vm_address_t*)(uintptr_t)allocate_pages(uniquing_table->tableSize);

	uniquing_table->u.table = newTable;
	uniquing_table->table_address = (uintptr_t)uniquing_table->u.table;
	uniquing_table->max_collide = uniquing_table->max_collide + COLLISION_GROWTH_RATE;

	if (mach_vm_copy(mach_task_self(), (mach_vm_address_t)(uintptr_t)oldTable, oldsize, (mach_vm_address_t)(uintptr_t)newTable) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
		malloc_printf("expandUniquingTable(): VMCopyFailed\n");
	uniquing_table->untouchableNodes = oldnumnodes;

	malloc_printf("expandUniquingTable(): expanded from nodes full: %lld of: %lld (~%2d%%); to nodes: %lld (inactive = %lld); unique bts: %lld\n",
				  uniquing_table->nodesFull, oldnumnodes, (int)(((uniquing_table->nodesFull * 100.0) / (double)oldnumnodes) + 0.5),
				  uniquing_table->numNodes, uniquing_table->untouchableNodes, uniquing_table->backtracesContained);
	malloc_printf("expandUniquingTable(): allocate: %p; end: %p\n", newTable, (void*)((uintptr_t)newTable + (uintptr_t)(uniquing_table->tableSize)));
	malloc_printf("expandUniquingTable(): deallocate: %p; end: %p\n", oldTable, (void*)((uintptr_t)oldTable + (uintptr_t)oldsize));

	if (deallocate_pages(oldTable, oldsize) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
		malloc_printf("expandUniquingTable(): mach_vm_deallocate failed. [%p]\n", uniquing_table->u.table);

static int
__enter_frames_in_table(backtrace_uniquing_table *uniquing_table, uint64_t *foundIndex, mach_vm_address_t *frames, int32_t count)
	// The hash values need to be the same size as the addresses (because we use the value -1), for clarity, define a new type
	typedef mach_vm_address_t hash_index_t;

	mach_vm_address_t thisPC;
	hash_index_t hash, uParent = (hash_index_t)(-1ll), modulus = (uniquing_table->numNodes-uniquing_table->untouchableNodes-1);
	int32_t collisions, lcopy = count, returnVal = 1;
	hash_index_t hash_multiplier = ((uniquing_table->numNodes - uniquing_table->untouchableNodes)/(uniquing_table->max_collide*2+1));
	mach_vm_address_t *node;
	while (--lcopy >= 0) {
		thisPC = frames[lcopy];

		// hash = initialHash(uniquing_table, uParent, thisPC);
		hash = uniquing_table->untouchableNodes + (((uParent << 4) ^ (thisPC >> 2)) % modulus);
		collisions = uniquing_table->max_collide;

		while (collisions--) {
			node = uniquing_table->u.table + (hash * 2);

			if (*node == 0 && node[1] == 0) {
				// blank; store this entry!
				// Note that we need to test for both head[0] and head[1] as (0, -1) is a valid entry
				node[0] = thisPC;
				node[1] = uParent;
				uParent = hash;
				if (lcopy == 0) {
			if (*node == thisPC && node[1] == uParent) {
				// hit! retrieve index and go.
				uParent = hash;

			hash += collisions * hash_multiplier + 1;

			if (hash >= uniquing_table->numNodes) {
				hash -= (uniquing_table->numNodes - uniquing_table->untouchableNodes); // wrap around.

		if (collisions < 0) {
			returnVal = 0;

	if (returnVal) *foundIndex = uParent;

	return returnVal;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Disk Stack Logging

// pre-declarations
static void delete_log_files(void);
static int delete_logging_file(char *log_location);
static bool getenv_from_process(pid_t pid, char *env_var_name, char *env_var_value_buf, size_t max_path_len);

#define BASE10 10
#define BASE16 16

static void
append_int(char * filename, uint64_t inputValue, unsigned base, size_t maxLength)
	const char *digits = "0123456789abcdef";
	if (base > strlen(digits)) return;		// sanity check
	size_t len = strlen(filename);

	uint32_t count = 0;
	uint64_t value = inputValue;
	while (value > 0) {
		value /= base;

	if (len + count >= maxLength) return; // don't modify the string if it would violate maxLength

	filename[len + count] = '\0';

	value = inputValue;
	uint32_t i;
	for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++) {
		filename[len + count - 1 - i] = digits[value % base];
		value /= base;

 * <rdar://problem/11128080> if we needed to call confstr during init then setting this
 * flag will postpone stack logging until after Libsystem's initialiser has run.
static void
	_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "stack logging postponed until after initialization.\n");
	stack_logging_postponed = 1;

 * Check various logging directory options, in order of preference:
 *      value of MallocStackLoggingDirectory env var if user has set it.  Typically
 *			used on Mac OS X to write to a non-root file system with more free space.
 *      _PATH_TMP - /tmp usually writable for desktop apps and internal iOS apps
 *      value of TMPDIR env var - for sandboxed apps that can't write into /tmp
 *      confstr(_CS_DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR, ...) - should be same as TMPDIR if that is set,
 *          but will create it safely if it doesn't yet exist.  (See <rdar://problem/4706096>)
 * Allocating and releasing target buffer is the caller's responsibility.
static bool
get_writeable_logging_directory(char* target)
	if (!target) return false;

	char *evn_log_directory = getenv("MallocStackLoggingDirectory");
	if (evn_log_directory) {
		if (-1 != access(evn_log_directory, W_OK)) {
			strlcpy(target, evn_log_directory, (size_t)PATH_MAX);
			return true;
		} else {
			_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "MallocStackLoggingDirectory env var set to unwritable path '%s'\n", evn_log_directory);

	if (-1 != access(_PATH_TMP, W_OK)) {
		strlcpy(target, _PATH_TMP, (size_t)PATH_MAX);
		return true;

	evn_log_directory = getenv("TMPDIR");
	if (evn_log_directory && (-1 != access(evn_log_directory, W_OK))) {
		strlcpy(target, evn_log_directory, (size_t)PATH_MAX);
		return true;

	if (stack_logging_finished_init) {
		size_t n = confstr(_CS_DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR, target, (size_t) PATH_MAX);
		if ((n > 0) && (n < PATH_MAX)) return true;
	} else {
		/* <rdar://problem/11128080> Can't call confstr during init, so postpone
		 logging till after */
	*target = '\0';
	return false;

// If successful, returns path to log file that was created, otherwise NULL.
static char *
	pid_t pid = getpid();
	const char *progname = getprogname();
	char *created_log_location = NULL;

	if (__stack_log_file_path__ == NULL) {
		// On first use, allocate space directly from the OS without using malloc
		__stack_log_file_path__ = allocate_pages((uint64_t)round_page(PATH_MAX));
		if (__stack_log_file_path__ == NULL) {
			_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "unable to allocate memory for stack log file path\n");
			return NULL;

	if (!get_writeable_logging_directory(__stack_log_file_path__)) {
		if (!stack_logging_postponed) {
			_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "No writeable tmp dir\n");
		return NULL;

	// Add the '/' only if it's not already there.  Having multiple '/' characters works
	// but is unsightly when we print these stack log file names out.
	size_t stack_log_len = strlen(__stack_log_file_path__);
	if (__stack_log_file_path__[stack_log_len-1] != '/') {
		// use strlcat to null-terminate for the next strlcat call, and to check buffer size
		strlcat(__stack_log_file_path__ + stack_log_len, "/", (size_t)PATH_MAX);
	// Append the file name to __stack_log_file_path__ but don't use snprintf since
	// it can cause malloc() calls.
	// The file name is of the form "stack-logs.<pid>.<address>.<progname>.XXXXXX.index"
	// where <address> is the address of the pre_write_buffers VM region in the target
	// process that will need to be mapped into analysis tool processes. We used to just
	// use a shared memory segment for that, but sandbox'ed target apps may not be able
	// to create shared memory segments so including the address of the VM region in the
	// file name is a simple way to communicate the address to analysis tools so the
	// stack log reading code can map in the region with mach_vm_remap().
	strlcat(__stack_log_file_path__, stack_log_file_base_name, (size_t)PATH_MAX);
	append_int(__stack_log_file_path__, pid, BASE10, (size_t)PATH_MAX);
	strlcat(__stack_log_file_path__, ".", (size_t)PATH_MAX);
	append_int(__stack_log_file_path__, pre_write_buffers, BASE16, (size_t)PATH_MAX);
	if (progname && progname[0] != '\0') {
		strlcat(__stack_log_file_path__, ".", (size_t)PATH_MAX);
		strlcat(__stack_log_file_path__, progname, (size_t)PATH_MAX);
	strlcat(__stack_log_file_path__, ".XXXXXX", (size_t)PATH_MAX);
	strlcat(__stack_log_file_path__, stack_log_file_suffix, (size_t)PATH_MAX);

	// Securely create the log file.
	if ((index_file_descriptor = mkstemps(__stack_log_file_path__, (int)strlen(stack_log_file_suffix))) != -1) {
		_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "stack logs being written into %s\n", __stack_log_file_path__);
		created_log_location = __stack_log_file_path__;
	} else {
		_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "unable to create stack logs at %s\n", __stack_log_file_path__);
		__stack_log_file_path__[0] = '\0';
		created_log_location = NULL;

	return created_log_location;

// This function may be called from either the target process when exiting, or from either the the target process or
// a stack log analysis process, when reaping orphaned stack log files.
// Returns -1 if the files exist and they couldn't be removed, returns 0 otherwise.
static int
delete_logging_file(char *log_location)
	if (log_location == NULL || log_location[0] == '\0') return 0;

	struct stat statbuf;
	if (unlink(log_location) != 0 && stat(log_location, &statbuf) == 0) {
		return -1;
	return 0;

// This function will be called from atexit() in the target process.
static void
	if (__stack_log_file_path__ && __stack_log_file_path__[0]) {
		if (delete_logging_file(__stack_log_file_path__) == 0) {
			_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "stack logs deleted from %s\n", __stack_log_file_path__);
			__stack_log_file_path__[0] = '\0';
		} else {
			_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "unable to delete stack logs from %s\n", __stack_log_file_path__);

static bool
is_process_running(pid_t pid)
	struct kinfo_proc kpt[1];
	size_t size = sizeof(struct kinfo_proc);
	int mib[] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, pid};

	sysctl(mib, 4, kpt, &size, NULL, (size_t)0); // size is either 1 or 0 entries when we ask for a single pid

	return (size==sizeof(struct kinfo_proc));

// Stack log files can be quite large and aren't useful after the process that created them no longer exists because
// the stack backtrace uniquing tree was only kept in the process memory, not on disk.  Normally the log files
// should get removed when the process exits, by the delete_log_files() atexit function.  However, there are
// several situations in which that atexit function doesn't get called so the log files remain:
//		- if the process crashes or is force-killed
//		- if the app supported sudden termination, and was terminated through that
//		- if a process such as a shell execs another binary to transform the pid into a different process;
//			the new process will get a new log file but the old one would still be there.
// So, reap any stack log files for processes that no longer exist, or for the current process if we find a file
// other than __stack_log_file_path__
// This function looks for log files with prefix name "stack-logs.<pid>." underneath <directory>.
// <remaining_path_format> specifies a simple pattern of where stack logs can be down inside <directory>.
// The pattern is essentially a relative path, where a level that start with '<' matches any name, otherwise
// it has to be an exact name match.  See the calling function for examples.
static void
reap_orphaned_log_files_in_hierarchy(char *directory, char *remaining_path_format)
	DIR *dp;
	struct dirent *entry;
	// Ensure that we can access this directory - permissions or sandbox'ing might prevent it.
	if (access(directory, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) == -1 || (dp = opendir(directory)) == NULL) {
		//_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "reaping: no access to %s\n", directory);
	char pathname[PATH_MAX];
	strlcpy(pathname, directory, (size_t)PATH_MAX);
	size_t pathname_len = strlen(pathname);
	if (pathname[pathname_len-1] != '/') pathname[pathname_len++] = '/';
	char *suffix = pathname + pathname_len;
	// Recurse down to deeper levels of the temp directory hierarchy if necessary.
	if (remaining_path_format) {
		char *separator = remaining_path_format;
		while (*separator != '/' && *separator != '\0') { separator++; }
		size_t length_to_match = (*remaining_path_format == '<') ? 0 : separator - remaining_path_format;
		char *next_remaining_path_format = (*separator == '\0') ? NULL : separator + 1;
		while ( (entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL ) {
			if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR && entry->d_name[0] != '.') {
				if (length_to_match > 0 && strncmp(entry->d_name, remaining_path_format, length_to_match) != 0) {
				strlcpy(suffix, entry->d_name, (size_t)PATH_MAX - pathname_len);
				reap_orphaned_log_files_in_hierarchy(pathname, next_remaining_path_format);
	// OK, we found a lowest-level directory matching <remaining_path_format>, and we have access to it.
	// Reap any unnecessary stack log files in here.
	//_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "reaping: looking in %s\n", directory);
	// __stack_log_file_path__ may be NULL if this code is running in an analysis tool client process that is not
	// itself running with MallocStackLogging set.
	char *curproc_stack_log_file = __stack_log_file_path__ ? strrchr(__stack_log_file_path__, '/') + 1 : NULL;
	pid_t curpid = getpid();
	size_t prefix_length = strlen(stack_log_file_base_name);
	while ( (entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL ) {
		if ( (entry->d_type == DT_REG || entry->d_type == DT_LNK) && ( strncmp( entry->d_name, stack_log_file_base_name, prefix_length) == 0 ) ) {
			long pid = strtol(&entry->d_name[prefix_length], (char **)NULL, 10);
			if ( ! is_process_running((pid_t)pid) || (pid == curpid && curproc_stack_log_file && strcmp(entry->d_name, curproc_stack_log_file) != 0) ) {
				strlcpy(suffix, entry->d_name, (size_t)PATH_MAX - pathname_len);
				if (delete_logging_file(pathname) == 0) {
					if (pid == curpid) {
						_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "stack logs deleted from %s\n", pathname);
					} else {
						_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "process %ld no longer exists, stack logs deleted from %s\n", pid, pathname);

static void
reap_orphaned_log_files(pid_t pid)
	reap_orphaned_log_files_in_hierarchy(_PATH_TMP, NULL);
	char *env_var_names[] = { "TMPDIR", "MallocStackLoggingDirectory" };
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(env_var_names) / sizeof(char *); i++) {
		char directory[PATH_MAX];
		bool success = getenv_from_process(pid, env_var_names[i], directory, sizeof(directory));
		if (success && strcmp(directory, _PATH_TMP) != 0) {
			reap_orphaned_log_files_in_hierarchy(directory, NULL);

	// Now reap files left over in any other accessible app-specific temp directories.
	// These could be from sandbox'ed apps.
	char *root_of_temp_directories = "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application";	// ugh - hard-coding to user name "mobile".  Works for all iOS's up to now.
	char *temp_directories_path_format = "<application-UUID>/tmp";
	char *root_of_temp_directories = "/private/var/folders";
	char *temp_directories_path_format = "<xx>/<random>/T";
	reap_orphaned_log_files_in_hierarchy(root_of_temp_directories, temp_directories_path_format);

 * Since there a many errors that could cause stack logging to get disabled, this is a convenience method
 * for disabling any future logging in this process and for informing the user.
static void
	_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "stack logging disabled due to previous errors.\n");
	stack_logging_enable_logging = 0;
	malloc_logger = NULL;
	__syscall_logger = NULL;

/* A wrapper around write() that will try to reopen the index/stack file and
 * write to it if someone closed it underneath us (e.g. the process we just
 * started decide to close all file descriptors except stin/err/out). Some
 * programs like to do that and calling abort() on them is rude.
static ssize_t
robust_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbyte) {
	extern int errno;
	ssize_t written = write(fd, buf, nbyte);
	if (written == -1 && errno == EBADF) {
		char *file_to_reopen = NULL;
		int *fd_to_reset = NULL;

		// descriptor was closed on us. We need to reopen it
		if (fd == index_file_descriptor) {
			file_to_reopen = __stack_log_file_path__;
			fd_to_reset = &index_file_descriptor;
		} else {
			// We don't know about this file. Return (and abort()).
			_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "Unknown file descriptor; expecting stack logging index file\n");
			return -1;

		// The file *should* already exist. If not, fail.
		fd = open(file_to_reopen, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND);
		if (fd < 3) {
			// If we somehow got stdin/out/err, we need to relinquish them and
			// get another fd.
			int fds_to_close[3] = { 0 };
			while (fd < 3) {
				if (fd == -1) {
					_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "unable to re-open stack logging file %s\n", file_to_reopen);
					return -1;
				fds_to_close[fd] = 1;
				fd = dup(fd);

			// We have an fd we like. Close the ones we opened.
			if (fds_to_close[0]) close(0);
			if (fds_to_close[1]) close(1);
			if (fds_to_close[2]) close(2);

		*fd_to_reset = fd;
		written = write(fd, buf, nbyte);
	return written;

static void
	ssize_t written; // signed size_t
	size_t remaining;
	char * p;

	if (index_file_descriptor == -1) {
		if (create_log_file() == NULL) {

	// Write the events before the index so that hopefully the events will be on disk if the index refers to them.
	p = pre_write_buffers->index_buffer;
	remaining = (size_t)pre_write_buffers->next_free_index_buffer_offset;
	while (remaining > 0) {
		written = robust_write(index_file_descriptor, p, remaining);
		if (written == -1) {
			_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "Unable to write to stack logging file %s (%s)\n",
						   __stack_log_file_path__, strerror(errno));
		p += written;
		remaining -= written;

	pre_write_buffers->start_index_offset += pre_write_buffers->next_free_index_buffer_offset;
	pre_write_buffers->next_free_index_buffer_offset = 0;

	if (!pre_write_buffers) {
		last_logged_malloc_address = 0ul;
		logging_use_compaction = (stack_logging_dontcompact ? 0 : logging_use_compaction);

		// Create a VM region to hold the pre-write index and stack buffers. The address of this VM region will be
		// encoded into the stack log file name, so that the stack log reading code running in remote analysis
		// processes can find it and map it into the analysis process. This allows remote analysis processes to access
		// these buffers to get logs for even the most recent allocations. The remote process will need to pause this
		// process to assure that the contents of these buffers don't change while being inspected.
		// We used to use shm_open() to create a shared memory region for this, but since this code runs in arbitrary
		// processes that may have sandbox restrictions that don't allow the creation of shared memory regions,
		// we're using this "create a region and put its address in the stack log file name" approach.
		size_t full_shared_mem_size = sizeof(stack_buffer_shared_memory);
		pre_write_buffers = mmap(0, full_shared_mem_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, VM_MAKE_TAG(VM_MEMORY_ANALYSIS_TOOL), 0);
		if (MAP_FAILED == pre_write_buffers) {
			_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "error creating VM region for stack logging output buffers\n");

		// Store and use the buffer offsets in shared memory so that they can be accessed remotely
		pre_write_buffers->start_index_offset = 0ull;
		pre_write_buffers->next_free_index_buffer_offset = 0;

		// create the backtrace uniquing table
		pre_write_buffers->uniquing_table = __create_uniquing_table();
		if (!pre_write_buffers->uniquing_table) {
			_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "error while allocating stack uniquing table\n");

		uint64_t stack_buffer_sz = (uint64_t)round_page(sizeof(vm_address_t) * STACK_LOGGING_MAX_STACK_SIZE);
		stack_buffer = (vm_address_t*)allocate_pages(stack_buffer_sz);
		if (!stack_buffer) {
			_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "error while allocating stack trace buffer\n");

		// this call ensures that the log files exist; analyzing processes will rely on this assumption.
		if (create_log_file() == NULL) {
			/* postponement support requires cleaning up these structures now */
			deallocate_pages(stack_buffer, stack_buffer_sz);
			stack_buffer = NULL;

			munmap(pre_write_buffers, full_shared_mem_size);
			pre_write_buffers = NULL;

			if (!stack_logging_postponed) {

static void
	static int stage2done = 0;

	if (! stage2done) {
		// malloc() can be called by the following, so these need to be done outside the stack_logging_lock but after the buffers have been set up.
		atexit(delete_log_files);				// atexit() can call malloc()

		// Reaping orphaned stack log files from dead processes is a nicety, to help
		// reduce wasted disk space.  But we don't *always* have to do it.  Specifically,
		// do not reap orphaned stack log files if the process name is sandboxd or taskgated,
		// or if the MallocStackLoggingNoReaping env var is set to any value other than "no"
		// (case-insensitive) or "0".  This provides multiple ways to fix
		// <rdar://problem/14409213> "processes hang if sandboxd is running with
		// MallocStackLogging enabled", which happened because there were two different
		// places down inside reap_orphaned_log_files() which called sysctl() for KERN_PROCARGS2
		// or KERN_PROC_PID, causing iteration of the process list in the kernel, which takes
		// a lock, which can't happen when processes are in a transitional state.
		bool should_reap = true;
		const char *progname = getprogname();
		if (progname && (strcmp(progname, "sandboxd") == 0 || strcmp(progname, "taskgated") == 0)) {
			should_reap = false;
		if (should_reap) {
			char *noreap = getenv("MallocStackLoggingNoReaping");
			if (noreap && strcasecmp(noreap, "no") != 0 && strcmp(noreap, "0") != 0) {
				should_reap = false;
		if (should_reap) {
			reap_orphaned_log_files(getpid());	// this calls opendir() which calls malloc()

		stage2done = 1;

__disk_stack_logging_log_stack(uint32_t type_flags, uintptr_t zone_ptr, uintptr_t arg2, uintptr_t arg3, uintptr_t return_val, uint32_t num_hot_to_skip)
	if (!stack_logging_enable_logging || stack_logging_postponed) return;

	uintptr_t size;
	uintptr_t ptr_arg;

	// check incoming data
	if (type_flags & stack_logging_type_alloc && type_flags & stack_logging_type_dealloc) {
		size = arg3;
		ptr_arg = arg2; // the original pointer
		if (ptr_arg == return_val) return; // realloc had no effect, skipping

		if (ptr_arg == 0) { // realloc(NULL, size) same as malloc(size)
			type_flags ^= stack_logging_type_dealloc;
		} else {
			// realloc(arg1, arg2) -> result is same as free(arg1); malloc(arg2) -> result
			__disk_stack_logging_log_stack(stack_logging_type_dealloc, zone_ptr, ptr_arg, (uintptr_t)0, (uintptr_t)0, num_hot_to_skip + 1);
			__disk_stack_logging_log_stack(stack_logging_type_alloc, zone_ptr, size, (uintptr_t)0, return_val, num_hot_to_skip + 1);
	if (type_flags & stack_logging_type_dealloc || type_flags & stack_logging_type_vm_deallocate) {
		// For VM deallocations we need to know the size, since they don't always match the
		// VM allocations.  It would be nice if arg2 was the size, for consistency with alloc and
		// realloc events.  However we can't easily make that change because all projects
		// (malloc.c, GC auto_zone, and gmalloc) have historically put the pointer in arg2 and 0 as
		// the size in arg3.  We'd need to change all those projects in lockstep, which isn't worth
		// the trouble.
		ptr_arg = arg2;
		size = arg3;
		if (ptr_arg == 0) return; // free(nil)
	if (type_flags & stack_logging_type_alloc || type_flags & stack_logging_type_vm_allocate) {
		if (return_val == 0) return; // alloc that failed
		size = arg2;

	if (type_flags & stack_logging_type_vm_allocate || type_flags & stack_logging_type_vm_deallocate) {
		mach_port_t targetTask = (mach_port_t)zone_ptr;
		// For now, ignore "injections" of VM into other tasks.
		if (targetTask != mach_task_self()) return;

	type_flags &= stack_logging_valid_type_flags;

	vm_address_t self_thread = (vm_address_t)_os_tsd_get_direct(__TSD_THREAD_SELF);
	static vm_address_t thread_doing_logging = 0;

	if (thread_doing_logging == self_thread) {
		// Prevent a thread from deadlocking against itself if vm_allocate() or malloc()
		// is called below here, from __prepare_to_log_stacks() or _prepare_to_log_stacks_stage2(),
		// or if we are logging an event and need to call __expand_uniquing_table() which calls
		// vm_allocate() to grow stack logging data structures.  Any such "administrative"
		// vm_allocate or malloc calls would attempt to recursively log those events.

	// lock and enter

	thread_doing_logging = self_thread;		// for preventing deadlock'ing on stack logging on a single thread

	// now actually begin

	// since there could have been a fatal (to stack logging) error such as the log files not being created, check these variables before continuing
	if (!stack_logging_enable_logging || stack_logging_postponed) {
		thread_doing_logging = 0;

	if (type_flags & stack_logging_type_alloc) {
		// Only do this second stage of setup when we first record a malloc (as opposed to a VM allocation),
		// to ensure that the malloc zone has already been created as is necessary for this.

	// compaction
	if (last_logged_malloc_address && (type_flags & stack_logging_type_dealloc) && STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(ptr_arg) == last_logged_malloc_address) {
		// *waves hand* the last allocation never occurred
		pre_write_buffers->next_free_index_buffer_offset -= (uint32_t)sizeof(stack_logging_index_event);
		last_logged_malloc_address = 0ul;

		thread_doing_logging = 0;

	// gather stack
	uint32_t count;
	thread_stack_pcs(stack_buffer, STACK_LOGGING_MAX_STACK_SIZE-1, &count); // only gather up to STACK_LOGGING_MAX_STACK_SIZE-1 since we append thread id
	stack_buffer[count++] = self_thread + 1;		// stuffing thread # in the coldest slot.  Add 1 to match what the old stack logging did.
	num_hot_to_skip += 2;
	if (count <= num_hot_to_skip) {
		// Oops!  Didn't get a valid backtrace from thread_stack_pcs().
		thread_doing_logging = 0;

	// unique stack in memory
	count -= num_hot_to_skip;
#if __LP64__
	mach_vm_address_t *frames = (mach_vm_address_t*)stack_buffer + num_hot_to_skip;
	mach_vm_address_t frames[STACK_LOGGING_MAX_STACK_SIZE];
	uint32_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		frames[i] = stack_buffer[i+num_hot_to_skip];

	uint64_t uniqueStackIdentifier = (uint64_t)(-1ll);
	while (!__enter_frames_in_table(pre_write_buffers->uniquing_table, &uniqueStackIdentifier, frames, (int32_t)count)) {

	stack_logging_index_event current_index;
	if (type_flags & stack_logging_type_alloc || type_flags & stack_logging_type_vm_allocate) {
		current_index.address = STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(return_val);
		current_index.argument = size;
		if (logging_use_compaction) {
			last_logged_malloc_address = current_index.address; // disguised
	} else {
		current_index.address = STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(ptr_arg);
		current_index.argument = size;
		last_logged_malloc_address = 0ul;
	current_index.offset_and_flags = STACK_LOGGING_OFFSET_AND_FLAGS(uniqueStackIdentifier, type_flags);

	//	the following line is a good debugging tool for logging each allocation event as it happens.
	//	malloc_printf("{0x%lx, %lld}\n", STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(current_index.address), uniqueStackIdentifier);

	// flush the data buffer to disk if necessary
	if (pre_write_buffers->next_free_index_buffer_offset + sizeof(stack_logging_index_event) >= STACK_LOGGING_BLOCK_WRITING_SIZE) {

	// store bytes in buffers
	memcpy(pre_write_buffers->index_buffer+pre_write_buffers->next_free_index_buffer_offset, &current_index, sizeof(stack_logging_index_event));
	pre_write_buffers->next_free_index_buffer_offset += (uint32_t)sizeof(stack_logging_index_event);

	thread_doing_logging = 0;

__stack_logging_fork_prepare(void) {

__stack_logging_fork_parent(void) {

__stack_logging_fork_child(void) {
	malloc_logger = NULL;
	stack_logging_enable_logging = 0;

__stack_logging_early_finished(void) {
	stack_logging_finished_init = 1;
	stack_logging_postponed = 0;

	bool acquired_lock = _malloc_lock_trylock(&stack_logging_lock);
	if (acquired_lock) _malloc_lock_unlock(&stack_logging_lock);
	return (acquired_lock ? false : true);

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Remote Stack Log Access

#pragma mark - Design notes:


 this first one will look through the index, find the "stack_identifier" (i.e. the offset in the log file), and call the third function listed here.
 extern kern_return_t __mach_stack_logging_get_frames(task_t task, mach_vm_address_t address, mach_vm_address_t *stack_frames_buffer, uint32_t max_stack_frames, uint32_t *num_frames);
 //  Gets the last allocation record about address

 if !address, will load index and iterate through (expensive)
 else will load just index, search for stack, and then use third function here to retrieve. (also expensive)
 extern kern_return_t __mach_stack_logging_enumerate_records(task_t task, mach_vm_address_t address, void enumerator(mach_stack_logging_record_t, void *), void *context);
 // Applies enumerator to all records involving address sending context as enumerator's second parameter; if !address, applies enumerator to all records

 this function will load the stack file, look for the stack, and follow up to STACK_LOGGING_FORCE_FULL_BACKTRACE_EVERY references to reconstruct.
 extern kern_return_t __mach_stack_logging_frames_for_uniqued_stack(task_t task, uint64_t stack_identifier, mach_vm_address_t *stack_frames_buffer, uint32_t max_stack_frames, uint32_t *count);
 // Given a uniqued_stack fills stack_frames_buffer


#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Backtrace Uniquing Table Reading and Lookup

// This is client-side code to get a stack log from a uniquing_table.
static void
free_uniquing_table_chunks(backtrace_uniquing_table *uniquing_table) {
	table_chunk_header_t *table_chunk_header = uniquing_table->u.first_table_chunk_hdr;
	while (table_chunk_header) {
		mach_vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (mach_vm_address_t)(uintptr_t)(table_chunk_header->table_chunk), table_chunk_header->table_chunk_size);
		table_chunk_header_t *next = table_chunk_header->next_table_chunk_header;
		table_chunk_header = next;

static kern_return_t
read_uniquing_table_from_task(task_t remote_task, backtrace_uniquing_table *uniquing_table) {
	mach_vm_address_t next_address_to_read = uniquing_table->table_address;
	uint64_t remaining_size_to_read = uniquing_table->tableSize;
	const mach_vm_size_t two_gigabytes = 2ull * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;		// attempting to read 4 GB in one call fails, so try a max of 2 GB
	table_chunk_header_t **table_chunk_hdr_ptr = &(uniquing_table->u.first_table_chunk_hdr);
	*table_chunk_hdr_ptr = NULL;
	while (remaining_size_to_read > 0ull) {
		vm_address_t local_table_chunk_address = 0ul;
		mach_msg_type_number_t local_table_chunk_size = 0;
		mach_vm_size_t next_size_to_read = (remaining_size_to_read > two_gigabytes) ? two_gigabytes : remaining_size_to_read;
		while (1) {
			kern_return_t err = mach_vm_read(remote_task, next_address_to_read, next_size_to_read, &local_table_chunk_address, &local_table_chunk_size);
			if (err == KERN_SUCCESS) {
				*table_chunk_hdr_ptr = malloc(sizeof(table_chunk_header_t));
				table_chunk_header_t *table_chunk_hdr = *table_chunk_hdr_ptr;
				table_chunk_hdr->num_nodes_in_chunk = local_table_chunk_size / (sizeof(mach_vm_address_t) * 2);;
				table_chunk_hdr->table_chunk = local_table_chunk_address;
				table_chunk_hdr->table_chunk_size = local_table_chunk_size;
				table_chunk_hdr->next_table_chunk_header = NULL;	// initialize it, in case it is the last chunk
				table_chunk_hdr_ptr = &(table_chunk_hdr->next_table_chunk_header);		// set up to assign next chunk to this

				next_address_to_read += local_table_chunk_size;
				remaining_size_to_read -= local_table_chunk_size;
				//fprintf(stderr, "requested %#qx, got %#x of %#qx at %p from backtrace uniquing table of target process\n", next_size_to_read, local_table_chunk_size, uniquing_table->tableSize, table_chunk_hdr);
			} else {
				//fprintf(stderr, "requested %#qx, failed\n", next_size_to_read);
				next_size_to_read /= 2;
				if (next_size_to_read <= 1024 * 1024) {
					// We couldn't even map one megabyte?  Let's call that an error...
					return err;

static mach_vm_address_t *
get_node_from_uniquing_table(backtrace_uniquing_table *uniquing_table, uint64_t index_pos)
	table_chunk_header_t *table_chunk_hdr = uniquing_table->u.first_table_chunk_hdr;
	uint64_t start_node_of_chunk = 0;
	while (table_chunk_hdr && index_pos > start_node_of_chunk + table_chunk_hdr->num_nodes_in_chunk) {
		table_chunk_hdr = table_chunk_hdr->next_table_chunk_header;
		if (table_chunk_hdr) {
			start_node_of_chunk += table_chunk_hdr->num_nodes_in_chunk;
	uint64_t index_in_chunk = index_pos - start_node_of_chunk;
	mach_vm_address_t *node = table_chunk_hdr->table_chunk + (index_in_chunk * 2);
	return node;

static void
unwind_stack_from_table_index(backtrace_uniquing_table *uniquing_table, uint64_t index_pos, mach_vm_address_t *out_frames_buffer, uint32_t *out_frames_count, uint32_t max_frames)
	mach_vm_address_t *node = get_node_from_uniquing_table(uniquing_table, index_pos);
	uint32_t foundFrames = 0;
	if (index_pos < uniquing_table->numNodes) {
		while (foundFrames < max_frames) {
			out_frames_buffer[foundFrames++] = node[0];
			if (node[1] == (mach_vm_address_t)(-1ll)) break;
			node = get_node_from_uniquing_table(uniquing_table, node[1]);
	*out_frames_count = foundFrames;

#pragma mark - caching

__attribute__((always_inline)) static inline size_t
hash_index(uint64_t address, size_t max_pos) {
	return (size_t)((address >> 2) % (max_pos-1)); // simplicity rules.

__attribute__((always_inline)) static inline size_t
hash_multiplier(size_t capacity, uint32_t allowed_collisions) {
	return (capacity/(allowed_collisions*2+1));

__attribute__((always_inline)) static inline size_t
next_hash(size_t hash, size_t multiplier, size_t capacity, uint32_t collisions) {
	hash += multiplier * collisions;
	if (hash >= capacity) hash -= capacity;
	return hash;

static void
transfer_node(remote_index_cache *cache, remote_index_node *old_node)
	uint32_t collisions = 0;
	size_t pos = hash_index(old_node->address, cache->cache_node_capacity);
	size_t multiplier = hash_multiplier(cache->cache_node_capacity, cache->collision_allowance);
	do {
		if (cache->table_memory[pos].address == old_node->address) { // hit like this shouldn't happen.
			fprintf(stderr, "impossible collision! two address==address lists! (transfer_node)\n");
		} else if (cache->table_memory[pos].address == 0) { // empty
			cache->table_memory[pos] = *old_node;
		} else {
			pos = next_hash(pos, multiplier, cache->cache_node_capacity, collisions);
	} while (collisions <= cache->collision_allowance);

	if (collisions > cache->collision_allowance) {
		fprintf(stderr, "reporting bad hash function! disk stack logging reader %lu bit. (transfer_node)\n", sizeof(void*)*8);

static void
expand_cache(remote_index_cache *cache)
	// keep old stats
	size_t old_node_capacity = cache->cache_node_capacity;
	remote_index_node *old_table = cache->table_memory;

	// double size
	cache->cache_size <<= 2;
	cache->cache_node_capacity <<= 2;
	cache->collision_allowance += 3;
	cache->table_memory = (void*)calloc(cache->cache_node_capacity, sizeof(remote_index_node));

	// repopulate (expensive!)
	size_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < old_node_capacity; i++) {
		if (old_table[i].address) {
			transfer_node(cache, &old_table[i]);
	//	printf("cache expanded to %0.2f mb (eff: %3.0f%%, capacity: %lu, nodes: %llu, llnodes: %llu)\n", ((float)(cache->cache_size))/(1 << 20), ((float)(cache->cache_node_count)*100.0)/((float)(cache->cache_node_capacity)), cache->cache_node_capacity, cache->cache_node_count, cache->cache_llnode_count);

static void
insert_node(remote_index_cache *cache, uint64_t address, uint64_t index_file_offset)
	uint32_t collisions = 0;
	size_t pos = hash_index(address, cache->cache_node_capacity);
	size_t multiplier = hash_multiplier(cache->cache_node_capacity, cache->collision_allowance);

	while (1) {
		if (cache->table_memory[pos].address == 0ull || cache->table_memory[pos].address == address) { // hit or empty
			cache->table_memory[pos].address = address;
			cache->table_memory[pos].index_file_offset = index_file_offset;
			// Inserted it!  Break out of the loop.

		pos = next_hash(pos, multiplier, cache->cache_node_capacity, collisions);

		if (collisions > cache->collision_allowance) {
			pos = hash_index(address, cache->cache_node_capacity);
			multiplier = hash_multiplier(cache->cache_node_capacity, cache->collision_allowance);
			collisions = 0;

// Kudos to Daniel Delwood for this function.  This is called in an analysis tool process
// to share a VM region from a target process, without the target process needing to explicitly
// share the region itself via shm_open().  The VM_FLAGS_RETURN_DATA_ADDR flag is necessary
// for iOS in case the target process uses a different VM page size than the analysis tool process.
static mach_vm_address_t
map_shared_memory_from_task(task_t sourceTask, mach_vm_address_t sourceAddress, mach_vm_size_t sourceSize) {
	mach_vm_address_t mapRequestAddress = sourceAddress;
	mach_vm_size_t mapRequestSize = sourceSize;
	// Sadly, VM_FLAGS_RETURN_DATA_ADDR isn't available to us; align everything manually.
	int mapRequestFlags = VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE;
	mach_vm_address_t mapRequestAddress = trunc_page(sourceAddress);
	mach_vm_size_t mapRequestSize = round_page(sourceAddress + sourceSize) - mapRequestAddress;
	mach_vm_address_t mappedAddress = 0;
	vm_prot_t outCurrentProt = VM_PROT_NONE;
	vm_prot_t outMaxProt = VM_PROT_NONE;
	kern_return_t err = mach_vm_remap(mach_task_self(), &mappedAddress, mapRequestSize, 0, mapRequestFlags, sourceTask, mapRequestAddress, false, &outCurrentProt, &outMaxProt, VM_INHERIT_NONE);
	if (err != KERN_SUCCESS) {
		return 0;
	return mappedAddress + (sourceAddress - mapRequestAddress);

static kern_return_t
update_cache_for_file_streams(remote_task_file_streams *descriptors)
	remote_index_cache *cache = descriptors->cache;

	// create from scratch if necessary.
	if (!cache) {
		descriptors->cache = cache = (remote_index_cache*)calloc((size_t)1, sizeof(remote_index_cache));
		cache->cache_node_capacity = 1 << 14;
		cache->collision_allowance = 17;
		cache->last_index_file_offset = 0;
		cache->cache_size = cache->cache_node_capacity*sizeof(remote_index_node);
		cache->table_memory = (void*)calloc(cache->cache_node_capacity, sizeof(remote_index_node));

		cache->shmem = map_shared_memory_from_task(descriptors->remote_task, descriptors->remote_stack_buffer_shared_memory_address, sizeof(stack_buffer_shared_memory));
		if (! cache->shmem) {
			// failed to connect to the shared memory region; warn and continue.
			_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "warning: unable to map shared memory from %llx in target process %d; no stack backtraces will be available.\n", descriptors->remote_stack_buffer_shared_memory_address, descriptors->remote_pid);

	// suspend and see how much updating there is to do. there are three scenarios, listed below
	bool update_snapshot = false;
	if (descriptors->remote_task != mach_task_self()) {

	struct stat file_statistics;
	fstat(fileno(descriptors->index_file_stream), &file_statistics);
	size_t read_size = (descriptors->task_is_64_bit ? sizeof(stack_logging_index_event64) : sizeof(stack_logging_index_event32));
	uint64_t read_this_update = 0;

	// the delta indecies is a complex number; there are three cases:
	// 1. there is no shared memory (or we can't connect); diff the last_index_file_offset from the filesize.
	// 2. the only updates have been in shared memory; disk file didn't change at all. delta_indecies should be zero, scan snapshot only.
	// 3. the updates have flushed to disk, meaning that most likely there is new data on disk that wasn't read from shared memory.
	//    correct delta_indecies for the pre-scanned amount and read the new data from disk and shmem.
	uint64_t delta_indecies = (file_statistics.st_size - cache->last_index_file_offset) / read_size;
	uint32_t last_snapshot_scan_index = 0;
	if (delta_indecies && cache->shmem) {
		// case 3: add cache scanned to known from disk and recalc
		cache->last_index_file_offset += cache->snapshot.next_free_index_buffer_offset;
		delta_indecies = (file_statistics.st_size - cache->last_index_file_offset) / read_size;
		update_snapshot = true;
	} else if (cache->shmem) {
		// case 2: set the last snapshot scan count so we don't rescan something we've seen.
		last_snapshot_scan_index = cache->snapshot.next_free_index_buffer_offset / (uint32_t)read_size;

	// no update necessary for the file; check if need a snapshot.
	if (delta_indecies == 0) {
		if (cache->shmem && !update_snapshot) {
			update_snapshot = (cache->shmem->next_free_index_buffer_offset != cache->snapshot.next_free_index_buffer_offset);

	// if a snapshot is necessary, memcpy from remote frozen process' memory
	// note: there were two ways to do this - spin lock or suspend. suspend allows us to
	// analyze processes even if they were artificially suspended. with a lock, there'd be
	// worry that the target was suspended with the lock taken.
	kern_return_t err = KERN_SUCCESS;
	if (update_snapshot) {
		memcpy(&cache->snapshot, cache->shmem, sizeof(stack_buffer_shared_memory));
		// also need to update our version of the remote uniquing table
		vm_address_t local_uniquing_address = 0ul;
		mach_msg_type_number_t local_uniquing_size = 0;
		mach_vm_size_t desired_size = round_page(sizeof(backtrace_uniquing_table));
		if ((err = mach_vm_read(descriptors->remote_task, cache->shmem->uniquing_table, desired_size, &local_uniquing_address, &local_uniquing_size)) != KERN_SUCCESS
			|| local_uniquing_size != desired_size) {
			fprintf(stderr, "error while attempting to mach_vm_read remote stack uniquing table (%d): %s\n", err, mach_error_string(err));
		} else {
			// the mach_vm_read was successful, so acquire the uniquing table

			// need to re-read the table, so deallocate the current memory

			// The following line copies the uniquing table structure data, but the actual uniquing table memory is invalid
			// since it's a pointer from the remote process.
			cache->uniquing_table_snapshot = *((backtrace_uniquing_table*)local_uniquing_address);

			// Read the uniquing table memory from the target process.
			err = read_uniquing_table_from_task(descriptors->remote_task, &(cache->uniquing_table_snapshot));
			if (err) {
				fprintf(stderr, "error while attempting to mach_vm_read remote stack uniquing table contents (%d): %s\n", err, mach_error_string(err));
			// Check the error status below, after further deallocating and resuming the target task.

			mach_vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (mach_vm_address_t)local_uniquing_address, (mach_vm_size_t)local_uniquing_size);

	// resume
	if (descriptors->remote_task != mach_task_self()) {
	if (err != KERN_SUCCESS) {
		// To Do:  further clean up allocated resources, and also try to prevent printing numerous identical "out of memory" errors (maybe we should abort?).
		return err;

	if (!update_snapshot && delta_indecies == 0) return KERN_SUCCESS; // absolutely no updating needed.

	FILE *the_index = (descriptors->index_file_stream);

	// prepare for the read; target process could be 32 or 64 bit.

	stack_logging_index_event32 *target_32_index = NULL;
	stack_logging_index_event64 *target_64_index = NULL;

	// perform the update from the file
	uint32_t i;
	if (delta_indecies) {
		char bufferSpace[4096]; // 4 kb
		target_32_index = (stack_logging_index_event32*)bufferSpace;
		target_64_index = (stack_logging_index_event64*)bufferSpace;
		size_t number_slots = (size_t)(4096/read_size);

		size_t read_count = 0;
		if (fseeko(the_index, (off_t)(cache->last_index_file_offset), SEEK_SET)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "error while attempting to cache information from remote stack index file. (update_cache_for_file_streams)\n");
		off_t current_index_position = cache->last_index_file_offset;
		do {
			number_slots = (size_t)MIN(delta_indecies - read_this_update, number_slots);
			read_count = fread(bufferSpace, read_size, number_slots, the_index);
			if (descriptors->task_is_64_bit) {
				for (i = 0; i < read_count; i++) {
					insert_node(cache, STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(target_64_index[i].address), (uint64_t)current_index_position);
					current_index_position += read_size;
			} else {
				for (i = 0; i < read_count; i++) {
					insert_node(cache, (mach_vm_address_t)STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(target_32_index[i].address), (uint64_t)current_index_position);
					current_index_position += read_size;
		} while (read_count);

		if (read_this_update < delta_indecies) {
			fprintf(stderr, "insufficient data in remote stack index file; expected more records.\n");
		cache->last_index_file_offset += read_this_update * read_size;

	if (update_snapshot) {
		target_32_index = (stack_logging_index_event32*)(cache->snapshot.index_buffer);
		target_64_index = (stack_logging_index_event64*)(cache->snapshot.index_buffer);

		uint32_t free_snapshot_scan_index = cache->snapshot.next_free_index_buffer_offset / (uint32_t)read_size;
		off_t current_index_position = cache->snapshot.start_index_offset;
		if (descriptors->task_is_64_bit) {
			for (i = last_snapshot_scan_index; i < free_snapshot_scan_index; i++) {
				insert_node(cache, STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(target_64_index[i].address), (uint64_t)(current_index_position + (i * read_size)));
		} else {
			for (i = last_snapshot_scan_index; i < free_snapshot_scan_index; i++) {
				insert_node(cache, (mach_vm_address_t)STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(target_32_index[i].address), (uint64_t)(current_index_position + (i * read_size)));

static void
destroy_cache_for_file_streams(remote_task_file_streams *descriptors)
	if (descriptors->cache->shmem) {
		munmap(descriptors->cache->shmem, sizeof(stack_buffer_shared_memory));
	descriptors->cache = NULL;

#pragma mark - internal

// In the stack log analysis process, find the stack logging file for target process <pid>
// by scanning the given directory for entries with names of the form "stack-logs.<pid>.*.index"
// If we find such an entry then open that stack logging file.
static FILE *
open_log_file_from_directory(pid_t pid, char* directory, remote_task_file_streams *streams)
	DIR *dp;
	struct dirent *entry;
	char prefix_and_pid[PATH_MAX];
	char pathname[PATH_MAX];
	FILE *file = NULL;

	// Check for access permissions in case we're sandbox'ed.
	if (access(directory, R_OK | X_OK) == 0 && (dp = opendir(directory)) != NULL) {
		// It's OK to use snprintf in this routine since it should only be called by the clients
		// of stack logging, and thus calls to malloc are OK.
		snprintf(prefix_and_pid	, (size_t)PATH_MAX, "%s%d.", stack_log_file_base_name, pid);	// make sure to use "%s%d." rather than just "%s%d" to match the whole pid
		size_t prefix_and_pid_length = strlen(prefix_and_pid);

		while ( (entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL ) {
			if ( strncmp( entry->d_name, prefix_and_pid, prefix_and_pid_length) == 0 ) {
				snprintf(pathname, (size_t)PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", directory, entry->d_name);
				file = fopen(pathname, "r");
				// The hex address of the remote_index_cache in the target process
				// is given in the stack log file name, following the pid and a period.
				streams->remote_stack_buffer_shared_memory_address = strtoll(entry->d_name + prefix_and_pid_length, NULL, 16);
	streams->index_file_stream = file;
	return file;

// Read the launch data of the target process from the kernel to find the
// value of the environment variable named env_var_name.  Since this function
// uses alloca() to temporarily allocate space for data copied from the kernel,
// and we don't want to malloc space so that this can be called from malloc stack
// logging code in the target process as well, we copy the result into the
// env_var_value_buf of length max_path_len supplied by the caller.
static bool
getenv_from_process(pid_t pid, char *env_var_name, char *env_var_value_buf, size_t buf_length	)
	env_var_value_buf[0] = '\0';

	// Just call getenv() if pid is the current process, partly to avoid the sysctl()
	// call which can cause system deadlock (<rdar://problem/14409213> "processes hang
	// if sandboxd is running with MallocStackLogging enabled").  But it probably
	// doesn't completely fix that since there is another sysctl() call in is_process_running()
	// when checking to see if the process corresponding to an existing stack log file
	// is still running.
	if (pid == getpid()) {
		char *env_var_value = getenv(env_var_name);
		if (! env_var_value) {
			return false;
		} else {
			strlcpy(env_var_value_buf, env_var_value, buf_length);
			return true;

	int mib[3];
	size_t argbufSize = 0;	// Must initialize this to 0 so this works when compiled for x86_64.

	// First get the maximum arguments size, to determine the necessary buffer size.
	mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
	mib[1] = KERN_ARGMAX;

	size_t size = sizeof(argbufSize);
	int ret = sysctl(mib, 2, &argbufSize, &size, NULL, 0);
	if (ret != 0) return false;

	mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
	mib[1] = KERN_PROCARGS2;	// The older KERN_PROCARGS is deprecated.
	mib[2] = pid;

	char *argbuf = (char *) alloca(argbufSize);
	ret = sysctl(mib, 3, argbuf, &argbufSize, (void*)NULL, 0);
	if (ret != 0) return false;
	argbuf[argbufSize - 1] = '\0';	// make sure the buffer is null-terminated
	char *p = argbuf;
	char *endp = &argbuf[argbufSize];

	// Skip over argc, which is always 4 bytes long (int-sized), even in 64-bit architectures.
	int argumentCount = *((int*)argbuf);
	p += sizeof(argumentCount);

	// Skip over arguments, using the argumentCount read from the start of argbuf.
	argumentCount++;	// increment argumentCount to also skip saved exec path, which comes first
	for (int argumentNum = 0; argumentNum < argumentCount && p < endp; argumentNum++) {
		while (p < endp && *p != '\0') p++;
		while (p < endp && *p == '\0') p++;		// saved exec path sometimes has multiple nul's

	size_t env_var_name_length = strlen(env_var_name);
	// Examine environment variables.
	while ((p + env_var_name_length + 1) < endp && *p != '\0') {
		if (strncmp(p, env_var_name, env_var_name_length) == 0 && p[env_var_name_length] == '=') {
			p += env_var_name_length + 1;
			strlcpy(env_var_value_buf, p, buf_length);
			//_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "found env var %s='%s'\n", env_var_name, env_var_value_buf);
			return true;
		while (p < endp && *p != '\0') p++;
	return false;

static FILE *
open_log_file(pid_t pid, remote_task_file_streams *streams)
	static bool already_reaped = false;
	if (! already_reaped) {
		reap_orphaned_log_files(pid);	// reap any left-over log files (for non-existant processes, but not for this analysis process)
		already_reaped = true;

	// Since we're searching for the log file here, not creating it, we can search in any order we want.
	// So look at MallocStackLoggingDirectory last since that is almost never set.
	FILE *file = open_log_file_from_directory(pid, _PATH_TMP, streams);
	if (! file) {
		char *env_var_names[] = { "TMPDIR", "MallocStackLoggingDirectory" };
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(env_var_names) / sizeof(char *); i++) {
			char directory[PATH_MAX];
			bool success = getenv_from_process(pid, env_var_names[i], directory, sizeof(directory));
			if (success) {
				file = open_log_file_from_directory(pid, directory, streams);
				if (file) break;
	return file;

static remote_task_file_streams*
retain_file_streams_for_task(task_t task)
	if (task == MACH_PORT_NULL) return NULL;


	// see if they're already in use
	uint32_t i = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < remote_task_fd_count; i++) {
		if (remote_fds[i].remote_task == task) {
			return &remote_fds[i];

	// open them
	uint32_t failures = 0;
		while (remote_fds[next_remote_task_fd].in_use_count > 0) {
			if (next_remote_task_fd == STACK_LOGGING_MAX_SIMUL_REMOTE_TASKS_INSPECTED) next_remote_task_fd = 0;
				return NULL;

	pid_t pid;
	kern_return_t err = pid_for_task(task, &pid);
	if (err != KERN_SUCCESS) {
		return NULL;

	remote_task_file_streams *this_task_streams = &remote_fds[next_remote_task_fd];

	open_log_file(pid, this_task_streams);

	// check if opens failed
	if (this_task_streams->index_file_stream == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	// check if target pid is running 64-bit
	int mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, pid };
	struct kinfo_proc processInfo;
	size_t bufsize = sizeof(processInfo);
	if (sysctl(mib, (unsigned)(sizeof(mib)/sizeof(int)), &processInfo, &bufsize, NULL, (size_t)0) == 0 && bufsize > 0) {
		this_task_streams->task_is_64_bit = processInfo.kp_proc.p_flag & P_LP64;
	} else {
		this_task_streams->task_is_64_bit = 0;

	// otherwise set vars and go
	this_task_streams->in_use_count = 1;
	this_task_streams->remote_task = task;
	this_task_streams->remote_pid = pid;
	if (next_remote_task_fd == STACK_LOGGING_MAX_SIMUL_REMOTE_TASKS_INSPECTED) next_remote_task_fd = 0;
	remote_task_fd_count = MIN(remote_task_fd_count + 1, STACK_LOGGING_MAX_SIMUL_REMOTE_TASKS_INSPECTED);

	return this_task_streams;

static void
release_file_streams_for_task(task_t task)

	// decrement in-use count
	uint32_t i = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < remote_task_fd_count; i++) {
		if (remote_fds[i].remote_task == task) {


#pragma mark - extern

// This function is no longer used.  It was a hack that required an analysis tool process
// to read the target tasks's __stack_log_file_path__ variable then pass the value of
// that to this function.  This is now handled automatically all within this file, by
// having the stack log reading code read the environment variables of the target process.
// This function should be removed once no clients are calling it.
__mach_stack_logging_set_file_path(task_t task, char* file_path)

__mach_stack_logging_get_frames(task_t task, mach_vm_address_t address, mach_vm_address_t *stack_frames_buffer, uint32_t max_stack_frames, uint32_t *count)
	remote_task_file_streams *remote_fd = retain_file_streams_for_task(task);
	if (remote_fd == NULL) {
		return KERN_FAILURE;

	kern_return_t err = update_cache_for_file_streams(remote_fd);
	if (err != KERN_SUCCESS) {
		return err;

	uint32_t collisions = 0;
	size_t hash = hash_index(address, remote_fd->cache->cache_node_capacity);
	size_t multiplier = hash_multiplier(remote_fd->cache->cache_node_capacity, remote_fd->cache->collision_allowance);
	uint64_t located_file_position = 0;

	bool found = false;
	do {
		if (remote_fd->cache->table_memory[hash].address == address) { // hit!
			located_file_position = remote_fd->cache->table_memory[hash].index_file_offset;
			found = true;
		} else if (remote_fd->cache->table_memory[hash].address == 0ull) { // failure!

		hash = next_hash(hash, multiplier, remote_fd->cache->cache_node_capacity, collisions);

	} while (collisions <= remote_fd->cache->collision_allowance);

	if (found) {
		// prepare for the read; target process could be 32 or 64 bit.
		stack_logging_index_event32 *target_32_index = NULL;
		stack_logging_index_event64 *target_64_index = NULL;

		if (located_file_position >= remote_fd->cache->last_index_file_offset) {
			// must be in shared memory
			if (remote_fd->cache->shmem) {
				if (remote_fd->task_is_64_bit) {
					target_64_index = (stack_logging_index_event64*)(remote_fd->cache->snapshot.index_buffer + (located_file_position - remote_fd->cache->snapshot.start_index_offset));
					located_file_position = STACK_LOGGING_OFFSET(target_64_index->offset_and_flags);
				} else {
					target_32_index = (stack_logging_index_event32*)(remote_fd->cache->snapshot.index_buffer + (located_file_position - remote_fd->cache->snapshot.start_index_offset));
					located_file_position = STACK_LOGGING_OFFSET(target_32_index->offset_and_flags);
			} else {
				found = false;

		} else {
			// it's written to disk
			char bufferSpace[128];

			size_t read_size = (remote_fd->task_is_64_bit ? sizeof(stack_logging_index_event64) : sizeof(stack_logging_index_event32));
			fseeko(remote_fd->index_file_stream, (off_t)located_file_position, SEEK_SET);
			size_t read_count = fread(bufferSpace, read_size, (size_t)1, remote_fd->index_file_stream);
			if (read_count) {
				if (remote_fd->task_is_64_bit) {
					target_64_index = (stack_logging_index_event64*)bufferSpace;
					located_file_position = STACK_LOGGING_OFFSET(target_64_index->offset_and_flags);
				} else {
					target_32_index = (stack_logging_index_event32*)bufferSpace;
					located_file_position = STACK_LOGGING_OFFSET(target_32_index->offset_and_flags);
			} else {
				found = false;


	if (!found) {
		return KERN_FAILURE;

	return __mach_stack_logging_frames_for_uniqued_stack(task, located_file_position, stack_frames_buffer, max_stack_frames, count);

__mach_stack_logging_enumerate_records(task_t task, mach_vm_address_t address, void enumerator(mach_stack_logging_record_t, void *), void *context)
	remote_task_file_streams *remote_fd = retain_file_streams_for_task(task);
	if (remote_fd == NULL) {
		return KERN_FAILURE;

	bool reading_all_addresses = (address == 0 ? true : false);
	mach_stack_logging_record_t pass_record;
	kern_return_t err = KERN_SUCCESS;

	// update (read index file once and only once)
	err = update_cache_for_file_streams(remote_fd);
	if (err != KERN_SUCCESS) {
		return err;
	FILE *the_index = (remote_fd->index_file_stream);

	// prepare for the read; target process could be 32 or 64 bit.
	char bufferSpace[2048]; // 2 kb
	stack_logging_index_event32 *target_32_index = (stack_logging_index_event32*)bufferSpace;
	stack_logging_index_event64 *target_64_index = (stack_logging_index_event64*)bufferSpace;
	uint32_t target_addr_32 = (uint32_t)STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE((uint32_t)address);
	uint64_t target_addr_64 = STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE((uint64_t)address);
	size_t read_size = (remote_fd->task_is_64_bit ? sizeof(stack_logging_index_event64) : sizeof(stack_logging_index_event32));
	size_t number_slots = (size_t)(2048/read_size);
	uint64_t total_slots = remote_fd->cache->last_index_file_offset / read_size;

	// perform the search
	size_t read_count = 0;
	int64_t current_file_offset = 0;
	uint32_t i;
	do {
		// at this point, we need to read index events; read them from the file until it's necessary to grab them from the shared memory snapshot
		// and crop file reading to the point where we last scanned
		number_slots = (size_t)MIN(number_slots, total_slots);

		// if out of file to read (as of the time we entered this function), try to use shared memory snapshot
		if (number_slots == 0) {
			if (remote_fd->cache->shmem && remote_fd->cache->snapshot.start_index_offset + remote_fd->cache->snapshot.next_free_index_buffer_offset > (uint64_t)current_file_offset) {
				// use shared memory
				target_32_index = (stack_logging_index_event32*)remote_fd->cache->snapshot.index_buffer;
				target_64_index = (stack_logging_index_event64*)remote_fd->cache->snapshot.index_buffer;
				read_count = (uint32_t)(remote_fd->cache->snapshot.start_index_offset + remote_fd->cache->snapshot.next_free_index_buffer_offset - current_file_offset) / read_size;
				current_file_offset += read_count * read_size;
			} else {
		} else {
			// get and save index (enumerator could modify)
			fseeko(the_index, current_file_offset, SEEK_SET);
			read_count = fread(bufferSpace, read_size, number_slots, the_index);
			current_file_offset = ftello(the_index);
			total_slots -= read_count;

		if (remote_fd->task_is_64_bit) {
			for (i = 0; i < read_count; i++) {
				if (reading_all_addresses || target_64_index[i].address == target_addr_64) {
					pass_record.address = STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(target_64_index[i].address);
					pass_record.argument = target_64_index[i].argument;
					pass_record.stack_identifier = STACK_LOGGING_OFFSET(target_64_index[i].offset_and_flags);
					pass_record.type_flags = STACK_LOGGING_FLAGS_AND_USER_TAG(target_64_index[i].offset_and_flags);
					enumerator(pass_record, context);
		} else {
			for (i = 0; i < read_count; i++) {
				if (reading_all_addresses || target_32_index[i].address == target_addr_32) {
					pass_record.address = STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(target_32_index[i].address);
					pass_record.argument = target_32_index[i].argument;
					pass_record.stack_identifier = STACK_LOGGING_OFFSET(target_32_index[i].offset_and_flags);
					pass_record.type_flags = STACK_LOGGING_FLAGS_AND_USER_TAG(target_32_index[i].offset_and_flags);
					enumerator(pass_record, context);
	} while (read_count);

	return err;

__mach_stack_logging_frames_for_uniqued_stack(task_t task, uint64_t stack_identifier, mach_vm_address_t *stack_frames_buffer, uint32_t max_stack_frames, uint32_t *count)
	remote_task_file_streams *remote_fd = retain_file_streams_for_task(task);
	if (remote_fd == NULL) return KERN_FAILURE;

	unwind_stack_from_table_index(&remote_fd->cache->uniquing_table_snapshot, stack_identifier, stack_frames_buffer, count, max_stack_frames);


	if (*count) return KERN_SUCCESS;
	else return KERN_FAILURE;


// cc -o stack_logging_disk stack_logging_disk.c -DTEST_DISK_STACK_LOGGING

#include <sys/wait.h>

	int status;
	int i;
	size_t total_globals = 0ul;

	fprintf(stderr, "master test process is %d\n", getpid());
	fprintf(stderr, "sizeof pre_write_buffers: %lu\n", sizeof(pre_write_buffers)); total_globals += sizeof(pre_write_buffers);
	fprintf(stderr, "sizeof stack_buffer: %lu\n", sizeof(stack_buffer)); total_globals += sizeof(stack_buffer);
	fprintf(stderr, "sizeof last_logged_malloc_address: %lu\n", sizeof(last_logged_malloc_address)); total_globals += sizeof(last_logged_malloc_address);
	fprintf(stderr, "sizeof stack_log_file_base_name: %lu\n", sizeof(stack_log_file_base_name)); total_globals += sizeof(stack_log_file_base_name);
	fprintf(stderr, "sizeof stack_log_file_suffix: %lu\n", sizeof(stack_log_file_suffix)); total_globals += sizeof(stack_log_file_suffix);
	fprintf(stderr, "sizeof __stack_log_file_path__ (index_file_path): %lu\n", (size_t)PATH_MAX); total_globals += (size_t)PATH_MAX;
	fprintf(stderr, "sizeof index_file_descriptor: %lu\n", sizeof(index_file_descriptor)); total_globals += sizeof(index_file_descriptor);
	fprintf(stderr, "sizeof remote_fds: %lu\n", sizeof(remote_fds)); total_globals += sizeof(remote_fds);
	fprintf(stderr, "sizeof next_remote_task_fd: %lu\n", sizeof(next_remote_task_fd)); total_globals += sizeof(next_remote_task_fd);
	fprintf(stderr, "sizeof remote_task_fd_count: %lu\n", sizeof(remote_task_fd_count)); total_globals += sizeof(remote_task_fd_count);
	fprintf(stderr, "sizeof remote_fd_list_lock: %lu\n", sizeof(remote_fd_list_lock)); total_globals += sizeof(remote_fd_list_lock);
	fprintf(stderr, "sizeof logging_use_compaction: %lu\n", sizeof(logging_use_compaction)); total_globals += sizeof(logging_use_compaction);
	fprintf(stderr, "size of all global data: %lu\n", total_globals);
	// create a few child processes and exit them cleanly so their logs should get cleaned up
	fprintf(stderr, "\ncreating child processes and exiting cleanly\n");
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		if (fork() == 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "\nin child processes %d\n", getpid());
			fprintf(stderr, "exiting child processes %d\n", getpid());
	// create a few child processes and abruptly _exit them, leaving their logs around
	fprintf(stderr, "\ncreating child processes and exiting abruptly, leaving logs around\n");
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		if (fork() == 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "\nin child processes %d\n", getpid());
			fprintf(stderr, "exiting child processes %d\n", getpid());
	// this should reap any remaining logs
	fprintf(stderr, "\nexiting master test process %d\n", getpid());
	return 0;


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