stack_logging.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 2002-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

/*	Bertrand from vmutils -> CF -> System */

#include "malloc.h"
#include "malloc_printf.h"
#include "malloc_internal.h"
#include "stack_logging.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/vm_statistics.h>
#include <os/tsd.h>
#include <TargetConditionals.h>

#include <CrashReporterClient.h>

extern void thread_stack_pcs(vm_address_t *, unsigned, unsigned *);

static inline void *allocate_pages(unsigned) __attribute__((always_inline));
static inline void *allocate_pages(unsigned bytes) {
	void *address;
	if (vm_allocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t *)&address, bytes,
		malloc_printf("*** out of memory while stack logging\n");
		CRSetCrashLogMessage("*** out of memory while stack logging\n");
	return (void *)address;

static inline void deallocate_pages(void *, unsigned) __attribute__((always_inline));
static inline void deallocate_pages(void *ptr, unsigned bytes) {
	vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)ptr, bytes);

static inline void copy_pages(const void *, void *, unsigned) __attribute__((always_inline));
static inline void copy_pages(const void *source, void *dest, unsigned bytes) {
	if (vm_copy(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)source, bytes, (vm_address_t)dest)) memmove(dest, source, bytes);

/***************	Uniquing stack		***********/

#define MAX_COLLIDE	8

#define MAX_NUM_PC	512

static int enter_pair_in_table(unsigned *table, unsigned numPages, unsigned *uniquedParent, unsigned thisPC) {
	// uniquedParent is in-out; return 1 is collisions max not exceeded
	unsigned	base = numPages * vm_page_size / (sizeof(int)*2*2);
	unsigned	hash = base + (((*uniquedParent) << 4) ^ (thisPC >> 2)) % (base - 1); // modulo odd number for hashing
	unsigned	collisions = MAX_COLLIDE;
	while (collisions--) {
		unsigned	*head = table + hash*2;
		if (! head[0] && !head[1]) {
			/* end of chain; store this entry! */
			/* Note that we need to test for both head[0] and head[1] as (0, -1) is a valid entry */
			head[0] = thisPC;
			head[1] = *uniquedParent;
			*uniquedParent = hash;
			return 1;
		if ((head[0] == thisPC) && (head[1] == *uniquedParent)) {
			/* we found the proper entry, the value for the pair is the entry offset */
			*uniquedParent = hash;
			return 1;
		if (hash == base*2) hash = base;
	return 0;

static unsigned
stack_logging_get_unique_stack(unsigned **table, unsigned *table_num_pages, unsigned *stack_entries, unsigned count, unsigned num_hot_to_skip) {
	unsigned	uniquedParent = (unsigned)-1;
	// we skip the warmest entries that are an artefact of the code
	while (num_hot_to_skip--) {
		if (count > 0) { stack_entries++; count--; }
	while (count--) {
		unsigned	thisPC = stack_entries[count];
		while (!enter_pair_in_table(*table, *table_num_pages, &uniquedParent, thisPC)) {
			unsigned	*newTable;
			unsigned	oldBytes = (*table_num_pages) * vm_page_size;
			newTable = allocate_pages(oldBytes*2);
			copy_pages(*table, newTable, oldBytes);
			deallocate_pages(*table, oldBytes);
			*table_num_pages *= 2;
			*table = newTable;
	return uniquedParent;

/***************	Logging stack and arguments		***********/

stack_logging_record_list_t *stack_logging_the_record_list = NULL;

int stack_logging_enable_logging = 0;
int stack_logging_dontcompact = 0;
int stack_logging_finished_init = 0;
int stack_logging_postponed = 0;

static _malloc_lock_s stack_logging_spin_lock = _MALLOC_LOCK_INIT;

static stack_logging_record_list_t *GrowLogRecords(stack_logging_record_list_t *records, unsigned desiredNumRecords) {
	stack_logging_record_list_t	*new_records;
	unsigned	old_size = records->overall_num_bytes;
	if (desiredNumRecords*sizeof(stack_logging_record_t)+sizeof(stack_logging_record_list_t) < records->overall_num_bytes) return records;
	records->overall_num_bytes += records->overall_num_bytes + vm_page_size; // in order to always get an even number of pages
	new_records = allocate_pages(records->overall_num_bytes);
	copy_pages(records, new_records, old_size);
	deallocate_pages(records, old_size);
	return new_records;

static void prepare_to_log_stack(void) {
	if (!stack_logging_the_record_list) {
		unsigned	totalSize = 4 * vm_page_size;
		stack_logging_the_record_list = allocate_pages(totalSize);
		memset(stack_logging_the_record_list, 0, sizeof(stack_logging_record_list_t));
		stack_logging_the_record_list->overall_num_bytes = totalSize;
		stack_logging_the_record_list->uniquing_table_num_pages = 128;
		stack_logging_the_record_list->uniquing_table = allocate_pages(stack_logging_the_record_list->uniquing_table_num_pages * vm_page_size);

void stack_logging_log_stack(unsigned type, unsigned arg1, unsigned arg2, unsigned arg3, unsigned result, unsigned num_hot_to_skip) {
	stack_logging_record_t	*rec;
	if (!stack_logging_enable_logging) return;
	// printf("stack_logging_log_stack 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", type, arg1, arg2, arg3, result);
	if (type & stack_logging_flag_zone) {
		// just process it now and be done with it!
		arg1 = arg2; arg2 = arg3; arg3 = 0; type &= ~stack_logging_flag_zone;
	if (type == (stack_logging_type_dealloc|stack_logging_type_alloc)) {
		if (arg1 == result) return; // realloc had no effect, skipping
		if (!arg1) {
			// realloc(NULL, size) same as malloc(size)
			type = stack_logging_type_alloc; arg1 = arg2; arg2 = arg3; arg3 = 0;
		} else {
			// realloc(arg1, arg2) -> result is same as free(arg1); malloc(arg2) -> result
			stack_logging_log_stack(stack_logging_type_dealloc, arg1, 0, 0, 0, num_hot_to_skip+1);
			stack_logging_log_stack(stack_logging_type_alloc, arg2, 0, 0, result, num_hot_to_skip+1);
	if (type == stack_logging_type_dealloc) {
		// simple free
		if (!arg1) return; // free(nil)
	stack_logging_the_record_list = GrowLogRecords(stack_logging_the_record_list, stack_logging_the_record_list->num_records + 1);
	rec = stack_logging_the_record_list->records + stack_logging_the_record_list->num_records;
	// We take care of the common case of alloc-dealloc
	if (!stack_logging_dontcompact && stack_logging_the_record_list->num_records && (type == stack_logging_type_dealloc) && arg1 && ((rec-1)->type == stack_logging_type_alloc) && (arg1 == STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE((rec-1)->address))) {
		// printf("Erased previous record in alloc-dealloc sequence\n");
	} else {
		unsigned	stack_entries[MAX_NUM_PC];
		unsigned	count = 0;
		rec->type = type;
		if (type == stack_logging_type_dealloc) {
			rec->argument = 0;
			rec->address = STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(arg1); // we disguise the address
		} else if (type == stack_logging_type_alloc) {
			rec->argument = arg1;
			rec->address = STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(result); // we disguise the address
		} else {
			rec->argument = arg2;
			rec->address = STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(arg1); // we disguise the address
		// printf("Before getting samples  0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", type, arg1, arg2, arg3, result);
		thread_stack_pcs((vm_address_t *)stack_entries, MAX_NUM_PC - 1, &count);
		// We put at the bottom of the stack a marker that denotes the thread (+1 for good measure...)
		stack_entries[count++] = (int)(uintptr_t)_os_tsd_get_direct(__TSD_THREAD_SELF) + 1;
		/* now let's unique the sample */
		// printf("Uniquing 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", type, arg1, arg2, arg3, result);
		rec->uniqued_stack = stack_logging_get_unique_stack(&stack_logging_the_record_list->uniquing_table, &stack_logging_the_record_list->uniquing_table_num_pages, stack_entries, count, num_hot_to_skip+2); // we additionally skip the warmest 2 entries that are an artefact of the code

static kern_return_t default_reader(task_t task, vm_address_t address, vm_size_t size, void **ptr) {
	*ptr = (void *)address;
	return 0;

static kern_return_t get_remote_records(task_t task, memory_reader_t reader, stack_logging_record_list_t **records) {
	// sets records
	vm_address_t	*remote_records_address_ref;
	kern_return_t	err;
	*records = NULL;
	err = reader(task, (vm_address_t)&stack_logging_the_record_list, sizeof(vm_address_t), (void **)&remote_records_address_ref);
	if (err) return err;
	if (!*remote_records_address_ref) {
		// printf("stack_logging: no stack record\n");
		return 0;
	// printf("stack_logging: stack records at %p\n", (void *)(*remote_records_address_ref));
	// printf("stack_logging: reading %d bytes\n", sizeof(stack_logging_record_list_t));
	err = reader(task, *remote_records_address_ref, sizeof(stack_logging_record_list_t), (void **)records); // get the list head
	if (err) return err;
	// printf("stack_logging: overall num bytes = %d\n", records->overall_num_bytes);
	return reader(task, *remote_records_address_ref, (*records)->overall_num_bytes, (void **)records);

kern_return_t stack_logging_get_frames(task_t task, memory_reader_t reader, vm_address_t address, vm_address_t *stack_frames_buffer, unsigned max_stack_frames, unsigned *num_frames) {
	stack_logging_record_list_t	*records;
	kern_return_t	err;
	unsigned		index;
	unsigned		disguised = STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(address);
	if (!reader) reader = default_reader;
	*num_frames = 0;
	err = get_remote_records(task, reader, &records);
	if (err || !records) return err;
	// printf("stack_logging: %d records\n", records->num_records);
	index = 0;
	while (index < records->num_records) {
		stack_logging_record_t	*record = records->records + index;
		if (record->address == disguised) {
			return stack_logging_frames_for_uniqued_stack(task, reader, record->uniqued_stack, stack_frames_buffer, max_stack_frames, num_frames);
	fprintf(stderr, "*** stack_logging: no record found for %p\n", (void *)address);
	return 0;

kern_return_t stack_logging_enumerate_records(task_t task, memory_reader_t reader, vm_address_t address, void enumerator(stack_logging_record_t, void *), void *context) {
	stack_logging_record_list_t	*records;
	kern_return_t	err;
	unsigned		index;
	unsigned		disguised = STACK_LOGGING_DISGUISE(address);
	if (!reader) reader = default_reader;
	err = get_remote_records(task, reader, &records);
	if (err || !records) return err;
	// printf("stack_logging: %d records\n", records->num_records);
	index = 0;
	while (index < records->num_records) {
		stack_logging_record_t	*record = records->records + index;
		if (!address || (record->address == disguised)) enumerator(*record, context);
	return 0;

kern_return_t stack_logging_frames_for_uniqued_stack(task_t task, memory_reader_t reader, unsigned uniqued_stack, vm_address_t *stack_frames_buffer, unsigned max_stack_frames, unsigned *num_frames) {
	stack_logging_record_list_t	*records;
	unsigned		*uniquing_table;
	kern_return_t	err;
	if (!reader) reader = default_reader;
	*num_frames = 0;
	err = get_remote_records(task, reader, &records);
	if (err || !records) return err;
	err = reader(task, (vm_address_t)records->uniquing_table, records->uniquing_table_num_pages * vm_page_size, (void **)&uniquing_table);
	if (err) return err;
	while (max_stack_frames && (uniqued_stack != -1)) {
		unsigned	thisPC;
		if ((uniqued_stack * 2 + 1) * sizeof(unsigned) >= records->uniquing_table_num_pages * vm_page_size) {
			fprintf(stderr, "*** stack_logging: Invalid uniqued stack 0x%x", uniqued_stack);
		thisPC = uniquing_table[uniqued_stack * 2];
		uniqued_stack = uniquing_table[uniqued_stack * 2 + 1];
		if (!thisPC && !uniqued_stack) {
			// Invalid entry
			fprintf(stderr, "*** stack_logging: Invalid entry 0x%x", thisPC);
		stack_frames_buffer[0] = thisPC;
	return 0;

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