purgeable_malloc.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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#include "internal.h"

// purgeable zones have their own "large" allocation pool, but share "tiny" and "large"
// heaps with a helper_zone identified in the call to create_purgeable_zone()
static size_t
purgeable_size(szone_t *szone, const void *ptr)
	// Only claim our large allocations, leave the shared tiny/small for the helper zone to claim.
	return szone_size_try_large(szone, ptr);

static void *
purgeable_malloc(szone_t *szone, size_t size)
	if (size <= LARGE_THRESHOLD(szone)) {
		return szone_malloc(szone->helper_zone, size);
	} else {
		return szone_malloc(szone, size);

static void *
purgeable_calloc(szone_t *szone, size_t num_items, size_t size)
	size_t total_bytes;

	if (calloc_get_size(num_items, size, 0, &total_bytes)) {
		return NULL;

	if (total_bytes <= LARGE_THRESHOLD(szone)) {
		return szone_calloc(szone->helper_zone, 1, total_bytes);
	} else {
		return szone_calloc(szone, 1, total_bytes);

static void *
purgeable_valloc(szone_t *szone, size_t size)
	if (size <= LARGE_THRESHOLD(szone)) {
		return szone_valloc(szone->helper_zone, size);
	} else {
		return szone_valloc(szone, size);

static void
purgeable_free(szone_t *szone, void *ptr)
	large_entry_t *entry;

	entry = large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, ptr);
	if (entry) {
		return free_large(szone, ptr);
	} else {
		return szone_free(szone->helper_zone, ptr);

static void
purgeable_free_definite_size(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, size_t size)
	if (size <= LARGE_THRESHOLD(szone)) {
		return szone_free_definite_size(szone->helper_zone, ptr, size);
	} else {
		return szone_free_definite_size(szone, ptr, size);

static void *
purgeable_realloc(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, size_t new_size)
	size_t old_size;

	if (NULL == ptr) {
		// If ptr is a null pointer, realloc() shall be equivalent to malloc() for the specified size.
		return purgeable_malloc(szone, new_size);
	} else if (0 == new_size) {
		// If size is 0 and ptr is not a null pointer, the object pointed to is freed.
		purgeable_free(szone, ptr);
		// If size is 0, either a null pointer or a unique pointer that can be successfully passed
		// to free() shall be returned.
		return purgeable_malloc(szone, 1);

	old_size = purgeable_size(szone, ptr); // Now ptr can be safely size()'d
	if (!old_size) {
		old_size = szone_size(szone->helper_zone, ptr);

	if (!old_size) {
		malloc_zone_error(szone->debug_flags, true, "pointer %p being reallocated was not allocated\n", ptr);
		return NULL;

	// Distinguish 4 cases: {oldsize, newsize} x { <= , > large_threshold }
	// and deal with the allocation crossing from the purgeable zone to the helper zone and vice versa.
	if (old_size <= LARGE_THRESHOLD(szone)) {
		if (new_size <= LARGE_THRESHOLD(szone)) {
			return szone_realloc(szone->helper_zone, ptr, new_size);
		} else {
			// allocation crosses from helper to purgeable zone
			void *new_ptr = purgeable_malloc(szone, new_size);
			if (new_ptr) {
				memcpy(new_ptr, ptr, old_size);
				szone_free_definite_size(szone->helper_zone, ptr, old_size);
			return new_ptr; // in state VM_PURGABLE_NONVOLATILE
	} else {
		if (new_size <= LARGE_THRESHOLD(szone)) {
			// allocation crosses from purgeable to helper zone
			void *new_ptr = szone_malloc(szone->helper_zone, new_size);
			if (new_ptr) {
				memcpy(new_ptr, ptr, new_size);
				purgeable_free_definite_size(szone, ptr, old_size);
			return new_ptr;
		} else {
			void *new_ptr = purgeable_malloc(szone, new_size);
			if (new_ptr) {
				memcpy(new_ptr, ptr, MIN(old_size, new_size));
				purgeable_free_definite_size(szone, ptr, old_size);
			return new_ptr; // in state VM_PURGABLE_NONVOLATILE

static void
purgeable_destroy(szone_t *szone)
	/* destroy large entries */
	size_t index = szone->num_large_entries;
	large_entry_t *large;
	vm_range_t range_to_deallocate;

	while (index--) {
		large = szone->large_entries + index;
		if (large->address) {
			// we deallocate_pages, including guard pages
			mvm_deallocate_pages((void *)(large->address), large->size, szone->debug_flags);
	large_entries_free_no_lock(szone, szone->large_entries, szone->num_large_entries, &range_to_deallocate);
	if (range_to_deallocate.size) {
		mvm_deallocate_pages((void *)range_to_deallocate.address, (size_t)range_to_deallocate.size, 0);

	/* Now destroy the separate szone region */
	mvm_deallocate_pages((void *)szone, SZONE_PAGED_SIZE, 0);

static unsigned
purgeable_batch_malloc(szone_t *szone, size_t size, void **results, unsigned count)
	return szone_batch_malloc(szone->helper_zone, size, results, count);

static void
purgeable_batch_free(szone_t *szone, void **to_be_freed, unsigned count)
	return szone_batch_free(szone->helper_zone, to_be_freed, count);

static void *
purgeable_memalign(szone_t *szone, size_t alignment, size_t size)
	if (size <= LARGE_THRESHOLD(szone)) {
		return szone_memalign(szone->helper_zone, alignment, size);
	} else {
		return szone_memalign(szone, alignment, size);

static kern_return_t
purgeable_ptr_in_use_enumerator(task_t task,
								void *context,
								unsigned type_mask,
								vm_address_t zone_address,
								memory_reader_t reader,
								vm_range_recorder_t recorder)
	szone_t *szone;
	kern_return_t err;

	if (!reader) {
		reader = _malloc_default_reader;

	err = reader(task, zone_address, sizeof(szone_t), (void **)&szone);
	if (err) {
		return err;

	err = large_in_use_enumerator(task, context, type_mask,
			(vm_address_t)szone->large_entries, szone->num_large_entries,
			reader, recorder);
	return err;

static size_t
purgeable_good_size(szone_t *szone, size_t size)
	if (size <= LARGE_THRESHOLD(szone)) {
		return szone_good_size(szone->helper_zone, size);
	} else {
		return szone_good_size(szone, size);

static boolean_t
purgeable_check(szone_t *szone)
	return 1;

static void
purgeable_print(task_t task, unsigned level MALLOC_UNUSED,
		vm_address_t zone_address, memory_reader_t reader,
		print_task_printer_t printer)
	szone_t *szone;
	if (reader(task, zone_address, sizeof(szone_t), (void **)&szone)) {
		printer("Purgeable zone %p: inUse=%u(%y) flags=%d\n", zone_address,

static void
purgeable_print_self(szone_t *szone, boolean_t verbose)
	purgeable_print(mach_task_self(), verbose ? MALLOC_VERBOSE_PRINT_LEVEL : 0,
			(vm_address_t)szone, _malloc_default_reader, malloc_report_simple);

static void
purgeable_print_task(task_t task, unsigned level, vm_address_t zone_address,
		memory_reader_t reader, print_task_printer_t printer)
	purgeable_print(task, level, zone_address, reader, printer);

static void
purgeable_log(malloc_zone_t *zone, void *log_address)
	szone_t *szone = (szone_t *)zone;

	szone->log_address = log_address;

static void
purgeable_force_lock(szone_t *szone)

static void
purgeable_force_unlock(szone_t *szone)

static void
purgeable_reinit_lock(szone_t *szone)

static void
purgeable_statistics(szone_t *szone, malloc_statistics_t *stats)
	stats->blocks_in_use = szone->num_large_objects_in_use;
	stats->size_in_use = stats->max_size_in_use = stats->size_allocated = szone->num_bytes_in_large_objects;

static boolean_t
purgeable_locked(szone_t *szone)
	int tookLock;

	tookLock = SZONE_TRY_LOCK(szone);
	if (tookLock == 0) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

static size_t
purgeable_pressure_relief(szone_t *szone, size_t goal)
	return szone_pressure_relief(szone, goal) + szone_pressure_relief(szone->helper_zone, goal);

static const struct malloc_introspection_t purgeable_introspect = {
	(void *)purgeable_ptr_in_use_enumerator,
	(void *)purgeable_good_size,
	(void *)purgeable_check,
	(void *)purgeable_print_self,
	(void *)purgeable_log,
	(void *)purgeable_force_lock,
	(void *)purgeable_force_unlock,
	(void *)purgeable_statistics,
	(void *)purgeable_locked,
	NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* Zone enumeration version 7 and forward. */
	(void *)purgeable_reinit_lock, // reinit_lock version 9 and forward
	(void *)purgeable_print_task,  // print_task version 11 and forward
}; // marked as const to spare the DATA section

static boolean_t
purgeable_claimed_address(szone_t *szone, void *ptr)
	return szone_claimed_address(szone->helper_zone, ptr);

malloc_zone_t *
create_purgeable_zone(size_t initial_size, malloc_zone_t *malloc_default_zone, unsigned debug_flags)
	szone_t *szone;
	uint64_t hw_memsize = 0;

	/* get memory for the zone. */
	szone = mvm_allocate_pages(SZONE_PAGED_SIZE, 0, DISABLE_ASLR, VM_MEMORY_MALLOC);
	if (!szone) {
		return NULL;

	/* set up the szone structure */
#if 0
#warning LOG enabled
	szone->log_address = ~0;

#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
	hw_memsize = *(uint64_t *)(uintptr_t)_COMM_PAGE_MEMORY_SIZE;
	size_t uint64_t_size = sizeof(hw_memsize);

	sysctlbyname("hw.memsize", &hw_memsize, &uint64_t_size, 0, 0);

	rack_init(&szone->tiny_rack, RACK_TYPE_TINY, 0, debug_flags | MALLOC_PURGEABLE);
	rack_init(&szone->small_rack, RACK_TYPE_SMALL, 0, debug_flags | MALLOC_PURGEABLE);

	// madvise(..., MADV_REUSABLE) death-row arrivals above this threshold [~0.1%]
	szone->large_entry_cache_reserve_limit = (size_t)(hw_memsize >> 10);

	/* <rdar://problem/6610904> Reset protection when returning a previous large allocation? */
	int32_t libSystemVersion = NSVersionOfLinkTimeLibrary("System");
	if ((-1 != libSystemVersion) && ((libSystemVersion >> 16) < 112) /* CFSystemVersionSnowLeopard */) {
		szone->large_legacy_reset_mprotect = TRUE;
	} else {
		szone->large_legacy_reset_mprotect = FALSE;

	szone->basic_zone.version = 11;
	szone->basic_zone.size = (void *)purgeable_size;
	szone->basic_zone.malloc = (void *)purgeable_malloc;
	szone->basic_zone.calloc = (void *)purgeable_calloc;
	szone->basic_zone.valloc = (void *)purgeable_valloc;
	szone->basic_zone.free = (void *)purgeable_free;
	szone->basic_zone.realloc = (void *)purgeable_realloc;
	szone->basic_zone.destroy = (void *)purgeable_destroy;
	szone->basic_zone.batch_malloc = (void *)purgeable_batch_malloc;
	szone->basic_zone.batch_free = (void *)purgeable_batch_free;
	szone->basic_zone.introspect = (struct malloc_introspection_t *)&purgeable_introspect;
	szone->basic_zone.memalign = (void *)purgeable_memalign;
	szone->basic_zone.free_definite_size = (void *)purgeable_free_definite_size;
	szone->basic_zone.pressure_relief = (void *)purgeable_pressure_relief;
	szone->basic_zone.claimed_address = (void *)purgeable_claimed_address;

	szone->basic_zone.reserved1 = 0;					   /* Set to zero once and for all as required by CFAllocator. */
	szone->basic_zone.reserved2 = 0;					   /* Set to zero once and for all as required by CFAllocator. */
	mprotect(szone, sizeof(szone->basic_zone), PROT_READ); /* Prevent overwriting the function pointers in basic_zone. */

	szone->debug_flags = debug_flags | MALLOC_PURGEABLE;

	/* Purgeable zone does not support MALLOC_ADD_GUARD_PAGES. */
	if (szone->debug_flags & MALLOC_ALL_GUARD_PAGE_FLAGS) {
		if (!(szone->debug_flags & MALLOC_GUARD_ALL)) {
			// Don't report when MallocGuardEdges == "all".
			malloc_report(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "purgeable zone does not support guard pages\n");
		szone->debug_flags &= ~MALLOC_ALL_GUARD_PAGE_FLAGS;

	szone->helper_zone = (struct szone_s *)malloc_default_zone;

	return (malloc_zone_t *)szone;