libiconv.xcconfig   [plain text]

#include "lib.xcconfig"

GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = $(LIB_GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS) BUILDING_LIBICONV relocate=libiconv_relocate set_relocation_prefix=libiconv_set_relocation_prefix

// Before being converted to an Xcode project, libiconv.dylib contained its own
// internal copy of _locale_charset, and libcharset.dylib exported its
// _locale_charset.  After the Xcode conversion, libiconv.dylib incorrectly
// started exporting its _locale_charset symbol.  To correct this, we are
// updating libiconv.dylib to re-export libcharset.dylib to satisfy clients
// that linked against libiconv's _locale_charset in SDKs that contained this
// bug.  As a consequence of this change, libiconv.dylib also just uses
// libcharset.dylib's _locale_charset instead of having its own second copy.
// Since both of these dylibs are public dylibs, any client that uses
// _locale_charset and links against libiconv in SDKs with this change will
// see that linkage automatically promoted to libcharset.dylib by ld64.  This
// has the minor downside of potentially masking portability bugs in clients'
// build systems since our SDK will allow -liconv wihtout -lcharset whereas
// other platforms will explicitly require an -lcharset.
OTHER_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-reexport-lcharset
OTHER_TAPI_FLAGS_YES = -reexport_library $(DSTROOT)$(INSTALL_PATH)/libcharset.1.tbd
OTHER_TAPI_FLAGS_NO = -reexport_library $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/libcharset.1.tbd