Makefile   [plain text]

# Directory containing conversion tables.
# You have to unpack the conversion-tables.tar.gz package.
TABLESDIR = /home/bruno/chs/conversion-tables

ALL = \
 ascii.h \
 iso8859_1.h \
 iso8859_2.h \
 iso8859_3.h \
 iso8859_4.h \
 iso8859_5.h \
 iso8859_6.h \
 iso8859_7.h \
 iso8859_8.h \
 iso8859_9.h \
 iso8859_10.h \
 iso8859_11.h \
 iso8859_13.h \
 iso8859_14.h \
 iso8859_15.h \
 iso8859_16.h \
 koi8_r.h \
 koi8_u.h \
 koi8_ru.h \
 cp1250.h \
 cp1251.h \
 cp1252.h \
 cp1253.h \
 cp1254.h \
 cp1255.h \
 cp1256.h \
 cp1257.h \
 cp1258.h \
 cp850.h \
 cp862.h \
 cp866.h \
 mac_roman.h \
 mac_centraleurope.h \
 mac_iceland.h \
 mac_croatian.h \
 mac_romania.h \
 mac_cyrillic.h \
 mac_ukraine.h \
 mac_greek.h \
 mac_turkish.h \
 mac_hebrew.h \
 mac_arabic.h \
 mac_thai.h \
 hp_roman8.h \
 nextstep.h \
 armscii_8.h \
 georgian_academy.h \
 georgian_ps.h \
 koi8_t.h \
 pt154.h \
 mulelao.h \
 cp1133.h \
 tis620.h \
 cp874.h \
 viscii.h \
 tcvn.h \
 jisx0201.h \
 jisx0208.h \
 jisx0212.h \
 cp932ext.h \
 gb2312.h \
 isoir165ext.h \
 gb12345ext.h \
 gbkext1.h \
 gbkext2.h \
 gbkext_inv.h \
 cp936ext.h \
 gb18030ext.h \
 gb18030uni.h \
 cns11643_1.h \
 cns11643_2.h \
 cns11643_3.h \
 cns11643_4a.h \
 cns11643_4b.h \
 cns11643_5.h \
 cns11643_6.h \
 cns11643_7.h \
 cns11643_15.h \
 cns11643_inv.h \
 big5.h \
 cp950ext.h \
 hkscs1999.h \
 hkscs2001.h \
 hkscs2004.h \
 ksc5601.h \
 uhc_1.h \
 uhc_2.h \
 johab_hangul.h \
 cp856.h \
 cp922.h \
 cp1046.h \
 cp1124.h \
 cp1129.h \
 cp1161.h \
 cp1162.h \
 cp1163.h \
 cp437.h \
 cp737.h \
 cp775.h \
 cp852.h \
 cp853.h \
 cp855.h \
 cp857.h \
 cp858.h \
 cp860.h \
 cp861.h \
 cp863.h \
 cp864.h \
 cp865.h \
 cp869.h \
 cp1125.h \
 jisx0213.h \
 tds565.h \
 atarist.h \
 riscos1.h \

all : $(ALL)

ascii.h : $(TABLESDIR)/glibc-2.1-iconv/ASCII.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ASCII ascii < $<

iso8859_1.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-1 iso8859_1 < $<

iso8859_2.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-2 iso8859_2 < $<

iso8859_3.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-3 iso8859_3 < $<

iso8859_4.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-4 iso8859_4 < $<

iso8859_5.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-5 iso8859_5 < $<

iso8859_6.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-6 iso8859_6 < $<

iso8859_7.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-7 iso8859_7 < $<

iso8859_8.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-8 iso8859_8 < $<

iso8859_9.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-9 iso8859_9 < $<

iso8859_10.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-10 iso8859_10 < $<

iso8859_11.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-11 iso8859_11 < $<

iso8859_13.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-13 iso8859_13 < $<

iso8859_14.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-14 iso8859_14 < $<

iso8859_15.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-15 iso8859_15 < $<

iso8859_16.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h ISO-8859-16 iso8859_16 < $<

koi8_r.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h KOI8-R koi8_r < $<

koi8_u.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/KOI8-U.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h KOI8-U koi8_u < $<

koi8_ru.h : $(TABLESDIR)/freebsd-iconv-0.4/KOI8-RU.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h KOI8-RU koi8_ru < $<

cp1250.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP1250 cp1250 < $<

cp1251.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP1251 cp1251 < $<

cp1252.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP1252 cp1252 < $<

cp1253.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP1253 cp1253 < $<

cp1254.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP1254 cp1254 < $<

cp1255.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP1255 cp1255 < $<

cp1256.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP1256 cp1256 < $<

cp1257.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP1257 cp1257 < $<

cp1258.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP1258 cp1258 < $<

cp850.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP850 cp850 < $<

cp862.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP862 cp862 < $<

cp866.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP866 cp866 < $<

mac_roman.h : $(TABLESDIR)/jdk-1.1.7b/MAC-ROMAN.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h MacRoman mac_roman < $<

mac_centraleurope.h : $(TABLESDIR)/jdk-1.1.7b/MAC-CENTRAL-EUROPE.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h MacCentralEurope mac_centraleurope < $<

mac_iceland.h : $(TABLESDIR)/jdk-1.1.7b/MAC-ICELAND.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h MacIceland mac_iceland < $<

mac_croatian.h : $(TABLESDIR)/jdk-1.1.7b/MAC-CROATIAN.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h MacCroatian mac_croatian < $<

mac_romania.h : $(TABLESDIR)/jdk-1.1.7b/MAC-ROMANIA.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h MacRomania mac_romania < $<

mac_cyrillic.h : $(TABLESDIR)/jdk-1.1.7b/MAC-CYRILLIC.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h MacCyrillic mac_cyrillic < $<

mac_ukraine.h : $(TABLESDIR)/jdk-1.1.7b/MAC-UKRAINE.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h MacUkraine mac_ukraine < $<

mac_greek.h : $(TABLESDIR)/jdk-1.1.7b/MAC-GREEK.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h MacGreek mac_greek < $<

mac_turkish.h : $(TABLESDIR)/jdk-1.1.7b/MAC-TURKISH.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h MacTurkish mac_turkish < $<

mac_hebrew.h : $(TABLESDIR)/jdk-1.1.7b/MAC-HEBREW.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h MacHebrew mac_hebrew < $<

mac_arabic.h : $(TABLESDIR)/jdk-1.1.7b/MAC-ARABIC.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h MacArabic mac_arabic < $<

mac_thai.h : $(TABLESDIR)/jdk-1.1.7b/MAC-THAI.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h MacThai mac_thai < $<

hp_roman8.h : $(TABLESDIR)/glibc-2.1-iconv/HP-ROMAN8.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h HP-ROMAN8 hp_roman8 < $<

nextstep.h : $(TABLESDIR)/clisp/NEXTSTEP.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h NEXTSTEP nextstep < $<

armscii_8.h : $(TABLESDIR)/glibc-2.2.90-iconv/ARMSCII-8.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; cat $<) | ./8bit_tab_to_h ARMSCII-8 armscii_8

georgian_academy.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-1.6/GEO-ITA.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h GEORGIAN-ACADEMY georgian_academy < $<

georgian_ps.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-1.6/GEO-PS.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h GEORGIAN-PS georgian_ps < $<

koi8_t.h : $(TABLESDIR)/glibc-2.2.90-iconv/KOI8-T.TXT
	(echo '#' ; cat $<) | ./8bit_tab_to_h KOI8-T koi8_t

	./8bit_tab_to_h PT154 pt154 < $<

mulelao.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/MULELAO1.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h MULELAO-1 mulelao < $<

cp1133.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/CP1133.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h IBM-CP1133 cp1133 < $<

tis620.h : $(TABLESDIR)/glibc-2.1-iconv/TIS-620.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h TIS620.2533-1 tis620 < $<

cp874.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP874 cp874 < $<

viscii.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-1.6/VISCII.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h VISCII1.1-1 viscii < $<

tcvn.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-1.6/VN5712-1.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h TCVN-5712 tcvn < $<

jisx0201.h : $(TABLESDIR)/clisp/JIS_X0201.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h JISX0201.1976-0 jisx0201 < $<

# We use modified JISX0208 and JISX0212 tables. Why?
# Hironori Sakamoto and Tomohiro Kubota explain that
# - EUC-JP and SHIFT_JIS contain JISX0208 exactly,
# - Their round-trip conversion to Unicode and back must be the identity,
# - Conversions between EUC-JP, SHIFT_JIS, CP932, ISO-2022-JP must behave
#   as if no Unicode conversion was involved,
# - When JISX0208 is used as a CES (i.e. combined with ASCII) its mapping of
#   REVERSE SOLIDUS becomes a FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS, apparently because
#   round-trip conversion stability is more important than a particular glyph.
#   Only with CCS the character is a REVERSE SOLIDUS.
# As a consequence, we use FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS in EUC-JP's JISX0208 part,
# and for consistency also in SHIFT_JIS and ISO-2022-JP, i.e. everywhere.
# JISX0208 never occurs as a CCS in practice. Similarly with JISX0212.

# maps 0x2140 to U+005C. We map it to U+FF3C.
jisx0208.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ cjk_tab_to_h
	sed -e 's,^0x....[ 	]*\(0x....[ 	]*0x.....*\)$$,\1,' < $< | sed -e 's,\([ 	]\)0x005C,\10xFF3C,' | ./cjk_tab_to_h JISX0208.1990-0 jisx0208 > $@

# maps 0x2237 to U+007E. We map it to U+FF5E.
jisx0212.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ cjk_tab_to_h
	sed -e 's,\([ 	]\)0x007E,\10xFF5E,' < $< | ./cjk_tab_to_h JISX0212.1990-0 jisx0212 > $@

cp932ext.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; grep '^0x\(87\|E[D-F]\|F[0-9A-F]\)[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]' < $< ) | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'CP932 extensions' cp932ext > $@

gb2312.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ cjk_tab_to_h
	./cjk_tab_to_h GB2312.1980-0 gb2312 < $< > $@

isoir165ext.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/ISO-IR-165-additions.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; grep -v '^0x2[8A]' < $<) | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'ISO-IR-165 extensions' isoir165ext > $@

gb12345ext.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ $(TABLESDIR)/ $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/GB12345-more.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; sed -e '/^0x..[ 	]*#UNDEFINED/d' -e 's/#.*$$//' -e '/^[ 	]*$$/d' $(TABLESDIR)/ > tmp1.TXT ; sed -e '/^0x..[ 	]*#UNDEFINED/d' -e 's/#.*$$//' -e '/^[ 	]*$$/d' $(TABLESDIR)/ > tmp2.TXT ; diff tmp1.TXT tmp2.TXT | grep '^> ' | sed -e 's,^> ,,' ; cat $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/GB12345-more.TXT ) | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'GB/T 12345.1990-0 extensions' gb12345ext > $@ && rm -f tmp1.TXT tmp2.TXT

gbkext1.h : GBKext.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; grep '^0x\([89].\|A0\)' < GBKext.TXT) | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'GBK/3 extensions' gbkext1 > $@

gbkext2.h : GBKext.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; grep '^0x\(A[1-9A-F]\|[B-F][0-9A-F]\)\([4-9].\|A0\)' < GBKext.TXT) | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'GBK/4 and GBK/5 extensions' gbkext2 > $@

gbkext_inv.h : GBKext.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; grep '^0x\([89].\|A0\)' < GBKext.TXT ; grep '^0x\(A[1-9A-F]\|[B-F][0-9A-F]\)\([4-9].\|A0\)' < GBKext.TXT) | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'GBK extensions' gbkext_inv > $@

cp936ext.h : GBKext.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; grep '^0xA[1-9][B-F].' < GBKext.TXT) | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'CP936 extensions' cp936ext > $@

	sed -e 's,^0x2,0xA,' -e 's,^0x3,0xB,' -e 's,^0x4,0xC,' -e 's,^0x5,0xD,' -e 's,^0x6,0xE,' -e 's,^0x7,0xF,' -e 's,^0x\(..\)2,0x\1A,' -e 's,^0x\(..\)3,0x\1B,' -e 's,^0x\(..\)4,0x\1C,' -e 's,^0x\(..\)5,0x\1D,' -e 's,^0x\(..\)6,0x\1E,' -e 's,^0x\(..\)7,0x\1F,' $(TABLESDIR)/ > tmpEUCCN.TXT ; sed -e '/^0x..[ 	]*#UNDEFINED/d' -e 's/#.*$$//' -e '/^[ 	]*$$/d' tmpEUCCN.TXT > tmp1.TXT ; sed -e '/^0x..[ 	]/d' -e 's/#.*$$//' -e '/^[ 	]*$$/d' $(TABLESDIR)/ > tmp2.TXT ; diff -c1 tmp1.TXT tmp2.TXT | grep '^+ ' | sed -e 's,^+ ,,' > $@ && rm -f tmpEUCCN.TXT tmp1.TXT tmp2.TXT

gb18030ext.h : GB18030ext.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; cat GB18030ext.TXT) | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'GB18030 two-byte extension' gb18030ext > $@

GB18030ext.TXT : $(TABLESDIR)/glibc-2.2.2-iconv/GB18030.TXT $(TABLESDIR)/
	cat $(TABLESDIR)/ | sed -e 's/[ 	]*#.*$$//' | grep '^0x[0-9A-F]*	0x....$$' > tmpGBK.TXT ; diff tmpGBK.TXT $(TABLESDIR)/glibc-2.2.2-iconv/GB18030.TXT | grep '^> 0x....	0x....$$' | sed -e 's/^> //' > $@ && rm -f tmpGBK.TXT

gb18030uni.h : GB18030uni.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	./cjk_tab_to_h 'GB18030 four-byte extension' gb18030uni < GB18030uni.TXT > $@

GB18030uni.TXT : $(TABLESDIR)/gb18030/filled-GB18030.TXT
	grep '^0x........	0x....$$' < $(TABLESDIR)/gb18030/filled-GB18030.TXT > $@

cns11643_1.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/CNS11643-Unicode32.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	grep '^\(#\|0x1\)' < $< | sed -e 's,^0x1,0x,' | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'CNS 11643-1992 plane 1' cns11643_1 > $@

cns11643_2.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/CNS11643-Unicode32.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	grep '^\(#\|0x2\)' < $< | sed -e 's,^0x2,0x,' | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'CNS 11643-1992 plane 2' cns11643_2 > $@

cns11643_3.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/CNS11643-Unicode32.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	grep '^\(#\|0x3\)' < $< | sed -e 's,^0x3,0x,' | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'CNS 11643-1992 plane 3' cns11643_3 > $@

cns11643_4a.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/CNS11643-Unicode32.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	grep '^\(#\|0x4[0-3]\)' < $< | sed -e 's,^0x4,0x,' | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'CNS 11643-1992 plane 4 part a' cns11643_4a > $@

cns11643_4b.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/CNS11643-Unicode32.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	grep '^\(#\|0x4[4-7]\)' < $< | sed -e 's,^0x4,0x,' | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'CNS 11643-1992 plane 4 part b' cns11643_4b > $@

cns11643_5.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/CNS11643-Unicode32.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	grep '^\(#\|0x5\)' < $< | sed -e 's,^0x5,0x,' | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'CNS 11643-1992 plane 5' cns11643_5 > $@

cns11643_6.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/CNS11643-Unicode32.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	grep '^\(#\|0x6\)' < $< | sed -e 's,^0x6,0x,' | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'CNS 11643-1992 plane 6' cns11643_6 > $@

cns11643_7.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/CNS11643-Unicode32.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	grep '^\(#\|0x7\)' < $< | sed -e 's,^0x7,0x,' | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'CNS 11643-1992 plane 7' cns11643_7 > $@

cns11643_15.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/CNS11643-Unicode32.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	grep '^\(#\|0xF\)' < $< | sed -e 's,^0xF,0x,' | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'CNS 11643-1992 plane 15' cns11643_15 > $@

cns11643_inv.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/CNS11643-Unicode32.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	./cjk_tab_to_h 'CNS 11643-1992 planes 1-7, CNS 11643-1986 plane 15' cns11643_inv < $< > $@

big5.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ cjk_tab_to_h
	./cjk_tab_to_h BIG5 big5 < $< > $@

cp950ext.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; grep '^0xF9\(D[6-9A-F]\|[EF][0-9A-F]\)' < $< ) | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'CP950 extensions' cp950ext > $@

hkscs1999.h : $(TABLESDIR)/big5hkscs/HKSCS-1999_2006.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; grep -v , $<) | ./cjk_tab_to_h HKSCS:1999 hkscs1999 > $@

hkscs2001.h : $(TABLESDIR)/big5hkscs/HKSCS-2001_2006-DELTA.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; grep -v , $<) | ./cjk_tab_to_h HKSCS:2001 hkscs2001 > $@

hkscs2004.h : $(TABLESDIR)/big5hkscs/HKSCS-2004_2006-DELTA.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; grep -v , $<) | ./cjk_tab_to_h HKSCS:2004 hkscs2004 > $@

# We use a modified KSC 5601 = KSX 1001 table. Jungshik Shin <>
# reports that Prof. GIM Geongseog (KIM Keyongseok) <>
# (who represents South Korea in ISO/IEC JTC1 SC2/WG2 and SC22/WG20) says that
# these two characters were added to KSX 1001 in December 1998, and one more
# (Korean zip code sign) is likely to follow in 2002.
ksc5601.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ cjk_tab_to_h
	(cat $< ; echo '0xA2E6	0x20AC'; echo '0xA2E7	0x00AE') | ./cjk_tab_to_h KSC5601.1987-0 ksc5601 > $@

uhc_1.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; grep '^0x\([8-9]\|A0\)' < $< ) | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'Unified Hangul Code part 1' uhc_1 > $@

uhc_2.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; grep '^0x\(A[1-9A-F]\|[B-F][0-9A-F]\)\([0-9]\|A0\)' < $< ) | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'Unified Hangul Code part 2' uhc_2 > $@

johab_hangul.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ cjk_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; grep '^0x\([8-C]...\|D[0-7]..\)' < $< ) | ./cjk_tab_to_h 'JOHAB Hangul' johab_hangul > $@

cp856.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP856 cp856 < $<

cp922.h : $(TABLESDIR)/aix-4.3.2/IBM-922.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; cat $<) | ./8bit_tab_to_h CP922 cp922

cp1046.h : $(TABLESDIR)/aix-4.3.2/IBM-1046.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; cat $<) | ./8bit_tab_to_h CP1046 cp1046

cp1124.h : $(TABLESDIR)/aix-4.3.2/IBM-1124.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; cat $<) | ./8bit_tab_to_h CP1124 cp1124

cp1129.h : $(TABLESDIR)/aix-4.3.2/IBM-1129.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; cat $<) | ./8bit_tab_to_h CP1129 cp1129

cp1161.h : $(TABLESDIR)/glibc-2.2.90-iconv/IBM1161.TXT
	(echo '#' ; cat $(TABLESDIR)/glibc-2.2-iconv/ASCII.TXT ; grep -v '^0x[0-7]' $<) | ./8bit_tab_to_h CP1161 cp1161

cp1162.h : $(TABLESDIR)/glibc-2.2.90-iconv/IBM1162.TXT
	(echo '#' ; cat $<) | ./8bit_tab_to_h CP1162 cp1162

cp1163.h : $(TABLESDIR)/glibc-2.2.90-iconv/IBM1163.TXT
	(echo '#' ; cat $<) | ./8bit_tab_to_h CP1163 cp1163

cp437.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP437 cp437 < $<

cp737.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP737 cp737 < $<

cp775.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP775 cp775 < $<

cp852.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP852 cp852 < $<

cp853.h : $(TABLESDIR)/other/CP853.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	(echo '#'; cat $<) | ./8bit_tab_to_h CP853 cp853

cp855.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP855 cp855 < $<

cp857.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP857 cp857 < $<

cp858.h : $(TABLESDIR)/windows-2000/CP858.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	(echo '#' ; cat $<) | ./8bit_tab_to_h CP858 cp858

cp860.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP860 cp860 < $<

cp861.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP861 cp861 < $<

cp863.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP863 cp863 < $<

cp864.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP864 cp864 < $<

cp865.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP865 cp865 < $<

cp869.h : $(TABLESDIR)/ 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP869 cp869 < $<

cp1125.h : $(TABLESDIR)/csets-new/CP1125.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	./8bit_tab_to_h CP1125 cp1125 < $<

jisx0213.h : JISX0213.TXT cjk_tab_to_h
	./cjk_tab_to_h JISX0213:2004 jisx0213 < $< > $@

tds565.h : $(TABLESDIR)/recode-cvs/TDS565.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	(echo '#'; cat $<) | ./8bit_tab_to_h TDS565 tds565 > $@

atarist.h : $(TABLESDIR)/
	./8bit_tab_to_h 'Atari ST' atarist < $< > $@

riscos1.h : $(TABLESDIR)/recode-cvs/RISCOS-LATIN1.TXT 8bit_tab_to_h
	(echo '#'; cat $<) | ./8bit_tab_to_h RISCOS-LATIN1 riscos1 > $@

cjk_variants.h : $(TABLESDIR)/yasuoka/UniVariants cjk_variants
	./cjk_variants < $< > $@

8bit_tab_to_h : 8bit_tab_to_h.c
	gcc -O -Wall -g $< -o $@

cjk_tab_to_h : cjk_tab_to_h.c
	gcc -O -Wall -g $< -o $@

cjk_variants : cjk_variants.c
	gcc -O -Wall -g $< -o $@

clean : force
	rm -f 8bit_tab_to_h cjk_tab_to_h cjk_variants $(ALL) GBKext.TXT

force :