libffi.exp   [plain text]

#   Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
# <>.

proc load_gcc_lib { filename } {
    global srcdir
    load_file $srcdir/lib/$filename

load_lib dg.exp
load_lib libgloss.exp
load_gcc_lib target-libpath.exp
load_gcc_lib wrapper.exp

proc check_effective_target_gccbug { } {
    global has_gccbug
    return $has_gccbug

# Return 1 if the target matches the effective target 'arg', 0 otherwise.
# This can be used with any check_* proc that takes no argument and
# returns only 1 or 0.  It could be used with check_* procs that take
# arguments with keywords that pass particular arguments.

proc is-effective-target { arg } {
    global et_index
    set selected 0
    if { ![info exists et_index] } {
	# Initialize the effective target index that is used in some
	# check_effective_target_* procs.
	set et_index 0
    if { [info procs check_effective_target_${arg}] != [list] } {
	set selected [check_effective_target_${arg}]
    } else {
	error "unknown effective target keyword `$arg'" 
    verbose "is-effective-target: $arg $selected" 2
    return $selected

proc is-effective-target-keyword { arg } {
    if { [info procs check_effective_target_${arg}] != [list] } {
	return 1
    } else {
	return 0

# Intercept the call to the DejaGnu version of dg-process-target to
# support use of an effective-target keyword in place of a list of
# target triplets to xfail or skip a test.
# The argument to dg-process-target is the keyword "target" or "xfail"
# followed by a selector:
#    target-triplet-1 ...
#    effective-target-keyword
#    selector-expression
# For a target list the result is "S" if the target is selected, "N" otherwise.
# For an xfail list the result is "F" if the target is affected, "P" otherwise.

# In contexts that allow either "target" or "xfail" the argument can be
#    target selector1 xfail selector2
# which returns "N" if selector1 is not selected, otherwise the result of
# "xfail selector2".
# A selector expression appears within curly braces and uses a single logical
# operator: !, &&, or ||.  An operand is another selector expression, an
# effective-target keyword, or a list of target triplets within quotes or
# curly braces.

if { [info procs saved-dg-process-target] == [list] } {
    rename dg-process-target saved-dg-process-target

    # Evaluate an operand within a selector expression.
    proc selector_opd { op } {
	set selector "target"
	lappend selector $op
	set answer [ expr { [dg-process-target $selector] == "S" } ]
	verbose "selector_opd: `$op' $answer" 2
	return $answer

    # Evaluate a target triplet list within a selector expression.
    # Unlike other operands, this needs to be expanded from a list to
    # the same string as "target".
    proc selector_list { op } {
	set selector "target [join $op]"
	set answer [ expr { [dg-process-target $selector] == "S" } ]
	verbose "selector_list: `$op' $answer" 2
	return $answer

    # Evaluate a selector expression.
    proc selector_expression { exp } {
	if { [llength $exp] == 2 } {
	    if [string match "!" [lindex $exp 0]] {
		set op1 [lindex $exp 1]
		set answer [expr { ! [selector_opd $op1] }]
	    } else {
		# Assume it's a list of target triplets.
		set answer [selector_list $exp]
	} elseif { [llength $exp] == 3 } {
	    set op1 [lindex $exp 0]
	    set opr [lindex $exp 1]
	    set op2 [lindex $exp 2]
	    if [string match "&&" $opr] {
		set answer [expr { [selector_opd $op1] && [selector_opd $op2] }]
	    } elseif [string match "||" $opr] {
		set answer [expr { [selector_opd $op1] || [selector_opd $op2] }]
	    } else {
		# Assume it's a list of target triplets.
		set answer [selector_list $exp]
	} else {
	    # Assume it's a list of target triplets.
	    set answer [selector_list $exp]

	verbose "selector_expression: `$exp' $answer" 2
	return $answer

    # Evaluate "target selector" or "xfail selector".

    proc dg-process-target-1 { args } {
	verbose "dg-process-target-1: `$args'" 2

	# Extract the 'what' keyword from the argument list.
	set selector [string trim [lindex $args 0]]
	if [regexp "^xfail " $selector] {
	    set what "xfail"
	} elseif [regexp "^target " $selector] {
	    set what "target"
	} else {
	    error "syntax error in target selector \"$selector\""

	# Extract the rest of the list, which might be a keyword.
	regsub "^${what}" $selector "" rest
	set rest [string trim $rest]

	if [is-effective-target-keyword $rest] {
	    # The selector is an effective target keyword.
	    if [is-effective-target $rest] {
		return [expr { $what == "xfail" ? "F" : "S" }]
	    } else {
		return [expr { $what == "xfail" ? "P" : "N" }]

	if [string match "{*}" $rest] {
	    if [selector_expression [lindex $rest 0]] {
		return [expr { $what == "xfail" ? "F" : "S" }]
	    } else {
		return [expr { $what == "xfail" ? "P" : "N" }]

	# The selector is not an effective-target keyword, so process
	# the list of target triplets.
	return [saved-dg-process-target $selector]

    # Intercept calls to the DejaGnu function.  In addition to
    # processing "target selector" or "xfail selector", handle
    # "target selector1 xfail selector2".

    proc dg-process-target { args } {
	verbose "replacement dg-process-target: `$args'" 2

	set selector [string trim [lindex $args 0]]

	# If the argument list contains both 'target' and 'xfail',
	# process 'target' and, if that succeeds, process 'xfail'.
	if [regexp "^target .* xfail .*" $selector] {
	    set xfail_index [string first "xfail" $selector]
	    set xfail_selector [string range $selector $xfail_index end]
	    set target_selector [string range $selector 0 [expr $xfail_index-1]]
	    set target_selector [string trim $target_selector]
	    if { [dg-process-target-1 $target_selector] == "N" } {
		return "N"
	    return [dg-process-target-1 $xfail_selector]
	return [dg-process-target-1 $selector]

# Define libffi callbacks for dg.exp.

proc libffi-dg-test-1 { target_compile prog do_what extra_tool_flags } {

    # To get all \n in dg-output test strings to match printf output
    # in a system that outputs it as \015\012 (i.e. not just \012), we
    # need to change all \n into \r?\n.  As there is no dejagnu flag
    # or hook to do that, we simply change the text being tested.
    # Unfortunately, we have to know that the variable is called
    # dg-output-text and lives in the caller of libffi-dg-test, which
    # is two calls up.  Overriding proc dg-output would be longer and
    # would necessarily have the same assumption.
    upvar 2 dg-output-text output_match

    if { [llength $output_match] > 1 } {
	regsub -all "\n" [lindex $output_match 1] "\r?\n" x
	set output_match [lreplace $output_match 1 1 $x]

    # Set up the compiler flags, based on what we're going to do.

    set options [list]
    switch $do_what {
	"compile" {
	    set compile_type "assembly"
	    set output_file "[file rootname [file tail $prog]].s"
	"link" {
	    set compile_type "executable"
	    set output_file "[file rootname [file tail $prog]].exe"
	    # The following line is needed for targets like the i960 where
	    # the default output file is b.out.  Sigh.
	"run" {
	    set compile_type "executable"
	    # FIXME: "./" is to cope with "." not being in $PATH.
	    # Should this be handled elsewhere?
	    # YES.
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $prog]].exe"
	    # This is the only place where we care if an executable was
	    # created or not.  If it was, dg.exp will try to run it.
	    remote_file build delete $output_file;
	default {
	    perror "$do_what: not a valid dg-do keyword"
	    return ""

    if { $extra_tool_flags != "" } {
	lappend options "additional_flags=$extra_tool_flags"

    set comp_output [libffi_target_compile "$prog" "$output_file" "$compile_type" $options];

    return [list $comp_output $output_file]

proc libffi-dg-test { prog do_what extra_tool_flags } {
    return [libffi-dg-test-1 target_compile $prog $do_what $extra_tool_flags]

proc libffi-init { args } {
    global gluefile wrap_flags;
    global srcdir
    global blddirffi
    global objdir
    global TOOL_OPTIONS
    global tool
    global libffi_include
    global libffi_link_flags
    global tool_root_dir
    global ld_library_path
    global compiler_vendor

    if ![info exists blddirffi] {
	set blddirffi [pwd]/..

    verbose "libffi $blddirffi"

    # Which compiler are we building with?
    set tmp [grep "$blddirffi/config.log" "^ax_cv_c_compiler_vendor.*$"]
    regexp -- {^[^=]*=(.*)$} $tmp nil compiler_vendor

    if { [string match $compiler_vendor "gnu"] } {
        set gccdir [lookfor_file $tool_root_dir gcc/libgcc.a]
        if {$gccdir != ""} {
	    set gccdir [file dirname $gccdir]
        verbose "gccdir $gccdir"

        set ld_library_path "."
        append ld_library_path ":${gccdir}"

        set compiler "${gccdir}/xgcc"
        if { [is_remote host] == 0 && [which $compiler] != 0 } {
	    foreach i "[exec $compiler --print-multi-lib]" {
	        set mldir ""
	        regexp -- "\[a-z0-9=_/\.-\]*;" $i mldir
	        set mldir [string trimright $mldir "\;@"]
	        if { "$mldir" == "." } {
	        if { [llength [glob -nocomplain ${gccdir}/${mldir}/libgcc_s*.so.*]] >= 1 } {
		    append ld_library_path ":${gccdir}/${mldir}"

    # add the library path for libffi.
    append ld_library_path ":${blddirffi}/.libs"

    verbose "ld_library_path: $ld_library_path"

    # Point to the Libffi headers in libffi.
    set libffi_include "${blddirffi}/include"
    verbose "libffi_include $libffi_include"

    set libffi_dir  "${blddirffi}/.libs"
    verbose "libffi_dir $libffi_dir"
    if { $libffi_dir != "" } {
	set libffi_dir [file dirname ${libffi_dir}]
	set libffi_link_flags "-L${libffi_dir}/.libs"

    libffi_maybe_build_wrapper "${objdir}/testglue.o"

proc libffi_exit { } {
    global gluefile;

    if [info exists gluefile] {
	file_on_build delete $gluefile;
	unset gluefile;

proc libffi_target_compile { source dest type options } {
    global gluefile wrap_flags;
    global srcdir
    global blddirffi
    global TOOL_OPTIONS
    global libffi_link_flags
    global libffi_include
    global target_triplet
    global compiler_vendor

    if { [target_info needs_status_wrapper]!="" && [info exists gluefile] } {
	lappend options "libs=${gluefile}"
	lappend options "ldflags=$wrap_flags"

    # TOOL_OPTIONS must come first, so that it doesn't override testcase
    # specific options.
    if [info exists TOOL_OPTIONS] {
	lappend  options "additional_flags=$TOOL_OPTIONS"

    # search for ffi_mips.h in srcdir, too
    lappend options "additional_flags=-I${libffi_include} -I${srcdir}/../include  -I${libffi_include}/.."
    lappend options "additional_flags=${libffi_link_flags}"

    # Darwin needs a stack execution allowed flag.

    if { [istarget "*-*-darwin9*"] || [istarget "*-*-darwin1*"]
	 || [istarget "*-*-darwin2*"] } {
	lappend options "additional_flags=-Wl,-allow_stack_execute"

    # If you're building the compiler with --prefix set to a place
    # where it's not yet installed, then the linker won't be able to
    # find the libgcc used by libffi.dylib.  We could pass the
    # -dylib_file option, but that's complicated, and it's much easier
    # to just make the linker find libgcc using -L options.
    if { [string match "*-*-darwin*" $target_triplet] } {
	lappend options "libs= -shared-libgcc"

    if { [string match "*-*-openbsd*" $target_triplet] } {
	lappend options "libs= -lpthread"

    lappend options "libs= -lffi"

    if { [string match "aarch64*-*-linux*" $target_triplet] } {
	lappend options "libs= -lpthread"

    # this may be required for g++, but just confused clang.
    if { [string match "*.cc" $source] } {
        lappend options "c++"

    if { [string match "arc*-*-linux*" $target_triplet] } {
	lappend options "libs= -lpthread"

    verbose "options: $options"
    return [target_compile $source $dest $type $options]

# TEST should be a preprocessor condition.  Returns true if it holds.
proc libffi_feature_test { test } {
    set src "ffitest[pid].c"

    set f [open $src "w"]
    puts $f "#include <ffi.h>"
    puts $f $test
    puts $f "/* OK */"
    puts $f "#else"
    puts $f "# error Failed $test"
    puts $f "#endif"
    close $f

    set lines [libffi_target_compile $src /dev/null assembly ""]
    file delete $src

    return [string match "" $lines]

# Utility routines.

# search_for -- looks for a string match in a file
proc search_for { file pattern } {
    set fd [open $file r]
    while { [gets $fd cur_line]>=0 } {
	if [string match "*$pattern*" $cur_line] then {
	    close $fd
	    return 1
    close $fd
    return 0

# Modified dg-runtest that can cycle through a list of optimization options
# as c-torture does.
proc libffi-dg-runtest { testcases default-extra-flags } {
    global runtests

    foreach test $testcases {
	# If we're only testing specific files and this isn't one of
	# them, skip it.
	if ![runtest_file_p $runtests $test] {

	# Look for a loop within the source code - if we don't find one,
	# don't pass -funroll[-all]-loops.
	global torture_with_loops torture_without_loops
	if [expr [search_for $test "for*("]+[search_for $test "while*("]] {
	    set option_list $torture_with_loops
	} else {
	    set option_list $torture_without_loops

	set nshort [file tail [file dirname $test]]/[file tail $test]

	foreach flags $option_list {
	    verbose "Testing $nshort, $flags" 1
	    dg-test $test $flags ${default-extra-flags}

proc run-many-tests { testcases extra_flags } {
    global compiler_vendor
    global has_gccbug
    switch $compiler_vendor {
      "clang" {
	set common "-W -Wall"
	set optimizations { "-O0" "-O2" "-Os" }
      "gnu" {
        set common "-W -Wall -Wno-psabi"
        set optimizations { "-O0" "-O2" "-Os" "-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer" }
      default {
        # Assume we are using the vendor compiler.
        set common ""
        set optimizations { "" }

    set targetabis { "" }
    if [string match $compiler_vendor "gnu"] {
        if [libffi_feature_test "#ifdef __i386__"] {
            set targetabis {
        } elseif { [istarget "x86_64-*-*"] \
		   && [libffi_feature_test "#if !defined __ILP32__  \
						&& !defined __i386__"] } {
            set targetabis {
                "-DABI_NUM=FFI_GNUW64 -DABI_ATTR=__MSABI__"

    set common [ concat $common $extra_flags ]
    foreach test $testcases {
        set testname [file tail $test]
        if [search_for $test "ABI_NUM"] {
            set abis $targetabis
        } else {
            set abis { "" }
        foreach opt $optimizations {
            foreach abi $abis {
                set options [concat $common $opt $abi]
		set has_gccbug false;
		if { [string match $compiler_vendor "gnu"] \
			 && [string match "*MSABI*" $abi] \
			 && ( ( [string match "*DGTEST=57 *" $common] \
				    && [string match "*call.c*" $testname] ) \
				  || ( [string match "*DGTEST=54 *" $common] \
					   && [string match "*callback*" $testname] ) \
				  || [string match "*DGTEST=55 *" $common] \
				  || [string match "*DGTEST=56 *" $common] ) } then {
		    set has_gccbug true;
                verbose "Testing $testname, $options" 1
                dg-test $test $options ""

# Like check_conditional_xfail, but callable from a dg test.

proc dg-xfail-if { args } {
    set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
    set selector "target [join [lindex $args 1]]"
    if { [dg-process-target $selector] == "S" } {
	global compiler_conditional_xfail_data
	set compiler_conditional_xfail_data $args

proc check-flags { args } {

    # The args are within another list; pull them out.
    set args [lindex $args 0]

    # The next two arguments are optional.  If they were not specified,
    # use the defaults.
    if { [llength $args] == 2 } {
	lappend $args [list "*"]
    if { [llength $args] == 3 } {
	lappend $args [list ""]

    # If the option strings are the defaults, or the same as the
    # defaults, there is no need to call check_conditional_xfail to
    # compare them to the actual options.
    if { [string compare [lindex $args 2] "*"] == 0
	 && [string compare [lindex $args 3] "" ] == 0 } {
	set result 1    
    } else {
	# The target list might be an effective-target keyword, so replace
	# the original list with "*-*-*", since we already know it matches.
	set result [check_conditional_xfail [lreplace $args 1 1 "*-*-*"]]

    return $result

proc dg-skip-if { args } {
    # Verify the number of arguments.  The last two are optional.
    set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
    if { [llength $args] < 2 || [llength $args] > 4 } {
        error "dg-skip-if 2: need 2, 3, or 4 arguments"

    # Don't bother if we're already skipping the test.
    upvar dg-do-what dg-do-what
    if { [lindex ${dg-do-what} 1] == "N" } {

    set selector [list target [lindex $args 1]]
    if { [dg-process-target $selector] == "S" } {
        if [check-flags $args] {
            upvar dg-do-what dg-do-what
            set dg-do-what [list [lindex ${dg-do-what} 0] "N" "P"]

# We need to make sure that additional_files and additional_sources
# are both cleared out after every test.  It is not enough to clear
# them out *before* the next test run because gcc-target-compile gets
# run directly from some .exp files (outside of any test).  (Those
# uses should eventually be eliminated.)

# Because the DG framework doesn't provide a hook that is run at the
# end of a test, we must replace dg-test with a wrapper.

if { [info procs saved-dg-test] == [list] } {
    rename dg-test saved-dg-test

    proc dg-test { args } {
	global additional_files
	global additional_sources
	global errorInfo

	if { [ catch { eval saved-dg-test $args } errmsg ] } {
	    set saved_info $errorInfo
	    set additional_files ""
	    set additional_sources ""
	    error $errmsg $saved_info
	set additional_files ""
	set additional_sources ""

# Local Variables:
# tcl-indent-level:4
# End: