Wrapper.swift   [plain text]

// This source file is part of the Swift.org open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See http://swift.org/LICENSE.txt for license information
// See http://swift.org/CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of Swift project authors

import CDispatch

// This file contains declarations that are provided by the
// importer via Dispatch.apinote when the platform has Objective-C support

public func dispatchMain() -> Never {

public class DispatchObject {

	internal func wrapped() -> dispatch_object_t {
		fatalError("should be overriden in subclass")

	public func setTarget(queue:DispatchQueue) {
		dispatch_set_target_queue(wrapped(), queue.__wrapped)

	public func activate() {

	public func suspend() {

	public func resume() {

public class DispatchGroup : DispatchObject {
	internal let __wrapped:dispatch_group_t;

	final internal override func wrapped() -> dispatch_object_t {
		return unsafeBitCast(__wrapped, to: dispatch_object_t.self)

	public override init() {
		__wrapped = dispatch_group_create()

	deinit {

	public func enter() {

	public func leave() {

public class DispatchSemaphore : DispatchObject {
	internal let __wrapped: dispatch_semaphore_t;

	final internal override func wrapped() -> dispatch_object_t {
		return unsafeBitCast(__wrapped, to: dispatch_object_t.self)

	public init(value: Int) {
		__wrapped = dispatch_semaphore_create(value)

	deinit {

public class DispatchIO : DispatchObject {
	internal let __wrapped:dispatch_io_t

	final internal override func wrapped() -> dispatch_object_t {
		return unsafeBitCast(__wrapped, to: dispatch_object_t.self)

	internal init(__type: UInt, fd: Int32, queue: DispatchQueue,
				  handler: @escaping (_ error: Int32) -> Void) {
		__wrapped = dispatch_io_create(__type, fd, queue.__wrapped, handler)

	internal init(__type: UInt, path: UnsafePointer<Int8>, oflag: Int32,
				  mode: mode_t, queue: DispatchQueue, handler: @escaping (_ error: Int32) -> Void) {
		__wrapped = dispatch_io_create_with_path(__type, path, oflag, mode, queue.__wrapped, handler)

	internal init(__type: UInt, io: DispatchIO,
				  queue: DispatchQueue, handler: @escaping (_ error: Int32) -> Void) {
		__wrapped = dispatch_io_create_with_io(__type, io.__wrapped, queue.__wrapped, handler)

	deinit {

	public func barrier(execute: @escaping () -> ()) {
		dispatch_io_barrier(self.__wrapped, execute)

	public var fileDescriptor: Int32 {
		return dispatch_io_get_descriptor(__wrapped)

	public func setLimit(highWater: Int) {
		dispatch_io_set_high_water(__wrapped, highWater)

	public func setLimit(lowWater: Int) {
		dispatch_io_set_low_water(__wrapped, lowWater)

public class DispatchQueue : DispatchObject {
	internal let __wrapped:dispatch_queue_t;

	final internal override func wrapped() -> dispatch_object_t {
		return unsafeBitCast(__wrapped, to: dispatch_object_t.self)

	internal init(__label: String, attr: dispatch_queue_attr_t?) {
		__wrapped = dispatch_queue_create(__label, attr)

	internal init(__label: String, attr:  dispatch_queue_attr_t?, queue: DispatchQueue?) {
		__wrapped = dispatch_queue_create_with_target(__label, attr, queue?.__wrapped)

	internal init(queue:dispatch_queue_t) {
		__wrapped = queue

	deinit {

	public func sync(execute workItem: ()->()) {
		dispatch_sync(self.__wrapped, workItem)

public class DispatchSource : DispatchObject,
	DispatchSourceProtocol,	DispatchSourceRead,
	DispatchSourceSignal, DispatchSourceTimer,
	DispatchSourceUserDataAdd, DispatchSourceUserDataOr,
	DispatchSourceWrite {
	internal let __wrapped:dispatch_source_t

	final internal override func wrapped() -> dispatch_object_t {
		return unsafeBitCast(__wrapped, to: dispatch_object_t.self)

	internal init(source:dispatch_source_t) {
		__wrapped = source

	deinit {

extension DispatchSource : DispatchSourceMachSend,
	DispatchSourceMachReceive, DispatchSourceMemoryPressure {

#if !os(Linux)
extension DispatchSource : DispatchSourceProcess,
	DispatchSourceFileSystemObject {

internal class __DispatchData : DispatchObject {
	internal let __wrapped:dispatch_data_t
	internal let __owned:Bool

	final internal override func wrapped() -> dispatch_object_t {
		return unsafeBitCast(__wrapped, to: dispatch_object_t.self)

	internal init(data:dispatch_data_t, owned:Bool) {
		__wrapped = data
		__owned = owned

	deinit {
		if __owned {

public typealias DispatchSourceHandler = @convention(block) () -> Void

public protocol DispatchSourceProtocol {
	func setEventHandler(qos: DispatchQoS, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags, handler: DispatchSourceHandler?)

	func setEventHandler(handler: DispatchWorkItem)

	func setCancelHandler(qos: DispatchQoS, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags, handler: DispatchSourceHandler?)

	func setCancelHandler(handler: DispatchWorkItem)

	func setRegistrationHandler(qos: DispatchQoS, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags, handler: DispatchSourceHandler?)

	func setRegistrationHandler(handler: DispatchWorkItem)

	func cancel()

	func resume()

	func suspend()

	var handle: UInt { get }

	var mask: UInt { get }

	var data: UInt { get }

	var isCancelled: Bool { get }

public protocol DispatchSourceUserDataAdd : DispatchSourceProtocol {
	func add(data: UInt)

public protocol DispatchSourceUserDataOr : DispatchSourceProtocol {
	func or(data: UInt)

public protocol DispatchSourceMachSend : DispatchSourceProtocol {
	public var handle: mach_port_t { get }

	public var data: DispatchSource.MachSendEvent { get }

	public var mask: DispatchSource.MachSendEvent { get }

public protocol DispatchSourceMachReceive : DispatchSourceProtocol {
	var handle: mach_port_t { get }

public protocol DispatchSourceMemoryPressure : DispatchSourceProtocol {
	public var data: DispatchSource.MemoryPressureEvent { get }

	public var mask: DispatchSource.MemoryPressureEvent { get }

#if !os(Linux)
public protocol DispatchSourceProcess : DispatchSourceProtocol {
	var handle: pid_t { get }

	var data: DispatchSource.ProcessEvent { get }

	var mask: DispatchSource.ProcessEvent { get }

public protocol DispatchSourceRead : DispatchSourceProtocol {

public protocol DispatchSourceSignal : DispatchSourceProtocol {

public protocol DispatchSourceTimer : DispatchSourceProtocol {
	func scheduleOneshot(deadline: DispatchTime, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval)

	func scheduleOneshot(wallDeadline: DispatchWallTime, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval)

	func scheduleRepeating(deadline: DispatchTime, interval: DispatchTimeInterval, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval)

	func scheduleRepeating(deadline: DispatchTime, interval: Double, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval)

	func scheduleRepeating(wallDeadline: DispatchWallTime, interval: DispatchTimeInterval, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval)

	func scheduleRepeating(wallDeadline: DispatchWallTime, interval: Double, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval)

#if !os(Linux)
public protocol DispatchSourceFileSystemObject : DispatchSourceProtocol {
	var handle: Int32 { get }

	var data: DispatchSource.FileSystemEvent { get }

	var mask: DispatchSource.FileSystemEvent { get }

public protocol DispatchSourceWrite : DispatchSourceProtocol {

internal enum _OSQoSClass : UInt32  {
	case QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT = 0x15
	case QOS_CLASS_UTILITY = 0x11

	internal init?(qosClass:dispatch_qos_class_t) {
		switch qosClass {
		case 0x21: self = .QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE
		case 0x19: self = .QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED
		case 0x15: self = .QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT
		case 0x11: self = .QOS_CLASS_UTILITY
		case 0x09: self = .QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND
		case 0x00: self = .QOS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED
		default: return nil

internal func _swift_dispatch_release(_ obj: dispatch_object_t) -> Void