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<p>ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL(3) BSD Library Functions Manual

<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>NAME</b></p>

<p style="margin-left:6%;"><b>archive_entry_acl_add_entry</b>,
<b>archive_entry_acl_types</b> &mdash; functions for
manipulating Access Control Lists in archive entry

<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>LIBRARY</b></p>

<p style="margin-left:6%;">Streaming Archive Library
(libarchive, -larchive)</p>

<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>SYNOPSIS</b></p>

<p style="margin-left:6%;"><b>#include

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><i>void</i></p>

<i>int&nbsp;type</i>, <i>int&nbsp;permset</i>,
<i>int&nbsp;tag</i>, <i>int&nbsp;qualifier</i>,

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><i>void</i></p>

<i>int&nbsp;type</i>, <i>int&nbsp;permset</i>,
<i>int&nbsp;tag</i>, <i>int&nbsp;qualifier</i>,

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><i>void</i></p>

<p style="margin-left:12%;"><b>archive_entry_acl_clear</b>(<i>struct&nbsp;archive_entry&nbsp;*a</i>);</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><i>int</i></p>

<p style="margin-left:12%;"><b>archive_entry_acl_count</b>(<i>struct&nbsp;archive_entry&nbsp;*a</i>,

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><i>int</i></p>


<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><i>int</i></p>


<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><i>int</i></p>

<i>int&nbsp;type</i>, <i>int&nbsp;*ret_type</i>,
<i>int&nbsp;*ret_permset</i>, <i>int&nbsp;*ret_tag</i>,

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><i>int</i></p>

<i>int&nbsp;type</i>, <i>int&nbsp;*ret_type</i>,
<i>int&nbsp;*ret_permset</i>, <i>int&nbsp;*ret_tag</i>,

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><i>int</i></p>

<p style="margin-left:12%;"><b>archive_entry_acl_reset</b>(<i>struct&nbsp;archive_entry&nbsp;*a</i>,

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><i>char

<i>ssize_t&nbsp;*len_p</i>, <i>int&nbsp;flags</i>);</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><i>wchar_t

<i>ssize_t&nbsp;*len_p</i>, <i>int&nbsp;flags</i>);</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><i>int</i></p>

<p style="margin-left:12%;"><b>archive_entry_acl_types</b>(<i>struct&nbsp;archive_entry&nbsp;*a</i>);</p>

<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>DESCRIPTION</b></p>

<p style="margin-left:6%;">The &rsquo;&rsquo;Access Control
Lists (ACLs)&rsquo;&rsquo; extend the standard Unix perssion
model. The ACL interface of <b>libarchive</b> supports both
POSIX.1e and NFSv4 style ACLs. Use of ACLs is restricted by
various levels of ACL support in operating systems, file
systems and archive formats.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>POSIX.1e
Access Control Lists</b> <br>
A POSIX.1e ACL consists of a number of independent entries.
Each entry specifies the permission set as bitmask of basic
permissions. Valid permissions in the <i>permset</i>

<p>ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_READ (<b>r</b>) <br>

<p style="margin-left:6%;">The permissions correspond to
the normal Unix permissions.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">The <i>tag</i>
specifies the principal to which the permission applies.
Valid values are:</p>


<p style="margin-left:51%;">The user specified by the name


<p style="margin-left:51%;">The owner of the file.</p>


<p style="margin-left:51%;">The group specied by the name


<p style="margin-left:51%;">The group who owns the


<p style="margin-left:51%;">The maximum permissions to be
obtained via group permissions.</p>


<p style="margin-left:51%;">Any principal who is not file
owner or a member of the owning group.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">The principals
ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_OTHER are equivalent to user, group and
other in the classic Unix permission model and specify
non-extended ACL entries.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">All files with
specifies the permissions required for access to the file
itself. Directories have an additional ACL
(ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT), which controls the initial
access ACL for newly created directory entries.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>NFSv4 Access
Control Lists</b> <br>
A NFSv4 ACL consists of multiple individual entries called
Access Control Entries (ACEs).</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">There are four
possible types of a NFSv4 ACE:</p>


<p style="margin-left:51%;">Allow principal to perform
actions requiring given permissions.</p>


<p style="margin-left:51%;">Prevent principal from
performing actions requiring given permissions.</p>


<p style="margin-left:51%;">Log access attempts by
principal which require given permissions.</p>


<p style="margin-left:51%;">Trigger a system alarm on
access attempts by principal which require given

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">The <i>tag</i>
specifies the principal to which the permission applies.
Valid values are:</p>


<p style="margin-left:51%;">The user specified by the name


<p style="margin-left:51%;">The owner of the file.</p>


<p style="margin-left:51%;">The group specied by the name


<p style="margin-left:51%;">The group who owns the


<p style="margin-left:51%;">Any principal who is not file
owner or a member of the owning group.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">Entries with the
the user and group name in the <i>name</i> string and
optionally the user or group ID in the <i>qualifier</i>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">NFSv4 ACE
permissions and flags are stored in the same <i>permset</i>
bitfield. Some permissions share the same constant and
permission character but have different effect on
directories than on files. The following ACE permissions are


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Read data (file).</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">List entries (directory).</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Write data (file).</p>

<p>ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_ADD_FILE (<b>w</b>)</p>

<p style="margin-left:24%;">Create files (directory).</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Execute file or change into a


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Append data (file).</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Create subdirectories


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Remove files and subdirectories
inside a directory.</p>

<p>ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_DELETE (<b>d</b>)</p>

<p style="margin-left:24%;">Remove file or directory.</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Read file or directory


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Write file or directory


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Read named file or directory


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Write named file or directory

<p>ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_READ_ACL (<b>c</b>)</p>

<p style="margin-left:24%;">Read file or directory ACL.</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Write file or directory


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Change owner of a file or


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Use synchronous I/O.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">The following
NFSv4 ACL inheritance flags are supported:</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Inherit parent directory ACE to


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Inherit parent directory ACE to


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Only inherit, do not apply the
permission on the directory itself.</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Do not propagate inherit flags.
Only first-level entries inherit ACLs.</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Trigger alarm or audit on
successful access.</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Trigger alarm or audit on
failed access.</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Mark that ACE was

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>Functions
archive_entry_acl_add_entry</b>() and
<b>archive_entry_acl_add_entry_w</b>() add a single ACL
entry. For the access ACL and non-extended principals, the
classic Unix permissions are updated. An archive entry
cannot contain both POSIX.1e and NFSv4 ACL entries.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>archive_entry_acl_clear</b>()
removes all ACL entries and resets the enumeration

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>archive_entry_acl_count</b>()
counts the ACL entries that have the given type mask.
<i>type</i> can be the bitwise-or of</p>


<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">for POSIX.1e
ACLs and</p>


<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">for NFSv4 ACLs.
included and at least one extended ACL entry is found, the
three non-extended ACLs are added.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>archive_entry_acl_from_text</b>()
and <b>archive_entry_acl_from_text_w</b>() add new (or merge
with existing) ACL entries from (wide) text. The argument
<i>type</i> may take one of the following values:</p>


<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">Supports all
formats that can be created with
<b>archive_entry_acl_to_text</b>() or respective
<b>archive_entry_acl_to_text_w</b>(). Existing ACL entries
are preserved. To get a clean new ACL from text
<b>archive_entry_acl_clear</b>() must be called first.
Entries prefixed with &rsquo;&rsquo;default:&rsquo;&rsquo;
are treated as ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT unless
<i>type</i> is ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_TYPE_NFS4. Invalid entries,
non-parseable ACL entries and entries beginning with the
&rsquo;#&rsquo; character (comments) are skipped.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>archive_entry_acl_next</b>()
and <b>archive_entry_acl_next_w</b>() return the next entry
of the ACL list. This functions may only be called after
<b>archive_entry_acl_reset</b>() has indicated the presence
of extended ACL entries.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>archive_entry_acl_reset</b>()
prepare reading the list of ACL entries with
<b>archive_entry_acl_next</b>() or
<b>archive_entry_acl_next_w</b>(). The function returns
either 0, if no non-extended ACLs are found. In this case,
the access permissions should be obtained by
archive_entry_mode(3) or set using chmod(2). Otherwise, the
function returns the same value as

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>archive_entry_acl_to_text</b>()
and <b>archive_entry_acl_to_text_w</b>() convert the ACL
entries for the given type into a (wide) string of ACL
entries separated by newline. If the pointer <i>len_p</i> is
not NULL, then the function shall return the length of the
string (not including the NULL terminator) in the location
pointed to by <i>len_p</i>. The <i>flag</i> argument is a

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">The following
flags are effective only on POSIX.1e ACL:</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Output access ACLs.</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Output POSIX.1e default


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Prefix each default ACL entry
with the word &rsquo;&rsquo;default:&rsquo;&rsquo;.</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">The mask and other ACLs don not
contain a double colon.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">The following
flags are effecive only on NFSv4 ACL:</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Do not output minus characters
for unset permissions and flags in NFSv4 ACL permission and
flag fields.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">The following
flags are effective on both POSIX.1e and NFSv4 ACL:</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Add an additional
colon-separated field containing the user or group id.</p>


<p style="margin-left:24%;">Separate ACL entries with comma
instead of newline.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">If the archive
entry contains NFSv4 ACLs, all types of NFSv4 ACLs are
returned. It the entry contains POSIX.1e ACLs and none of
ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT are specified, both access
and default entries are returned and default entries are
prefixed with &rsquo;&rsquo;default:&rsquo;&rsquo;.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>archive_entry_acl_types</b>()
get ACL entry types contained in an archive entry&rsquo;s
ACL. As POSIX.1e and NFSv4 ACL entries cannot be mixed, this
function is a very efficient way to detect if an ACL already
contains POSIX.1e or NFSv4 ACL entries.</p>

<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>RETURN VALUES</b></p>

<p style="margin-left:6%;"><b>archive_entry_acl_count</b>()
and <b>archive_entry_acl_reset</b>() returns the number of
ACL entries that match the given type mask. For POSIX.1e
ACLS if the type mask includes ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS
and at least one extended ACL entry exists, the three
classic Unix permissions are counted.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>archive_entry_acl_from_text</b>()
and <b>archive_entry_acl_from_text_w</b>() return ARCHIVE_OK
if all entries were successfully parsed and ARCHIVE_WARN if
one or more entries were invalid or non-parseable.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>archive_entry_acl_next</b>()
and <b>archive_entry_acl_next_w</b>() return ARCHIVE_OK on
success, ARCHIVE_EOF if no more ACL entries exist and
ARCHIVE_WARN if <b>archive_entry_acl_reset</b>() has not
been called first.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>archive_entry_acl_to_text</b>()
returns a string representing the ACL entries matching the
given type and flags on success or NULL on error.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>archive_entry_acl_to_text_w</b>()
returns a wide string representing the ACL entries matching
the given type and flags on success or NULL on error.</p>

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em"><b>archive_entry_acl_types</b>()
returns a bitmask of ACL entry types or 0 if archive entry
has no ACL entries.</p>

<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>SEE ALSO</b></p>

<p style="margin-left:6%;">archive_entry(3),

<p style="margin-left:6%; margin-top: 1em">BSD
February&nbsp;15, 2017 BSD</p>