kextfind_tables.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
#include "kextfind_tables.h"
#include "kextfind_query.h"
#include "kextfind_report.h"

int longopt = 0;

struct option opt_info[] = {
    // real options
    { kOptNameHelp,             no_argument,        NULL,     kOptHelp },
    { kOptNameCaseInsensitive,  no_argument,        NULL,     kOptCaseInsensitive },
    { kOptNameSearchItem,       required_argument,  NULL,     kOptSearchItem },
    { kOptNameSystemExtensions, no_argument,        NULL,     kOptSystemExtensions },
    { kOptNameDefaultArch,      required_argument,  &longopt, kLongOptDefaultArch },
    { kOptNameSubstring,        no_argument,        NULL,     kOptSubstring },
    { kOptNameExtraInfo,        no_argument,        &longopt, kLongOptExtraInfo },
    { kOptNameRelativePaths,    no_argument,        &longopt, kLongOptRelativePaths },
    { kOptNameNoPaths,          no_argument,        &longopt, kLongOptNoPaths },
    { kOptNameMeek,             no_argument,        &longopt, kLongOptMeek },
    { kOptNamePicky,            no_argument,        &longopt, kLongOptPicky },
#endif /* MEEK_PICKY */

   /* We register the query predicates so that they are handled correctly
    * even with the few short options we have (without these, -invalid gets
    * recognized as -i plus more options, and -false as '-f alse').
    * Query "options" are handled by simply terminating the getopt loop.


    { &kKeywordReport[1],       no_argument,        &longopt, kLongOptQueryPredicate },

    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }  // sentinel to terminate list

/* Each long ("name") predicate is used to register at least a parse callback,
 * but not always an eval callback; some sets of predicates get funneled
 * together *after* parsing, so we register them here with their own triggers
 * but at parse time their predicates get reset to the shared one so that at
 * eval time they use the same function.
 * The -property, and -property-exists keywords, for example, both parse into
 * -property predicates, but the other two set some data in the query element
 * that the single evalProperty() function looks for and uses to tweak its
 * behavior.
struct querySetup queryCallbackList[] = {
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameProperty), CFSTR(kPredCharProperty),
        parseProperty, evalProperty },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePropertyExists), CFSTR(kPredCharPropertyExists), 
        parseProperty, NULL },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameMatchProperty), CFSTR(kPredCharMatchProperty),
        parseMatchProperty, evalMatchProperty },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameMatchPropertyExists), CFSTR(kPredCharMatchPropertyExists), 
        parseMatchProperty, NULL },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameLoaded), NULL, 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameValid), CFSTR(kPredCharValid), 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameAuthentic), CFSTR(kPredCharAuthentic), 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameDependenciesMet), CFSTR(kPredCharDependenciesMet), 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameLoadable), CFSTR(kPredCharLoadable), 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameWarnings), CFSTR(kPredCharWarnings), 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameIsLibrary), CFSTR(kPredCharIsLibrary), 
        parseFlag, NULL },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameDuplicate), CFSTR(kPredCharDuplicate), 
        parseFlag, NULL },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameInvalid), CFSTR(kPredCharInvalid), 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameInauthentic), CFSTR(kPredCharInauthentic), 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameDependenciesMissing), CFSTR(kPredCharDependenciesMissing), 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameNonloadable), CFSTR(kPredCharNonloadable), 
        parseFlag, NULL },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameHasPlugins), NULL, 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameIsPlugin), NULL, 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameHasDebugProperties), NULL, 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameIsKernelResource), NULL, 
        parseFlag, NULL },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameVersion), CFSTR(kPredCharVersion), 
        parseVersion, evalVersion },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameCompatibleWithVersion), NULL,
        parseCompatibleWithVersion, evalCompatibleWithVersion },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameIntegrity), NULL, 
        parseIntegrity, evalIntegrity },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameArch), NULL, 
        parseArch, evalArch },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameArchExact), CFSTR(kPredCharArchExact), 
        parseArch, evalArchExact },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameExecutable), CFSTR(kPredCharExecutable), 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameNoExecutable), CFSTR(kPredCharNoExecutable), 
        parseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameDefinesSymbol), CFSTR(kPredCharDefinesSymbol), 
        parseDefinesOrReferencesSymbol, evalDefinesOrReferencesSymbol },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameReferencesSymbol), CFSTR(kPredCharReferencesSymbol), 
        parseDefinesOrReferencesSymbol, evalDefinesOrReferencesSymbol },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameBundleID), CFSTR(kPredCharBundleID), 
        parseShorthand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameBundleName), CFSTR(kPredCharBundleName), 
        parseBundleName, evalBundleName },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameRoot), CFSTR(kPredCharRoot), 
        parseShorthand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameConsole), CFSTR(kPredCharConsole), 
        parseShorthand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameLocalRoot), CFSTR(kPredCharLocalRoot), 
        parseShorthand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameNetworkRoot), CFSTR(kPredCharNetworkRoot), 
        parseShorthand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameSafeBoot), CFSTR(kPredCharSafeBoot), 
        parseShorthand, NULL },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameEcho), NULL, 
        parseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrint), NULL, 
        parseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrint0), NULL, 
        parseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintDiagnostics), CFSTR(kPredCharPrintDiagnostics), 
        parseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintProperty), CFSTR(kPredCharPrintProperty), 
        parseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintArches), CFSTR(kPredCharPrintArches), 
        parseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintDependencies), NULL, 
        parseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintDependents), NULL, 
        parseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintIntegrity), NULL, 
        parseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintPlugins), NULL, 
        parseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintInfoDictionary), CFSTR(kPredCharPrintInfoDictionary), 
        parseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintExecutable), CFSTR(kPredCharPrintExecutable), 
        parseCommand, NULL },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameExec), NULL, parseExec, evalExec },

   /* These two special predicates are used internally for all "flag" and
    * command precidates, which all reset their predicates at parse time and
    * save the original keyword.
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameFlag), NULL, 
        NULL, evalFlag },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameCommand), NULL, 
        NULL, evalCommand },

    { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }  // sentinel to terminate list


/* The report callback list reuses many query and command predicate keywords,
 * but parses and evaluates a lot of them differently!
struct querySetup reportCallbackList[] = {
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameProperty), CFSTR(kPredCharProperty),
        reportParseProperty, reportEvalProperty },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameLoaded), NULL, 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameValid), CFSTR(kPredCharValid), 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameAuthentic), CFSTR(kPredCharAuthentic), 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameDependenciesMet), CFSTR(kPredCharDependenciesMet), 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameLoadable), CFSTR(kPredCharLoadable), 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameWarnings), CFSTR(kPredCharWarnings), 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameIsLibrary), CFSTR(kPredCharIsLibrary), 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameHasPlugins), NULL, 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameIsPlugin), NULL, 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameHasDebugProperties), NULL, 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameIsKernelResource), NULL, 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameIntegrity), NULL, 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameVersion), CFSTR(kPredCharVersion), 
        reportParseShorthand, reportEvalProperty },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameArch), NULL, 
        reportParseArch, reportEvalArch },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameArchExact), CFSTR(kPredCharArchExact), 
        reportParseArch, reportEvalArchExact },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameExecutable), CFSTR(kPredCharExecutable), 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameSymbol), CFSTR(kPredCharSymbol), 
        reportParseDefinesOrReferencesSymbol, reportEvalDefinesOrReferencesSymbol },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameBundleID), CFSTR(kPredCharBundleID), 
        reportParseShorthand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameBundleName), CFSTR(kPredCharBundleName), 
        reportParseCommand, NULL },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNameDuplicate), CFSTR(kPredCharDuplicate), 
        reportParseFlag, NULL },

    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrint), NULL, 
        reportParseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintProperty), CFSTR(kPredCharPrintProperty), 
        reportParseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintArches), CFSTR(kPredCharPrintArches), 
        reportParseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintDependencies), NULL, 
        reportParseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintDependents), NULL, 
        reportParseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintPlugins), NULL, 
        reportParseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintIntegrity), NULL, 
        reportParseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintInfoDictionary), CFSTR(kPredCharPrintInfoDictionary), 
        reportParseCommand, NULL },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNamePrintExecutable), CFSTR(kPredCharPrintExecutable), 
        reportParseCommand, NULL },

   /* These two special predicates are used internally for all "flag" and
    * command precidates, which all reset their predicates at reportParse time and
    * save the original keyword.
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameFlag), NULL, 
        NULL, reportEvalFlag },
    {   CFSTR(kPredNameCommand), NULL, 
        NULL, reportEvalCommand },

    { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }  // sentinel to terminate list
