rules.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright 1993, 1995 Christopher Seiwald.
 * This file is part of Jam - see jam.c for Copyright information.

 * rules.h -  targets, rules, and related information
 * This file describes the structures holding the targets, rules, and
 * related information accumulated by interpreting the statements
 * of the jam files.
 * The following are defined:
 *	RULE - a generic jam rule, the product of RULE and ACTIONS 
 *	ACTIONS - a chain of ACTIONs 
 *	ACTION - a RULE instance with targets and sources 
 *	SETTINGS - variables to set when executing a TARGET's ACTIONS 
 *	TARGETS - a chain of TARGETs 
 *	TARGET - a file or "thing" that can be built 
 * 04/11/94 (seiwald) - Combined deps & headers into deps[2] in TARGET.
 * 04/12/94 (seiwald) - actionlist() now just appends a single action.
 * 06/01/94 (seiwald) - new 'actions existing' does existing sources
 * 12/20/94 (seiwald) - NOTIME renamed NOTFILE.
 * 01/19/95 (seiwald) - split DONTKNOW into CANTFIND/CANTMAKE.
 * 02/02/95 (seiwald) - new LEAVES modifier on targets.
 * 02/14/95 (seiwald) - new NOUPDATE modifier on targets.

typedef struct _rule RULE;
typedef struct _target TARGET;
typedef struct _targets TARGETS;
typedef struct _action ACTION;
typedef struct _actions ACTIONS;
typedef struct _settings SETTINGS ;

/* RULE - a generic jam rule, the product of RULE and ACTIONS */

struct _rule {
	char	*name;
	PARSE	*procedure;		/* parse tree from RULE */
	char	*actions;		/* command string from ACTIONS */
	LIST	*bindlist;		/* variable to bind for actions */
	int	flags;			/* modifiers on ACTIONS */

# define	RULE_NEWSRCS	0x01	/* $(>) is updated sources only */
# define	RULE_TOGETHER	0x02	/* combine actions on single target */
# define	RULE_IGNORE	0x04	/* ignore return status of executes */
# define	RULE_QUIETLY	0x08	/* don't mention it unless verbose */
# define	RULE_PIECEMEAL	0x10	/* split exec so each $(>) is small */
# define	RULE_EXISTING	0x20	/* $(>) is pre-exisitng sources only */
# define	RULE_EXPORTVARS	0x40	/* set exportable variables in environment */

} ;

/* ACTIONS - a chain of ACTIONs */

struct _actions {
	ACTIONS	*next;
	ACTIONS	*tail;			/* valid only for head */
	ACTION	*action;
} ;

/* ACTION - a RULE instance with targets and sources */

struct _action {
	RULE	*rule;
	TARGETS	*targets;
	TARGETS	*sources;		/* aka $(>) */
	char	running;		/* has been started */
	char	status;			/* see TARGET status */
} ;

/* SETTINGS - variables to set when executing a TARGET's ACTIONS */

struct _settings {
	SETTINGS *next;
	char	*symbol;		/* symbol name for var_set() */
	LIST	*value;			/* symbol value for var_set() */
} ;

/* TARGETS - a chain of TARGETs */

struct _targets {
	TARGETS	*next;
	TARGETS	*tail;			/* valid only for head */
	TARGET	*target;
} ;

/* TARGET - a file or "thing" that can be built */

struct _target {
	char	*name;
	char	*boundname;		/* if search() relocates target */
	ACTIONS	*actions;		/* rules to execute, if any */
	SETTINGS *settings;		/* variables to define */

	char	flags;			/* status info */

# define 	T_FLAG_TEMP 	0x01	/* TEMPORARY applied */
# define 	T_FLAG_NOCARE 	0x02	/* NOCARE applied */
# define 	T_FLAG_NOTFILE 	0x04	/* NOTFILE applied */
# define	T_FLAG_TOUCHED	0x08	/* ALWAYS applied or -t target */
# define	T_FLAG_LEAVES	0x10	/* LEAVES applied */
# define	T_FLAG_NOUPDATE	0x20	/* NOUPDATE applied */

	char	binding;		/* how target relates to real file */

# define 	T_BIND_UNBOUND	0	/* a disembodied name */
# define 	T_BIND_MISSING	1	/* couldn't find real file */
# define 	T_BIND_PARENTS	2	/* using parent's timestamp */
# define 	T_BIND_EXISTS	3	/* real file, timestamp valid */

	TARGETS	*deps[2];		/* dependencies */

# define	T_DEPS_DEPENDS	0	/* due to DEPENDS */
# define	T_DEPS_INCLUDES	1	/* due to INCLUDES */

	time_t	time;			/* update time */
	time_t	leaf;			/* update time of leaf sources */
	time_t	htime;			/* header's time */
	time_t	hleaf;			/* update time of leaf headers */

	char	fate;			/* make0()'s diagnosis */
	char	hfate;			/* collected fate for headers */

# define 	T_FATE_INIT	0	/* nothing done to target */
# define 	T_FATE_MAKING	1	/* make0(target) on stack */

# define 	T_FATE_STABLE	2	/* target didn't need updating */
# define	T_FATE_NEWER	3	/* target newer than parent */

# define	T_FATE_SPOIL	4	/* >= SPOIL rebuilds parents */
# define 	T_FATE_ISTMP	4	/* unneeded temp target oddly present */

# define	T_FATE_BUILD	5	/* >= BUILD rebuilds target */
# define	T_FATE_TOUCHED	5	/* manually touched with -t */
# define	T_FATE_MISSING	6	/* is missing, needs updating */
# define 	T_FATE_OUTDATED	7	/* is out of date, needs updating */
# define 	T_FATE_UPDATE	8	/* deps updated, needs updating */

# define 	T_FATE_BROKEN	9	/* >= BROKEN ruins parents */
# define 	T_FATE_CANTFIND	9	/* no rules to make missing target */
# define 	T_FATE_CANTMAKE	10	/* can't find dependents */

	char	progress;		/* tracks make1() progress */

# define	T_MAKE_INIT	0	/* make1(target) not yet called */
# define	T_MAKE_ONSTACK	1	/* make1(target) on stack */
# define	T_MAKE_ACTIVE	2	/* make1(target) in make1b() */
# define	T_MAKE_RUNNING	3	/* make1(target) running commands */
# define	T_MAKE_DONE	4	/* make1(target) done */

	char	status;			/* execcmd() result */

	int	asynccnt;		/* child deps outstanding */
	TARGETS	*parents;		/* used by make1() for completion */
	char	*cmds;			/* type-punned command list */
} ;

RULE	*bindrule();
TARGET	*bindtarget();
void	touchtarget();
TARGETS	*targetlist();
TARGETS	*targetentry();
ACTIONS	*actionlist();
SETTINGS *addsettings();
void 	pushsettings();
void 	popsettings();
void	freesettings();
void	donerules();