SRepair.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
	File:		SRepair.c

	Contains:	This file contains the Scavenger repair routines.
	Written by:	Bill Bruffey

	Copyright:	© 1986, 1990, 1992-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.


#include "Scavenger.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "../cache.h"

enum {

/* internal routine prototypes */

static 	int MRepair( SGlobPtr GPtr );
void	SetOffset (void *buffer, UInt16 btNodeSize, SInt16 recOffset, SInt16 vecOffset);
#define SetOffset(buffer,nodesize,offset,record)		(*(SInt16 *) ((Byte *) (buffer) + (nodesize) + (-2 * (record))) = (offset))
static	OSErr	UpdateBTreeHeader( SFCB * fcbPtr );
static	OSErr	FixBTreeHeaderReservedFields( SGlobPtr GPtr, short refNum );
static	OSErr	UpdBTM( SGlobPtr GPtr, short refNum);
static	OSErr	UpdateVolumeBitMap( SGlobPtr GPtr, Boolean preAllocateOverlappedExtents );
static	OSErr	DoMinorOrders( SGlobPtr GPtr );
static	OSErr	UpdVal( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr rP );
static	int		DelFThd( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 fid );
static	OSErr	FixDirThread( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 did );
static	OSErr	FixOrphanedFiles ( SGlobPtr GPtr );
static	OSErr	RepairReservedBTreeFields ( SGlobPtr GPtr );
static 	OSErr   GetCatalogRecord(SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 fileID, Boolean isHFSPlus, CatalogKey *catKey, CatalogRecord *catRecord, UInt16 *recordSize); 
static 	OSErr   RepairAttributesCheckABT(SGlobPtr GPtr, Boolean isHFSPlus);
static 	OSErr   RepairAttributesCheckCBT(SGlobPtr GPtr, Boolean isHFSPlus);
static	OSErr	RepairAttributes( SGlobPtr GPtr );
static	OSErr	FixFinderFlags( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p );
static	OSErr	FixLinkCount( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p );
static	OSErr	FixLinkChainNext( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p );
static	OSErr	FixLinkChainPrev( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p );
static	OSErr	FixBSDInfo( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p );
static	OSErr	DeleteUnlinkedFile( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p );
static	OSErr	FixOrphanedExtent( SGlobPtr GPtr );
static 	OSErr	FixFileSize(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p);
static  OSErr 	VolumeObjectFixVHBorMDB( Boolean * fixedIt );
static 	OSErr 	VolumeObjectRestoreWrapper( void );
static	OSErr	FixBloatedThreadRecords( SGlob *GPtr );
static	OSErr	FixMissingThreadRecords( SGlob *GPtr );
static	OSErr	FixEmbededVolDescription( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p );
static	OSErr	FixWrapperExtents( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p );
static  OSErr	FixIllegalNames( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr roPtr );
static HFSCatalogNodeID GetObjectID( CatalogRecord * theRecPtr );
static 	OSErr	FixMissingDirectory( SGlob *GPtr, UInt32 theObjID, UInt32 theParID );
static 	OSErr 	FixAttrSize(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p);
static 	OSErr 	FixOrphanAttrRecord(SGlobPtr GPtr);
static 	OSErr 	FixBadExtent(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p);
static	OSErr	FixHardLinkFinderInfo(SGlobPtr, RepairOrderPtr);
static	OSErr	FixOrphanLink(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p);
static	OSErr	FixOrphanInode(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p);
static 	OSErr	FixDirLinkOwnerFlags(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p);
static  int 	DeleteCatalogRecordByID(SGlobPtr GPtr, uint32_t id, Boolean for_rename);
static  int 	MoveCatalogRecordByID(SGlobPtr GPtr, uint32_t id, uint32_t new_parentid);
static 	int 	DeleteAllAttrsByID(SGlobPtr GPtr, uint32_t id);
static  int     delete_attr_record(SGlobPtr GPtr, HFSPlusAttrKey *attr_key, HFSPlusAttrRecord *attr_record);
static	int		ZeroFillUnusedNodes(SGlobPtr GPtr, short fileRefNum);

/* Functions to fix overlapping extents */
static	OSErr	FixOverlappingExtents(SGlobPtr GPtr);
static 	int 	CompareExtentBlockCount(const void *first, const void *second);
static 	OSErr 	MoveExtent(SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo);
static 	OSErr 	CreateCorruptFileSymlink(SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 fileID);
static 	OSErr 	SearchExtentInAttributeBT(SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo, HFSPlusAttrKey *attrKey, HFSPlusAttrRecord *attrRecord, UInt16 *recordSize, UInt32 *foundExtentIndex);
static 	OSErr 	UpdateExtentInAttributeBT (SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo, HFSPlusAttrKey *attrKey, HFSPlusAttrRecord *attrRecord, UInt16 *recordSize, UInt32 foundInExtentIndex);
static 	OSErr 	SearchExtentInVH(SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo, UInt32 *foundExtentIndex, Boolean *noMoreExtents);
static 	OSErr 	UpdateExtentInVH (SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo, UInt32 foundExtentIndex);
static 	OSErr 	SearchExtentInCatalogBT(SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo, CatalogKey *catKey, CatalogRecord *catRecord, UInt16 *recordSize, UInt32 *foundExtentIndex, Boolean *noMoreExtents);
static 	OSErr 	UpdateExtentInCatalogBT (SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo, CatalogKey *catKey, CatalogRecord *catRecord, UInt16 *recordSize, UInt32 foundExtentIndex);
static 	OSErr 	SearchExtentInExtentBT(SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo, HFSPlusExtentKey *extentKey, HFSPlusExtentRecord *extentRecord, UInt16 *recordSize, UInt32 *foundExtentIndex);
static 	OSErr 	FindExtentInExtentRec (Boolean isHFSPlus, UInt32 startBlock, UInt32 blockCount, const HFSPlusExtentRecord extentData, UInt32 *foundExtentIndex, Boolean *noMoreExtents);

/* Functions to copy disk blocks or data buffer to disk */
static 	OSErr 	CopyDiskBlocks(SGlobPtr GPtr, const UInt32 startAllocationBlock, const UInt32 blockCount, const UInt32 newStartAllocationBlock );
static 	OSErr 	WriteBufferToDisk(SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 startBlock, UInt32 blockCount, u_char *buffer, int buflen);

/* Functions to create file and directory by name */
static 	OSErr 	CreateFileByName(SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 parentID, UInt16 fileType, u_char *fileName, unsigned int filenameLen, u_char *data, unsigned int dataLen);
static 	UInt32 	CreateDirByName(SGlob *GPtr , const u_char *dirName, const UInt32 parentID);

static 	int		BuildFolderRec( SGlob*, u_int16_t theMode, UInt32 theObjID, Boolean isHFSPlus, CatalogRecord * theRecPtr );
static 	int		BuildThreadRec( CatalogKey * theKeyPtr, CatalogRecord * theRecPtr, Boolean isHFSPlus, Boolean isDirectory );
static 	int 	BuildFileRec(UInt16 fileType, UInt16 fileMode, UInt32 fileID, Boolean isHFSPlus, CatalogRecord *catRecord);
static 	void 	BuildAttributeKey(u_int32_t fileID, u_int32_t startBlock, unsigned char *attrName, u_int16_t attrNameLen, HFSPlusAttrKey *key);

OSErr	RepairVolume( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	OSErr			err;
	SetDFAStage( kAboutToRepairStage );											//	Notify callers repair is starting...
 	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );							//	Permit the user to interrupt
	//	Do the repair
	SetDFAStage( kRepairStage );									//	Stops GNE from being called, and changes behavior of MountCheck

	err = MRepair( GPtr );
	return( err );

Routine:	MRepair		- (Minor Repair)
Function:	Performs minor repair operations.
Input:		GPtr		-	pointer to scavenger global area
Output:		MRepair		-	function result:			

static int MRepair( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	OSErr			err;
	SVCB			*calculatedVCB	= GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	Boolean			isHFSPlus;
	Boolean			didRebuild = false;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );

	if ( GPtr->EBTStat & S_RebuildBTree )
		fsckPrint(GPtr->context, hfsRebuildExtentBTree);
		err = RebuildBTree( GPtr, kHFSExtentsFileID );
		if (err)
			return (err);
		didRebuild = true;

	if ( GPtr->CBTStat & S_RebuildBTree )
		/* once we do the rebuild we will force another verify since the */
		/* first verify was aborted when we determined a rebuild was necessary */
		fsckPrint(GPtr->context, hfsRebuildCatalogBTree);
		err = RebuildBTree( GPtr, kHFSCatalogFileID );
		if (err)
			return (err);
		didRebuild = true;
	if ( GPtr->ABTStat & S_RebuildBTree )
		fsckPrint(GPtr->context, hfsRebuildAttrBTree);
		err = RebuildBTree( GPtr, kHFSAttributesFileID );
		if (err)
			return (err);
		didRebuild = true;

	if (didRebuild)
		return noErr;	// Need to restart the verification

 	 * If there were unused nodes in the B-trees which were non-zero-filled,
 	 * then zero fill them.
	if (GPtr->ABTStat & S_UnusedNodesNotZero)
		err = ZeroFillUnusedNodes(GPtr, kCalculatedAttributesRefNum);
	if (GPtr->EBTStat & S_UnusedNodesNotZero)
		err = ZeroFillUnusedNodes(GPtr, kCalculatedExtentRefNum);
	if (GPtr->CBTStat & S_UnusedNodesNotZero)
		err = ZeroFillUnusedNodes(GPtr, kCalculatedCatalogRefNum);
	if ((calculatedVCB->vcbAttributes & kHFSUnusedNodeFixMask) == 0)
		calculatedVCB->vcbAttributes |= kHFSUnusedNodeFixMask;

	 * We do this check here because it may make set up some minor repair orders;
	 * however, because determining the repairs to be done is expensive, we have only
	 * checked to see if there is any sort of problem so far.
	 * After it's done, DoMinorOrders() will take care of any requests that have been
	 * set up.
	if (GPtr->CatStat & S_FileHardLinkChain) {
		err = RepairHardLinkChains(GPtr, false);

 	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );				//	Permit the user to interrupt

	if (GPtr->CatStat & S_DirHardLinkChain) {
		err = RepairHardLinkChains(GPtr, true);

 	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );				//	Permit the user to interrupt
	//  Handle repair orders.  Note that these must be done *BEFORE* the MDB is updated.
	err = DoMinorOrders( GPtr );
	ReturnIfError( err );
  	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );

	/* Clear Catalog status for things repaired by DoMinorOrders */
	GPtr->CatStat &= ~(S_FileAllocation | S_Permissions | S_UnlinkedFile | S_LinkCount | S_IllName | S_BadExtent | S_LinkErrRepair | S_FileHardLinkChain | S_DirHardLinkChain);

	 * Fix missing thread records
	if (GPtr->CatStat & S_MissingThread) {
		err = FixMissingThreadRecords(GPtr);
		GPtr->CatStat &= ~S_MissingThread;
		GPtr->CBTStat |= S_BTH;  /* leaf record count changed */

	//	2210409, in System 8.1, moving file or folder would cause HFS+ thread records to be
	//	520 bytes in size.  We only shrink the threads if other repairs are needed.
	if ( GPtr->VeryMinorErrorsStat & S_BloatedThreadRecordFound )
		(void) FixBloatedThreadRecords( GPtr );
		GPtr->VeryMinorErrorsStat &= ~S_BloatedThreadRecordFound;

	//	we will update the following data structures regardless of whether we have done
	//	major or minor repairs, so we might end up doing this multiple times. Look into this.
	//	Isolate and fix Overlapping Extents
 	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );				//	Permit the user to interrupt

	if ( (GPtr->VIStat & S_OverlappingExtents) != 0 )
		if (embedded == 1 && debug == 0)
			return R_RFail;

		err = FixOverlappingExtents( GPtr );						//	Isolate and fix Overlapping Extents
		ReturnIfError( err );
		GPtr->VIStat &= ~S_OverlappingExtents;
		GPtr->VIStat |= S_VBM;										//	Now that we changed the extents, we need to rebuild the bitmap
		InvalidateCalculatedVolumeBitMap( GPtr );					//	Invalidate our BitMap
	//	FixOrphanedFiles
 	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );				//	Permit the user to interrupt
	if ( (GPtr->CBTStat & S_Orphan) != 0 )
		err = FixOrphanedFiles ( GPtr );							//	Orphaned file were found
		ReturnIfError( err );
		GPtr->CBTStat |= S_BTH;  									// leaf record count may change - 2913311

	/* Some minor repairs would have failed at the first 
	 * attempt because of missing thread record or missing 
	 * file/folder record because of ordering of repairs 
	 * (example, deletion of file/folder before setting 
	 * the flag).  If any minor repairs orders are left, 
	 * try to repair them again after fixing incorrect 
	 * number of thread records.
	if (GPtr->MinorRepairsP) {
		err = DoMinorOrders(GPtr);
		ReturnIfError( err );

	//	FixOrphanedExtent records
	if ( (GPtr->EBTStat & S_OrphanedExtent) != 0 )					//	Orphaned extents were found
		err = FixOrphanedExtent( GPtr );
		GPtr->EBTStat &= ~S_OrphanedExtent;
	//	if ( err == errRebuildBtree )
	//		goto RebuildBtrees;
		ReturnIfError( err );

 	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );				//	Permit the user to interrupt

	//	Update the extent BTree header and bit map
 	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );				//	Permit the user to interrupt

	if ( (GPtr->EBTStat & S_BTH) || (GPtr->EBTStat & S_ReservedBTH) )
		err = UpdateBTreeHeader( GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB );	//	update extent file BTH

		if ( (err == noErr) && (GPtr->EBTStat & S_ReservedBTH) )
			err = FixBTreeHeaderReservedFields( GPtr, kCalculatedExtentRefNum );

		ReturnIfError( err );

	if ( (GPtr->EBTStat & S_BTM) != 0 )
		err = UpdBTM( GPtr, kCalculatedExtentRefNum );				//	update extent file BTM
		ReturnIfError( err );
	//	Update the catalog BTree header and bit map

 	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );				//	Permit the user to interrupt

	if ( (GPtr->CBTStat & S_BTH) || (GPtr->CBTStat & S_ReservedBTH) )
		err = UpdateBTreeHeader( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB );	//	update catalog BTH

		if ( (err == noErr) && (GPtr->CBTStat & S_ReservedBTH) )
			err = FixBTreeHeaderReservedFields( GPtr, kCalculatedCatalogRefNum );

		ReturnIfError( err );

	if ( GPtr->CBTStat & S_BTM )
		err = UpdBTM( GPtr, kCalculatedCatalogRefNum );				//	update catalog BTM
		ReturnIfError( err );

	if ( (GPtr->CBTStat & S_ReservedNotZero) != 0 )
		err = RepairReservedBTreeFields( GPtr );					//	update catalog fields
		ReturnIfError( err );

	// Repair orphaned/invalid attribute records 
	if (  (GPtr->ABTStat & S_AttrRec) ) 
		err = FixOrphanAttrRecord( GPtr );
		ReturnIfError( err );

	// Repair inconsistency of attribute btree and corresponding bits in
	// catalog btree 
	if ( (GPtr->ABTStat & S_AttributeCount) || 
	     (GPtr->ABTStat & S_SecurityCount)) 
		err = RepairAttributes( GPtr );
		ReturnIfError( err );
	// Update the attribute BTree header and bit map 
	if ( (GPtr->ABTStat & S_BTH) )
		err = UpdateBTreeHeader( GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB );	//	update attribute BTH
		ReturnIfError( err );

	if ( GPtr->ABTStat & S_BTM )
		err = UpdBTM( GPtr, kCalculatedAttributesRefNum );		//	update attribute BTM
		ReturnIfError( err );

	/* Extended attribute repair can also detect incorrect number 
	 * of thread records, so trigger thread records repair now and 
	 * come back again in next pass for any fallouts and/or repairing 
	 * extended attribute inconsistency.
	 * Note:  This should be removed when Chinese Remainder Theorem 
	 * is used for detecting incorrect number of thread records 
	 * (rdar://3968148).
	if ( (GPtr->CBTStat & S_Orphan) != 0 )
		err = FixOrphanedFiles ( GPtr );
		ReturnIfError( err );

	//	Update the volume bit map
	// Note, moved volume bit map update to end after other repairs
	// (except the MDB / VolumeHeader) have been completed
 	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );				//	Permit the user to interrupt

	if ( (GPtr->VIStat & S_VBM) != 0 )
		err = UpdateVolumeBitMap( GPtr, false );					//	update VolumeBitMap
		ReturnIfError( err );
		InvalidateCalculatedVolumeBitMap( GPtr );					//	Invalidate our BitMap

	//	Fix missing Primary or Alternate VHB or MDB

 	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );				//	Permit the user to interrupt
	if ( (GPtr->VIStat & S_MDB) != 0 )		//	fix MDB / VolumeHeader
		Boolean		fixedIt = false;
		err = VolumeObjectFixVHBorMDB( &fixedIt );
		ReturnIfError( err );
		// don't call FlushAlternateVolumeControlBlock if we fixed it since that would 
		// mean our calculated VCB has not been completely set up.
		if ( fixedIt ) {
			GPtr->VIStat &= ~S_MDB; 
			MarkVCBClean( calculatedVCB );

 	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );				//	Permit the user to interrupt
	if ( (GPtr->VIStat & S_WMDB) != 0  )		//	fix wrapper MDB
		err = VolumeObjectRestoreWrapper();
		ReturnIfError( err );

	//	Update the MDB / VolumeHeader
	// Note, moved MDB / VolumeHeader update to end 
	// after all other repairs have been completed.

 	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );				//	Permit the user to interrupt
	if ( (GPtr->VIStat & S_MDB) != 0 || IsVCBDirty(calculatedVCB) ) //	update MDB / VolumeHeader
		MarkVCBDirty(calculatedVCB);								// make sure its dirty
		calculatedVCB->vcbAttributes |= kHFSVolumeUnmountedMask;
		err = FlushAlternateVolumeControlBlock( calculatedVCB, isHFSPlus );	//	Writes real & alt blocks
		ReturnIfError( err );

 	err = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( err );				//	Permit the user to interrupt
 	// if we had minor repairs that failed we still want to fix as much as possible
 	// so we wait until now to indicate the volume still has problems
 	if ( GPtr->minorRepairErrors )
 		err = R_RFail;
	return( err );													//	all done

//	Internal Routines

//	Routine:	VolumeObjectFixVHBorMDB
//	Function:	When the primary or alternate Volume Header Block or Master 
//				Directory Block is damaged or missing use the undamaged one to 
//				restore the other.

static OSErr VolumeObjectFixVHBorMDB( Boolean* fixedItPtr )
	OSErr				err;
	OSErr				err2;
	VolumeObjectPtr		myVOPtr;
	BlockDescriptor  	myPrimary;
	BlockDescriptor  	myAlternate;

	myVOPtr = GetVolumeObjectPtr( );
	myPrimary.buffer = NULL;
	myAlternate.buffer = NULL;
	err = noErr;
	// bail if both are OK
	if ( VolumeObjectIsHFS() ) {
		if ( (myVOPtr->flags & kVO_PriMDBOK) != 0 &&
			 (myVOPtr->flags & kVO_AltMDBOK) != 0 )
			goto ExitThisRoutine;
	else {
		if ( (myVOPtr->flags & kVO_PriVHBOK) != 0 &&
			 (myVOPtr->flags & kVO_AltVHBOK) != 0 )
			goto ExitThisRoutine;
	// it's OK if one of the primary or alternate is invalid
	err = GetVolumeObjectPrimaryBlock( &myPrimary );
	if ( !(err == noErr || err == badMDBErr || err == noMacDskErr) )
		goto ExitThisRoutine;

	// invalidate if we have not marked the primary as OK
	if ( VolumeObjectIsHFS( ) ) {
		if ( (myVOPtr->flags & kVO_PriMDBOK) == 0 )
			err = badMDBErr;
	else if ( (myVOPtr->flags & kVO_PriVHBOK) == 0 ) {
		err = badMDBErr;

	err2 = GetVolumeObjectAlternateBlock( &myAlternate );
	if ( !(err2 == noErr || err2 == badMDBErr || err2 == noMacDskErr) )
		goto ExitThisRoutine;

	// invalidate if we have not marked the alternate as OK
	if ( VolumeObjectIsHFS( ) ) {
		if ( (myVOPtr->flags & kVO_AltMDBOK) == 0 )
			err2 = badMDBErr;
	else if ( (myVOPtr->flags & kVO_AltVHBOK) == 0 ) {
		err2 = badMDBErr;
	// primary is OK so use it to restore alternate
	if ( err == noErr ) {
		CopyMemory( myPrimary.buffer, myAlternate.buffer, Blk_Size );
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock( myVOPtr->vcbPtr, &myAlternate, kForceWriteBlock );		
		myAlternate.buffer = NULL;
		*fixedItPtr = true;
		if ( VolumeObjectIsHFS( ) )
			myVOPtr->flags |= kVO_AltMDBOK;
			myVOPtr->flags |= kVO_AltVHBOK;
	// alternate is OK so use it to restore the primary
	else if ( err2 == noErr ) {
		CopyMemory( myAlternate.buffer, myPrimary.buffer, Blk_Size );
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock( myVOPtr->vcbPtr, &myPrimary, kForceWriteBlock );		
		myPrimary.buffer = NULL;
		*fixedItPtr = true;
		if ( VolumeObjectIsHFS( ) )
			myVOPtr->flags |= kVO_PriMDBOK;
			myVOPtr->flags |= kVO_PriVHBOK;
		err = noErr;
		err = noMacDskErr;

	if ( myPrimary.buffer != NULL )
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock( myVOPtr->vcbPtr, &myPrimary, kReleaseBlock );
	if ( myAlternate.buffer != NULL )
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock( myVOPtr->vcbPtr, &myAlternate, kReleaseBlock );

	return( err );
} /* VolumeObjectFixVHBorMDB */

//	Routine:	VolumeObjectRestoreWrapper
//	Function:	When the primary or alternate Master Directory Block is damaged 
//				or missing use the undamaged one to restore the other.

static OSErr VolumeObjectRestoreWrapper( void )
	OSErr				err;
	OSErr				err2;
	VolumeObjectPtr		myVOPtr;
	BlockDescriptor  	myPrimary;
	BlockDescriptor  	myAlternate;

	myVOPtr = GetVolumeObjectPtr( );
	myPrimary.buffer = NULL;
	myAlternate.buffer = NULL;
	// it's OK if one of the MDB is invalid
	err = GetVolumeObjectPrimaryMDB( &myPrimary );
	if ( !(err == noErr || err == badMDBErr || err == noMacDskErr) )
		goto ExitThisRoutine;
	err2 = GetVolumeObjectAlternateMDB( &myAlternate );
	if ( !(err2 == noErr || err2 == badMDBErr || err2 == noMacDskErr) )
		goto ExitThisRoutine;

	// primary is OK so use it to restore alternate
	if ( err == noErr && (myVOPtr->flags & kVO_PriMDBOK) != 0 ) {
		CopyMemory( myPrimary.buffer, myAlternate.buffer, Blk_Size );
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock( myVOPtr->vcbPtr, &myAlternate, kForceWriteBlock );		
		myAlternate.buffer = NULL;
		myVOPtr->flags |= kVO_AltMDBOK;
	// alternate is OK so use it to restore the primary
	else if ( err2 == noErr && (myVOPtr->flags & kVO_AltMDBOK) != 0 ) {
		CopyMemory( myAlternate.buffer, myPrimary.buffer, Blk_Size );
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock( myVOPtr->vcbPtr, &myPrimary, kForceWriteBlock );		
		myPrimary.buffer = NULL;
		myVOPtr->flags |= kVO_PriMDBOK;
		err = noErr;
		err = noMacDskErr;

	if ( myPrimary.buffer != NULL )
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock( myVOPtr->vcbPtr, &myPrimary, kReleaseBlock );
	if ( myAlternate.buffer != NULL )
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock( myVOPtr->vcbPtr, &myAlternate, kReleaseBlock );

	return( err );
} /* VolumeObjectRestoreWrapper */

Routine:	UpdateBTreeHeader - (Update BTree Header)

Function:	Replaces a BTH on disk with info from a scavenger BTCB.
Input:		GPtr		-	pointer to scavenger global area
			refNum		-	file refnum

Output:		UpdateBTreeHeader	-	function result:			
								0	= no error
								n 	= error

static	OSErr	UpdateBTreeHeader( SFCB * fcbPtr )
	OSErr err;

	M_BTreeHeaderDirty( ((BTreeControlBlockPtr) fcbPtr->fcbBtree) );	
	err = BTFlushPath( fcbPtr );
	return( err );

} /* End UpdateBTreeHeader */

Routine:	FixBTreeHeaderReservedFields

Function:	Fix reserved fields in BTree Header
Input:		GPtr		-	pointer to scavenger global area
			refNum		-	file refnum

Output:		0	= no error
			n 	= error

static	OSErr	FixBTreeHeaderReservedFields( SGlobPtr GPtr, short refNum )
	OSErr        err;
	BTHeaderRec  header;

	err = GetBTreeHeader(GPtr, ResolveFCB(refNum), &header);
	ReturnIfError( err );
	if ( (header.clumpSize % GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbBlockSize) != 0 )
		header.clumpSize = GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbBlockSize;
	header.reserved1	= 0;
	header.btreeType	= kHFSBTreeType;  //	control file
 * TBD - we'll need to repair an invlid keyCompareType field.
#if 0
	if (-->TBD<--)
		header.keyCompareType = kHFSBinaryCompare;
	ClearMemory( header.reserved3, sizeof(header.reserved3) );

	return( err );



Routine:	UpdBTM - (Update BTree Map)

Function:	Replaces a BTM on disk with a scavenger BTM.
Input:		GPtr		-	pointer to scavenger global area
			refNum		-	file refnum

Output:		UpdBTM	-	function result:			
								0	= no error
								n 	= error

static	OSErr	UpdBTM( SGlobPtr GPtr, short refNum )
	OSErr				err;
	UInt16				recSize;
	SInt32				mapSize;
	SInt16				size;
	SInt16				recIndx;
	Ptr					p;
	Ptr					btmP;
	Ptr					sbtmP;
	UInt32				nodeNum;
	NodeRec				node;
	UInt32				fLink;
	BTreeControlBlock	*calculatedBTCB	= GetBTreeControlBlock( refNum );

	//	Set up
	mapSize			= ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)calculatedBTCB->refCon)->BTCBMSize;

	//	update the map records
	if ( mapSize > 0 )
		nodeNum	= 0;
		recIndx	= 2;
		sbtmP	= ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)calculatedBTCB->refCon)->BTCBMPtr;
			GPtr->TarBlock = nodeNum;								//	set target node number
			err = GetNode( calculatedBTCB, nodeNum, &node );
			ReturnIfError( err );									//	could't get map node
			//	Locate the map record
			recSize = GetRecordSize( calculatedBTCB, (BTNodeDescriptor *)node.buffer, recIndx );
			btmP = (Ptr)GetRecordAddress( calculatedBTCB, (BTNodeDescriptor *)node.buffer, recIndx );
			fLink	= ((NodeDescPtr)node.buffer)->fLink;
			size	= ( recSize  > mapSize ) ? mapSize : recSize;
			CopyMemory( sbtmP, btmP, size );						//	update it
			err = UpdateNode( calculatedBTCB, &node );				//	write it, and unlock buffer
			mapSize	-= size;										//	move to next map record
			if ( mapSize == 0 )										//	more to go?
				break;												//	no, zero remainder of record
			if ( fLink == 0 )										//	out of bitmap blocks in file?
				RcdError( GPtr, E_ShortBTM );
				(void) ReleaseNode(calculatedBTCB, &node);
				return( E_ShortBTM );
			nodeNum	= fLink;
			sbtmP	+= size;
			recIndx	= 0;
		} while ( mapSize > 0 );

		//	clear the unused portion of the map record
		for ( p = btmP + size ; p < btmP + recSize ; p++ )
			*p = 0; 

		err = UpdateNode( calculatedBTCB, &node );					//	Write it, and unlock buffer
	return( noErr );												//	All done
}	//	end UpdBTM



Routine:	UpdateVolumeBitMap - (Update Volume Bit Map)

Function:	Replaces the VBM on disk with the scavenger VBM.
Input:		GPtr			-	pointer to scavenger global area

Output:		UpdateVolumeBitMap			- 	function result:
									0 = no error
									n = error
			GPtr->VIStat	-	S_VBM flag set if VBM is damaged.

static	OSErr	UpdateVolumeBitMap( SGlobPtr GPtr, Boolean preAllocateOverlappedExtents )
	GPtr->TarID = VBM_FNum;

	return ( CheckVolumeBitMap(GPtr, true) );

Routine:	FixBadLinkChainFirst - fix the first link in a hard link chain

Input:		GPtr		-- pointer to scavenger global data
			p			-- pointer to a minor repair order

Output:		funciton result:
				0	-- no error
				n	-- error

OSErr FixBadLinkChainFirst(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	CatalogRecord rec;
	uint16_t recsize;
	OSErr retval = 0;
	HFSPlusAttrData *attrRec;
	HFSPlusAttrKey *attrKey;
	BTreeIterator iterator;
	FSBufferDescriptor bt_data;
	u_int8_t	attrdata[FIRST_LINK_XATTR_REC_SIZE];
	size_t unicode_bytes = 0;

	ClearMemory(&iterator, sizeof(iterator));
	retval = GetCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, (UInt32)p->parid, true, (CatalogKey*)&iterator.key, &rec, &recsize);
	if (retval != 0) {
		if (retval == btNotFound) {
			/* If the record was not found because either the thread 
			 * record is missing or the file/folder record was deleted by 
			 * another repair order, return false success to retry again 
			 * after thread repair code.
		 	GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
			retval = 0;
		goto done;

	switch (rec.recordType) {
	case kHFSPlusFolderRecord:	// directory hard link
		attrKey = (HFSPlusAttrKey*)&iterator.key;
		utf_decodestr((unsigned char *)FIRST_LINK_XATTR_NAME,
			strlen(FIRST_LINK_XATTR_NAME), attrKey->attrName,
			&unicode_bytes, sizeof(attrKey->attrName));
		attrKey->attrNameLen = unicode_bytes / sizeof(UniChar);
		attrKey->keyLength = kHFSPlusAttrKeyMinimumLength + unicode_bytes;
		attrKey->pad = 0;
		attrKey->fileID = p->parid;
		attrKey->startBlock = 0;
		attrRec = (HFSPlusAttrData*)&attrdata[0];
		attrRec->recordType = kHFSPlusAttrInlineData;
		attrRec->reserved[0] = 0;
		attrRec->reserved[1] = 0;
			sizeof(attrdata) - offsetof(HFSPlusAttrData, attrData),
			"%lu", (unsigned long)(p->correct));
		attrRec->attrSize = 1 + strlen((char*)&attrRec->attrData[0]);
		bt_data.bufferAddress = attrRec;
		recsize = sizeof(HFSPlusAttrData) - 2 + attrRec->attrSize + ((attrRec->attrSize & 1) ? 1 : 0);
		bt_data.itemSize = recsize;
		bt_data.itemCount = 1;
		retval = BTInsertRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, &iterator, &bt_data, recsize);
		if (retval == btExists) {
			retval = BTReplaceRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, &iterator, &bt_data, recsize);

		if (retval) {
			/* If there is error on inserting a new attribute record
			 * because attribute btree does not exists, print message. 
			if ((GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB->fcbPhysicalSize == 0) &&
			    (GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB->fcbLogicalSize == 0) && 
			    (GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB->fcbClumpSize == 0) &&
			    (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog)) {
					plog ("\tFixBadLinkChainFirst: Attribute btree does not exists.\n");
	case kHFSPlusFileRecord:	// file hard link
		rec.hfsPlusFile.hl_firstLinkID = (UInt32)p->correct;
		bt_data.bufferAddress = &rec;
		bt_data.itemSize = recsize;
		bt_data.itemCount = 1;
		retval = BTReplaceRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &iterator, &bt_data, recsize);
		retval = IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);
	return retval;

Routine:	FixHardLinkBadDate - fix the date of an indirect-node

Input:		GPtr		-- pointer to scavenger global data
			p			-- pointer to a minor repair order

Output:		function result:
				0 -- no error
				n -- error

OSErr FixHardLinkBadDate(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	CatalogKey key;
	CatalogRecord rec;
	uint16_t recsize;
	OSErr retval = 0;
	UInt32 hint;

	retval = GetCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, (UInt32)p->parid, true, &key, &rec, &recsize);

	if (retval == 0) {
		if (rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFileRecord) {
			retval = IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);
		} else {
			rec.hfsPlusFile.createDate = p->correct;
			retval = ReplaceBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &rec, recsize, &hint);

	return retval;


Routine:	FixFileHardLinkFlag - clear the HardLinkChain flag in a file record

Input:		GPtr		-- pointer to scavenger global data
			p			-- pointer to minor repair order

Output:		function result:
				0	-- no error
				n	-- error

OSErr FixFileHardLinkFlag(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	CatalogKey key;
	CatalogRecord rec;
	uint16_t recsize;
	OSErr retval = 0;
	UInt32 hint;

	retval = GetCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, (UInt32)p->parid, true, &key, &rec, &recsize);

	if (retval == 0) {
		if (rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFileRecord) {
			retval = IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);
		} else {
			rec.hfsPlusFile.flags &= ~kHFSHasLinkChainMask;
			retval = ReplaceBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &rec, recsize, &hint);
	return retval;

Routine:	FixPrivDirBadPerms - fix the permissions of the directory hard-link private dir

Input:		GPtr		-- pointer to scavenger global data
			p			-- poitner to a minor repair order

Output:		function result:
				0 -- no error
				n -- error

static OSErr FixPrivDirBadPerms(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	CatalogKey key;
	CatalogRecord rec;
	uint16_t recsize;
	OSErr retval = 0;
	UInt32 hint;

	retval = GetCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, (UInt32)p->parid, true, &key, &rec, &recsize);

	if (retval != 0) {
		if (retval == btNotFound) {
			/* If the record was not found because either the thread 
			 * record is missing or the file/folder record was deleted by 
			 * another repair order, return false success to retry again 
			 * after thread repair code.
		 	GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
			retval = 0;
		goto done;
	if (rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFolderRecord) {
		retval = IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);
		goto done;
	rec.hfsPlusFolder.bsdInfo.ownerFlags |= UF_IMMUTABLE;
	rec.hfsPlusFolder.bsdInfo.fileMode |= S_ISVTX;

	retval = ReplaceBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &rec, recsize, &hint);

	return retval;

Routine:	FixOrphanLink

Function:	Delete the orphan directory/file hard link as no corresponding 
		directory/file inode was found.

Input:		GPtr - ptr to scavenger global data
		p    - pointer to a minor repair order

Output:		function returns - 
		0 - no error, success
		n - error
static OSErr FixOrphanLink(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	int retval;

	retval = DeleteCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, p->parid, false);
	if (retval == btNotFound) {
		/* If the record was not found because either the thread 
		 * record is missing or the file/folder record was deleted by 
		 * another repair order, return false success to retry again 
		 * after thread repair code.
		GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
		retval = 0;

	return retval;

Routine:	FixOrphanInode

Function:	Repair orphan file/directory inode, i.e. no hard links point 
		to this file/directory inode by moving them to lost+found.

Input:		GPtr - ptr to scavenger global data
		p    - pointer to a minor repair order

Output:		function returns - 
		0 - no error, success
		n - error
static OSErr FixOrphanInode(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	int retval;
	uint32_t lost_found_id;
	static int msg_display = 0;

	if (embedded == 1 && debug == 0) {
		retval = EPERM;
		goto out;

	/* Make sure that lost+found exists */ 
	lost_found_id = CreateDirByName(GPtr, (u_char *)"lost+found", 
	if (lost_found_id == 0) {
		retval = ENOENT;
		goto out;

	retval = MoveCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, p->parid, lost_found_id);
	if (retval == btNotFound) {
		/* If the record was not found because either the thread 
		 * record is missing or the file/folder record was deleted by 
		 * another repair order, return false success to retry again 
		 * after thread repair code.
		GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
		retval = 0;
	if (msg_display == 0) {
		fsckPrint(GPtr->context, fsckLostFoundDirectory, "lost+found");
		msg_display = 1;

	return retval;

Routine:	FixDirLinkOwnerFlags

Function:	Fix the owner flags for directory hard link.

Input:		GPtr - ptr to scavenger global data
		p    - pointer to a minor repair order

Output:		function returns - 
		0 - no error, success
		n - error
static OSErr FixDirLinkOwnerFlags(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	CatalogKey key;
	CatalogRecord rec;
	uint16_t recsize;
	OSErr retval = 0;
	UInt32 hint;

	retval = GetCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, p->parid, true, &key, &rec, &recsize);
	if (retval != 0) {
		if (retval == btNotFound) {
			/* If the record was not found because either the thread 
			 * record is missing or the file/folder record was deleted by 
			 * another repair order, return false success to retry again 
			 * after thread repair code.
		 	GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
			retval = 0;
		goto done;

	rec.hfsPlusFile.bsdInfo.ownerFlags = p->correct;

	retval = ReplaceBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint,
		&rec, recsize, &hint);

	return retval;

Routine:	FixBadFlags

Function:	Update the flags field of a directory or file node

Input:		GPtr		-- ptr to scavenger global data
			p			-- pointer to a minor repair order

Output:		function result:
				0 - no error
				n - error
static OSErr FixBadFlags(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	CatalogKey key;
	CatalogRecord rec;
	uint16_t recsize;
	OSErr retval = 0;
	UInt32 hint;

	retval = GetCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, p->parid, true, &key, &rec, &recsize);
	if (retval != 0) {
		if (retval == btNotFound) {
			/* If the record was not found because either the thread 
			 * record is missing or the file/folder record was deleted by 
			 * another repair order, return false success to retry again 
			 * after thread repair code.
		 	GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
			retval = 0;
		goto done;

	if (p->type == E_DirInodeBadFlags) {
		if ((rec.hfsPlusFolder.flags != p->incorrect) && (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog)) {
			fplog(stderr, "\tFixBadFlags (folder):  old = %#x, incorrect = %#x, correct = %#x\n", rec.hfsPlusFolder.flags, (int)p->incorrect, (int)p->correct);
		rec.hfsPlusFolder.flags = p->correct;
	} else if (p->type == E_DirLinkAncestorFlags) {
		if ((rec.hfsPlusFolder.flags != p->incorrect) && (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog)) {
			fplog(stderr, "\tFixBadFlags (parent folder):  old = %#x, incorrect = %#x, correct = %#x\n", rec.hfsPlusFolder.flags, (int)p->incorrect, (int)p->correct);
		rec.hfsPlusFolder.flags = p->correct;
	} else {
		if ((rec.hfsPlusFolder.flags != p->incorrect) && (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog)) {
			fplog(stderr, "\tFixBadFlags (file):  old = %#x, incorrect = %#x, correct = %#x\n", rec.hfsPlusFolder.flags, (int)p->incorrect, (int)p->correct);
		rec.hfsPlusFile.flags = p->correct;

	retval = ReplaceBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint,
		&rec, recsize, &hint);


	return retval;


Routine:	UpdFolderCount

Function:	Update the folder count in an HFS+ folder record

Input:		GPtr		-- ptr to scavenger global data
			p			-- pointer to minor repair order

Output:		function result:
				0 - no error
				n - error

OSErr UpdFolderCount( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	OSErr result = -1;
	CatalogRecord record;
	CatalogKey key, foundKey;
	UInt16 recSize = 0;
	UInt32 hint = 0;

#define DPRINT(where, fmt, ...) \
	if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) \
		fplog(where, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__);

	 * We do the search in two stages.  First, we look for just the
	 * catalog ID we get from the repair order; this SHOULD give us
	 * a thread record, which we can then use to get the real record.
	BuildCatalogKey( p->parid, NULL, true, &key);
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint,
		&foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint);
	if (result) {
		if (result == btNotFound) {
			/* If the record was not found because either the thread 
			 * record is missing or the file/folder record was deleted by 
			 * another repair order, return false success to retry again 
			 * after thread repair code.
		 	GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
			return 0;
		} else {
			DPRINT(stderr, "\tUpdFolderCount: first SearchBTreeRecord failed, parid = %u, result = %d\n", p->parid, result);
			return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	if (record.recordType != kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord) {
		GPtr->CBTStat |= S_Orphan;
		GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
		return 0;

	BuildCatalogKey( record.hfsPlusThread.parentID, (const CatalogName *)&record.hfsPlusThread.nodeName, true, &key);
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint,
		&foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint);

	if (result) {
		DPRINT(stderr, "UpdFolderCount: second SearchBTreeRecord failed (thread.parentID = %u, result = %d), just returning without complaint\n", record.hfsPlusThread.parentID, result);
		return 0;

	if (record.recordType != kHFSPlusFolderRecord) {
		DPRINT(stderr, "UpdFolderCount:  actual record type (%d) != FolderRecord\n", record.recordType);
		return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

#if 0
	 * If we've had to make a folder on an HFSX volume, we set the folderCount to what
	 * it should be -- which may not be what it found at a different part of the pass.
	if ((UInt32)p->incorrect != record.hfsPlusFolder.folderCount) {
		DPRINT(stderr, "UpdFolderCount:  incorrect (%u) != expected folderCount (%u)\n", (UInt32)p->incorrect, record.hfsPlusFolder.folderCount);
		return IntError( GPtr, R_IntErr);
	if (record.hfsPlusFolder.folderCount == p->correct) {
		/* We've gotten it already, no need to do anything */
		return noErr;

	record.hfsPlusFolder.folderCount = p->correct;
	result = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &foundKey, hint,
		&record, recSize, &hint);
	if (result) {
		DPRINT(stderr, "UpdFolderCount:  ReplaceBTreeRecord failed (%d)\n", result);
		return IntError( GPtr, R_IntErr );
	return noErr;
#undef DPRINT

Routine:	UpdHasFolderCount

Function:	Update the HasFolderCount flag on an HFS+ folder's flags

Input:		GPtr		-- ptr to scavenger global data
			p			-- pointer to minor repair order

Output:		function result:
				0 - no error
				n - error

OSErr UpdHasFolderCount( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	OSErr result = -1;
	CatalogRecord record;
	CatalogKey key, foundKey;
	UInt16 recSize = 0;
	UInt32 hint = 0;

	 * As above, we do the search in two stages:  first to get the
	 * thread record (based solely on the CNID); second, to get the
	 * folder record based from the thread record.
	BuildCatalogKey( p->parid, NULL, true, &key);
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint,
		&foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint);

	if (result) {
		if (result == btNotFound) {
			/* If the record was not found because either the thread 
			 * record is missing or the file/folder record was deleted by 
			 * another repair order, return false success to retry again 
			 * after thread repair code.
		 	GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
			return 0;
		} else {
			return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	/* If it's not a folder thread record, we've got a problem */
	if (record.recordType != kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord) {
		GPtr->CBTStat |= S_Orphan;
		GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
		return 0;

	BuildCatalogKey( record.hfsPlusThread.parentID, (const CatalogName *)&record.hfsPlusThread.nodeName, true, &key);
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint,
		&foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint);

	if (result) {
		return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	if (record.recordType != kHFSPlusFolderRecord) {
		return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	/* Verify that the kHFSHasFolderCountMask bit hasn't been set, and set if necessary */
	if ((record.hfsPlusFolder.flags & kHFSHasFolderCountMask) == 0) {
		record.hfsPlusFolder.flags |= kHFSHasFolderCountMask;
		result = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &foundKey, hint,
			&record, recSize, &hint);
		if (result) {
			return IntError( GPtr, R_IntErr );

	return noErr;


Routine:	DoMinorOrders

Function:	Execute minor repair orders.

Input:		GPtr	- ptr to scavenger global data

Outut:		function result:
				0 - no error
				n - error

static	OSErr	DoMinorOrders( SGlobPtr GPtr )				//	the globals
	RepairOrderPtr		p;
	RepairOrderPtr	cur;
	OSErr				err	= noErr;						//	initialize to "no error"

	/* Manipulate the list for minor repairs separately from the global 
	 * list head because global list head will be used to store repair 
	 * orders which returned false success in anticipation of re-repair
	 * after other corruptioins on the disk.
	cur = GPtr->MinorRepairsP;
	GPtr->MinorRepairsP = NULL;
	while( (p = cur) && (err == noErr) )	//	loop over each repair order
		cur = p->link;

		GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = false;
		switch( p->type )									//	branch on repair type
			case E_FldCount:								// folderCount needs to be updated
				err = UpdFolderCount( GPtr, p );

			case E_HsFldCount:								// HasFolderCount bit needs to be set
				err = UpdHasFolderCount( GPtr, p );

			case E_RtDirCnt:								//	the valence errors
			case E_RtFilCnt:								//	(of which there are several)
			case E_DirCnt:
			case E_FilCnt:
			case E_DirVal:
				err = UpdVal( GPtr, p );					//	handle a valence error
			case E_LockedDirName:
				err = FixFinderFlags( GPtr, p );

			case E_UnlinkedFile:
				err = DeleteUnlinkedFile( GPtr, p );

			case E_FileLinkCountError:
			case E_InvalidLinkCount:
				err = FixLinkCount( GPtr, p );
			case E_InvalidLinkChainPrev:
				err = FixLinkChainPrev( GPtr, p );

			case E_InvalidLinkChainNext:
				err = FixLinkChainNext( GPtr, p );

			case E_DirHardLinkFinderInfo:
			case E_FileHardLinkFinderInfo:
				err = FixHardLinkFinderInfo( GPtr, p );

			case E_InvalidPermissions:
				err = FixBSDInfo( GPtr, p );
			case E_NoFile:									//	dangling file thread
				err = DelFThd( GPtr, p->parid );			//	delete the dangling thread

			//₯₯	E_NoFile case is never hit since VLockedChk() registers the error, 
			//₯₯	and returns the error causing the verification to quit.
			case E_EntryNotFound:
				GPtr->EBTStat |= S_OrphanedExtent;

			//₯₯	Same with E_NoDir
			case E_NoDir:									//	missing directory record
				err = FixDirThread( GPtr, p->parid );		//	fix the directory thread record
			case E_InvalidMDBdrAlBlSt:
				err = FixEmbededVolDescription( GPtr, p );
			case E_InvalidWrapperExtents:
				err = FixWrapperExtents(GPtr, p);

			case E_IllegalName:
				err = FixIllegalNames( GPtr, p );

			case E_PEOF:
			case E_LEOF:
				err = FixFileSize(GPtr, p);

			case E_PEOAttr:
			case E_LEOAttr:
				err = FixAttrSize(GPtr, p);
			case E_ExtEnt:
				err = FixBadExtent(GPtr, p);

			case E_DirInodeBadFlags:
			case E_DirLinkAncestorFlags:
			case E_FileInodeBadFlags:
			case E_DirLinkBadFlags:
			case E_FileLinkBadFlags:
				err = FixBadFlags(GPtr, p);

			case E_BadPermPrivDir:
				err = FixPrivDirBadPerms(GPtr, p);

			case E_InvalidLinkChainFirst:
				err = FixBadLinkChainFirst(GPtr, p);

			case E_OrphanFileLink:
			case E_OrphanDirLink:
				err = FixOrphanLink(GPtr, p);

			case E_OrphanFileInode:
			case E_OrphanDirInode:
				err = FixOrphanInode(GPtr, p);

			case E_DirHardLinkOwnerFlags:
				err = FixDirLinkOwnerFlags(GPtr, p);

			case E_BadHardLinkDate:
				err = FixHardLinkBadDate(GPtr, p);

			case E_LinkChainNonLink:
				err = FixFileHardLinkFlag(GPtr, p);

			default:										//	unknown repair type
				if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
						plog ("\tUnknown repair order found (type = %d)\n", p->type);
				err = IntError( GPtr, R_IntErr );			//	treat as an internal error

		if ((err != 0) && (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog)) {
			plog ("\tDoMinorRepair: Repair for type=%d failed (err=%d).\n", p->type, err);

		/* A repair order can return false success if lookup of a 
		 * record failed --- which can happen if the corresponding 
		 * thread record is missing or a file/folder record was 
		 * deleted as part of another repair order.  If repair 
		 * order returned false success, do not free it up, instead 
		 * add it back to the global minor repair list to retry 
		 * repair after repairing incorrect number of thread records.
		 * Note:  We do not return error when repair of minor 
		 * repair orders fail second time due to missing record 
		 * because if we did not find the catalog record second time,
		 * it is already deleted and the minor repair order is invalid.
		 * The minor repair order list is later freed up in clean up 
		 * for the scavenger.
		if (GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess == true) {
			p->link = GPtr->MinorRepairsP;
			GPtr->MinorRepairsP = p;
		} else {
			DisposeMemory( p );								//	free the node
	return( err );											//	return error code to our caller


Routine:	DelFThd - (delete file thread)

Function:	Executes the delete dangling file thread repair orders.  These are typically
			threads left after system 6 deletes an aliased file, since system 6 is not
			aware of aliases and thus will not delete the thread along with the file.

Input:		GPtr	- global data
			fid		- the thread record's key's parent-ID

Output:		0 - no error
			n - deletion failed
Modification History:
	29Oct90		KST		CBTDelete was using "k" as key which points to cache buffer.

static	int	DelFThd( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 fid )				//	the file ID
	CatalogRecord		record;
	CatalogKey			foundKey;
	CatalogKey			key;
	UInt32				hint;								//	as returned by CBTSearch
	OSErr				result;								//	status return
	UInt16				recSize;
	Boolean				isHFSPlus;
	ExtentRecord		zeroExtents;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
	BuildCatalogKey( fid, (const CatalogName*) nil, isHFSPlus, &key );
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint );
	if ( result )	return ( IntError( GPtr, result ) );
	if ( (record.recordType != kHFSFileThreadRecord) && (record.recordType != kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord) )	//	quit if not a file thread
		return ( IntError( GPtr, R_IntErr ) );
	//	Zero the record on disk
	ClearMemory( (Ptr)&zeroExtents, sizeof(ExtentRecord) );
	result	= ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, hint, &zeroExtents, recSize, &hint );
	if ( result )	return ( IntError( GPtr, result ) );
	result	= DeleteBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key );
	if ( result )	return ( IntError( GPtr, result ) );
	//	After deleting a record, we'll need to write back the BT header and map,
	//	to reflect the updated record count etc.
	GPtr->CBTStat |= S_BTH + S_BTM;							//	set flags to write back hdr and map

	return( noErr );										//	successful return


Routine:	FixDirThread - (fix directory thread record's parent ID info)

Function:	Executes the missing directory record repair orders most likely caused by 
			disappearing folder bug.  This bug causes some folders to jump to Desktop 
			from the root window.  The catalog directory record for such a folder has 
			the Desktop folder as the parent but its thread record still the root 
			directory as its parent.

Input:		GPtr	- global data
			did		- the thread record's key's parent-ID

Output:		0 - no error
			n - deletion failed

static	OSErr	FixDirThread( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 did )	//	the dir ID
	UInt8				*dataPtr;
	UInt32				hint;							//	as returned by CBTSearch
	OSErr				result;							//	status return
	UInt16				recSize;
	CatalogName			catalogName;					//	temporary name record
	CatalogName			*keyName;						//	temporary name record
	register short 		index;							//	loop index for all records in the node
	UInt32  			curLeafNode;					//	current leaf node being checked
	CatalogRecord		record;
	CatalogKey			foundKey;
	CatalogKey			key;
	CatalogKey		 	*keyP;
	SInt16				recordType;
	UInt32				folderID;
	NodeRec				node;
	NodeDescPtr			nodeDescP;
	UInt32				newParDirID		= 0;			//	the parent ID where the dir record is really located
	Boolean				isHFSPlus;
	BTreeControlBlock	*calculatedBTCB	= GetBTreeControlBlock( kCalculatedCatalogRefNum );

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );

	BuildCatalogKey( did, (const CatalogName*) nil, isHFSPlus, &key );
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint );
	if ( result )
		return( IntError( GPtr, result ) );
	if ( (record.recordType != kHFSFolderThreadRecord) && (record.recordType != kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord) )			//	quit if not a directory thread
		return ( IntError( GPtr, R_IntErr ) );
	curLeafNode = calculatedBTCB->freeNodes;
	while ( curLeafNode )
		result = GetNode( calculatedBTCB, curLeafNode, &node );
		if ( result != noErr ) return( IntError( GPtr, result ) );
		nodeDescP = node.buffer;

		// loop on number of records in node
		for ( index = 0 ; index < nodeDescP->numRecords ; index++ )
			GetRecordByIndex( calculatedBTCB, (NodeDescPtr)nodeDescP, index, (BTreeKey **)&keyP, &dataPtr, &recSize );
			recordType	= ((CatalogRecord *)dataPtr)->recordType;
			folderID	= recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord ? ((HFSPlusCatalogFolder *)dataPtr)->folderID : ((HFSCatalogFolder *)dataPtr)->folderID;
			// did we locate a directory record whode dirID match the the thread's key's parent dir ID?
			if ( (folderID == did) && ( recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord || recordType == kHFSFolderRecord ) )
				newParDirID	= recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord ? keyP->hfsPlus.parentID : keyP->hfs.parentID;
				keyName		= recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord ? (CatalogName *)&keyP->hfsPlus.nodeName : (CatalogName *)&keyP->hfs.nodeName;
				CopyCatalogName( keyName, &catalogName, isHFSPlus );

		if ( newParDirID ) {
			(void) ReleaseNode(calculatedBTCB, &node);

		curLeafNode = nodeDescP->fLink;	 // sibling of this leaf node
		(void) ReleaseNode(calculatedBTCB, &node);
	if ( newParDirID == 0 )
		return ( IntError( GPtr, R_IntErr ) ); // ₯₯  Try fixing by creating a new directory record?
		(void) SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint );

		if ( isHFSPlus )
			HFSPlusCatalogThread	*largeCatalogThreadP	= (HFSPlusCatalogThread *) &record;
			largeCatalogThreadP->parentID = newParDirID;
			CopyCatalogName( &catalogName, (CatalogName *) &largeCatalogThreadP->nodeName, isHFSPlus );
			HFSCatalogThread	*smallCatalogThreadP	= (HFSCatalogThread *) &record;
			smallCatalogThreadP->parentID = newParDirID;
			CopyCatalogName( &catalogName, (CatalogName *)&smallCatalogThreadP->nodeName, isHFSPlus );
		result = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &foundKey, hint, &record, recSize, &hint );

	return( noErr );										//	successful return


Routine:	UpdVal - (Update Valence)

Function:	Replaces out of date valences with correct vals computed during scavenge.
Input:		GPtr			-	pointer to scavenger global area
			p				- 	pointer to the repair order

Output:		UpdVal			- 	function result:
									0 = no error
									n = error

static	OSErr	UpdVal( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p )					//	the valence repair order
	OSErr				result;						//	status return
	Boolean				isHFSPlus;
	UInt32				hint;						//	as returned by CBTSearch
	UInt16				recSize;
	CatalogRecord		record;
	CatalogKey			foundKey;
	CatalogKey			key;
	SVCB				*calculatedVCB = GPtr->calculatedVCB;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );

	switch( p->type )
		case E_RtDirCnt: //	invalid count of Dirs in Root
			if ( (UInt16)p->incorrect != calculatedVCB->vcbNmRtDirs )
				return ( IntError( GPtr, R_IntErr ) );
			calculatedVCB->vcbNmRtDirs = (UInt16)p->correct;
			GPtr->VIStat |= S_MDB;
		case E_RtFilCnt:
			if ( (UInt16)p->incorrect != calculatedVCB->vcbNmFls )
				return ( IntError( GPtr, R_IntErr ) );
			calculatedVCB->vcbNmFls = (UInt16)p->correct;
			GPtr->VIStat |= S_MDB;
		case E_DirCnt:
			if ( (UInt32)p->incorrect != calculatedVCB->vcbFolderCount )
				return ( IntError( GPtr, R_IntErr ) );
			calculatedVCB->vcbFolderCount = (UInt32)p->correct;
			GPtr->VIStat |= S_MDB;
		case E_FilCnt:
			if ( (UInt32)p->incorrect != calculatedVCB->vcbFileCount )
				return ( IntError( GPtr, R_IntErr ) );
			calculatedVCB->vcbFileCount = (UInt32)p->correct;
			GPtr->VIStat |= S_MDB;
		case E_DirVal:
			BuildCatalogKey( p->parid, (CatalogName *)&p->name, isHFSPlus, &key );
			result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint,
					&foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint );
			if ( result )
				return ( IntError( GPtr, result ) );
			if ( record.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord )
				if ( (UInt32)p->incorrect != record.hfsPlusFolder.valence)
					return ( IntError( GPtr, R_IntErr ) );
				record.hfsPlusFolder.valence = (UInt32)p->correct;
				if ( (UInt16)p->incorrect != record.hfsFolder.valence )
					return ( IntError( GPtr, R_IntErr ) );
				record.hfsFolder.valence = (UInt16)p->correct;
			result = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, hint,\
						&record, recSize, &hint );
			if ( result )
				return ( IntError( GPtr, result ) );
	return( noErr );														//	no error


Routine:	FixFinderFlags

Function:	Changes some of the Finder flag bits for directories.
Input:		GPtr			-	pointer to scavenger global area
			p				- 	pointer to the repair order

Output:		FixFinderFlags	- 	function result:
									0 = no error
									n = error

static	OSErr	FixFinderFlags( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p )				//	the repair order
	CatalogRecord		record;
	CatalogKey			foundKey;
	CatalogKey			key;
	UInt32				hint;												//	as returned by CBTSearch
	OSErr				result;												//	status return
	UInt16				recSize;
	Boolean				isHFSPlus;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );

	BuildCatalogKey( p->parid, (CatalogName *)&p->name, isHFSPlus, &key );

	result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint );
	if ( result )
		return ( IntError( GPtr, result ) );

	if ( record.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord )
		HFSPlusCatalogFolder	*largeCatalogFolderP	= (HFSPlusCatalogFolder *) &record;	
		if ( (UInt16) p->incorrect != largeCatalogFolderP->userInfo.frFlags)
			//	Another repair order may have affected the flags
			if ( p->correct < p->incorrect )
				largeCatalogFolderP->userInfo.frFlags &= ~((UInt16)p->maskBit);
				largeCatalogFolderP->userInfo.frFlags |= (UInt16)p->maskBit;
			largeCatalogFolderP->userInfo.frFlags = (UInt16)p->correct;
	//	largeCatalogFolderP->contentModDate = timeStamp;
		HFSCatalogFolder	*smallCatalogFolderP	= (HFSCatalogFolder *) &record;	
		if ( p->incorrect != smallCatalogFolderP->userInfo.frFlags)		//	do we know what we're doing?
			//	Another repair order may have affected the flags
			if ( p->correct < p->incorrect )
				smallCatalogFolderP->userInfo.frFlags &= ~((UInt16)p->maskBit);
				smallCatalogFolderP->userInfo.frFlags |= (UInt16)p->maskBit;
			smallCatalogFolderP->userInfo.frFlags = (UInt16)p->correct;
	//	smallCatalogFolderP->modifyDate = timeStamp;						// also update the modify date! -DJB

	result = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &foundKey, hint, &record, recSize, &hint );	//	write the node back to the file
	if ( result )
		return( IntError( GPtr, result ) );
	return( noErr );														//	no error

FixHardLinkFinderInfo:  Set the Finder Info contents to be correct for the type
	of hard link (directory or file).
	(HFS+ volumes only)
static OSErr FixHardLinkFinderInfo(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	CatalogRecord rec;
	CatalogKey key;
	uint16_t recsize;
	OSErr retval = 0;
	UInt32 hint;

	retval = GetCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, (UInt32)p->parid, true, &key, &rec, &recsize);
	if (retval != 0) {
		if (retval == btNotFound) {
			/* If the record was not found because either the thread 
			 * record is missing or the file/folder record was deleted by 
			 * another repair order, return false success to retry again 
			 * after thread repair code.
		 	GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
			retval = 0;
		goto done;

	if (rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFileRecord) {
		retval = IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);
		goto done;

	if (p->type == E_DirHardLinkFinderInfo) {
		rec.hfsPlusFile.userInfo.fdType = kHFSAliasType;
		rec.hfsPlusFile.userInfo.fdCreator = kHFSAliasCreator;
		rec.hfsPlusFile.userInfo.fdFlags |= kIsAlias;
	} else if (p->type == E_FileHardLinkFinderInfo) {
		rec.hfsPlusFile.userInfo.fdType = kHardLinkFileType;
		rec.hfsPlusFile.userInfo.fdCreator = kHFSPlusCreator;
	} else {
		retval = IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);
		goto done;

	retval = ReplaceBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &rec, recsize, &hint);

	return retval;

FixLinkChainNext:  Adjust the link chain in a hard link
               (HFS Plus volumes only)
static OSErr
FixLinkChainPrev(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	SFCB *fcb;
	CatalogRecord rec;
	CatalogKey key, foundKey;
	UInt16 recSize;
	OSErr result;
	Boolean				isHFSPlus;
	UInt32 hint = 0;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
	if (!isHFSPlus)
		return (0);
	fcb = GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB;

	BuildCatalogKey( p->parid, NULL, true, &key );
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( fcb, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &rec, &recSize, &hint );

	if (result) {
		if (result == btNotFound) {
			/* If the record was not found because either the thread 
			 * record is missing or the file/folder record was deleted by 
			 * another repair order, return false success to retry again 
			 * after thread repair code.
		 	GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
			return 0;
		} else {
			return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	if (rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord) {
		return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	BuildCatalogKey( rec.hfsPlusThread.parentID, (const CatalogName*)&rec.hfsPlusThread.nodeName, true, &key);
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( fcb, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &rec, &recSize, &hint);

	if (result) {
		return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	if (rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFileRecord) {
		return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	if ((UInt32)p->incorrect != rec.hfsPlusFile.hl_prevLinkID) {
		return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	rec.hfsPlusFile.hl_prevLinkID = (UInt32)p->correct;
	result = ReplaceBTreeRecord(fcb, &foundKey, hint, &rec, recSize, &hint);
	if (result) {
		return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	return noErr;

FixLinkChainNext:  Adjust the link chain in a hard link
               (HFS Plus volumes only)
static OSErr
FixLinkChainNext(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	SFCB *fcb;
	CatalogRecord rec;
	CatalogKey key, foundKey;
	UInt16 recSize;
	OSErr result;
	Boolean				isHFSPlus;
	UInt32 hint = 0;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
	if (!isHFSPlus)
		return (0);
	fcb = GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB;

	BuildCatalogKey( p->parid, NULL, true, &key );
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( fcb, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &rec, &recSize, &hint );

	if (result) {
		if (result == btNotFound) {
			/* If the record was not found because either the thread 
			 * record is missing or the file/folder record was deleted by 
			 * another repair order, return false success to retry again 
			 * after thread repair code.
		 	GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
			return 0;
		} else {
			return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	if (rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord) {
		return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	BuildCatalogKey( rec.hfsPlusThread.parentID, (const CatalogName*)&rec.hfsPlusThread.nodeName, true, &key);
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( fcb, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &rec, &recSize, &hint);

	if (result) {
		return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	if (rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFileRecord) {
		return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	if ((UInt32)p->incorrect != rec.hfsPlusFile.hl_nextLinkID) {
		return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	rec.hfsPlusFile.hl_nextLinkID = (UInt32)p->correct;
	result = ReplaceBTreeRecord(fcb, &foundKey, hint, &rec, recSize, &hint);
	if (result) {
		return IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr);

	return noErr;

FixLinkCount:  Adjust a data node link count (BSD hard link)
               (HFS Plus volumes only)
static OSErr
FixLinkCount(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	CatalogRecord rec;
	CatalogKey key;
	OSErr result;
	UInt16 recSize;
	UInt32 hint;
	Boolean	isHFSPlus;
	Boolean	isdir = 0;
	int lc;	// linkcount

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
	if (!isHFSPlus)
		return (0);

	result = GetCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, p->parid, isHFSPlus, &key, &rec, &recSize);
	if (result) {
		if (result == btNotFound) {
			/* If the record was not found because either the thread 
			 * record is missing or the file/folder record was deleted by 
			 * another repair order, return false success to retry again 
			 * after thread repair code.
		 	GPtr->minorRepairFalseSuccess = true;
			result = 0;
		return result;

	if (rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFileRecord && rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFolderRecord)
		return (noErr);

	isdir = (rec.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord);

	lc = (isdir ? rec.hfsPlusFolder.bsdInfo.special.linkCount : rec.hfsPlusFile.bsdInfo.special.linkCount);
	if ((UInt32)p->correct != lc) {
		if (isdir)
			rec.hfsPlusFolder.bsdInfo.special.linkCount = (UInt32)p->correct;
			rec.hfsPlusFile.bsdInfo.special.linkCount = (UInt32)p->correct;

		result = ReplaceBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key,
				kNoHint, &rec, recSize, &hint);
		if (result)
			return (IntError(GPtr, result));
	return (noErr);

FixIllegalNames:  Fix catalog enties that have illegal names.[] holds the old (illegal) name followed by the new name.
    The new name has been checked to make sure it is unique within the target
    directory.  The names will look like this:
        2 byte length of old name (in unicode characters not bytes)
        unicode characters for old name
        2 byte length of new name (in unicode characters not bytes)
        unicode characters for new name
static OSErr
FixIllegalNames( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr roPtr )
	OSErr 				result;
	Boolean				isHFSPlus;
	Boolean				isDirectory;
	UInt16				recSize;
	SFCB *				fcbPtr;
    CatalogName *		oldNamePtr;
    CatalogName *		newNamePtr;
	UInt32				hint;				
	CatalogRecord		record;
	CatalogKey			key;
	CatalogKey			newKey;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
 	fcbPtr = GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB;
	oldNamePtr = (CatalogName *) &roPtr->name;
    if ( isHFSPlus )
        int					myLength;
        u_int16_t *			myPtr = (u_int16_t *) oldNamePtr;
        myLength = *myPtr; // get length of old name
        myPtr += (1 + myLength);  // bump past length of old name and old name
        newNamePtr = (CatalogName *) myPtr;
        int					myLength;
        u_char *			myPtr = (u_char *) oldNamePtr;
        myLength = *myPtr; // get length of old name
        myPtr += (1 + myLength);  // bump past length of old name and old name
        newNamePtr = (CatalogName *) myPtr;

	// make sure new name isn't already there
	BuildCatalogKey( roPtr->parid, newNamePtr, isHFSPlus, &newKey );
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( fcbPtr, &newKey, kNoHint, NULL, &record, &recSize, NULL );
	if ( result == noErr ) {
		if ( fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog ) {
        	plog( "\treplacement name already exists \n" );
			plog( "\tduplicate name is 0x" );
			PrintName( newNamePtr->ustr.length, (UInt8 *) &newNamePtr->ustr.unicode, true );
        goto ErrorExit;
    // get catalog record for object with the illegal name.  We will restore this
    // info with our new (valid) name. 
	BuildCatalogKey( roPtr->parid, oldNamePtr, isHFSPlus, &key );
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( fcbPtr, &key, kNoHint, NULL, &record, &recSize, &hint );
	if ( result != noErr ) {
        goto ErrorExit;
    result	= DeleteBTreeRecord( fcbPtr, &key );
	if ( result != noErr ) {
        goto ErrorExit;
    // insert record back into the catalog using the new name
    result	= InsertBTreeRecord( fcbPtr, &newKey, &record, recSize, &hint );
	if ( result != noErr ) {
        goto ErrorExit;

	isDirectory = false;
    switch( record.recordType )
        case kHFSFolderRecord:
        case kHFSPlusFolderRecord:	
			isDirectory = true;	 break;
    // now we need to remove the old thread record and create a new one with
    // our new name.
	BuildCatalogKey( GetObjectID( &record ), NULL, isHFSPlus, &key );
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( fcbPtr, &key, kNoHint, NULL, &record, &recSize, &hint );
	if ( result != noErr ) {
        goto ErrorExit;
    result	= DeleteBTreeRecord( fcbPtr, &key );
	if ( result != noErr ) {
        goto ErrorExit;

    // insert thread record with new name as thread data
	recSize = BuildThreadRec( &newKey, &record, isHFSPlus, isDirectory );
 	result = InsertBTreeRecord( fcbPtr, &key, &record, recSize, &hint );
	if ( result != noErr ) {
        goto ErrorExit;

    return( noErr );
	GPtr->minorRepairErrors = true;
    if ( fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog )
       	plog( "\t%s - repair failed for type 0x%02X %d \n", __FUNCTION__, roPtr->type, roPtr->type );
    return( noErr );  // errors in this routine should not be fatal
} /* FixIllegalNames */

FixBSDInfo:  Reset or repair BSD info
                 (HFS Plus volumes only)
static OSErr
FixBSDInfo(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	SFCB 						*fcb;
	CatalogRecord 				rec;
	FSBufferDescriptor 			btRecord;
	BTreeIterator 				btIterator;
	Boolean						isHFSPlus;
	OSErr 						result;
	UInt16 						recSize;
	size_t 						namelen;
	unsigned char 				filename[256];

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
	if (!isHFSPlus)
		return (0);
	fcb = GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB;

	ClearMemory(&btIterator, sizeof(btIterator));
	btIterator.hint.nodeNum = p->hint;
	BuildCatalogKey(p->parid, (CatalogName *)&p->name, true,
	btRecord.bufferAddress = &rec;
	btRecord.itemCount = 1;
	btRecord.itemSize = sizeof(rec);
	result = BTSearchRecord(fcb, &btIterator, kInvalidMRUCacheKey,
			&btRecord, &recSize, &btIterator);
	if (result) {
		return (IntError(GPtr, result));
	if (rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFileRecord &&
	    rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFolderRecord)
		return (noErr);

	utf_encodestr(((HFSUniStr255 *)&p->name)->unicode,
		((HFSUniStr255 *)&p->name)->length << 1, filename, &namelen, sizeof(filename));
	filename[namelen] = '\0';

	if (p->type == E_InvalidPermissions &&
	    ((UInt16)p->incorrect == rec.hfsPlusFile.bsdInfo.fileMode)) {
		if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog)
		   	plog("\t\"%s\": fixing mode from %07o to %07o\n",
			   filename, (int)p->incorrect, (int)p->correct);

		rec.hfsPlusFile.bsdInfo.fileMode = (UInt16)p->correct;
		result = BTReplaceRecord(fcb, &btIterator, &btRecord, recSize);

	if (result)
		return (IntError(GPtr, result));
		return (noErr);

DeleteUnlinkedFile:  Delete orphaned data node (BSD unlinked file)
		     Also used to delete empty "HFS+ Private Data" directories
                     (HFS Plus volumes only)
static OSErr
DeleteUnlinkedFile(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	OSErr				result = -1;
	CatalogName 		name;
	CatalogName 		*cNameP;
	Boolean				isHFSPlus;
	size_t 				len;
	CatalogKey			key;
	CatalogRecord		record;
	uint32_t			id = 0;
	UInt16				recSize;
	UInt32				hint;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
	if (!isHFSPlus)
		return (0);

	if (p->name[0] > 0) {
		/* name was stored in UTF-8 */
		(void) utf_decodestr(&p->name[1], p->name[0], name.ustr.unicode, &len, sizeof(name.ustr.unicode));
		name.ustr.length = len / 2;
		cNameP = &name;
	} else {
		cNameP = NULL;
		goto out;

	/* Lookup the record to find out file/folder ID for attribute deletion */
	BuildCatalogKey(p->parid, cNameP, true, &key);
	result = SearchBTreeRecord (GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, 
				NULL, &record, &recSize, &hint);
	if (result) {
		if (result == btNotFound) {
			result = 0;
		goto out;

	result = DeleteCatalogNode(GPtr->calculatedVCB, p->parid, cNameP, p->hint, false);
	if (result) {
		goto out;

	GPtr->VIStat |= S_MDB;
	GPtr->VIStat |= S_VBM;

	if (record.recordType == kHFSPlusFileRecord) {
		id = record.hfsPlusFile.fileID;
	} else if (record.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord) {
		id = record.hfsPlusFolder.folderID;

	/* Delete all extended attributes associated with this file/folder */
	result = DeleteAllAttrsByID(GPtr, id);

	return result;

 * Fix a file's PEOF or LEOF (truncate)
 * (HFS Plus volumes only)
static OSErr
FixFileSize(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	SFCB *fcb;
	CatalogRecord rec;
	HFSPlusCatalogKey * keyp;
	FSBufferDescriptor btRecord;
	BTreeIterator btIterator;
	size_t len;
	Boolean	isHFSPlus;
	Boolean replace;
	OSErr result;
	UInt16 recSize;
	UInt64 bytes;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
	if (!isHFSPlus)
		return (0);
	fcb = GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB;
	replace = false;

	ClearMemory(&btIterator, sizeof(btIterator));
	btIterator.hint.nodeNum = p->hint;
	keyp = (HFSPlusCatalogKey*)&btIterator.key;
	keyp->parentID = p->parid;

	/* name was stored in UTF-8 */
	(void) utf_decodestr(&p->name[1], p->name[0], keyp->nodeName.unicode, &len, sizeof(keyp->nodeName.unicode));
	keyp->nodeName.length = len / 2;
	keyp->keyLength = kHFSPlusCatalogKeyMinimumLength + len;

	btRecord.bufferAddress = &rec;
	btRecord.itemCount = 1;
	btRecord.itemSize = sizeof(rec);
	result = BTSearchRecord(fcb, &btIterator, kInvalidMRUCacheKey,
			&btRecord, &recSize, &btIterator);
	if (result)
		return (IntError(GPtr, result));

	if (rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFileRecord)
		return (noErr);

	if (p->type == E_PEOF) {
		bytes = p->correct * (UInt64)GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbBlockSize;
		if ((p->forkType == kRsrcFork) &&
		    ((UInt32)p->incorrect == rec.hfsPlusFile.resourceFork.totalBlocks)) {

			rec.hfsPlusFile.resourceFork.totalBlocks = (UInt32)p->correct;
			replace = true;
			 * Make sure our new block count is large
			 * enough to cover the current LEOF.  If
			 * its not we must truncate the fork.
			if (rec.hfsPlusFile.resourceFork.logicalSize > bytes) {
				rec.hfsPlusFile.resourceFork.logicalSize = bytes;
		} else if ((p->forkType == kDataFork) &&
		           ((UInt32)p->incorrect == rec.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.totalBlocks)) {

			rec.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.totalBlocks = (UInt32)p->correct;
			replace = true;
			 * Make sure our new block count is large
			 * enough to cover the current LEOF.  If
			 * its not we must truncate the fork.
			if (rec.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.logicalSize > bytes) {
				rec.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.logicalSize = bytes;
	} else /* E_LEOF */ {
		if ((p->forkType == kRsrcFork) &&
		    (p->incorrect == rec.hfsPlusFile.resourceFork.logicalSize)) {

			rec.hfsPlusFile.resourceFork.logicalSize = p->correct;
			replace = true;

		} else if ((p->forkType == kDataFork) &&
		           (p->incorrect == rec.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.logicalSize)) {

			rec.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.logicalSize = p->correct;
			replace = true;

	if (replace) {
		result = BTReplaceRecord(fcb, &btIterator, &btRecord, recSize);
		if (result)
			return (IntError(GPtr, result));
	return (noErr);


Routine:	FixEmbededVolDescription

Function:	If the "mdb->drAlBlSt" field has been modified, i.e. Norton Disk Doctor
			3.5 tried to "Fix" an HFS+ volume, it reduces the value in the 
			"mdb->drAlBlSt" field.  If this field is changed, the file system can 
			no longer find the VolumeHeader or AltVolumeHeader.
Input:		GPtr			-	pointer to scavenger global area
			p				- 	pointer to the repair order

Output:		FixMDBdrAlBlSt	- 	function result:
									0 = no error
									n = error

static	OSErr	FixEmbededVolDescription( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p )
	OSErr					err;
	HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*mdb;
	EmbededVolDescription	*desc;
	SVCB					*vcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	BlockDescriptor  		block;

	desc = (EmbededVolDescription *) &(p->name);
	block.buffer = NULL;
	/* Fix the Alternate MDB */
	err = GetVolumeObjectAlternateMDB( &block );
	if ( err != noErr )
		goto ExitThisRoutine;
	mdb = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *) block.buffer;
	mdb->drAlBlSt			= desc->drAlBlSt;
	mdb->drEmbedSigWord		= desc->drEmbedSigWord;
	mdb->drEmbedExtent.startBlock	= desc->drEmbedExtent.startBlock;
	mdb->drEmbedExtent.blockCount	= desc->drEmbedExtent.blockCount;
	err = ReleaseVolumeBlock( vcb, &block, kForceWriteBlock );
	block.buffer = NULL;
	if ( err != noErr )
		goto ExitThisRoutine;
	/* Fix the MDB */
	err = GetVolumeObjectPrimaryMDB( &block );
	if ( err != noErr )
		goto ExitThisRoutine;
	mdb = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *) block.buffer;
	mdb->drAlBlSt			= desc->drAlBlSt;
	mdb->drEmbedSigWord		= desc->drEmbedSigWord;
	mdb->drEmbedExtent.startBlock	= desc->drEmbedExtent.startBlock;
	mdb->drEmbedExtent.blockCount	= desc->drEmbedExtent.blockCount;
	err = ReleaseVolumeBlock( vcb, &block, kForceWriteBlock );
	block.buffer = NULL;
	if ( block.buffer != NULL )
		err = ReleaseVolumeBlock( vcb, &block, kReleaseBlock );
	return( err );


Routine:	FixWrapperExtents

Function:	When Norton Disk Doctor 2.0 tries to repair an HFS Plus volume, it
			assumes that the first catalog extent must be a fixed number of
			allocation blocks after the start of the first extents extent (in the
			wrapper).  In reality, the first catalog extent should start immediately
			after the first extents extent.
Input:		GPtr			-	pointer to scavenger global area
			p				- 	pointer to the repair order

			0 = no error
			n = error

static	OSErr	FixWrapperExtents( SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p )
#pragma unused (p)

	OSErr						err;
	HFSMasterDirectoryBlock		*mdb;
	SVCB						*vcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	BlockDescriptor  			block;

	/* Get the Alternate MDB */
	block.buffer = NULL;
	err = GetVolumeObjectAlternateMDB( &block );
	if ( err != noErr )
		goto ExitThisRoutine;
	mdb = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*) block.buffer;

	/* Fix the wrapper catalog's first (and only) extent */
	mdb->drCTExtRec[0].startBlock = mdb->drXTExtRec[0].startBlock +
	err = ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &block, kForceWriteBlock);
	block.buffer = NULL;
	if ( err != noErr )
		goto ExitThisRoutine;
	/* Fix the MDB */
	err = GetVolumeObjectPrimaryMDB( &block );
	if ( err != noErr )
		goto ExitThisRoutine;
	mdb = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*) block.buffer;
	mdb->drCTExtRec[0].startBlock = mdb->drXTExtRec[0].startBlock +
	err = ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &block, kForceWriteBlock);
	block.buffer = NULL;

	if ( block.buffer != NULL )
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock( vcb, &block, kReleaseBlock );
	return( err );

//	Entries in the extents BTree which do not have a corresponding catalog entry get fixed here
//	This routine will run slowly if the extents file is large because we require a Catalog BTree
//	search for each extent record.
static	OSErr	FixOrphanedExtent( SGlobPtr GPtr )
#if 0
	OSErr				err;
	UInt32				hint;
	UInt32				recordSize;
	UInt32				maxRecords;
	UInt32				numberOfFilesInList;
	ExtentKey			*extentKeyPtr;
	ExtentRecord		*extentDataPtr;
	ExtentRecord		extents;
	ExtentRecord		zeroExtents;
	CatalogKey			foundExtentKey;
	CatalogRecord		catalogData;
	CatalogRecord		threadData;
	HFSCatalogNodeID	fileID;
	BTScanState			scanState;

	HFSCatalogNodeID	lastFileID			= -1;
	UInt32			recordsFound		= 0;
	Boolean			mustRebuildBTree	= false;
	Boolean			isHFSPlus;
	SVCB			*calculatedVCB		= GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	UInt32			**dataHandle		= GPtr->validFilesList;
	SFCB *			fcb = GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB;

	//	Set Up
	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
	//	Use the BTree scanner since we use MountCheck to find orphaned extents, and MountCheck uses the scanner
	err = BTScanInitialize( fcb, 0, 0, 0, gFSBufferPtr, gFSBufferSize, &scanState );
	if ( err != noErr )	return( badMDBErr );

	ClearMemory( (Ptr)&zeroExtents, sizeof(ExtentRecord) );

	if ( isHFSPlus )
		maxRecords = fcb->fcbLogicalSize / sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord);
		maxRecords = fcb->fcbLogicalSize / sizeof(HFSExtentRecord);
		numberOfFilesInList = GetHandleSize((Handle) dataHandle) / sizeof(UInt32);
		qsort( *dataHandle, numberOfFilesInList, sizeof (UInt32), cmpLongs );	// Sort the list of found file IDs

	while ( recordsFound < maxRecords )
		err = BTScanNextRecord( &scanState, false, (void **) &extentKeyPtr, (void **) &extentDataPtr, &recordSize );

		if ( err != noErr )
			if ( err == btNotFound )
				err	= noErr;

		fileID = (isHFSPlus == true) ? extentKeyPtr->hfsPlus.fileID : extentKeyPtr->hfs.fileID;
		if ( (fileID > kHFSBadBlockFileID) && (lastFileID != fileID) )	// Keep us out of reserved file trouble
			lastFileID	= fileID;
			if ( isHFSPlus )
				err = LocateCatalogThread( calculatedVCB, fileID, &threadData, (UInt16*)&recordSize, &hint );	//	This call returns nodeName as either Str31 or HFSUniStr255, no need to call PrepareInputName()
				if ( err == noErr )									//	Thread is found, just verify actual record exists.
					err = LocateCatalogNode( calculatedVCB, threadData.hfsPlusThread.parentID, (const CatalogName *) &(threadData.hfsPlusThread.nodeName), kNoHint, &foundExtentKey, &catalogData, &hint );
				else if ( err == cmNotFound )
					err = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, extentKeyPtr, kNoHint, &foundExtentKey, &extents, (UInt16*)&recordSize, &hint );
					if ( err == noErr )
					{	//₯₯ can't we just delete btree record?
						err = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, &foundExtentKey, hint, &zeroExtents, recordSize, &hint );
						err	= DeleteBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, &foundExtentKey );	//	Delete the orphaned extent
				if ( err != noErr )
					mustRebuildBTree	= true;						//	if we have errors here we should rebuild the extents btree
				if ( ! bsearch( &fileID, *dataHandle, numberOfFilesInList, sizeof(UInt32), cmpLongs ) )
					err = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, extentKeyPtr, kNoHint, &foundExtentKey, &extents, (UInt16*)&recordSize, &hint );
					if ( err == noErr )
					{	//₯₯ can't we just delete btree record?
						err = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, &foundExtentKey, hint, &zeroExtents, recordSize, &hint );
						err = DeleteBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, &foundExtentKey );	//	Delete the orphaned extent
					if ( err != noErr )
						mustRebuildBTree	= true;						//	if we have errors here we should rebuild the extents btree

	if ( mustRebuildBTree == true )
		GPtr->EBTStat |= S_RebuildBTree;
		err	= errRebuildBtree;

	return( err );
	return (0);

/* Function: FixAttrSize
 * Description: 
 * Fixes the incorrect block count or attribute size for extended attribute 
 * detected during verify stage.  This is a minor repair order function 
 * i.e. it depends on previously created repair order to repair the disk.
 * Input:
 *	GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer
 *	p - current repair order
 * Output:
 *	result - zero indicates success, non-zero failure.
static OSErr FixAttrSize(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	OSErr result = noErr;
	HFSPlusAttrKey *key;
	HFSPlusAttrRecord record;
	BTreeIterator iterator;
	FSBufferDescriptor btRecord;
	u_int16_t recSize;
	u_int64_t bytes;
	Boolean doReplace = false;

	/* Initialize the iterator, attribute key, and attribute record */
	ClearMemory(&iterator, sizeof(iterator));
	key = (HFSPlusAttrKey *)&iterator.key;
	BuildAttributeKey(p->parid, 0, &p->name[1], p->name[0], key);

	btRecord.bufferAddress = &record;
	btRecord.itemCount = 1;
	btRecord.itemSize = sizeof(record);

	/* Search for the attribute record.
	 * Warning: Attribute record of type kHFSPlusAttrInlineData may be 
	 * truncated on read! (4425232).  This function only uses recordType 
	 * field from inline attribute record.
	result = BTSearchRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, &iterator, 
				kInvalidMRUCacheKey, &btRecord, &recSize, &iterator);
	if (result) {
		DPRINTF (d_error|d_xattr, "%s: Cannot find attribute record (err = %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, result);
		goto out;

	/* We should only get record of type kHFSPlusAttrForkData */
	if (record.recordType != kHFSPlusAttrForkData) {
		DPRINTF (d_error|d_xattr, "%s: Record found is not attribute fork data\n", __FUNCTION__);
		result = btNotFound;
		goto out;

	/* Manipulate necessary fields in the attribute record */
	if (p->type == E_PEOAttr) {
		if ((u_int32_t)p->incorrect == record.forkData.theFork.totalBlocks) {
			record.forkData.theFork.totalBlocks = (u_int32_t)p->correct;	
			doReplace = true;

			/* Make sure that new block count is large enough to 
			 * cover the current LEOAttr.  If not, truncate it. 
			bytes = p->correct * (u_int64_t)GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbBlockSize;
			if (record.forkData.theFork.logicalSize > bytes) {
				record.forkData.theFork.logicalSize = bytes;
	} else if (p->type == E_LEOAttr) {
		if (p->incorrect == record.forkData.theFork.logicalSize) {
			record.forkData.theFork.logicalSize = p->correct;
			doReplace = true;

	/* Replace the attribute record, if required */
	if (doReplace == true) {
		result = BTReplaceRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, &iterator,
					&btRecord, recSize);
		if (result) {
			DPRINTF (d_error|d_xattr, "%s: Cannot replace attribute record (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, result);
			goto out;


/* Function: FixBadExtent
 * Description:  The function repairs bad extent entry by zeroing out the
 * bad extent entry and truncating all extent information found after the
 * bad extent entry.
 *	1. The information for repair is retrieved from the repair order passed
 *	   as parameter.
 *	2. If the start block of bad extent is zero, bad extent existed in 
 *	   catalog record extent information.  Lookup the catalog record, zero
 *	   out bad extent entry and all entries after it and update the catalog
 *	   record.
 *	3. If the start block of bad extent is non-zero, bad extent existed
 *	   in overflow extent.  If the index of bad extent is zero, we want
 *	   to delete the record completely.  If the index is non-zero, search
 *	   the extent record, zero out bad extent entry and all entries after it
 *	   and update the extent record.
 *	4. Search for any extent record in the overflow extent after the 
 *	   the bad extent entry.  If found, delete the record.
 *	5. If the file was truncated, create symlink in DamagedFiles folder
 * 	   and display message to the user.
 * Input:
 *	GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer
 *	p - current repair order
 * Output:
 *	result - zero indicates success, non-zero failure.
static OSErr FixBadExtent(SGlobPtr GPtr, RepairOrderPtr p)
	OSErr err = noErr;
	UInt32 badExtentIndex;
	UInt32 extentStartBlock, foundStartBlock;
	UInt32 fileID;
	int i;
	UInt8 forkType;

	UInt16 recordSize;
	ExtentRecord extentRecord;
	ExtentKey extentKey;
	UInt32 hint;
	Boolean isHFSPlus;
	Boolean didRepair;

	fileID = p->parid;
	badExtentIndex = p->correct;
	extentStartBlock = p->hint;
	forkType = p->forkType;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus();
	didRepair = false;

	assert (forkType != kEAData);

	/* extentStartBlock = 0, the bad extent exists in catalog record */
	if (extentStartBlock == 0) {

		CatalogRecord catRecord; 
		CatalogKey catKey;
		HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *hfsPlusExtent;
		HFSExtentDescriptor *hfsExtent;

		/* Lookup record in catalog BTree */
		err = GetCatalogRecord(GPtr, fileID, isHFSPlus, &catKey, &catRecord, &recordSize);
		if (err) {
			if (debug) plog("%s: Could not get catalog record for fileID %u\n", __FUNCTION__, fileID);
			goto out;

		/* Check record type */
		assert ((catRecord.recordType == kHFSPlusFileRecord) || 
				(catRecord.recordType == kHFSFileRecord));

		/* Zero out the bad extent entry and all entries after it */
		if (isHFSPlus) {
			if (forkType == kDataFork) {
				hfsPlusExtent = catRecord.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.extents;
			} else {
				hfsPlusExtent = catRecord.hfsPlusFile.resourceFork.extents;
			for (i = badExtentIndex; i < GPtr->numExtents; i++) {
				hfsPlusExtent[i].startBlock = 0;
				hfsPlusExtent[i].blockCount = 0;
		} else {
			if (forkType == kDataFork) {
				hfsExtent = catRecord.hfsFile.dataExtents;
			} else {
				hfsExtent = catRecord.hfsFile.rsrcExtents;
			for (i = badExtentIndex; i < GPtr->numExtents; i++) {
				hfsExtent[i].startBlock = 0;
				hfsExtent[i].blockCount = 0;

		/* Write the catalog record back */
		err = ReplaceBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &catKey, kNoHint, 
								&catRecord, recordSize, &hint);
		if (err) {
			if (debug) plog("%s: Could not replace catalog record for fileID %u\n", __FUNCTION__, fileID);
			goto out;
		didRepair = true;

	} else { /* bad extent exists in overflow extent record */

		/* First entry in overflow extent record is bad, delete entire record */
		if (badExtentIndex == 0) {
			goto del_overflow_extents;

		/* Lookup record in extents overflow BTree */ 
		BuildExtentKey (isHFSPlus, forkType, fileID, extentStartBlock, &extentKey);
		err = SearchBTreeRecord (GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, &extentKey, kNoHint, 
								 &extentKey, &extentRecord, &recordSize, &hint);
		if (err) {
			if (debug) plog("%s: Could not get overflow extents record for fileID %u, fork %u, start block %u\n", __FUNCTION__, fileID, forkType,
			goto out;

		/* Zero out the bad extent entry and all entries after it */
		if (isHFSPlus) {
			for (i = badExtentIndex; i < GPtr->numExtents; i++) {
				extentRecord.hfsPlus[i].startBlock = 0;
				extentRecord.hfsPlus[i].blockCount = 0;
		} else {
			for (i = badExtentIndex; i < GPtr->numExtents; i++) {
				extentRecord.hfs[i].startBlock = 0;
				extentRecord.hfs[i].blockCount = 0;

		/* Write the extent record back */
		err = ReplaceBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, &extentKey, hint,
								&extentRecord, recordSize, &hint);
		if (err) {
			if (debug) plog("%s: Could not replace overflow extents record for fileID %u, fork %u, start block %u\n", __FUNCTION__, fileID,
                            forkType, extentStartBlock);
			goto out;
		didRepair = true;

		/* The startBlock for extent record with bad extent entry is updated
		 * because we use this startBlock later to lookup next extent record 
		 * for this file and forktype in overflow extent btree which should
		 * be deleted.  By incrementing the startBlock by one, we ensure that
		 * we find the next record, if any, that should be deleted instead of 
		 * finding the same record that was updated above.
	/* Search for overflow extent records.  We should get a valid record only 
	 * if the bad extent entry was the first entry in the extent overflow 
	 * record.  For all other cases, the search record will return an error 
	BuildExtentKey (isHFSPlus, forkType, fileID, extentStartBlock, &extentKey);
	err = SearchBTreeRecord (GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, &extentKey, kNoHint, 
							&extentKey, &extentRecord, &recordSize, &hint);
	if ((err != noErr) && (err != btNotFound)) {
		goto create_symlink;

	/* If we got error, check the next record */
	if (err == btNotFound) {
		err = GetBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, 1, &extentKey, &extentRecord, 
							&recordSize, &hint);

	while (err == noErr) {
		/* Check if the record has correct fileID, forkType */
		if (isHFSPlus) {
			if ((fileID != extentKey.hfsPlus.fileID) ||
				(forkType != extentKey.hfsPlus.forkType)) {
			foundStartBlock = extentKey.hfsPlus.startBlock;
		} else {
			if ((fileID != extentKey.hfs.fileID) ||
				(forkType != extentKey.hfs.forkType)) {
			foundStartBlock = extentKey.hfs.startBlock;

		/* Delete the extent record */ 
		err = DeleteBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, &extentKey);
		DPRINTF (d_info, "%s: Deleting extent overflow for fileID=%u, forkType=%u, startBlock=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, fileID, forkType, foundStartBlock);
		if (err) {
			goto create_symlink;
		didRepair = true;

		/* Get the next extent record */
		err = GetBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, 1, &extentKey, &extentRecord, 
							&recordSize, &hint);

	if (err == btNotFound) {
		err = noErr;


	/* Create symlink for repaired files in damaged files folder */
	if (didRepair == true) {
		/* Create symlink for damaged files */
		(void) CreateCorruptFileSymlink(GPtr, fileID);

	return err;

/* Function: FixOrphanedFiles
 * Description:
 *	Incorrect number of thread records get fixed in this function.
 *	The function traverses the entire catalog Btree.  
 *	For a file/folder record, it tries to lookup its corresponding thread
 *	record.  If the thread record does not exist, or is not correct, a new 
 *	thread record is created.  The parent ID, record type, and the name of 
 *	the file/folder are compared for correctness. 
 *	For plain HFS, a thread record is only looked-up if kHFSThreadExistsMask is set.
 *	For a thread record, it tries to lookup its corresponding file/folder 
 *	record.  If its does not exist or is not correct, the thread record
 *	is deleted.  The file/folder ID is compared for correctness.
 * Input:	1. GPtr - pointer to global scavenger area
 * Return value:	
 * 		      zero means success
 *		      non-zero means failure
static	OSErr	FixOrphanedFiles ( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	CatalogKey			key;
	CatalogKey			foundKey;
	CatalogKey			tempKey;
	CatalogRecord		record;
	CatalogRecord		threadRecord;
	CatalogRecord		record2;
	HFSCatalogNodeID	parentID;
	HFSCatalogNodeID	cNodeID = 0;
	BTreeIterator		savedIterator;
	UInt32				hint;
	UInt32				hint2;
	UInt32				threadHint;
	OSErr				err;
	UInt16				recordSize;
	UInt16				threadRecordSize;
	SInt16				recordType;
	SInt16				foundRecType;
	SInt16				selCode				= 0x8001;	/* Get first record */
	Boolean				isHFSPlus;
	BTreeControlBlock	*btcb				= GetBTreeControlBlock( kCalculatedCatalogRefNum );
	Boolean				isDirectory;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
	CopyMemory( &btcb->lastIterator, &savedIterator, sizeof(BTreeIterator) );

		//	Save/Restore Iterator around calls to GetBTreeRecord
		CopyMemory( &savedIterator, &btcb->lastIterator, sizeof(BTreeIterator) );
		err = GetBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, selCode, &foundKey, &record, &recordSize, &hint );
		if ( err != noErr ) break;
		CopyMemory( &btcb->lastIterator, &savedIterator, sizeof(BTreeIterator) );
		selCode		= 1;	//	 kNextRecord			
		recordType	= record.recordType;

		isDirectory = false; 
		switch( recordType )
			case kHFSFileRecord:
				//	If the small file is not supposed to have a thread, just break
				if ( ( record.hfsFile.flags & kHFSThreadExistsMask ) == 0 )
			case kHFSFolderRecord:
			case kHFSPlusFolderRecord:
			case kHFSPlusFileRecord:
				//	Locate the thread associated with this record
				(void) CheckForStop( GPtr );		//	rotate cursor

				parentID	= isHFSPlus == true ? foundKey.hfsPlus.parentID : foundKey.hfs.parentID;
				threadHint	= hint;
				switch( recordType )
					case kHFSFolderRecord:		
						cNodeID = record.hfsFolder.folderID; 
						isDirectory = true;		
					case kHFSFileRecord:		
						cNodeID = record.hfsFile.fileID;			
					case kHFSPlusFolderRecord:	
						cNodeID = record.hfsPlusFolder.folderID; 
						isDirectory = true;	
					case kHFSPlusFileRecord:	
						cNodeID	= record.hfsPlusFile.fileID;		

				//-- Build the key for the file thread
				BuildCatalogKey( cNodeID, nil, isHFSPlus, &key );

				err = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, 
										 &tempKey, &threadRecord, &threadRecordSize, &hint2 );

				/* We found a thread record for this file/folder record. */
				if (err == noErr) {
					/* Check if the parent ID and nodeName are same, and recordType is as 
					 * expected.  If not, we are missing a correct thread record.  Force 
					 * btNotFound in such case.
					if (isHFSPlus) {
						/* Check thread's recordType */
						foundRecType = threadRecord.hfsPlusThread.recordType;
						if (isDirectory == true) {
							if (foundRecType != kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord) {
								err = btNotFound;
								if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
									plog ("\t%s: Folder thread recordType mismatch for id=%u (found=%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, cNodeID, foundRecType);
						} else {
							if (foundRecType != kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord) {
								err = btNotFound;
								if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
									plog ("\t%s: File thread recordType mismatch for id=%u (found=%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, cNodeID, foundRecType);

						/* Compare parent ID */
						if (parentID != threadRecord.hfsPlusThread.parentID) {
							err = btNotFound;
							if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
								plog ("\t%s: parentID for id=%u do not match (fileKey=%u threadRecord=%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, cNodeID, parentID, threadRecord.hfsPlusThread.parentID);

						/* Compare nodeName from file/folder key and thread reocrd */
						if (!((foundKey.hfsPlus.nodeName.length == threadRecord.hfsPlusThread.nodeName.length) 
						    && (!bcmp(foundKey.hfsPlus.nodeName.unicode, 
									  foundKey.hfsPlus.nodeName.length * 2)))) {
							err = btNotFound;
							if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
								unsigned maxLength = foundKey.hfsPlus.nodeName.length;
								if (maxLength < threadRecord.hfsPlusThread.nodeName.length)
									maxLength = threadRecord.hfsPlusThread.nodeName.length;
								plog ("\t%s: nodeName for id=%u do not match\n", __FUNCTION__, cNodeID);
								if (cur_debug_level & d_dump_record)
									plog("\tFile/Folder record:\n");
									HexDump(&foundKey, foundKey.hfsPlus.keyLength + 2, FALSE);
									HexDump(&record, recordSize, FALSE);
									plog("\tThread record:\n");
									HexDump(&tempKey, tempKey.hfsPlus.keyLength + 2, FALSE);
									HexDump(&threadRecord, threadRecordSize, FALSE);

						/* If any of the above checks failed, delete the bad thread record */
						if (err == btNotFound) {
							(void) DeleteBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &tempKey);
					} else { /* plain HFS */
						/* Check thread's recordType */
						foundRecType = threadRecord.hfsThread.recordType;
						if (isDirectory == true) {
							if (foundRecType != kHFSFolderThreadRecord) {
								err = btNotFound;
								if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
									plog ("\t%s: Folder thread recordType mismatch for id=%u (found=%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, cNodeID, foundRecType);
						} else {
							if (foundRecType != kHFSFileThreadRecord) {
								err = btNotFound;
								if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
									plog ("\t%s: File thread recordType mismatch for id=%u (found=%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, cNodeID, foundRecType);

						/* Compare parent ID */
						if (parentID != threadRecord.hfsThread.parentID) {
							err = btNotFound;
							if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
								plog ("\t%s: parentID for id=%u do not match (fileKey=%u threadRecord=%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, cNodeID, parentID, threadRecord.hfsThread.parentID);

						/* Compare nodeName from file/folder key and thread reocrd */
						if (!((foundKey.hfs.nodeName[0] == threadRecord.hfsThread.nodeName[0]) 
						    && (!bcmp(&foundKey.hfs.nodeName[1], 
									  foundKey.hfs.nodeName[0])))) {
							err = btNotFound;
							if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
								plog ("\t%s: nodeName for id=%u do not match\n", __FUNCTION__, cNodeID);

						/* If any of the above checks failed, delete the bad thread record */
						if (err == btNotFound) {
							(void) DeleteBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &tempKey);
				} /* err == noErr */ 

				//	For missing thread records, just create the thread
				if ( err == btNotFound )
					//	Create the missing thread record.
					isDirectory = false;
					switch( recordType )
						case kHFSFolderRecord:
						case kHFSPlusFolderRecord:	
							isDirectory = true;		

					//-- Fill out the data for the new file thread from the key 
					// of catalog file/folder record
					recordSize = BuildThreadRec( &foundKey, &threadRecord, isHFSPlus, 
												 isDirectory );
					err = InsertBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key,
											 &threadRecord, recordSize, &threadHint );
					if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
						plog ("\t%s: Created thread record for id=%u (err=%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, cNodeID, err);
			case kHFSFolderThreadRecord:
			case kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord:
				isDirectory = true;

			case kHFSFileThreadRecord:
			case kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord:
				//	Find the catalog record, if it does not exist, delete the existing thread.
				if ( isHFSPlus )
					BuildCatalogKey( record.hfsPlusThread.parentID, (const CatalogName *)&record.hfsPlusThread.nodeName, isHFSPlus, &key );
					BuildCatalogKey( record.hfsThread.parentID, (const CatalogName *)&record.hfsThread.nodeName, isHFSPlus, &key );
				err = SearchBTreeRecord ( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &tempKey, &record2, &recordSize, &hint2 );

				/* We found a file/folder record for this thread record. */
				if (err == noErr) {
					/* Check if the file/folder ID are same and if the recordType is as
					 * expected.  If not, we are missing a correct file/folder record.  
					 * Delete the extra thread record
					if (isHFSPlus) {
						/* Check recordType */
						foundRecType = record2.hfsPlusFile.recordType;
						if (isDirectory == true) {
							if (foundRecType != kHFSPlusFolderRecord) {
								err = btNotFound;
								if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
									plog ("\t%s: Folder recordType mismatch for id=%u (found=%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, cNodeID, foundRecType);
						} else {
							if (foundRecType != kHFSPlusFileRecord) {
								err = btNotFound;
								if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
									plog ("\t%s: File recordType mismatch for id=%u (found=%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, cNodeID, foundRecType);

						/* Compare file/folder ID */
						if (foundKey.hfsPlus.parentID != record2.hfsPlusFile.fileID) {
							err = btNotFound;
							if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
								plog ("\t%s: fileID do not match (threadKey=%u fileRecord=%u), parentID=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, foundKey.hfsPlus.parentID, record2.hfsPlusFile.fileID, record.hfsPlusThread.parentID);
					} else { /* plain HFS */
						/* Check recordType */
						foundRecType = record2.hfsFile.recordType;
						if (isDirectory == true) {
							if (foundRecType != kHFSFolderRecord) {
								err = btNotFound;
								if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
									plog ("\t%s: Folder recordType mismatch for id=%u (found=%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, cNodeID, foundRecType);
						} else {
							if (foundRecType != kHFSFileRecord) {
								err = btNotFound;
								if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
									plog ("\t%s: File recordType mismatch for id=%u (found=%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, cNodeID, foundRecType);

						/* Compare file/folder ID */
						if (foundKey.hfs.parentID != record2.hfsFile.fileID) {
							err = btNotFound;
							if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
								if (recordType == kHFSFolderThreadRecord) {
									plog ("\t%s: fileID do not match (threadKey=%u fileRecord=%u), parentID=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, foundKey.hfs.parentID, record2.hfsFolder.folderID, record.hfsThread.parentID);
								} else {
									plog ("\t%s: fileID do not match (threadKey=%u fileRecord=%u), parentID=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, foundKey.hfs.parentID, record2.hfsFile.fileID, record.hfsThread.parentID);
				} /* if (err == noErr) */

				if ( err != noErr )
					err = DeleteBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &foundKey );
					if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
						if (isHFSPlus) {
							plog ("\t%s: Deleted thread record for id=%d (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, foundKey.hfsPlus.parentID, err);
						} else {
							plog ("\t%s: Deleted thread record for id=%d (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, foundKey.hfs.parentID, err);
				if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
					plog ("\t%s: Unknown record type.\n", __FUNCTION__);

	} while ( err == noErr );

	if ( err == btNotFound )
		err = noErr;				 						//	all done, no more catalog records

//	if (err == noErr)
//		err = BTFlushPath( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB );

	return( err );

static	OSErr	RepairReservedBTreeFields ( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	CatalogRecord		record;
	CatalogKey			foundKey;
	UInt16 				recordSize;
	SInt16				selCode;
	UInt32				hint;
	UInt32				*reserved;
	OSErr				err;

	selCode = 0x8001;															//	 start with 1st record			

	err = GetBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, selCode, &foundKey, &record, &recordSize, &hint );
	if ( err != noErr ) goto EXIT;

	selCode = 1;																//	 get next record from now on		
		switch( record.recordType )
			case kHFSPlusFolderRecord:
				/* XXX -- this should not always be cleared out (but doesn't appear to being called) */
				if ( record.hfsPlusFolder.flags != 0 )
					record.hfsPlusFolder.flags = 0;
					err = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &foundKey, hint, &record, recordSize, &hint );
			case kHFSPlusFileRecord:
				//	Note: bit 7 (mask 0x80) of flags is unused in HFS or HFS Plus.  However, Inside Macintosh: Files
				//	describes it as meaning the file record is in use.  Some non-Apple implementations end up setting
				//	this bit, so we just ignore it.
				if ( ( record.hfsPlusFile.flags  & (UInt16) ~(0X83) ) != 0 )
					record.hfsPlusFile.flags &= 0X83;
					err = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &foundKey, hint, &record, recordSize, &hint );

			case kHFSFolderRecord:
				if ( record.hfsFolder.flags != 0 )
					record.hfsFolder.flags = 0;
					err = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &foundKey, hint, &record, recordSize, &hint );

			case kHFSFolderThreadRecord:
			case kHFSFileThreadRecord:
				reserved = (UInt32*) &(record.hfsThread.reserved);
				if ( reserved[0] || reserved[1] )
					reserved[0]	= 0;
					reserved[1]	= 0;
					err = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &foundKey, hint, &record, recordSize, &hint );

			case kHFSFileRecord:
				//	Note: bit 7 (mask 0x80) of flags is unused in HFS or HFS Plus.  However, Inside Macintosh: Files
				//	describes it as meaning the file record is in use.  Some non-Apple implementations end up setting
				//	this bit, so we just ignore it.
				if ( 	( ( record.hfsFile.flags  & (UInt8) ~(0X83) ) != 0 )
					||	( record.hfsFile.dataStartBlock != 0 )	
					||	( record.hfsFile.rsrcStartBlock != 0 )	
					||	( record.hfsFile.reserved != 0 )			)
					record.hfsFile.flags			&= 0X83;
					record.hfsFile.dataStartBlock	= 0;
					record.hfsFile.rsrcStartBlock	= 0;
					record.hfsFile.reserved		= 0;
					err = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &foundKey, hint, &record, recordSize, &hint );

		if ( err != noErr ) goto EXIT;
		err = GetBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, selCode, &foundKey, &record, &recordSize, &hint );
	} while ( err == noErr );

	if ( err == btNotFound )
		err = noErr;				 						//	all done, no more catalog records

	return( err );

/* Function: FixOrphanAttrRecord
 * Description:
 * The function traverses the attribute BTree completely and for every 
 * leaf record, calls CheckAttributeRecord.  CheckAttributeRecord function
 * is common function for verify and repair stage.  CheckAttributeRecord 
 * deletes invalid/orphaned extended attribute records under following 
 * conditions - 
 *	1. record is overflow extents with no valid fork data or overflow extents
 *	preceeding it.
 *	2. record type is unknown.
 * Input:
 * 	GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer
 * Output:
 *	error code - zero on success, non-zero on failure.
static OSErr FixOrphanAttrRecord(SGlobPtr GPtr)
	OSErr err = noErr;
	UInt16 selCode;
	UInt32 hint;

	HFSPlusAttrRecord record;
	HFSPlusAttrKey key;
	UInt16 recordSize;

	/* Zero out last attribute information from global scavenger structure */
	bzero (&(GPtr->lastAttrInfo), sizeof(GPtr->lastAttrInfo));

	/* Warning: Attribute record of type kHFSPlusAttrInlineData may be 
	 * truncated on read! (4425232).  CheckAttributeRecord only uses recordType 
	 * field from inline attribute record.
	selCode = 0x8001;
	err = GetBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, selCode, &key, 
			&record, &recordSize, &hint);
	if (err != noErr) {
		goto out;

	selCode = 1;
	do {
		err = CheckAttributeRecord(GPtr, &key, &record, recordSize);
		if (err) {

		/* Access the next record.
		 * Warning: Attribute record of type kHFSPlusAttrInlineData may be 
	 	 * truncated on read! (4425232).  CheckAttributeRecord only uses recordType 
		 * field from inline attribute record.
		err = GetBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, selCode, &key, 
				&record, &recordSize, &hint);
	} while (err == noErr);

	if (err == btNotFound) {
		err = noErr;


/* Function:	GetCatalogRecord
 * Description:
 * This function returns a catalog file/folder record for a given
 * file/folder ID from the catalog BTree.
 * Input:	1. GPtr - pointer to global scavenger area
 *        	2. fileID - file ID to search the file/folder record  
 *      	3. isHFSPlus - boolean value to indicate if volume is HFSPlus 
 * Output:	1. catKey - catalog key
 *        	2. catRecord - catalog record for given ID
 *         	3. recordSize - size of catalog record return back 
 * Return value:	
 * 		      zero means success
 *		      non-zero means failure
static OSErr GetCatalogRecord(SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 fileID, Boolean isHFSPlus, CatalogKey *catKey, CatalogRecord *catRecord, UInt16 *recordSize) 
	OSErr err = noErr;
	CatalogKey catThreadKey;
	CatalogName catalogName;
	UInt32 hint;
	uint32_t thread_key_parentID;

	/* Look up for catalog thread record for the file that owns attribute */
	BuildCatalogKey(fileID, NULL, isHFSPlus, &catThreadKey);
	err = SearchBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &catThreadKey, kNoHint, catKey, catRecord, recordSize, &hint);
	if (err) {
		if (debug) plog ("%s: No matching catalog thread record found\n", __FUNCTION__);
		goto out;

	plog ("%s(%s,%d):1 recordType=%x, flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 

	/* We were expecting a thread record.  The recordType says it is a file 
	 * record or folder record.  Return error.
	if ((catRecord->hfsPlusFile.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord) ||
	    (catRecord->hfsPlusFile.recordType == kHFSPlusFileRecord)) {
		err = fsBTRecordNotFoundErr; 
		goto out;
	thread_key_parentID = catKey->hfsPlus.parentID;
	/* It is either a file thread record or folder thread record.
	 * Look up for catalog record for the file that owns attribute */
	CopyCatalogName((CatalogName *)&(catRecord->hfsPlusThread.nodeName), &catalogName, isHFSPlus);
	BuildCatalogKey(catRecord->hfsPlusThread.parentID, &catalogName, isHFSPlus, catKey); 
	err = SearchBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, catKey, kNoHint, catKey, catRecord, recordSize, &hint);
	if (err) {
		if (debug) plog ("%s: No matching catalog record found\n", __FUNCTION__);
		if (cur_debug_level & d_dump_record)
			plog ("Searching for key:\n");
			HexDump(catKey, CalcKeySize(GPtr->calculatedCatalogBTCB, (BTreeKey *)catKey), FALSE);
		goto out;
	plog ("%s(%s,%d):2 recordType=%x, flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 

	/* For catalog file or folder record, the parentID in the thread 
	 * record's key should be equal to the fileID in the file/folder 
	 * record --- which is equal to the ID of the file/folder record
	 * that is being looked up.  If not, mark the volume for repair. 
	if (thread_key_parentID != catRecord->hfsPlusFile.fileID) {
		RcdError(GPtr, E_IncorrectNumThdRcd);
		if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
			plog("\t%s: fileID=%u, thread.key.parentID=%u, record.fileID=%u\n", 
				__FUNCTION__, fileID, thread_key_parentID, catRecord->hfsPlusFile.fileID);
		GPtr->CBTStat |= S_Orphan;
	return err;

/* Function:	RepairAttributesCheckABT
 * Description:
 * This function is called from RepairAttributes (to repair extended 
 * attributes) during repair stage of fsck_hfs.
 * 1. Make full pass through attribute BTree.
 * 2. For every unique fileID, lookup its catalog record in Catalog BTree.
 * 3. If found, check the attributes/security bit in catalog record.
 *              If not set correctly, set it and replace the catalog record.
 * 4. If not found, return error 
 * Input:	1. GPtr - pointer to global scavenger area
 *      	2. isHFSPlus - boolean value to indicate if volume is HFSPlus 
 * Output:	err - Function result 
 * 		      zero means success
 *		      non-zero means failure
static OSErr RepairAttributesCheckABT(SGlobPtr GPtr, Boolean isHFSPlus) 
	OSErr err = noErr;
	UInt16 selCode;		/* select access pattern for BTree */
	UInt32 hint;

	HFSPlusAttrRecord attrRecord;
	HFSPlusAttrKey attrKey;
	UInt16 attrRecordSize;
	CatalogRecord catRecord; 
	CatalogKey catKey;
	UInt16 catRecordSize;

	attributeInfo lastID;	/* fileID for the last attribute searched */
	Boolean didRecordChange = false; 	/* whether catalog record was changed after checks */

	char attrName[XATTR_MAXNAMELEN];
	size_t len;

	lastID.fileID = 0;
	lastID.hasSecurity = false;
	selCode = 0x8001;	/* Get first record from BTree */
	/* Warning: Attribute record of type kHFSPlusAttrInlineData may be 
	 * truncated on read! (4425232).  This function only uses recordType 
	 * field from inline attribute record.
	err = GetBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, selCode, &attrKey, &attrRecord, &attrRecordSize, &hint);
	if (err == btNotFound) {
		/* The attributes B-tree is empty, which is OK; nothing to do. */
		err = noErr;
		goto out;
	if (err != noErr) goto out; 

	selCode = 1;	/* Get next record */
	do {
		/* Convert unicode attribute name to char for ACL check */
		(void) utf_encodestr(attrKey.attrName, attrKey.attrNameLen * 2, attrName, &len, sizeof(attrName));
		attrName[len] = '\0';
		plog ("%s(%s,%d): Found attrName=%s for fileID=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, attrName, attrKey.fileID);
		if (attrKey.fileID != lastID.fileID) {
			/* We found an attribute with new file ID */
			/* Replace the previous catalog record only if we updated the flags */
			if (didRecordChange == true) {
				err = ReplaceBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &catKey , kNoHint, &catRecord, catRecordSize, &hint);
				if (err) {
					if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
						plog ("\t%s: Error in replacing catalog record for id=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, lastID.fileID);
					goto out;
			didRecordChange = false; /* reset to indicate new record has not changed */

			/* Get the catalog record for the new fileID */
			err = GetCatalogRecord(GPtr, attrKey.fileID, isHFSPlus, &catKey, &catRecord, &catRecordSize);
			if (err) {
				/* No catalog record was found for this fileID. */
				if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
					plog ("\t%s: No matching catalog record found for id=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, attrKey.fileID);

				/* 3984119 - Do not delete extended attributes for file IDs less
	 			 * kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID but not equal to kHFSRootFolderID 
	 			 * in prime modulus checksum.  These file IDs do not have 
	 			 * any catalog record
				if ((attrKey.fileID < kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID) && 
	    			    (attrKey.fileID != kHFSRootFolderID)) { 
				plog ("%s: Ignore catalog check for fileID=%d for attribute=%s\n", __FUNCTION__, attrKey.fileID, attrName); 
					goto getnext;

				/* Delete this orphan extended attribute */
				err = delete_attr_record(GPtr, &attrKey, &attrRecord);
				if (err) {
					if (fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog) {
						plog ("\t%s: Error in deleting attribute record for id=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, attrKey.fileID);
					goto out;
				goto getnext;

			lastID.fileID = attrKey.fileID;	/* set last fileID to the new ID */
			lastID.hasSecurity = false; /* reset to indicate new fileID does not have security */
			/* Check the Attribute bit */
			if (!(catRecord.hfsPlusFile.flags & kHFSHasAttributesMask)) {
				/* kHFSHasAttributeBit should be set */
				catRecord.hfsPlusFile.flags |= kHFSHasAttributesMask;
				didRecordChange = true;

			/* Check if attribute is ACL */
			if (!bcmp(attrKey.attrName, GPtr->securityAttrName, GPtr->securityAttrLen)) {
				lastID.hasSecurity = true;
				/* Check the security bit */
				if (!(catRecord.hfsPlusFile.flags & kHFSHasSecurityMask)) {
					/* kHFSHasSecurityBit should be set */
					catRecord.hfsPlusFile.flags |= kHFSHasSecurityMask;
					didRecordChange = true;
		} else {
			/* We have seen attribute for fileID in past */

			/* If last time we saw this fileID did not have an ACL and this 
			 * extended attribute is an ACL, ONLY check consistency of 
			 * security bit from Catalog record 
			if ((lastID.hasSecurity == false) && !bcmp(attrKey.attrName, GPtr->securityAttrName, GPtr->securityAttrLen)) {
				lastID.hasSecurity = true;
				/* Check the security bit */
				if (!(catRecord.hfsPlusFile.flags & kHFSHasSecurityMask)) {
					/* kHFSHasSecurityBit should be set */
					catRecord.hfsPlusFile.flags |= kHFSHasSecurityMask;
					didRecordChange = true;
		/* Access the next record
		 * Warning: Attribute record of type kHFSPlusAttrInlineData may be 
		 * truncated on read! (4425232).  This function only uses recordType 
		 * field from inline attribute record.
		err = GetBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, selCode, &attrKey, &attrRecord, &attrRecordSize, &hint);
	} while (err == noErr);

	err = noErr;

	/* Replace the catalog record for last extended attribute in the attributes BTree
	 * only if we updated the flags
	if (didRecordChange == true) {
		err = ReplaceBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &catKey , kNoHint, &catRecord, catRecordSize, &hint);
		if (err) {
			plog ("%s: Error in replacing Catalog Record\n", __FUNCTION__);
			goto out;

	return err;

/* Function:	RepairAttributesCheckCBT
 * Description:
 * This function is called from RepairAttributes (to repair extended 
 * attributes) during repair stage of fsck_hfs.
 * NOTE: The case where attribute exists and bit is not set is being taken care in 
 * RepairAttributesCheckABT.  This function determines relationship from catalog
 * Btree to attribute Btree, and not vice-versa. 

 * 1. Make full pass through catalog BTree.
 * 2. For every fileID, if the attributes/security bit is set, 
 *    lookup all the extended attributes in the attributes BTree.
 * 3. If found, check that if bits are set correctly.
 * 4. If not found, clear the bits.
 * Input:	1. GPtr - pointer to global scavenger area
 *      	2. isHFSPlus - boolean value to indicate if volume is HFSPlus 
 * Output:	err - Function result 
 * 		      zero means success
 *		      non-zero means failure
static OSErr RepairAttributesCheckCBT(SGlobPtr GPtr, Boolean isHFSPlus)
	OSErr err = noErr;
	UInt16 selCode;		/* select access pattern for BTree */
	UInt16 recordSize;
	UInt32 hint;

	HFSPlusAttrKey *attrKey;
	CatalogRecord catRecord; 
	CatalogKey catKey;

	Boolean didRecordChange = false; 	/* whether catalog record was changed after checks */

	BTreeIterator iterator;

	UInt32 curFileID;
	Boolean curRecordHasAttributes = false;
	Boolean curRecordHasSecurity = false;

	selCode = 0x8001;	/* Get first record from BTree */
	err = GetBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, selCode, &catKey, &catRecord, &recordSize, &hint);
	if ( err != noErr ) goto out;

	selCode = 1;	/* Get next record */
	do {
		/* Check only file record and folder record, else skip to next record */
		if ( (catRecord.hfsPlusFile.recordType != kHFSPlusFileRecord) && 
		     (catRecord.hfsPlusFile.recordType != kHFSPlusFolderRecord)) {
			goto getnext;

		/* Check if catalog record has attribute and/or security bit set, else
		 * skip to next record 
		if ( ((catRecord.hfsPlusFile.flags & kHFSHasAttributesMask) == 0) && 
		   	 ((catRecord.hfsPlusFile.flags & kHFSHasSecurityMask) == 0) ) {
			 goto getnext;

		/* Initialize some flags */
		didRecordChange = false;
		curRecordHasSecurity = false;
		curRecordHasAttributes = false;

		/* Access all extended attributes for this fileID */ 
		curFileID = catRecord.hfsPlusFile.fileID;

		/* Initialize the iterator and attribute key */
		ClearMemory(&iterator, sizeof(BTreeIterator));
		attrKey = (HFSPlusAttrKey *)&iterator.key;
		attrKey->keyLength = kHFSPlusAttrKeyMinimumLength;
		attrKey->fileID = curFileID;

		/* Search for attribute with NULL name.  This will place the iterator at correct fileID location in BTree */	
		err = BTSearchRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, &iterator, kInvalidMRUCacheKey, NULL, NULL, &iterator);
		if (err && (err != btNotFound)) {
			plog ("%s: No matching attribute record found\n", __FUNCTION__);
			goto out;

		/* Iterate over to all extended attributes for given fileID */
		err = BTIterateRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, kBTreeNextRecord, &iterator, NULL, NULL);

		/* Check only if we did _find_ an attribute record for the current fileID */
		while ((err == noErr) && (attrKey->fileID == curFileID)) {
			/* Current record should have attribute bit set */
			curRecordHasAttributes = true;

			/* Current record should have security bit set */
			if (!bcmp(attrKey->attrName, GPtr->securityAttrName, GPtr->securityAttrLen)) {
				curRecordHasSecurity = true;

			/* Get the next record */
			err = BTIterateRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, kBTreeNextRecord, &iterator, NULL, NULL);

		/* Determine if we need to update the catalog record */
		if ((curRecordHasAttributes == false) && (catRecord.hfsPlusFile.flags & kHFSHasAttributesMask)) {
			/* If no attribute exists and attributes bit is set, clear it */
			catRecord.hfsPlusFile.flags &= ~kHFSHasAttributesMask;		
			didRecordChange = true;
		if ((curRecordHasSecurity == false) && (catRecord.hfsPlusFile.flags & kHFSHasSecurityMask)) {
			/* If no security attribute exists and security bit is set, clear it */
			catRecord.hfsPlusFile.flags &= ~kHFSHasSecurityMask;		
			didRecordChange = true;
		/* If there was any change in catalog record, write it back to disk */
		if (didRecordChange == true) {
			err = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &catKey , kNoHint, &catRecord, recordSize, &hint );
			if (err) {
				plog ("%s: Error writing catalog record\n", __FUNCTION__);
				goto out;

		/* Access the next record */
		err = GetBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, selCode, &catKey, &catRecord, &recordSize, &hint );
	} while (err == noErr); 

	err = noErr;

	return err;

/* Function:	RepairAttributes
 * Description:
 * This function fixes the extended attributes consistency by
 * calling two functions:
 * 1. RepairAttributesCheckABT:  Traverses attributes Btree and
 * checks if each attribute has correct bits set in its corresponding 
 * catalog record.
 * 2. RepairAttributesCheckCBT:  Traverses catalog Btree and checks
 * if each catalog record that has attribute/security bit set have
 * corresponding extended attributes. 
 * Input:	1. GPtr - pointer to global scavenger area
 * Output:	err - Function result 
 * 		      zero means success
 *		      non-zero means failure
static OSErr RepairAttributes(SGlobPtr GPtr)
	OSErr err = noErr;
	Boolean isHFSPlus;
	/* Check if the volume is HFS Plus volume */
	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus();
	if (!isHFSPlus) {
		goto out;

	/* Traverse Attributes BTree and access required records in Catalog BTree */
	err = RepairAttributesCheckABT(GPtr, isHFSPlus);
	if (err) {
		goto out;

	/* Traverse Catalog BTree and access required records in Attributes BTree */
	err = RepairAttributesCheckCBT(GPtr, isHFSPlus);
	if (err) {
		goto out;

	return err;


Function:	cmpLongs

Function:	compares two longs.
Input:		*a:  pointer to first number
			*b:  pointer to second number

Output:		<0 if *a < *b
			0 if a == b
			>0 if a > b

int cmpLongs ( const void *a, const void *b )
	return( *(long*)a - *(long*)b );

/* Function: FixOverlappingExtents
 * Description: Fix overlapping extents problem.  The implementation copies all
 * the extents existing in overlapping extents to a new location and updates the
 * extent record to point to the new extent.  At the end of repair, symlinks are
 * created with name "fileID filename" to point to the file involved in
 * overlapping extents problem.  Note that currently only HFS Plus volumes are 
 * repaired.
 * PARTIAL SUCCESS: This function handles partial success in the following
 * two ways:
 *		a. The function pre-allocates space for the all the extents.  If the
 *		allocation fails, it proceeds to allocate space for other extents
 *		instead of returning error.  
 *		b. If moving an extent succeeds and symlink creation fails, the function
 *		proceeds to another extent.
 * If the repair encounters either a or b condition, appropriate message is
 * printed at the end of the function.  
 * If even a single repair operation succeeds (moving of extent), the function 
 * returns zero.
 * Current limitations:
 *	1. A regular file instead of symlink is created under following conditions:
 *		a. The volume is plain HFS volume.  HFS does not support symlink
 *		creation.
 *		b. The path the new symlink points to is greater than PATH_MAX bytes.
 *		c. The path the new symlink points has some intermediate component
 *		greater than NAME_MAX bytes.
 *	2. Contiguous disk space for every new extent is expected.  The extent is
 *	not broken into multiple extents if contiguous space is not available on the
 *	disk.
 *	3. The current fix for overlapping extent only works for HFS Plus volumes. 
 *  Plain HFS volumes have problem in accessing the catalog record by fileID.
 *	4. Plain HFS volumes might have encoding issues with the newly created
 *	symlink and its data.
 * Input:
 *	GPtr - global scavenger pointer
 * Output:
 *	returns zero on success/partial success (moving of one extent succeeds),
 *			non-zero on failure.
static OSErr FixOverlappingExtents(SGlobPtr GPtr)
	OSErr err = noErr;
	Boolean isHFSPlus;
	unsigned int i;
	unsigned int numOverlapExtents = 0;
	ExtentInfo *extentInfo;
	ExtentsTable **extentsTableH = GPtr->overlappedExtents;

	unsigned int status = 0;
#define S_DISKFULL			0x01	/* error due to disk full */
#define	S_MOVEEXTENT		0x02	/* moving extent succeeded */

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus();
	if (isHFSPlus == false) {
		/* Do not repair plain HFS volumes */
		err = R_RFail;
		goto out;

	if (extentsTableH == NULL) {
		/* No overlapping extents exist */
		goto out;

	numOverlapExtents = (**extentsTableH).count;

	/* Optimization - sort the overlap extent list based on blockCount to 
	 * start allocating contiguous space for largest number of blocks first
	qsort((**extentsTableH).extentInfo, numOverlapExtents, sizeof(ExtentInfo), 

	/* Print all overlapping extents structure */
	for (i=0; i<numOverlapExtents; i++) {
		extentInfo	= &((**extentsTableH).extentInfo[i]);
		plog ("%d: fileID = %d, startBlock = %d, blockCount = %d\n", i, extentInfo->fileID, extentInfo->startBlock, extentInfo->blockCount);

	/* Pre-allocate free space for all overlapping extents */
	for (i=0; i<numOverlapExtents; i++) {
		extentInfo	= &((**extentsTableH).extentInfo[i]);
		err = AllocateContigBitmapBits (GPtr->calculatedVCB, extentInfo->blockCount, &(extentInfo->newStartBlock));
		if ((err != noErr)) {
			/* Not enough disk space */
			status |= S_DISKFULL;
			plog ("%s: Not enough disk space to allocate extent for fileID = %d (start=%d, count=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extentInfo->fileID, extentInfo->startBlock, extentInfo->blockCount);

	/* For every extent info, copy the extent into new location and create symlink */
	for (i=0; i<numOverlapExtents; i++) {
		extentInfo	= &((**extentsTableH).extentInfo[i]);

		/* Do not repair this extent as no new extent was allocated */
		if (extentInfo->newStartBlock == 0) {

		/* Move extent data to new location */
		err	= MoveExtent(GPtr, extentInfo);
		if (err != noErr) {
			extentInfo->didRepair = false;
			plog ("%s: Extent move failed for extent for fileID = %u (old=%u, new=%u, count=%u) (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extentInfo->fileID, extentInfo->startBlock, extentInfo->newStartBlock, extentInfo->blockCount, err);
		} else {
			/* Mark the overlapping extent as repaired */
			extentInfo->didRepair = true;
			status |= S_MOVEEXTENT;
			plog ("%s: Extent move success for extent for fileID = %u (old=%u, new=%u, count=%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, extentInfo->fileID, extentInfo->startBlock, extentInfo->newStartBlock, extentInfo->blockCount);

		/* Create symlink for the corrupt file */
		err = CreateCorruptFileSymlink(GPtr, extentInfo->fileID);
		if (err != noErr) {
			plog ("%s: Error in creating symlink for fileID = %d (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extentInfo->fileID, err);
		} else {
			plog ("%s: Created symlink for fileID = %u (old=%u, new=%u, count=%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, extentInfo->fileID, extentInfo->startBlock, extentInfo->newStartBlock, extentInfo->blockCount);

	/* Release all blocks used by overlap extents that are repaired */
	for (i=0; i<numOverlapExtents; i++) {
		extentInfo	= &((**extentsTableH).extentInfo[i]);
		if (extentInfo->didRepair == true) {
			ReleaseBitmapBits (extentInfo->startBlock, extentInfo->blockCount);

	/* For all un-repaired extents, 
	 *	1. Release all blocks allocated for new extent.
	 *	2. Mark all blocks used for the old extent (since the overlapping region
	 *	have been marked free in the for loop above.
	for (i=0; i<numOverlapExtents; i++) {
		extentInfo	= &((**extentsTableH).extentInfo[i]);
		if (extentInfo->didRepair == false) {
			CaptureBitmapBits (extentInfo->startBlock, extentInfo->blockCount);

			if (extentInfo->newStartBlock != 0) {
				ReleaseBitmapBits (extentInfo->newStartBlock, extentInfo->blockCount);

	/* Update the volume free block count since the release and alloc above might
	 * have worked on same bit multiple times.
	UpdateFreeBlockCount (GPtr);

	/* Print correct status messages */
	if (status & S_DISKFULL) {
		fsckPrint(GPtr->context, E_DiskFull);
	/* If moving of even one extent succeeds, return success */
	if (status & S_MOVEEXTENT) {
		err = noErr;

	return err;
} /* FixOverlappingExtents */

/* Function: CompareExtentBlockCount
 * Description: Compares the blockCount from two ExtentInfo and return the
 * comparison result. (since we have to arrange in descending order)
 * Input:
 *	first and second - void pointers to ExtentInfo structure.
 * Output:
 *	<0 if first > second
 * 	=0 if first == second
 *	>0 if first < second
static int CompareExtentBlockCount(const void *first, const void *second)
	return (((ExtentInfo *)second)->blockCount - 
			((ExtentInfo *)first)->blockCount);
} /* CompareExtentBlockCount */

/* Function: MoveExtent
 * Description: Move data from old extent to new extent and update corresponding
 * records.
 * 1. Search the extent record for the overlapping extent.
 *		If the fileID < kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID, 
 *			Ignore repair for BadBlock, RepairCatalog, BogusExtent files.
 *			Search for extent record in volume header. 
 *		Else, 
 *			Search for extent record in catalog BTree.  If the extent list does
 *			not end in catalog record and extent record not found in catalog
 *			record, search in extents BTree.
 * 2. If found, copy disk blocks from old extent to new extent.  
 * 3. If it succeeds, update extent record with new start block and write back
 *    to disk.
 * This function does not take care to deallocate blocks from old start block.
 * Input: 
 *	GPtr - Global Scavenger structure pointer
 *  extentInfo - Current overlapping extent details.
 * Output:
 * 	err: zero on success, non-zero on failure
 *		paramErr - Invalid paramter, ex. file ID is less than
 *		kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID.  
static OSErr MoveExtent(SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo)
	OSErr err = noErr;
	Boolean isHFSPlus;

	CatalogRecord catRecord;
	CatalogKey catKey;
	HFSPlusExtentKey extentKey;
	HFSPlusExtentRecord extentData;
	HFSPlusAttrKey attrKey;
	HFSPlusAttrRecord attrRecord;
	UInt16 recordSize;

	enum locationTypes {volumeHeader, catalogBTree, extentsBTree, attributeBTree} foundLocation;

	UInt32 foundExtentIndex = 0;
	Boolean noMoreExtents = true;
	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus();

	/* Find correct location of this overlapping extent */
	if (extentInfo->forkType == kEAData) {
		assert(isHFSPlus == true);

		/* Search extent in attribute btree */
		err = SearchExtentInAttributeBT (GPtr, extentInfo, &attrKey, &attrRecord, 
										&recordSize, &foundExtentIndex);
		if (err != noErr) {
			goto out;
		foundLocation = attributeBTree;
	} else { /* kDataFork or kRsrcFork */
		if (extentInfo->fileID < kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID) {
			/* Ignore these fileIDs in repair.  Bad block file blocks should 
			 * never be moved.  kHFSRepairCatalogFileID and kHFSBogusExtentFileID
			 * are temporary runtime files.  We need to return error to the  caller
			 * to deallocate disk blocks preallocated during preflight
			 * to move the overlapping extents.  Any other extent that overlaps
			 * with these extents might have moved successfully, thus repairing
			 * the problem.
			if ((extentInfo->fileID == kHFSBadBlockFileID) ||
				(extentInfo->fileID == kHFSBogusExtentFileID) ||
				(extentInfo->fileID == kHFSRepairCatalogFileID)) {
				err = paramErr;
				goto out;
			/* Search for extent record in the volume header */
			err = SearchExtentInVH (GPtr, extentInfo, &foundExtentIndex, &noMoreExtents);
			foundLocation = volumeHeader;
		} else {
			/* Search the extent record from the catalog btree */
			err = SearchExtentInCatalogBT (GPtr, extentInfo, &catKey, &catRecord, 
										  &recordSize, &foundExtentIndex, &noMoreExtents);
			foundLocation = catalogBTree;
		if (err != noErr) {
			if (noMoreExtents == false) { 
				/* search extent in extents overflow btree */
				err = SearchExtentInExtentBT (GPtr, extentInfo, &extentKey, 
											  &extentData, &recordSize, &foundExtentIndex);
				foundLocation = extentsBTree;
				if (err != noErr) {
					DPRINTF (d_error|d_overlap, "%s: No matching extent record found in extents btree for fileID = %d (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extentInfo->fileID, err);
					goto out;
			} else {
				/* No more extents exist for this file */
				DPRINTF (d_error|d_overlap, "%s: No matching extent record found for fileID = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, extentInfo->fileID);
				goto out;
	/* Copy disk blocks from old extent to new extent */
	err = CopyDiskBlocks(GPtr, extentInfo->startBlock, extentInfo->blockCount, 
	if (err != noErr) {
		DPRINTF (d_error|d_overlap, "%s: Error in copying disk blocks for fileID = %d (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extentInfo->fileID, err);
		goto out;
	/* Replace the old start block in extent record with new start block */
	if (foundLocation == catalogBTree) {
		err = UpdateExtentInCatalogBT(GPtr, extentInfo, &catKey, &catRecord, 
									  &recordSize, foundExtentIndex);
	} else if (foundLocation == volumeHeader) {
		err = UpdateExtentInVH(GPtr, extentInfo, foundExtentIndex);
	} else if (foundLocation == extentsBTree) {
		extentData[foundExtentIndex].startBlock = extentInfo->newStartBlock;
		err = UpdateExtentRecord(GPtr->calculatedVCB, NULL, &extentKey, extentData, kNoHint);
	} else if (foundLocation == attributeBTree) {
		err = UpdateExtentInAttributeBT(GPtr, extentInfo, &attrKey, &attrRecord,
										&recordSize, foundExtentIndex);

	if (err != noErr) {
	        DPRINTF (d_error|d_overlap, "%s: Error in updating extent record for fileID = %d (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extentInfo->fileID, err);
		goto out;

	return err;
} /* MoveExtent */

/* Function: CreateCorruptFileSymlink
 * Description: Create symlink to point to the corrupt files that might
 * have data loss due to repair (overlapping extents, bad extents)
 * The function looks up directory with name "DamagedFiles" in the 
 * root of the file system being repaired.  If it does not exists, it 
 * creates the directory.  The symlink to damaged file is created in this
 * directory.
 * If fileID >= kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID,
 *	Lookup the filename and path to the file based on file ID.  Create the
 *	new file name as "fileID filename" and data as the relative path of the file
 *	from the root of the volume.
 *	If either
 *		the volume is plain HFS, or
 *		the length of the path pointed by data is greater than PATH_MAX, or
 *		the length of any intermediate path component is greater than NAME_MAX,
 *		Create a plain file with given data.
 *	Else
 *		Create a symlink.
 * Else	
 *	Find the name of file based on ID (ie. Catalog BTree, etc), and create plain
 *	regular file with name "fileID filename" and data as "System File:
 *	filename".
 * Input:
 *	1. GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer.
 * 	2. fileID - fileID of the source for creating symlink
 * Output:
 * 	returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.
 *		memFullErr - Not enough memory
static OSErr CreateCorruptFileSymlink(SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 fileID)
	OSErr err = noErr;
	Boolean isHFSPlus;
	char *filename = NULL;
	unsigned int filenamelen; 
	char *data = NULL;
	unsigned int datalen;
	unsigned int filenameoffset;
	unsigned int dataoffset;
	UInt32 damagedDirID;
	UInt16 status;
	UInt16 fileType;
	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus();
	/* Lookup and create, if required, the DamagedFiles folder */
	damagedDirID = CreateDirByName(GPtr, (u_char *)"DamagedFiles", kHFSRootFolderID);
	if (damagedDirID == 0) {
		goto out;

	/* Allocate (kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars * 4) for unicode - utf8 conversion */
	filenamelen = kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars * 4;
	filename = malloc(filenamelen);
	if (!filename) {
		err = memFullErr;
		goto out;

	/* Allocate (PATH_MAX * 4) instead of PATH_MAX for unicode - utf8 conversion */
	datalen = PATH_MAX * 4;
	data = malloc(datalen);
	if (!data) {
		err = memFullErr;
		goto out;

	/* Find filename, path for fileID >= 16 and determine new fileType */
	if (fileID >= kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID) {
		char *name;
		char *path;

		/* construct symlink data with .. prefix */
		dataoffset = sprintf (data, "..");
		path = data + dataoffset;
		datalen -= dataoffset;

		/* construct new filename prefix with fileID<space> */
		filenameoffset = sprintf (filename, "%08x ", fileID);
		name = filename + filenameoffset;
		filenamelen -= filenameoffset;

		/* find file name and path (data for symlink) for fileID */
		err = GetFileNamePathByID(GPtr, fileID, path, &datalen, 
								  name, &filenamelen, &status);
		if (err != noErr) {
			plog ("%s: Error in getting name/path for fileID = %d (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, fileID, err);
			goto out;

		/* update length of path and filename */
		filenamelen += filenameoffset;
		datalen += dataoffset;

		/* If 
		 * (1) the volume is plain HFS volume, or
		 * (2) any intermediate component in path was more than NAME_MAX bytes, or
		 * (3) the entire path was greater than PATH_MAX bytes 
		 * then create regular file
		 * else create symlink.
		if (!isHFSPlus || (status & FPATH_BIGNAME) || (datalen > PATH_MAX)) {
			/* create file */
			fileType = S_IFREG;
		} else {
			/* create symlink */
			fileType = S_IFLNK;
	} else {
		/* for fileID < 16, create regular file */
		fileType = S_IFREG;

		/* construct the name of the file */
		filenameoffset = sprintf (filename, "%08x ", fileID);
		filenamelen -= filenameoffset;
		err = GetSystemFileName (fileID, (filename + filenameoffset), &filenamelen);
		filenamelen += filenameoffset;
		/* construct the data of the file */
		dataoffset = sprintf (data, "System File: ");
		datalen -= dataoffset;
		err = GetSystemFileName (fileID, (data + dataoffset), &datalen);
		datalen += dataoffset;

	/* Create new file */
	err = CreateFileByName (GPtr, damagedDirID, fileType, (u_char *)filename, 
							filenamelen, (u_char *)data, datalen);
	/* Mask error if file already exists */
	if (err == EEXIST) {
		err = noErr;
	if (err != noErr) {
		plog ("%s: Error in creating fileType = %d for fileID = %d (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, fileType, fileID, err);	
		goto out;

	if (err) {
		if ((GPtr->PrintStat & S_SymlinkCreate) == 0) {
			fsckPrint(GPtr->context, E_SymlinkCreate);
			GPtr->PrintStat|= S_SymlinkCreate;
	} else {
		if ((GPtr->PrintStat & S_DamagedDir) == 0) {
			fsckPrint(GPtr->context, fsckCorruptFilesDirectory, "DamagedFiles");
			GPtr->PrintStat|= S_DamagedDir;

	if (data) {
		free (data);
	if (filename) {
		free (filename);

	return err;
} /* CreateCorruptFileSymlink */

/* Function: SearchExtentInAttributeBT
 * Description: Search extent with given information (fileID, attribute name, 
 * startBlock, blockCount) in the attribute BTree.  
 * Input:
 *	1. GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer.
 *	2. extentInfo - Information about extent to be searched.
 * Output:
 *	Returns zero on success, fnfErr on failure.
 *	1. *attrKey - Attribute key for given fileID and attribute name, if found.
 *	2. *attrRecord - Attribute record for given fileID and attribute name, if found.
 *	3. *recordSize - Size of the record being returned.
 * 	4. *foundExtentIndex - Index in extent record which matches the input data. 
static OSErr SearchExtentInAttributeBT(SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo, 
				HFSPlusAttrKey *attrKey, HFSPlusAttrRecord *attrRecord, 
				UInt16 *recordSize, UInt32 *foundExtentIndex)
	OSErr result = fnfErr; 
	BTreeIterator iterator;
	FSBufferDescriptor btRecord;
	HFSPlusAttrKey *key;
	Boolean noMoreExtents;
	unsigned char *attrname = NULL;
	size_t attrnamelen;

	assert((extentInfo->attrname != NULL));

	attrname = malloc (XATTR_MAXNAMELEN + 1);
	if (!attrname) {
		result = memFullErr;
		goto out;

	/* Initialize the iterator, attribute record buffer, and attribute key */
	ClearMemory(&iterator, sizeof(BTreeIterator));
	key = (HFSPlusAttrKey *)&iterator.key;
	attrnamelen = strlen(extentInfo->attrname);
	BuildAttributeKey(extentInfo->fileID, 0, (unsigned char *)extentInfo->attrname, attrnamelen, key);

	btRecord.bufferAddress = attrRecord;
	btRecord.itemCount = 1;
	btRecord.itemSize = sizeof(HFSPlusAttrRecord);

	/* Search for the attribute record 
	 * Warning: Attribute record of type kHFSPlusAttrInlineData may be 
	 * truncated on read! (4425232).  This function only uses recordType 
	 * field from inline attribute record.
	result = BTSearchRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, &iterator, 
				kInvalidMRUCacheKey, &btRecord, recordSize, &iterator);
	if (result) {
		DPRINTF (d_error|d_overlap, "%s: Error finding attribute record (err=%d) for fileID = %d, attrname = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, result, extentInfo->fileID, extentInfo->attrname);
		goto out;	
	/* Search the attribute record for overlapping extent.  If found, return
	 * success.  If not, iterate to the next record.  If it is a valid 
	 * attribute extent record belonging to the same attribute, search 
	 * for the desired extent.
	while (1) {
		if (attrRecord->recordType == kHFSPlusAttrForkData) {
			result = FindExtentInExtentRec(true, extentInfo->startBlock, 
					extentInfo->blockCount, attrRecord->forkData.theFork.extents,
					foundExtentIndex, &noMoreExtents);
			if ((result == noErr) || (noMoreExtents == true)) {
				goto out;
		} else if (attrRecord->recordType == kHFSPlusAttrExtents) {
			result = FindExtentInExtentRec(true, extentInfo->startBlock, 
					extentInfo->blockCount, attrRecord->overflowExtents.extents,
					foundExtentIndex, &noMoreExtents);
			if ((result == noErr) || (noMoreExtents == true)) {
				goto out;
		} else { 
			/* Invalid attribute record.  This function should not find any 
			 * attribute record except forkData and AttrExtents.
			result = fnfErr;
			goto out;
		/* Iterate to the next record
	 	 * Warning: Attribute record of type kHFSPlusAttrInlineData may be 
	 	 * truncated on read! (4425232).  This function only uses recordType 
		 * field from inline attribute record.
		result = BTIterateRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, kBTreeNextRecord, 
					&iterator, &btRecord, recordSize); 
		if (result) {
			goto out;

		(void) utf_encodestr(key->attrName, key->attrNameLen * 2, attrname, &attrnamelen, XATTR_MAXNAMELEN + 1);
		attrname[attrnamelen] = '\0';

		/* Check if the attribute record belongs to the same attribute */
		if ((key->fileID != extentInfo->fileID) ||
			(strcmp((char *)attrname, extentInfo->attrname))) {
			/* The attribute record belongs to another attribute */
			result = fnfErr;
			goto out;

	/* Copy the correct key to the caller */
	if (result == noErr) {
		CopyMemory(key, attrKey, sizeof(HFSPlusAttrKey));

	if (attrname != NULL) {
		free (attrname);
	return (result);

/* Function: UpdateExtentInAttributeBT
 * Description: Update extent record with given information (fileID, startBlock,
 * blockCount) in attribute BTree.
 * Input:
 *	1. GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer.
 *	2. extentInfo - Information about extent to be searched.
 *	3. *attrKey - Attribute key for record to update.
 *	4. *attrRecord - Attribute record to update.
 *	5. *recordSize - Size of the record.
 *	6. foundExtentIndex - Index in extent record to update.
 * Output:
 *	Returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.
static OSErr UpdateExtentInAttributeBT (SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo,
				HFSPlusAttrKey *attrKey, HFSPlusAttrRecord *attrRecord, 
				UInt16 *recordSize, UInt32 foundInExtentIndex)
	OSErr err;
	UInt32 foundHint;

	assert ((attrRecord->recordType == kHFSPlusAttrForkData) ||
			(attrRecord->recordType == kHFSPlusAttrExtents));

	/* Update the new start block count in the extent */
	if (attrRecord->recordType == kHFSPlusAttrForkData) {
		attrRecord->forkData.theFork.extents[foundInExtentIndex].startBlock = 
	} else if (attrRecord->recordType == kHFSPlusAttrExtents) {
		attrRecord->overflowExtents.extents[foundInExtentIndex].startBlock = 

	/* Replace the attribute record.
 	 * Warning: Attribute record of type kHFSPlusAttrInlineData may be 
 	 * truncated on read! (4425232).  
	err = ReplaceBTreeRecord (GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, attrKey, kNoHint, 
							  attrRecord, *recordSize, &foundHint);
	return (err);

/* Function: SearchExtentInVH
 * Description: Search extent with given information (fileID, startBlock,
 * blockCount) in volume header.  
 * Input:
 *	1. GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer.
 *	2. extentInfo - Information about extent to be searched.
 * Output:
 *	Returns zero on success, fnfErr on failure.
 *	1. *foundExtentIndex - Index in extent record which matches the input data. 
 *	2. *noMoreExtents - Indicates that no more extents will exist for this
 *	fileID in extents BTree.
static OSErr SearchExtentInVH(SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo, UInt32 *foundExtentIndex, Boolean *noMoreExtents)
	OSErr err = fnfErr;
	Boolean isHFSPlus;
	SFCB *fcb = NULL;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus();
	*noMoreExtents = true;
	/* Find correct FCB structure */
	switch (extentInfo->fileID) {
		case kHFSExtentsFileID:
			fcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbExtentsFile;

		case kHFSCatalogFileID:
			fcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbCatalogFile;

		case kHFSAllocationFileID:
			fcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbAllocationFile;

		case kHFSStartupFileID:
			fcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbStartupFile;
		case kHFSAttributesFileID:
			fcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbAttributesFile;

	/* If extent found, find correct extent index */
	if (fcb != NULL) {
		if (isHFSPlus) {
			err = FindExtentInExtentRec(isHFSPlus, extentInfo->startBlock, 
										extentInfo->blockCount, fcb->fcbExtents32, 
										foundExtentIndex, noMoreExtents);
		} else {
			err = FindExtentInExtentRec(isHFSPlus, extentInfo->startBlock, 
										(*(HFSPlusExtentRecord *)fcb->fcbExtents16),
										foundExtentIndex, noMoreExtents);
	return err;
} /* SearchExtentInVH */

/* Function: UpdateExtentInVH
 * Description:	Update the extent record for given fileID and index in the
 * volume header with new start block.  
 * Input:
 *	1. GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer.
 *	2. extentInfo - Information about extent to be searched.
 *	3. foundExtentIndex - Index in extent record to update.
 * Output:
 *	Returns zero on success, fnfErr on failure.  This function will fail an
 *	incorrect fileID is passed.
static OSErr UpdateExtentInVH (SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo, UInt32 foundExtentIndex)
	OSErr err = fnfErr;
	Boolean isHFSPlus;
	SFCB *fcb = NULL;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus();
	/* Find correct FCB structure */
	switch (extentInfo->fileID) {
		case kHFSExtentsFileID:
			fcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbExtentsFile;

		case kHFSCatalogFileID:
			fcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbCatalogFile;

		case kHFSAllocationFileID:
			fcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbAllocationFile;

		case kHFSStartupFileID:
			fcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbStartupFile;
		case kHFSAttributesFileID:
			fcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbAttributesFile;

	/* If extent found, find correct extent index */
	if (fcb != NULL) {
		if (isHFSPlus) {
			fcb->fcbExtents32[foundExtentIndex].startBlock = extentInfo->newStartBlock;
		} else {
			fcb->fcbExtents16[foundExtentIndex].startBlock = extentInfo->newStartBlock;
		err = noErr;
	return err;
} /* UpdateExtentInVH */

/* Function: SearchExtentInCatalogBT
 * Description: Search extent with given information (fileID, startBlock,
 * blockCount) in catalog BTree.
 * Input:
 *	1. GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer.
 *	2. extentInfo - Information about extent to be searched.
 * Output:
 *	Returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.
 *	1. *catKey - Catalog key for given fileID, if found.
 *	2. *catRecord - Catalog record for given fileID, if found.
 *	3. *recordSize - Size of the record being returned.
 *	4. *foundExtentIndex - Index in extent record which matches the input data. 
 *	5. *noMoreExtents - Indicates that no more extents will exist for this
 *	fileID in extents BTree.
static OSErr SearchExtentInCatalogBT(SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo, CatalogKey *catKey, CatalogRecord *catRecord, UInt16 *recordSize, UInt32 *foundExtentIndex, Boolean *noMoreExtents)
	OSErr err;
	Boolean isHFSPlus;
	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus();

	/* Search catalog btree for this file ID */
	err = GetCatalogRecord(GPtr, extentInfo->fileID, isHFSPlus, catKey, catRecord, 
	if (err != noErr) {
		plog ("%s: No matching catalog record found for fileID = %d (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extentInfo->fileID, err);
		goto out;

	if (isHFSPlus) {
		/* HFS Plus */
		if (extentInfo->forkType == kDataFork) {	
			/* data fork */
			err = FindExtentInExtentRec(isHFSPlus, extentInfo->startBlock, 
										foundExtentIndex, noMoreExtents);
		} else { 
			/* resource fork */
			err = FindExtentInExtentRec(isHFSPlus, extentInfo->startBlock, 
										foundExtentIndex, noMoreExtents);
	} else {
		/* HFS */
		if (extentInfo->forkType == kDataFork) {	
			/* data fork */
			err = FindExtentInExtentRec(isHFSPlus, extentInfo->startBlock, 
										(*(HFSPlusExtentRecord *)catRecord->hfsFile.dataExtents),
										foundExtentIndex, noMoreExtents);
		} else { 
			/* resource fork */
			err = FindExtentInExtentRec(isHFSPlus, extentInfo->startBlock, 
										(*(HFSPlusExtentRecord *)catRecord->hfsFile.rsrcExtents),
										foundExtentIndex, noMoreExtents);

	return err;
} /* SearchExtentInCatalogBT */

/* Function: UpdateExtentInCatalogBT
 * Description: Update extent record with given information (fileID, startBlock,
 * blockCount) in catalog BTree.
 * Input:
 *	1. GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer.
 *	2. extentInfo - Information about extent to be searched.
 *	3. *catKey - Catalog key for record to update.
 *	4. *catRecord - Catalog record to update.
 *	5. *recordSize - Size of the record.
 *	6. foundExtentIndex - Index in extent record to update.
 * Output:
 *	Returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.
static OSErr UpdateExtentInCatalogBT (SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo, CatalogKey *catKey, CatalogRecord *catRecord, UInt16 *recordSize, UInt32 foundInExtentIndex)
	OSErr err;
	Boolean isHFSPlus;
	UInt32 foundHint;
	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus();

	/* Modify the catalog record */
	if (isHFSPlus) {
		if (extentInfo->forkType == kDataFork) {
			catRecord->hfsPlusFile.dataFork.extents[foundInExtentIndex].startBlock = extentInfo->newStartBlock;
		} else {
			catRecord->hfsPlusFile.resourceFork.extents[foundInExtentIndex].startBlock = extentInfo->newStartBlock;
	} else {
		if (extentInfo->forkType == kDataFork) {
			catRecord->hfsFile.dataExtents[foundInExtentIndex].startBlock = extentInfo->newStartBlock;
		} else {
			catRecord->hfsFile.rsrcExtents[foundInExtentIndex].startBlock = extentInfo->newStartBlock;

	/* Replace the catalog record */
	err = ReplaceBTreeRecord (GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, catKey, kNoHint, 
							  catRecord, *recordSize, &foundHint);
	if (err != noErr) {
		plog ("%s: Error in replacing catalog record for fileID = %d (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extentInfo->fileID, err);
	return err;
} /* UpdateExtentInCatalogBT */

/* Function: SearchExtentInExtentBT
 * Description: Search extent with given information (fileID, startBlock,
 * blockCount) in Extent BTree.
 * Input:
 *	1. GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer.
 *	2. extentInfo - Information about extent to be searched.
 * Output:
 *	Returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.
 *		fnfErr - desired extent record was not found.
 *	1. *extentKey - Extent key, if found.
 *	2. *extentRecord - Extent record, if found.
 *	3. *recordSize - Size of the record being returned.
 *	4. *foundExtentIndex - Index in extent record which matches the input data. 
static OSErr SearchExtentInExtentBT(SGlobPtr GPtr, ExtentInfo *extentInfo, HFSPlusExtentKey *extentKey, HFSPlusExtentRecord *extentRecord, UInt16 *recordSize, UInt32 *foundExtentIndex) 
	OSErr err = noErr;
	Boolean isHFSPlus;
	Boolean noMoreExtents = true;
	UInt32 hint;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus();

	/* set up extent key */
	BuildExtentKey (isHFSPlus, extentInfo->forkType, extentInfo->fileID, 0, extentKey);
	err = SearchBTreeRecord (GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, extentKey, kNoHint, 
							 extentKey, extentRecord, recordSize, &hint);
	if ((err != noErr) && (err != btNotFound)) {
		plog ("%s: Error on searching first record for fileID = %d in Extents Btree (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extentInfo->fileID, err);
		goto out;
	if (err == btNotFound)
		/* Position to the first record for the given fileID */
		err = GetBTreeRecord (GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, 1, extentKey, 
							  extentRecord, recordSize, &hint);
	while (err == noErr)
		/* Break out if we see different fileID, forkType in the BTree */
		if (isHFSPlus) {
			if ((extentKey->fileID != extentInfo->fileID) || 
				(extentKey->forkType != extentInfo->forkType)) {
				err = fnfErr;
		} else {
			if ((((HFSExtentKey *)extentKey)->fileID != extentInfo->fileID) || 
				(((HFSExtentKey *)extentKey)->forkType != extentInfo->forkType)) {
				err = fnfErr;

		/* Check the extents record for corresponding startBlock, blockCount */
		err = FindExtentInExtentRec(isHFSPlus, extentInfo->startBlock, 
									extentInfo->blockCount, *extentRecord,
									foundExtentIndex, &noMoreExtents);
		if (err == noErr) {
		if (noMoreExtents == true) {
			err = fnfErr;

		/* Try next record for this fileID and forkType */
		err = GetBTreeRecord (GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, 1, extentKey, 
							  extentRecord, recordSize, &hint);
	return err;
} /* SearchExtentInExtentBT */

/* Function: FindExtentInExtentRec
 * Description: Traverse the given extent record (size based on if the volume is
 * HFS or HFSPlus volume) and find the index location if the given startBlock
 * and blockCount match.
 * Input:
 *	1. isHFSPlus - If the volume is plain HFS or HFS Plus.
 *	2. startBlock - startBlock to be searched in extent record.
 *	3. blockCount - blockCount to be searched in extent record.
 *	4. extentData - Extent Record to be searched.
 * Output:
 *	Returns zero if the match is found, else fnfErr on failure.
 *	1. *foundExtentIndex - Index in extent record which matches the input data. 
 *	2. *noMoreExtents - Indicates that no more extents exist after this extent
 *	record.
static OSErr FindExtentInExtentRec (Boolean isHFSPlus, UInt32 startBlock, UInt32 blockCount, const HFSPlusExtentRecord extentData, UInt32 *foundExtentIndex, Boolean *noMoreExtents)
	OSErr err = noErr;
	UInt32 numOfExtents;
	Boolean foundExtent;
	int i;

	foundExtent = false;
	*noMoreExtents = false;
	*foundExtentIndex = 0;

	if (isHFSPlus) {
		numOfExtents = kHFSPlusExtentDensity;
	} else {
		numOfExtents = kHFSExtentDensity;
	for (i=0; i<numOfExtents; i++) {
		if (extentData[i].blockCount == 0) {
			/* no more extents left to check */
			*noMoreExtents = true;
		if ((startBlock == extentData[i].startBlock) &&
			(blockCount == extentData[i].blockCount)) {
			foundExtent = true;
			*foundExtentIndex = i;

	if (foundExtent == false) {
		err = fnfErr;

	return err;
} /* FindExtentInExtentRec */

/* Function: GetSystemFileName
 * Description: Return the name of the system file based on fileID
 * Input:
 *	1. fileID - fileID whose name is to be returned.
 *	2. *filenamelen - length of filename buffer.
 * Output:
 *	1. *filename - filename, is limited by the length of filename buffer passed
 *	in *filenamelen.
 *	2. *filenamelen - length of the filename
 *	Always returns zero.
OSErr GetSystemFileName(UInt32 fileID, char *filename, unsigned int *filenamelen)
	OSErr err = noErr;
	unsigned int len;

	if (filename) {
		len = *filenamelen - 1;
		switch (fileID) {
			case kHFSExtentsFileID:
				strncpy (filename, "Extents Overflow BTree", len);

			case kHFSCatalogFileID:
				strncpy (filename, "Catalog BTree", len); 

			case kHFSAllocationFileID:
				strncpy (filename, "Allocation File", len); 

			case kHFSStartupFileID:
				strncpy (filename, "Startup File", len); 
			case kHFSAttributesFileID:
				strncpy (filename, "Attributes BTree", len); 

			case kHFSBadBlockFileID:
				strncpy (filename, "Bad Allocation File", len); 

			case kHFSRepairCatalogFileID:
				strncpy (filename, "Repair Catalog File", len); 

			case kHFSBogusExtentFileID:
				strncpy (filename, "Bogus Extents File", len); 

				strncpy (filename, "Unknown File", len); 
		filename[len] = '\0';
		*filenamelen = strlen (filename);
	return err;

/* structure to store the intermediate path components during BTree traversal.
 * This is used as a LIFO linked list 
struct fsPathString
	char *name;
	unsigned int namelen;
	struct fsPathString *childPtr;

/* Function: GetFileNamePathByID 
 * Description: Return the file/directory name and/or full path by ID.  The
 * length of the strings returned is limited by string lengths passed as
 * parameters. 
 * The function lookups catalog thread record for given fileID and its parents
 * until it reaches the Root Folder.
 * Note:
 * 	1. The path returned currently does not return mangled names. 
 *	2. Either one or both of fullPath and fileName can be NULL.  
 *	3. fullPath and fileName are returned as NULL-terminated UTF8 strings. 
 *	4. Returns error if fileID < kHFSFirstUserCatalogID.
 * Input:
 *	1. GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer
 *	2. fileID - fileID for the target file/directory for finding the path
 *	3. fullPathLen - size of array to return full path
 *	4. fileNameLen - size of array to return file name
 * Output:
 *	Return value: zero on success, non-zero on failure
 *		memFullErr - Not enough memory
 *		paramErr - Invalid paramter
 *	The data in *fileNameLen and *fullPathLen is undefined on error.
 *	1. fullPath - If fullPath is non-NULL, full path of file/directory is
 *	returned (size limited by fullPathLen)
 *	2. *fullPathLen - length of fullPath returned.
 *	3. fileName - If fileName is non-NULL, file name of fileID is returned (size
 *	limited by fileNameLen).
 *	4. *fileNameLen - length of fileName returned.
 *	5. *status - status of operation, any of the following bits can be set
 *	(defined in dfalib/Scavenger.h).
 *		FNAME_BUF2SMALL	- filename buffer is too small.
 *		FNAME_BIGNAME	- filename is more than NAME_MAX bytes.
 *		FPATH_BUF2SMALL	- path buffer is too small.
 *		FPATH_BIGNAME	- one or more intermediate path component is greater
 *						  than NAME_MAX bytes.
 *		F_RESERVE_FILEID- fileID is less than kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID.
OSErr GetFileNamePathByID(SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 fileID, char *fullPath, unsigned int *fullPathLen, char *fileName, unsigned int *fileNameLen, u_int16_t *status)
	OSErr err = noErr;
	Boolean isHFSPlus;
	UInt16 recordSize;
	UInt16 curStatus = 0;
	UInt32 hint;
	CatalogKey catKey;
	CatalogRecord catRecord;
	struct fsPathString *listHeadPtr = NULL;
	struct fsPathString *listTailPtr = NULL;
	struct fsPathString *curPtr = NULL;
	u_char *filename = NULL;
	size_t namelen;

	if (!fullPath && !fileName) {
		goto out;

	if (fileID < kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID) {
		curStatus = F_RESERVE_FILEID;
		err = paramErr;
		goto out;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus();

	if (isHFSPlus) {
		filename = malloc(kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars * 3 + 1);
	} else {
		filename = malloc(kHFSMaxFileNameChars + 1);
	if (!filename) {
		err = memFullErr;
		plog ("%s: Not enough memory (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, err);
		goto out;

	while (fileID != kHFSRootFolderID) {
		/* lookup for thread record for this fileID */
		BuildCatalogKey(fileID, NULL, isHFSPlus, &catKey);
		err = SearchBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &catKey, kNoHint,
								&catKey, &catRecord, &recordSize, &hint);
		if (err) {
			plog ("%s: Error finding thread record for fileID = %d (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, fileID, err);
			goto out;

		/* Check if this is indeed a thread record */
		if ((catRecord.hfsPlusThread.recordType != kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord) &&
			(catRecord.hfsPlusThread.recordType != kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord) &&
		    (catRecord.hfsThread.recordType != kHFSFileThreadRecord) &&
		    (catRecord.hfsThread.recordType != kHFSFolderThreadRecord)) {
			err = paramErr;
			plog ("%s: Error finding valid thread record for fileID = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, fileID);
			goto out;
		/* Convert the name string to utf8 */
		if (isHFSPlus) {
			(void) utf_encodestr(catRecord.hfsPlusThread.nodeName.unicode, 
								 catRecord.hfsPlusThread.nodeName.length * 2,
								 filename, &namelen, kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars * 3 + 1);
		} else {
			namelen = catRecord.hfsThread.nodeName[0];
			memcpy (filename, catKey.hfs.nodeName, namelen);

		/* Store the path name in LIFO linked list */
		curPtr = malloc(sizeof(struct fsPathString));
		if (!curPtr) {
			err = memFullErr;
			plog ("%s: Not enough memory (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, err);
			goto out;

		/* Do not NULL terminate the string */
		curPtr->namelen = namelen;
		curPtr->name = malloc(namelen);
		if (!curPtr->name) {
			err = memFullErr;
			plog ("%s: Not enough memory (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, err);
		memcpy (curPtr->name, filename, namelen); 
		curPtr->childPtr = listHeadPtr;
		listHeadPtr = curPtr;
		if (listTailPtr == NULL) {
			listTailPtr = curPtr;
		/* lookup for parentID */
		if (isHFSPlus) {
			fileID = catRecord.hfsPlusThread.parentID;
		} else {
			fileID = catRecord.hfsThread.parentID;
		/* no need to find entire path, bail out */
		if (fullPath == NULL) {

	/* return the name of the file/directory */
	if (fileName) {
		/* Do not overflow the buffer length passed */
		if (*fileNameLen < (listTailPtr->namelen + 1)) {
			*fileNameLen = *fileNameLen - 1;
			curStatus |= FNAME_BUF2SMALL;
		} else {
			*fileNameLen = listTailPtr->namelen;
		if (*fileNameLen > NAME_MAX) {
			curStatus |= FNAME_BIGNAME;
		memcpy (fileName, listTailPtr->name, *fileNameLen);
		fileName[*fileNameLen] = '\0';

	/* return the full path of the file/directory */
	if (fullPath) {
		/* Do not overflow the buffer length passed and reserve last byte for NULL termination */
		unsigned int bytesRemain = *fullPathLen - 1;

		*fullPathLen = 0;
		while (listHeadPtr != NULL) {
			if (bytesRemain == 0) {
			memcpy ((fullPath + *fullPathLen), "/", 1);
			*fullPathLen += 1;

			if (bytesRemain == 0) {
			if (bytesRemain < listHeadPtr->namelen) {
				namelen = bytesRemain;
				curStatus |= FPATH_BUF2SMALL;
			} else {
				namelen = listHeadPtr->namelen;
			if (namelen > NAME_MAX) {
				curStatus |= FPATH_BIGNAME;
			memcpy ((fullPath + *fullPathLen), listHeadPtr->name, namelen);
			*fullPathLen += namelen;
			bytesRemain -= namelen;

			curPtr = listHeadPtr;
			listHeadPtr = listHeadPtr->childPtr;

		fullPath[*fullPathLen] = '\0';

	err = noErr;

	if (status) {
		*status = curStatus;

	/* free any remaining allocated memory */
	while (listHeadPtr != NULL) {
		curPtr = listHeadPtr;
		listHeadPtr = listHeadPtr->childPtr;
		if (curPtr->name) {
			free (curPtr->name);
		free (curPtr);
	if (filename) {
		free (filename);
	return err;
} /* GetFileNamePathByID */

/* Function: CopyDiskBlocks
 * Description: Copy data from source extent to destination extent 
 * for blockCount on the disk.
 * Input: 
 *	1. GPtr - pointer to global scavenger structure.
 * 	2. startAllocationBlock - startBlock for old extent
 * 	3. blockCount - total blocks to copy
 * 	4. newStartAllocationBlock - startBlock for new extent
 * Output:
 * 	err, zero on success, non-zero on failure.
OSErr CopyDiskBlocks(SGlobPtr GPtr, const UInt32 startAllocationBlock, const UInt32 blockCount, const UInt32 newStartAllocationBlock )
	OSErr err = noErr;
	SVCB *vcb;
	uint64_t old_offset;
	uint64_t new_offset;
	uint32_t sectorsPerBlock;

	vcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	sectorsPerBlock = vcb->vcbBlockSize / Blk_Size;

	old_offset = (vcb->vcbAlBlSt + (sectorsPerBlock * startAllocationBlock)) << Log2BlkLo;
	new_offset = (vcb->vcbAlBlSt + (sectorsPerBlock * newStartAllocationBlock)) << Log2BlkLo;

	err = CacheCopyDiskBlocks (vcb->vcbBlockCache, old_offset, new_offset, 
							   blockCount * vcb->vcbBlockSize);
	return err;
} /* CopyDiskBlocks */

/* Function: WriteBufferToDisk
 * Description: Write given buffer data to disk blocks.  
 * If the length of the buffer is not a multiple of allocation block size,
 * the disk is filled with zero from the length of buffer upto the
 * end of allocation blocks (specified by blockCount).
 * Input:
 *	1. GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer
 *	2. startBlock - starting block number for writing data.
 *	3. blockCount - total number of contiguous blocks to be written
 *	4. buffer - data buffer to be written to disk
 *	5. bufLen - length of data buffer to be written to disk.
 * Output:
 * 	returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.
OSErr WriteBufferToDisk(SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 startBlock, UInt32 blockCount, u_char *buffer, int bufLen) 
	OSErr err = noErr;
	SVCB *vcb;
	uint64_t offset;
	uint32_t write_len;

	vcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB;

	/* Calculate offset and length */
	offset = (vcb->vcbAlBlSt + ((vcb->vcbBlockSize / Blk_Size) * startBlock)) << Log2BlkLo;
	write_len = blockCount * vcb->vcbBlockSize;

	/* Write buffer to disk */
	err = CacheWriteBufferToDisk (vcb->vcbBlockCache, offset, write_len, buffer, bufLen);
	return err;
} /* WriteBufferToDisk */

//	2210409, in System 8.1, moving file or folder would cause HFS+ thread records to be
//	520 bytes in size.  We only shrink the threads if other repairs are needed.
static	OSErr	FixBloatedThreadRecords( SGlob *GPtr )
	CatalogRecord		record;
	CatalogKey			foundKey;
	UInt32				hint;
	UInt16 				recordSize;
	SInt16				i = 0;
	OSErr				err;
	SInt16				selCode				= 0x8001;										//	 Start with 1st record

	err = GetBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, selCode, &foundKey, &record, &recordSize, &hint );
	ReturnIfError( err );

	selCode = 1;																//	 Get next record from now on		

		if ( ++i > 10 ) { (void) CheckForStop( GPtr ); i = 0; }					//	Spin the cursor every 10 entries
		if (  (recordSize == sizeof(HFSPlusCatalogThread)) && ((record.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord) || (record.recordType == kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord)) )
			// HFS Plus has varaible sized threads so adjust to actual length
			recordSize -= ( sizeof(record.hfsPlusThread.nodeName.unicode) - (record.hfsPlusThread.nodeName.length * sizeof(UniChar)) );

			err = ReplaceBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &foundKey, hint, &record, recordSize, &hint );
			ReturnIfError( err );

		err = GetBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, selCode, &foundKey, &record, &recordSize, &hint );
	} while ( err == noErr );

	if ( err == btNotFound )
		err = noErr;
	return( err );

static OSErr
FixMissingThreadRecords( SGlob *GPtr )
	struct MissingThread *	mtp;
	FSBufferDescriptor    	btRecord;
	BTreeIterator         	iterator;
	OSStatus           		result;
	UInt16              	dataSize;
	Boolean					headsUp;
	UInt32					lostAndFoundDirID;

	lostAndFoundDirID = 0;
	headsUp = false;
	for (mtp = GPtr->missingThreadList; mtp != NULL; mtp = mtp->link) {
		if ( mtp->threadID == 0 )

		// if the thread record information in the MissingThread struct is not there
		// then we have a missing directory in addition to a missing thread record 
		// for that directory.  We will recreate the missing directory in our 
		// lost+found directory.
		if ( mtp->thread.parentID == 0 ) {
			if (embedded == 1 && debug == 0) {
				return( R_RFail );
			if ( lostAndFoundDirID == 0 )
				lostAndFoundDirID = CreateDirByName( GPtr , (u_char *)"lost+found", kHFSRootFolderID);
			if ( lostAndFoundDirID == 0 ) {
				if ( fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog )
					plog( "\tCould not create lost+found directory \n" );
				return( R_RFail );
			fsckPrint(GPtr->context, E_NoDir, mtp->threadID);
			result = FixMissingDirectory( GPtr, mtp->threadID, lostAndFoundDirID );
			if ( result != 0 ) {
				if ( fsckGetVerbosity(GPtr->context) >= kDebugLog )
					plog( "\tCould not recreate a missing directory (error %d)\n", result );
				return( R_RFail );
				headsUp = true;

		dataSize = 10 + (mtp->thread.nodeName.length * 2);
		btRecord.bufferAddress = (void *)&mtp->thread;
		btRecord.itemSize = dataSize;
		btRecord.itemCount = 1;
		iterator.hint.nodeNum = 0;
		BuildCatalogKey(mtp->threadID, NULL, true, (CatalogKey*)&iterator.key);

		result = BTInsertRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &iterator, &btRecord, dataSize);
		if (result)
			return (IntError(GPtr, R_IntErr));
		mtp->threadID = 0;
	if ( headsUp )
		fsckPrint(GPtr->context, fsckLostFoundDirectory, "lost+found");

	return (0);

static OSErr
FixMissingDirectory( SGlob *GPtr, UInt32 theObjID, UInt32 theParID )
	Boolean				isHFSPlus;
	UInt16				recSize;
	OSErr				result;		
	int					nameLen;
	UInt32				hint;		
	char 				myString[ 32 ];
	CatalogName			myName;
	CatalogRecord		catRec;
	CatalogKey			myKey, myThreadKey;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
	// we will use the object ID of the missing directory as the name since we have
	// no way to find the original name and this should make it unique within our
	// lost+found directory.
	sprintf( myString, "%ld", (long)theObjID );
	nameLen = strlen( myString );

    if ( isHFSPlus )
        int		i;
        myName.ustr.length = nameLen;
        for ( i = 0; i < myName.ustr.length; i++ )
            myName.ustr.unicode[ i ] = (u_int16_t) myString[ i ];
        myName.pstr[0] = nameLen;
        memcpy( &myName.pstr[1], &myString[0], nameLen );

	// make sure the name is not already used 
	BuildCatalogKey( theParID, &myName, isHFSPlus, &myKey );
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &myKey, kNoHint, 
								NULL, &catRec, &recSize, &hint );
	if ( result == noErr )
		return( R_IntErr );
    // insert new directory and thread record into the catalog
	recSize = BuildThreadRec( &myKey, &catRec, isHFSPlus, true );
	BuildCatalogKey( theObjID, NULL, isHFSPlus, &myThreadKey );
	result	= InsertBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &myThreadKey, &catRec, recSize, &hint );
	if ( result != noErr )
		return( result );

	recSize = BuildFolderRec( GPtr, 01777, theObjID, isHFSPlus, &catRec );

	result	= InsertBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &myKey, &catRec, recSize, &hint );
	if ( result != noErr )
		return( result );
	/* update parent directory to reflect addition of new directory */
	result = UpdateFolderCount( GPtr->calculatedVCB, theParID, NULL, 
								((isHFSPlus) ? kHFSPlusFolderRecord : kHFSFolderRecord), 
								kNoHint, 1 );

	/* update our header node on disk from our BTreeControlBlock */
	UpdateBTreeHeader( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB );
	return( result );
} /* FixMissingDirectory */

static HFSCatalogNodeID 
GetObjectID( CatalogRecord * theRecPtr )
    HFSCatalogNodeID	myObjID;
	switch ( theRecPtr->recordType ) {
	case kHFSPlusFolderRecord:
        myObjID = theRecPtr->hfsPlusFolder.folderID;
	case kHFSPlusFileRecord:
        myObjID = theRecPtr->hfsPlusFile.fileID;
	case kHFSFolderRecord:
        myObjID = theRecPtr->hfsFolder.folderID;
	case kHFSFileRecord:
        myObjID = theRecPtr->hfsFile.fileID;
        myObjID = 0;
    return( myObjID );
} /* GetObjectID */

/* Function: CreateFileByName
 * Description: Create a file with given fileName of type fileType containing
 * data of length dataLen.  This function assumes that the name of symlink
 * to be created is passed as UTF8
 * Input:
 *	1. GPtr - pointer to global scavenger structure
 *	2. parentID - ID of parent directory to create the new file.
 *	3. fileName - name of the file to create in UTF8 format.  
 *	4. fileNameLen - length of the filename to be created.  
 *			If the volume is HFS Plus, the filename is delimited to
 *			kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars characters.
 *			If the volume is plain HFS, the filename is delimited to
 *			kHFSMaxFileNameChars characters.
 *	5. fileType - file type (currently supported S_IFREG, S_IFLNK).
 *	6. data - data content of first data fork of the file
 *	7. dataLen - length of data to be written
 * Output:
 *	returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.
 *		memFullErr - Not enough memory
 *		paramErr - Invalid paramter
OSErr CreateFileByName(SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 parentID, UInt16 fileType, u_char *fileName, unsigned int filenameLen, u_char *data, unsigned int dataLen)
	OSErr err = noErr;
	Boolean isHFSPlus;
	Boolean isCatUpdated = false;

	CatalogName fName;
	CatalogRecord catRecord;
	CatalogKey catKey;
	CatalogKey threadKey;
	UInt32 hint;
	UInt16 recordSize;

	UInt32 startBlock = 0;
	UInt32 blockCount = 0;
	UInt32 nextCNID;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus();

	/* Construct unicode name for file name to construct catalog key */
	if (isHFSPlus) {
		/* Convert utf8 filename to Unicode filename */
		size_t namelen;

		if (filenameLen < kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars) {
			(void) utf_decodestr (fileName, filenameLen, fName.ustr.unicode, &namelen, sizeof(fName.ustr.unicode));
			namelen /= 2;
			fName.ustr.length = namelen;
		} else {
			/* The resulting may result in more than kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars chars */
			UInt16 *unicodename;

			/* Allocate a large array to convert the utf-8 to utf-16 */
			unicodename = malloc (filenameLen * 4);
			if (unicodename == NULL) {
				err = memFullErr;
				goto out;

			(void) utf_decodestr (fileName, filenameLen, unicodename, &namelen, filenameLen * 4);
			namelen /= 2;

			/* Chopping unicode string based on length might affect unicode 
			 * chars that take more than one UInt16 - very rare possiblity.
			if (namelen > kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars) {
				namelen = kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars;

			memcpy (fName.ustr.unicode, unicodename, (namelen * 2));
			free (unicodename);
			fName.ustr.length = namelen;
	} else {
		if (filenameLen > kHFSMaxFileNameChars) {
			filenameLen = kHFSMaxFileNameChars;
		fName.pstr[0] = filenameLen;
		memcpy(&fName.pstr[1], fileName, filenameLen);

	/* Make sure that a file with same name does not exist in parent dir */
	BuildCatalogKey(parentID, &fName, isHFSPlus, &catKey);
	err = SearchBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &catKey, kNoHint, NULL, 
							&catRecord, &recordSize, &hint);
	if (err != fsBTRecordNotFoundErr) {
		plog ("%s: %s probably exists in dirID = %d (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, fileName, parentID, err);
		err = EEXIST;
		goto out;

	if (data) {
		/* Calculate correct number of blocks required for data */
		if (dataLen % (GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbBlockSize)) {
			blockCount = (dataLen / (GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbBlockSize)) + 1;
		} else {
			blockCount = dataLen / (GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbBlockSize);
		if (blockCount) {
			/* Allocate disk space for the data */
			err = AllocateContigBitmapBits (GPtr->calculatedVCB, blockCount, &startBlock);
			if (err != noErr) {
				plog ("%s: Not enough disk space (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, err);
				goto out;

			/* Write the data to the blocks */
			err = WriteBufferToDisk(GPtr, startBlock, blockCount, data, dataLen);
			if (err != noErr) {
				plog ("%s: Error in writing data of %s to disk (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, fileName, err);
				goto out;

	/* Build and insert thread record */
	nextCNID = GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbNextCatalogID;
	if (!isHFSPlus && nextCNID == 0xffffFFFF) {
		goto out;
	recordSize = BuildThreadRec(&catKey, &catRecord, isHFSPlus, false);
	for (;;) {
		BuildCatalogKey(nextCNID, NULL, isHFSPlus, &threadKey);
		err	= InsertBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &threadKey, &catRecord,
								recordSize, &hint );
		if (err == fsBTDuplicateRecordErr && isHFSPlus) {
			/* Allow CNIDs on HFS Plus volumes to wrap around */
			if (nextCNID < kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID) {
				GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbAttributes |= kHFSCatalogNodeIDsReusedMask;
				nextCNID = kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID;
	if (err != noErr) {
		plog ("%s: Error inserting thread record for file = %s (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, fileName, err);
		goto out;

	/* Build file record */
	recordSize = BuildFileRec(fileType, 0666, nextCNID, isHFSPlus, &catRecord);
	if (recordSize == 0) {
		plog ("%s: Incorrect fileType\n", __FUNCTION__);

		/* Remove the thread record inserted above */
		err = DeleteBTreeRecord (GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &threadKey);
		if (err != noErr) {
			plog ("%s: Error in removing thread record\n", __FUNCTION__);
		err = paramErr;
		goto out;

	/* Update startBlock, blockCount, etc */
	if (isHFSPlus) {
		catRecord.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.logicalSize = dataLen; 
		catRecord.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.totalBlocks = blockCount;
		catRecord.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.extents[0].startBlock = startBlock;
		catRecord.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.extents[0].blockCount = blockCount;
	} else {
		catRecord.hfsFile.dataLogicalSize = dataLen;
		catRecord.hfsFile.dataPhysicalSize = blockCount * GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbBlockSize;
		catRecord.hfsFile.dataExtents[0].startBlock = startBlock;
		catRecord.hfsFile.dataExtents[0].blockCount = blockCount;

	/* Insert catalog file record */
    err	= InsertBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &catKey, &catRecord, recordSize, &hint );
	if (err == noErr) {
		isCatUpdated = true;

		plog ("Created \"%s\" with ID = %d startBlock = %d, blockCount = %d, dataLen = %d\n", fileName, nextCNID, startBlock, blockCount, dataLen);
	} else {
		plog ("%s: Error in inserting file record for file = %s (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, fileName, err);

		/* remove the thread record inserted above */
		err = DeleteBTreeRecord (GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &threadKey);
		if (err != noErr) {
			plog ("%s: Error in removing thread record\n", __FUNCTION__);
		err = paramErr;
		goto out;

	/* Update volume header */
	GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbNextCatalogID = nextCNID + 1;
	if (GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbNextCatalogID < kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID) {
		GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbAttributes |= kHFSCatalogNodeIDsReusedMask;
		GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbNextCatalogID = kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID;
	MarkVCBDirty( GPtr->calculatedVCB );
	/* update our header node on disk from our BTreeControlBlock */

	/* update parent directory to reflect addition of new file */
	err = UpdateFolderCount(GPtr->calculatedVCB, parentID, NULL, kHFSPlusFileRecord, kNoHint, 1);
	if (err != noErr) {
		plog ("%s: Error in updating parent folder count (err=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, err);
		goto out;

	/* On error, if catalog record was not inserted and disk block were allocated,
	 * deallocate the blocks 
	if (err && (isCatUpdated == false) && startBlock) {
		ReleaseBitmapBits (startBlock, blockCount);

	return err;
} /* CreateFileByName */

/* Function: CreateDirByName
 * Description: Create directory with name dirName in a directory with ID as
 * parentID.  The function assumes that the dirName passed is ASCII.
 * Input: 
 *	GPtr - global scavenger structure pointer
 * 	dirName - name of directory to be created
 *	parentID - dirID of the parent directory for new directory
 * Output:
 * 	on success, ID of the new directory created.
 * 	on failure, zero.
UInt32 CreateDirByName(SGlob *GPtr , const u_char *dirName, const UInt32 parentID)
	Boolean				isHFSPlus;
	UInt16				recSize;
	UInt16				myMode;
	int					result;		
	int					nameLen;
	UInt32				hint;		
	UInt32				nextCNID;		
	SFCB *				fcbPtr;
	CatalogKey			myKey;
	CatalogName			myName;
	CatalogRecord		catRec;
	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus( );
  	fcbPtr = GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB;
	nameLen = strlen( (char *)dirName );

    if ( isHFSPlus )
        int		i;
        myName.ustr.length = nameLen;
        for ( i = 0; i < myName.ustr.length; i++ )
            myName.ustr.unicode[ i ] = (u_int16_t) dirName[ i ];
        myName.pstr[0] = nameLen;
        memcpy( &myName.pstr[1], &dirName[0], nameLen );

	// see if we already have a lost and found directory
	BuildCatalogKey( parentID, &myName, isHFSPlus, &myKey );
	result = SearchBTreeRecord( fcbPtr, &myKey, kNoHint, NULL, &catRec, &recSize, &hint );
	if ( result == noErr ) {
		if ( isHFSPlus ) {
			if ( catRec.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord )
				return( catRec.hfsPlusFolder.folderID ); 
		else if ( catRec.recordType == kHFSFolderRecord )
			return( catRec.hfsFolder.folderID ); 	
        return( 0 );  // something already there but not a directory
    // insert new directory and thread record into the catalog
	nextCNID = GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbNextCatalogID;
	if ( !isHFSPlus && nextCNID == 0xFFFFFFFF )
		return( 0 );

	recSize = BuildThreadRec( &myKey, &catRec, isHFSPlus, true );
	for (;;) {
		CatalogKey			key;
		BuildCatalogKey( nextCNID, NULL, isHFSPlus, &key );
		result	= InsertBTreeRecord( fcbPtr, &key, &catRec, recSize, &hint );
		if ( result == fsBTDuplicateRecordErr && isHFSPlus ) {
			 * Allow CNIDs on HFS Plus volumes to wrap around
			if ( nextCNID < kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID ) {
				GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbAttributes |= kHFSCatalogNodeIDsReusedMask;
				MarkVCBDirty( GPtr->calculatedVCB );
				nextCNID = kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID;
	if ( result != 0 )
		return( 0 ); 	
	myMode = ( GPtr->lostAndFoundMode == 0 ) ? 01777 : GPtr->lostAndFoundMode;
	recSize = BuildFolderRec( GPtr, myMode, nextCNID, isHFSPlus, &catRec );
    result	= InsertBTreeRecord( fcbPtr, &myKey, &catRec, recSize, &hint );
	if ( result != 0 )
		return( 0 );

	/* Update volume header */
	GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbNextCatalogID = nextCNID + 1;
	if ( GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbNextCatalogID < kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID ) {
		GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbAttributes |= kHFSCatalogNodeIDsReusedMask;
		GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbNextCatalogID = kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID;
	MarkVCBDirty( GPtr->calculatedVCB );
	/* update parent directory to reflect addition of new directory */
	result = UpdateFolderCount( GPtr->calculatedVCB, parentID, NULL, kHFSPlusFolderRecord, kNoHint, 1 );

	/* update our header node on disk from our BTreeControlBlock */
	UpdateBTreeHeader( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB );

	return( nextCNID );

} /* CreateDirByName */

static void
CountFolderItems(SGlobPtr GPtr,  UInt32 folderID, Boolean isHFSPlus, UInt32 *itemCount, UInt32 *folderCount)
	SFCB *fcb = GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB;
	OSErr err = 0;
	BTreeIterator iterator;
	FSBufferDescriptor btRecord;
	union {
		HFSPlusCatalogFolder catRecord;
		HFSPlusCatalogFile catFile;
	} catRecord;
	HFSPlusCatalogKey *key;
	UInt16 recordSize = 0;
	int fCount = 0, iCount = 0;

	ClearMemory(&iterator, sizeof(iterator));
	key = (HFSPlusCatalogKey*)&iterator.key;
	BuildCatalogKey(folderID, NULL, isHFSPlus, (CatalogKey*)key);
	btRecord.bufferAddress = &catRecord;
	btRecord.itemCount = 1;
	btRecord.itemSize = sizeof(catRecord);

	for (err = BTSearchRecord(fcb, &iterator, kNoHint, &btRecord, &recordSize, &iterator);
		err == 0;
		err = BTIterateRecord(fcb, kBTreeNextRecord, &iterator, &btRecord, &recordSize)) {
		if (catRecord.catRecord.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord ||
		    catRecord.catRecord.recordType == kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord ||
			catRecord.catRecord.recordType == kHFSFolderThreadRecord ||
			catRecord.catRecord.recordType == kHFSFileThreadRecord)
		if (key->parentID != folderID)
		if (isHFSPlus &&
			(catRecord.catRecord.recordType == kHFSPlusFileRecord) &&
			(catRecord.catFile.flags & kHFSHasLinkChainMask) &&
			(catRecord.catFile.userInfo.fdType == kHFSAliasType) &&
			(catRecord.catFile.userInfo.fdCreator == kHFSAliasCreator) &&
			(key->parentID != GPtr->filelink_priv_dir_id)) {
			// It's a directory hard link, which counts as a directory here
		if (catRecord.catRecord.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord)
	if (itemCount)
		*itemCount = iCount;
	if (folderCount)
		*folderCount = fCount;
 * Build a catalog node folder record with the given input.
static int
BuildFolderRec( SGlob *GPtr, u_int16_t theMode, UInt32 theObjID, Boolean isHFSPlus, CatalogRecord * theRecPtr )
	UInt16				recSize;
	UInt32 				createTime;
	UInt32 vCount = 0, fCount = 0;
	ClearMemory( (Ptr)theRecPtr, sizeof(*theRecPtr) );
	CountFolderItems(GPtr, theObjID, isHFSPlus, &vCount, &fCount);
	if ( isHFSPlus ) {
		createTime = GetTimeUTC();
		theRecPtr->hfsPlusFolder.recordType = kHFSPlusFolderRecord;
		theRecPtr->hfsPlusFolder.folderID = theObjID;
		theRecPtr->hfsPlusFolder.createDate = createTime;
		theRecPtr->hfsPlusFolder.contentModDate = createTime;
		theRecPtr->hfsPlusFolder.attributeModDate = createTime;
		theRecPtr->hfsPlusFolder.bsdInfo.ownerID = getuid( );
		theRecPtr->hfsPlusFolder.bsdInfo.groupID = getgid( );
		theRecPtr->hfsPlusFolder.bsdInfo.fileMode = S_IFDIR;
		theRecPtr->hfsPlusFolder.bsdInfo.fileMode |= theMode;
		theRecPtr->hfsPlusFolder.valence = vCount;
		recSize= sizeof(HFSPlusCatalogFolder);
		if (VolumeObjectIsHFSX(GPtr)) {
			theRecPtr->hfsPlusFolder.flags |= kHFSHasFolderCountMask;
			theRecPtr->hfsPlusFolder.folderCount = fCount;
	else {
		createTime = GetTimeLocal( true );
		theRecPtr->hfsFolder.recordType = kHFSFolderRecord;
		theRecPtr->hfsFolder.folderID = theObjID;
		theRecPtr->hfsFolder.createDate = createTime;
		theRecPtr->hfsFolder.modifyDate = createTime;
		theRecPtr->hfsFolder.valence = vCount;
		recSize= sizeof(HFSCatalogFolder);

	return( recSize );
} /* BuildFolderRec */

 * Build a catalog node thread record from a catalog key
 * and return the size of the record.
static int
BuildThreadRec( CatalogKey * theKeyPtr, CatalogRecord * theRecPtr, 
				Boolean isHFSPlus, Boolean isDirectory )
	int size = 0;

	if ( isHFSPlus ) {
		HFSPlusCatalogKey *key = (HFSPlusCatalogKey *)theKeyPtr;
		HFSPlusCatalogThread *rec = (HFSPlusCatalogThread *)theRecPtr;

		size = sizeof(HFSPlusCatalogThread);
		if ( isDirectory )
			rec->recordType = kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord;
			rec->recordType = kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord;
		rec->reserved = 0;
		rec->parentID = key->parentID;			
		bcopy(&key->nodeName, &rec->nodeName,
			sizeof(UniChar) * (key->nodeName.length + 1));

		/* HFS Plus has varaible sized thread records */
		size -= (sizeof(rec->nodeName.unicode) -
			  (rec->nodeName.length * sizeof(UniChar)));
	else /* HFS standard */ {
		HFSCatalogKey *key = (HFSCatalogKey *)theKeyPtr;
		HFSCatalogThread *rec = (HFSCatalogThread *)theRecPtr;

		size = sizeof(HFSCatalogThread);
		bzero(rec, size);
		if ( isDirectory )
			rec->recordType = kHFSFolderThreadRecord;
			rec->recordType = kHFSFileThreadRecord;
		rec->parentID = key->parentID;
		bcopy(key->nodeName, rec->nodeName, key->nodeName[0]+1);
	return (size);
} /* BuildThreadRec */

/* Function: BuildFileRec
 * Description: Build a catalog file record with given fileID, fileType 
 * and fileMode.
 * Input:
 *	1. fileType - currently supports S_IFREG, S_IFLNK
 *	2. fileMode - file mode desired.
 *	3. fileID - file ID
 *	4. isHFSPlus - indicates whether the record is being created for 
 *	HFSPlus volume or plain HFS volume.
 *	5. catRecord - pointer to catalog record
 * Output:
 *	returns size of the catalog record.
 *	on success, non-zero value; on failure, zero.
static int BuildFileRec(UInt16 fileType, UInt16 fileMode, UInt32 fileID, Boolean isHFSPlus, CatalogRecord *catRecord)
	UInt16 recordSize = 0;
	UInt32 createTime;
	/* We only support creating S_IFREG and S_IFLNK and S_IFLNK is not supported
	 * on plain HFS 
	if (((fileType != S_IFREG) && (fileType != S_IFLNK)) || 
	 	((isHFSPlus == false) && (fileType == S_IFLNK))) {
		goto out;

	ClearMemory((Ptr)catRecord, sizeof(*catRecord));
	if ( isHFSPlus ) {
		createTime = GetTimeUTC();
		catRecord->hfsPlusFile.recordType = kHFSPlusFileRecord;
		catRecord->hfsPlusFile.fileID = fileID;
		catRecord->hfsPlusFile.createDate = createTime;
		catRecord->hfsPlusFile.contentModDate = createTime;
		catRecord->hfsPlusFile.attributeModDate = createTime;
		catRecord->hfsPlusFile.bsdInfo.ownerID = getuid();
		catRecord->hfsPlusFile.bsdInfo.groupID = getgid();
		catRecord->hfsPlusFile.bsdInfo.fileMode = fileType;
		catRecord->hfsPlusFile.bsdInfo.fileMode |= fileMode;
		if (fileType == S_IFLNK) {
			catRecord->hfsPlusFile.userInfo.fdType = kSymLinkFileType;
			catRecord->hfsPlusFile.userInfo.fdCreator = kSymLinkCreator;
		} else {
			catRecord->hfsPlusFile.userInfo.fdType = kTextFileType;
			catRecord->hfsPlusFile.userInfo.fdCreator = kTextFileCreator;
		recordSize= sizeof(HFSPlusCatalogFile);
	else {
		createTime = GetTimeLocal(true);
		catRecord->hfsFile.recordType = kHFSFileRecord;
		catRecord->hfsFile.fileID = fileID;
		catRecord->hfsFile.createDate = createTime;
		catRecord->hfsFile.modifyDate = createTime;
		catRecord->hfsFile.userInfo.fdType = kTextFileType;
		catRecord->hfsFile.userInfo.fdCreator = kTextFileCreator;
		recordSize= sizeof(HFSCatalogFile);

} /* BuildFileRec */

/* Function: BuildAttributeKey
 * Build attribute key based on given information like -
 * fileID, startBlock, attribute name and attribute name length.
 * Note that the attribute name is the UTF-8 format string.
static void BuildAttributeKey(u_int32_t fileID, u_int32_t startBlock, 
			unsigned char *attrName, u_int16_t attrNameLen, HFSPlusAttrKey *key)
	size_t attrNameLenBytes;

	assert(VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus() == true);

	key->pad = 0;
	key->fileID = fileID;
	key->startBlock = startBlock;

	/* Convert UTF-8 attribute name to unicode */
	(void) utf_decodestr(attrName, attrNameLen, key->attrName, &attrNameLenBytes, sizeof(key->attrName));
	key->attrNameLen = attrNameLenBytes / 2;

	key->keyLength = kHFSPlusAttrKeyMinimumLength + attrNameLenBytes;

/* Delete catalog record and thread record for given ID.  On successful 
 * deletion, this function also updates the valence and folder count for 
 * the parent directory and the file/folder count in the volume header.
 * Returns - zero on success, non-zero on failure.
static int DeleteCatalogRecordByID(SGlobPtr GPtr, uint32_t id, Boolean for_rename)
	int retval;
	CatalogRecord rec;
	CatalogKey key;
	UInt16 recsize;
	Boolean isHFSPlus;

	isHFSPlus = VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus();

	/* Lookup the catalog record to move */
	retval = GetCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, id, isHFSPlus, &key, &rec, &recsize);
	if (retval) {
		return retval;

	/* Delete the record */
	if (isHFSPlus) {
		retval = DeleteCatalogNode(GPtr->calculatedVCB, 
				(const CatalogName *)&key.hfsPlus.nodeName, 
				kNoHint, for_rename);
	} else {
		retval = DeleteCatalogNode(GPtr->calculatedVCB, 
				(const CatalogName *)&key.hfs.nodeName, 
				kNoHint, for_rename);

	/* If deletion of record succeeded, and the operation was not 
	 * being performed for rename, and the volume is HFS+, try 
	 * deleting all extended attributes for this file/folder
	if ((retval == 0) && (for_rename == false) && (isHFSPlus == true)) {
		/* Delete all attributes associated with this ID */
		retval = DeleteAllAttrsByID(GPtr, id);

	return retval;

/* Move a catalog record with given ID to a new parent directory with given
 * parentID.  This function should only be called for HFS+ volumes.  
 * This function removes the catalog record from old parent and inserts 
 * it back with the new parent ID.  It also takes care of updating the 
 * parent directory counts.  Note that this function clears kHFSHasLinkChainBit
 * from the catalog record flags.
 * On success, returns zero.  On failure, returns non-zero.
static int MoveCatalogRecordByID(SGlobPtr GPtr, uint32_t id, uint32_t new_parentid) 
	int retval;
	CatalogRecord rec;
	CatalogKey key;
	UInt32 hint;
	UInt16 recsize;
	Boolean isFolder = false;
	BTreeIterator iterator;

	assert (VolumeObjectIsHFSPlus() == true);

	/* Lookup the catalog record to move */
	retval = GetCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, id, true, &key, &rec, &recsize);
	if (retval) {
		goto out;

	/* Delete the record and its thread from original location.  
	 * For file records, do not deallocate original extents.
	retval = DeleteCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, id, true);
	if (retval) {
		goto out;

	key.hfsPlus.parentID = new_parentid;
	/* The record being moved should not have linkChainMask set */
	if (rec.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord) {
		rec.hfsPlusFolder.flags &= ~kHFSHasLinkChainMask;
		isFolder = true;
	} else if (rec.recordType == kHFSPlusFileRecord) {
		rec.hfsPlusFile.flags &= ~kHFSHasLinkChainMask;
		isFolder = false;

	/* Insert the catalog record with new parent */
	retval = InsertBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, &rec,
			recsize, &hint);
	if (retval) {
		goto out;

	/* Insert the new thread record */
	recsize = BuildThreadRec(&key, &rec, true, isFolder);
	BuildCatalogKey(id, NULL, true, &key);
	retval = InsertBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, &rec,
			recsize, &hint);
	if (retval) {
		goto out;

	/* Update the counts in the new parent directory and volume header */
	ClearMemory(&iterator, sizeof(iterator));
	retval = GetCatalogRecordByID(GPtr, new_parentid, true, &key, &rec, &recsize);
	if (retval) {
		if ((retval == btNotFound) && (GPtr->CBTStat & S_Orphan)) {
			/* No need for re-repair minor repair order because 
			 * we are failing on updating the parent directory.
			retval = 0;
		goto out;
	if (rec.recordType != kHFSPlusFolderRecord) {
		goto out;

	if ((isFolder == true) &&
	    (rec.hfsPlusFolder.flags & kHFSHasFolderCountMask)) {

	retval = ReplaceBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, 
			kNoHint, &rec, recsize, &hint);
	if (retval) {
		goto out;

	if (isFolder == true) {
	} else {
	GPtr->VIStat |= S_MDB;
	GPtr->CBTStat |= S_BTH;  /* leaf record count changed */

	return retval;

/* The function deletes all extended attributes associated with a given 
 * file/folder ID.  The function takes care of deallocating allocation blocks 
 * associated with extent based attributes.
 * Note: This function deletes *all* attributes for a given file/folder. 
 * To delete a single attribute record using a key, use delete_attr_record().
 * On success, returns zero.  On failure, returns non-zero.
static int DeleteAllAttrsByID(SGlobPtr GPtr, uint32_t id) 
	int retval;
	BTreeIterator iterator;
	FSBufferDescriptor btrec;
	HFSPlusAttrKey *attr_key;
	HFSPlusAttrRecord attr_record;
	UInt16 record_size;

	/* Initialize the iterator, attribute key, and attribute record */
	ClearMemory(&iterator, sizeof(BTreeIterator));
	attr_key = (HFSPlusAttrKey *)&iterator.key;
	attr_key->keyLength = kHFSPlusAttrKeyMinimumLength;
	attr_key->fileID = id;

	ClearMemory(&btrec, sizeof(FSBufferDescriptor));
	btrec.bufferAddress = &attr_record;
	btrec.itemCount = 1;
	btrec.itemSize = sizeof(HFSPlusAttrRecord);

	/* Search for attribute with NULL name which will place the 
	 * iterator just before the first record for given id.
	retval = BTSearchRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, &iterator, 
	                        kInvalidMRUCacheKey, &btrec, &record_size, &iterator);
	if ((retval != 0) && (retval != btNotFound)) {
		goto out;

	retval = BTIterateRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, kBTreeNextRecord, 
	                         &iterator, &btrec, &record_size);
	while ((retval == 0) && (attr_key->fileID == id)) {
		/* Delete attribute record and deallocate extents, if any */
		retval = delete_attr_record(GPtr, attr_key, &attr_record);
		if (retval) {
		retval = BTIterateRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, 
		                         kBTreeNextRecord, &iterator, &btrec, &record_size);

	if (retval == btNotFound) {
		retval = 0;

	return retval;

/* The function deletes an extented attribute record when the corresponding 
 * record and key are provided.  If the record is an extent-based attribute,
 * it also takes care to deallocate all allocation blocks associated with 
 * the record.  
 * Note: This function does not delete all attribute records associated 
 * with the file/folder ID in the attribute key.  To delete all attributes
 * for given file/folder ID, use DeleteAllAttrsByID().
 * On success, returns zero.  On failure, returns non-zero.
static int delete_attr_record(SGlobPtr GPtr, HFSPlusAttrKey *attr_key, HFSPlusAttrRecord *attr_record) 
	int retval;
	UInt32 num_blocks_freed;
	Boolean last_extent;

	retval = DeleteBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, attr_key);
	if (retval == 0) {
		/* Set bits to write back attribute btree header and map */
		GPtr->ABTStat |= S_BTH + S_BTM;

		if (attr_record->recordType == kHFSPlusAttrForkData) {
			retval = ReleaseExtents(GPtr->calculatedVCB, 
		        	                &num_blocks_freed, &last_extent);
		} else if (attr_record->recordType == kHFSPlusAttrExtents) {
			retval = ReleaseExtents(GPtr->calculatedVCB, 
		        	                &num_blocks_freed, &last_extent);

	return retval;


Routine:	ZeroFillUnusedNodes

Function:	Write zeroes to all unused nodes of a given B-tree.
Input:		GPtr		- pointer to scavenger global area
			fileRefNum	- refnum of BTree file

Output:		ZeroFillUnusedNodes - function result:			
			0 = no error
			n = error

static int ZeroFillUnusedNodes(SGlobPtr GPtr, short fileRefNum)
	BTreeControlBlock *btcb	= GetBTreeControlBlock(fileRefNum);
	unsigned char *bitmap = (unsigned char *) ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr;
	unsigned char mask = 0x80;
	OSErr err;
	UInt32 nodeNum;
	BlockDescriptor node;
	node.buffer = NULL;
	for (nodeNum = 0; nodeNum < btcb->totalNodes; ++nodeNum)
		if ((*bitmap & mask) == 0)
			/* Read the raw node, without going through hfs_swap_BTNode. */
			err = btcb->getBlockProc(btcb->fcbPtr, nodeNum, kGetBlock|kGetEmptyBlock, &node);
			if (err)
				if (debug) plog("Couldn't read node #%u\n", nodeNum);
				return err;
			/* Fill the node with zeroes. */
			bzero(node.buffer, node.blockSize);
			/* Release and write the node without going through hfs_swap_BTNode. */
			(void) btcb->releaseBlockProc(btcb->fcbPtr, &node, kReleaseBlock|kMarkBlockDirty);
			node.buffer = NULL;
		/* Move to the next bit in the bitmap. */
		mask >>= 1;
		if (mask == 0)
			mask = 0x80;
	return 0;
} /* end ZeroFillUnusedNodes */