Utilities.pm   [plain text]

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Utilities.pm
# Common subroutines
# Last Updated: $Date: 2004/06/14 17:18:26 $
# Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
# as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
# Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
# file.
# The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
# distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
# Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
# limitations under the License.

package HeaderDoc::Utilities;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION);
use Carp;
use Exporter;
foreach (qw(Mac::Files Mac::MoreFiles)) {
    eval "use $_";

$VERSION = 1.02;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(findRelativePath safeName safeNameNoCollide linesFromFile makeAbsolutePath
             printHash printArray fileNameFromPath folderPathForFile convertCharsForFileMaker 
             updateHashFromConfigFiles getHashFromConfigFile getVarNameAndDisc
             getAPINameAndDisc openLogs
             logMsg logMsgAndWarning logWarning logToAllFiles closeLogs
             registerUID resolveLink quote parseTokens isKeyword html2xhtml
             resolveLinks stringToFields sanitize);

my %uid_list = ();
my %uid_conflict = ();
my $xmllintversion = "";
my $xmllint = "/usr/bin/xmllint";

########## Portability ##############################
my $pathSeparator;
my $isMacOS;
	if ($^O =~ /MacOS/io) {
		$pathSeparator = ":";
		$isMacOS = 1;
	} else {
		$pathSeparator = "/";
		$isMacOS = 0;

$xmllint = "/usr/bin/xmllint";

if ( -x "/usr/local/bin/xmllint" ) {
	$xmllint = "/usr/local/bin/xmllint";
} elsif (-x "/sw/bin/xmllint" ) {
	$xmllint = "/sw/bin/xmllint";

open(XMLLINTPIPE, "$xmllint --version 2>&1 |");
$xmllintversion = <XMLLINTPIPE>;
# print "STRING \"$xmllintversion\".\n";
$xmllintversion =~ s/\n.*//sg;
$xmllintversion =~ s/.*?(\d+)/$1/s;
if ($xmllintversion eq "20607") {
	warn "Old LibXML2 version.  XML Output may not work correctly.\n";

########## Name length constants ##############################
my $macFileLengthLimit;
	if ($isMacOS) {
		$macFileLengthLimit = 31;
	} else {
		$macFileLengthLimit = 255;
my $longestExtension = 5;

########### Log File Handling  ################################
my $logFile;
my $warningsFile;

sub openLogs {
    $logFile = shift;
    $warningsFile = shift;
    if (-e $logFile) {
        unlink $logFile || die "Couldn't delete old log file $logFile\n";
    if (-e $warningsFile) {
        unlink $warningsFile || die "Couldn't delete old log file $warningsFile\n";
	open(LOGFILE, ">$logFile") || die "Can't open output file $logFile.\n";
	if ($isMacOS) {MacPerl::SetFileInfo('R*ch', 'TEXT', $logFile);};

	open(WARNINGSFILE, ">$warningsFile") || die "Can't open output file $warningsFile.\n";
	if ($isMacOS) {MacPerl::SetFileInfo('R*ch', 'TEXT', $warningsFile);};

sub logMsg {
    my $msg = shift;
    my $toConsole = shift;
    if ($toConsole) {
	    print "$msg";
    print LOGFILE "$msg";

sub logWarning {
    my $msg = shift;
    my $toConsole = shift;
    if ($toConsole) {
	    print "$msg";
    print LOGFILE "$msg";
    print WARNINGSFILE "$msg";

sub logToAllFiles {  # print to all outs, without the "warning" overtone
    my $msg = shift;    
    &logWarning($msg, 1);

sub closeLogs {
	close LOGFILE;
	undef $logFile;
	undef $warningsFile;

sub findRelativePath {
    my ($fromMe, $toMe) = @_;
    if ($fromMe eq $toMe) {return "";}; # link to same file
	my @fromMeParts = split (/$pathSeparator/, $fromMe);
	my @toMeParts = split (/$pathSeparator/, $toMe);
	# find number of identical parts
	my $i = 0;
	# figure out why perl complain of uninitialized var in while loop
	my $oldWarningLevel = $^W;
	    $^W = 0;
		while ($fromMeParts[$i] eq $toMeParts[$i]) { $i++;};
	$^W = $oldWarningLevel;
	@fromMeParts = splice (@fromMeParts, $i);
	@toMeParts = splice (@toMeParts, $i);
    my $numFromMeParts = @fromMeParts; #number of unique elements left in fromMeParts
  	my $relPart = "../" x ($numFromMeParts - 1);
	my $relPath = $relPart.join("/", @toMeParts);
	return $relPath;

sub fileNameFromPath {
    my $path = shift;
    my @pathParts = split (/$pathSeparator/, $path);
	my $fileName = pop (@pathParts);
    return $fileName;

sub folderPathForFile {
    my $path = shift;
    my @pathParts = split (/$pathSeparator/, $path);
	my $fileName = pop (@pathParts);
    my $folderPath = join("$pathSeparator", @pathParts);
    return $folderPath;

# set up default values for safeName and safeNameNoCollide
my %safeNameDefaults  = (filename => "", fileLengthLimit =>"$macFileLengthLimit", longestExtension => "$longestExtension");

sub safeName {
    my %args = (%safeNameDefaults, @_);
    my ($filename) = $args{"filename"};
    my $returnedName="";
    my $safeLimit;
    my $partLength;
    my $nameLength;

    $safeLimit = ($args{"fileLengthLimit"} - $args{"longestExtension"});
    $partLength = int (($safeLimit/2)-1);

    $filename =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9./_/cs; # ensure name is entirely alphanumeric
    $nameLength = ($filename =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9._//);

    #check for length problems
    if ( $nameLength > $safeLimit) {
        my $safeName =  $filename;
        $safeName =~ s/^(.{$partLength}).*(.{$partLength})$/$1_$2/;
        $returnedName = $safeName;       
    } else {
        $returnedName = $filename;       
    return $returnedName;

my %dispensedSafeNames;

sub safeNameNoCollide {
    my %args = (%safeNameDefaults, @_);
    my ($filename) = $args{"filename"};
    my $returnedName="";
    my $safeLimit;
    my $partLength;
    my $nameLength;
    my $localDebug = 0;
    $filename =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9./_/cs; # ensure name is entirely alphanumeric
    # check if name would collide case insensitively
    if (exists $dispensedSafeNames{lc($filename)}) {
        while (exists $dispensedSafeNames{lc($filename)}) {
            # increment numeric part of name
            $filename =~ /(\D+)(\d*)((\.\w*)*)/o;
            my $rootTextPart = $1;
            my $rootNumPart = $2;
            my $extension = $4;
            if (defined $rootNumPart) {
            } else {
                $rootNumPart = 2
            if (!$extension){$extension = '';};
            $filename = $rootTextPart.$rootNumPart.$extension;
    $returnedName = $filename;       

    # check for length problems
    $safeLimit = ($args{"fileLengthLimit"} - $args{"longestExtension"});
    $partLength = int (($safeLimit/2)-1);
    $nameLength = length($filename);
    if ($nameLength > $safeLimit) {
        my $safeName =  $filename;
        $safeName =~ s/^(.{$partLength}).*(.{$partLength})$/$1_$2/;
        if (exists $dispensedSafeNames{lc($safeName)}) {
            my $i = 1;
	        while (exists $dispensedSafeNames{lc($safeName)}) {
	            $safeName =~ s/^(.{$partLength}).*(.{$partLength})$/$1$i$2/;
        my $lcSafename = lc($safeName);
        print "\t $lcSafename\n" if ($localDebug);
        $returnedName = $safeName;       
    } else {
        $returnedName = $filename;       
    return $returnedName;    

#sub linesFromFile {
#	my $filePath = shift;
#	my $oldRecSep = $/;
#	my $fileString;
#	undef $/; # read in files as strings
#	open(INFILE, "<$filePath") || die "Can't open $filePath.\n";
#	$fileString = <INFILE>;
#    $fileString =~ s/\015/\n/go;
#	close INFILE;
#	$/ = $oldRecSep;
#	return (split (/\n/, $fileString));
sub makeAbsolutePath {
   my $relPath = shift;
   my $relTo = shift;
   if ($relPath !~ /^\//o) { # doesn't start with a slash
       $relPath = $relTo."/".$relPath;
   return $relPath;

sub getAPINameAndDisc {
    my $line = shift;
    return getNameAndDisc($line, 0);

sub getVarNameAndDisc {
    my $line = shift;
    return getNameAndDisc($line, 1);

sub getNameAndDisc {
    my $line = shift;
    my $multiword = shift;
    my ($name, $disc, $operator);
    my $localDebug = 0;

    # If we start with a newline (e.g.
    #     @function
    #       discussion...
    # treat it like JavaDoc and let the block parser
    # pick up a name.
    print "LINE: $line\n" if ($localDebug);
    if ($line =~ /^\s*\n\s*/o) {
	print "returning discussion only.\n" if ($localDebug);
	$line =~ s/^\s+//o;
	return ("", "$line");
    # otherwise, get rid of leading space
    $line =~ s/^\s+//o;

    # If we have something like
    #    @define this that
    #     Description here
    # we split on the newline, else split on the first
    # whitespace.
    if ($line =~ /\S+.*\n.*\S+/o) {
	($name, $disc) = split (/\n/, $line, 2);
    } else {
	($name, $disc) = split (/\s/, $line, 2);
    # ensure that if the discussion is empty, we return an empty
    # string....
    $disc =~ s/\s*$//o;
    if ($name =~ /operator/o) {  # this is for operator overloading in C++
        ($operator, $name, $disc) = split (/\s/, $line, 3);
        $name = $operator." ".$name;
    # print "name is $name, disc is $disc";
    return ($name, $disc);

sub convertCharsForFileMaker {
    my $line = shift;
    $line =~ s/\t/chr(198)/ego;
    $line =~ s/\n/chr(194)/ego;
    return $line;

sub updateHashFromConfigFiles {
    my $configHashRef = shift;
    my $fileArrayRef = shift;
    foreach my $file (@{$fileArrayRef}) {
    	my %hash = &getHashFromConfigFile($file);
    	%{$configHashRef} = (%{$configHashRef}, %hash); # updates configHash from hash
    return %{$configHashRef};

sub getHashFromConfigFile {
    my $configFile = shift;
    my %hash;
    my $localDebug = 0;
    my @lines;
    if ((-e $configFile) && (-f $configFile)) {
    	print "reading $configFile\n" if ($localDebug);
		open(INFILE, "<$configFile") || die "Can't open $configFile.\n";
		@lines = <INFILE>;
		close INFILE;
    } else {
        print "No configuration file found at $configFile\n" if ($localDebug);
	foreach my $line (@lines) {
	    if ($line =~/^#/o) {next;};
	    chomp $line;
	    my ($key, $value) = split (/\s*=>\s*/, $line);
	    if ((defined($key)) && (length($key))){
			print "    $key => $value\n" if ($localDebug);
		    $hash{$key} = $value;
	undef @lines;
	return %hash;

sub linesFromFile {
	my $filePath = shift;
	my $oldRecSep;
	my $fileString;
	$oldRecSep = $/;
	undef $/;    # read in files as strings
	open(INFILE, "<$filePath") || die "Can't open $filePath: $!\n";
	$fileString = <INFILE>;
	close INFILE;
	$/ = $oldRecSep;

	$fileString =~ s/\015\012/\n/go;
	$fileString =~ s/\r\n/\n/go;
	$fileString =~ s/\n\r/\n/go;
	$fileString =~ s/\r/\n/go;
	my @lineArray = split (/\n/, $fileString);
	# put the newline back on the end of each element of the array
	# we can't use split (/(\n)/, $fileString); because that adds the 
	# newlines as new elements in the array.
	return map($_."\n", @lineArray);

sub resolveLink
    my $symbol = shift;
    my $ret = "";
    my $filename = $HeaderDoc::headerObject->filename();

    my $uid = $uid_list{$symbol};
	if ($uid && length($uid)) {
	    $ret = $uid;
	    if ($uid_conflict{$symbol}) {
		warn "$filename:0:WARNING: multiple matches found for symbol \"$symbol\"!!!\n";
		warn "$filename:0:Only the first matching symbol will be linked.\n";
		warn "$filename:0:Replace the symbol with a specific api ref tag\n";
		warn "$filename:0:(e.g. apple_ref) in header file to fix this conflict.\n";
    if ($ret eq "") {
	warn "$filename:0:WARNING: no symbol matching \"$symbol\" found.  If this\n";
	warn "$filename:0:symbol is not in this file or class, you need to specify it\n";
	warn "$filename:0:with an api ref tag (e.g. apple_ref).\n";
    # } else {
	# warn "RET IS \"$ret\"\n"
    return $ret;

sub registerUID
    # This is now classless.
    # my $self = shift;
    my $uid = shift;
    my $localDebug = 0;

    print "registered UID $uid\n" if ($localDebug);
    my $name = $uid;
    $name =~ s/.*\///so;

    my $old_uid = $uid_list{$name};
    if ($old_uid && length($old_uid) && $old_uid ne $uid) {
	print "OU: $old_uid NU: $uid\n" if ($localDebug);
	$uid_conflict{$name} = 1;
    $uid_list{$name} = $uid;
    # push(@uid_list, $uid);

sub quote
    my $input = shift;

    $input =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/go;

    return $input;

############### Debugging Routines ########################
sub printArray {
    my (@theArray) = @_;
    my ($i, $length);
    $i = 0;
    $length = @theArray;
    print ("Printing contents of array:\n");
    while ($i < $length) {
	print ("Element $i ---> |$theArray[$i++]|\n");

sub printHash {
    my (%theHash) = @_;
    print ("Printing contents of hash:\n");
    foreach my $keyword (keys(%theHash)) {
	print ("$keyword => $theHash{$keyword}\n");

sub parseTokens
    my $lang = shift;
    my $sublang = shift;

    my $sotemplate = "";
    my $eotemplate = "";
    my $soc = "";
    my $eoc = "";
    my $ilc = "";
    my $sofunction = "";
    my $soprocedure = "";
    my $operator = "";
    my $sopreproc = "";
    my $lbrace = "";
    my $rbrace = "";
    my $unionname = "union";
    my $structname = "struct";
    my $typedefname = "typedef";
    my $varname = "";
    my $constname = "";
    my $structisbrace = 0;
    my %macronames = ();

    if ($lang eq "perl" || $lang eq "shell") {
	$sotemplate = "";
	$eotemplate = "";
	$sopreproc = "";
	$soc = "";
	$eoc = "";
	$ilc = "#";
	if ($lang eq "perl") { $sofunction = "sub"; }
	else { $sofunction = "function"; }
	$lbrace = "{";
	$rbrace = "}";
	$unionname = "";
	$structname = "";
	$typedefname = "";
	$varname = "";
	$constname = "";
	$structisbrace = 0;
    } elsif ($lang eq "pascal") {
	$sotemplate = "";
	$eotemplate = "";
	$sopreproc = "#"; # Some pascal implementations allow #include
	$soc = "{";
	$eoc = "}";
	$ilc = "";
	$sofunction = "function";
	$soprocedure = "procedure";
	$lbrace = "begin";
	$rbrace = "end";
	$unionname = "";
	$structname = "record";
	$typedefname = "type";
	$varname = "var";
	$constname = "const";
	$structisbrace = 1;
    } else {
	# C and derivatives, plus PHP and Java(script)
	if ($lang eq "C") {
		if ($sublang eq "cpp") {
			$sotemplate = "<";
			$eotemplate = ">";
		$operator = "operator";
		$sopreproc = "#";
	$soc = "/*";
	$eoc = "*/";
	$ilc = "//";
	$lbrace = "{";
	$rbrace = "}";
	$unionname = "union";
	$structname = "struct";
	$typedefname = "typedef";
	$varname = "";
	$constname = "";
	$structisbrace = 0;
	# DO NOT DO THIS, no matter how tempting it may seem.
	# sofunction and soprocedure are only for functions/procedures
	# that do not follow the form '<type information> <name> ( <args> );'.
	# MIG does, so don't do this.
	# if ($sublang eq "MIG") {
		# $sofunction = "routine";
		# $soprocedure = "simpleroutine";
	# };
	if ($sublang ne "php") {
		# @macronames = ( "#if", "#ifdef", "#ifndef", "#endif", "#else", "#pragma", "#import", "#include", "#define" );
		%macronames = ( "#if" => 1, "#ifdef" => 1, "#ifndef" => 1, "#endif" => 1, "#else" => 1, "#pragma" => 1, "#import" => 1, "#include" => 1, "#define"  => 1);
    return ($sotemplate, $eotemplate, $operator, $soc, $eoc, $ilc, $sofunction,
	$soprocedure, $sopreproc, $lbrace, $rbrace, $unionname, $structname,
	$typedefname, $varname, $constname, $structisbrace, \%macronames);

sub isKeyword
    my $token = shift;
    my $keywordref = shift;
    my $case_sensitive = shift;
    my %keywords = %{$keywordref};
    my $localDebug = 0;

    # if ($token =~ /^\#/o) { $localDebug = 1; }

    print "isKeyWord: TOKEN: $token\n" if ($localDebug);

    if ($case_sensitive) {
	if ($keywords{$token}) {
	    print "MATCH\n" if ($localDebug);
	    return 1;
    } else {
      foreach my $keyword (keys %keywords) {
	print "isKeyWord: keyword: $keyword\n" if ($localDebug);
	my $quotkey = quote($keyword);
	if ($token =~ /^$quotkey$/i) {
		print "MATCH\n" if ($localDebug);
		return 1;
    return 0;

use FileHandle;
use IPC::Open2;
use Fcntl;

sub html2xhtml
    my $html = shift;
    my $debugname = shift;
    my $localDebug = 0;

    # print "FAST PATH: ".$HeaderDoc::ignore_apiuid_errors."\n";

    local $/;
    my $xmlout = "--xmlout";
    if ($xmllintversion eq "20607") {
	$xmlout = "";

# print "xmllint version is $xmllintversion\n";
# print "xmllint is $xmllint\n";

    warn "PREOPEN\n" if ($localDebug);
    my $pid = open2( \*fromLint, \*toLint, "$xmllint --html $xmlout --recover --nowarning - 2> /dev/null");
    warn "ONE\n" if ($localDebug);

    print toLint "<html><body>$html</body></html>\n";

    warn "TWO\n" if ($localDebug);

    close toLint;

    my $xhtml = <fromLint>;
    warn "TWO-A\n" if ($localDebug);

    close fromLint;
    warn "THREE\n" if ($localDebug);

    my $old_xhtml = $xhtml;

    warn "FOUR\n" if ($localDebug);
    $xhtml =~ s/^<!DOCTYPE .*?>//so;
    $xhtml =~ s/^<\?xml.*?\?>\n<!.*>\n<html>//so;
    $xhtml =~ s/<\/html>$//so;
    if ($xhtml =~ /^\s*<body\/>\s*/o) {
	$xhtml = "";
    } else {
	$xhtml =~ s/^<body>//so;
	$xhtml =~ s/<\/body>$//so;

    # Why, oh why does xmllint refuse to turn off translation for this
    # particular entity?  According to the man page, I should have to
    # specify --noent to get the behavior I'm getting....

    my $nbsprep = chr(0xc2).chr(0xa0);
    $xhtml =~ s/$nbsprep/&nbsp;/sg;

    # Do we want to translate &quot; back to a double-quote mark?  I don't
    # know why xmllint wants to turn this into an entity....
    # $xhtml =~ s/&quot;/"/sgo;

    # Attempt to get the length of the text itself (approximately)
    my $htmllengthcheck = $html;
    my $xhtmllengthcheck = $xhtml;
    $htmllengthcheck =~ s/\s//sgo;
    $xhtmllengthcheck =~ s/\s//sgo;
    $htmllengthcheck =~ s/<.*?>//sgo;
    $xhtmllengthcheck =~ s/<.*?>//sgo;

    if (length($xhtmllengthcheck) < length($htmllengthcheck)) {
	warn "DEBUGNAME: $debugname\n" if ($localDebug);
	warn "$debugname: XML to HTML translation failed.\n";
	warn "XHTML was truncated (".length($xhtmllengthcheck)." < ".length($htmllengthcheck).").\n";
	warn "BEGIN HTML:\n$html\nEND HTML\nBEGIN XHTML:\n$xhtml\nEND XHTML\n";
	# warn "BEGIN OLD XHTML:\n$old_xhtml\nEND OLD XHTML\n";
	# print "A:\n$htmllengthcheck\nB:\n$xhtmllengthcheck\n";

    print "GOT XHTML (oldlen = ".length($html)."): $xhtml\n" if ($localDebug);

    my $retval = waitpid($pid, 0);
    my $exitstatus = $?;

    if ($exitstatus) {
	warn "DEBUGNAME: $debugname\n" if ($localDebug);
	warn "$debugname:XML to HTML translation failed.\n";
	warn "Error was $exitstatus\n";

    return $xhtml;

sub resolveLinks($)
    my $path = shift;

    my $resolverpath = $HeaderDoc::modulesPath."bin/resolveLinks";

    # print "EXECUTING $resolverpath $path\n";
    my $retval = system($resolverpath." $path");

    if ($retval == -1) {
	warn "WARNING: resolveLinks not installed.  Please check your installation.\n";
    } elsif ($retval) {
	warn "WARNING: resolveLinks failed ($retval).  Please check your installation.\n";

sub stringToFields($$$)
	my $line = shift;
	my $filename = shift;
	my $linenum = shift;

	my @fields = split(/\@/, $line);
	my @newfields = ();
	my $lastappend = "";
	my $in_textblock = 0;
	my $in_link = 0;
	my $localDebug = 0;

	foreach my $field (@fields) {
	  print "processing $field\n" if ($localDebug);
	  if ($in_textblock) {
	    if ($field =~ /^\/textblock/o) {
		print "out of textblock\n" if ($localDebug);
		if ($in_textblock == 1) {
		    my $cleanfield = $field;
		    $cleanfield =~ s/^\/textblock//io;
		    $lastappend .= $cleanfield;
		    push(@newfields, $lastappend);
		    print "pushed \"$lastappend\"\n" if ($localDebug);
		    $lastappend = "";
		$in_textblock = 0;
	    } else {
		# clean up text block
		$field =~ s/\</\&lt\;/go;
		$field =~ s/\>/\&gt\;/go;
		$lastappend .= "\@$field";
		print "new field is \"$lastappend\"\n" if ($localDebug);
	  } else {
	    # if ($field =~ /value/o) { warn "field was $field\n"; }
	    if ($field =~ s/^value/<hd_value\/>/sio) {
		$lastappend = pop(@newfields);
	    if ($field =~ s/^inheritDoc/<hd_ihd\/>/sio) {
		$lastappend = pop(@newfields);
	    # if ($field =~ /value/o) { warn "field now $field\n"; }
	    if ($field =~ s/^\/link/<\/hd_link>/io) {
		$in_link = 0;
	    if ($field =~ s/^link\s+//io) {
		$in_link = 1;
		my $target = "";
		my $lastfield;

		if ($lastappend eq "") {
		    $lastfield = pop(@newfields);
		} else {
		    $lastfield = "";
		# print "lastfield is $lastfield";
		$lastappend .= $lastfield; 
		if ($field =~ /^(\S*?)\s/o) {
		    $target = $1;
		} else {
		    # print "$filename:$linenum:MISSING TARGET FOR LINK!\n";
		    $target = $field;
		my $localDebug = 0;
		print "target $target\n" if ($localDebug);
		my $qtarget = quote($target);
		$field =~ s/^$qtarget//g;
		$field =~ s/\\$/\@/o;
		print "name $field\n" if ($localDebug);
		$lastappend .= "<hd_link posstarget=\"$target\">";
		$lastappend .= "$field";
	    } elsif ($field =~ /^textblock\s/io) {
		if ($lastappend eq "") {
		    $in_textblock = 1;
		    print "in textblock\n" if ($localDebug);
		    $lastappend = pop(@newfields);
		} else {
		    $in_textblock = 2;
		    print "in textblock (continuation)\n" if ($localDebug);
		$field =~ s/^textblock\s+//io;
		# clean up text block
		$field =~ s/\</\&lt\;/go;
		$field =~ s/\>/\&gt\;/go;
		$lastappend .= "$field";
		print "in textblock.\n" if ($localDebug);
	    } elsif ($field =~ s/\\$/\@/o) {
		$lastappend .= $field;
	    } elsif ($lastappend eq "") {
		push(@newfields, $field);
	    } else {
		$lastappend .= $field;
		push(@newfields, $lastappend);	
		$lastappend = "";
	if (!($lastappend eq "")) {
	    push(@newfields, $lastappend);
	if ($in_link) {
		warn "$filename:$linenum:Unterminated \@link tag\n";
	if ($in_textblock) {
		warn "$filename:$linenum:Unterminated \@textblock tag\n";
	@fields = @newfields;
	return \@fields;

# /*! Sanitize a string for use in a URL */
sub sanitize($)
    my $string = shift;
    my $newstring = "";
    my $prepart = "";
    my $postpart = "";

if ($string =~ /^\w*$/o) { return $string; }

    if ($string =~ s/^\///so) {
	$prepart = "/";
    if ($string =~ s/\/$//so) {
	$postpart = "/";

    my @parts = split(/(\W|\s)/, $string);

    foreach my $part (@parts) {
	if (!length($part)) {
	} elsif ($part =~ /\w/o) {
		$newstring .= $part;
	# } elsif ($part =~ /\s/o) {
		# $newstring .= $part;
	} elsif ($part =~ /[\-\_\+\!\*\(\)]/o) {
		# We used to exclude '$' as well, but this
		# confused libxml2's HTML parser.
		$newstring .= $part;
	} else {
		# $newstring .= "%".ord($part);
		my $val = ord($part);
		my $valstring = sprintf("%02d", $val);
		$newstring .= "\%$valstring";

    return $prepart.$newstring.$postpart;

