winmake.wsf   [plain text]

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   <job id="all">
     <script language="JScript">

// Set the following variable to the root location of MS VC++ on your machine 
    var vc = "c:\\progra~1\\micros~3";

    var myshell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
    var objEnv = myshell .Environment("Process");
    var config = "Release";
    var windowOption = "C";

    var graphviz_home = myshell.CurrentDirectory;

    var lFile = graphviz_home + "/log";
    var args = WScript.Arguments;

    if(args.Length == 1) {
        lFile = args(0);

    var cpfx = "%COMSPEC% /" + windowOption +" nmake /NOLOGO /f ";
    var csfx = " - Win32 " + config + "\" >> " + lFile;

    var path = objEnv("PATH");
    objEnv("PATH") = path + ";" + vc + "\\VC98\\bin;"+vc+"\\Common\\MsDev98\\bin;";
    objEnv("LIB") = vc+"\\VC98\\lib";
    objEnv("INCLUDE") = vc+"\\VC98\\include";

    function doComp(f)
        myshell.Run("%COMSPEC% /C echo  ################### >> " + lFile);
        myshell.Run("%COMSPEC% /C echo compiling " + f + " ... >> " + lFile);
        myshell.Run(cpfx + f + ".mak CFG=\"" + f + csfx, 1, true);

// base libraries to be built
    var graphviz_libs = new Array(

// dotneato libraries to be built
    var dotneato_lib_base = graphviz_home + "\\dotneato\\";
    var graphviz_dnlibs = new Array(

// commands to be built
    var graphviz_cmd_base = graphviz_home + "\\graphviz\\";
    var graphviz_cmds = new Array(

// GUIs to be built
    var graphviz_gui = new Array(

// tools to be built
     var graphviz_tools = new Array(

// The reason for using i and k and decrementing i in the loops
// below is that it appears jscript is parsed as xml first. If we
// use the less-than symbol, this is taken as the beginning of an
// xml element and causes a parsing error. Note that an alternative
// approach would be to use the &lt; entity, which will be replaced
// by the less-than symbol. Also note that the contents of jscript
// comments, such as this, are parsed as xml, so they cannot contain
// a less-than symbol either.

// build libs
    var bnd = graphviz_libs.length;
    var i = 0;
    var k = 0;
    for(i=bnd; i > 0; i--) { 
        myshell.CurrentDirectory = graphviz_home + "\\" + graphviz_libs[k];

// build dotneato libs
    bnd = graphviz_dnlibs.length;
    k = 0;
    for(i=bnd; i > 0; i--) { 
        myshell.CurrentDirectory = dotneato_lib_base + graphviz_dnlibs[k];

// build commands
    bnd = graphviz_cmds.length;
    k = 0;
    for(i=bnd; i > 0; i--) { 
        myshell.CurrentDirectory = graphviz_cmd_base + graphviz_cmds[k];

// build GUIs
    bnd = graphviz_gui.length;
    k = 0;
    for(i=bnd; i > 0; i--) { 
        var arcs = graphviz_gui[k].split("\\");
        myshell.CurrentDirectory = graphviz_home + "\\" + graphviz_gui[k];

// build tools
    myshell.CurrentDirectory = graphviz_home + "\\tools\\projects";
    bnd = graphviz_tools.length;
    k = 0;
    for(i=bnd; i > 0; i--) { 


