incrscan.lpp   [plain text]

/* requires flex (i.e. not lex)  */
#pragma prototyped
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" {
#include "agraph.h"
#include "incrface/incrgram.h"
#include "common/StringDict.h"
#include "incrface/incrxep.h"

#define isatty(x)	1

#define GRAPH_EOF_TOKEN		'@'		/* lex class must be defined below */
	/* this is a workaround for linux flex */
#ifndef yywrap
#define yywrap() 1
static int line_num = 1;

/* buffer for arbitrary length strings (longer than BUFSIZ) */
static char	*Sbuf,*Sptr,*Send;
static void beginstr(void) {
	if (Sbuf == NIL(char*)) {
		Sbuf = (char*)malloc(BUFSIZ);
		Send = Sbuf + BUFSIZ;
	Sptr = Sbuf;
	*Sptr = 0; // for ""
static void addstr(char *src) {
	char	c;
	if (Sptr > Sbuf) Sptr--;
	do {
		do {c = *Sptr++ = *src++;} while (c && (Sptr < Send));
		if (c) {
			long	sz = long(Send - Sbuf);
			long	off = long(Sptr - Sbuf);
			sz *= 2;
			Sbuf = (char*)realloc(Sbuf,sz);
			Send = Sbuf + sz;
			Sptr = Sbuf + off;
	} while (c);
static void endstr(void) {
	yylval.str = (char*)agstrdup(NIL(Agraph_t*),Sbuf);
LETTER [A-Za-z_\200-\377]
DIGIT	[0-9]
NUMBER	[-]?(({DIGIT}+(\.{DIGIT}*)?)|(\.{DIGIT}+))
%x comment
%x qstring
<INITIAL>\n				{line_num++; return(yytext[0]);}
<comment,qstring>\n		line_num++;
"/*"					BEGIN(comment);
<comment>[^*\n]*		/* eat anything not a '*' */
<comment>"*"+[^*/\n]*	/* eat up '*'s not followed by '/'s */
<comment>"*"+"/"		BEGIN(INITIAL);
"//".*					/* ignore C++-style comments */
"#".*					/* ignore shell-like comments */
[ \t\r]					/* ignore whitespace */
"node"					return(T_node);
"edge"					return(T_edge);
"graph"					return(T_graph);
"subgraph"				return(T_subgraph);

"delete"				return(T_delete);
"insert"				return(T_insert);
"modify"				return(T_modify);
"open"					return(T_open);
"close"					return(T_close);
"view"					return(T_view);
"lock"					return(T_lock);
"unlock"				return(T_unlock);
"segue"					return(T_segue);
"message"                               return(T_message);

"->"|"--"				return(T_edgeop);
{ID}					{ yylval.str = agstrdup(NIL(Agraph_t*),yytext); return(T_id); }
["]						BEGIN(qstring); beginstr();
<qstring>["]			BEGIN(INITIAL); endstr(); return (T_id);
<qstring>[\\][\n]		line_num++; /* ignore escaped newlines */
<qstring>([^"\\]*|[\\].)	addstr(yytext);
.						return (yytext[0]);
void yyerror(const char *str)
	char buf[300];
	sprintf(buf,"incr: %s in line %d near '%s'\n",str,line_num,yytext);
	throw IncrError(buf);
/* must be here to see flex's macro defns */
void lexeof() { unput(GRAPH_EOF_TOKEN); }