Route.cpp   [plain text]

/*   Copyright (c) AT&T Corp.  All rights reserved.
This software may only be used by you under license from 
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If you received this software without first entering into a license 
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#include "common/PathPlan.h"
#include "common/Solvers.h"
#include "common/BezCoeffs.h"


#define EPSILON1 1E-6
#define EPSILON2 1E-6

namespace PathPlan {

struct TnA : Segment {
	double t;
	TnA() : Segment(Coord(),Coord()),t(0) {}

static bool reallyRouteSpline(const SegmentV &barriers,
        const Coord *inps, int inpn, TnA *tnas, Segment endSlopes,Line &out);
static void mkSpline(const Coord *inps, int inpn, TnA *tnas, Segment endSlopes,
        Coord *sp0, Coord *sv0, Coord *sp1, Coord *sv1);
static bool splineFits(const SegmentV &barriers,Coord pa, Coord va,
        Coord pb, Coord vb, bool forceflag, Line &out);
static bool splineIsInside(const SegmentV &barriers, Coord sps[4]);

bool Route(const SegmentV &barriers, const Line &input,Segment endSlopes,Line &out) {
	unsigned i,j;
	/* validate - input region is not self-intersecting */
	for(i = 0; i < barriers.size() - 1; i++)
		for(j = i + 1; j < barriers.size(); j++) {
			/* tell me this isn't BOGUS */
			if(barriers[i].a==barriers[j].a) continue;
			if(barriers[i].a==barriers[j].b) continue;
			if(barriers[i].b==barriers[j].a) continue;
			if(barriers[i].b==barriers[j].b) continue;
			if(segsIntersect(barriers[i].a,barriers[i].b,barriers[j].a,barriers[j].b)) {
				report(r_error,"input region self-intersection: (%.3lf,%.3lf),(%.3lf,%.3lf) X (%.3lf,%.3lf),(%.3lf,%.3lf)\n",
				return false;

    /* generate the splines */
    endSlopes.a = endSlopes.a.Norm();
    endSlopes.b = endSlopes.b.Norm(); = 3;
	TnA *tnas = new TnA[input.size()];
    if(!reallyRouteSpline(barriers, &input[0],input.size(), tnas, endSlopes,out)) // 
        return false;
	delete [] tnas;

	fprintf(stderr, "%%!PS-splinomatic\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "%% edges\n");
	fprintf(stderr,"0 0 1 setrgbcolor\n");
	for(int ipi = 0; ipi < barriers.size(); ipi++)
			fprintf(stderr, "newpath %f %f moveto %f %f lineto stroke\n",

	fprintf(stderr, "%% input path\n");
	fprintf(stderr,"1 0 0 setrgbcolor\n");
		for(ipi = 0; ipi < input.size(); ipi++) {
			fprintf(stderr, " %f %f", inps[ipi].x, inps[ipi].y);
	if(ipi == 0) fprintf(stderr," moveto");
	else fprintf(stderr," lineto");
	fprintf(stderr," stroke\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "%% output spline\n");
	fprintf(stderr,"1 .9 .8 setrgbcolor\n");
		for(int opi = 0; opi < opl; opi++) {
			fprintf(stderr, " %f %f", ops[opi].x, ops[opi].y);
	if(opi == 0) fprintf(stderr," moveto");
	else if(opi % 3 == 0) fprintf(stderr," curveto");
	fprintf(stderr," stroke\n");

    return true;

static bool reallyRouteSpline(const SegmentV &barriers,
        const Coord *inps, int inpn, TnA *tnas, Segment endSlopes,Line &out) {
    tnas[0].t = 0;
    int i;
    for(i = 1; i < inpn; i++)
        tnas[i].t = tnas[i - 1].t + dist(inps[i], inps[i - 1]);
    for(i = 1; i < inpn; i++)
        tnas[i].t /= tnas[inpn - 1].t;
    for(i = 0; i < inpn; i++) {
        tnas[i].a = endSlopes.a*B1(tnas[i].t);
        tnas[i].b = endSlopes.b*B2(tnas[i].t);

	Coord p1,v1,p2,v2;
    mkSpline(inps, inpn, tnas, endSlopes, &p1, &v1, &p2, &v2);

    if(splineFits(barriers, p1, v1, p2, v2,inpn == 2,out))
        return true;

    Coord cp1 = p1 + v1/3.0,
		cp2 = p2 - v2/3.0;
	double maxd=-1;
	int maxi=-1;
    for(i = 1; i < inpn - 1; i++) {
        double t = tnas[i].t;
		Coord p = p1*B0(t) + cp1*B1(t) + cp2*B2(t) + p2*B3(t);
		double d = dist(p, inps[i]);
        if(d > maxd)
            maxd = d, maxi = i;
    int spliti = maxi;
    Coord splitv1 = (inps[spliti]-inps[spliti - 1]).Norm(),
		splitv2 = (inps[spliti + 1]-inps[spliti]).Norm(),
		splitv = (splitv1+splitv2).Norm();

    if(!reallyRouteSpline(barriers,inps,spliti + 1,tnas,Segment(endSlopes.a,splitv),out) ||
		!reallyRouteSpline(barriers,&inps[spliti],inpn - spliti,tnas,Segment(splitv,endSlopes.b),out)) 
		return false;
    return true;

static void mkSpline(const Coord *inps, int inpn, TnA *tnas, Segment endSlopes,
        Coord *sp0, Coord *sv0, Coord *sp1, Coord *sv1) {
	const Coord &front = *inps,&back = inps[inpn-1];
	double c[2][2] = {{0,0},{0,0}},
		x[2] = {0,0};
    for(int i = 0; i < inpn; i++) {
        c[0][0] += tnas[i].a*tnas[i].a;
        c[0][1] += tnas[i].a*tnas[i].b;
        c[1][0] = c[0][1];
        c[1][1] += tnas[i].b*tnas[i].b;
        Coord tmp = inps[i]-(front*B01(tnas[i].t)+
        x[0] += tnas[i].a*tmp;
        x[1] += tnas[i].b*tmp;
    double det01 = c[0][0] * c[1][1] - c[1][0] * c[0][1],
		det0X = c[0][0] * x[1] - c[0][1] * x[0],
		detX1 = x[0] * c[1][1] - x[1] * c[0][1];
    double scale0 = 0.0,
		scale3 = 0.0;
    if(det01) {
        scale0 = detX1 / det01;
        scale3 = det0X / det01;
    if(absol(det01) < EPSILON1 || scale0 <= 0.0 || scale3 <= 0.0) {
        double d01 = dist(front, back) / 3.0;
        scale0 = d01;
        scale3 = d01;
    *sp0 = front;
    *sv0 = endSlopes.a*scale0;
    *sp1 = back;
    *sv1 = endSlopes.b*scale3;

static bool splineFits(const SegmentV &barriers,Coord pa, Coord va,
        Coord pb, Coord vb, bool forceflag, Line &out) {
    double a, b;

#if 0
    double d = dist(pa,pb);
    a = d, b = d;
    a = b = 4;
    while(1) {
		Coord sps[4] = {pa,
			pa + va*a/3.0,
			pb - vb*b/3.0,
        if(splineIsInside(barriers, sps)) {
			report(r_splineRoute,"success: %f %f\n", a, b);
            return true;
        if(a == 0 && b == 0) {
            if(forceflag) {
				report(r_splineRoute,"forced straight line: %f %f\n", a, b);
                return true;
        if(a > .01)
            a /= 2, b /= 2;
            a = b = 0;
#if DEBUG >= 1
fprintf(stderr, "failure\n");
    return false;

static bool splineIsInside(const SegmentV &barriers, Coord sps[4]) {
	double roots[4];
    for(unsigned ei = 0; ei < barriers.size(); ei++) {            
		int rootn = splineIntersectsLine(sps, barriers[ei], roots);
        if(rootn == 4)
            continue; // return 1; 
        for(int rooti = 0; rooti < rootn; rooti++) {
            if(roots[rooti] < EPSILON2 || roots[rooti] > 1 - EPSILON2)
            double t = roots[rooti],
				td = B3(t),
				tc = B2(t),
				tb = B1(t),
				ta = B0(t);
			Coord ip(ta * sps[0].x + tb * sps[1].x +
                    tc * sps[2].x + td * sps[3].x,
				ta * sps[0].y + tb * sps[1].y +
                    tc * sps[2].y + td * sps[3].y);
            if(dSquared(ip, barriers[ei].a) < EPSILON1 ||
                    dSquared(ip, barriers[ei].b) < EPSILON1)
            return false;
    return true;
} // namespace Path
inline void points2coeff(double v0, double v1, double v2, double v3,double coeff[4]) {
    coeff[3] = v3 + 3 * v1 - (v0 + 3 * v2);
    coeff[2] = 3 * v0 + 3 * v2 - 6 * v1;
    coeff[1] = 3 * (v1 - v0);
    coeff[0] = v0;
inline int addroot(double root, double roots[4], int rootn)  {
    if(root >= 0 && root <= 1)
        roots[rootn++] = root;
	return rootn;
int splineIntersectsLine(const Coord *sps, Segment seg,double *roots) {
    double scoeff[4], xcoeff[2], ycoeff[2];
    double xroots[3], yroots[3], tv, sv, rat;
    int rootn, xrootn, yrootn, i, j;

    xcoeff[0] = seg.a.x;
    xcoeff[1] = seg.b.x - seg.a.x;
    ycoeff[0] = seg.a.y;
    ycoeff[1] = seg.b.y - seg.a.y;
    rootn = 0;
    if(fabs(xcoeff[1])<EPSILON1) {
        if(fabs(ycoeff[1])<EPSILON1) {
            points2coeff(sps[0].x, sps[1].x, sps[2].x, sps[3].x, scoeff);
            scoeff[0] -= xcoeff[0];
            xrootn = solve3(scoeff, xroots);
            points2coeff(sps[0].y, sps[1].y, sps[2].y, sps[3].y, scoeff);
            scoeff[0] -= ycoeff[0];
            yrootn = solve3(scoeff, yroots);
            if(xrootn == 4)
                if(yrootn == 4)
                    return 4;
                    for(j = 0; j < yrootn; j++)
                        rootn = addroot(yroots[j], roots, rootn);
            else if(yrootn == 4)
                for(i = 0; i < xrootn; i++)
                    rootn = addroot(xroots[i], roots, rootn);
                for(i = 0; i < xrootn; i++)
                    for(j = 0; j < yrootn; j++)
                        if(xroots[i] == yroots[j])
                            rootn = addroot(xroots[i], roots, rootn);
            return rootn;
        } else {
            points2coeff(sps[0].x, sps[1].x, sps[2].x, sps[3].x, scoeff);
            scoeff[0] -= xcoeff[0];
            xrootn = solve3(scoeff, xroots);
            if(xrootn == 4)
                return 4;
            for(i = 0; i < xrootn; i++) {
                tv = xroots[i];
                if(tv >= 0 && tv <= 1) {
                    points2coeff(sps[0].y, sps[1].y, sps[2].y, sps[3].y,
                    sv = scoeff[0] + tv *(scoeff[1] + tv *
                        (scoeff[2] + tv * scoeff[3]));
                    sv = (sv - ycoeff[0]) / ycoeff[1];
                    if((0 <= sv) && (sv <= 1))
                        rootn = addroot(tv, roots, rootn);
            return rootn;
    } else {
        rat = ycoeff[1] / xcoeff[1];
        points2coeff(sps[0].y - rat * sps[0].x, sps[1].y - rat * sps[1].x,
                sps[2].y - rat * sps[2].x, sps[3].y - rat * sps[3].x, scoeff);
        scoeff[0] += rat * xcoeff[0] - ycoeff[0];
        xrootn = solve3(scoeff, xroots);
        if(xrootn == 4)
            return 4;
        for(i = 0; i < xrootn; i++) {
            tv = xroots[i];
            if(tv >= 0 && tv <= 1) {
                points2coeff(sps[0].x, sps[1].x, sps[2].x, sps[3].x, scoeff);
                sv = scoeff[0] + tv * (scoeff[1] + tv *
                    (scoeff[2] + tv * scoeff[3]));
                sv = (sv - xcoeff[0]) / xcoeff[1];
                if((0 <= sv) && (sv <= 1))
                    rootn = addroot(tv, roots, rootn);
        return rootn;