gvpr.c   [plain text]

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 * gpr: graph pattern recognizer
 * Written by Emden Gansner

#include "config.h"
#include	<unistd.h>
#include <gprstate.h>
#include <agraph.h>
#include <ingraphs.h>
#include <compile.h>
#include <queue.h>
#include <sfstr.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include "compat_getopt.h"

char *Info[] = {
    "dot",              /* Program */
    VERSION,            /* Version */
    BUILDDATE           /* Build Date */

static const char* usage =
": gvpr [-o <ofile>] [-a <args>] ([-f <prog>] | 'prog') [files]\n\
   -c         - use source graph for output\n\
   -f <pfile> - find program in file <pfile>\n\
   -i         - create node induced subgraph\n\
   -a <args>  - string arguments available as ARGV[0..]\n\
   -o <ofile> - write output to <ofile>; stdout by default\n\
   -V         - print version info\n\
   -?         - print usage info\n\
If no files are specified, stdin is used\n";

struct {
  char*     cmdName;
  Sfio_t*   outFile;        /* output stream; stdout default */
  char*     program;
  int       useFile;        /* true if program comes from a file */
  int       compflags;
  char**    inFiles;
  int       argc;
  char**    argv;
} options;

static Sfio_t*
openOut (char* name)
  Sfio_t*   outs;

  outs = sfopen(0, name,"w");
  if (outs == 0) { 
    error (ERROR_FATAL, "could not open %s for writing", name);
  return outs;

#define NUM_ARGS 10

/* parseArgs:
 * Tokenize a string.
static void
parseArgs(char* s, int* argc,char*** argv)
  int    i, cnt = 0;
  char*  args[NUM_ARGS];
  char*  t;
  char** av;
  char*  seps = " \t";

  for (t = strtok (s, seps); t; t = strtok(0, seps)) {
    if (cnt == NUM_ARGS) {
      error (ERROR_WARNING, "most %d arguments allowed in -a flag - ignoring rest",
    args[cnt++] = t;

  if (cnt) {
    av = oldof(0,char*,cnt,0);
    for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
      av[i] = strdup (args[i]);
    *argv = av;
  *argc = cnt;

/* scanArgs:
 * Parse command line options.
static void
scanArgs(int argc,char **argv)
  int       c;
  char*     outname = 0;

  options.cmdName = argv[0];
  options.outFile = 0;
  options.useFile = 0;
  error_info.id = options.cmdName;

  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, ":?Vcia:f:o:")) != -1) {
    switch (c) {
      case 'c':
        options.compflags |= SRCOUT;
      case 'f':
        options.useFile = 1;
        options.program = optarg;
      case 'i':
        options.compflags |= INDUCE;
      case 'a':
        parseArgs (optarg, &options.argc, &options.argv);
      case 'o':
        outname = optarg;
      case 'V':
        fprintf(stderr,"%s version %s (%s)\n",
          Info[0], Info[1], Info[2]);
        exit (0);
      case '?':
        if (optopt == '?') {
          error(ERROR_USAGE, "%s", usage);
          exit (0);
        else {
          error(2, "option -%c unrecognized", optopt);
      case ':':
        error(2, "missing argument for option -%c", optopt);
  argv += optind;
  argc -= optind;

    /* Handle additional semantics */
  if (options.useFile == 0) {
    if (argc == 0) {
      error(2, "No program supplied via argument or -f option");
      error_info.errors = 1;
    else {
      options.program = *argv++;
  if (argc == 0) options.inFiles = 0;
  else options.inFiles = argv;
  if (outname) options.outFile = openOut (outname);
  else options.outFile = sfstdout;

  if (error_info.errors)
    error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", usage);

static void
evalEdge (Gpr_t* state, comp_prog* xprog, Agedge_t* e)
  int         i;
  case_stmt*  cs;
  int         okay;

  state->curobj = (Agobj_t*)e;
  for (i = 0; i < xprog->n_estmts; i++) {
    cs = xprog->edge_stmts+i;
    if (cs->guard) 
      okay = (exeval (xprog->prog, cs->guard, state)).integer;
    else okay = 1;
    if (okay) {
      if (cs->action) exeval (xprog->prog, cs->action, state);
      else agsubedge (state->target, e, TRUE);

static void
evalNode (Gpr_t* state, comp_prog* xprog, Agnode_t* n)
  int         i;
  case_stmt*  cs;
  int         okay;

  state->curobj = (Agobj_t*)n;
  for (i = 0; i < xprog->n_nstmts; i++) {
    cs = xprog->node_stmts+i;
    if (cs->guard) okay = (exeval (xprog->prog, cs->guard, state)).integer;
    else okay = 1;
    if (okay) {
      if (cs->action) exeval (xprog->prog, cs->action, state);
      else agsubnode (state->target, n, TRUE);

typedef struct {
  Agnode_t*  oldroot;
  Agnode_t*  prev;
} nodestream;

static Agnode_t*
nextNode (Gpr_t* state, nodestream* nodes)
  Agnode_t*     np;

  if (state->tvroot != nodes->oldroot) {
    np = nodes->oldroot = state->tvroot;
  else if (nodes->prev) {
    np = nodes->prev = agnxtnode (nodes->prev);
  else {
    np = nodes->prev = agfstnode (state->curgraph);
  return np;

#define MARKED(x)  (((x)->iu.integer)&1)
#define MARK(x)  (((x)->iu.integer) = 1)
#define ONSTACK(x)  (((x)->iu.integer)&2)
#define PUSH(x)  (((x)->iu.integer)|=2)
#define POP(x)  (((x)->iu.integer)&=(~2))

typedef Agedge_t*  (*fstedgefn_t)(Agnode_t*);
typedef Agedge_t*  (*nxttedgefn_t)(Agedge_t*, Agnode_t*);

typedef struct {
  fstedgefn_t    fstedge;
  nxttedgefn_t   nxtedge;
} trav_fns;

static trav_fns DFSfns = {agfstedge, agnxtedge};
static trav_fns FWDfns = {agfstout, (nxttedgefn_t)agnxtout};
static trav_fns REVfns = {agfstin, (nxttedgefn_t)agnxtin};

static void
travDFS (Gpr_t* state, comp_prog* xprog, trav_fns* fns)
  Agnode_t*     n;
  queue*        stk;
  Agedgepair_t  seed;
  Agnode_t*     curn;
  Agedge_t*     cure;
  Agedge_t*     entry;
  int           more;
  ndata*        nd;
  nodestream    nodes;

  stk = mkStack ();
  nodes.oldroot = 0;
  nodes.prev = 0;
  while ((n = nextNode (state, &nodes))) {
    nd = nData(n);
    if (MARKED(nd)) continue;
    seed.out.node = n;
    seed.in.node = 0;
    curn = n;
    entry = &(seed.out);
    cure = 0;
    evalNode (state, xprog, n);
    more = 1;
    while (more) {
      if (cure) cure = fns->nxtedge (cure,curn);
      else cure = fns->fstedge (curn);
      if (cure) {
        if (entry == agopp(cure)) continue;
        nd = nData(cure->node);
        if (MARKED(nd)) {
          if (ONSTACK(nd))
            evalEdge (state, xprog, cure);
        else {
          evalEdge (state, xprog, cure);
          push(stk, entry);
          entry = cure;
          curn = cure->node;
          cure = 0;
          evalNode (state, xprog, curn);
      else {
        nd = nData(curn);
        cure = entry;
        entry = (Agedge_t*)pull(stk);
        if (entry) curn = entry->node;
        else more = 0;
static void
travNodes (Gpr_t* state, comp_prog* xprog)
  Agnode_t*   n;

  for (n = agfstnode(state->curgraph); n; n = agnxtnode(n)) {
    evalNode (state, xprog, n);

static void
travEdges (Gpr_t* state, comp_prog* xprog)
  Agnode_t*   n;
  Agedge_t*   e;

  for (n = agfstnode(state->curgraph); n; n = agnxtnode(n)) {
    for (e = agfstout(n); e; e = agnxtout(e)) {
      evalEdge (state, xprog, e);

static void
travFlat (Gpr_t* state, comp_prog* xprog)
  Agnode_t*   n;
  Agedge_t*   e;

  for (n = agfstnode(state->curgraph); n; n = agnxtnode(n)) {
    evalNode (state, xprog, n);
    if (xprog->n_estmts > 0) {
      for (e = agfstout(n); e; e = agnxtout(e)) {
        evalEdge (state, xprog, e);
/* traverse:
static void
traverse (Gpr_t* state, comp_prog* xprog)
  char*       target;

  if (state->name_used) {
    sfprintf (state->tmp, "%s%d", state->tgtname, state->name_used);
    target = sfstruse (state->tmp);
  else target = state->tgtname;
  state->target = openSubg(state->curgraph,target);
  state->outgraph = state->target;

  switch (state->tvt) {
  case TV_flat : 
    travFlat (state, xprog);
  case TV_dfs :
    travDFS (state, xprog, &DFSfns);
  case TV_fwd :
    travDFS (state, xprog, &FWDfns);
  case TV_rev :
    travDFS (state, xprog, &REVfns);
  case TV_ne :
    travNodes (state, xprog);
    travEdges (state, xprog);
  case TV_en :
    travEdges (state, xprog);
    travNodes (state, xprog);

static void
chkClose (Agraph_t* g)
  gdata*   data;

  data = gData(g);
  if (data->lock & 1) data->lock |= 2;
  else agclose (g);

static void*
ing_open (char* f)
  return sfopen(0, f, "r");

static Agraph_t*
ing_read (void* fp)
  return readG ((Sfio_t*)fp);

static int
ing_close (void* fp)
  return sfclose ((Sfio_t*)fp);

static ingdisc ingDisc = { ing_open, ing_read, ing_close, &_Sfstdin};

main (int argc, char* argv[])
  parse_prog*     prog;
  ingraph_state*  ing;
  comp_prog*      xprog;
  Gpr_t*          state;
  gpr_info        info;


  prog = parseProg (options.program, options.useFile);
  state = openGPRState ();
  xprog = compileProg (prog, state, options.compflags);
  info.outFile = options.outFile;
  info.argc = options.argc;
  info.argv = options.argv;
  initGPRState (state,xprog->prog->vm,&info);

    /* do begin */
  if (xprog->begin_stmt)
    exeval (xprog->prog, xprog->begin_stmt, state);

    /* if program is not null */
  if (usesGraph(xprog)) {
    ing = newIng (0, options.inFiles, &ingDisc);
	while ((state->curgraph = nextGraph(ing))) {
      state->infname = fileName (ing);
        /* begin graph */
      state->curobj = (Agobj_t*)state->curgraph;
      state->tvroot = 0;
      if (xprog->begg_stmt)
        exeval (xprog->prog, xprog->begg_stmt, state);

        /* walk graph */
      if (walksGraph(xprog))
        traverse (state, xprog);

        /* end graph */
      state->curobj = (Agobj_t*)state->curgraph;
      if (xprog->endg_stmt)
        exeval (xprog->prog, xprog->endg_stmt, state);

        /* if $O == $G and $T is empty, delete $T */
      if ((state->outgraph == state->curgraph) && 
          (state->target) && !agnnodes(state->target))
        agdelete (state->curgraph, state->target);

        /* output graph, if necessary */
      if (state->outgraph && agnnodes(state->outgraph))
        agwrite (state->outgraph, options.outFile);

      chkClose (state->curgraph);
      state->target = 0;
      state->outgraph = 0;

    /* do end */
  state->curgraph = 0;
  state->curobj = 0;
  if (xprog->end_stmt)
    exeval (xprog->prog, xprog->end_stmt, state);
