actions.c   [plain text]

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#pragma prototyped

 *  Code for main functions in gpr

#include <actions.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <ast.h>
#include <compile.h>
#include <sfstr.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define KINDS(p) ((AGTYPE(p) == AGRAPH) ? "graph" : (AGTYPE(p) == AGNODE) ? "node" : "edge")

/* sameG:
 * Return common root if objects belong to same root graph.
 * NULL otherwise
sameG (void* p1, void* p2, char* fn, char* msg)
  Agobj_t* obj1 = OBJ(p1);
  Agobj_t* obj2 = OBJ(p2);
  Agraph_t* root;

  root = agroot(agraphof(obj1));
  if (root != agroot(agraphof(obj2))) {
    if (msg)
      error (ERROR_WARNING, "%s in %s() belong to different graphs", msg, fn);
      error (ERROR_WARNING, "%s and %s in %s() belong to different graphs",
        KINDS(obj1), KINDS(obj2), fn);
    return 0;
  else return root;

/* indexOf:
 * Return index of string s2 in string s1, or -1
indexOf (char* s1, char* s2)
  char    c1 = *s2;
  char    c;
  char*   p;
  int     len2;

  if (c1 == '\0') return 0;
  p = s1;
  len2 = strlen(s2)-1;
  while ((c = *p++)) {
    if (c != c1) continue;
    if (strncmp (p, s2+1, len2) == 0) return ((p-s1)-1);
  return -1;

/* match:
 * Return index of pattern pat in string str, or -1
match (char* str, char* pat)
    int   sub[2];

    if (strgrpmatch(str, pat, sub, 1, STR_MAXIMAL)) {
      return (sub[0]);
    else return -1;

/* nodeInduce:
 * Add all edges in root graph connecting two nodes in 
 * selected to selected.
nodeInduce(Agraph_t *selected)
  Agnode_t*   n;
  Agedge_t*   e;
  Agraph_t*   base;

  if (!selected) return;
  base = agroot (selected);
  if (base == selected) return;
  for (n = agfstnode(selected); n; n = agnxtnode(n)) {
    for (e = agfstout(agsubnode(base,n,FALSE)); e; e = agnxtout(e)) {
      if (agsubnode(selected,aghead(e),FALSE))

/* copyAttr;
 * Copy attributes from src to tgt. Overrides currently
 * defined values.
 * FIX: we should probably use the default value of the source
 * graph when initializing the attribute, rather than "".
static void
copyAttr (int kind, Agobj_t* src, Agobj_t* tgt)
  Agraph_t*  srcg;
  Agraph_t*  tgtg;
  Agsym_t*   sym = 0;
  Agsym_t*   tsym = 0;

  srcg = agraphof(src);
  tgtg = agraphof(tgt);
  while ((sym = agnxtattr(srcg,kind,sym))) {
    tsym = agattrsym (tgt, sym->name);
    if (!tsym)
      tsym = agattr(tgtg,kind,sym->name,"");
    agxset (tgt, tsym, agxget(src,sym));

/* copy:
 * Create new object of type AGTYPE(obj) with all of its
 * attributes.
 * If obj is an edge, only create end nodes if necessary.
 * If obj is a graph, if g is null, create a top-level
 * graph. Otherwise, create a subgraph of g.
 * Assume obj != NULL.
copy(Agraph_t *g, Agobj_t* obj)
  Agobj_t*   nobj = 0;
  Agedge_t*  e;
  Agnode_t*  h;
  Agnode_t*  t;
  int        kind = AGTYPE(obj);
  char*      name = agnameof(obj);

  if ((kind != AGRAPH) && !g) {
    error (ERROR_FATAL, "NULL graph with non-graph object in copy()");
    return 0;

  switch (kind) {
  case AGNODE :
    nobj = (Agobj_t*)openNode (g, name);
  case AGRAPH :
    if (g)
      nobj = (Agobj_t*)openSubg (g, name);
      nobj = (Agobj_t*)openG (name, ((Agraph_t*)obj)->desc);
  case AGEDGE :
    e = (Agedge_t*)obj;
    t = openNode (g, agnameof(agtail(e)));
    h = openNode (g, agnameof(aghead(e)));
    nobj = (Agobj_t*)openEdge (t, h, name);
  if (nobj) copyAttr (kind,obj,nobj);

  return nobj;

/* cloneSubg:
 * Clone subgraph sg in tgt.
static Agraph_t*
cloneSubg (Agraph_t* tgt, Agraph_t* g)
  Agraph_t*  ng;
  Agraph_t*  sg;
  Agnode_t*  t;
  Agnode_t*  newt;
  Agnode_t*  newh;
  Agedge_t*  e;
  Agedge_t*  newe;

  ng = (Agraph_t*)(copy (tgt, OBJ(g)));
  if (!ng) return 0;
  for (t = agfstnode(g); t; t = agnxtnode (t)) {
    newt = agnode (tgt, agnameof(t), 0);
    if (!newt) 
      error (ERROR_PANIC, "node %s not found in cloned graph %s",
        agnameof(t), agnameof (tgt));
    agsubnode(ng, newt, 1);
  for (t = agfstnode(g); t; t = agnxtnode (t)) {
    newt = agnode (tgt, agnameof(t), 0);
    for (e = agfstout(t); e; e = agnxtout (e)) {
      newh = agnode (tgt, agnameof(aghead(e)), 0);
      newe = agedge (newt, newh, agnameof(e), 0);
      if (!newe) 
        error (ERROR_PANIC, "edge (%s,%s)[%s] not found in cloned graph %s",
          agnameof(agtail(e)), agnameof(aghead(e)), agnameof(e), agnameof(tgt));
      agsubedge(ng, newe, 1);
  for (sg = agfstsubg(g); sg; sg = agnxtsubg (sg)) {
    if (!cloneSubg(ng, sg)) {
      error (ERROR_FATAL, "error cloning subgraph %s from graph %s",
        agnameof(sg), agnameof(g));
  return ng;

/* cloneGraph:
 * Clone node, edge and subgraph structure from src to tgt.
static void
cloneGraph (Agraph_t* tgt, Agraph_t* src)
  Agedge_t*  e;
  Agnode_t*  t;
  Agraph_t*  sg;

  for (t = agfstnode(src); t; t = agnxtnode (t)) {
    if (!copy(tgt, OBJ(t))) {
      error (ERROR_FATAL, "error cloning node %s from graph %s",
        agnameof(t), agnameof(src));
  for (t = agfstnode(src); t; t = agnxtnode (t)) {
    for (e = agfstout(t); e; e = agnxtout (e)) {
      if (!copy(tgt, OBJ(e))) {
        error (ERROR_FATAL, "error cloning edge (%s,%s)[%s] from graph %s",
          agnameof(agtail(e)), agnameof(aghead(e)), agnameof(e), 
  for (sg = agfstsubg(src); sg; sg = agnxtsubg (sg)) {
    if (!cloneSubg(tgt, sg)) {
      error (ERROR_FATAL, "error cloning subgraph %s from graph %s",
        agnameof(sg), agnameof(src));

/* clone:
 * Create new object of type AGTYPE(obj) with all of its
 * attributes and substructure.
 * If obj is an edge, end nodes are cloned if necessary.
 * If obj is a graph, if g is null, create a clone top-level
 * graph. Otherwise, create a clone subgraph of g.
 * Assume obj != NULL.
clone(Agraph_t *g, Agobj_t* obj)
  Agobj_t*   nobj = 0;
  Agedge_t*  e;
  Agnode_t*  h;
  Agnode_t*  t;
  int        kind = AGTYPE(obj);
  char*      name = agnameof(obj);

  if ((kind != AGRAPH) && !g) {
    error (ERROR_FATAL, "NULL graph with non-graph object in clone()");
    return 0;

  switch (kind) {
  case AGNODE :   /* same as copy node */
    nobj = (Agobj_t*)openNode (g, name);
    if (nobj) copyAttr (kind,obj,nobj);
  case AGRAPH :
    if (g)
      nobj = (Agobj_t*)openSubg (g, name);
      nobj = (Agobj_t*)openG (name, ((Agraph_t*)obj)->desc);
    if (nobj) copyAttr (kind,obj,nobj);
    cloneGraph ((Agraph_t*)nobj, (Agraph_t*)obj);
  case AGEDGE :
    e = (Agedge_t*)obj;
    t = (Agnode_t*)clone (g, OBJ(agtail(e)));
    h = (Agnode_t*)clone (g, OBJ(aghead(e)));
    nobj = (Agobj_t*)openEdge (t, h, name);
    if (nobj) copyAttr (kind,obj,nobj);

  return nobj;

#define CCMARKED(n)  (((nData(n))->iu.integer)&2)
#define CCMARK(n)    (((nData(n))->iu.integer) |= 2)
#define CCUNMARK(n)  (((nData(n))->iu.integer) &= ~2)

static void
cc_dfs (Agraph_t* comp, Agnode_t* n)
  Agedge_t*   e;
  Agnode_t*   other;

  CCMARK (n);
  agidnode (comp, AGID(n), 1);
  for (e = agfstedge(n); e ; e = agnxtedge(e,n)) {
    if (agtail(e) == n) other = aghead(e);
    else other = agtail(e);
    if (!CCMARKED(other)) cc_dfs(comp,other);

/* compOf:
 * Return connected component of node.
compOf (Agraph_t* g, Agnode_t* n)
  Agraph_t*    cg;
  Agnode_t*    np;
  static int   id;
  char         name[64];

  if (!(n = agidnode (g,AGID(n),0))) return 0;   /* n not in g */
  for (np = agfstnode(g); np; np = agnxtnode (np))
    CCUNMARK (np);

  sprintf (name, "_cc_%d", id++);
  cg = openSubg(g,name);
  cc_dfs (cg, n);

  return cg;

/* isEdge:
 * Return edge, if any, between t and h with given key.
 * Edge is in root graph
isEdge (Agnode_t* t, Agnode_t* h, char* key)
  Agraph_t*    root;

  if ((root = sameG(t,h,"isEdge", "tail and head node"))) {
    t = (Agnode_t*)agrebind (root, OBJ(t));
    h = (Agnode_t*)agrebind (root, OBJ(h));
    return agedge (t,h,key,0);
  else return 0;

/* isIn:
 * Return 1 if object objp is in subgraph gp.
isIn (Agraph_t* gp, Agobj_t* objp)
  if (!sameG(gp,objp,"isIn",0)) return 0;
  switch (AGTYPE(objp)) {
  case AGRAPH :
    return (agparent((Agraph_t*)objp) == gp);
  case AGNODE :
    return (agidnode (gp, AGID(objp), 0) != 0);
  default :
    return (agsubedge (gp, (Agedge_t*)objp, 0) != 0);

/* addNode:
 * Insert node n into subgraph g.
 * Return image of n
addNode (Agraph_t* gp, Agnode_t* np)
  if (!sameG(gp,np,"addNode",0)) return 0;
  return agsubnode (gp, np, 1);

/* addEdge:
 * Insert edge e into subgraph g.
 * Return image of e
addEdge (Agraph_t* gp, Agedge_t* ep)
  if (!sameG(gp,ep,"addEdge",0)) return 0;
  return agsubedge (gp, ep, 1);

/* lockGraph:
 * Set lock so that graph g will not be deleted.
 * g must be a root graph.
 * If v > 0, set lock
 * If v = 0, unset lock and delete graph is necessary.
 * If v < 0, no op
 * Always return previous lock state.
 * Return -1 on error.
lockGraph (Agraph_t* g, int v)
  gdata*   data;
  int      oldv;

  if (g != agroot(g)) {
    error (ERROR_WARNING, "Graph argument to lock() is not a root graph");
    return -1;
  data = gData(g);
  oldv = data->lock & 1;  
  if (v > 0) data->lock |= 1;
  else if ((v == 0) && oldv) {
    if (data->lock & 2) agclose (g);
    else data->lock = 0;
  return oldv;

/* deleteObj:
 * Remove obj from g.
 * obj may belong to a subgraph of g, so we first must map
 * obj to its version in g.
 * If g is null, remove object from root graph.
 * If obj is a (sub)graph, close it. The g parameter is unused.
 * Return 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
deleteObj (Agraph_t* g, Agobj_t* obj)
  gdata*   data;
  if (AGTYPE(obj) == AGRAPH) {
    g = (Agraph_t*)obj;
    if (g != agroot(g)) return agclose(g);
    data = gData(g);
    if (data->lock & 1) {
      error (ERROR_WARNING, "Cannot delete locked graph %s", agnameof(g));
      data->lock |= 2;
      return -1;
    else agclose(g);

    /* node or edge */
  if (!g) g = agroot(agraphof(obj));
  obj = agrebind (g, obj);
  if (obj) return agdelete (g, obj);
  else return -1;

/* writeFile:
 * Write graph into file f.
 * Return 0 on success
writeFile (Agraph_t* g, char* f)
  int       rv;
  Sfio_t*   fp;

  if (!f) {
    error(1,"NULL string passed to writeG");
    return 1;
  fp = sfopen (0, f, "w");
  if (!fp) {
    error(1,"Could not open %s for writing in writeG", f);
    return 1;
  rv = agwrite (g, fp);
  sfclose (fp);
  return rv;

/* readFile:
 * Read graph from file f.
 * Return 0 on failure
readFile (char* f)
  Agraph_t* gp;
  Sfio_t*   fp;

  if (!f) {
    error(1,"NULL string passed to readG");
    return 0;
  fp = sfopen (0, f, "r");
  if (!fp) {
    error(1,"Could not open %s for reading in readG", f);
    return 0;
  gp = readG (fp);
  sfclose (fp);

  return gp;

fwriteFile (Expr_t* ex, Agraph_t* g, int fd)
	Sfio_t*     sp;

	if (fd < 0
		|| fd >= elementsof(ex->file)
		|| !((sp = ex->file[fd])))
			exerror("fwriteG: %d: invalid descriptor", fd);
			return 0;
	return agwrite (g, sp);

freadFile (Expr_t* ex, int fd)
	Sfio_t*     sp;

	if (fd < 0
		|| fd >= elementsof(ex->file)
		|| !((sp = ex->file[fd])))
			exerror("freadG: %d: invalid descriptor", fd);
			return 0;
	return readG (sp);

openFile (Expr_t* ex, char* fname, char* mode)
	int				idx;

	/* find open index */
	for (idx = 3; idx < elementsof(ex->file); idx++)
		if (!ex->file[idx]) break;
	if (idx == elementsof(ex->file)) {
		error(1,"openF: no available descriptors");
		return -1;
	ex->file[idx] = sfopen (0, fname, mode);
	if (ex->file[idx]) return idx;
	else return -1;

closeFile (Expr_t* ex, int fd)
	int				rv;

	if ((0 <= fd) && (fd <= 2)) {
		error(1,"closeF: cannot close standard stream %d", fd);
		return -1;
	if (!ex->file[fd]) {
		error(1,"closeF: stream %d not open", fd);
		return -1;
	rv = sfclose (ex->file[fd]);
	if (!rv) ex->file[fd] = 0;
	return rv;

 * Read single line from stream.
 * Return "" on EOF.
readLine (Expr_t* ex, int fd)
  Sfio_t*    sp;
  int        c;
  Sfio_t*    tmps;
  char*      line;

  if (fd < 0 || fd >= elementsof(ex->file) || !((sp = ex->file[fd]))) {
    exerror("readL: %d: invalid descriptor", fd);
    return exstring (ex, "");
  tmps = sfstropen();
  while (((c = sfgetc (sp)) > 0) && (c != '\n'))
    sfputc(tmps, c);
  if (c == '\n') 
    sfputc(tmps, c);
  line = exstring (ex, sfstruse(tmps));
  sfclose (tmps);
  return line;

/* compare:
 * Lexicographic ordering of objects.
compare (Agobj_t* l, Agobj_t* r)
  char lkind, rkind;
  if (AGID(l) < AGID(r)) return -1;
  else if (AGID(l) > AGID(r)) return 1;
  lkind = AGTYPE(l);
  rkind = AGTYPE(r);
  if (lkind == 3) lkind = 2;
  if (rkind == 3) rkind = 2;
  if (lkind == rkind) return 0;
  else if (lkind < rkind) return -1;
  else return 1;

/* canon:
 * Canonicalize a string for printing.
canon (Expr_t* pgm, char* arg)
  int   sz;        
  char* buf;
  char* p;

  sz = strlen(arg) + 10;     /* upper bound for bytes needed */
  buf = exstralloc (pgm, 0, sz);
  p = agcanonstr (arg, buf);
  if (p == arg)
    exstrfree (pgm, buf);
    p = exstralloc (pgm, buf, strlen(buf) + 1);

  return p;