tclhandle.c   [plain text]

 * tclhandle.c --
 * adapted from tclXhandles.c tclXutil.c and tclExtend.h
 * tclXhandles.c --
 * Tcl handles.  Provides a mechanism for managing expandable tables that are
 * addressed by textual handles.
 * Copyright 1991-1994 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
 * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
 * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies.  Karl Lehenbauer and
 * Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
 * software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or
 * implied warranty.
 * $Id: tclhandle.c,v 1.1 2004/05/04 21:50:56 yakimoto Exp $

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "tclhandle.h"
/* Added 2000-09-19 by KG for memcpy, ... decls */
#include <string.h>

#ifdef DMALLOC
#include "dmalloc.h"

 * Variable set to contain the alignment factor (in bytes) for this machine.
 * It is set on the first table initialization.
static int tclhandleEntryAlignment = 0;
 * tclhandleLinkInNewEntries --
 *   Build free links through the newly allocated part of a table.
 * Parameters:
 *   o tblHdrPtr (I) - A pointer to the table header.
 *   o newIdx (I) - Index of the first new entry.
 *   o numEntries (I) - The number of new entries.
static void tclhandleLinkInNewEntries (tblHeader_pt tblHdrPtr, int newIdx, int numEntries)
    int            entIdx, lastIdx;
    entryHeader_pt entryPtr;
    lastIdx = newIdx + numEntries - 1;

    for (entIdx = newIdx; entIdx < lastIdx; entIdx++) {
        entryPtr = TBL_INDEX (tblHdrPtr, entIdx);
        entryPtr->freeLink = entIdx + 1;
    entryPtr = TBL_INDEX (tblHdrPtr, lastIdx);
    entryPtr->freeLink = tblHdrPtr->freeHeadIdx;
    tblHdrPtr->freeHeadIdx = newIdx;

 * tclhandleExpandTable --
 *   Expand a handle table, doubling its size.
 * Parameters:
 *   o tblHdrPtr (I) - A pointer to the table header.
 *   o neededIdx (I) - If positive, then the table will be expanded so that
 *     this entry is available.  If -1, then just expand by the number of 
 *     entries specified on table creation.  MUST be smaller than this size.
static void tclhandleExpandTable (tblHeader_pt tblHdrPtr, int neededIdx)
    ubyte_pt oldbodyPtr = tblHdrPtr->bodyPtr;
    int      numNewEntries;
    int      newSize;
    if (neededIdx < 0)
        numNewEntries = tblHdrPtr->tableSize;
        numNewEntries = (neededIdx - tblHdrPtr->tableSize) + 1;
    newSize = (tblHdrPtr->tableSize + numNewEntries) * tblHdrPtr->entrySize;

    tblHdrPtr->bodyPtr = (ubyte_pt) malloc (newSize);
    memcpy (tblHdrPtr->bodyPtr, oldbodyPtr, 
            (tblHdrPtr->tableSize * tblHdrPtr->entrySize));
    tclhandleLinkInNewEntries (tblHdrPtr, tblHdrPtr->tableSize, numNewEntries);
    tblHdrPtr->tableSize += numNewEntries;
    free (oldbodyPtr);
 * tclhandleAlloc --
 *   Allocate a table entry, expanding if necessary.
 * Parameters:
 *   o headerPtr (I) - A pointer to the table header.
 *   o handle (O) - If not NULL, the handle is returned here.
 *   o entryIdxPtr (O) - If not NULL, the index is returned here.
 * Returns:
 *    The a pointer to the entry.
entryHeader_pt tclhandleAlloc (tblHeader_pt headerPtr, char *handle, unsigned long *entryIdxPtr)
    tblHeader_pt  tblHdrPtr = (tblHeader_pt)headerPtr;
    entryHeader_pt entryPtr;
    int            entryIdx;

    if (tblHdrPtr->freeHeadIdx == NULL_IDX)
        tclhandleExpandTable (tblHdrPtr, -1);

    entryIdx = tblHdrPtr->freeHeadIdx;    
    entryPtr = TBL_INDEX (tblHdrPtr, entryIdx);
    tblHdrPtr->freeHeadIdx = entryPtr->freeLink;
    entryPtr->freeLink = ALLOCATED_IDX;
	if (handle)
		sprintf(handle, tblHdrPtr->handleFormat, entryIdx);
	if (entryIdxPtr)
    	*entryIdxPtr = entryIdx;
    return USER_AREA (entryPtr);
 * tclhandleInit --
 *   Create and initialize a Tcl dynamic handle table. 
 * Parameters:
 *   o prefix (I) - The character string prefix to be used.
 *   o entrySize (I) - The size of an entry, in bytes.
 *   o initEntries (I) - Initial size of the table, in entries.
 * Returns:
 *   A pointer to the table header.  
tblHeader_pt tclhandleInit (char *prefix, int entrySize, int initEntries)
    tblHeader_pt tblHdrPtr;

     * It its not been calculated yet, determine the entry alignment required
     * for this machine.
    if (tclhandleEntryAlignment == 0) {
        tclhandleEntryAlignment = sizeof (void *);
        if (sizeof (unsigned long) > tclhandleEntryAlignment)
            tclhandleEntryAlignment = sizeof (unsigned long);
        if (sizeof (double) > tclhandleEntryAlignment)
            tclhandleEntryAlignment = sizeof (double);

     * Set up the table entry.
    tblHdrPtr = (tblHeader_pt) malloc (sizeof (tblHeader_t) );

     * Calculate entry size, including header, rounded up to sizeof (void *). 
    tblHdrPtr->entrySize = ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + ROUND_ENTRY_SIZE (entrySize);
    tblHdrPtr->freeHeadIdx = NULL_IDX;
    tblHdrPtr->tableSize = initEntries;
	tblHdrPtr->handleFormat = (char *)malloc(strlen(prefix)+4);
    tblHdrPtr->bodyPtr =
        (ubyte_pt) malloc (initEntries * tblHdrPtr->entrySize);
    tclhandleLinkInNewEntries (tblHdrPtr, 0, initEntries);

    return tblHdrPtr;


 * tclhandleDestroy --
 *   Destroy a Tcl dynamic handle table. 
 * Parameters:
 *   tblHdrPtr - A pointer to the table header.
 * Returns:
 *   TCL_OK if success
 *   TCL_ERROR if the table was not empty.
int tclhandleDestroy (tblHeader_pt tblHdrPtr)
    int            entIdx, lastIdx;
    entryHeader_pt entryPtr;
    lastIdx = tblHdrPtr->tableSize;
    for (entIdx = 0; entIdx < lastIdx; entIdx++) {
        entryPtr = TBL_INDEX (tblHdrPtr, entIdx);
        if (entryPtr->freeLink == ALLOCATED_IDX)
			return TCL_ERROR;

    return TCL_OK;
 * tclhandleReset --
 *   Reset a Tcl dynamic handle table.  
 * Parameters:
 *   tblHdrPtr - A pointer to the table header.
 *   initEntries - The number of initial entries in the reset table.
 * Returns:
 *   TCL_OK if success
 *   TCL_ERROR if any handles still in use in the old handle table.

int tclhandleReset (tblHeader_pt tblHdrPtr, int initEntries)
    int            entIdx, lastIdx;
    entryHeader_pt entryPtr;
    lastIdx = tblHdrPtr->tableSize;
    for (entIdx = 0; entIdx < lastIdx; entIdx++) {
        entryPtr = TBL_INDEX (tblHdrPtr, entIdx);
        if (entryPtr->freeLink == ALLOCATED_IDX)
			return TCL_ERROR;
    tblHdrPtr->freeHeadIdx = NULL_IDX;
    tblHdrPtr->tableSize = initEntries;
    tblHdrPtr->bodyPtr =
        (ubyte_pt) malloc (initEntries * tblHdrPtr->entrySize);
    tclhandleLinkInNewEntries (tblHdrPtr, 0, initEntries);

    return TCL_OK;

 * tclhandleIndex --
 *   Translate a string handle to a handleTable Index.
 * Parameters:
 *   o headerPtr (I) - A pointer to the table header.
 *   o handle (I) - The handle string -- <prefix><int>
 *   o entryIdxPtr (O) - If not NULL, the index is returned here.
 * Returns:
 *   TCL_OK if the handle was valid.
 *   TCL_ERROR if the handle was invalid.
int tclhandleIndex (tblHeader_pt tblHdrPtr, char *handle, unsigned long *entryIdxPtr)
    unsigned long entryIdx;

    if ((sscanf(handle, tblHdrPtr->handleFormat, &entryIdx)) != 1)
        return TCL_ERROR;
	if (entryIdxPtr)
    	*entryIdxPtr = entryIdx;
    return TCL_OK;

 * tclhandleString --
 *   Translate a handleTable Index into a string handle
 *       NB. No check is performed on the Index provided.
 * Parameters:
 *   o headerPtr (I) - A pointer to the table header.
 *   o handle (O) - The handle string -- <prefix><int>
 *   o entryIdxPtr (I) - If not NULL, the index is returned here.
void tclhandleString (tblHeader_pt tblHdrPtr, char *handle, unsigned long entryIdx)
	sprintf(handle, tblHdrPtr->handleFormat, entryIdx);

 * tclhandleXlateIndex --
 *   Translate an index to an entry pointer.
 * Parameters:
 *   o headerPtr (I) - A pointer to the table header.
 *   o index (I) - The index of an entry.
 * Returns:
 *   A pointer to the entry, or NULL if an error occured.
void * tclhandleXlateIndex (tblHeader_pt headerPtr, unsigned long entryIdx)
    tblHeader_pt   tblHdrPtr = headerPtr;
    entryHeader_pt entryPtr;
    entryPtr = TBL_INDEX (tblHdrPtr, entryIdx);

    if ((entryIdx >= tblHdrPtr->tableSize) ||
            (entryPtr->freeLink != ALLOCATED_IDX)) {
        return NULL;

    return USER_AREA (entryPtr);

 * tclhandleXlate --
 *   Translate a string handle to an entry pointer.
 * Parameters:
 *   o headerPtr (I) - A pointer to the table header.
 *   o handle (I) - The handle string -- <prefix><int>
 * Returns:
 *   A pointer to the entry, or NULL if an error occured.
void * tclhandleXlate (tblHeader_pt tblHdrPtr, char *handle)
    unsigned long entryIdx;

    if ((tclhandleIndex(tblHdrPtr, handle, &entryIdx)) != TCL_OK)
        return NULL;
    return (tclhandleXlateIndex(tblHdrPtr, entryIdx));
 * tclhandleFreeIndex --
 *   Frees a handle table entry by index.
 * Parameters:
 *   o headerPtr (I) - A pointer to the table header.
 *   o index (I) - The index of an entry.
 * Returns:
 *   The contents of the entry, if success, or NULL if an error occured.
void * tclhandleFreeIndex (tblHeader_pt headerPtr, unsigned long entryIdx)
    tblHeader_pt   tblHdrPtr = headerPtr;
    entryHeader_pt entryPtr, freeentryPtr;
    entryPtr = TBL_INDEX (tblHdrPtr, entryIdx);

    if ((entryIdx >= tblHdrPtr->tableSize) ||
            (entryPtr->freeLink != ALLOCATED_IDX)) {
        return NULL;

    entryPtr = USER_AREA (entryPtr);
    freeentryPtr = HEADER_AREA (entryPtr);
    freeentryPtr->freeLink = tblHdrPtr->freeHeadIdx;
    tblHdrPtr->freeHeadIdx = (((ubyte_pt) entryPtr) - tblHdrPtr->bodyPtr) /
    return entryPtr;

 * tclhandleFree --
 *   Frees a handle table entry by handle.
 * Parameters:
 *   o headerPtr (I) - A pointer to the table header.
 *   o handle (I) - The handle of an entry.
 * Returns:
 *   The contents of the entry, if success, or NULL if an error occured.
void * tclhandleFree (tblHeader_pt tblHdrPtr, char *handle)
    unsigned long entryIdx;

    if ((tclhandleIndex(tblHdrPtr, handle, &entryIdx)) != TCL_OK)
        return NULL;
    return (tclhandleFreeIndex(tblHdrPtr, entryIdx));