utils.c   [plain text]

    This software may only be used by you under license from AT&T Corp.
    ("AT&T").  A copy of AT&T's Source Code Agreement is available at
    AT&T's Internet website having the URL:
    If you received this software without first entering into a license
    with AT&T, you have an infringing copy of this software and cannot use
    it without violating AT&T's intellectual property rights.
#pragma prototyped

#include <aghdr.h>

#ifdef DMALLOC
#include "dmalloc.h"

static Agraph_t 	*Ag_dictop_G;

/* only indirect call through dtopen() is expected */
void *agdictobjmem(Dict_t *dict, Void_t *p, size_t size, Dtdisc_t *disc)
	Agraph_t	*g;

	g = Ag_dictop_G;
	if (g) {
		if (p) agfree(g,p);
		else return agalloc(g,size);
	else {
		if (p) free(p);
		else return malloc(size);
	return NIL(void*);

void agdictobjfree(Dict_t *dict, Void_t *p, Dtdisc_t *disc)
	Agraph_t	*g;

	NOTUSED(dict); NOTUSED(disc);
	g = Ag_dictop_G;
	if (g) agfree(g,p);
	else free(p);

Dict_t *agdtopen(Agraph_t *g, Dtdisc_t *disc, Dtmethod_t *method)
	Dtmemory_f	memf;
	Dict_t		*d;

	memf = disc->memoryf;
	disc->memoryf = agdictobjmem;
	Ag_dictop_G = g;
	d = dtopen(disc,method);
	disc->memoryf = memf;
	return d;

long agdtdelete(Agraph_t *g, Dict_t *dict, void *obj)
	Ag_dictop_G = g;
	return (long)dtdelete(dict,obj);

int agobjfinalize(Void_t *obj)
	return 0;

void agdtclose(Agraph_t *g, Dict_t *dict)
	Dtmemory_f	memf;
	Dtdisc_t	*disc;
	disc = dtdisc(dict,NIL(Dtdisc_t*),0);
	memf = disc->memoryf;
	disc->memoryf = agdictobjmem;
	Ag_dictop_G = g;
	if (dtclose(dict)) abort();
	disc->memoryf = memf;

void agdtdisc(Agraph_t *g, Dict_t *dict, Dtdisc_t *disc)
	if (disc && (dtdisc(dict,NIL(Dtdisc_t*),0) != disc)) {
	/* else unchanged, disc is same as old disc */