simple.h   [plain text]

#define MAXINTS  10000	/* modify this line to reflect the max no. of 
	intersections you want reported -- 50000 seems to break the program */

#define NIL 0

#define ABS(x) (((x) > 0) ? (x) : (-x))
#define SLOPE(p,q) ( ( ( p.y ) - ( q.y ) ) / ( ( p.x ) - ( q.x ) ) )
#define MAX(a,b) ( ( a ) > ( b ) ? ( a ) : ( b ) )

#define after(v) (((v)==((v)->poly->finish))?((v)->poly->start):((v)+1))
#define prior(v) (((v)==((v)->poly->start))?((v)->poly->finish):((v)-1))

struct position  { float x,y; };

struct vertex	{	
	struct position pos;
	struct polygon *poly;
	struct active_edge *active;

struct polygon	{ struct vertex *start,*finish;};

struct intersection   { 
	struct vertex *firstv,*secondv; 
	struct polygon *firstp,*secondp; 
	float x,y; } ;

struct active_edge { struct vertex *name; struct active_edge *next,*last; }; 
struct active_edge_list { struct active_edge *first,*final ; int number ; } ;
struct data    { int nvertices, npolygons, ninters;} ;