code.c   [plain text]

    This software may only be used by you under license from AT&T Corp.
    ("AT&T").  A copy of AT&T's Source Code Agreement is available at
    AT&T's Internet website having the URL:
    If you received this software without first entering into a license
    with AT&T, you have an infringing copy of this software and cannot use
    it without violating AT&T's intellectual property rights.

#pragma prototyped
/* Lefteris Koutsofios - AT&T Bell Laboratories */

#include "common.h"
#include "code.h"
#include "mem.h"

Code_t *cbufp;
int cbufn, cbufi;
#define CBUFINCR 1000
#define CBUFSIZE sizeof (Code_t)

static int Cstringoffset;

void Cinit (void) {
    Code_t c;

    cbufp = Marrayalloc ((long) CBUFINCR * CBUFSIZE);
    cbufn = CBUFINCR;
    cbufi = 0;
    Cstringoffset = (char *) &c.u.s[0] - (char *) &c + 1;
    /* the + 1 above accounts for the null character */

void Cterm (void) {
    Marrayfree (cbufp);
    cbufp = NULL;
    cbufn = cbufi = 0;

void Creset (void) {
    cbufi = 0;

int Cnew (Ctype_t ctype) {
    int i;

    if (cbufi >= cbufn) {
        cbufp = Marraygrow (cbufp, (long) (cbufn + CBUFINCR) * CBUFSIZE);
        cbufn += CBUFINCR;
    i = cbufi++;
    cbufp[i].ctype = ctype;
    cbufp[i].next = C_NULL;
    return i;

int Cinteger (long i) {
    int j;

    if (cbufi >= cbufn) {
        cbufp = Marraygrow (cbufp, (long) (cbufn + CBUFINCR) * CBUFSIZE);
        cbufn += CBUFINCR;
    j = cbufi++;
    cbufp[j].ctype = C_INTEGER;
    cbufp[j].u.i = i;
    cbufp[j].next = C_NULL;
    return j;

int Creal (double d) {
    int i;

    if (cbufi >= cbufn) {
        cbufp = Marraygrow (cbufp, (long) (cbufn + CBUFINCR) * CBUFSIZE);
        cbufn += CBUFINCR;
    i = cbufi++;
    cbufp[i].ctype = C_REAL;
    cbufp[i].u.d = d;
    cbufp[i].next = C_NULL;
    return i;

int Cstring (char *s) {
    int i, size, incr;

    size = (strlen (s) + Cstringoffset + CBUFSIZE - 1) / CBUFSIZE;
    if (cbufi + size > cbufn) {
        incr = size > CBUFINCR ? size : CBUFINCR;
        cbufp = Marraygrow (cbufp, (long) (cbufn + incr) * CBUFSIZE);
        cbufn += incr;
    i = cbufi, cbufi += size;
    cbufp[i].ctype = C_STRING;
    strcpy ((char *) &cbufp[i].u.s[0], s);
    cbufp[i].next = C_NULL;
    return i;