libgraph.h   [plain text]

    This software may only be used by you under license from AT&T Corp.
    ("AT&T").  A copy of AT&T's Source Code Agreement is available at
    AT&T's Internet website having the URL:
    If you received this software without first entering into a license
    with AT&T, you have an infringing copy of this software and cannot use
    it without violating AT&T's intellectual property rights.

#pragma prototyped
#ifndef _LIBGRAPH_H
#define _LIBGRAPH_H 1
#ifndef _BLD_graph
#define _BLD_graph 1

#if _PACKAGE_ast
#include    <ast.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef MSWIN32
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#ifndef EXTERN
#define EXTERN extern
#ifndef uchar
#define uchar	unsigned char

#ifndef NIL
#define NIL(t)	((t)0)

void  ag_yyerror(char*);
int   ag_yylex(void);

typedef struct Agraphinfo_t {char notused;} Agraphinfo_t;
typedef struct Agnodeinfo_t {char notused;} Agnodeinfo_t;
typedef struct Agedgeinfo_t {char notused;} Agedgeinfo_t;

#include "graph.h"

#ifdef offsetof
#undef offsetof
#define offsetof(typ,fld)  ((int)(&(((typ*)0)->fld)))

#ifndef NOT
#define NOT(v)		(!(v))
#ifndef FALSE
#define	FALSE		0
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE		NOT(FALSE)
#define NEW(t)		 (t*)calloc(1,sizeof(t))
#define N_NEW(n,t)	 (t*)calloc((n),sizeof(t))
#define ALLOC(size,ptr,type) (ptr? (type*)realloc(ptr,(size)*sizeof(type)):(type*)malloc((size)*sizeof(type)))
#define MIN(a,b)	((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define MAX(a,b)	((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#define SMALLBUF	128

#define ISALNUM(c) ((isalnum(c)) || ((c) == '_') || (!isascii(c)))

#define	NOPRINT		0
#define MULTIPLE    1
#define MUSTPRINT	2

#define ISEMPTYSTR(s) 	(((s) == NULL) || (*(s) == '\0'))
#define NULL_FN(t) 		(t(*)())0
#define ZFREE(p)		if (p) free(p);

#define	TAG_NODE			1
#define	TAG_EDGE			2
#define	TAG_GRAPH			3
#define TAG_OF(p)			(((Agraph_t*)(p))->tag)

#define AGFLAG_STRICT		(1<<1)
#define AGFLAG_METAGRAPH	(1<<2)

#define	KEYX				0
#define KEY_ID				"key"
#define	TAILX				1
#define TAIL_ID				"tailport"
#define HEADX				2
#define HEAD_ID				"headport"

EXTERN struct AG_s {
	int			graph_nbytes,node_nbytes,edge_nbytes;
	Agraph_t	*proto_g,*parsed_g;
	char		*edge_op;
	char		*linebuf;
	short		syntax_errors;
	uchar		accepting_state,init_called;
} AG;

/* follow structs used in graph parser */
typedef struct objport_t {
	void			*obj;
	char			*port;
} objport_t;

typedef struct objlist_t {
	objport_t			data;
	struct objlist_t	*link;
} objlist_t;

typedef struct objstack_t {
	Agraph_t			*subg;
	objlist_t        	*list,*last;
	int			in_edge_stmt;
	struct objstack_t	*link;
} objstack_t;

Agdict_t	*agdictof(void*);
Agnode_t	*agidnode(Agraph_t	*,	int);
Agdict_t	*agNEWdict(char	*);
Agedge_t	*agNEWedge(Agraph_t	*,	Agnode_t	*,	Agnode_t	*,	Agedge_t	*);
Agnode_t	*agNEWnode(Agraph_t	*,	char	*,	Agnode_t	*);
Agsym_t		*agNEWsym(Agdict_t	*,	char	*,	char	*);
int			agcmpid(Dt_t	*,	int	*,	int	*,	Dtdisc_t	*);
int			agcmpin(Dt_t	*,	Agedge_t	*,	Agedge_t	*,	Dtdisc_t	*);
int			agcmpout(Dt_t	*,	Agedge_t	*,	Agedge_t	*,	Dtdisc_t	*);
void		agcopydict(Agdict_t	*,	Agdict_t	*);
void		agDELedge(Agraph_t	*,	Agedge_t	*);
void		agDELnode(Agraph_t	*,	Agnode_t	*);
void		agerror(char	*);
void		agFREEdict(Agraph_t	*,	Agdict_t	*);
void		agFREEedge(Agedge_t	*);
void		agFREEnode(Agnode_t	*);
void		aginitlib(int,	int,	int);
void		agINSedge(Agraph_t	*,	Agedge_t	*);
void		agINSgraph(Agraph_t	*,	Agraph_t	*);
void		agINSnode(Agraph_t	*,	Agnode_t	*);
int			aglex(void);
void		aglexinit(FILE	*, gets_f mygets);
int 		agparse(void);
void		agpopproto(Agraph_t	*);
void		agpushproto(Agraph_t	*);
char 		*agstrdup(char  *);
char		*agstrdup_html(char* s);
void		agstrfree(char	*);
int			agtoken(char	*);
void		agwredge(Agraph_t	*,	FILE	*,	Agedge_t	*,	int);
void		agwrnode(Agraph_t	*,	FILE	*,	Agnode_t	*,	int,	int);
extern Dtdisc_t agNamedisc,agNodedisc,agOutdisc,agIndisc,agEdgedisc;
