Collapse.cpp   [plain text]

/*   Copyright (c) AT&T Corp.  All rights reserved.
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If you received this software without first entering into a license 
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#include "common/LGraph-cdt.h"
#include "common/StrAttr.h"

using namespace std;

// all StrGraphs should be subgraphs of the big graph
// except out, which must be toplevel
struct Collapsing {
	StrGraph *subg;
	NamedAttrs nodeInfo;
typedef vector<Collapsing> Collapsings;
void collapse(StrGraph *start,const Collapsings colls,StrGraph *out) {
	vector<StrGraph::Node*> collapsed;
	Collapsings::const_iterator ci;
	for(ci = colls.begin(); ci!=colls.end(); ++ci)
		collapsed[ci-colls.begin()] = out->create_node(ci->nodeInfo);
	map<StrGraph::Node*,StrGraph::Node*> replace;
	for(StrGraph::node_iter ni = start->nodes().begin(); ni!=start->nodes().end(); ++ni) {
		for(ci = colls.begin(); ci!=colls.end(); ++ci)
			if(ci->subg->find(*ni)) { // found: replace with collapse-node
				replace[*ni] = collapsed[ci-colls.begin()];
		if(ci==colls.end()) // not found: copy into destination
			replace[*ni] = out->create_node(gd<NamedAttrs>(*ni));
	for(StrGraph::graphedge_iter ei = start->edges().begin(); ei!=start->edges().end(); ++ei) {
		for(ci = colls.begin(); ci!=colls.end(); ++ci)
		if(ci!=colls.end()) // skip all collapsed edges