ccomps.c   [plain text]

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    ("AT&T").  A copy of AT&T's Source Code Agreement is available at
    AT&T's Internet website having the URL:
    If you received this software without first entering into a license
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    it without violating AT&T's intellectual property rights.
#pragma prototyped

#include <render.h>
#include <pack.h>

#define MARKED(n) ((n)->u.mark)
#define MARK(n) ((n)->u.mark = 1)
#define UNMARK(n) ((n)->u.mark = 0)

typedef void (*dfsfn)(Agnode_t*, void*);

static void
dfs(Agraph_t* g, Agnode_t* n, dfsfn action, void* state)
  Agedge_t    *e;
  Agnode_t    *other;

  action(n, state);
  for (e = agfstedge(g,n); e ; e = agnxtedge(g,e,n)) {
    if ((other = e->tail) == n) other = e->head;
    if (!MARKED(other)) dfs(g,other,action,state);

static int
isLegal (char* p)
  char   c;

  while ((c = *p++)) {
    if ((c != '_') && !isalnum(c)) return 0;

  return 1;

/* insertFn:
static void
insertFn (Agnode_t* n, void* state)

/* pccomps:
 * Return an array of subgraphs consisting of the connected 
 * components of graph g. The number of components is returned in ncc. 
 * All pinned nodes are in one component.
 * If pfx is non-null and a legal graph name, we use it as the prefix
 * for the name of the subgraphs created. If not, a simple default is used.
 * If pinned is non-null, *pinned set to 1 if pinned nodes found
 * and the first component is the one containing the pinned nodes.
 * Note that the component subgraphs do not contain any edges. These must
 * be obtained from the root graph.
pccomps (Agraph_t* g, int* ncc, char* pfx, boolean* pinned)
  int         c_cnt = 0;
  char        buffer[SMALLBUF];
  char*       name;
  Agraph_t*   out = 0;
  Agnode_t*   n;
  Agraph_t**  ccs;
  int         len;
  int         bnd = 10;
  boolean     pin = FALSE;

  if (agnnodes(g) == 0) {
    *ncc = 0;
    return 0;
  if (!pfx || !isLegal(pfx)) {
    pfx = "_cc_";
  len = strlen (pfx);
  if (len + 25 <= SMALLBUF) name = buffer;
  else name = (char*)gmalloc(len+25);
  strcpy (name, pfx);

  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n))

  ccs = N_GNEW(bnd,Agraph_t*);

    /* Component with pinned nodes */
  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n)) {
    if (MARKED(n) || !isPinned(n)) continue;
	if (!out) {
      out = agsubg(g,name);
      ccs[c_cnt] = out;
      pin = TRUE;

    /* Remaining nodes */
  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n)) {
    if (MARKED(n)) continue;
    out = agsubg(g,name);
    if (c_cnt == bnd) {
      bnd *= 2;
      ccs = RALLOC(bnd,ccs,Agraph_t*);
    ccs[c_cnt] = out;

  ccs = RALLOC(c_cnt,ccs,Agraph_t*);
  if (name != buffer) free (name);
  *ncc = c_cnt;
  *pinned = pin;
  return ccs;

/* ccomps:
 * Return an array of subgraphs consisting of the connected
 * components of graph g. The number of components is returned in ncc.
 * If pfx is non-null and a legal graph name, we use it as the prefix
 * for the name of the subgraphs created. If not, a simple default is used.
 * Note that the component subgraphs do not contain any edges. These must
 * be obtained from the root graph.
ccomps (Agraph_t* g, int* ncc, char* pfx)
  int         c_cnt = 0;
  char        buffer[SMALLBUF];
  char*       name;
  Agraph_t*   out;
  Agnode_t*   n;
  Agraph_t**  ccs;
  int         len;
  int         bnd = 10;

  if (agnnodes(g) == 0) {
    *ncc = 0;
    return 0;
  if (!pfx || !isLegal(pfx)) {
    pfx = "_cc_";
  len = strlen (pfx);
  if (len + 25 <= SMALLBUF) name = buffer;
  else name = (char*)gmalloc(len+25);
  strcpy (name, pfx);

  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n))

  ccs = N_GNEW(bnd,Agraph_t*);
  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n)) {
    if (MARKED(n)) continue;
    out = agsubg(g,name);
    if (c_cnt == bnd) {
      bnd *= 2;
      ccs = RALLOC(bnd,ccs,Agraph_t*);
    ccs[c_cnt] = out;
  ccs = RALLOC(c_cnt,ccs,Agraph_t*);
  if (name != buffer) free (name);
  *ncc = c_cnt;
  return ccs;

/* cntFn:
static void
cntFn (Agnode_t* n, void* s)
  *(int*)s += 1;

/* isConnected:
 * Returns true if the graph is connected.
isConnected (Agraph_t* g)
  Agnode_t*   n;
  int         ret = 1;
  int         cnt = 0;

  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n))

  n = agfstnode(g); 
  if (n) {
    dfs (g,n,cntFn,&cnt);
    if (cnt != agnnodes(g)) ret = 0;
  return ret;

/* nodeInduce:
 * Given a subgraph, adds all edges in the root graph both of whose
 * endpoints are in the subgraph.
 * If g is a connected component, this will be all edges attached to
 * any node in g.
 * Returns the number of edges added.
nodeInduce (Agraph_t* g)
  Agnode_t*    n;
  Agraph_t*    root = g->root;
  Agedge_t*    e;
  int          e_cnt = 0;

  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n)) {
    for (e = agfstout(root,n); e; e = agnxtout(root,e)) {
      if (agcontains(g,e->head)) {  /* test will always be true */
        aginsert(g,e);              /* for connected component  */
  return e_cnt;