htmlparse.y   [plain text]

    This software may only be used by you under license from AT&T Corp.
    ("AT&T").  A copy of AT&T's Source Code Agreement is available at
    AT&T's Internet website having the URL:
    If you received this software without first entering into a license
    with AT&T, you have an infringing copy of this software and cannot use
    it without violating AT&T's intellectual property rights.
#pragma prototyped

#include "render.h"
#include "htmltable.h"
#include "htmllex.h"

extern int yyparse();

static struct {
  htmllabel_t* lbl;       /* Generated label */
  htmltbl_t*   tblstack;  /* Stack of tables maintained during parsing */
  Dt_t*        lines;     /* Dictionary for lines of text */
  agxbuf*      str;       /* Buffer for text */
} HTMLstate;

/* free_ritem:
 * Free row. This closes and frees row's list, then
 * the pitem itself is freed.
static void
free_ritem(Dt_t* d, pitem* p,Dtdisc_t* ds)
  dtclose (p->u.rp);
  free (p);

/* free_ritem:
 * Free cell item after cell has been copies into final table.
 * Only the pitem is freed.
static void
free_item(Dt_t* d, pitem* p,Dtdisc_t* ds)
  free (p);

/* cleanTbl:
 * Clean up table if error in parsing.
static void
cleanTbl (htmltbl_t* tp)
  dtclose (tp->u.p.rows);
  free_html_data (&tp->data);
  free (tp);

/* cleanCell:
 * Clean up cell if error in parsing.
static void
cleanCell (htmlcell_t* cp)
  if (cp->child.kind == HTML_TBL) cleanTbl (cp->child.u.tbl);
  else if (cp->child.kind == HTML_TEXT) free_html_text (cp->child.u.txt);
  free_html_data (&cp->data);
  free (cp);

/* free_citem:
 * Free cell item during parsing. This frees cell and pitem.
static void
free_citem(Dt_t* d, pitem* p,Dtdisc_t* ds)
  cleanCell (p->u.cp);
  free (p);

static Dtdisc_t rowDisc = {
static Dtdisc_t cellDisc = {

typedef struct {
  Dtlink_t      link;
  const char*   s;          /* line of text */
  char          c;          /* alignment of text */
} sitem;

static void
free_sitem(Dt_t* d,sitem* p,Dtdisc_t* ds)
  free (p);

static Dtdisc_t strDisc = {

static void
appendStrList(const char* p,int v)
  sitem*  sp = NEW(sitem);
  sp->s = strdup(p);
  sp->c = v;
  dtinsert (HTMLstate.lines, sp);

/* mkText:
 * Construct htmltext_t from list of lines in HTMLstate.lines.
 * lastl is a last, odd line with no <BR>, so we use n by default.
static htmltxt_t*
mkText (const char* lastl)
  int         cnt;
  textline_t* lp;
  sitem*      sp;
  Dt_t*       lines = HTMLstate.lines;
  htmltxt_t* tp = NEW(htmltxt_t);

  if (lines)
    cnt = dtsize (lines);
    cnt = 0;
  if (lastl) cnt++;

  tp->nlines = cnt;
  tp->line = N_NEW(cnt+1,textline_t);

  lp = tp->line;
  if (lines) {
    sp = (sitem*)dtflatten(lines);
    for (; sp; sp = (sitem*)dtlink(lines,(Dtlink_t*)sp)) {
      lp->str = (char*)(sp->s);
      lp->just = sp->c;
  if (lastl) {
    lp->str = strdup(lastl);
    lp->just = 'n';

  dtclear (lines);
  return tp;

/* addRow:
 * Add new cell row to current table.
static void
addRow ()
  Dt_t*      dp = dtopen(&cellDisc, Dtqueue);
  htmltbl_t* tbl = HTMLstate.tblstack;
  pitem*     sp = NEW(pitem);

  sp->u.rp = dp;
  dtinsert (tbl->u.p.rows, sp);

/* setCell:
 * Set cell body and type and attach to row
static void
setCell (htmlcell_t* cp, void* obj, int kind)
  pitem*     sp = NEW(pitem);
  htmltbl_t* tbl = HTMLstate.tblstack;
  pitem*     rp = (pitem*)dtlast (tbl->u.p.rows);
  Dt_t*      row = rp->u.rp;

  sp->u.cp = cp;
  dtinsert (row, sp);
  cp->child.kind = kind;
  if (kind == HTML_TEXT)
    cp->child.u.txt = (htmltxt_t*)obj;
    cp->child.u.tbl = (htmltbl_t*)obj;

/* mkLabel:
 * Create label, given body and type.
static htmllabel_t*
mkLabel (void* obj, int kind)
  htmllabel_t* lp = NEW(htmllabel_t);

  lp->kind = kind;
  if (kind == HTML_TEXT)
    lp->u.txt = (htmltxt_t*)obj;
    lp->u.tbl = (htmltbl_t*)obj;
  return lp;

/* cleanup:
 * Called on error. Frees resources allocated during parsing.
 * This includes a label, plus a walk down the stack of
 * tables. Note that we use the free_citem function to actually
 * free cells.
static void
cleanup ()
  htmltbl_t* tp = HTMLstate.tblstack;
  htmltbl_t* next;

  if (HTMLstate.lbl) {
    free_html_label (HTMLstate.lbl,1);
    HTMLstate.lbl = NULL;
  cellDisc.freef = (Dtfree_f)free_citem;
  while (tp) {
    next = tp->u.p.prev;
    cleanTbl (tp);
    tp = next;
  cellDisc.freef = (Dtfree_f)free_item;

/* nonSpace:
 * Return 1 if s contains a non-space character.
static int
nonSpace (char* s)
  char   c;

  while ((c = *s++)) {
    if (c != ' ') return 1;
  return 0;


%union  {
  int    i;
  htmltxt_t*  txt;
  htmlcell_t*  cell;
  htmltbl_t*   tbl;

%token T_end_br T_row T_end_row T_html T_end_html
%token T_end_table T_end_cell T_string T_error
%token <i> T_BR T_br
%token <tbl> T_table
%token <cell> T_cell

%type <txt> text
%type <i> br
%type <tbl> table

%start html


html  : T_html text { HTMLstate.lbl = mkLabel($2,HTML_TEXT); } T_end_html
      | T_html table { HTMLstate.lbl = mkLabel($2,HTML_TBL); } T_end_html
      | error { cleanup(); YYABORT; }

text : lines
        { $$ = mkText (NULL); }
     | lines string
        { $$ = mkText (agxbuse(HTMLstate.str)); }
     | string
        { $$ = mkText (agxbuse(HTMLstate.str)); }

lines : string br
        { appendStrList (agxbuse(HTMLstate.str),$2); }
      | lines string br
        { appendStrList (agxbuse(HTMLstate.str), $3); }

br     : T_br T_end_br { $$ = $1; }
       | T_BR { $$ = $1; }

string : T_string
       | string T_string

table : opt_space T_table { 
          if (nonSpace(agxbuse(HTMLstate.str))) {
            yyerror ("Syntax error: non-space string used before <TABLE>");
            cleanup(); YYABORT;
          $2->u.p.prev = HTMLstate.tblstack;
          $2->u.p.rows = dtopen(&rowDisc, Dtqueue);
          HTMLstate.tblstack = $2;
          $$ = $2;
        rows T_end_table opt_space {
          if (nonSpace(agxbuse(HTMLstate.str))) {
            yyerror ("Syntax error: non-space string used after </TABLE>");
            cleanup(); YYABORT;
          $$ = HTMLstate.tblstack;
          HTMLstate.tblstack = HTMLstate.tblstack->u.p.prev;

opt_space : string 
          | /* empty*/

rows : row
     | rows row

row : T_row { addRow (); } cells T_end_row

cells : cell
      | cells cell

cell : T_cell table { setCell($1,$2,HTML_TBL); } T_end_cell
     | T_cell text { setCell($1,$2,HTML_TEXT); } T_end_cell


parseHTML (char* txt, int* warn)
  unsigned char buf[SMALLBUF];
  agxbuf        str;

  HTMLstate.tblstack = 0;
  HTMLstate.lbl = 0;
  HTMLstate.lines = dtopen(&strDisc, Dtqueue);
  agxbinit (&str, SMALLBUF, buf);
  HTMLstate.str = &str;
  initHTMLlexer (txt, &str);
  *warn = clearHTMLlexer ();

  dtclose (HTMLstate.lines);
  agxbfree (&str);

  return HTMLstate.lbl;