arrows.c   [plain text]

    This software may only be used by you under license from AT&T Corp.
    ("AT&T").  A copy of AT&T's Source Code Agreement is available at
    AT&T's Internet website having the URL:
    If you received this software without first entering into a license
    with AT&T, you have an infringing copy of this software and cannot use
    it without violating AT&T's intellectual property rights.
#pragma prototyped

#include	"render.h"
#include	"gvrender.h"

#define sqr(a) ((double) (a) * (a))
#define dstsq(a, b) (sqr (a.x - b.x) + sqr (a.y - b.y))
#define dst(a, b) sqrt (dstsq (a, b))

#define EPSILON .0001

/* standard arrow length in points */
#define ARROW_LENGTH 10.

/* arrow types */
#define ARR_TYPE_NORM	  1
#define ARR_TYPE_CROW	  2
#define ARR_TYPE_TEE	  3
#define ARR_TYPE_BOX	  4
#define ARR_TYPE_DOT      6

/* arrow mods */
#define ARR_MOD_OPEN      (1<<8)
#define ARR_MOD_INV       (1<<9)
#define ARR_MOD_LEFT      (1<<10)
#define ARR_MOD_RIGHT     (1<<11)

typedef struct arrowdir_t {
	char *dir;
	int sflag;
	int eflag;
} arrowdir_t;

static arrowdir_t Arrowdirs[] = {
	{"forward", ARR_TYPE_NONE, ARR_TYPE_NORM },
	{"back",    ARR_TYPE_NORM, ARR_TYPE_NONE },
	{"both",    ARR_TYPE_NORM, ARR_TYPE_NORM },
	{"none",    ARR_TYPE_NONE, ARR_TYPE_NONE },

typedef struct arrowname_t {
	char *name;
	int type;
} arrowname_t;

static arrowname_t Arrowsynonyms[] = {
    /* synonyms for deprecated arrow names - included for backward compatibility */
    /*  evaluated before primary names else "invempty" would give different results */
	{"invempty", (ARR_TYPE_NORM|ARR_MOD_INV|ARR_MOD_OPEN) }, /* oinv     */
	{(char *)0,  (ARR_TYPE_NONE)                          }

static arrowname_t Arrowmods[] = {
	{"o",       ARR_MOD_OPEN  },
	{"r",       ARR_MOD_RIGHT },
	{"l",       ARR_MOD_LEFT  },
        /* deprecated alternates for backward compat */
	{"e",       ARR_MOD_OPEN  }, /* o  - needed for "ediamond" */
	{"half",    ARR_MOD_LEFT  }, /* l  - needed for "halfopen" */
	{(char *)0, ARR_TYPE_NONE }

static arrowname_t Arrownames[] = {
	{"normal",  ARR_TYPE_NORM    },
	{"crow",    ARR_TYPE_CROW    },
	{"tee",     ARR_TYPE_TEE     },
	{"box",     ARR_TYPE_BOX     },
	{"diamond", ARR_TYPE_DIAMOND },
	{"dot",     ARR_TYPE_DOT     },
	{"none",    ARR_TYPE_NONE    },
        /* ARR_MOD_INV is used only here to define two additional shapes
           since not all types can use it */
	{"inv",     (ARR_TYPE_NORM|ARR_MOD_INV) },
	{"vee",     (ARR_TYPE_CROW|ARR_MOD_INV) },
        /* WARNING ugly kludge to deal with "o" v "open" conflict */
	/* Define "open" as just "pen" since "o" already taken as ARR_MOD_OPEN */
        /* Note that ARR_MOD_OPEN has no meaning for ARR_TYPE_CROW shape */
	{"pen",     (ARR_TYPE_CROW|ARR_MOD_INV) },
        /* WARNING ugly kludge to deal with "e" v "empty" conflict */
	/* Define "empty" as just "mpty" since "e" already taken as ARR_MOD_OPEN */
        /* Note that ARR_MOD_OPEN has expected meaning for ARR_TYPE_NORM shape */
	{"mpty",    ARR_TYPE_NORM    },
	{(char *)0, ARR_TYPE_NONE    }

typedef struct arrowtype_t {
        int type;
        double lenfact;   /* ratio of length of this arrow type to standards arrow */
	void (*gen)(GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag); /* generator function for type */
} arrowtype_t;

/* forward declaration of functions used in Arrowtypes[] */
static void arrow_type_normal  (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag);
static void arrow_type_crow    (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag);
static void arrow_type_tee     (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag);
static void arrow_type_box     (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag);
static void arrow_type_diamond (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag);
static void arrow_type_dot     (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag);

static arrowtype_t Arrowtypes[] = {
	{ARR_TYPE_NORM,    1.0, arrow_type_normal  },
	{ARR_TYPE_CROW,    1.0, arrow_type_crow    },
	{ARR_TYPE_TEE,     0.5, arrow_type_tee     },
	{ARR_TYPE_BOX,     1.0, arrow_type_box     },
	{ARR_TYPE_DIAMOND, 1.2, arrow_type_diamond },
	{ARR_TYPE_DOT,     0.8, arrow_type_dot     },
	{ARR_TYPE_NONE,    0.0, NULL               }

static char *arrow_match_name_frag (char* name, arrowname_t *arrownames, int *flag)
    arrowname_t *arrowname;
    int namelen = 0;
    char *rest = name;

    for (arrowname = arrownames; arrowname->name; arrowname++) {
      namelen = strlen(arrowname->name);
      if (strncmp(name,arrowname->name,namelen) == 0) {
        *flag |= arrowname->type;
        rest += namelen;
    return rest;

static char *arrow_match_shape (char* name, int *flag)
    char *next, *rest;
    int f=ARR_TYPE_NONE;

    rest = arrow_match_name_frag(name, Arrowsynonyms, &f);
    if (rest == name) {
        do {
            next = rest;
            rest = arrow_match_name_frag(next, Arrowmods, &f);
        } while (next != rest);
        rest = arrow_match_name_frag(rest, Arrownames, &f);
    if (f && !(f&((1<<8)-1))) 
        f |= ARR_TYPE_NORM;
    *flag |= f;
    return rest;

static void arrow_match_name (char* name, int *flag)
    char *rest;

    rest = arrow_match_shape (name, &f1);
    rest = arrow_match_shape (rest, &f2);
    *flag = f1 | (f2<<16);

void arrow_flags (edge_t *e, int *sflag, int *eflag)
  char *attr;
  arrowdir_t *arrowdir;

  *sflag = ARR_TYPE_NONE;
  *eflag = AG_IS_DIRECTED(e->tail->graph) ? ARR_TYPE_NORM : ARR_TYPE_NONE;
  if (E_dir && ((attr = agxget (e, E_dir->index)))[0]) {
    for (arrowdir = Arrowdirs; arrowdir->dir; arrowdir++) {
      if (streq(attr,arrowdir->dir)) {
        *sflag = arrowdir->sflag;
        *eflag = arrowdir->eflag;
  if (E_arrowhead && ((attr = agxget (e, E_arrowhead->index)))[0])
  if (E_arrowtail && ((attr = agxget (e, E_arrowtail->index)))[0])
  if (ED_conc_opp_flag(e)) {
  	edge_t	*f;
	int		s0, e0;
	/* pick up arrowhead of opposing edge */
  	f = agfindedge(e->tail->graph,e->head,e->tail);
	arrow_flags (f, &s0, &e0);
	*eflag = *eflag | s0;
	*sflag = *sflag | e0;

double arrow_length (edge_t* e, int flag)
  arrowtype_t *arrowtype;
  double lenfact = 0.0;
  int f;

  /* we don't simply index with flag because arrowtypes are not necessarily sorted */
  f = flag & ((1<<8)-1);
  for (arrowtype = Arrowtypes; arrowtype->gen; arrowtype++) {
    if (f == arrowtype->type) {
      lenfact += arrowtype->lenfact;
  f = (flag>>16) & ((1<<8)-1);
  for (arrowtype = Arrowtypes; arrowtype->gen; arrowtype++) {
    if (f == arrowtype->type) {
      lenfact += arrowtype->lenfact;
  /* The original was missing the factor E_arrowsz, but I believe it
         should be here for correct arrow clipping */
  return ARROW_LENGTH * lenfact * late_double(e,E_arrowsz,1.0,0.0);

/* inside function for calls to bezier_clip */
static boolean inside(inside_t *inside_context, pointf p)
	return dstsq (p, inside_context->p[0]) <= inside_context->r[0];

int arrowEndClip (inside_t *inside_context, point* ps, int startp, int endp, bezier* spl, int eflag)
	pointf sp[4];
	double elen, elen2;

	elen = arrow_length(inside_context->e,eflag);
	elen2 = elen*elen;
	spl->eflag = eflag, spl->ep = ps[endp + 3];
	if (endp > startp && dstsq (ps[endp], ps[endp + 3]) < elen2) {
		endp -= 3;
	P2PF (ps[endp], sp[3]);
	P2PF (ps[endp + 1], sp[2]);
	P2PF (ps[endp + 2], sp[1]);
	P2PF (spl->ep, sp[0]);             /* ensure endpoint starts inside */

	inside_context->p = &sp[0];
	inside_context->r = &elen2;
	bezier_clip (inside_context, inside, sp, TRUE);

    	PF2P (sp[3], ps[endp]);
    	PF2P (sp[2], ps[endp + 1]);
    	PF2P (sp[1], ps[endp + 2]);
    	PF2P (sp[0], ps[endp + 3]);
	return endp;

int arrowStartClip (inside_t *inside_context, point* ps, int startp, int endp, bezier* spl, int sflag)
	pointf sp[4];
	double slen, slen2;

	slen = arrow_length(inside_context->e,sflag);
	slen2 = slen*slen;
	spl->sflag = sflag, spl->sp = ps[startp];
 	if (endp > startp && dstsq (ps[startp], ps[startp + 3]) < slen2) {
		startp += 3;
	P2PF (ps[startp + 3], sp[0]);
	P2PF (ps[startp + 2], sp[1]);
	P2PF (ps[startp + 1], sp[2]);
	P2PF (spl->sp, sp[3]);             /* ensure endpoint starts inside */

        inside_context->p = &sp[3];
        inside_context->r = &slen2;
        bezier_clip (inside_context, inside, sp, FALSE);

    	PF2P (sp[3], ps[startp]);
    	PF2P (sp[2], ps[startp + 1]);
    	PF2P (sp[1], ps[startp + 2]);
    	PF2P (sp[0], ps[startp + 3]);
	return startp;

/* FIXME - codegens should accept floats directly */
static void arrow_codegen_polygon(GVC_t *gvc, pointf p[], int np, int fill)
    point P[16];    /* ugly - but this should be enough for arrows */
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<np; i++)
    gvrender_polygon(gvc, P, np, fill);

/* FIXME - codegens should accept floats directly */
static void arrow_codegen_polyline(GVC_t *gvc, pointf p[], int np)
    point P[16];    /* ugly - but this should be enough for arrows */
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<np; i++)
    gvrender_polyline(gvc, P, np);

/* FIXME - codegens should accept floats directly */
static void arrow_codegen_ellipse(GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf r, int fill)
    point P,R;
    gvrender_ellipse(gvc, P, R.x, R.y, fill);

static void arrow_type_normal (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag)
    pointf q,v,a[5];

    v.x = -u.y*0.35; v.y = u.x*0.35;
    q.x = p.x + u.x; q.y = p.y + u.y;
    if (flag & ARR_MOD_INV) {
	a[0] = a[4] = p;
        a[1].x = p.x - v.x; a[1].y = p.y - v.y;
        a[2] = q;
        a[3].x = p.x + v.x; a[3].y = p.y + v.y;
    } else {
	a[0] = a[4] = q;
        a[1].x = q.x - v.x; a[1].y = q.y - v.y;
        a[2] = p;
        a[3].x = q.x + v.x; a[3].y = q.y + v.y;
    if (flag & ARR_MOD_LEFT)
      arrow_codegen_polygon(gvc, a, 3, !(flag & ARR_MOD_OPEN));
    else if (flag & ARR_MOD_RIGHT)
      arrow_codegen_polygon(gvc, &a[2], 3, !(flag & ARR_MOD_OPEN));
      arrow_codegen_polygon(gvc, &a[1], 3, !(flag & ARR_MOD_OPEN));

static void arrow_type_crow (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag)
    pointf m,n,q,v,a[7];

    v.x = -u.y*0.45; v.y = u.x*0.45;
    q.x = p.x + u.x; q.y = p.y + u.y;
    m.x = p.x + u.x*0.3; m.y = p.y + u.y*0.3;
    n.x = p.x + u.x*0.7; n.y = p.y + u.y*0.7;
    if (flag & ARR_MOD_INV) {
	a[0] = a[6] = p;
        a[1].x = q.x - v.x; a[1].y = q.y - v.y;
        a[2] = a[4] = m;
        a[3] = q;
        a[5].x = q.x + v.x; a[5].y = q.y + v.y;
    } else {
	a[0] = a[6] = q;
        a[1].x = p.x - v.x; a[1].y = p.y - v.y;
        a[2] = a[4] = n;
        a[3] = p;
        a[5].x = p.x + v.x; a[5].y = p.y + v.y;
    if (flag & ARR_MOD_LEFT)
      arrow_codegen_polygon(gvc, a, 5, 1);
    else if (flag & ARR_MOD_RIGHT)
      arrow_codegen_polygon(gvc, &a[2], 5, 1);
      arrow_codegen_polygon(gvc, a, 7, 1);

static void arrow_type_tee (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag)
    pointf m,n,q,v,a[4];

    v.x = -u.y; v.y = u.x;
    q.x = p.x + u.x; q.y = p.y + u.y;
    m.x = p.x + u.x*0.2; m.y = p.y + u.y*0.2;
    n.x = p.x + u.x*0.6; n.y = p.y + u.y*0.6;
    a[0].x = m.x + v.x; a[0].y = m.y + v.y;
    a[1].x = m.x - v.x; a[1].y = m.y - v.y;
    a[2].x = n.x - v.x; a[2].y = n.y - v.y;
    a[3].x = n.x + v.x; a[3].y = n.y + v.y;
    if (flag & ARR_MOD_LEFT) {
      a[0] = m; 
      a[3] = n;
    } else if (flag & ARR_MOD_RIGHT) {
      a[1] = m; 
      a[2] = n;
    arrow_codegen_polygon(gvc, a, 4, 1);
    arrow_codegen_polyline(gvc, a, 2);

static void arrow_type_box (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag)
    pointf m,q,v,a[4];

    v.x = -u.y*0.4; v.y = u.x*0.4;
    m.x = p.x + u.x*0.8; m.y = p.y + u.y*0.8;
    q.x = p.x + u.x; q.y = p.y + u.y;
    a[0].x = p.x + v.x; a[0].y = p.y + v.y;
    a[1].x = p.x - v.x; a[1].y = p.y - v.y;
    a[2].x = m.x - v.x; a[2].y = m.y - v.y;
    a[3].x = m.x + v.x; a[3].y = m.y + v.y;
    if (flag & ARR_MOD_LEFT) {
      a[0] = p; 
      a[3] = m;
    } else if (flag & ARR_MOD_RIGHT) {
      a[1] = p; 
      a[2] = m;
    arrow_codegen_polygon(gvc, a, 4, !(flag & ARR_MOD_OPEN));
    arrow_codegen_polyline(gvc, a, 2);

static void arrow_type_diamond (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag)
    pointf q,r,v,a[5];

    v.x = -u.y/3.; v.y = u.x/3.;
    r.x = p.x + u.x/2.; r.y = p.y + u.y/2.;
    q.x = p.x + u.x; q.y = p.y + u.y;
    a[0] = a[4] = q;
    a[1].x = r.x + v.x; a[1].y = r.y + v.y;
    a[2] = p;
    a[3].x = r.x - v.x; a[3].y = r.y - v.y;
    if (flag & ARR_MOD_LEFT)
        arrow_codegen_polygon(gvc, &a[2], 3, !(flag & ARR_MOD_OPEN));
    else if (flag & ARR_MOD_RIGHT)
        arrow_codegen_polygon(gvc, a, 3, !(flag & ARR_MOD_OPEN));
        arrow_codegen_polygon(gvc, a, 4,!(flag & ARR_MOD_OPEN));

static void arrow_type_dot (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag)
    pointf r;

    r.x = r.y = sqrt(u.x*u.x + u.y*u.y)/2.;
    p.x += u.x/2.; p.y += u.y/2.;
    arrow_codegen_ellipse(gvc, p, r, !(flag & ARR_MOD_OPEN));

static pointf arrow_gen_type (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, int flag)
  int f;
  arrowtype_t *arrowtype;

  f = flag & ((1<<8)-1);
  for (arrowtype = Arrowtypes; arrowtype->type; arrowtype++) {
    if (f == arrowtype->type) {
      u.x *= arrowtype->lenfact;
      u.y *= arrowtype->lenfact;
      (arrowtype->gen)(gvc, p, u, flag);
      p.x = p.x + u.x; p.y = p.y + u.y;
  return p;

void arrow_newgen (GVC_t *gvc, pointf p, pointf u, double scale, int flag)
  double s;
  int f;

  /* Dotted and dashed styles on the arrowhead are ugly (dds) */
  /* linewidth needs to be reset */
  gvrender_set_style(gvc, BaseLineStyle);

  /* generate arrowhead vector */
  u.x -= p.x; u.y -= p.y;
  /* the EPSILONs are to keep this stable as length of u approaches 0.0 */
  s = ARROW_LENGTH * scale / (sqrt(u.x*u.x + u.y*u.y) + EPSILON);
  u.x += (u.x >= 0.0) ? EPSILON : -EPSILON;
  u.y += (u.y >= 0.0) ? EPSILON : -EPSILON;
  u.x *= s; u.y *= s;

  /* arrow head closest to node */
  f = flag & ((1<<16)-1);
  p = arrow_gen_type (gvc, p, u, f);

  /* arrow head furthest from node */
  /*   start where first one ended */
  f = (flag>>16) & ((1<<16)-1);
  arrow_gen_type (gvc, p, u, f);


/* FIXME emit.c and output.c require wrapper for int point coords */
void arrow_gen (GVC_t *gvc, point p, point u, double scale, int flag)
	pointf P, U;

	arrow_newgen(gvc, P, U, scale, flag);