gzip.c   [plain text]

/* gzip (GNU zip) -- compress files with zip algorithm and 'compress' interface
 * Copyright (C) 1999, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 1992-1993 Jean-loup Gailly
 * The unzip code was written and put in the public domain by Mark Adler.
 * Portions of the lzw code are derived from the public domain 'compress'
 * written by Spencer Thomas, Joe Orost, James Woods, Jim McKie, Steve Davies,
 * Ken Turkowski, Dave Mack and Peter Jannesen.
 * See the license_msg below and the file COPYING for the software license.
 * See the file algorithm.doc for the compression algorithms and file formats.

static char  *license_msg[] = {
"Copyright 2002 Free Software Foundation",
"Copyright 1992-1993 Jean-loup Gailly",
"This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.",
"You may redistribute copies of this program",
"under the terms of the GNU General Public License.",
"For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING.",

/* Compress files with zip algorithm and 'compress' interface.
 * See usage() and help() functions below for all options.
 * Outputs:
 *        file.gz:   compressed file with same mode, owner, and utimes
 *     or stdout with -c option or if stdin used as input.
 * If the output file name had to be truncated, the original name is kept
 * in the compressed file.
 * On MSDOS, file.tmp -> file.tmz. On VMS, file.tmp -> file.tmp-gz.
 * Using gz on MSDOS would create too many file name conflicts. For
 * example, foo.txt -> foo.tgz (.tgz must be reserved as shorthand for
 * tar.gz). Similarly, foo.dir and foo.doc would both be mapped to foo.dgz.
 * I also considered 12345678.txt -> 12345txt.gz but this truncates the name
 * too heavily. There is no ideal solution given the MSDOS 8+3 limitation. 
 * For the meaning of all compilation flags, see comments in Makefile.in.

#ifdef RCSID
static char rcsid[] = "$Id: gzip.c,v 0.24 1993/06/24 10:52:07 jloup Exp $";

#include <config.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <copyfile.h>
#include <get_compat.h>
#define COMPAT_MODE(a,b) (1)
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

#include "tailor.h"
#include "gzip.h"
#include "lzw.h"
#include "revision.h"
#include "getopt.h"

		/* configuration */

#ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
#  include <time.h>
#  include <sys/time.h>

#  include <fcntl.h>

#  include <limits.h>

#  include <unistd.h>

#if defined STDC_HEADERS || defined HAVE_STDLIB_H
#  include <stdlib.h>
   extern int errno;

#  include <dirent.h>
#  define NAMLEN(direct) strlen((direct)->d_name)
#  define DIR_OPT "DIRENT"
#  define dirent direct
#  define NAMLEN(direct) ((direct)->d_namlen)
#  ifdef HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H
#    include <sys/ndir.h>
#    define DIR_OPT "SYS_NDIR"
#  endif
#  ifdef HAVE_SYS_DIR_H
#    include <sys/dir.h>
#    define DIR_OPT "SYS_DIR"
#  endif
#  ifdef HAVE_NDIR_H
#    include <ndir.h>
#    define DIR_OPT "NDIR"
#  endif
#  ifndef DIR_OPT
#    define DIR_OPT "NO_DIR"
#  endif
#ifndef NO_DIR
# define NO_DIR 0

# define CLOSEDIR(d) (closedir(d), 0)
# define CLOSEDIR(d) closedir(d)

#if !defined(HAVE_LSTAT) && !defined(lstat)
# define lstat(name, buf) stat(name, buf)

#  ifdef HAVE_UTIME_H
#    include <utime.h>
#    define TIME_OPT "UTIME"
#  else
#    ifdef HAVE_SYS_UTIME_H
#      include <sys/utime.h>
#      define TIME_OPT "SYS_UTIME"
#    else
       struct utimbuf {
         time_t actime;
         time_t modtime;
#    endif
#  endif
#  define TIME_OPT "NO_UTIME"

#if !defined(S_ISDIR) && defined(S_IFDIR)
#  define S_ISDIR(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
#if !defined(S_ISREG) && defined(S_IFREG)
#  define S_ISREG(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)

typedef RETSIGTYPE (*sig_type) OF((int));

#ifndef	O_BINARY
#  define  O_BINARY  0  /* creation mode for open() */

#ifndef O_CREAT
   /* Pure BSD system? */
#  include <sys/file.h>
#  ifndef O_CREAT
#    define O_CREAT FCREAT
#  endif
#  ifndef O_EXCL
#    define O_EXCL FEXCL
#  endif

#ifndef S_IRUSR
#  define S_IRUSR 0400
#ifndef S_IWUSR
#  define S_IWUSR 0200
#define RW_USER (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)  /* creation mode for open() */

#ifndef MAX_PATH_LEN
#  define MAX_PATH_LEN   1024 /* max pathname length */

#ifndef SEEK_END
#  define SEEK_END 2

#ifndef CHAR_BIT
#  define CHAR_BIT 8

#ifdef off_t
  off_t lseek OF((int fd, off_t offset, int whence));

#ifndef OFF_T_MIN
#define OFF_T_MIN (~ (off_t) 0 << (sizeof (off_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1))

#ifndef OFF_T_MAX
#define OFF_T_MAX (~ (off_t) 0 - OFF_T_MIN)

/* Separator for file name parts (see shorten_name()) */
#  define PART_SEP "-"
#  define PART_SEP "."

		/* global buffers */

DECLARE(uch, window, 2L*WSIZE);
#ifndef MAXSEG_64K
    DECLARE(ush, tab_prefix, 1L<<BITS);
    DECLARE(ush, tab_prefix0, 1L<<(BITS-1));
    DECLARE(ush, tab_prefix1, 1L<<(BITS-1));

		/* local variables */

int ascii = 0;        /* convert end-of-lines to local OS conventions */
int to_stdout = 0;    /* output to stdout (-c) */
int decompress = 0;   /* decompress (-d) */
int force = 0;        /* don't ask questions, compress links (-f) */
int no_name = -1;     /* don't save or restore the original file name */
int no_time = -1;     /* don't save or restore the original file time */
int recursive = 0;    /* recurse through directories (-r) */
int list = 0;         /* list the file contents (-l) */
int verbose = 0;      /* be verbose (-v) */
int quiet = 0;        /* be very quiet (-q) */
int do_lzw = 0;       /* generate output compatible with old compress (-Z) */
int test = 0;         /* test .gz file integrity */
int foreground;       /* set if program run in foreground */
char *progname;       /* program name */
int maxbits = BITS;   /* max bits per code for LZW */
int method = DEFLATED;/* compression method */
int level = 6;        /* compression level */
int exit_code = OK;   /* program exit code */
int save_orig_name;   /* set if original name must be saved */
int last_member;      /* set for .zip and .Z files */
int part_nb;          /* number of parts in .gz file */
time_t time_stamp;      /* original time stamp (modification time) */
off_t ifile_size;      /* input file size, -1 for devices (debug only) */
char *env;            /* contents of GZIP env variable */
char **args = NULL;   /* argv pointer if GZIP env variable defined */
char *z_suffix;       /* default suffix (can be set with --suffix) */
size_t z_len;         /* strlen(z_suffix) */
int zcat;             /* Are we invoked as zcat */

off_t bytes_in;             /* number of input bytes */
off_t bytes_out;            /* number of output bytes */
off_t total_in;		    /* input bytes for all files */
off_t total_out;	    /* output bytes for all files */
char ifname[MAX_PATH_LEN]; /* input file name */
char ofname[MAX_PATH_LEN]; /* output file name */
int  remove_ofname = 0;	   /* remove output file on error */
struct stat istat;         /* status for input file */
int  ifd;                  /* input file descriptor */
int  ofd;                  /* output file descriptor */
unsigned insize;           /* valid bytes in inbuf */
unsigned inptr;            /* index of next byte to be processed in inbuf */
unsigned outcnt;           /* bytes in output buffer */

struct option longopts[] =
 /* { name  has_arg  *flag  val } */
    {"ascii",      0, 0, 'a'}, /* ascii text mode */
    {"to-stdout",  0, 0, 'c'}, /* write output on standard output */
    {"stdout",     0, 0, 'c'}, /* write output on standard output */
    {"decompress", 0, 0, 'd'}, /* decompress */
    {"uncompress", 0, 0, 'd'}, /* decompress */
 /* {"encrypt",    0, 0, 'e'},    encrypt */
    {"force",      0, 0, 'f'}, /* force overwrite of output file */
    {"help",       0, 0, 'h'}, /* give help */
 /* {"pkzip",      0, 0, 'k'},    force output in pkzip format */
    {"list",       0, 0, 'l'}, /* list .gz file contents */
    {"license",    0, 0, 'L'}, /* display software license */
    {"no-name",    0, 0, 'n'}, /* don't save or restore original name & time */
    {"name",       0, 0, 'N'}, /* save or restore original name & time */
    {"quiet",      0, 0, 'q'}, /* quiet mode */
    {"silent",     0, 0, 'q'}, /* quiet mode */
    {"recursive",  0, 0, 'r'}, /* recurse through directories */
    {"suffix",     1, 0, 'S'}, /* use given suffix instead of .gz */
    {"test",       0, 0, 't'}, /* test compressed file integrity */
    {"no-time",    0, 0, 'T'}, /* don't save or restore the time stamp */
    {"verbose",    0, 0, 'v'}, /* verbose mode */
    {"version",    0, 0, 'V'}, /* display version number */
    {"fast",       0, 0, '1'}, /* compress faster */
    {"best",       0, 0, '9'}, /* compress better */
    {"lzw",        0, 0, 'Z'}, /* make output compatible with old compress */
    {"bits",       1, 0, 'b'}, /* max number of bits per code (implies -Z) */
    { 0, 0, 0, 0 }

/* local functions */

local void usage        OF((void));
local void help         OF((void));
local void license      OF((void));
local void version      OF((void));
local int input_eof	OF((void));
local void treat_stdin  OF((void));
local void treat_file   OF((char *iname));
local int create_outfile OF((void));
local int  do_stat      OF((char *name, struct stat *sbuf));
local char *get_suffix  OF((char *name));
local int  get_istat    OF((char *iname, struct stat *sbuf));
local int  make_ofname  OF((void));
local int  same_file    OF((struct stat *stat1, struct stat *stat2));
local int name_too_long OF((char *name, struct stat *statb));
local void shorten_name  OF((char *name));
local int  get_method   OF((int in));
local void do_list      OF((int ifd, int method));
local int  check_ofname OF((void));
local void copy_stat    OF((struct stat *ifstat));
local void do_exit      OF((int exitcode));
      int main          OF((int argc, char **argv));
int (*work) OF((int infile, int outfile)) = zip; /* function to call */

#if ! NO_DIR
local void treat_dir    OF((char *dir));
local void reset_times  OF((char *name, struct stat *statb));

#define strequ(s1, s2) (strcmp((s1),(s2)) == 0)

/* ======================================================================== */
local void usage()
    printf ("usage: %s [-%scdfhlLnN%stvV19] [-S suffix] [file ...]\n",
	    O_BINARY ? "a" : "", NO_DIR ? "" : "r");

/* ======================================================================== */
local void help()
    static char  *help_msg[] = {
 " -a --ascii       ascii text; convert end-of-lines using local conventions",
 " -c --stdout      write on standard output, keep original files unchanged",
 " -d --decompress  decompress",
/* -e --encrypt     encrypt */
 " -f --force       force overwrite of output file and compress links",
 " -h --help        give this help",
/* -k --pkzip       force output in pkzip format */
 " -l --list        list compressed file contents",
 " -L --license     display software license",
 " -m --no-time     do not save or restore the original modification time",
 " -M --time        save or restore the original modification time",
 " -n --no-name     do not save or restore the original name and time stamp",
 " -N --name        save or restore the original name and time stamp",
 " -q --quiet       suppress all warnings",
#if ! NO_DIR
 " -r --recursive   operate recursively on directories",
 " -S .suf  --suffix .suf     use suffix .suf on compressed files",
 " -t --test        test compressed file integrity",
 " -v --verbose     verbose mode",
 " -V --version     display version number",
 " -1 --fast        compress faster",
 " -9 --best        compress better",
#ifdef LZW
 " -Z --lzw         produce output compatible with old compress",
 " -b --bits maxbits   max number of bits per code (implies -Z)",
 " file...          files to (de)compress. If none given, use standard input.",
 "Report bugs to <bug-gzip@gnu.org>.",
    char **p = help_msg;

    printf ("%s %s\n(%s)\n", progname, VERSION, REVDATE);
    while (*p) printf ("%s\n", *p++);

/* ======================================================================== */
local void license()
    char **p = license_msg;

    printf ("%s %s\n(%s)\n", progname, VERSION, REVDATE);
    printf ("%s %s %s\n", "CAN-2005-0758", "CAN-2005-0988", "CAN-2005-1228");
    while (*p) printf ("%s\n", *p++);

/* ======================================================================== */
local void version()
    license ();
    printf ("Compilation options:\n%s %s ", DIR_OPT, TIME_OPT);
    printf ("STDC_HEADERS ");
    printf ("HAVE_UNISTD_H ");
    printf ("HAVE_MEMORY_H ");
    printf ("HAVE_STRING_H ");
    printf ("HAVE_LSTAT ");
    printf ("NO_MULTIPLE_DOTS ");
    printf ("HAVE_CHOWN ");
#ifdef PROTO
    printf ("PROTO ");
#ifdef ASMV
    printf ("ASMV ");
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf ("DEBUG ");
#ifdef DYN_ALLOC
    printf ("DYN_ALLOC ");
#ifdef MAXSEG_64K
    printf ("MAXSEG_64K");
    printf ("\n");
    printf ("Written by Jean-loup Gailly.\n");

local void progerror (string)
    char *string;
    int e = errno;
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname);
    errno = e;
    exit_code = ERROR;

/* ======================================================================== */
int main (argc, argv)
    int argc;
    char **argv;
    int file_count;     /* number of files to precess */
    int proglen;        /* length of progname */
    int optc;           /* current option */

    EXPAND(argc, argv); /* wild card expansion if necessary */

    progname = base_name (argv[0]);
    proglen = strlen(progname);

    /* Suppress .exe for MSDOS, OS/2 and VMS: */
    if (proglen > 4 && strequ(progname+proglen-4, ".exe")) {
        progname[proglen-4] = '\0';

    /* Add options in GZIP environment variable if there is one */
    env = add_envopt(&argc, &argv, OPTIONS_VAR);
    if (env != NULL) args = argv;

    foreground = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN;
    if (foreground) {
	(void) signal (SIGINT, (sig_type)abort_gzip);
#ifdef SIGTERM
    if (signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
	(void) signal(SIGTERM, (sig_type)abort_gzip);
#ifdef SIGHUP
    if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
	(void) signal(SIGHUP,  (sig_type)abort_gzip);

    /* For compatibility with old compress, use program name as an option.
     * If you compile with -DGNU_STANDARD, this program will behave as
     * gzip even if it is invoked under the name gunzip or zcat.
     * Systems which do not support links can still use -d or -dc.
     * Ignore an .exe extension for MSDOS, OS/2 and VMS.
    if (  strncmp(progname, "un",  2) == 0     /* ungzip, uncompress */
       || strncmp(progname, "gun", 3) == 0) {  /* gunzip */
	decompress = 1;
    } else if (strequ(progname+1, "cat")       /* zcat, pcat, gcat */
	    || strequ(progname, "gzcat")) {    /* gzcat */
	decompress = to_stdout = 1;

    zcat = strequ(progname, "zcat");

    z_suffix = Z_SUFFIX;
    z_len = strlen(z_suffix);

    while ((optc = getopt_long (argc, argv, "ab:cdfhH?lLmMnNqrS:tvVZ123456789",
				longopts, (int *)0)) != -1) {
	switch (optc) {
        case 'a':
            ascii = 1; break;
	case 'b':
	    maxbits = atoi(optarg);
	    for (; *optarg; optarg++)
	      if (! ('0' <= *optarg && *optarg <= '9'))
		  fprintf (stderr, "%s: -b operand is not an integer\n",
		  usage ();
		  do_exit (ERROR);
	case 'c':
	    to_stdout = 1; break;
	case 'd':
	    decompress = 1; break;
	case 'f':
	    force++; break;
	case 'h': case 'H': case '?':
	    help(); do_exit(OK); break;
	case 'l':
	    list = decompress = to_stdout = 1; break;
	case 'L':
	    license(); do_exit(OK); break;
	case 'm': /* undocumented, may change later */
	    no_time = 1; break;
	case 'M': /* undocumented, may change later */
	    no_time = 0; break;
	case 'n':
	    no_name = no_time = 1; break;
	case 'N':
	    no_name = no_time = 0; break;
	case 'q':
	    quiet = 1; verbose = 0; break;
	case 'r':
#if NO_DIR
	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: -r not supported on this system\n", progname);
	    do_exit(ERROR); break;
	    recursive = 1; break;
	case 'S':
            if (*optarg == '.') optarg++;
            z_len = strlen(optarg);
	    z_suffix = optarg;
	case 't':
	    test = decompress = to_stdout = 1;
	case 'v':
	    verbose++; quiet = 0; break;
	case 'V':
	    version(); do_exit(OK); break;
	case 'Z':
#ifdef LZW
	    do_lzw = 1; break;
	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: -Z not supported in this version\n",
	    do_exit(ERROR); break;
	case '1':  case '2':  case '3':  case '4':
	case '5':  case '6':  case '7':  case '8':  case '9':
	    level = optc - '0';
	    /* Error message already emitted by getopt_long. */
    } /* loop on all arguments */

#ifdef SIGPIPE
    /* Ignore "Broken Pipe" message with --quiet */
    if (quiet && signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
      signal (SIGPIPE, (sig_type) abort_gzip);

    /* By default, save name and timestamp on compression but do not
     * restore them on decompression.
    if (no_time < 0) no_time = decompress;
    if (no_name < 0) no_name = decompress;

    file_count = argc - optind;

    if (ascii && !quiet) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: option --ascii ignored on this system\n",
    if ((z_len == 0 && !decompress) || z_len > MAX_SUFFIX) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: incorrect suffix '%s'\n",
                progname, z_suffix);
    if (do_lzw && !decompress) work = lzw;

    /* Allocate all global buffers (for DYN_ALLOC option) */
    ALLOC(uch, inbuf,  INBUFSIZ +INBUF_EXTRA);
    ALLOC(ush, d_buf,  DIST_BUFSIZE);
    ALLOC(uch, window, 2L*WSIZE);
#ifndef MAXSEG_64K
    ALLOC(ush, tab_prefix, 1L<<BITS);
    ALLOC(ush, tab_prefix0, 1L<<(BITS-1));
    ALLOC(ush, tab_prefix1, 1L<<(BITS-1));

    /* And get to work */
    if (file_count != 0) {
	if (to_stdout && !test && !list && (!decompress || !ascii)) {
        while (optind < argc) {
    } else {  /* Standard input */
    if (list && !quiet && file_count > 1) {
	do_list(-1, -1); /* print totals */
    return exit_code; /* just to avoid lint warning */

/* Return nonzero when at end of file on input.  */
local int
input_eof ()
  if (!decompress || last_member)
    return 1;

  if (inptr == insize)
      if (insize != INBUFSIZ || fill_inbuf (1) == EOF)
	return 1;

      /* Unget the char that fill_inbuf got.  */
      inptr = 0;

  return 0;

/* ========================================================================
 * Compress or decompress stdin
local void treat_stdin()
    if (!force && !list &&
	isatty(fileno((FILE *)(decompress ? stdin : stdout)))) {
	/* Do not send compressed data to the terminal or read it from
	 * the terminal. We get here when user invoked the program
	 * without parameters, so be helpful. According to the GNU standards:
	 *   If there is one behavior you think is most useful when the output
	 *   is to a terminal, and another that you think is most useful when
	 *   the output is a file or a pipe, then it is usually best to make
	 *   the default behavior the one that is useful with output to a
	 *   terminal, and have an option for the other behavior.
	 * Here we use the --force option to get the other behavior.
    "%s: compressed data not %s a terminal. Use -f to force %scompression.\n",
		progname, decompress ? "read from" : "written to",
		decompress ? "de" : "");
	fprintf(stderr,"For help, type: %s -h\n", progname);

    if (decompress || !ascii) {
    if (!test && !list && (!decompress || !ascii)) {
    strcpy(ifname, "stdin");
    strcpy(ofname, "stdout");

    /* Get the time stamp on the input file. */
    time_stamp = 0; /* time unknown by default */

    if (list || !no_time) {
	if (fstat(fileno(stdin), &istat) != 0) {
	    progerror("standard input");
	if (S_ISREG(istat.st_mode))
# endif
	    time_stamp = istat.st_mtime;
#endif /* NO_STDIN_FSTAT */
    ifile_size = -1L; /* convention for unknown size */

    clear_bufs(); /* clear input and output buffers */
    to_stdout = 1;
    part_nb = 0;

    if (decompress) {
	method = get_method(ifd);
	if (method < 0) {
	    do_exit(exit_code); /* error message already emitted */
    if (list) {
        do_list(ifd, method);

    /* Actually do the compression/decompression. Loop over zipped members.
    for (;;) {
	if ((*work)(fileno(stdin), fileno(stdout)) != OK) return;

	if (input_eof ())

	method = get_method(ifd);
	if (method < 0) return; /* error message already emitted */
	bytes_out = 0;            /* required for length check */

    if (verbose) {
	if (test) {
	    fprintf(stderr, " OK\n");

	} else if (!decompress) {
	    display_ratio(bytes_in-(bytes_out-header_bytes), bytes_in, stderr);
	    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	} else {
	    display_ratio(bytes_out-(bytes_in-header_bytes), bytes_out,stderr);
	    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

/* ========================================================================
 * Compress or decompress the given file
local void treat_file(iname)
    char *iname;
    char newname[MAX_PATH_LEN];

    /* Accept "-" as synonym for stdin */
    if (strequ(iname, "-")) {
	int cflag = to_stdout;
	to_stdout = cflag;

    /* POSIX zcat must add .Z to all files if not present when decompressing */
    if (zcat && COMPAT_MODE("bin/zcat", "Unix2003")) {
	char *suffix;
	if ((suffix = strrchr(iname, '.')) == NULL ||
	    strcmp(suffix, ".Z")) {
	    if (strlen(iname) > sizeof(newname) - 3) {
		WARN((stderr, "%s: %s too long to append .Z\n", progname, iname));
	    } else {
		strcpy(newname, iname);
		strcat(newname, ".Z");
		iname = newname;

    /* Check if the input file is present, set ifname and istat: */
    if (get_istat(iname, &istat) != OK) return;

    /* If the input name is that of a directory, recurse or ignore: */
    if (S_ISDIR(istat.st_mode)) {
#if ! NO_DIR
	if (recursive) {
	    struct stat st;
	    st = istat;
	    /* Warning: ifname is now garbage */
#  ifndef NO_UTIME
	    reset_times (iname, &st);
#  endif
	} else
	WARN((stderr,"%s: %s is a directory -- ignored\n", progname, ifname));
    if (!S_ISREG(istat.st_mode)) {
	      "%s: %s is not a directory or a regular file - ignored\n",
	      progname, ifname));
    if (istat.st_nlink > 1 && !to_stdout && !force) {
	WARN((stderr, "%s: %s has %lu other link%c -- unchanged\n",
	      progname, ifname, (unsigned long) istat.st_nlink - 1,
	      istat.st_nlink > 2 ? 's' : ' '));

    ifile_size = istat.st_size;
    time_stamp = no_time && !list ? 0 : istat.st_mtime;

    /* Generate output file name. For -r and (-t or -l), skip files
     * without a valid gzip suffix (check done in make_ofname).
    if (to_stdout && !list && !test) {
	strcpy(ofname, "stdout");

    } else if (make_ofname() != OK) {

    /* Open the input file and determine compression method. The mode
     * parameter is ignored but required by some systems (VMS) and forbidden
     * on other systems (MacOS).
    ifd = OPEN(ifname, ascii && !decompress ? O_RDONLY : O_RDONLY | O_BINARY,
    if (ifd == -1) {
    clear_bufs(); /* clear input and output buffers */
    part_nb = 0;

    if (decompress) {
	method = get_method(ifd); /* updates ofname if original given */
	if (method < 0) {
	    return;               /* error message already emitted */
    if (list) {
        do_list(ifd, method);

    /* If compressing to a file, check if ofname is not ambiguous
     * because the operating system truncates names. Otherwise, generate
     * a new ofname and save the original name in the compressed file.
    if (to_stdout) {
	ofd = fileno(stdout);
	/* keep remove_ofname as zero */
    } else {
	if (create_outfile() != OK) return;

	if (!decompress && save_orig_name && !verbose && !quiet) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s compressed to %s\n",
		    progname, ifname, ofname);
    /* Keep the name even if not truncated except with --no-name: */
    if (!save_orig_name) save_orig_name = !no_name;

    if (verbose) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s:\t", ifname);

    /* Actually do the compression/decompression. Loop over zipped members.
    for (;;) {
	if ((*work)(ifd, ofd) != OK) {
	    method = -1; /* force cleanup */

	if (input_eof ())

	method = get_method(ifd);
	if (method < 0) break;    /* error message already emitted */
	bytes_out = 0;            /* required for length check */

    if (!to_stdout) {
#if __APPLE__
	copyfile(ifname, ofname, 0, COPYFILE_ACL | COPYFILE_XATTR);
	/* Copy modes, times, ownership, and remove the input file */
	if (close(ofd))
    if (method == -1) {
	if (!to_stdout) xunlink (ofname);
    /* Display statistics */
    if(verbose) {
	if (test) {
	    fprintf(stderr, " OK");
	} else if (decompress) {
	    display_ratio(bytes_out-(bytes_in-header_bytes), bytes_out,stderr);
	} else {
	    display_ratio(bytes_in-(bytes_out-header_bytes), bytes_in, stderr);
	if (!test && !to_stdout) {
	    fprintf(stderr, " -- replaced with %s", ofname);
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");

/* ========================================================================
 * Create the output file. Return OK or ERROR.
 * Try several times if necessary to avoid truncating the z_suffix. For
 * example, do not create a compressed file of name "1234567890123."
 * Sets save_orig_name to true if the file name has been truncated.
 * IN assertions: the input file has already been open (ifd is set) and
 *   ofname has already been updated if there was an original name.
 * OUT assertions: ifd and ofd are closed in case of error.
local int create_outfile()
    struct stat	ostat; /* stat for ofname */
    int flags = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_BINARY;

    if (ascii && decompress) {
	flags &= ~O_BINARY; /* force ascii text mode */
    for (;;) {
	/* Make sure that ofname is not an existing file */
	if (check_ofname() != OK) {
	    return ERROR;
	/* Create the output file */
	remove_ofname = 1;
	ofd = OPEN(ofname, flags, RW_USER);
	if (ofd == -1) {
	    return ERROR;

	/* Check for name truncation on new file (1234567890123.gz) */
#ifdef NO_FSTAT
	if (stat(ofname, &ostat) != 0) {
	if (fstat(ofd, &ostat) != 0) {
	    close(ifd); close(ofd);
	    xunlink (ofname);
	    return ERROR;
	if (!name_too_long(ofname, &ostat)) return OK;

	if (decompress) {
	    /* name might be too long if an original name was saved */
	    WARN((stderr, "%s: %s: warning, name truncated\n",
		  progname, ofname));
	    return OK;
	xunlink (ofname);
	/* Should never happen, see check_ofname() */
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: name too long\n", progname, ofname);

/* ========================================================================
 * Use lstat if available, except for -c or -f. Use stat otherwise.
 * This allows links when not removing the original file.
local int do_stat(name, sbuf)
    char *name;
    struct stat *sbuf;
    errno = 0;
    if (!to_stdout && !force) {
	return lstat(name, sbuf);
    return stat(name, sbuf);

/* ========================================================================
 * Return a pointer to the 'z' suffix of a file name, or NULL. For all
 * systems, ".gz", ".z", ".Z", ".taz", ".tgz", "-gz", "-z" and "_z" are
 * accepted suffixes, in addition to the value of the --suffix option.
 * ".tgz" is a useful convention for tar.z files on systems limited
 * to 3 characters extensions. On such systems, ".?z" and ".??z" are
 * also accepted suffixes. For Unix, we do not want to accept any
 * .??z suffix as indicating a compressed file; some people use .xyz
 * to denote volume data.
 *   On systems allowing multiple versions of the same file (such as VMS),
 * this function removes any version suffix in the given name.
local char *get_suffix(name)
    char *name;
    int nlen, slen;
    char suffix[MAX_SUFFIX+3]; /* last chars of name, forced to lower case */
    static char *known_suffixes[] =
       {NULL, ".gz", ".z", ".taz", ".tgz", "-gz", "-z", "_z",
    char **suf = known_suffixes;

    *suf = z_suffix;
    if (strequ(z_suffix, "z")) suf++; /* check long suffixes first */

    /* strip a version number from the file name */
	char *v = strrchr(name, SUFFIX_SEP);
 	if (v != NULL) *v = '\0';
    nlen = strlen(name);
    if (nlen <= MAX_SUFFIX+2) {
        strcpy(suffix, name);
    } else {
        strcpy(suffix, name+nlen-MAX_SUFFIX-2);
    slen = strlen(suffix);
    do {
       int s = strlen(*suf);
       if (slen > s && suffix[slen-s-1] != PATH_SEP
           && strequ(suffix + slen - s, *suf)) {
           return name+nlen-s;
    } while (*++suf != NULL);

    return NULL;

/* ========================================================================
 * Set ifname to the input file name (with a suffix appended if necessary)
 * and istat to its stats. For decompression, if no file exists with the
 * original name, try adding successively z_suffix, .gz, .z, -z and .Z.
 * For MSDOS, we try only z_suffix and z.
 * Return OK or ERROR.
local int get_istat(iname, sbuf)
    char *iname;
    struct stat *sbuf;
    int ilen;  /* strlen(ifname) */
    int z_suffix_errno = 0;
    static char *suffixes[] = {NULL, ".gz", ".z", "-z", ".Z", NULL};
    char **suf = suffixes;
    char *s;
    char *dot; /* pointer to ifname extension, or NULL */

    *suf = z_suffix;

    if (sizeof ifname - 1 <= strlen (iname))
	goto name_too_long;

    strcpy(ifname, iname);

    /* If input file exists, return OK. */
    if (do_stat(ifname, sbuf) == 0) return OK;

    if (!decompress || errno != ENOENT) {
	return ERROR;
    /* file.ext doesn't exist, try adding a suffix (after removing any
     * version number for VMS).
    s = get_suffix(ifname);
    if (s != NULL) {
	progerror(ifname); /* ifname already has z suffix and does not exist */
	return ERROR;
    dot = strrchr(ifname, '.');
    if (dot == NULL) {
        strcat(ifname, ".");
        dot = strrchr(ifname, '.');
    ilen = strlen(ifname);
    if (strequ(z_suffix, ".gz")) suf++;

    /* Search for all suffixes */
    do {
        char *s0 = s = *suf;
        strcpy (ifname, iname);
        if (*s == '.') s++;
        if (*dot == '\0') strcpy (dot, ".");
	if (MAX_EXT_CHARS < strlen (s) + strlen (dot + 1))
	  dot[MAX_EXT_CHARS + 1 - strlen (s)] = '\0';
	if (sizeof ifname <= ilen + strlen (s))
	  goto name_too_long;
        strcat(ifname, s);
        if (do_stat(ifname, sbuf) == 0) return OK;
	if (strequ (s0, z_suffix))
	  z_suffix_errno = errno;
    } while (*++suf != NULL);

    /* No suffix found, complain using z_suffix: */
    strcpy(ifname, iname);
    if (*dot == '\0') strcpy(dot, ".");
    if (MAX_EXT_CHARS < z_len + strlen (dot + 1))
      dot[MAX_EXT_CHARS + 1 - z_len] = '\0';
    strcat(ifname, z_suffix);
    errno = z_suffix_errno;
    return ERROR;
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: file name too long\n", progname, iname);
    exit_code = ERROR;
    return ERROR;

/* ========================================================================
 * Generate ofname given ifname. Return OK, or WARNING if file must be skipped.
 * Sets save_orig_name to true if the file name has been truncated.
local int make_ofname()
    char *suff;            /* ofname z suffix */

    strcpy(ofname, ifname);
    /* strip a version number if any and get the gzip suffix if present: */
    suff = get_suffix(ofname);

    if (decompress) {
	if (suff == NULL) {
	    /* With -t or -l, try all files (even without .gz suffix)
	     * except with -r (behave as with just -dr).
            if (!recursive && (list || test)) return OK;

	    /* Avoid annoying messages with -r */
	    if (verbose || (!recursive && !quiet)) {
		WARN((stderr,"%s: %s: unknown suffix -- ignored\n",
		      progname, ifname));
	    return WARNING;
	/* Make a special case for .tgz and .taz: */
	if (strequ(suff, ".tgz") || strequ(suff, ".taz")) {
	    strcpy(suff, ".tar");
	} else {
	    *suff = '\0'; /* strip the z suffix */
        /* ofname might be changed later if infile contains an original name */

    } else if (suff != NULL) {
	/* Avoid annoying messages with -r (see treat_dir()) */
	if (verbose || (!recursive && !quiet)) {
	    WARN((stderr, "%s: %s already has %s suffix -- unchanged\n",
		  progname, ifname, suff));
	return WARNING;
    } else {
        save_orig_name = 0;

	suff = strrchr(ofname, '.');
	if (suff == NULL) {
	    if (sizeof ofname <= strlen (ofname) + 1)
		goto name_too_long;
            strcat(ofname, ".");
#  ifdef MAX_EXT_CHARS
	    if (strequ(z_suffix, "z")) {
		if (sizeof ofname <= strlen (ofname) + 2)
		    goto name_too_long;
		strcat(ofname, "gz"); /* enough room */
		return OK;
        /* On the Atari and some versions of MSDOS, name_too_long()
         * does not work correctly because of a bug in stat(). So we
         * must truncate here.
        } else if (strlen(suff)-1 + z_len > MAX_SUFFIX) {
            suff[MAX_SUFFIX+1-z_len] = '\0';
            save_orig_name = 1;
#  endif
#endif /* NO_MULTIPLE_DOTS */
	if (sizeof ofname <= strlen (ofname) + z_len)
	    goto name_too_long;
	strcat(ofname, z_suffix);

    } /* decompress ? */
    return OK;

    WARN ((stderr, "%s: %s: file name too long\n", progname, ifname));
    return WARNING;

/* ========================================================================
 * Check the magic number of the input file and update ofname if an
 * original name was given and to_stdout is not set.
 * Return the compression method, -1 for error, -2 for warning.
 * Set inptr to the offset of the next byte to be processed.
 * Updates time_stamp if there is one and --no-time is not used.
 * This function may be called repeatedly for an input file consisting
 * of several contiguous gzip'ed members.
 * IN assertions: there is at least one remaining compressed member.
 *   If the member is a zip file, it must be the only one.
local int get_method(in)
    int in;        /* input file descriptor */
    uch flags;     /* compression flags */
    char magic[2]; /* magic header */
    int imagic1;   /* like magic[1], but can represent EOF */
    ulg stamp;     /* time stamp */

    /* If --force and --stdout, zcat == cat, so do not complain about
     * premature end of file: use try_byte instead of get_byte.
    if (force && to_stdout) {
	magic[0] = (char)try_byte();
	imagic1 = try_byte ();
	magic[1] = (char) imagic1;
	/* If try_byte returned EOF, magic[1] == (char) EOF.  */
    } else {
	magic[0] = (char)get_byte();
	magic[1] = (char)get_byte();
	imagic1 = 0; /* avoid lint warning */
    method = -1;                 /* unknown yet */
    part_nb++;                   /* number of parts in gzip file */
    header_bytes = 0;
    last_member = RECORD_IO;
    /* assume multiple members in gzip file except for record oriented I/O */

    if (memcmp(magic, GZIP_MAGIC, 2) == 0
        || memcmp(magic, OLD_GZIP_MAGIC, 2) == 0) {

	method = (int)get_byte();
	if (method != DEFLATED) {
		    "%s: %s: unknown method %d -- not supported\n",
		    progname, ifname, method);
	    exit_code = ERROR;
	    return -1;
	work = unzip;
	flags  = (uch)get_byte();

	if ((flags & ENCRYPTED) != 0) {
		    "%s: %s is encrypted -- not supported\n",
		    progname, ifname);
	    exit_code = ERROR;
	    return -1;
	if ((flags & CONTINUATION) != 0) {
		    "%s: %s is a a multi-part gzip file -- not supported\n",
		    progname, ifname);
	    exit_code = ERROR;
	    if (force <= 1) return -1;
	if ((flags & RESERVED) != 0) {
		    "%s: %s has flags 0x%x -- not supported\n",
		    progname, ifname, flags);
	    exit_code = ERROR;
	    if (force <= 1) return -1;
	stamp  = (ulg)get_byte();
	stamp |= ((ulg)get_byte()) << 8;
	stamp |= ((ulg)get_byte()) << 16;
	stamp |= ((ulg)get_byte()) << 24;
	if (stamp != 0 && !no_time) time_stamp = stamp;

	(void)get_byte();  /* Ignore extra flags for the moment */
	(void)get_byte();  /* Ignore OS type for the moment */

	if ((flags & CONTINUATION) != 0) {
	    unsigned part = (unsigned)get_byte();
	    part |= ((unsigned)get_byte())<<8;
	    if (verbose) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s: part number %u\n",
			progname, ifname, part);
	if ((flags & EXTRA_FIELD) != 0) {
	    unsigned len = (unsigned)get_byte();
	    len |= ((unsigned)get_byte())<<8;
	    if (verbose) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s: extra field of %u bytes ignored\n",
			progname, ifname, len);
	    while (len--) (void)get_byte();

	/* Get original file name if it was truncated */
	if ((flags & ORIG_NAME) != 0) {
	    if (no_name || (to_stdout && !list) || part_nb > 1) {
		/* Discard the old name */
		char c; /* dummy used for NeXTstep 3.0 cc optimizer bug */
		do {c=get_byte();} while (c != 0);
	    } else {
		/* Copy the base name. Keep a directory prefix intact. */
                char *p = base_name (ofname);
                char *base = p;
		char *base2;
		for (;;) {
		    *p = (char)get_char();
		    if (*p++ == '\0') break;
		    if (p >= ofname+sizeof(ofname)) {
			error("corrupted input -- file name too large");
		base2 = basename (base);
		strcpy(base, base2);
                /* If necessary, adapt the name to local OS conventions: */
                if (!list) {
		   if (base) list=0; /* avoid warning about unused variable */
	    } /* no_name || to_stdout */
	} /* ORIG_NAME */

	/* Discard file comment if any */
	if ((flags & COMMENT) != 0) {
	    while (get_char() != 0) /* null */ ;
	if (part_nb == 1) {
	    header_bytes = inptr + 2*sizeof(long); /* include crc and size */

    } else if (memcmp(magic, PKZIP_MAGIC, 2) == 0 && inptr == 2
	    && memcmp((char*)inbuf, PKZIP_MAGIC, 4) == 0) {
	/* To simplify the code, we support a zip file when alone only.
         * We are thus guaranteed that the entire local header fits in inbuf.
        inptr = 0;
	work = unzip;
	if (check_zipfile(in) != OK) return -1;
	/* check_zipfile may get ofname from the local header */
	last_member = 1;

    } else if (memcmp(magic, PACK_MAGIC, 2) == 0) {
	work = unpack;
	method = PACKED;

    } else if (memcmp(magic, LZW_MAGIC, 2) == 0) {
	work = unlzw;
	method = COMPRESSED;
	last_member = 1;

    } else if (memcmp(magic, LZH_MAGIC, 2) == 0) {
	work = unlzh;
	method = LZHED;
	last_member = 1;

    } else if (force && to_stdout && !list) { /* pass input unchanged */
	method = STORED;
	work = copy;
        inptr = 0;
	last_member = 1;
    if (method >= 0) return method;

    if (part_nb == 1) {
	fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: %s: not in gzip format\n", progname, ifname);
	exit_code = ERROR;
	return -1;
    } else {
	if (magic[0] == 0)
	    int inbyte;
	    for (inbyte = imagic1;  inbyte == 0;  inbyte = try_byte ())
	    if (inbyte == EOF)
		if (verbose)
		  WARN ((stderr, "\n%s: %s: decompression OK, trailing zero bytes ignored\n",
			 progname, ifname));
		return -3;

	WARN((stderr, "\n%s: %s: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored\n",
	      progname, ifname));
	return -2;

/* ========================================================================
 * Display the characteristics of the compressed file.
 * If the given method is < 0, display the accumulated totals.
 * IN assertions: time_stamp, header_bytes and ifile_size are initialized.
local void do_list(ifd, method)
    int ifd;     /* input file descriptor */
    int method;  /* compression method */
    ulg crc;  /* original crc */
    static int first_time = 1;
    static char* methods[MAX_METHODS] = {
        "store",  /* 0 */
        "compr",  /* 1 */
        "pack ",  /* 2 */
        "lzh  ",  /* 3 */
        "", "", "", "", /* 4 to 7 reserved */
        "defla"}; /* 8 */
    char *date;
    int positive_off_t_width = 1;
    off_t o;

    for (o = OFF_T_MAX;  9 < o;  o /= 10) {

    if (first_time && method >= 0) {
	first_time = 0;
	if (verbose)  {
	    printf("method  crc     date  time  ");
	if (!quiet) {
	    printf("%*.*s %*.*s  ratio uncompressed_name\n",
		   positive_off_t_width, positive_off_t_width, "compressed",
		   positive_off_t_width, positive_off_t_width, "uncompressed");
    } else if (method < 0) {
	if (total_in <= 0 || total_out <= 0) return;
	if (verbose) {
	    printf("                            ");
	if (verbose || !quiet) {
	    fprint_off(stdout, total_in, positive_off_t_width);
	    printf(" ");
	    fprint_off(stdout, total_out, positive_off_t_width);
	    printf(" ");
	display_ratio(total_out-(total_in-header_bytes), total_out, stdout);
	/* header_bytes is not meaningful but used to ensure the same
	 * ratio if there is a single file.
	printf(" (totals)\n");
    crc = (ulg)~0; /* unknown */
    bytes_out = -1L;
    bytes_in = ifile_size;

#if RECORD_IO == 0
    if (method == DEFLATED && !last_member) {
        /* Get the crc and uncompressed size for gzip'ed (not zip'ed) files.
         * If the lseek fails, we could use read() to get to the end, but
         * --list is used to get quick results.
         * Use "gunzip < foo.gz | wc -c" to get the uncompressed size if
         * you are not concerned about speed.
        bytes_in = lseek(ifd, (off_t)(-8), SEEK_END);
        if (bytes_in != -1L) {
            uch buf[8];
            bytes_in += 8L;
            if (read(ifd, (char*)buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) {
            crc       = LG(buf);
	    bytes_out = LG(buf+4);
#endif /* RECORD_IO */
    date = ctime((time_t*)&time_stamp) + 4; /* skip the day of the week */
    date[12] = '\0';               /* suppress the 1/100sec and the year */
    if (verbose) {
        printf("%5s %08lx %11s ", methods[method], crc, date);
    fprint_off(stdout, bytes_in, positive_off_t_width);
    printf(" ");
    fprint_off(stdout, bytes_out, positive_off_t_width);
    printf(" ");
    if (bytes_in  == -1L) {
	total_in = -1L;
	bytes_in = bytes_out = header_bytes = 0;
    } else if (total_in >= 0) {
	total_in  += bytes_in;
    if (bytes_out == -1L) {
	total_out = -1L;
	bytes_in = bytes_out = header_bytes = 0;
    } else if (total_out >= 0) {
	total_out += bytes_out;
    display_ratio(bytes_out-(bytes_in-header_bytes), bytes_out, stdout);
    printf(" %s\n", ofname);

/* ========================================================================
 * Return true if the two stat structures correspond to the same file.
local int same_file(stat1, stat2)
    struct stat *stat1;
    struct stat *stat2;
    return stat1->st_ino   == stat2->st_ino
	&& stat1->st_dev   == stat2->st_dev
#ifdef NO_ST_INO
        /* Can't rely on st_ino and st_dev, use other fields: */
	&& stat1->st_mode  == stat2->st_mode
	&& stat1->st_uid   == stat2->st_uid
	&& stat1->st_gid   == stat2->st_gid
	&& stat1->st_size  == stat2->st_size
	&& stat1->st_atime == stat2->st_atime
	&& stat1->st_mtime == stat2->st_mtime
	&& stat1->st_ctime == stat2->st_ctime

/* ========================================================================
 * Return true if a file name is ambiguous because the operating system
 * truncates file names.
local int name_too_long(name, statb)
    char *name;           /* file name to check */
    struct stat *statb;   /* stat buf for this file name */
    int s = strlen(name);
    char c = name[s-1];
    struct stat	tstat; /* stat for truncated name */
    int res;

    tstat = *statb;      /* Just in case OS does not fill all fields */
    name[s-1] = '\0';
    res = lstat(name, &tstat) == 0 && same_file(statb, &tstat);
    name[s-1] = c;
    Trace((stderr, " too_long(%s) => %d\n", name, res));
    return res;

/* ========================================================================
 * Shorten the given name by one character, or replace a .tar extension
 * with .tgz. Truncate the last part of the name which is longer than
 * MIN_PART characters: 1234.678.012.gz -> 123.678.012.gz. If the name
 * has only parts shorter than MIN_PART truncate the longest part.
 * For decompression, just remove the last character of the name.
 * IN assertion: for compression, the suffix of the given name is z_suffix.
local void shorten_name(name)
    char *name;
    int len;                 /* length of name without z_suffix */
    char *trunc = NULL;      /* character to be truncated */
    int plen;                /* current part length */
    int min_part = MIN_PART; /* current minimum part length */
    char *p;

    len = strlen(name);
    if (decompress) {
	if (len <= 1) error("name too short");
	name[len-1] = '\0';
    p = get_suffix(name);
    if (p == NULL) error("can't recover suffix\n");
    *p = '\0';
    save_orig_name = 1;

    /* compress 1234567890.tar to 1234567890.tgz */
    if (len > 4 && strequ(p-4, ".tar")) {
	strcpy(p-4, ".tgz");
    /* Try keeping short extensions intact:
     * 1234.678.012.gz -> 123.678.012.gz
    do {
	p = strrchr(name, PATH_SEP);
	p = p ? p+1 : name;
	while (*p) {
	    plen = strcspn(p, PART_SEP);
	    p += plen;
	    if (plen > min_part) trunc = p-1;
	    if (*p) p++;
    } while (trunc == NULL && --min_part != 0);

    if (trunc != NULL) {
	do {
	    trunc[0] = trunc[1];
	} while (*trunc++);
    } else {
	trunc = strrchr(name, PART_SEP[0]);
	if (trunc == NULL) error("internal error in shorten_name");
	if (trunc[1] == '\0') trunc--; /* force truncation */
    strcpy(trunc, z_suffix);

/* ========================================================================
 * If compressing to a file, check if ofname is not ambiguous
 * because the operating system truncates names. Otherwise, generate
 * a new ofname and save the original name in the compressed file.
 * If the compressed file already exists, ask for confirmation.
 *    The check for name truncation is made dynamically, because different
 * file systems on the same OS might use different truncation rules (on SVR4
 * s5 truncates to 14 chars and ufs does not truncate).
 *    This function returns -1 if the file must be skipped, and
 * updates save_orig_name if necessary.
 * IN assertions: save_orig_name is already set if ofname has been
 * already truncated because of NO_MULTIPLE_DOTS. The input file has
 * already been open and istat is set.
local int check_ofname()
    struct stat	ostat; /* stat for ofname */

    /* Check for strictly conforming Posix systems (which return ENAMETOOLONG
     * instead of silently truncating filenames).
    errno = 0;
    while (lstat(ofname, &ostat) != 0) {
        if (errno != ENAMETOOLONG) return 0; /* ofname does not exist */
    if (lstat(ofname, &ostat) != 0) return 0;
    /* Check for name truncation on existing file. Do this even on systems
     * defining ENAMETOOLONG, because on most systems the strict Posix
     * behavior is disabled by default (silent name truncation allowed).
    if (!decompress && name_too_long(ofname, &ostat)) {
	if (lstat(ofname, &ostat) != 0) return 0;

    /* Check that the input and output files are different (could be
     * the same by name truncation or links).
    if (same_file(&istat, &ostat)) {
	if (strequ(ifname, ofname)) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: cannot %scompress onto itself\n",
		    progname, ifname, decompress ? "de" : "");
	} else {
	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s and %s are the same file\n",
		    progname, ifname, ofname);
	exit_code = ERROR;
	return ERROR;
    /* Ask permission to overwrite the existing file */
    if (!force) {
	int ok = 0;
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s already exists;", progname, ofname);
	if (foreground && isatty(fileno(stdin))) {
	    fprintf(stderr, " do you wish to overwrite (y or n)? ");
	    ok = yesno();
	if (!ok) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "\tnot overwritten\n");
	    if (exit_code == OK) exit_code = WARNING;
	    return ERROR;
    if (xunlink (ofname)) {
	return ERROR;
    return OK;

#ifndef NO_UTIME
/* ========================================================================
 * Set the access and modification times from the given stat buffer.
local void reset_times (name, statb)
    char *name;
    struct stat *statb;
    struct utimbuf	timep;

    /* Copy the time stamp */
    timep.actime  = statb->st_atime;
    timep.modtime = statb->st_mtime;

    /* Some systems (at least OS/2) do not support utime on directories */
    if (utime(name, &timep) && !S_ISDIR(statb->st_mode)) {
	int e = errno;
	WARN((stderr, "%s: ", progname));
	if (!quiet) {
	    errno = e;

/* ========================================================================
 * Copy modes, times, ownership from input file to output file.
 * IN assertion: to_stdout is false.
local void copy_stat(ifstat)
    struct stat *ifstat;
#ifndef NO_UTIME
    if (decompress && time_stamp != 0 && ifstat->st_mtime != time_stamp) {
	ifstat->st_mtime = time_stamp;
	if (verbose > 1) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: time stamp restored\n", ofname);
    reset_times(ofname, ifstat);
    /* Copy the protection modes */
    if (fchmod(ofd, ifstat->st_mode & 07777)) {
	int e = errno;
	WARN((stderr, "%s: ", progname));
	if (!quiet) {
	    errno = e;
#ifndef NO_CHOWN
    (void) fchown(ofd, ifstat->st_uid, ifstat->st_gid);  /* Copy ownership */
    remove_ofname = 0;
    /* It's now safe to remove the input file: */
    if (xunlink (ifname)) {
	int e = errno;
	WARN((stderr, "%s: ", progname));
	if (!quiet) {
	    errno = e;

#if ! NO_DIR

/* ========================================================================
 * Recurse through the given directory. This code is taken from ncompress.
local void treat_dir(dir)
    char *dir;
    struct dirent *dp;
    DIR      *dirp;
    char     nbuf[MAX_PATH_LEN];
    int      len;

    dirp = opendir(dir);
    if (dirp == NULL) {
	return ;
     ** WARNING: the following algorithm could occasionally cause
     ** compress to produce error warnings of the form "<filename>.gz
     ** already has .gz suffix - ignored". This occurs when the
     ** .gz output file is inserted into the directory below
     ** readdir's current pointer.
     ** These warnings are harmless but annoying, so they are suppressed
     ** with option -r (except when -v is on). An alternative
     ** to allowing this would be to store the entire directory
     ** list in memory, then compress the entries in the stored
     ** list. Given the depth-first recursive algorithm used here,
     ** this could use up a tremendous amount of memory. I don't
     ** think it's worth it. -- Dave Mack
     ** (An other alternative might be two passes to avoid depth-first.)
    while ((errno = 0, dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {

	if (strequ(dp->d_name,".") || strequ(dp->d_name,"..")) {
	len = strlen(dir);
	if (len + NAMLEN(dp) + 1 < MAX_PATH_LEN - 1) {
	    if (len != 0 /* dir = "" means current dir on Amiga */
#ifdef PATH_SEP2
		&& dir[len-1] != PATH_SEP2
#ifdef PATH_SEP3
		&& dir[len-1] != PATH_SEP3
	    ) {
		nbuf[len++] = PATH_SEP;
	    strcpy(nbuf+len, dp->d_name);
	} else {
	    fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s/%s: pathname too long\n",
		    progname, dir, dp->d_name);
	    exit_code = ERROR;
    if (errno != 0)
    if (CLOSEDIR(dirp) != 0)
#endif /* ! NO_DIR */

/* ========================================================================
 * Free all dynamically allocated variables and exit with the given code.
local void do_exit(exitcode)
    int exitcode;
    static int in_exit = 0;

    if (in_exit) exit(exitcode);
    in_exit = 1;
    if (env != NULL)  free(env),  env  = NULL;
    if (args != NULL) free((char*)args), args = NULL;
#ifndef MAXSEG_64K

/* ========================================================================
 * Signal and error handler.
RETSIGTYPE abort_gzip()
   if (remove_ofname) {
       xunlink (ofname);