locals.html   [plain text]

<TITLE>Locals Window Help</TITLE>
<H1>The Locals Window</H1>
<P>The Locals Window displays all local variables in scope. It may be used to
visualize local variables. Local variables need to be collected
before they can be viewed. See <A HREF="tracedlg.html#t_actions_add">Adding
an Action</A> in the Tracepoint Dialog for more information.</P>

<P>Locals Window topics:
    <LI><UL><A HREF="#menus">Variable Menu</A>
            <LI><A HREF="#menus_fmt">Format</A>
    <LI><UL><A HREF="#display">Locals Display</A>
            <LI><A HREF="#display_deref">Dereferencing Pointers</A>
            <LI><A HREF="#display_struct">Viewing a Structure or Class</A>
            <LI><A HREF="#display_popup">Locals Pop-up Menu</A>

<H3><A NAME="menus">Variable Menu</A></H3>
The Variable Menu gives on-screen access to the funtions of the Locals Window.
To use any of these functions, first use the left mouse button to select a
variable from the display. Then select:

    <DT><A NAME="menus_fmt">Format</A>
        <DD>Change the display format of the variable

<H3><A NAME="display">Locals Display</A></H4>
The Locals Window Display consists of a scrolled listbox which contains all
local variables, one per line. Locals which were not collected at the current
tracepoint will display a memory-access error. To use any of the functions of
the Locals Window, use the left mouse button to select any element from the

<P>Pointers, structures, and classes appear in the display with small exapansion
box before their names. To <A NAME="display_deref">dereference pointers</A> or
<A NAME="display_struct">view the members of classes or structures</A>, click
the closed expansion box (which appears as a small plus sign, "+") to "expand"
the listing. The expansion box changes to a minus sign, "-", indicating that the
display is now open. Pointers, structures and classes may be expanded recursively
to allow multiple pointer dereferences and embedded structure viewing.

<P>The Locals Display updates as the trace buffer is navigated, highlighting
in blue those variables whose values have changed.</P>

<P>The Locals Window will, by default, display all pointers in hexadecimal and all
other variables in decimal. To change the default display of variables, use the
"set output-radix" command in the console window. (Type "help set output-radix" in the
console window for help. To make this change permanent, it must be added to the user's
init file -- .gdbinit under unix and gdb.ini under Windows.) To change the display
format for a variable, select the Format option from either the Variable Menu or the
<A HREF="#display_popup">Locals Pop-up Menu</A>.

<H4><A NAME="display_popup">Locals Pop-up Menu</A></H4>
The Locals Pop-up Menu provides quick access to the functions of the Locals Window.
To use the Locals Pop-up Menu, first select a variable from the Display (by clicking
the left mouse button on it) and click the right mouse button, choosing from the
        <DD>Change the display format of the variable. The variable may be displayed
                    <DD>hexadecimal (base 16)
                    <DD>decimal (base 10)
                    <DD>binary (base 2)
                    <DD>octal (base 8)