MacsBug_plugins.c   [plain text]

 |                                                                                      |
 |                                  MacsBug_plugins.c                                   |
 |                                                                                      |
 |                                MacsBug Plugins Command                               |
 |                                                                                      |
 |                                     Ira L. Ruben                                     |
 |                       Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 2000-2006                       |
 |                                                                                      |

 This file contains MacsBug command plugins that are too hard to write, too inefficient,
 or cannot be genralized enough if written in gdb command language.
 Also in this file is oid init_from_gdb() which is the main entry point to the MacsBug
 plugins, i.e., it is that routine that, by name convention, is called from gdb when
 a load-plugin command is done on the linked collection of MacsBug modules.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "MacsBug.h"


Gdb_Cmd_Class macsbug_class;			/* help class for MacsBug commands	*/
Gdb_Cmd_Class macsbug_internal_class;		/* help class for internal commands	*/
Gdb_Cmd_Class macsbug_screen_class;		/* help class for screen UI commands	*/
Gdb_Cmd_Class macsbug_testing_class;		/* help class for testing commands	*/
Gdb_Cmd_Class macsbug_useful_class;		/* help class for useful commands	*/

static int  find_size = 0;			/* FB/FW/FL parameter to FIND		*/
static char *findName;				/* "FB", "FW", or "FL"			*/

static Gdb_Plugin gdb_continue_command = NULL;

static void ra(char *arg, int from_tty);	/* needed by G and GT when not running	*/


 | BRC [addr] - clear all breakpoints or one breakpoint at addr |

static void brc(char *arg, int from_tty)
    if (arg && *arg)
	gdb_execute_command("clear %s", arg);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 1);

#define BRC_HELP \
"BRC [addr] -- Clear all breakpoints or one breakpoint at addr.\n"			\
"See also gdb's DELETE command (clears breakpoints by number), and DISABLE."

 | BRD [n] - show all breakpoints (or breakpoint n) |

static void brd(char *arg, int from_tty)
    if (arg && *arg)
	gdb_execute_command("info breakpoints %s", arg);
    	gdb_execute_command("info breakpoints");
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 2);

#define BRD_HELP "BRD -- Show all breakpoints (or breakpoint n)."

 | BRM regex - set breakpoints (gdb RBREAK) |

static void brm(char *arg, int from_tty)
    if (!arg || !*arg)
    	gdb_error("usage: BRM regex (regex expected)");
    gdb_execute_command("rbreak %s", arg);	/* rbreak regex				*/
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 38);

#define BRM_HELP \
"BRM regex -- Set breakpoints at all functions matching regular expression.\n"		\
"This sets unconditional breakpoints on all matches, printing a list of all\n"		\
"breakpoints set.  This command is equivalent to a gdb RBREAK command."

 | BRP [gdb-spec [expr]] - Break at gdb-spec (under specified condition) (gdb BREAK) |

static void brp(char *arg, int from_tty)
    if (!arg || !*arg)
    	gdb_error("usage: BRP [gdb-spec [expr]]");
    gdb_execute_command("br %s", arg);		/* br [gdb-spec [expr]]			*/
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 33);

#define BRP_HELP \
"BRP [gdb-spec [expr]] -- Break at gdb-spec (under specified condition).\n"		\
"This implements the gdb \"BREAK gdb-spec [if condition]\".  See gdb BREAK\n"		\
"documentation for further details.\n"							\
"\n"											\
"Macsbug features not supported: Interation count.\n"					\
"                                No semicolon before the command.\n"			\
"                                Command is not enclosed in quotes.\n"			\
"                                Only a single command is allowed."

 | back_up_over_prompt - position cursor over the current gdb prompt |
 If we are NOT using the MacsBug screen and we are processing a MacsBug command which
 is intended to have contiguous output then this routine back up the cursor over the
 prompt.  Normally this would be 2 lines (one for the prompt + one for the return to
 enter the command).
 An example of this is multiple IL's.  We want to display the disassembly without showing
 the intervening gdb prompts.  So this routine will back the cursor up so that the
 disassembly will overwrite the prompt.
 For commands that do disassemblies there is the possibility of them also displaying
 the "branch [not] taken" message at the end.  So for those we want to back up 3 lines.
 Thus the switch, branchTaken, is passed here for such commands to tell us whether to
 back up 2 lines (branchTaken == 0) or 3 (branchTaken != 0).
 Note that not of this is ever a problem when the MacsBug screen is up since the prompts
 never show in the history display area and always appear in their separate command area.
 Also, since this routine is called at the beginning of each command that wants a
 contiguous display when it decides it needs to do it, the starting address for the
 display is also passed.  We use that to access *(char*)addr just in case the starting
 address is not accessible.  That will cause an appropriate error message with the
 command aborted BEFORE we get a chance to back up the cursor.

static void back_up_over_prompt(GDB_ADDRESS addr, int branchTaken, int from_tty)
    if (!macsbug_screen && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) {	/* skip if macsbug screen is up	*/
	gdb_eval("$__accessible__=*(char*)0x%llx", (long long)addr);
	if (from_tty)
	    gdb_printf(CURSOR_UP CLEAR_LINE, 2 + (branchTaken != 0));

 | db_dw_dl_dll [addr] - common routine for DB, DW, DL, DLL |
 The arg is the DB, DW, DL, and DLL, arg.  The size is 1 (DB), 2(DW), 4 (DL), or 
 8 (DLL).  The cmdNbr is the command's $__lastcmd__ number.

static void db_dw_dl_dll(char *arg, int from_tty, int size, int cmdNbr)
    unsigned char      b;
    unsigned short     w;
    unsigned long      l;
    unsigned long long ll;
    GDB_ADDRESS        addr;
    char 	       line[20], addrStr[20];
    __is_running("The program is not running.", 0);
    if (arg && *arg) {
    	addr = gdb_get_address(arg);
	gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);
    } else if (gdb_get_int("$__lastcmd__") == cmdNbr) {
    	addr = gdb_get_address("$dot") + size;
	back_up_over_prompt(addr, 0, from_tty);
 	gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);
   } else
    	addr = gdb_get_address("$dot");
    sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX", (long long)addr);
    switch (size) {
    	case 1:
	    gdb_read_memory(&b, addrStr, 1);
	    gdb_printf("Byte at %.8llX = 0x%.2X   %uu  %d  ", (long long)addr, b, b, (char)b);
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X", b);
	    __print_1(line, from_tty);
	case 2:
	    gdb_read_memory(&w, addrStr, 2);
	    gdb_printf("Two bytes at %.8llX = 0x%.4X  %uu  %d  ", (long long)addr, w, w, (short)w);
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X", w);
	    __print_2(line, from_tty);
	case 4:
	    gdb_read_memory(&l, addrStr, 4);
	    gdb_printf("Four bytes at %.8llX = 0x%.8lX  %uul  %dl  ", (long long)addr, l, l, (long)l);
	    sprintf(line, "0x%lX", l);
	    __print_4(line, from_tty);
	case 8:
	    gdb_read_memory(&ll, addrStr, 8);
	    gdb_printf("Eight bytes at %.8llX = 0x%.16llX  %lluull  %lldll  ", (long long)addr, ll, ll,
	    		(long long)ll);
	    sprintf(line, "0x%llX", ll);
	    __print_8(line, from_tty);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", cmdNbr);

 | DB addr -- Display in hex the byte at addr (or $dot)  |

static void db(char *arg, int from_tty)
    db_dw_dl_dll(arg, from_tty, 1, 3);

#define DB_HELP "DB addr -- Display in hex the byte at addr (or $dot)."

 | DL [addr] -- Display in hex the 4 bytes at addr (or $dot) |

static void dl(char *arg, int from_tty)
    db_dw_dl_dll(arg, from_tty, 4, 4);

#define DL_HELP "DL [addr] -- Display in hex the 4 bytes at addr (or $dot)."

 | DLL [addr] -- Display in hex the 8 bytes at addr (or $dot) |

static void dll(char *arg, int from_tty)
    db_dw_dl_dll(arg, from_tty, 8, 49);

#define DLL_HELP "DLL [addr] -- Display in hex the 8 bytes at addr (or $dot)."

 | DM [addr [n | basicType]] - display memory from addr for n bytes or as a basic type |

static void dm(char *arg, int from_tty)
    int  	       argc, n, i;
    unsigned char      b;
    unsigned short     w;
    unsigned long      l;
    unsigned long long ll;
    GDB_ADDRESS        addr;
    char 	       *basicType, *argv[5], addrStr[20], buf[20], line[1024], tmpCmdLine[1024];
    struct {
        short top;
	short left;
	short bottom;
	short right;
    } rect;
    static char *basic_types[] = {
    	"Byte", "Word", "Long", "LongLong",
	"SignedByte", "SignedWord", "SignedLong",  "SignedLongLong",
	"UnsignedByte", "UnsignedWord", "UnsignedLong", "UnsignedLongLong",
	"PString", "CString",
	"Binary8", "Binary16", "Binary32", "Binary64",
	"OSType", "Rect", 
	"Text", "Pointer", "Handle",
	"IORefNum", "VRefNum", "Seconds", "ATrapWord",
	"AbsTicks", "TickInterval", "RgnHandle", "IOTrapWord",
	"Version", "RGBColor", "Fixed", "ShortFixed", "UnsignedFixed",
	"Fract", "Region",
    __is_running("The program is not running.", 0);
    gdb_setup_argv(safe_strcpy(tmpCmdLine, arg), "DM", &argc, argv, 4);
    /* Handle the default case...							*/
    if (argc == 1) {
    	if (gdb_get_int("$__lastcmd__") == 5) {
	    addr = gdb_get_address("$dot") + gdb_get_int("$__prev_dm_n__");
	    back_up_over_prompt(addr, 0, from_tty);
	    gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);
	} else {
	    gdb_printf("Displaying memory from %.8llX\n", (long long)gdb_get_address("$dot"));
	    gdb_set_int("$__prev_dm_n__", hexdump_width);
	__hexdump("$dot $__prev_dm_n__", from_tty);
	gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 5);
    /* Handle the DM addr case...							*/
    addr = gdb_get_address(argv[1]);
    if (argc == 2) {
	gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);		/* $dot=addr				*/
	gdb_set_int("$__prev_dm_n__", hexdump_width);
	gdb_printf("Displaying memory from %.8llX\n", (long long)addr);
	__hexdump("$dot", from_tty);
	gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 5);
    /* Handle the DM addr n|basicType case...						*/
    if (argc > 3)
    	gdb_error("usage: DM [addr [n | basicType]] (wrong number of arguments)");
    if (isdigit(argv[2][0]) || argv[2][0] == '(' || argv[2][0] =='\'') { /* DM addr n	*/
    	n = gdb_get_int(argv[2]);
	gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);
	gdb_set_int("$__prev_dm_n__", n);
    	gdb_printf("Displaying memory from %.8llX\n", (long long)addr);
	__hexdump("$dot $__prev_dm_n__", from_tty);
	gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 5);
    /* From here on we want to display the addr as a function of a basicType keyword	*/
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", -5);
    sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX", (long long)addr);
    basicType = (argv[2][0] != '"') ? argv[2] : gdb_get_string(argv[2], line, 30);
    switch (n = gdb_keyword(basicType, basic_types)) {
    	case  0: /* Byte */
	    gdb_read_memory(&b, addrStr, 1);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying Byte\n"
	               " %.8llX: %.2X\n", (long long)addr, (unsigned char)b);
    	case  1: /* Word */
	    gdb_read_memory(&w, addrStr, 2);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying Word\n"
	               " %.8llX: %.4X\n", (long long)addr, (unsigned short)w);
    	case  2: /* Long */
	    gdb_read_memory(&l, addrStr, 4);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying Long\n"
	               " %.8llX: %.8lX\n", (long long)addr, (unsigned long)l);
    	case  3: /* LongLong */
	    gdb_read_memory(&ll, addrStr, 8);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying Long Long\n"
	               " %.8llX: %.16llX\n", (long long)addr, (unsigned long long)ll);
    	case  4: /* SignedByte */
 	    gdb_read_memory(&b, addrStr, 1);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying SignedByte\n"
	               " %.8llX: %d\n", (long long)addr, (char)b);
    	case  5: /* SignedWord */
 	    gdb_read_memory(&w, addrStr, 2);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying SignedWord\n"
	               " %s%s: %d\n", (long long)addr, (short)w);
    	case  6: /* SignedLong */
 	    gdb_read_memory(&l, addrStr, 4);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying SignedLong\n"
	               " %.8llX: %ld\n", (long long)addr, (long)l);
    	case  7: /* SignedLongLong */
 	    gdb_read_memory(&ll, addrStr, 8);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying SignedLongLong\n"
	               " %.8llX: %lld\n", (long long)addr, (long long)ll);
    	case  8: /* UnsignedByte */
	    gdb_read_memory(&b, addrStr, 1);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying UnsignedByte\n"
	               " %.8llX: %u\n", (long long)addr, (unsigned char)b);
    	case  9: /* UnsignedWord */
	    gdb_read_memory(&w, addrStr, 2);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying UnsignedWord\n"
	               " %.8llX: %u\n", (long long)addr, (unsigned short)w);
   	case 10: /* UnsignedLong */
	    gdb_read_memory(&l, addrStr, 4);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying UnsignedLong\n"
	               " %.8llX: %lu\n", (long long)addr, (unsigned long)l);
   	case 11: /* UnsignedLongLong */
	    gdb_read_memory(&ll, addrStr, 8);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying UnsignedLongLong\n"
	               " %.8llX: %llu\n", (long long)addr, (unsigned long long)ll);
    	case 12: /* PString */
	    gdb_read_memory(&b, addrStr, 1);
	    gdb_read_memory(line, addrStr, b + 1);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying PString\n"
	               " %.8llX: (%d) \"", (long long)addr, b);
	    for (i = 1; i <= b; ++i)
	    	gdb_printf("%s", filter_char(line[i], 1, buf));
   	case 13: /* CString */
	    gdb_printf("Displaying CString\n"
	               " %.8llX: \"", (long long)addr);
            gdb_read_memory(&b, addrStr, 1);
	    while (b) {
	    	gdb_printf("%s", filter_char(b, 1, buf));
    		sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX", ++addr);
		gdb_read_memory(&b, addrStr, 1);
   	case 14: /* Boolean */
	    gdb_read_memory(&b, addrStr, 1);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying Boolean\n"
	               " %.8llX: %s\n", (long long)addr, b ? "true" : "false");
    	case 15: /* Binary8 */
	    gdb_read_memory(&b, addrStr, 1);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying Binary8\n"
	               " %.8llX: %.2X = ", (long long)addr, (unsigned char)b);
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", (b >> 4) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", b & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
    	case 16: /* Binary16 */
	    gdb_read_memory(&w, addrStr, 2);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying Binary16\n"
	               " %.8llX: %.4X = ", (long long)addr, (unsigned short)w);
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", (w >> 12) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", (w >> 8) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", (w >> 4) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", w & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
    	case 17: /* Binary32 */
	    gdb_read_memory(&l, addrStr, 4);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying Binary32\n"
	               " %.8llX: %.8lX = ", (long long)addr, (unsigned long)l);
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", (l >> 28) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", (l >> 24) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", (l >> 20) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", (l >> 16) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", (l >> 12) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", (l >> 8) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", (l >> 4) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%X 4", l & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
    	case 18: /* Binary64 */
	    gdb_read_memory(&ll, addrStr, 8);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying Binary64\n"
	               " %.8llX: %.16llX = ", (long long)addr, ll);
	    sprintf(line, "0x%llX 4", (ll >> 60) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%llX 4", (ll >> 56) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%llX 4", (ll >> 52) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%llX 4", (ll >> 48) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%llX 4", (ll >> 44) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%llX 4", (ll >> 40) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%llX 4", (ll >> 36) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    sprintf(line, "0x%llX 4", (ll >> 32) & 0x0F);
	    __binary(line, from_tty);
	    gdb_puts(" ");
	    l = (unsigned long)ll;
	    goto Binary32;
    	case 19: /* OSType */
	    gdb_read_memory(&l, addrStr, 4);
	    gdb_printf("Displaying OSType\n"
	               " %.8llX: %.8X = ", (long long)addr, l);
	    sprintf(line, "0x%.lX", l);
	    __print_4(line, from_tty);
    	case 20: /* Rect */
	    gdb_read_memory(&rect, addrStr, sizeof(rect));
	    gdb_printf("Displaying Rect\n"
	               " %.8llX: %d %d %d %d (t,l,b,r) %d %d (w,h)\n",
		       (long long)addr,, rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right,
		       rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom -;
	    if (n < 0)
		gdb_error("Unrecognized type.");
			"%s is not supported in the gdb MacsBug commands.\n"
		        "Use the gdb PRINT command.  With appropriate type\n"
		        "casts you'll probably get better results anyhow.\n", argv[2]);

#define DM_HELP \
"DM [addr [n | basicType]] -- Display memory from addr for n bytes or as a basic type.\n" \
"The basic types are Byte, Word, Long, LongLong,\n"					\
"SignedByte, SignedWord, SignedLong, SignedLongLong,\n"					\
"UnsignedByte, UnsignedWord, UnsignedLong, UnsignedLongLong,\n"				\
"PString, CString, Boolean, Binary8, Binary16, Binary32, Binary64,\n"			\
"OSType, and Rect.\n"									\
"\n"											\
"Also see SET for [mb-]ditto mode (HELP set mb-ditto).\n"				\
"\n"											\
"Macsbug features not supported: templates and the following basic types.\n"		\
"                                Pointer, Handle, RGBColor, Text, IORefNum,\n"		\
"                                VRefNum, Seconds, ATrapWord, AbsTicks,\n"		\
"                                TickInterval, Region, RgnHandle, IOTrapWord,\n"	\
"                                Version, Fixed, ShortFixed, UnsignedFixed,\n"		\
"                                and Fract."

 | DMA [addr [n]] -- Display memory as ASCII from addr for n (default 512) bytes |

static void dma(char *arg, int from_tty)
    int		argc, n;
    GDB_ADDRESS addr;
    char	*argv[5], tmpCmdLine[1024];
    __is_running("The program is not running.", 0);
    gdb_setup_argv(safe_strcpy(tmpCmdLine, arg), "DDMAM", &argc, argv, 4);
    /* Handle the default case...							*/
    if (argc == 1) {
    	if (gdb_get_int("$__lastcmd__") == 37) {
	    addr = gdb_get_address("$dot") + gdb_get_int("$__prev_dma_n__");
	    back_up_over_prompt(gdb_get_address("$dot"), 0, from_tty);
	    gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);
	} else {
	    gdb_printf("Displaying memory from %.8llX\n", (long long)gdb_get_address("$dot"));
	    gdb_set_int("$__prev_dma_n__", 512);
	__asciidump("$dot $__prev_dma_n__", from_tty);
	gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 37);
    /* Handle the DMA addr case...							*/
    addr = gdb_get_address(argv[1]);
    if (argc == 2) {
	gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);		/* $dot=addr				*/
	gdb_set_int("$__prev_dma_n__", 512);
	gdb_printf("Displaying memory from %.8llX\n", (long long)addr);
	__asciidump("$dot 512", from_tty);
	gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 37);
    /* Handle the DMA addr n case...							*/
    if (argc > 3)
    	gdb_error("usage: DMA [addr [n]] (wrong number of arguments)");
    n = gdb_get_int(argv[2]);
    gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);
    gdb_set_int("$__prev_dma_n__", n);
    gdb_printf("Displaying memory from %.8llX\n", (long long)addr);
    __asciidump("$dot $__prev_dma_n__", from_tty);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 37);

#define DMA_HELP \
"DMA [addr [n]] -- Display memory as ASCII from addr for n (default 512) bytes.\n"	\
"ASCII characters outside the range 0x20 to 0x7F are shown as '.'s.\n"

 | DP [addr] -- Display 128 bytes at addr (or $dot) |

static void dp(char *arg, int from_tty)
    GDB_ADDRESS addr;
    __is_running("The program is not running.", 0);
    if (arg && *arg) {
    	addr = gdb_get_address(arg);
	gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);
	gdb_printf("Displaying memory from %.8llX\n", (long long)addr);
    } else if (gdb_get_int("$__lastcmd__") == 6) {
    	addr = gdb_get_address("$dot") + 128;
	back_up_over_prompt(addr, 0, from_tty);
 	gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);
    } else {
    	addr = gdb_get_address("$dot");
	gdb_printf("Displaying memory from %.8llX\n", (long long)addr);
    __hexdump("$dot 128", from_tty);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 6);

#define DP_HELP "DP [addr] -- Display 128 bytes at addr (or $dot)."

 | dv [v] - display version info |

static void dv(char *arg, int from_tty)
    time_t    t;
    struct tm *ts;
    long      year;
    /* Note, this is the initial part of the message.  The end date is appended to the	*/
    /* end of this using the current year.						*/
    gdb_printf("\nGdb/Macsbug " VERSION ", Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 2000");
    ts = localtime(&t);

    year = 1900 + ts->tm_year;
    if (year > 2000)
    	gdb_printf("-%d", year);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 12);
    if (arg && *arg && !gdb_strcmpl(arg, "V"))
      	gdb_error("Invalid option (V exprected)");
    else if (!arg)
     	gdb_printf("  Written by Ira L. Ruben.\n\n");

#define DV_HELP \
"DV [V] -- Display MacsBug version.\n" \
"V: Display version only, do not show credits."

 | DW [addr] -- Display in hex the two bytes at addr (or $dot) |

static void dw(char *arg, int from_tty)
    db_dw_dl_dll(arg, from_tty, 2, 7);

#define DW_HELP "DW [addr] -- Display in hex the two bytes at addr (or $dot)."

 | FILL addr n expr|"string" - fill from addr to addr+n with expr or string |

static void fill(char *arg, int from_tty)
   int 		      argc, n, len, i;
   unsigned short     w;
   unsigned long      l;
   GDB_ADDRESS        addr, addr0;
   unsigned long long value;
   char 	      b, *argv[6], addrStr[20], str[1025], tmpCmdLine[1024];
    __is_running("The program is not running.", 0);
    gdb_setup_argv(safe_strcpy(tmpCmdLine, arg), "FILL", &argc, argv, 5);
    if (argc != 4)
    	gdb_error("usage: FILL addr n expr|\"string\" (wrong number of arguments)");
    addr = addr0 = gdb_get_address(argv[1]);
    n    = gdb_get_int(argv[2]);
    gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);
    if (gdb_is_string(argv[3])) {			/* FILL addr n "string"		*/
    	gdb_get_string(argv[3], str, 1024);
    	len = strlen(str);
    	i = 0;
	while (n--) {
	    sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX", (long long)(addr++));
	    gdb_write_memory(addrStr, &str[i], 1);
	    if (++i >= len)
	    	i = 0;
    } else {						/* FILL addr n value		*/
    	value = gdb_get_long_long(argv[3]);
	if ((long long)value >= -128 && (long long)value <= 255) {
	    b = value;
	    while (n--) {
	    	sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX",  (long long)(addr++));
	    	gdb_write_memory(addrStr, &b, 1);
	} else if ((long long)value >= -32768 && (long long)value <= 65535) {
	    w = value;
	    i = 0;
	    while (n--) {
	    	sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX",  (long long)(addr++));
		b = (value >> (8 - (i++%2)*8)) & 0xFF;
		gdb_write_memory(addrStr, &b, 1);
	} else if ((long long)value >= -2147483648LL && (long long)value <= 4294967296LL) {
	    l = value;
	    i = 0;
	    while (n--) {
	    	sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX",  (long long)(addr++));
		b = (value >> (24 - (i++%4)*8)) & 0xFF;
		gdb_write_memory(addrStr, &b, 1);
	} else {
	    i = 0;
	    while (n--) {
	    	sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX",  (long long)(addr++));
		b = (value >> (56 - (i++%8)*8)) & 0xFF;
		gdb_write_memory(addrStr, &b, 1);
    sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX", (long long)addr0);
    gdb_printf("Memory set starting at %s\n", addrStr);
    __hexdump(addrStr, from_tty);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 34);

#define FILL_HELP \
"FILL addr n expr|\"string\" -- Fill from addr to addr+n-1 with expr or string.\n"	\
"The fill is repeatedly used as a byte, word, or long (determined by the size\n"	\
"of the expr value) or the string."

 | FIND addr n expr - search from addr to addr+n-1 for the pattern. |

static void find(char *arg, int from_tty)
   int 		      argc, size, found, len, i;
   unsigned short     w;
   GDB_ADDRESS        addr, limit;
   unsigned long      l;
   unsigned long long value, ll;
   unsigned char      b;
   char 	      *buf, s[20], *argv[7], str[1025], addrStr[20], tmpCmdLine[1024];
    /* Since FIND is itself a command, but also used for FB, FW, FL, and FLL we need to */
    /* pass their information through globals.  Specifically find_size is 1, 2, 4, or 8	*/
    /* for FB, FW, FL, FLL respectively and findName is the command name.  		*/
    size = find_size;				/* 0, 1, 2, 4, or 8			*/
    find_size = 0;				/* reset to FIND if not FB/FW/FL/FLL 	*/
    if (size == 0)
    	findName = "FIND";
    gdb_setup_argv(safe_strcpy(tmpCmdLine, arg), findName, &argc, argv, 6);
    /* FB is also be an alias for the gdb FUTURE_BREAK command.  Most breadkpoint	*/
    /* commands take a single argument unless qualified with "if" or "thread".  Based	*/
    /* on that, if we have FB (size == 1) we assume the command is FUTURE_BREAK and	*/
    /* let it be parsed as that.  But we use FU, not FB for the command name otherwise	*/
    /* we get ourselves into a recursive loop!						*/
    if (argc != 4 || 
        (argc >= 4 && (strcmp(argv[2], "if") == 0 || strcmp(argv[2], "thread") == 0))) {
    	if (size == 1 /*FB*/) {
	    gdb_execute_command("future %s", arg ? arg : "");
	if (size == 0/*F*/ && argc <= 2) {
	    gdb_execute_command("frame %s", arg ? arg : "");
    	gdb_error("usage: %s addr n expr|\"string\" (wrong number or invalid of arguments)", findName);
    __is_running("The program is not running.", 0);
    /* Set up to search from addr to add+n-1.  The limit will actually be limit+n minus	*/
    /* the size of the pattern we're looking for (string lenght, 1, 2, or 4).		*/
    addr  = gdb_get_address(argv[1]);
    limit = addr + gdb_get_int(argv[2]);
    found = 0;
    if (gdb_is_string(argv[3])) {		/* FIND/FB/FW/FL/FLL addr n "string"	*/
    	gdb_get_string(argv[3], str, 1024);
    	len = strlen(str);
	gdb_printf("Searching for \"");
	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
	    gdb_printf("%s", filter_char(str[i], 1, s));
	gdb_printf("\" from %.8llX to %.8llX\n", (long long)addr, (unsigned long long)limit-1ul);
    	buf = gdb_malloc(len);
	limit -= len;
	while (addr < limit) {
	    sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX", (long long)(addr++));
	    gdb_read_memory(buf, addrStr, len);
	    if (memcmp(buf, str, len) == 0) {
	    	found = 1;
    } else {					/* FIND/FB/FW/FL/FLL addr n value	*/
    	value = gdb_get_long_long(argv[3]);
	switch (size) {
	    case 0:				/* FIND					*/
	       if ((long long)value >= -128 && (long long)value <= 255)
		   goto FB;
	       else if ((long long)value >= -32768 && (long long)value <= 65535)
		   goto FW;
	       else  if ((long long)value >= -2147483648LL && (long long)value <= 4294967296LL)
		   goto FL;
		   goto FLL;
	    case 1:				/* FB					*/
	    FB: value = (unsigned char)(value & 0xFF);
	    	gdb_printf("Searching for 0x%.2X from 0x%.8llX to 0x%.8llX\n", (unsigned char)value,
	    				(long long)addr, (unsigned long long)limit-1ul);
	   	while (addr < limit) {
		    sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX", (long long)(addr++));
		    gdb_read_memory(&b, addrStr, 1);
		    if (b == (unsigned char)value) {
		    	found = 1;
	    case 2:				/* FW					*/
	    FW: value = (unsigned short)(value & 0xFFFF);
	    	gdb_printf("Searching for 0x%.4X from 0x%.8llX to 0x%.8llX\n", (unsigned short)value,
	    				(long long)addr, (unsigned long long)limit-1ul);
	    	limit -= 2;
	   	while (addr <= limit) {
		    sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX", (long long)(addr++));
		    gdb_read_memory(&w, addrStr, 2);
		    if (w == (unsigned short)value) {
		    	found = 1;
	    case 4:				/* FL					*/
	    FL: value = (unsigned long)(value & 0xFFFFFFFF);
		gdb_printf("Searching for 0x%.8lX from 0x%.8llX to 0x%.8llX\n", (unsigned long)value,
	    				(long long)addr, (unsigned long long)limit-1ul);
	    	limit -= 4;
	        while (addr <= limit) {
		    sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX", (long long)(addr++));
		    gdb_read_memory(&l, addrStr, 4);
		    if (l == (unsigned long)value) {
		    	found = 1;
	    case 8:				/* FLL					*/
	    FLL:gdb_printf("Searching for 0x%.16llX from 0x%.8llX to 0x%.8llX\n", value,
	    				(long long)addr, (unsigned long long)limit-1ul);
	    	limit -= 8;
	        while (addr <= limit) {
		    sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llX", (long long)(addr++));
		    gdb_read_memory(&ll, addrStr, 16);
		    if (ll == value) {
		    	found = 1;
		gdb_error("Internal error -- invalid size passed to %s", findName);
    if (found) {
    	gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);
	__hexdump(addrStr, from_tty);
    } else if (macsbug_screen)
	gdb_fprintf(gdb_current_stderr, " Not found\n");
	gdb_printf(COLOR_RED " Not found" COLOR_OFF "\n");
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 35);

#define FIND_HELP \
"FIND addr n expr or FRAME -- Search from addr to addr+n-1 for pattern.\n"		\
"Abbreviated as F [arg] means this is a FRAME command (do HELP FRAME).\n"		\
"Abbreviated as F addr n expr means this is the Macsbug FIND command.\n"		\
"\n"											\
"If pattern is an expr then the width of the pattern is the smallest unit\n"		\
"(byte, word, long, or long long) that contains its value.\n"				\
"\n"											\
"Restriction: The expr value may not have any embedded blanks.  For example\n"		\
"             a value like (unsigned char *)&a is invalid.\n"				\
"\n"											\
"Macsbug features not supported: Double quoted \"string\" instead of single\n"		\
"                                quoted 'string'."

 | F addr n expr|"string" ==> FIND  |
 | F [arg]                ==> FRAME |
 This is just a stub used to override GDB's F abbreviation for the FRAME
 command.  When the F abbreviation is used we pass the arguments to our
 macsbug FIND command where it will disambiguate whether the user is
 trying to use F to mean FIND or to mean FRAME.  We can tell the difference
 based on the number of arguments.  FIND takes 3 and FRAME takes 0 or 1.
 The only downside of this scheme is if the user does HELP F s/he will see
 the help for FIND.  Thus we try to make it clear about this situation
 in the FIND help info.  Of course if the user does HELP FRAME  there is
 no problems.
 This scheme seems better than forcing the user to always type FIND for
 the Macsbug command and also makes it more compatible with the original
 Classic Macsbug.

static void f(char *arg, int from_tty)
    find_size = 0;
    findName  = "F";
    find(arg, from_tty);

 | FB addr n expr|"string" - search from addr to addr+n-1 for the byte |

static void fb(char *arg, int from_tty)
    find_size = 1;
    findName  = "FB";
    find(arg, from_tty);

#define FB_HELP  \
"FB addr n expr|\"string\" -- Search from addr to addr+n-1 for the byte.\n"		\
"\n"											\
"Note, FB is also an alias for gdb's FUTURE-BREAK command.  The syntax of\n"		\
"the FB parameters determines whether FB is treated as a MacsBug FB or a\n"		\
"gdb FUTURE-BREAK alias."

 | FL addr n expr|"string" - search from addr to addr+n-1 for the 4-byte long |

static void fl(char *arg, int from_tty)
    find_size = 4;
    findName  = "FL";
    find(arg, from_tty);

#define FL_HELP  \
"FL addr n expr|\"string\" -- Search from addr to addr+n-1 for the 4-byte long."

 | FLL addr n expr|"string" - search from addr to addr+n-1 for the 8-byte long long |

static void fll(char *arg, int from_tty)
    find_size = 8;
    findName  = "FLL";
    find(arg, from_tty);

#define FLL_HELP  \
"FLL addr n expr|\"string\" -- Search from addr to addr+n-1 for the 8-byte long long."

 | FW addr n expr|"string" - search from addr to addr+n-1 for the 2-byte word |

static void fw(char *arg, int from_tty)
    find_size = 2;
    findName  = "FW";
    find(arg, from_tty);

#define FW_HELP  \
"FW addr n expr|\"string\" -- Search from addr to addr+n-1 for the 2-byte word."

 | G [addr] - continue execution (at addr) |
 The G command is written as a plugin for the following reasons:
 1. G is executed as RA if the target is not currently running.
    Once upon a time this was done by changing the command line from G to RA (and before
    that, R) in preprocess_commands() because G was a DEFINE command and the implications
    of G at the time were not observed where typing G to start the target and typing just
    a return to repeat the G at the next breakpoint wouldn't do another G but a RA (or R)
    instead.  By doing it here the command line remains a G so we get the desired effect.
 2. As a plugin a bug in gdb doing it as a DEFINE does not occur.
    If a breakpoint is defined with associated commands, then continuing or starting
    executing with a CONTINUE or RUN in a define command will NOT execute the associated
    commands when the breakpoint is hit.  This is a bug in gdb.  It does not occur when
    we do this from a plugin.

static void g(char *arg, int from_tty)
    if (!gdb_target_running())			/* if not running...			*/
    	ra(arg, from_tty);			/* ...treat G as a RA command		*/
    else {					/* if running...			*/
	if (arg && *arg)			/* ...set $pc to specified addr		*/
	    gdb_eval("$pc=%s", arg);
	gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 8);
	gdb_continue_command(NULL, from_tty);	/* ...continue execution		*/

#define G_HELP \
"G [addr] -- Continue execution (at addr if supplied).\n"				\
"\n"											\
"Note, G is treated as a RA (\"run again\") command if the target\n"			\
"program is not currently running."

 | GT gdb-spec - go (continue) until the gdb-spec is reached |

static void gt(char *arg, int from_tty)
    if (!arg || !*arg)
    	gdb_error("usage: GT gdb-spec (gdb-spec expected)");
    gdb_execute_command("tbreak %s", arg);	/* tbreak gdb-spec			*/
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 36);
    if (gdb_target_running()) 
    	gdb_continue_command(NULL, from_tty);
    	ra(NULL, from_tty);

#define GT_HELP \
"GT gdb-spec -- Go (continue) until the gdb-spec is reached.\n" 			\
"This implements the gdb \"TBREAK gdb-spec\" followed by a CONTINUE\n"			\
"command.  See gdb TBREAK documentation for further details.\n" 			\
"\n"											\
"Note, GT is treated as a TBREAK followed by RA (\"run again\")\n"			\
"command if the target program is not currently running.\n"				\
"\n" 											\
"Macsbug features not supported: Command list not allowed."				\

 | ID [addr] - disassemble 1 line starting at addr (or pc) |

static void id(char *arg, int from_tty)
    GDB_ADDRESS addr;
    char 	line[1024];
    __is_running("The program is not running.", 0);
    if (arg && *arg) {
    	__reset_current_function(NULL, 0);
    	addr = gdb_get_address(arg);
	if (macsbug_screen && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO))
    } else if (gdb_get_int("$__lastcmd__") == 9) {
	addr = gdb_get_address("$dot") + 4;
	back_up_over_prompt(addr, branchTaken, from_tty);
    } else {
    	__reset_current_function(NULL, 0);
	gdb_get_register("$pc", &addr);
	if (macsbug_screen && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO))

    gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);
    sprintf(line, "0x%llx 1 %d", (long long)addr, macsbug_screen);
    __disasm(line, from_tty);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 9);

#define ID_HELP \
"ID [addr] -- Disassemble 1 line starting at addr (or pc).\n"				\
"\n"											\
"Macsbug features not supported: -c option."

 | IL [addr [n]] -- disassemble n (default 20) lines from the addr or pc |

static void il(char *arg, int from_tty)
    int  	argc, n;
    GDB_ADDRESS addr;
    char 	*argv[5], tmpCmdLine[1024];
    __is_running("The program is not running.", 0);
    gdb_setup_argv(safe_strcpy(tmpCmdLine, arg), "IL", &argc, argv, 4);
    if (argc == 1) {
	if (gdb_get_int("$__lastcmd__") == 11) {
	    addr = gdb_get_address("$dot") + 4*20;
	    back_up_over_prompt(addr, branchTaken, from_tty);
	} else {
	    __reset_current_function(NULL, 0);
	    gdb_get_register("$pc", &addr);
	    if (macsbug_screen && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO))
	n = 20;
    } else {
	__reset_current_function(NULL, 0);
	if (argc == 2) {
	    addr = gdb_get_address(argv[1]);
	    n    = 20;
	} else if (argc == 3) {
	    addr = gdb_get_address(argv[1]);
	    n    = gdb_get_int(argv[2]);
	} else
	    gdb_error("usage: IL [addr [n]] (wrong number of arguments)");
	if (macsbug_screen && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO))
    gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);
    sprintf(tmpCmdLine, "0x%llx %ld", (long long)addr, n);
    __disasm(tmpCmdLine, from_tty);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 11);

#define IL_HELP \
"IL [addr [n]] -- Disassemble n (default 20) lines from the addr or pc.\n"		\
"\n"											\
"Macsbug features not supported: -c option."

 | IP [addr] - Disassemble 20 lines centered around the addr (or pc) |

static void ip(char *arg, int from_tty)
    int  	argc;
    GDB_ADDRESS addr;
    char 	*argv[4], tmpCmdLine[1024];
    __is_running("The program is not running.", 0);
    gdb_setup_argv(safe_strcpy(tmpCmdLine, arg), "IL", &argc, argv, 3);
    if (argc == 1) {
	if (gdb_get_int("$__lastcmd__") == 13) {
	    addr = gdb_get_address("$dot") + 4*21;
	    back_up_over_prompt(addr - 40, branchTaken, from_tty);
	} else {
	    __reset_current_function(NULL, 0);
	    gdb_get_register("$pc", &addr);
	    if (macsbug_screen && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO))
    } else {
	__reset_current_function(NULL, 0);
	if (argc != 2)
	    gdb_error("usage: IP [addr] (wrong number of arguments)");
	addr = gdb_get_address(argv[1]);
	if (macsbug_screen && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO))
    gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);
    sprintf(tmpCmdLine, "0x%llx 21", (unsigned long long)addr-40ul);
    __disasm(tmpCmdLine, from_tty);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 13);

#define IP_HELP \
"IP [addr] -- Disassemble 20 lines centered around the addr (or pc).\n"			\
"\n"											\
"Macsbug features not supported: -c option."

 | MR - return from current frame (gdb FINISH) |

static void mr(char *arg, int from_tty)
    if (arg && *arg)
    	gdb_error("Only the parameterless form of MR is supported.");
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 15);

#define MR_HELP \
"MR -- Return from current frame.\n"							\
"\n"											\
"Macsbug features not supported: offset and addr arguments."

 | rn - display the value of Rn, SP, or PC |
 Common routine called by the individual commands R0-R31, PC, and SP.  The register
 number is passed.  For SP, 1 is passed since that is R1.  For PC -1 is passed.  -2
 for SP.  SP is really R1 but we want to show it as SP.

static void _rn(int r, int from_tty)
    int		  i;
    unsigned long l;
    GDB_ADDRESS   value;
    char          regName[10], uc_regName[10];
    /* Following causes an appropriate error message if regs are unavailable...		*/
    if (r >= 0) {
    	sprintf(regName, "$r%d", r);
    	gdb_get_register(regName, &value);
    } else if (r == -1) {
    	gdb_get_register("$pc", &value);
    	strcpy(regName, "$pc");
    } else {
    	gdb_get_register("$r1", &value);
    	strcpy(regName, "$sp");
    i = strlen(strcpy(uc_regName, regName));
    while (--i >= 1)
    	uc_regName[i] = toupper(uc_regName[i]);
    if (target_arch == 4) {
    	l = (unsigned long) value;
    	gdb_printf("%s = 0x%.8lX  %luul  %ldl  ", &uc_regName[1], l, l, l);
    	__print_4(regName, from_tty);
    } else {
    	gdb_printf("%s = 0x%.16llX  %lluull  %lldll  ", &uc_regName[1], value, value, value);
    	__print_8(regName, from_tty);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 41);

 | PC - display the value of PC |

static void pc(char *arg, int from_tty)
    _rn(-1, from_tty);				/* -1 means use $pc in rn()		*/

#define HELP_PC "PC -- Display the value of PC"

 | check_confirm_status - stdout filter for SHOW confirm command done by RA |
 Checks the SHOW confirm display line to see if confirmation is currently enabled. Sets
 *(int *)data to 1 if it is enabled and 0 if it isn't.

static char *check_confirm_status(FILE *f, char *line, void *data)
    if (line)
    	*(int *)data = (strstr(line, "off.") != NULL) ? 0 : 1;
    return (NULL);

 | RA [args] - unconditionaly restart debugged program ("run again") |
 This is NOT a MacsBug command but it is useful in a gdb environment.  The HELP info is
 placed in the "run" class so it appears with the HELP running command list instead of
 the MacsBug command list.
static void ra(char *arg, int from_tty)
    GDB_FILE *redirect_stdout, *redirect_stderr;
    int      confirm_status;
    char     *cmdLine = gdb_get_previous_command();
    /* Determine if confirmation is on or off...					*/
    redirect_stdout = gdb_open_output(stdout, check_confirm_status, &confirm_status);
    gdb_execute_command("show confirm");
    /* If confirmation is currently on turn it off across the RUN command.  Otherwise	*/
    /* there is no need to turn it off...						*/
    if (confirm_status) {
    	gdb_execute_command("set confirm off");
	run_command(arg, from_tty);
    	gdb_execute_command("set confirm on");
    } else
	run_command(arg, from_tty);
    /* We saved the RA command line to restore here.  We need to do this because a	*/
    /* byproduct of the RUN command is to clear the previous command.  This prevents	*/
    /* it from executing again if the user just types an empty command line (i.e., just	*/
    /* a return).  It less confusing when RUN does this because of it's usual prompt	*/
    /* when RUN is executed (although answering 'n' to the prompt is equally confusing).*/
    /* But we elect to always rerun the command if RETURN is entered.  So we restore	*/
    /* the "previous" command behind gdb's back from here.				*/


#define RA_HELP \
"Unconditionaly restart debugged program (\"run again\").\n"				\
"This is identical to RUN except no prompt is displayed if the program\n"		\
"is currently running.  The debugged program is unconditionally restarted.\n"		\
"See gdb RUN documentation for further details."

 | R0-R31 - display the value of R0-R31 |
 All of these are similarly defined so we define them by macros.

#define Rn(n) static void r##n(char *arg, int from_tty) {_rn(n, from_tty);}
#if 0
#define Rstr(x) #x
#define R_COMMAND(n) MACSBUG_COMMAND(r##n, Rstr(R##n) " -- display the value of " Rstr(R##n))
static void rn(char *arg, int from_tty)
    //gdb_execute_command("help rn");
    gdb_error("Type R<n>, where \"n\" is 0 to 31 to display the register value");
#define RN_HELP "R<n> [n = 0 to 31] -- Display value of register" 

Rn(0);  Rn(1);  Rn(2);  Rn(3);  Rn(4);  Rn(5);  Rn(6);  Rn(7);  Rn(8);  Rn(9);
Rn(10); Rn(11); Rn(12); Rn(13); Rn(14); Rn(15); Rn(16); Rn(17); Rn(18); Rn(19);
Rn(20); Rn(21); Rn(22); Rn(23); Rn(24); Rn(25); Rn(26); Rn(27); Rn(28); Rn(29);
Rn(30); Rn(31);

 | sb_sw_sl_sll_sm addr value1 [... valueN] - common routine for SB, SW, SL, SLL, SM |
 The arg is the SB, SW, SL, SLL, and SM arg.  The size is 1 (SB), 2(SW), 4 (SL),
 8 (SLL)or 0 (SM).  The cmdName is "SB", "SW", "SL", "SLL", or "SM" for error

static void sb_sw_sl_sll_sm(char *arg, int from_tty, int size, int cmdNbr, char *cmdName)
    int                i, argc, isstr, len;
    unsigned char      b;
    unsigned short     w;
    unsigned long      l;
    unsigned long long value;
    GDB_ADDRESS        addr, start;
    char 	       *argv[41], addrStr[20], str[1024], tmpCmdLine[1024];
    __is_running("The program is not running.", 0);
    gdb_setup_argv(safe_strcpy(tmpCmdLine, arg), cmdName, &argc, argv, 40);
    if (argc < 3)
    	gdb_error("usage: %s addr value1 [... valueN]", cmdName);
    addr = start = gdb_get_address(argv[1]);	/* start with this address		*/
    /* For each value write the target's memory according to type...			*/
    for (i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {		/* process all the args...		*/
    	isstr = gdb_is_string(argv[i]);
	if (i == 2)				/* 1st time around display the title	*/
	    gdb_set_address("$dot", addr);	/* set $dot to initial address		*/
	if (isstr) {				/* always write entire strings		*/
	    gdb_get_string(argv[i], str, 1023);
	    len = strlen(str);
	    sprintf(addrStr, "0x%llx", (long long)addr);
	    gdb_write_memory(addrStr, str, len);
	    addr += len;
	} else {				/* values written according to type	*/
	    sprintf(addrStr,  "0x%llx", (long long)addr); /* need address as a string	*/
	    b = w = l = value = gdb_get_long_long(argv[i]);/* use 1, 2, 4, 8 value bytes*/
	    switch (size) {
	    	case 0:				/* SM					*/
		    if ((long long)value >= -128 && (long long)value <= 255)
		    	goto SB;
		    else if ((long long)value >= -32768 && (long long)value <= 65535)
		    	goto SW;
		    else if ((long long)value >= -2147483648LL && (long long)value <= 4294967296LL)
		    	goto SL;
		    	goto SLL;
		case 1:				/* SB					*/
		SB: gdb_write_memory(addrStr, &b, 1);
		case 2:				/* SW					*/
	    	SW: gdb_write_memory(addrStr, &w, 2);
		    addr += 2;
		case 4:				/* SL					*/
	    	SL: gdb_write_memory(addrStr, &l, 4);
		    addr += 4;
		case 8:				/* SLL					*/
	    	SLL:gdb_write_memory(addrStr, &value, 8);
		    addr += 8;
		    gdb_error("Internal error -- invalid size passed to %s", cmdName);
    /* Hexdump the results...								*/
    gdb_printf("Memory set starting at %.8llX\n", (long long)start);
    sprintf(str, "0x%llX %lld", (long long)start, 
    	      ((addr - start + hexdump_width - 1)/hexdump_width)*hexdump_width);
    __hexdump(str, from_tty);			/* __hexdump start N			*/
    fix_pc_area_if_necessary(start);		/* in case something changed pc area	*/
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", cmdNbr);

 | SB addr value - assign values to bytes starting at addr |

static void sb(char *arg, int from_tty)
    sb_sw_sl_sll_sm(arg, from_tty, 1, 17, "SB");

#define SB_HELP \
"SB addr values -- Assign values to bytes starting at addr.\n"				\
"String values are fully assigned at the next assignable byte.\n"			\
"\n"											\
"Macsbug features not supported: Double quoted \"string\" instead of single quoted\n"	\
"                                'string'."

 | SC [n] - stack crawl (only the n most inner/outer frames) |
 Note this command is not "repeatable", i.e., a null command does not imply repeat
 the command without arguments (e.g., IL).  But if two SC's are done back-to-back
 we really want to insert a blank line between them on the macsbug screen so we
 can see where one ends and the next begins.  Thus we look at $__prevcmd__ which
 always has the previous command number as opposed to $__lastcmd__ which only has
 the previous command number for repeatable commands.

static void sc(char *arg, int from_tty)
    if (macsbug_screen && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) && gdb_get_int("$__prevcmd__") == 18)
    if (arg && *arg)
	gdb_execute_command("bt %s", arg);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 18);

#define SC_HELP \
"SC [n] -- Display back trace (stack crawl).\n"						\
"\n"											\
"MacsBug extensions: Optional \"n\" is a positive or negative value.  A positive\n"	\
"                    value indicates to display only the innermost n frames.\n"		\
"                    Negative means display only the outermost n frames."

 | so_si_filter - stdout output filter for __so and __si |
 This is used around a stepi and nexti so that we may conditionally suppress the source
 line display.
 It is never suppressed when the macsbug screen is off.  When on we display the source
 lines (not repeats of the line where gdb shows the address) but that too can be
 suppressed with the show_so_si_src flag.

static char *so_si_filter(FILE *f, char *line, void *data)
    if (line) {
	if (!macsbug_screen)
	    gdb_fprintf(*(GDB_FILE **)data, "%s", line);
	else if (show_so_si_src && (line[0] != '0' || line[1] != 'x'))
	    gdb_fprintf(*(GDB_FILE **)data, "%s", line);
    return (NULL);

 | so_and_si - common routine for SO and SI |
 Note that SO and SI are written as plugins because we need to play silly games with
 the stepi/nexti source display when drawing to the macsbug screen.

static void so_and_si(char *arg, int from_tty, int cmdNbr, char *cmdName, char *gdbCmd)
    GDB_FILE	*redirect_stdout, *prev_stdout;
    int		argc, step, n;
    char	*argv[5], line[1024], tmpCmdLine[1024];
    if (!gdb_target_running())
    	gdb_error("The program is not running.");
    gdb_setup_argv(safe_strcpy(tmpCmdLine, arg), cmdName, &argc, argv, 4);
    if (argc > 3)
    	gdb_error("%s called with wrong number of arguments.", cmdName);
    if (argc == 1) {
    	step = 1;
	n    = macsbug_screen ? 1 : pc_area_lines;
    } else if (argc == 2) {
    	step = gdb_get_int(argv[1]);
	n    = macsbug_screen ? 1 : pc_area_lines;
    } else {
    	step = gdb_get_int(argv[1]);
    	n    = gdb_get_int(argv[2]);
    if (!macsbug_screen)
    	__reset_current_function(NULL, 0);
    if (macsbug_screen) {
    	sprintf(line, "$pc %ld 1", n);
    	__disasm(line, from_tty);
    redirect_stdout = gdb_open_output(stdout, so_si_filter, &prev_stdout);
    prev_stdout = gdb_redirect_output(redirect_stdout);
    sprintf(line, "%s %ld\n", gdbCmd, step);
    gdb_get_register("$pc", &pc);
    gdb_set_address("$dot", pc);
    if (!macsbug_screen) {
    	sprintf(line, "$pc %ld", n);
    	__disasm(line, from_tty);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", cmdNbr);

 | si [n [m]] - Step in n instructions and disassemble m lines from new pc |

static void si(char *arg, int from_tty)
    so_and_si(arg, from_tty, 16, "SI", "stepi");

#define SI_HELP \
"SI [n] [m] -- Step n (or 1) instruction(s) and disassemble m lines from new pc.\n" \
"See also gdb's next and step instructions, which step by source lines,\n" 		   \
"not instructions.\n" 									   \
"\n" 											   \
"The second argument is a extension to the MacsBug syntax to allow a disassembly\n" 	   \
"of m lines to show the next instructions to be executed.  This approximates the\n" 	   \
"disassembly window that MacsBug always shows.\n" 					   \
"\n"											   \
"Macsbug features not supported: S expr\n" 						   \
"\n" 											   \
"                                The MacsBug S is SI here.  This was done to preserve\n"   \
"                                gdb's definition of S[tep] to single statement step.\n"   \
"                                There is (was) a gdb SI to which does exactly what\n" 	   \
"                                this MacsBug SI does except that now the instruction\n"   \
"                                is also displayed at each instruction step.\n"		   \
"\n"											   \
"Note, the gdb SI abbreviation for STEPI is overridden by this MacsBug command."

 | SL addr value - assign values to longs starting at addr |

static void sl(char *arg, int from_tty)
    sb_sw_sl_sll_sm(arg, from_tty, 4, 21, "SL");

#define SL_HELP \
"SL addr values -- Assign values to (4-byte) longs starting at addr.\n"			\
"String values are fully assigned at the next assignable byte.\n"			\
"\n"											\
"Macsbug features not supported: Double quoted \"string\" instead of single quoted\n"	\
"                                'string'."

 | SLL addr value - assign values to long longs starting at addr |

static void sll(char *arg, int from_tty)
    sb_sw_sl_sll_sm(arg, from_tty, 8, 50, "SLL");

#define SLL_HELP \
"SLL addr values -- Assign values to (8-byte) long longs starting at addr.\n"		\
"String values are fully assigned at the next assignable byte.\n"

 | SM addr value - assign values to memory starting at addr |

static void sm(char *arg, int from_tty)
    sb_sw_sl_sll_sm(arg, from_tty, 0, 22, "SM");

#define SM_HELP \
"SM addr value -- Assign values to memory starting at addr.\n"				\
"Each value determines the assignment size (byte, 2-byte word, or 4-byte\n"		\
"long).  Specific sizes can be set using SB, SW, or SL.  String values\n"		\
"are fully assigned at the next assignable byte.\n"					\
"\n"											\
"Macsbug features not supported: Double quoted \"string\" instead of single quoted\n"	\
"                                'string'."

 | so [n [m]] - Step over n instructions and disassemble m lines from new pc |
static void so(char *arg, int from_tty)
    so_and_si(arg, from_tty, 23, "SO", "nexti");

#define SO_HELP \
"SO [n] [m] -- Step over n instructions and disassemble m lines from new pc.\n"		\
"See also gdb's next and step instructions, which step by source lines,\n"		\
"not instructions.\n" 									\
"\n" 											\
"The second argument is a extension to the MacsBug syntax to allow a disassembly\n" 	\
"of m lines to show the next instructions to be executed.  This approximates the\n" 	\
"disassembly window that MacsBug always shows."

 | SP - display the value of SP (r1) |

static void sp(char *arg, int from_tty)
    _rn(-2, from_tty);

#define HELP_SP "SP -- Display the value of SP (r1)"

 | SW addr value - assign values to words starting at addr |

static void sw(char *arg, int from_tty)
    sb_sw_sl_sll_sm(arg, from_tty, 2, 24, "SW");

#define SW_HELP \
"SW addr values -- Assign values to (2-byte) words starting at addr.\n"			\
"String values are fully assigned at the next assignable byte.\n"			\
"\n"											\
"Macsbug features not supported: Double quoted \"string\" instead of single quoted\n"	\
"                                'string'."

 | T [n [m]] - same as SO (step over) |
 Note that SO and SI are written as plugins because we need to play silly games with
 the stepi/nexti source display when drawing to the macsbug screen.

static void t(char *arg, int from_tty)
    so_and_si(arg, from_tty, 25, "SO", "nexti");

#define T_HELP "T [n] [m] -- Same as SO."

 | TD - display integer and machine registers |
 Example of output format:
 PowerPC Registers
				  CR0  CR1  CR2  CR3  CR4  CR5  CR6  CR7
  PC  = 00000000[00000000]    CR  0100 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0010
  LR  = 00000000[00000000]        <>=O XEVO
  CTR = 00000000[00000000]
  MSR = 00000000[00000000]        SOC Compare Count
			      XER 000   00    00
  R0  = 00000000     R8  = 00000000     R16 = 00000000     R24 = 00000000
  SP  = 00000000     R9  = 00000000     R17 = 00000000     R25 = 00000000
  R2  = 00000000     R10 = 00000000     R18 = 00000000     R26 = 00000000
  R3  = 00000000     R11 = 00000000     R19 = 00000000     R27 = 00000000
  R4  = 00000000     R12 = 00000000     R20 = 00000000     R28 = 00000000
  R5  = 00000000     R13 = 00000000     R21 = 00000000     R29 = 00000000
  R6  = 00000000     R14 = 00000000     R22 = 00000000     R30 = 00000000
  R7  = 00000000     R15 = 00000000     R23 = 00000000     R31 = 00000000
  The [00000000] indicates that those registers are displayed as 64-bit values
  when using 64-bit architecture mode.  Similarly the display for 64-bit
  general registers has this format:
  R0  = 0000000000000000     R16 = 0000000000000000
  SP  = 0000000000000000     R17 = 0000000000000000
  R2  = 0000000000000000     R18 = 0000000000000000
  R3  = 0000000000000000     R19 = 0000000000000000
  R4  = 0000000000000000     R20 = 0000000000000000
  R5  = 0000000000000000     R21 = 0000000000000000
  R6  = 0000000000000000     R22 = 0000000000000000
  R7  = 0000000000000000     R23 = 0000000000000000
  R8  = 0000000000000000     R24 = 0000000000000000
  R9  = 0000000000000000     R25 = 0000000000000000
  R10 = 0000000000000000     R26 = 0000000000000000
  R11 = 0000000000000000     R27 = 0000000000000000
  R12 = 0000000000000000     R28 = 0000000000000000
  R13 = 0000000000000000     R29 = 0000000000000000
  R14 = 0000000000000000     R30 = 0000000000000000
  R15 = 0000000000000000     R31 = 0000000000000000

static void td(char *arg, int from_tty)
    int		  i, j, reg;
    unsigned long cr, xer32;
    GDB_ADDRESS   rn, pc, lr, ctr, msr, xer;
    char	  regName[20], tmpCmdLine[100];
    /* Following causes an appropriate error message if regs are unavailable...		*/
    gdb_printf("PowerPC Registers\n");
    gdb_printf("                                 CR0  CR1  CR2  CR3  CR4  CR5  CR6  CR7\n");
    gdb_get_register("$pc", &pc);
    if (target_arch == 4)
    	gdb_printf(" PC  = %.8lX              CR ", (unsigned long)pc);
    	gdb_printf(" PC  = %.16llX      CR ", (unsigned long long)pc);
    gdb_get_register("$cr", &cr);	/* cr is always 4 bytes				*/
    for (i = 28; i >= 0; i -= 4) {
    	sprintf(tmpCmdLine, "0x%X 4", (cr >> i) & 0x0F);
	gdb_printf(" ");
	__binary(tmpCmdLine, from_tty);
    gdb_get_register("$lr",  &lr);
    gdb_get_register("$ctr", &ctr);
    gdb_get_register("$ps",  &msr);
    if (target_arch == 4) {
    	gdb_printf(" LR  = %.8lX                  <>=O XEVO\n", (unsigned long)lr);
    	gdb_printf(" CTR = %.8lX\n", (unsigned long)ctr);
    	gdb_printf(" MSR = %.8lX                  SOC Compare Count\n", (unsigned long)msr);
    } else {
    	gdb_printf(" LR  = %.16llX          <>=O XEVO\n", (unsigned long long)lr);
    	gdb_printf(" CTR = %.16llX\n", (unsigned long long)ctr);
    	gdb_printf(" MSR = %.16llX          SOC Compare Count\n", (unsigned long long)msr);
    gdb_printf("                             XER ");
    gdb_get_register("$xer", &xer);
    xer32 = (unsigned long)xer;
    sprintf(tmpCmdLine, "0x%lX 3", (xer32>>29) & 7);
    __binary(tmpCmdLine, from_tty);
    #if 1
    gdb_printf("   %.2lX    %.2lX\n", (xer32>>8) & 0xFF, (xer32 & 0x7F));
    gdb_printf("   %.2lX    %.2lX                     MQ  = %.8lX\n",
              (xer32>>8) & 0xFF, (xer32 & 0x7F), gdb_get_int("$mq"));
    if (target_arch == 4) {
	for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
	    for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
		reg = i + j*8;
		sprintf(regName, "$r%d", reg);
		gdb_get_register(regName, &rn);
		if (reg <= 7)
		    if (reg != 1)
			gdb_printf(" R%-2d = %.8lX", reg, (unsigned long)rn);
			gdb_printf(" SP  = %.8lX", (unsigned long)rn);
		    gdb_printf("     R%-2d = %.8lX", reg, (unsigned long)rn);
    } else {
	for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
	    for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
		reg = i + j*16;
		sprintf(regName, "$r%d", reg);
		gdb_get_register(regName, &rn);
		if (reg <= 15)
		    if (reg != 1)
			gdb_printf(" R%-2d = %.16llX", reg, rn);
			gdb_printf(" SP  = %.16llX", rn);
		    gdb_printf("     R%-2d = %.16llX", reg, rn);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 26);

#define TD_HELP "TD -- Display integer and machine registers."

 | TF - display the floating point registers |

 Example of output format:

 FPU Registers
                                                   S S
           F           N I I Z I                   O Q C
  FPSCR  F E V O U Z X A S D D M V F F             F R V V O U Z X N
         X X X X X X X N I I Z Z C R I C < > = ?   T T I E E E E E I RN
         1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
  FPR0  = FFF 8000082004000     -NAN(000) 
  FPR1  = 408 4700000000000      6.540000000000000e+2
  - - -
  FPR30 = 000 0000000000000      0.000000000000000e+0
  FPR31 = 000 0000000000000      0.000000000000000e+0

static void tf(char *arg, int from_tty)
    int  i;
    char f[4];
    union {					/* gdb_get_register() could return a	*/
    	unsigned long long fpscr_err;		/* error code as a long long.		*/
    	unsigned long fpscr;			/* but the fpscr is always only 32-bits	*/
    } fpscr;
    union {
	char          msg[50];
    	double	      d;
	struct {
	    unsigned long hi;
	    unsigned long lo;
	} hilo;
    } value, *v;
    /* Following causes an appropriate error message if regs are unavailable...		*/
    gdb_get_register("$fpscr", &fpscr.fpscr);
    gdb_printf("FPU Registers\n");
    gdb_printf("                                                  S S\n");
    gdb_printf("          F           N I I Z I                   O Q C\n");
    gdb_printf(" FPSCR  F E V O U Z X A S D D M V F F             F R V V O U Z X N\n");
    gdb_printf("        X X X X X X X N I I Z Z C R I C < > = ?   T T I E E E E E I RN\n");
    gdb_printf("        ");
    for (i = 31; i >= 2; --i)
    	gdb_printf("%d ", (fpscr.fpscr >> i) & 1);
    gdb_printf("%d%d\n\n", (fpscr.fpscr >> 1) & 1, fpscr.fpscr & 1);
    for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
    	sprintf(f, "$f%d", i);
	gdb_printf(" FPR%-2d = ", i);
	v = gdb_get_register(f, &value);
	if (v == NULL)
	/* Break hex up to 1 bit for sign, 11 bits for exponent, 52 bits for fraction.	*/
	/* That's followed by 5 spaces and the scientific notation to 15 digits.	*/ 
	gdb_printf("%.3lX %.5lX%.8lX     %- 15.15e\n", 
	           (value.hilo.hi >> 20) & 0xFFF, value.hilo.hi & 0x000FFFFF, value.hilo.lo,
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 27);

#define TF_HELP "TF -- Display the floating point registers."

 | TV - display the vector registers |
 Vector Registers
  VRsave = 00000000                    N                               A
                                       J                               T
  VSCR = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 

  V0  = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   0.0000e+0   0.0000e+0   0.0000e+0   0.0000e+0 
  V1  = 53706F74 20636865 636B206F 66207472   1.0327e+12  1.9262e-19  4.3373e+21  1.8943e+23 
  - - -
  V30 = 7FFFDEAD 7FFFDEAD 7FFFDEAD 7FFFDEAD   NAN(222)    NAN(222)    NAN(222)    NAN(222) 
  V31 = 7FFFDEAD 7FFFDEAD 7FFFDEAD 7FFFDEAD   NAN(222)    NAN(222)    NAN(222)    NAN(222)

static void tv(char *arg, int from_tty)
    int 	  i, j, k;
    unsigned long vrsave, vscr;
    double	  d;
    char	  vn[4], vf[13];
    union {
	char          msg[50];
	unsigned long l[4];
	float	      f[4];
    } value, *v;
    /* Following causes an appropriate error message if regs are unavailable...		*/
    gdb_get_register("$vrsave", &vrsave);
    gdb_printf("Vector Registers\n");
    gdb_printf("                                                                      S\n");
    gdb_printf(" VRsave = %.8lX", vrsave);
    gdb_printf("                    N                               A\n");
    gdb_printf("                                      J                               T\n");
    vscr = 0;
    //gdb_get_int("$vscr");	// gdb need to fix the type of vscr (??)
    gdb_get_register("$vscr", &vscr);
    gdb_printf(" VSCR = ");
    for (i = 31; i >= 0; --i)
	gdb_printf("%d ", (vscr >> i) & 1);
    for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
    	sprintf(vn, "$v%d", i);
	gdb_printf(" V%-2d = ", i);
	v = gdb_get_register(vn, &value);
	if (v == NULL)
	gdb_printf("%.8lX %.8lX %.8lX %.8lX  ", 
			value.l[0], value.l[1],value.l[2],value.l[3]);
	for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
	    strcpy(vf, "            ");
	    //          123456789012
	    d = value.f[k];
	    j = sprintf(vf, "%- 4.4e", d);
	    vf[j] = ' ';
	    gdb_printf("%s ", vf);
    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 28);

#define TV_HELP "TV -- Display the vector registers."

 | WH [addr] - display the function corresponding to an address (or pc) |
 This is a plugin simply because you can't do it in the gdb command language.

static void wh(char *arg, int from_tty)
    int  argc;
    char *addr, *argv[4], tmpCmdLine[1024];
    static char *prev_arg;
    __is_running("The program is not running.", 0);
    gdb_setup_argv(safe_strcpy(tmpCmdLine, arg), "WH", &argc, argv, 2);
    if (argc == 1)
    	if (gdb_get_int("$__lastcmd__") == 42)
    	    addr = prev_arg;
	    addr = "*$pc";
    	addr = argv[1];
    prev_arg = addr;

    gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 42);

#define WH_HELP \
"WH [*addr | linespec] -- Find the name and addr of the parameter.\n" 			\
"If no parameter then assume WH *$pc.  Type HELP INFO LINE or HELP\n"			\
"LIST for more info on linespecs.\n"							\
"\n" 							  				\
"Note that, if possible, the source line is listed exactly like it\n"			\
"was done using the gdb LIST command.  Thus the amount of context\n"			\
"lines is controlled by the SET listsize command.\n"					\
"\n"											\
"If source lines cannot be displayed then, if possible, the pathname\n"			\
"of the file containing the specified address is displayed.\n"				\
"\n" 							  				\
"Macsbug features not supported: Traps.\n"						\
"                                Numeric addresses and gdb convenience\n"		\
"                                variables must start with a '*'."


 | init_from_gdb - initialize the plugins |
 This is called from gdb() when LOAD-PLUGIN command is done on the file containing the
 MacsBug binary.  Thus the name "init_from_gdb" is predetermined by gdb.
 From here we call all the various initialization routines in the other files.  The
 plugin commands are defined here.  Other plugin commands associated with those other
 files are defined in those respective file's initialization routine.

void init_from_gdb(void)
    if (!gdb_initialize())
    macsbug_class 	   = gdb_define_class("macsbug", "MacsBug commands");
    macsbug_internal_class = Gdb_Private;
    macsbug_screen_class   = gdb_define_class("screen", "MacsBug screen commands");
    macsbug_testing_class  = Gdb_Private;
    macsbug_useful_class   = gdb_define_class("useful", "Possibly useful for DEFINE commands (some used by MacsBug)");

    gdb_change_class("mb-notes", Gdb_Private);
    MACSBUG_COMMAND(f, 	  FIND_HELP); /* override FRAME to handle it from FIND */
    COMMAND_ALIAS(id, idp);
    COMMAND_ALIAS(il, ilp);
    COMMAND_ALIAS(ip, ipp);
    COMMAND_ALIAS(sc, sc6);
    COMMAND_ALIAS(sc, sc7);
    R_COMMAND(30); R_COMMAND(31);
    gdb_define_cmd("ra", ra, Gdb_Running, RA_HELP);
    gdb_continue_command = gdb_replace_command("continue", NULL);
    if (!gdb_continue_command)
	gdb_internal_error("internal error - continue command not found");
    if (!isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) {