The Function Browser

The Function Browser may be used to search for specific functions in the executable, allowing the user to easily browse through source code and set and clear breakpoints at anywhere in the executable with ease.

Function Browser Display

Function Browser Display

The Function Browser display shows all the current search parameters specified by the user: search type, search expression, and files to search.

Searching for a Function

To search for a function, enter the name of the function into the "Search for" field at the top of the Function Browser and press the Enter key on the keyboard or press the Search button in the lower right-hand corner. The Function Browser searches through every file contained in the executable (including libraries and included files) for the specified function. If the function is found in the executable's symbol table, the Functions listing will contain the function's name.

Limiting the Search

Searches are not confined to one specific function. The Function Browser is capable of searching for any function which matches the expression entered into the "Search for" field. For example, to list all functions which start with the letters c, y, and g, enter "cyg" into the search field and press enter. Every function which begins with these three letters is displayed. To search for all functions which do not begin with the letters "a", "b", and "c", enter the regular expression "^[^a-c]" into the search field, click the "Use regular expression" checkbox, and then click Search (or press the Enter key on the keyboard). The Browser returns the names of all matching functions.

Additionally, any search may be limited in two more ways: the Browser may be configured to search only specified files and list only static functions.

To search specific files only, select the files to be searched using the Files list. To select all files for searching, click the Select All button at the bottom of the Files listing. Note that the Select All button changes to Select None, allowing the user to deselect all selected files. With no files selected, the Browser will search all files in the project.

To search for static functions only, click the "Only show functions declared 'static'" before searching.

Toggling Breakpoints

There are numerous ways to toggle breakpoints on functions using the Function Browser. To toggle the breakpoint at all listed matches in the Functions list, press the Toggle Breakpoint button. To toggle a breakpoint at some subset of functions listed in the Functions list, click the right mouse button on each function's name in the list. The last way to toggle breakpoints using the function browser involves viewing the function's source code.

Viewing Source Code

To view the source code for a function, select the function in the Functions list and click the "View Source" dropdown (if it is not already dropped down). A Source Viewer similar to the Source Window Display appears at the bottom. Toggle breakpoints as described in Setting a Breakpoint in Source Window Help.