.include "common.inc" .include "arch.inc" comment "WARNING: asm-source.exp checks for line numbers printed by gdb." comment "Be careful about changing this file without also changing" comment "asm-source.exp." comment "This file is not linked with crt0." comment "Provide very simplistic equivalent." .global _start _start: gdbasm_startup gdbasm_call main gdbasm_exit0 comment "main routine for assembly source debugging test" comment "This particular testcase uses macros in .inc to achieve" comment "machine independence." .global main main: gdbasm_enter comment "Call a macro that consists of several lines of assembler code." gdbasm_several_nops comment "Call a subroutine in another file." gdbasm_call foo2 comment "All done." gdbasm_exit0 comment "A routine for foo2 to call." .global foo3 foo3: gdbasm_enter gdbasm_leave .global exit exit: gdbasm_exit0 comment "A static function" foostatic: gdbasm_enter gdbasm_leave comment "A global variable" .global globalvar gdbasm_datavar globalvar 11 comment "A static variable" gdbasm_datavar staticvar 5