kermit.exp   [plain text]

# Copyright (C) 1992 - 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  

# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:

# Connect to DEST using kermit. Note that we're just using kermit as a 
# simple serial or network connect program; we don't actually use Kermit
# protocol to do downloads.
#     returns -1 if it failed, otherwise it returns
#         the spawn_id.
proc kermit_open { dest args } {
    global spawn_id
    global board_info

    if [board_info $dest exists name] {
	set dest [board_info $dest name];
    if [board_info ${dest} exists serial] {
	set port [board_info ${dest} serial];
	set device "-l [board_info ${dest} serial]"
	if [board_info ${dest} exists baud] {
	    append device " -b [board_info ${dest} baud]"
    } else {
	set port [board_info ${dest} netport];
	set device "-j [board_info ${dest} netport]";
    set tries 0
    set result -1
    verbose "kermit $device"
    eval spawn kermit $device
    if { $spawn_id < 0 } {
	perror "invalid spawn id from kermit"
	return -1

    expect {
	-re ".*ermit.*>.*$" { 
	    send "c\n"
	    expect {
		-re "Connecting to.*$port.*Type the escape character followed by C to.*options.*\[\r\n\]$" {
		    verbose "Got prompt\n"
		    set result 0
		    incr tries
		timeout {
		    warning "Never got prompt from Kermit."
		    set result -1
		    incr tries
		    if { $tries <= 2 } {
	-re "Connection Closed.*$" {
	    perror "Never connected."
	    set result -1
	    incr tries
	    if { $tries <= 2 } {
	timeout			{	    
	    warning "Timed out trying to connect."
	    set result -1
	    incr tries
	    if { $tries<=2 } {

    if { $result < 0 } {
	perror "Couldn't connect after $tries tries."
	if [info exists board_info($dest,fileid)] {
	    unset board_info($dest,fileid);
	return -1
    } else {
	verbose "Kermit connection established with spawn_id $spawn_id."
	set board_info($dest,fileid) $spawn_id
	kermit_command $dest "set file type binary" "set transfer display none"
	if [board_info $dest exists transmit_pause] {
	    kermit_command $dest "set transmit pause [board_info $dest transmit_pause]"
	return $spawn_id

# Send a list of commands to the Kermit session connected to DEST.
proc kermit_command { dest args } {
    if [board_info $dest exists name] {
	set dest [board_info $dest name];
    set shell_id [board_info $dest fileid];
    # Sometimes we have to send multiple ^\c sequences. Don't know
    # why.
    set timeout 2;
    for { set i 1; } {$i<=5} {incr i} {
	send -i $shell_id "c";
	expect {
	    -i $shell_id -re ".*Back at.*ermit.*>.*$" { set i 10;}
	    -i $shell_id timeout {
		if { $i > 2 } {
		    warning "Unable to get prompt from kermit.";
    foreach command $args {
	set timeout 120
	send -i $shell_id "${command}\r";
	expect {
	    -i $shell_id -re ".*ermit.*>.*$" { }
	    -i $shell_id timeout {
		perror "Response failed from kermit.";
		return -1;
    send -i $shell_id "c\r";
    expect {
	-i $shell_id -re ".*other options.\[\r\n\]+" { }
	-i $shell_id timeout {
	    perror "Unable to resume kermit connection.";
	    return -1;
    return 0;

# Send STRING to DEST.
proc kermit_send { dest string args } {
    if [board_info $dest exists transmit_pause] {
	set f [open "/tmp/fff" "w"];
	puts -nonewline $f "$string";
	close $f;
	set result [remote_transmit $dest /tmp/fff];
	remote_file build delete "/tmp/fff";
	return "$result";
    } else {
	return [standard_send $dest $string];

# Transmit FILE directly to DEST as raw data. No translation is
# performed.
proc kermit_transmit { dest file args } {
    if [board_info $dest exists transmit_pause] {
	kermit_command $dest "transmit $file";
	return "";
    } else {
	return [standard_transmit $dest $file];