passmass   [plain text]

#!../expect --
# passmass: change password on many machines
# Synopsis: passmass host1 host2 host3 ....
# Don Libes - March 11, 1991

# Description: Change passwords on the named machines.
# You are prompted for old/new passwords.  (If you are changing root
# passwords and have equivalencing, the old password is not used and may be
# omitted.)
# Additional arguments may be used for fine tuning.  They affect all hosts
# which follow until another argument overrides.
#   -user	User whose password will be changed.  By default, the current
#		user is used.
#   -rlogin	Use rlogin to access host.  (default)
#   -telnet	Use telnet to access host.
#   -program	Next argument is taken as program to run to set password.
#		Default is "passwd".  Other common choices are "yppasswd" and
#		"set passwd" (e.g., VMS hosts).
#   -prompt	Next argument is taken as a prompt suffix pattern.  This allows
#		the script to know when the shell is prompting.  The default is
#		"# " for root and "% " for non-root accounts.
#   -timeout	Next argument is number of seconds to wait for responses.
#		Default is 30 but some systems can be much slower logging in.

# The best way to run this is to put the command in a one-line shell script
# or alias. (Presumably, the set of hosts and parameters will rarely change.)
# Then run it whenever you want to change your passwords on all the hosts.

exp_version -exit 5.0

if $argc==0 {
	send_user "usage: $argv0 host1 host2 host3 . . .\n"

expect_before -i $user_spawn_id \003 exit

proc badhost {host emsg} {
	global badhosts

	send_user "\r\n\007password not changed on $host - $emsg\n\n"
	if 0==[llength $badhosts] {
		set badhosts $host
	} else {
		set badhosts [concat $badhosts $host]

# set defaults
set login "rlogin"
set program "passwd"
set user [exec whoami]

set timeout 1000000
stty -echo
send_user "old password: "
expect_user -re "(.*)\n"
send_user "\n"
set oldpassword $expect_out(1,string)
send_user "new password: "
expect_user -re "(.*)\n"
send_user "\n"
set newpassword $expect_out(1,string)
send_user "retype new password: "
expect_user -re "(.*)\n"
set newpassword2 $expect_out(1,string)
send_user "\n"
stty echo
trap exit SIGINT

if ![string match $newpassword $newpassword2] {
	send_user "mismatch - password unchanged\n"

#send_user "want to see new password you just typed? (y|n) "
#expect_user "*\n"
#if [string match "y" [lindex $expect_match 0 c]] {
#	send_user "password is <$newpassword>\nproceed? (y|n) "
#	expect_user "*\n"
#	if ![string match "y" [lindex $expect_match 0 c]] exit

set timeout 30
set badhosts {}
for {set i 0} {$i<$argc} {incr i} {

	set arg [lindex $argv $i]
	switch -- $arg \
		"-user" {
			incr i
			set user [lindex $argv $i]
		} "-prompt" {
			incr i
			set prompt [lindex $argv $i]
		} "-rlogin" {
			set login "rlogin"
		} "-telnet" {
			set login "telnet"
		} "-program" {
			incr i
			set program [lindex $argv $i]
		} "-timeout" {
			incr i
			set timeout [lindex $argv $i]

	set host $arg
	if [string match $login "rlogin"] {
		set pid [spawn rlogin $host -l $user]
	} else {
		set pid [spawn telnet $host]
		expect -re "(login|Username):.*" {
			send "$user\r"

	if ![info exists prompt] {
		if [string match $user "root"] {
			set prompt "# "
		} else {
			set prompt "(%|\\\$) "

	set logged_in 0
	for {} 1 {} {
		expect "Password*" {
			send "$oldpassword\r"
		} eof {
			badhost $host "spawn failed"
		} timeout {
			badhost $host "could not log in (or unrecognized prompt)"
			exec kill $pid
			expect eof
		} -re "incorrect|invalid" {
			badhost $host "bad password or login"
			exec kill $pid
			expect eof
		} -re $prompt {
			set logged_in 1

	if (!$logged_in) {

	send "$program\r"
	expect "Old password*" {
		send "$oldpassword\r"
		expect "Sorry*" {
			badhost $host "old password is bad?"
		} "password:"
	} -re "(n|N)ew password:"
	send "$newpassword\r"
	expect -re "not changed|unchanged" {
		badhost $host "new password is bad?"
	} -re "(password|Verification|Verify|again):.*"
	send "$newpassword\r"
	expect -re "(not changed|incorrect|choose new).*" {
		badhost $host "password is bad?"
	} -re "$prompt"
	send_user "\n"


if [llength $badhosts] {send_user "\nfailed to set password on $badhosts\n"}