hex.c   [plain text]

/* Hex character manipulation support.
   Copyright (C) 1995, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of the libiberty library.
Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If
not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

#include <stdio.h>  /* for EOF */
#include "libiberty.h"

/* Provided for ABI compatibility.  */
hex_init ()

/* Are we ASCII? */
#if '\n' == 0x0A && ' ' == 0x20 && '0' == 0x30 \
  && 'A' == 0x41 && 'a' == 0x61 && '!' == 0x21 \
  && EOF == -1

const char _hex_value[_hex_array_size] =
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* NUL SOH STX ETX */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* EOT ENQ ACK BEL */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* BS  HT  LF  VT  */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* FF  CR  SO  SI  */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* DC4 NAK SYN ETB */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* CAN EM  SUB ESC */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* FS  GS  RS  US  */

  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* SP  !   "   #   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* $   %   &   '   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* (   )   *   +   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* ,   -   .   /   */
  0,        1,        2,        3,          /* 0   1   2   3   */
  4,        5,        6,        7,          /* 4   5   6   7   */
  8,        9,        _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* 8   9   :   ;   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* <   =   >   ?   */

  _hex_bad, 10,       11,       12,         /* @   A   B   C   */
  13,       14,       15,       _hex_bad,   /* D   E   F   G   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* H   I   J   K   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* L   M   N   O   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* P   Q   R   S   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* T   U   V   W   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* X   Y   Z   [   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* \   ]   ^   _   */

  _hex_bad, 10,       11,       12,         /* `   a   b   c   */
  13,       14,       15,       _hex_bad,   /* d   e   f   g   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* h   i   j   k   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* l   m   n   o   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* p   q   r   s   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* t   u   v   w   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* x   y   z   {   */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,   /* |   }   ~   DEL */

  /* The high half of unsigned char, all values are _hex_bad.  */
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,

  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,

  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,

  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
  _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad, _hex_bad,
 #error "Unsupported host character set"
#endif /* not ASCII */