sem_warn.adb   [plain text]

--                                                                          --
--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
--                                                                          --
--                             S E M _ W A R N                              --
--                                                                          --
--                                 B o d y                                  --
--                                                                          --
--                            $Revision: $
--                                                                          --
--          Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.          --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
-- ware  Foundation;  either version 2,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
-- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License  distributed with GNAT;  see file COPYING.  If not, write --
-- to  the Free Software Foundation,  59 Temple Place - Suite 330,  Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA.                                                      --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
--                                                                          --

with Alloc;
with Atree;    use Atree;
with Einfo;    use Einfo;
with Errout;   use Errout;
with Fname;    use Fname;
with Lib;      use Lib;
with Nlists;   use Nlists;
with Opt;      use Opt;
with Sem;      use Sem;
with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sinfo;    use Sinfo;
with Sinput;   use Sinput;
with Snames;   use Snames;
with Stand;    use Stand;
with Table;

package body Sem_Warn is

   --  The following table collects Id's of entities that are potentially
   --  unreferenced. See Check_Unset_Reference for further details.

   package Unreferenced_Entities is new Table.Table (
     Table_Component_Type => Entity_Id,
     Table_Index_Type     => Nat,
     Table_Low_Bound      => 1,
     Table_Initial        => Alloc.Unreferenced_Entities_Initial,
     Table_Increment      => Alloc.Unreferenced_Entities_Increment,
     Table_Name           => "Unreferenced_Entities");

   --  One entry is made in the following table for each branch of
   --  a conditional, e.g. an if-then-elsif-else-endif structure
   --  creates three entries in this table.

   type Branch_Entry is record
      Sloc : Source_Ptr;
      --  Location for warnings associated with this branch

      Defs : Elist_Id;
      --  List of entities defined for the first time in this branch. On
      --  exit from a conditional structure, any entity that is in the
      --  list of all branches is removed (and the entity flagged as
      --  defined by the conditional as a whole). Thus after processing
      --  a conditional, Defs contains a list of entities defined in this
      --  branch for the first time, but not defined at all in some other
      --  branch of the same conditional. A value of No_Elist is used to
      --  represent the initial empty list.

      Next : Nat;
      --  Index of next branch for this conditional, zero = last branch
   end record;

   package Branch_Table is new Table.Table (
     Table_Component_Type => Branch_Entry,
     Table_Index_Type     => Nat,
     Table_Low_Bound      => 1,
     Table_Initial        => Alloc.Branches_Initial,
     Table_Increment      => Alloc.Branches_Increment,
     Table_Name           => "Branches");

   --  The following table is used to represent conditionals, there is
   --  one entry in this table for each conditional structure.

   type Conditional_Entry is record
      If_Stmt : Boolean;
      --  True for IF statement, False for CASE statement

      First_Branch : Nat;
      --  Index in Branch table of first branch, zero = none yet

      Current_Branch : Nat;
      --  Index in Branch table of current branch, zero = none yet
   end record;

   package Conditional_Table is new Table.Table (
     Table_Component_Type => Conditional_Entry,
     Table_Index_Type     => Nat,
     Table_Low_Bound      => 1,
     Table_Initial        => Alloc.Conditionals_Initial,
     Table_Increment      => Alloc.Conditionals_Increment,
     Table_Name           => "Conditionals");

   --  The following table is a stack that keeps track of the current
   --  conditional. The Last entry is the top of the stack. An Empty
   --  entry represents the start of a compilation unit. Non-zero
   --  entries in the stack are indexes into the conditional table.

   package Conditional_Stack is new Table.Table (
     Table_Component_Type => Nat,
     Table_Index_Type     => Nat,
     Table_Low_Bound      => 1,
     Table_Initial        => Alloc.Conditional_Stack_Initial,
     Table_Increment      => Alloc.Conditional_Stack_Increment,
     Table_Name           => "Conditional_Stack");

   Current_Entity_List : Elist_Id := No_Elist;
   --  This is a copy of the Defs list of the current branch of the current
   --  conditional. It could be accessed by taking the top element of the
   --  Conditional_Stack, and going to te Current_Branch entry of this
   --  conditional, but we keep it precomputed for rapid access.

   -- Check_References --

   procedure Check_References (E : Entity_Id; Anod : Node_Id := Empty) is
      E1 : Entity_Id;
      UR : Node_Id;
      PU : Node_Id;

      procedure Output_Reference_Error (M : String);
      --  Used to output an error message. Deals with posting the error on
      --  the body formal in the accept case.

      function Publicly_Referenceable (Ent : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
      --  This is true if the entity in question is potentially referenceable
      --  from another unit. This is true for entities in packages that are
      --  at the library level, or for entities in tasks or protected objects
      --  that are themselves publicly visible.

      -- Output_Reference_Error --

      procedure Output_Reference_Error (M : String) is
         --  Other than accept case, post error on defining identifier

         if No (Anod) then
            Error_Msg_N (M, E1);

         --  Accept case, find body formal to post the message

               Parm  : Node_Id;
               Enod  : Node_Id;
               Defid : Entity_Id;

               Enod := Anod;

               if Present (Parameter_Specifications (Anod)) then
                  Parm := First (Parameter_Specifications (Anod));

                  while Present (Parm) loop
                     Defid := Defining_Identifier (Parm);

                     if Chars (E1) = Chars (Defid) then
                        Enod := Defid;
                     end if;

                     Next (Parm);
                  end loop;
               end if;

               Error_Msg_NE (M, Enod, E1);
         end if;
      end Output_Reference_Error;

      -- Publicly_Referenceable --

      function Publicly_Referenceable (Ent : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
         S : Entity_Id;

         --  Any entity in a generic package is considered to be publicly
         --  referenceable, since it could be referenced in an instantiation

         if Ekind (E) = E_Generic_Package then
            return True;
         end if;

         --  Otherwise look up the scope stack

         S := Scope (Ent);
            if Is_Package (S) then
               return Is_Library_Level_Entity (S);

            elsif Ekind (S) = E_Task_Type
              or else Ekind (S) = E_Protected_Type
              or else Ekind (S) = E_Entry
               S := Scope (S);

               return False;
            end if;
         end loop;
      end Publicly_Referenceable;

   --  Start of processing for Check_References

      --  No messages if warnings are suppressed, or if we have detected
      --  any real errors so far (this last check avoids junk messages
      --  resulting from errors, e.g. a subunit that is not loaded).

      --  We also skip the messages if any subunits were not loaded (see
      --  comment in Sem_Ch10 to understand how this is set, and why it is
      --  necessary to suppress the warnings in this case).

      if Warning_Mode = Suppress
        or else Errors_Detected /= 0
        or else Unloaded_Subunits
      end if;

      --  Otherwise loop through entities, looking for suspicious stuff

      E1 := First_Entity (E);
      while Present (E1) loop

         --  We only look at source entities with warning flag off

         if Comes_From_Source (E1) and then not Warnings_Off (E1) then

            --  We are interested in variables and out parameters, but we
            --  exclude protected types, too complicated to worry about.

            if Ekind (E1) = E_Variable
                 or else
               (Ekind (E1) = E_Out_Parameter
                  and then not Is_Protected_Type (Current_Scope))
               --  Post warning if this object not assigned. Note that we
               --  do not consider the implicit initialization of an access
               --  type to be the assignment of a value for this purpose.
               --  If the entity is an out parameter of the current subprogram
               --  body, check the warning status of the parameter in the spec.

               if Ekind (E1) = E_Out_Parameter
                 and then Present (Spec_Entity (E1))
                 and then Warnings_Off (Spec_Entity (E1))

               elsif Not_Source_Assigned (E1) then
                  Output_Reference_Error ("& is never assigned a value?");

                  --  Deal with special case where this variable is hidden
                  --  by a loop variable

                  if Ekind (E1) = E_Variable
                    and then Present (Hiding_Loop_Variable (E1))
                     Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (E1);
                       ("declaration hides &#?",
                        Hiding_Loop_Variable (E1));
                       ("for loop implicitly declares loop variable?",
                        Hiding_Loop_Variable (E1));
                  end if;

                  goto Continue;
               end if;

               --  Check for unset reference, note that we exclude access
               --  types from this check, since access types do always have
               --  a null value, and that seems legitimate in this case.

               UR := Unset_Reference (E1);
               if Present (UR) then

                  --  For access types, the only time we complain is when
                  --  we have a dereference (of a null value)

                  if Is_Access_Type (Etype (E1)) then
                     PU := Parent (UR);

                     if (Nkind (PU) = N_Selected_Component
                           or else
                         Nkind (PU) = N_Explicit_Dereference
                           or else
                         Nkind (PU) = N_Indexed_Component)
                       and then
                         Prefix (PU) = UR
                        Error_Msg_N ("& may be null?", UR);
                        goto Continue;
                     end if;

                  --  For other than access type, go back to original node
                  --  to deal with case where original unset reference
                  --  has been rewritten during expansion.

                     UR := Original_Node (UR);

                     --  In some cases, the original node may be a type
                     --  conversion or qualification, and in this case
                     --  we want the object entity inside.

                     while Nkind (UR) = N_Type_Conversion
                       or else Nkind (UR) = N_Qualified_Expression
                        UR := Expression (UR);
                     end loop;

                       ("& may be referenced before it has a value?", UR);
                     goto Continue;
                  end if;
               end if;
            end if;

            --  Then check for unreferenced variables

            if Check_Unreferenced

               --  Check entity is flagged as not referenced and that
               --  warnings are not suppressed for this entity

               and then not Referenced (E1)
               and then not Warnings_Off (E1)

               --  Warnings are placed on objects, types, subprograms,
               --  labels, and enumeration literals.

               and then (Is_Object (E1)
                           or else
                         Is_Type (E1)
                           or else
                         Ekind (E1) = E_Label
                           or else
                         Ekind (E1) = E_Named_Integer
                           or else
                         Ekind (E1) = E_Named_Real
                           or else
                         Is_Overloadable (E1))

               --  We only place warnings for the main unit

               and then In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (E1)

               --  Exclude instantiations, since there is no reason why
               --  every entity in an instantiation should be referenced.

               and then Instantiation_Location (Sloc (E1)) = No_Location

               --  Exclude formal parameters from bodies (in the case
               --  where there is a separate spec, it is the spec formals
               --  that are of interest).

               and then (not Is_Formal (E1)
                           or else
                         Ekind (Scope (E1)) /= E_Subprogram_Body)

               --  Consider private type referenced if full view is
               --  referenced.

               and then not (Is_Private_Type (E1)
                               and then
                             Referenced (Full_View (E1)))

               --  Don't worry about full view, only about private type

               and then not Has_Private_Declaration (E1)

               --  Eliminate dispatching operations from consideration, we
               --  cannot tell if these are referenced or not in any easy
               --  manner (note this also catches Adjust/Finalize/Initialize)

               and then not Is_Dispatching_Operation (E1)

               --  Check entity that can be publicly referenced (we do not
               --  give messages for such entities, since there could be
               --  other units, not involved in this compilation, that
               --  contain relevant references.

               and then not Publicly_Referenceable (E1)

               --  Class wide types are marked as source entities, but
               --  they are not really source entities, and are always
               --  created, so we do not care if they are not referenced.

               and then Ekind (E1) /= E_Class_Wide_Type

               --  Objects other than parameters of task types are allowed
               --  to be non-referenced, since they start up tasks!

               and then ((Ekind (E1) /= E_Variable
                             and then Ekind (E1) /= E_Constant
                             and then Ekind (E1) /= E_Component)
                           or else not Is_Task_Type (Etype (E1)))
               --  Suppress warnings in internal units if not in -gnatg
               --  mode (these would be junk warnings for an applications
               --  program, since they refer to problems in internal units)

               if GNAT_Mode
                 or else not
                     (Unit_File_Name (Get_Source_Unit (E1)))
                  --  We do not immediately flag the error. This is because
                  --  we have not expanded generic bodies yet, and they may
                  --  have the missing reference. So instead we park the
                  --  entity on a list, for later processing. However, for
                  --  the accept case, post the error right here, since we
                  --  have the information now in this case.

                  if Present (Anod) then
                     Output_Reference_Error ("& is not referenced?");

                       (Unreferenced_Entities.Last) := E1;
                  end if;
               end if;
            end if;
         end if;

         --  Recurse into nested package or block

            if (Ekind (E1) = E_Package
                  and then Nkind (Parent (E1)) = N_Package_Specification)
              or else Ekind (E1) = E_Block
               Check_References (E1);
            end if;

            Next_Entity (E1);
      end loop;
   end Check_References;

   -- Check_Unset_Reference --

   procedure Check_Unset_Reference (N : Node_Id) is
      --  Nothing to do if warnings suppressed

      if Warning_Mode = Suppress then
      end if;

      --  Otherwise see what kind of node we have. If the entity already
      --  has an unset reference, it is not necessarily the earliest in
      --  the text, because resolution of the prefix of selected components
      --  is completed before the resolution of the selected component itself.
      --  as a result, given  (R /= null and then R.X > 0), the occurrences
      --  of R are examined in right-to-left order. If there is already an
      --  unset reference, we check whether N is earlier before proceeding.

      case Nkind (N) is

         when N_Identifier | N_Expanded_Name =>
               E  : constant Entity_Id := Entity (N);

               if (Ekind (E) = E_Variable
                    or else Ekind (E) = E_Out_Parameter)
                 and then Not_Source_Assigned (E)
                 and then (No (Unset_Reference (E))
                             or else Earlier_In_Extended_Unit
                               (Sloc (N),  Sloc (Unset_Reference (E))))
                 and then not Warnings_Off (E)
                  --  Here we have a potential unset reference. But before we
                  --  get worried about it, we have to make sure that the
                  --  entity declaration is in the same procedure as the
                  --  reference, since if they are in separate procedures,
                  --  then we have no idea about sequential execution.

                  --  The tests in the loop below catch all such cases, but
                  --  do allow the reference to appear in a loop, block, or
                  --  package spec that is nested within the declaring scope.
                  --  As always, it is possible to construct cases where the
                  --  warning is wrong, that is why it is a warning!

                  --  If the entity is an out_parameter, it is ok to read its
                  --  its discriminants (that was true in Ada83) so suppress
                  --  the message in that case as well.

                  if Ekind (E) = E_Out_Parameter
                    and then Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Selected_Component
                    and then Ekind (Entity (Selector_Name (Parent (N))))
                      = E_Discriminant
                  end if;

                     SR : Entity_Id;
                     SE : constant Entity_Id := Scope (E);

                     SR := Current_Scope;
                     while SR /= SE loop
                        if SR = Standard_Standard
                          or else Is_Subprogram (SR)
                          or else Is_Concurrent_Body (SR)
                          or else Is_Concurrent_Type (SR)
                        end if;

                        SR := Scope (SR);
                     end loop;

                     if Nkind (N) = N_Identifier then
                        Set_Unset_Reference (E, N);
                        Set_Unset_Reference (E, Selector_Name (N));
                     end if;
               end if;

         when N_Indexed_Component | N_Selected_Component | N_Slice =>
            Check_Unset_Reference (Prefix (N));

         when N_Type_Conversion | N_Qualified_Expression =>
            Check_Unset_Reference (Expression (N));

         when others =>

      end case;
   end Check_Unset_Reference;

   -- Check_Unused_Withs --

   procedure Check_Unused_Withs (Spec_Unit : Unit_Number_Type := No_Unit) is
      Cnode : Node_Id;
      Item  : Node_Id;
      Lunit : Node_Id;
      Ent   : Entity_Id;

      Munite : constant Entity_Id := Cunit_Entity (Main_Unit);
      --  This is needed for checking the special renaming case

      procedure Check_One_Unit (Unit : Unit_Number_Type);
      --  Subsidiary procedure, performs checks for specified unit

      -- Check_One_Unit --

      procedure Check_One_Unit (Unit : Unit_Number_Type) is
         Is_Visible_Renaming : Boolean := False;
         Pack                : Entity_Id;

         function Find_Package_Renaming
           (P : Entity_Id;
            L : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id;
         --  The only reference to a context unit may be in a renaming
         --  declaration. If this renaming declares a visible entity, do
         --  not warn that the context clause could be moved to the body,
         --  because the renaming may be intented to re-export the unit.

         -- Find_Package_Renaming --

         function Find_Package_Renaming
           (P : Entity_Id;
            L : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id
            E1 : Entity_Id;
            R  : Entity_Id;

            Is_Visible_Renaming := False;
            E1 := First_Entity (P);

            while Present (E1) loop
               if Ekind (E1) = E_Package
                  and then Renamed_Object (E1) = L
                  Is_Visible_Renaming := not Is_Hidden (E1);
                  return E1;

               elsif Ekind (E1) = E_Package
                 and then No (Renamed_Object (E1))
                 and then not Is_Generic_Instance (E1)
                  R := Find_Package_Renaming (E1, L);

                  if Present (R) then
                     Is_Visible_Renaming := not Is_Hidden (R);
                     return R;
                  end if;
               end if;

               Next_Entity (E1);
            end loop;

            return Empty;
         end Find_Package_Renaming;

      --  Start of processing for Check_One_Unit

         Cnode := Cunit (Unit);

         --  Only do check in units that are part of the extended main
         --  unit. This is actually a necessary restriction, because in
         --  the case of subprogram acting as its own specification,
         --  there can be with's in subunits that we will not see.

         if not In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (Cnode) then

         --  In No_Run_Time_Mode, we remove the bodies of non-
         --  inlined subprograms, which may lead to spurious
         --  warnings, clearly undesirable.

         elsif No_Run_Time
           and then Is_Predefined_File_Name (Unit_File_Name (Unit))
         end if;

         --  Loop through context items in this unit

         Item := First (Context_Items (Cnode));
         while Present (Item) loop

            if Nkind (Item) = N_With_Clause
               and then not Implicit_With (Item)
               and then In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (Item)
               Lunit := Entity (Name (Item));

               --  Check if this unit is referenced

               if not Referenced (Lunit) then

                  --  Suppress warnings in internal units if not in -gnatg
                  --  mode (these would be junk warnings for an applications
                  --  program, since they refer to problems in internal units)

                  if GNAT_Mode
                    or else not Is_Internal_File_Name (Unit_File_Name (Unit))
                     --  Here we definitely have a non-referenced unit. If
                     --  it is the special call for a spec unit, then just
                     --  set the flag to be read later.

                     if Unit = Spec_Unit then
                        Set_Unreferenced_In_Spec (Item);

                     --  Otherwise simple unreferenced message

                          ("unit& is not referenced?", Name (Item));
                     end if;
                  end if;

               --  If main unit is a renaming of this unit, then we consider
               --  the with to be OK (obviously it is needed in this case!)

               elsif Present (Renamed_Entity (Munite))
                  and then Renamed_Entity (Munite) = Lunit

               --  If this unit is referenced, and it is a package, we
               --  do another test, to see if any of the entities in the
               --  package are referenced. If none of the entities are
               --  referenced, we still post a warning. This occurs if
               --  the only use of the package is in a use clause, or
               --  in a package renaming declaration.

               elsif Ekind (Lunit) = E_Package then

                  --  If Is_Instantiated is set, it means that the package
                  --  is implicitly instantiated (this is the case of a
                  --  parent instance or an actual for a generic package
                  --  formal), and this counts as a reference.

                  if Is_Instantiated (Lunit) then

                  --  If no entities in package, and there is a pragma
                  --  Elaborate_Body present, then assume that this with
                  --  is done for purposes of this elaboration.

                  elsif No (First_Entity (Lunit))
                    and then Has_Pragma_Elaborate_Body (Lunit)

                  --  Otherwise see if any entities have been referenced

                     Ent  := First_Entity (Lunit);

                        --  No more entities, and we did not find one
                        --  that was referenced. Means we have a definite
                        --  case of a with none of whose entities was
                        --  referenced.

                        if No (Ent) then

                           --  If in spec, just set the flag

                           if Unit = Spec_Unit then
                              Set_No_Entities_Ref_In_Spec (Item);

                           --  Else give the warning

                                ("no entities of & are referenced?",
                                 Name (Item));

                              --  Look for renamings of this package, and
                              --  flag them as well. If the original package
                              --  has warnings off, we suppress the warning
                              --  on the renaming as well.

                              Pack := Find_Package_Renaming (Munite, Lunit);

                              if Present (Pack)
                                and then not Warnings_Off (Lunit)
                                   ("no entities of & are referenced?",
                                     Unit_Declaration_Node (Pack),
                              end if;
                           end if;


                        --  Case of next entity is referenced

                        elsif Referenced (Ent) then

                           --  This means that the with is indeed fine, in
                           --  that it is definitely needed somewhere, and
                           --  we can quite worrying about this one.

                           --  Except for one little detail, if either of
                           --  the flags was set during spec processing,
                           --  this is where we complain that the with
                           --  could be moved from the spec. If the spec
                           --  contains a visible renaming of the package,
                           --  inhibit warning to move with_clause to body.

                           if Ekind (Munite) = E_Package_Body then
                              Pack :=
                                  (Spec_Entity (Munite), Lunit);
                           end if;

                           if Unreferenced_In_Spec (Item) then
                                ("unit& is not referenced in spec?",
                                 Name (Item));

                           elsif No_Entities_Ref_In_Spec (Item) then
                                ("no entities of & are referenced in spec?",
                                 Name (Item));

                           end if;

                           if not Is_Visible_Renaming then
                                ("\with clause might be moved to body?",
                                 Name (Item));
                           end if;


                        --  Move to next entity to continue search

                           Next_Entity (Ent);
                        end if;
                     end loop;
                  end if;

               --  For a generic package, the only interesting kind of
               --  reference is an instantiation, since entities cannot
               --  be referenced directly.

               elsif Is_Generic_Unit (Lunit) then

                  --  Unit was never instantiated, set flag for case of spec
                  --  call, or give warning for normal call.

                  if not Is_Instantiated (Lunit) then
                     if Unit = Spec_Unit then
                        Set_Unreferenced_In_Spec (Item);
                          ("unit& is never instantiated?", Name (Item));
                     end if;

                  --  If unit was indeed instantiated, make sure that
                  --  flag is not set showing it was uninstantiated in
                  --  the spec, and if so, give warning.

                  elsif Unreferenced_In_Spec (Item) then
                       ("unit& is not instantiated in spec?", Name (Item));
                       ("\with clause can be moved to body?", Name (Item));
                  end if;
               end if;
            end if;

            Next (Item);
         end loop;

      end Check_One_Unit;

   --  Start of processing for Check_Unused_Withs

      if not Opt.Check_Withs
        or else Operating_Mode = Check_Syntax
      end if;

      --  Flag any unused with clauses, but skip this step if we are
      --  compiling a subunit on its own, since we do not have enough
      --  information to determine whether with's are used. We will get
      --  the relevant warnings when we compile the parent. This is the
      --  normal style of GNAT compilation in any case.

      if Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Main_Unit))) = N_Subunit then
      end if;

      --  Process specified units

      if Spec_Unit = No_Unit then

         --  For main call, check all units

         for Unit in Main_Unit .. Last_Unit loop
            Check_One_Unit (Unit);
         end loop;

         --  For call for spec, check only the spec

         Check_One_Unit (Spec_Unit);
      end if;
   end Check_Unused_Withs;

   -- Output_Unreferenced_Messages --

   procedure Output_Unreferenced_Messages is
      E : Entity_Id;

      for J in Unreferenced_Entities.First ..
         E := Unreferenced_Entities.Table (J);

         if not Referenced (E) and then not Warnings_Off (E) then

            case Ekind (E) is
               when E_Variable =>
                  if Present (Renamed_Object (E))
                    and then Comes_From_Source (Renamed_Object (E))
                     Error_Msg_N ("renamed variable & is not referenced?", E);
                     Error_Msg_N ("variable & is not referenced?", E);
                  end if;

               when E_Constant =>
                  if Present (Renamed_Object (E))
                    and then Comes_From_Source (Renamed_Object (E))
                     Error_Msg_N ("renamed constant & is not referenced?", E);
                     Error_Msg_N ("constant & is not referenced?", E);
                  end if;

               when E_In_Parameter     |
                    E_Out_Parameter    |
                    E_In_Out_Parameter =>

                  --  Do not emit message for formals of a renaming, because
                  --  they are never referenced explicitly.

                  if Nkind (Original_Node (Unit_Declaration_Node (Scope (E))))
                    /= N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration
                     Error_Msg_N ("formal parameter & is not referenced?", E);
                  end if;

               when E_Named_Integer    |
                    E_Named_Real       =>
                  Error_Msg_N ("named number & is not referenced?", E);

               when E_Enumeration_Literal =>
                  Error_Msg_N ("literal & is not referenced?", E);

               when E_Function         =>
                  Error_Msg_N ("function & is not referenced?", E);

               when E_Procedure         =>
                  Error_Msg_N ("procedure & is not referenced?", E);

               when Type_Kind          =>
                  Error_Msg_N ("type & is not referenced?", E);

               when others =>
                  Error_Msg_N ("& is not referenced?", E);
            end case;

            Set_Warnings_Off (E);
         end if;
      end loop;
   end Output_Unreferenced_Messages;

   -- Warn_On_Known_Condition --

   procedure Warn_On_Known_Condition (C : Node_Id) is
      P : Node_Id;

      if Constant_Condition_Warnings
        and then Nkind (C) = N_Identifier
        and then
          (Entity (C) = Standard_False or else Entity (C) = Standard_True)
        and then Comes_From_Source (Original_Node (C))
        and then not In_Instance
         --  See if this is in a statement or a declaration

         P := Parent (C);
            --  If tree is not attached, do not issue warning (this is very
            --  peculiar, and probably arises from some other error condition)

            if No (P) then

            --  If we are in a declaration, then no warning, since in practice
            --  conditionals in declarations are used for intended tests which
            --  may be known at compile time, e.g. things like

            --    x : constant Integer := 2 + (Word'Size = 32);

            --  And a warning is annoying in such cases

            elsif Nkind (P) in N_Declaration
                    or else
                  Nkind (P) in N_Later_Decl_Item

            --  Don't warn in assert pragma, since presumably tests in such
            --  a context are very definitely intended, and might well be
            --  known at compile time. Note that we have to test the original
            --  node, since assert pragmas get rewritten at analysis time.

            elsif Nkind (Original_Node (P)) = N_Pragma
              and then Chars (Original_Node (P)) = Name_Assert
            end if;

            exit when Is_Statement (P);
            P := Parent (P);
         end loop;

         if Entity (C) = Standard_True then
            Error_Msg_N ("condition is always True?", C);
            Error_Msg_N ("condition is always False?", C);
         end if;
      end if;
   end Warn_On_Known_Condition;

end Sem_Warn;