# Sed commands to finish translating the G++ Unix makefile into MPW syntax. # Remove control-Ls, they upset MPW make. s/ //g # Remove references to always-empty variables used to mark things. /CYGNUS-LOCAL-/s/{CYGNUS-LOCAL-[a-z0-9]*}//g # Add a bunch of definitions, mostly empty. /^# Variables that exist for you to override.$/a\ \ xmake_file = \ tmake_file = \ build_xm_file = \ MALLOC = \ MD_DEPS = \ REAL_H = \ HOST_CC_LD = {CC_LD}\ ALL_CCLDFLAGS = \ HOST_CCLDFLAGS = \ CONFIG_H = \ LIBDEPS = \ # The "target" variable is special to MPW make, avoid it. /{target}/s/{target}/{target_canonical}/g # Suppress the suppression of smart makes. /^\.y\.c/d # Whack out "..." assignments. /\.\.\./s/^\([a-z_]*= \.\.\.\)/#\1/ # Previous edits go a little overboard, undo. /^objext = /s/"{o}"// # Always link in low-level MPW functions. /^LIBDEPS=/s/$/ ::strerror.c.o ::mpwlib.c.o/ /{CLIB}/s/{CLIB}/ ::strerror.c.o ::mpwlib.c.o {CLIB}/ # Don't get tricky about finding various .o file, point at dir above. /^SUBDIR_OBSTACK/s/`.*`/::obstack.c.o/ /^SUBDIR_USE_ALLOCA/s/`.*`/::alloca.c.o/ /^SUBDIR_MALLOC/s/`.*`// # Point includes at parent directly correctly. /^INCLUDES = /s/:\./::/g /^INCLUDES = /s/"{srcdir}"\.\./"{topsrcdir}"gcc:/g /^INCLUDES = /s,"{srcdir}"/\.\.,"{topsrcdir}"gcc:,g /^INCLUDES = /s,"{srcdir}":config,"{topsrcdir}"gcc:config:,g # Add the special MPW include dirs. /^INCLUDES = /s/$/ -i "{topsrcdir}"include:mpw: -i :::extra-include:/ # A nasty hack to reduce confusion. /true/s/ ; @true$// # (should be in common translation?) /{CC_LD} /s/$/ {EXTRALIBS}/ # Don't use general compiler flags (which may include definitions # and other compiler-only bits) with linking commands. /{CC_LD} /s/ALL_CFLAGS/ALL_CCLDFLAGS/ # Whack out build rules that are not useful. /^Makefile \\Option-f /,/^$/d /^config.status \\Option-f /,/^$/d # (Note that MPW make is not case sensitive, and so this name # is considered the same as "md_file".) /^{MD_FILE} \\Option-f/,/^$/d # Depending on config.status is not useful for us. /config.status/s/ config.status// # Repeat of stuff from generic edit. /{s}/s/"{s}""{s}"/"{s}"/g /{s}/s/"{s}""{srcdir}"/"{s}"/g /{s}/s/"{srcdir}""{s}"/"{s}"/g # Fix references to C frontend files in main dir. /::c-/s/"{o}"::c-/"{o}":c-/g # Fix pathnames to generated files in the objdir. /parse/s/"{s}"parse\.\([chy]\)/"{o}"parse.\1/g /parse/s/^parse\.\([chy]\)/"{o}"parse.\1/ /y.tab.c/s/"{s}"y\.tab\.c/"{o}"y.tab.c/g /y.tab.c/s/^y\.tab\.c/"{o}"y.tab.c/ /y.tab.h/s/"{s}"y\.tab\.h/"{o}"y.tab.h/g /y.tab.h/s/^y\.tab\.h/"{o}"y.tab.h/ # Put in the definition of YYEMPTY directly. /grep/s/grep .* >>/Echo '#define YYEMPTY -1' >>/ # If the dates are wrong, then this tries to run gperf, which we don't # really want. /^"{srcdir}"hash.h/,/hash.h$/d # Sed the object file list instead of using cat (meow). /cat/s/`cat /`sed -e 's,:,::,g' -e 's,{objext},.o,g' / # Simplify dependencies of generated parser files. /^{PARSE_C}/s/^/#/ /^stamp-parse/s/^stamp-parse/{PARSE_C}/ # Fix the compile line for the generated parser. /{CC} -c/,/echo {PARSE_C}/c\ {CC} @DASH_C_FLAG@ {ALL_CFLAGS} {ALL_CPPFLAGS} {INCLUDES} {BIG_SWITCHFLAG} "{o}"parse.c -o "{o}"parse.c.o\ # Change all Rez commands to use mac-gcc.r. /{REZ}/s/"{s}"[-a-zA-Z{}]*\.r/"{topsrcdir}"gcc:mac-gcc.r/ # Remove pathname junk from the container name. /{REZ}/s/'"'::cc1objplus'"'/'"'cc1objplus'"'/