exp_tss.adb   [plain text]

--                                                                          --
--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
--                                                                          --
--                              E X P _ T S S                               --
--                                                                          --
--                                 B o d y                                  --
--                                                                          --
--          Copyright (C) 1992-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.          --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
-- ware  Foundation;  either version 2,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
-- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License  distributed with GNAT;  see file COPYING.  If not, write --
-- to  the Free Software Foundation,  59 Temple Place - Suite 330,  Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA.                                                      --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
--                                                                          --

with Atree;    use Atree;
with Einfo;    use Einfo;
with Elists;   use Elists;
with Exp_Util; use Exp_Util;
with Lib;      use Lib;
with Namet;    use Namet;
with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sinfo;    use Sinfo;

package body Exp_Tss is

   -- Base_Init_Proc --

   function Base_Init_Proc (Typ : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
      Full_Type : E;
      Proc      : Entity_Id;

      pragma Assert (Ekind (Typ) in Type_Kind);

      if Is_Private_Type (Typ) then
         Full_Type := Underlying_Type (Base_Type (Typ));
         Full_Type := Typ;
      end if;

      if No (Full_Type) then
         return Empty;
      elsif Is_Concurrent_Type (Full_Type)
        and then Present (Corresponding_Record_Type (Base_Type (Full_Type)))
         return Init_Proc (Corresponding_Record_Type (Base_Type (Full_Type)));

         Proc := Init_Proc (Base_Type (Full_Type));

         if No (Proc)
           and then Is_Composite_Type (Full_Type)
           and then Is_Derived_Type (Full_Type)
            return Init_Proc (Root_Type (Full_Type));
            return Proc;
         end if;
      end if;
   end Base_Init_Proc;

   -- Copy_TSS --

   --  Note: internally this routine is also used to initially set up
   --  a TSS entry for a new type (case of being called from Set_TSS)

   procedure Copy_TSS (TSS : Entity_Id; Typ : Entity_Id) is
      FN : Node_Id;

      Ensure_Freeze_Node (Typ);
      FN := Freeze_Node (Typ);

      if No (TSS_Elist (FN)) then
         Set_TSS_Elist (FN, New_Elmt_List);
      end if;

      --  We prepend here, so that a second call overrides the first, it
      --  is not clear that this is required, but it seems reasonable.

      Prepend_Elmt (TSS, TSS_Elist (FN));
   end Copy_TSS;

   -- Get_TSS_Name_Type --

   function Get_TSS_Name (E : Entity_Id) return TSS_Name_Type is
      C1 : Character;
      C2 : Character;
      Nm : TSS_Name_Type;

      Get_Last_Two_Chars (Chars (E), C1, C2);

      if C1 in 'A' .. 'Z' and then C2 in 'A' .. 'Z' then
         Nm := (C1, C2);

         for J in OK_TSS_Names'Range loop
            if Nm = OK_TSS_Names (J) then
               return Nm;
            end if;
         end loop;
      end if;

      return TSS_Null;
   end Get_TSS_Name;

   -- Has_Non_Null_Base_Init_Proc --

   function Has_Non_Null_Base_Init_Proc (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
      BIP : constant Entity_Id := Base_Init_Proc (Typ);

      return Present (BIP) and then not Is_Null_Init_Proc (BIP);
   end Has_Non_Null_Base_Init_Proc;

   -- Init_Proc --

   function Init_Proc (Typ : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
      FN   : constant Node_Id := Freeze_Node (Typ);
      Elmt : Elmt_Id;

      if No (FN) then
         return Empty;

      elsif No (TSS_Elist (FN)) then
         return Empty;

         Elmt := First_Elmt (TSS_Elist (FN));
         while Present (Elmt) loop
            if Is_Init_Proc (Node (Elmt)) then
               return Node (Elmt);
            end if;

            Next_Elmt (Elmt);
         end loop;
      end if;

      return Empty;
   end Init_Proc;

   -- Is_Init_Proc --

   function Is_Init_Proc (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
      C1 : Character;
      C2 : Character;
      Get_Last_Two_Chars (Chars (E), C1, C2);
      return C1 = TSS_Init_Proc (1) and then C2 = TSS_Init_Proc (2);
   end Is_Init_Proc;

   -- Is_TSS --

   function Is_TSS (E : Entity_Id; Nam : TSS_Name_Type) return Boolean is
      C1 : Character;
      C2 : Character;
      Get_Last_Two_Chars (Chars (E), C1, C2);
      return C1 = Nam (1) and then C2 = Nam (2);
   end Is_TSS;

   function Is_TSS (N : Name_Id; Nam : TSS_Name_Type) return Boolean is
      C1 : Character;
      C2 : Character;
      Get_Last_Two_Chars (N, C1, C2);
      return C1 = Nam (1) and then C2 = Nam (2);
   end Is_TSS;

   -- Make_Init_Proc_Name --

   function Make_Init_Proc_Name (Typ : Entity_Id) return Name_Id is
      Get_Name_String (Chars (Typ));
      Name_Len := Name_Len + 2;
      Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 1) := TSS_Init_Proc (1);
      Name_Buffer (Name_Len)     := TSS_Init_Proc (2);
      return Name_Find;
   end Make_Init_Proc_Name;

   -- Make_TSS_Name_Local --

   function Make_TSS_Name_Local
     (Typ : Entity_Id;
      Nam : TSS_Name_Type) return Name_Id
      Get_Name_String (Chars (Typ));
      Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Nam (1));
      Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Nam (2));
      Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('_');
      Add_Nat_To_Name_Buffer (Increment_Serial_Number);
      return Name_Find;
   end Make_TSS_Name_Local;

   -- Make_TSS_Name --

   function Make_TSS_Name
     (Typ : Entity_Id;
      Nam : TSS_Name_Type) return Name_Id
      Get_Name_String (Chars (Typ));
      Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Nam (1));
      Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Nam (2));
      return Name_Find;
   end Make_TSS_Name;

   -- Same_TSS --

   function Same_TSS (E1, E2 : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
      E1C1 : Character;
      E1C2 : Character;
      E2C1 : Character;
      E2C2 : Character;

      Get_Last_Two_Chars (Chars (E1), E1C1, E1C2);
      Get_Last_Two_Chars (Chars (E2), E2C1, E2C2);

        E1C1 = E2C1
          and then
        E1C2 = E2C2
          and then
        E1C1 in 'A' .. 'Z'
          and then
        E1C2 in 'A' .. 'Z';
   end Same_TSS;

   -- Set_Init_Proc --

   procedure Set_Init_Proc (Typ : Entity_Id; Init : Entity_Id) is
      Set_TSS (Typ, Init);
   end Set_Init_Proc;

   -- Set_TSS --

   procedure Set_TSS (Typ : Entity_Id; TSS : Entity_Id) is
      Subprog_Body : constant Node_Id := Unit_Declaration_Node (TSS);

      --  Case of insertion location is in unit defining the type

      if In_Same_Code_Unit (Typ, TSS) then
         Append_Freeze_Action (Typ, Subprog_Body);

      --  Otherwise, we are using an already existing TSS in another unit

      end if;

      Copy_TSS (TSS, Typ);
   end Set_TSS;

   -- TSS --

   function TSS (Typ : Entity_Id; Nam : TSS_Name_Type) return Entity_Id is
      FN   : constant Node_Id := Freeze_Node (Typ);
      Elmt : Elmt_Id;
      Subp : Entity_Id;

      if No (FN) then
         return Empty;

      elsif No (TSS_Elist (FN)) then
         return Empty;

         Elmt := First_Elmt (TSS_Elist (FN));
         while Present (Elmt) loop
            if Is_TSS (Node (Elmt), Nam) then
               Subp := Node (Elmt);

               --  For stream subprograms, the TSS entity may be a renaming-
               --  as-body of an already generated entity. Use that one rather
               --  the one introduced by the renaming, which is an artifact of
               --  current stream handling.

               if Nkind (Parent (Parent (Subp))) =
                 and then
                   Present (Corresponding_Spec (Parent (Parent (Subp))))
                  return Corresponding_Spec (Parent (Parent (Subp)));
                  return Subp;
               end if;

               Next_Elmt (Elmt);
            end if;
         end loop;
      end if;

      return Empty;
   end TSS;

   function TSS (Typ : Entity_Id; Nam : Name_Id) return Entity_Id is
      FN   : constant Node_Id := Freeze_Node (Typ);
      Elmt : Elmt_Id;
      Subp : Entity_Id;

      if No (FN) then
         return Empty;

      elsif No (TSS_Elist (FN)) then
         return Empty;

         Elmt := First_Elmt (TSS_Elist (FN));
         while Present (Elmt) loop
            if Chars (Node (Elmt)) =  Nam then
               Subp := Node (Elmt);

               --  For stream subprograms, the TSS entity may be a renaming-
               --  as-body of an already generated entity. Use that one rather
               --  the one introduced by the renaming, which is an artifact of
               --  current stream handling.

               if Nkind (Parent (Parent (Subp))) =
                 and then
                   Present (Corresponding_Spec (Parent (Parent (Subp))))
                  return Corresponding_Spec (Parent (Parent (Subp)));
                  return Subp;
               end if;

               Next_Elmt (Elmt);
            end if;
         end loop;
      end if;

      return Empty;
   end TSS;

end Exp_Tss;