TypeSignature.java   [plain text]

/* TypeSignature.java -- Class used to compute type signatures
   Copyright (C) 1998, 2000, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GNU Classpath.

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package gnu.java.lang.reflect;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

 * This class provides static methods that can be used to compute
 * type-signatures of <code>Class</code>s or <code>Member</code>s.
 * More specific methods are also provided for computing the
 * type-signature of <code>Constructor</code>s and
 * <code>Method</code>s.  Methods are also provided to go in the
 * reverse direction.
 * @author Eric Blake <ebb9@email.byu.edu>
public class TypeSignature
   * Returns a <code>String</code> representing the type-encoding of a class.
   * The .class file format has different encodings for classes, depending
   * on whether it must be disambiguated from primitive types or not; hence
   * the descriptor parameter to choose between them. If you are planning
   * on decoding primitive types along with classes, then descriptor should
   * be true for correct results. Type-encodings are computed as follows:
   * <pre>
   * boolean -> "Z"
   * byte    -> "B"
   * char    -> "C"
   * double  -> "D"
   * float   -> "F"
   * int     -> "I"
   * long    -> "J"
   * short   -> "S"
   * void    -> "V"
   * arrays  -> "[" + descriptor format of component type
   * object  -> class format: fully qualified name with '.' replaced by '/'
   *            descriptor format: "L" + class format + ";"
   * </pre>
   * @param type the class name to encode
   * @param descriptor true to return objects in descriptor format
   * @return the class name, as it appears in bytecode constant pools
   * @see #getClassForEncoding(String)
  public static String getEncodingOfClass(String type, boolean descriptor)
    if (! descriptor || type.charAt(0) == '[')
      return type.replace('.', '/');
    if (type.equals("boolean"))
      return "Z";
    if (type.equals("byte"))
      return "B";
    if (type.equals("short"))
      return "S";
    if (type.equals("char"))
      return "C";
    if (type.equals("int"))
      return "I";
    if (type.equals("long"))
      return "J";
    if (type.equals("float"))
      return "F";
    if (type.equals("double"))
      return "D";
    if (type.equals("void"))
      return "V";
    return 'L' + type.replace('.', '/') + ';';

   * Gets the descriptor encoding for a class.
   * @param clazz the class to encode
   * @param descriptor true to return objects in descriptor format
   * @return the class name, as it appears in bytecode constant pools
   * @see #getEncodingOfClass(String, boolean)
  public static String getEncodingOfClass(Class clazz, boolean descriptor)
    return getEncodingOfClass(clazz.getName(), descriptor);

   * Gets the descriptor encoding for a class.
   * @param clazz the class to encode
   * @return the class name, as it appears in bytecode constant pools
   * @see #getEncodingOfClass(String, boolean)
  public static String getEncodingOfClass(Class clazz)
    return getEncodingOfClass(clazz.getName(), true);

   * This function is the inverse of <code>getEncodingOfClass</code>. This
   * accepts both object and descriptor formats, but must know which style
   * of string is being passed in (usually, descriptor should be true). In
   * descriptor format, "I" is treated as int.class, in object format, it
   * is treated as a class named I in the unnamed package. This method is
   * strictly equivalent to {@link #getClassForEncoding(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader)}
   * with a class loader equal to <code>null</code>. In that case, it
   * uses the default class loader on the calling stack.
   * @param type_code the class name to decode
   * @param descriptor if the string is in descriptor format
   * @return the corresponding Class object
   * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class cannot be located
   * @see #getEncodingOfClass(Class, boolean)
  public static Class getClassForEncoding(String type_code, boolean descriptor)
    throws ClassNotFoundException
    return getClassForEncoding(type_code, descriptor, null);

   * This function is the inverse of <code>getEncodingOfClass</code>. This
   * accepts both object and descriptor formats, but must know which style
   * of string is being passed in (usually, descriptor should be true). In
   * descriptor format, "I" is treated as int.class, in object format, it
   * is treated as a class named I in the unnamed package.
   * @param type_code The class name to decode.
   * @param descriptor If the string is in descriptor format.
   * @param loader The class loader when resolving generic object name. If
   * <code>loader</code> is null then it uses the default class loader on the
   * calling stack.
   * @return the corresponding Class object.
   * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class cannot be located.
   * @see #getEncodingOfClass(Class, boolean)
   * @see #getClassForEncoding(String, boolean)
  public static Class getClassForEncoding(String type_code, boolean descriptor,
		 			  ClassLoader loader)
    throws ClassNotFoundException
    if (descriptor)
        switch (type_code.charAt(0))
          case 'B':
            return byte.class;
          case 'C':
            return char.class;
          case 'D':
            return double.class;
          case 'F':
            return float.class;
          case 'I':
            return int.class;
          case 'J':
            return long.class;
          case 'S':
            return short.class;
          case 'V':
            return void.class;
          case 'Z':
            return boolean.class;
            throw new ClassNotFoundException("Invalid class name: "
                                             + type_code);
          case 'L':
            type_code = type_code.substring(1, type_code.length() - 1);
            // Fallthrough.
          case '[':
    return Class.forName(type_code.replace('/', '.'), true, loader);

   * Gets the Class object for a type name.
   * @param type_code the class name to decode
   * @return the corresponding Class object
   * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class cannot be located
   * @see #getClassForEncoding(String, boolean)
  public static Class getClassForEncoding(String type_code)
    throws ClassNotFoundException
    return getClassForEncoding(type_code, true);

   * Returns a <code>String</code> representing the type-encoding of a
   * method.  The type-encoding of a method is:
   * "(" + parameter type descriptors + ")" + return type descriptor
   * XXX This could be faster if it were implemented natively.
   * @param m the method to encode
   * @return the encoding
  public static String getEncodingOfMethod(Method m)
    Class[] paramTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer().append('(');
    for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++)
      buf.append(getEncodingOfClass(paramTypes[i].getName(), true));
    return buf.toString();

   * Returns a <code>String</code> representing the type-encoding of a
   * constructor. The type-encoding of a method is:
   * "(" + parameter type descriptors + ")V"
   * XXX This could be faster if it were implemented natively.
   * @param c the constructor to encode
   * @return the encoding
  public static String getEncodingOfConstructor(Constructor c)
    Class[] paramTypes = c.getParameterTypes();
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer().append('(');
    for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++)
      buf.append(getEncodingOfClass(paramTypes[i].getName(), true));
    return buf.toString();

   * Returns a <code>String</code> representing the type-encoding of a
   * class member. This appropriately handles Constructors, Methods, and
   * Fields.
   * @param mem the member to encode
   * @return the encoding
  public static String getEncodingOfMember(Member mem)
    if (mem instanceof Constructor)
      return getEncodingOfConstructor((Constructor) mem);
    if (mem instanceof Method)
      return getEncodingOfMethod((Method) mem);
    else // Field
      return getEncodingOfClass(((Field) mem).getType().getName(), true);
} // class TypeSignature