cpphash.h   [plain text]

/* Part of CPP library.
   Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
   Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

/* This header defines all the internal data structures and functions
   that need to be visible across files.  It's called cpphash.h for
   historical reasons.  */


#include "hashtable.h"

struct directive;		/* Deliberately incomplete.  */
struct pending_option;
struct op;

typedef unsigned char uchar;
#define U (const uchar *)  /* Intended use: U"string" */

#define BITS_PER_CPPCHAR_T (CHAR_BIT * sizeof (cppchar_t))

/* Test if a sign is valid within a preprocessing number.  */
#define VALID_SIGN(c, prevc) \
  (((c) == '+' || (c) == '-') && \
   ((prevc) == 'e' || (prevc) == 'E' \
    || (((prevc) == 'p' || (prevc) == 'P') \
        && CPP_OPTION (pfile, extended_numbers))))

#define CPP_BUFFER(PFILE) ((PFILE)->buffer)
#define CPP_BUF_COLUMN(BUF, CUR) ((CUR) - (BUF)->line_base + (BUF)->col_adjust)

/* Maximum nesting of cpp_buffers.  We use a static limit, partly for
   efficiency, and partly to limit runaway recursion.  */
#define CPP_STACK_MAX 200

/* Host alignment handling.  */
struct dummy
  char c;
    double d;
    int *p;
  } u;

#define DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT offsetof (struct dummy, u)
#define CPP_ALIGN2(size, align) (((size) + ((align) - 1)) & ~((align) - 1))

/* Each macro definition is recorded in a cpp_macro structure.
   Variadic macros cannot occur with traditional cpp.  */
struct cpp_macro
  /* Parameters, if any.  */
  cpp_hashnode **params;

  /* Replacement tokens (ISO) or replacement text (traditional).  See
     comment at top of cpptrad.c for how traditional function-like
     macros are encoded.  */
    cpp_token *tokens;
    const uchar *text;
  } exp;

  /* Definition line number.  */
  unsigned int line;

  /* Number of tokens in expansion, or bytes for traditional macros.  */
  unsigned int count;

  /* Number of parameters.  */
  unsigned short paramc;

  /* If a function-like macro.  */
  unsigned int fun_like : 1;

  /* If a variadic macro.  */
  unsigned int variadic : 1;

  /* If macro defined in system header.  */
  unsigned int syshdr   : 1;

  /* Nonzero if it has been expanded or had its existence tested.  */
  unsigned int used     : 1;

#define _cpp_mark_macro_used(NODE) do {					\
  if ((NODE)->type == NT_MACRO && !((NODE)->flags & NODE_BUILTIN))	\
    (NODE)->value.macro->used = 1; } while (0)

/* A generic memory buffer, and operations on it.  */
typedef struct _cpp_buff _cpp_buff;
struct _cpp_buff
  struct _cpp_buff *next;
  unsigned char *base, *cur, *limit;

extern _cpp_buff *_cpp_get_buff PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, size_t));
extern void _cpp_release_buff PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, _cpp_buff *));
extern void _cpp_extend_buff PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, _cpp_buff **, size_t));
extern _cpp_buff *_cpp_append_extend_buff PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, _cpp_buff *,
extern void _cpp_free_buff PARAMS ((_cpp_buff *));
extern unsigned char *_cpp_aligned_alloc PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, size_t));
extern unsigned char *_cpp_unaligned_alloc PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, size_t));

#define BUFF_ROOM(BUFF) (size_t) ((BUFF)->limit - (BUFF)->cur)
#define BUFF_FRONT(BUFF) ((BUFF)->cur)
#define BUFF_LIMIT(BUFF) ((BUFF)->limit)

/* List of directories to look for include files in.  */
struct search_path
  struct search_path *next;

  /* NOTE: NAME may not be null terminated for the case of the current
     file's directory!  */
  const char *name;
  unsigned int len;
  /* We use these to tell if the directory mentioned here is a duplicate
     of an earlier directory on the search path.  */
  ino_t ino;
  dev_t dev;
  /* Nonzero if it is a system include directory.  */
  int sysp;
  /* Mapping of file names for this directory.  Only used on MS-DOS
     and related platforms.  */
  struct file_name_map *name_map;

/* #include types.  */
/* APPLE LOCAL pch distcc mrs */

union utoken
  const cpp_token *token;
  const cpp_token **ptoken;

/* A "run" of tokens; part of a chain of runs.  */
typedef struct tokenrun tokenrun;
struct tokenrun
  tokenrun *next, *prev;
  cpp_token *base, *limit;

/* Accessor macros for struct cpp_context.  */
#define FIRST(c) ((c)->u.iso.first)
#define LAST(c) ((c)->u.iso.last)
#define CUR(c) ((c)->u.trad.cur)
#define RLIMIT(c) ((c)->u.trad.rlimit)

typedef struct cpp_context cpp_context;
struct cpp_context
  /* Doubly-linked list.  */
  cpp_context *next, *prev;

    /* For ISO macro expansion.  Contexts other than the base context
       are contiguous tokens.  e.g. macro expansions, expanded
       argument tokens.  */
      union utoken first;
      union utoken last;
    } iso;

    /* For traditional macro expansion.  */
      const uchar *cur;
      const uchar *rlimit;
    } trad;
  } u;

  /* If non-NULL, a buffer used for storage related to this context.
     When the context is popped, the buffer is released.  */
  _cpp_buff *buff;

  /* For a macro context, the macro node, otherwise NULL.  */
  cpp_hashnode *macro;

  /* True if utoken element is token, else ptoken.  */
  bool direct_p;

struct lexer_state
  /* Nonzero if first token on line is CPP_HASH.  */
  unsigned char in_directive;

  /* Nonzero if in a directive that will handle padding tokens itself.
     #include needs this to avoid problems with computed include and
     spacing between tokens.  */
  unsigned char directive_wants_padding;

  /* True if we are skipping a failed conditional group.  */
  unsigned char skipping;

  /* Nonzero if in a directive that takes angle-bracketed headers.  */
  unsigned char angled_headers;

  /* Nonzero if in a #if or #elif directive.  */
  unsigned char in_expression;

  /* Nonzero to save comments.  Turned off if discard_comments, and in
     all directives apart from #define.  */
  unsigned char save_comments;

  /* Nonzero if we're mid-comment.  */
  unsigned char lexing_comment;

  /* Nonzero if lexing __VA_ARGS__ is valid.  */
  unsigned char va_args_ok;

  /* Nonzero if lexing poisoned identifiers is valid.  */
  unsigned char poisoned_ok;

  /* Nonzero to prevent macro expansion.  */
  unsigned char prevent_expansion;

  /* Nonzero when parsing arguments to a function-like macro.  */
  unsigned char parsing_args;

  /* Nonzero to skip evaluating part of an expression.  */
  unsigned int skip_eval;

/* Special nodes - identifiers with predefined significance.  */
struct spec_nodes
  cpp_hashnode *n_defined;		/* defined operator */
  cpp_hashnode *n_true;			/* C++ keyword true */
  cpp_hashnode *n_false;		/* C++ keyword false */
  cpp_hashnode *n__VA_ARGS__;		/* C99 vararg macros */

/* Encapsulates state used to convert a stream of tokens into a text
   file.  */
struct printer
  FILE *outf;			/* Stream to write to.  */
  const struct line_map *map;	/* Logical to physical line mappings.  */
  const cpp_token *prev;	/* Previous token.  */
  const cpp_token *source;	/* Source token for spacing.  */
  unsigned int line;		/* Line currently being written.  */
  unsigned char printed;	/* Nonzero if something output at line.  */

/* Represents the contents of a file cpplib has read in.  */
struct cpp_buffer
  const unsigned char *cur;	 /* current position */
  const unsigned char *backup_to; /* if peeked character is not wanted */
  const unsigned char *rlimit; /* end of valid data */
  const unsigned char *line_base; /* start of current line */

  struct cpp_buffer *prev;

  const unsigned char *buf;	 /* Entire character buffer.  */

  /* Pointer into the include table; non-NULL if this is a file
     buffer.  Used for include_next and to record control macros.  */
  struct include_file *inc;

  /* Value of if_stack at start of this file.
     Used to prohibit unmatched #endif (etc) in an include file.  */
  struct if_stack *if_stack;

  /* Token column position adjustment owing to tabs in whitespace.  */
  unsigned int col_adjust;

  /* Contains PREV_WHITE and/or AVOID_LPASTE.  */
  unsigned char saved_flags;

  /* Because of the way the lexer works, -Wtrigraphs can sometimes
     warn twice for the same trigraph.  This helps prevent that.  */
  const unsigned char *last_Wtrigraphs;

  /* True if we have already warned about C++ comments in this file.
     The warning happens only for C89 extended mode with -pedantic on,
     or for -Wtraditional, and only once per file (otherwise it would
     be far too noisy).  */
  unsigned char warned_cplusplus_comments;

  /* True if we don't process trigraphs and escaped newlines.  True
     for preprocessed input, command line directives, and _Pragma
     buffers.  */
  unsigned char from_stage3;

  /* Nonzero means that the directory to start searching for ""
     include files has been calculated and stored in "dir" below.  */
  unsigned char search_cached;

  /* At EOF, a buffer is automatically popped.  If RETURN_AT_EOF is
     true, a CPP_EOF token is then returned.  Otherwise, the next
     token from the enclosing buffer is returned.  */
  bool return_at_eof;

  /* The directory of the this buffer's file.  Its NAME member is not
     allocated, so we don't need to worry about freeing it.  */
  struct search_path dir;

  /* Used for buffer overlays by cpptrad.c.  */
  const uchar *saved_cur, *saved_rlimit;

/* APPLE LOCAL begin Symbol Separation */
/* Indicate state of context info processing.
   Context info processing shares code with PCH, but it does not need
   everything PCH does. Use this context info states to exclude not
   required stuff.  */
enum cpp_cinfo_state 
    CINFO_FOUND,  /* Context information found */
    CINFO_VALID,  /* Context information is valid */
    CINFO_READ,   /* Reading context information */
    CINFO_WRITE   /* Writing context information */
/* APPLE LOCAL end Symbol Separation */

/* A cpp_reader encapsulates the "state" of a pre-processor run.
   Applying cpp_get_token repeatedly yields a stream of pre-processor
   tokens.  Usually, there is only one cpp_reader object active.  */
struct cpp_reader
  /* Top of buffer stack.  */
  cpp_buffer *buffer;

  /* Overlaid buffer (can be different after processing #include).  */
  cpp_buffer *overlaid_buffer;

  /* Lexer state.  */
  struct lexer_state state;

  /* Source line tracking.  */
  struct line_maps line_maps;
  const struct line_map *map;
  unsigned int line;

  /* The line of the '#' of the current directive.  */
  unsigned int directive_line;

  /* Memory buffers.  */
  _cpp_buff *a_buff;		/* Aligned permanent storage.  */
  _cpp_buff *u_buff;		/* Unaligned permanent storage.  */
  _cpp_buff *free_buffs;	/* Free buffer chain.  */

  /* Context stack.  */
  struct cpp_context base_context;
  struct cpp_context *context;

  /* If in_directive, the directive if known.  */
  const struct directive *directive;

  /* The next -include-d file; NULL if they all are done.  If it
     points to NULL, the last one is in progress, and
     _cpp_maybe_push_include_file has yet to restore the line map.  */
  struct pending_option **next_include_file;

  /* Multiple inlcude optimisation.  */
  const cpp_hashnode *mi_cmacro;
  const cpp_hashnode *mi_ind_cmacro;
  bool mi_valid;

  /* Lexing.  */
  cpp_token *cur_token;
  tokenrun base_run, *cur_run;
  unsigned int lookaheads;

  /* Nonzero prevents the lexer from re-using the token runs.  */
  unsigned int keep_tokens;

  /* Error counter for exit code.  */
  unsigned int errors;

  /* Buffer to hold macro definition string.  */
  unsigned char *macro_buffer;
  unsigned int macro_buffer_len;

  /* Tree of other included files.  See cppfiles.c.  */
  struct splay_tree_s *all_include_files;

  /* Current maximum length of directory names in the search path
     for include files.  (Altered as we get more of them.)  */
  unsigned int max_include_len;

  /* Macros on or after this line are warned about if unused.  */
  unsigned int first_unused_line;

  /* Date and time text.  Calculated together if either is requested.  */
  const uchar *date;
  const uchar *time;

  /* EOF token, and a token forcing paste avoidance.  */
  cpp_token avoid_paste;
  cpp_token eof;

  /* Opaque handle to the dependencies of mkdeps.c.  */
  struct deps *deps;

  /* Obstack holding all macro hash nodes.  This never shrinks.
     See cpphash.c */
  struct obstack hash_ob;

  /* Obstack holding buffer and conditional structures.  This is a
     real stack.  See cpplib.c.  */
  struct obstack buffer_ob;

  /* Pragma table - dynamic, because a library user can add to the
     list of recognized pragmas.  */
  struct pragma_entry *pragmas;

  /* Call backs.  */
  struct cpp_callbacks cb;

  /* Identifier hash table.  */
  struct ht *hash_table;

  /* Expression parser stack.  */
  struct op *op_stack, *op_limit;

  /* User visible options.  */
  struct cpp_options opts;

  /* Special nodes - identifiers with predefined significance to the
     preprocessor.  */
  struct spec_nodes spec_nodes;

  /* Used when doing preprocessed output.  */
  struct printer print;

  /* Whether cpplib owns the hashtable.  */
  unsigned char our_hashtable;

  /* Traditional preprocessing output buffer (a logical line).  */
    uchar *base;
    uchar *limit;
    uchar *cur;
    unsigned int first_line;
  } out;

  /* Used to save the original line number during traditional
     preprocessing.  */
  unsigned int saved_line;

  /* A saved list of the defined macros, for dependency checking
     of precompiled headers.  */
  struct cpp_savedstate *savedstate;

  /* APPLE LOCAL begin Symbol Separation */
  const char *cinfo_candidate_file;
  const char *cinfo_src_file;
  /* State of context information read/write operation.  */
  enum cpp_cinfo_state cinfo_state;
  /* APPLE LOCAL end Symbol Separation */

/* Character classes.  Based on the more primitive macros in safe-ctype.h.
   If the definition of `numchar' looks odd to you, please look up the
   definition of a pp-number in the C standard [section 6.4.8 of C99].

   In the unlikely event that characters other than \r and \n enter
   the set is_vspace, the macro handle_newline() in cpplex.c must be
   updated.  */
#define _dollar_ok(x)	((x) == '$' && CPP_OPTION (pfile, dollars_in_ident))

#define is_idchar(x)	(ISIDNUM(x) || _dollar_ok(x))
#define is_numchar(x)	ISIDNUM(x)
#define is_idstart(x)	(ISIDST(x) || _dollar_ok(x))
#define is_numstart(x)	ISDIGIT(x)
#define is_hspace(x)	ISBLANK(x)
#define is_vspace(x)	IS_VSPACE(x)
#define is_nvspace(x)	IS_NVSPACE(x)
#define is_space(x)	IS_SPACE_OR_NUL(x)

/* This table is constant if it can be initialized at compile time,
   which is the case if cpp was compiled with GCC >=2.7, or another
   compiler that supports C99.  */
extern const unsigned char _cpp_trigraph_map[UCHAR_MAX + 1];
extern unsigned char _cpp_trigraph_map[UCHAR_MAX + 1];

/* Macros.  */

#define CPP_IN_SYSTEM_HEADER(PFILE) ((PFILE)->map && (PFILE)->map->sysp)
#define CPP_PEDANTIC(PF) CPP_OPTION (PF, pedantic)
#define CPP_WTRADITIONAL(PF) CPP_OPTION (PF, warn_traditional)

/* In cpperror.c  */
extern int _cpp_begin_message PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, int,
				       unsigned int, unsigned int));

/* In cppmacro.c */
extern void _cpp_free_definition	PARAMS ((cpp_hashnode *));
extern bool _cpp_create_definition	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, cpp_hashnode *));
extern void _cpp_pop_context		PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern void _cpp_push_text_context	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, cpp_hashnode *,
						 const uchar *, size_t));
extern bool _cpp_save_parameter		PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, cpp_macro *,
						 cpp_hashnode *));
extern bool _cpp_arguments_ok		PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, cpp_macro *,
						 const cpp_hashnode *,
						 unsigned int));
extern const uchar *_cpp_builtin_macro_text PARAMS ((cpp_reader *,
						     cpp_hashnode *));
int _cpp_warn_if_unused_macro		PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, cpp_hashnode *,
						 void *));
/* In cpphash.c */
extern void _cpp_init_hashtable		PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, hash_table *));
extern void _cpp_destroy_hashtable	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));

/* In cppfiles.c */
/* APPLE LOCAL begin pch #import hack */
extern int _cpp_save_file_entries	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, FILE *));
extern int _cpp_read_file_entries	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, FILE *));
/* APPLE LOCAL end pch #import hack */
extern void _cpp_fake_include		PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, const char *));
extern void _cpp_never_reread		PARAMS ((struct include_file *));
extern char *_cpp_simplify_pathname	PARAMS ((char *));
extern bool _cpp_read_file		PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, const char *));
extern bool _cpp_execute_include	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *,
						 const cpp_token *,
						 enum include_type));
extern int _cpp_compare_file_date       PARAMS ((cpp_reader *,
						 const cpp_token *));
extern void _cpp_report_missing_guards	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern void _cpp_init_includes		PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern void _cpp_cleanup_includes	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern void _cpp_pop_file_buffer	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *,
						 struct include_file *));
/* APPLE LOCAL begin Symbol Separation */
extern int suppress_dbg_info            PARAMS ((struct include_file *));
void find_include_cinfo                 PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, const char *));
/* APPLE LOCAL end Symbol Separation */

/* In cppexp.c */
extern bool _cpp_parse_expr		PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern struct op *_cpp_expand_op_stack	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));

/* In cpplex.c */
extern cpp_token *_cpp_temp_token	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern const cpp_token *_cpp_lex_token	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern cpp_token *_cpp_lex_direct	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern int _cpp_equiv_tokens		PARAMS ((const cpp_token *,
						 const cpp_token *));
extern void _cpp_init_tokenrun		PARAMS ((tokenrun *, unsigned int));

/* In cppinit.c.  */
extern void _cpp_maybe_push_include_file PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));

/* In cpplib.c */
extern int _cpp_test_assertion PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, unsigned int *));
extern int _cpp_handle_directive PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, int));
extern void _cpp_define_builtin	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, const char *));
extern char ** _cpp_save_pragma_names PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern void _cpp_restore_pragma_names PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, char **));
extern void _cpp_do__Pragma	PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern void _cpp_init_directives PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern void _cpp_init_internal_pragmas PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern void _cpp_do_file_change PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, enum lc_reason,
					 const char *,
					 unsigned int, unsigned int));
extern void _cpp_pop_buffer PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));

/* In cpptrad.c.  */
extern bool _cpp_read_logical_line_trad PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern void _cpp_overlay_buffer PARAMS ((cpp_reader *pfile, const uchar *,
extern void _cpp_remove_overlay PARAMS ((cpp_reader *));
extern bool _cpp_create_trad_definition PARAMS ((cpp_reader *, cpp_macro *));
extern bool _cpp_expansions_different_trad PARAMS ((const cpp_macro *,
						    const cpp_macro *));
extern uchar *_cpp_copy_replacement_text PARAMS ((const cpp_macro *, uchar *));
extern size_t _cpp_replacement_text_len PARAMS ((const cpp_macro *));

/* Utility routines and macros.  */
#define DSC(str) (const uchar *)str, sizeof str - 1
#define xnew(T)		(T *) xmalloc (sizeof(T))
#define xcnew(T)	(T *) xcalloc (1, sizeof(T))
#define xnewvec(T, N)	(T *) xmalloc (sizeof(T) * (N))
#define xcnewvec(T, N)	(T *) xcalloc (N, sizeof(T))
#define xobnew(O, T)	(T *) obstack_alloc (O, sizeof(T))

/* These are inline functions instead of macros so we can get type
   checking.  */
static inline int ustrcmp	PARAMS ((const uchar *, const uchar *));
static inline int ustrncmp	PARAMS ((const uchar *, const uchar *,
static inline size_t ustrlen	PARAMS ((const uchar *));
static inline uchar *uxstrdup	PARAMS ((const uchar *));
static inline uchar *ustrchr	PARAMS ((const uchar *, int));
static inline int ufputs	PARAMS ((const uchar *, FILE *));

static inline int
ustrcmp (s1, s2)
     const uchar *s1, *s2;
  return strcmp ((const char *)s1, (const char *)s2);

static inline int
ustrncmp (s1, s2, n)
     const uchar *s1, *s2;
     size_t n;
  return strncmp ((const char *)s1, (const char *)s2, n);

static inline size_t
ustrlen (s1)
     const uchar *s1;
  return strlen ((const char *)s1);

static inline uchar *
uxstrdup (s1)
     const uchar *s1;
  return (uchar *) xstrdup ((const char *)s1);

static inline uchar *
ustrchr (s1, c)
     const uchar *s1;
     int c;
  return (uchar *) strchr ((const char *)s1, c);

static inline int
ufputs (s, f)
     const uchar *s;
     FILE *f;
  return fputs ((const char *)s, f);

#endif /* ! GCC_CPPHASH_H */