dct2fr   [plain text]


#	Horrible hack to convert Funk dictionaries to FreeRADIUS ones.
#	It won't convert everything, and the files still need to be
#	edited afterwards, but it's a start.
#	./dct2fr foo.dct > dictionary.foo
#	vi dictionary.foo
#		replace 'foo' with the real vendor name
#	./format.pl dictionary.foo

while (<>) {
    if (/^MACRO\s+([^ \t\(]+)\(t,s\)\s+26\s+\[vid=(\d+)\s+type1=\%t\%\s+len1=\+2\s+data=\%s\%/) {
	$name = $1;
	$vendor = $2;

	print "VENDOR foo $2\n";
	print "BEGIN-VENDOR foo\n";

#    if (/^ATTRIBUTE\s+([^ \t]+)\s+$name\s*\((\d+),s+(\w+)\)/i) {

    if (/^ATTRIBUTE\s+([^ \t]+)\s+$name\s*\((\d+)\s*,\s*(\w+)/i) {
	print "ATTRIBUTE $1 $2 $3\n";

print "END-VENDOR foo\n";