SIM Triplets INTRODUCTION The module rlm_sim_files reads challenges/responses for use by the EAP-SIM method. This module is a reference implementation for what someone might do via a database or other system. It provides for authorization only. RADIUSD.CONF To configure this module, list is in modules. An optional option to set the file name exists, it otherwise defaults to ${raddbdir}/simtriplets.dat. e.g: in radiusd.conf, modules {}, sim_files { simtriplets = "/some/file" } in radiusd.conf, authorize {}, add: sim_files before eap. SIMTRIPLETS.DAT: The format of the file is one triplet per line, with the userid, aka "imsi" first. Lines starting with # are considered comments. imsi,challenge,kc,sres for example: 232420100000015,34000000000000000000000000000000,34112233,445566778899AABB Types imsi - just a string challenge - 16-byte value in hex. sres - 4-byte value in hex, the secure response kc - 8-byte value in hex, the client key (Kc) Note that EAP-SIM requires *three* sets of triplets, so there must be three challenges found in the file. The first three challenges are used. Also note that the "0x" for hex is not required, and is illegal. Space and tabs are not permitted. AUTHORIZATION Note, if the NAS continues to send the User-Name attribute in subsequent access-requests (such as continuations of the EAP-sim protocol), then the authorization process will be repeated. EAP-sim will capture the first set of attributes, so if they change, that is okay. A future version of this module may look at the presence of the EAP-Identity attribute to determine if attributes must be retrieved. However, in the general case, one might not know one wants to even do the EAP-Start to ask for the identity, until one has seen the username. If this module is successful at retrieving three sets of triplets, then the EAP-Type: attribute will be set to SIM. The EAP module itself will set the Auth-Type to EAP when it sees the EAP-Message attribute. See rlm_eap for details about the attributes used in EAP-sim. $Id: rlm_sim_triplets,v 2006/11/20 13:45:25 nbk Exp $