macintosh   [plain text]

# $File: macintosh,v 1.29 2019/04/19 00:42:27 christos Exp $
# macintosh description
# BinHex is the Macintosh ASCII-encoded file format (see also "apple")
# Daniel Quinlan,
11	string	must\ be\ converted\ with\ BinHex	BinHex binary text
!:mime	application/mac-binhex40
>41	string	x					\b, version %.3s

# Stuffit archives are the de facto standard of compression for Macintosh
# files obtained from most archives. (
0	string		SIT!			StuffIt Archive (data)
!:mime	application/x-stuffit
!:apple	SIT!SIT!
>2	string		x			: %s
0	string		SITD			StuffIt Deluxe (data)
>2	string		x			: %s
0	string		Seg			StuffIt Deluxe Segment (data)
>2	string		x			: %s

# Newer StuffIt archives (
0	string		StuffIt			StuffIt Archive
!:mime	application/x-stuffit
!:apple	SIT!SIT!
#>162	string		>0			: %s

# Macintosh Applications and Installation binaries (
# GRR: Too weak
#0	string		APPL			Macintosh Application (data)
#>2	string		x			\b: %s

# Macintosh System files (
# GRR: Too weak
#0	string		zsys			Macintosh System File (data)
#0	string		FNDR			Macintosh Finder (data)
#0	string		libr			Macintosh Library (data)
#>2	string		x			: %s
#0	string		shlb			Macintosh Shared Library (data)
#>2	string		x			: %s
#0	string		cdev			Macintosh Control Panel (data)
#>2	string		x			: %s
#0	string		INIT			Macintosh Extension (data)
#>2	string		x			: %s
#0	string		FFIL			Macintosh Truetype Font (data)
#>2	string		x			: %s
#0	string		LWFN			Macintosh Postscript Font (data)
#>2	string		x			: %s

# Additional Macintosh Files (
# GRR: Too weak
#0	string		PACT			Macintosh Compact Pro Archive (data)
#>2	string		x			: %s
#0	string		ttro			Macintosh TeachText File (data)
#>2	string		x			: %s
#0	string		TEXT			Macintosh TeachText File (data)
#>2	string		x			: %s
#0	string		PDF			Macintosh PDF File (data)
#>2	string		x			: %s

# MacBinary format (Eric Fischer,
# Update: Joerg Jenderek 
# URL:
# Reference:
# Unfortunately MacBinary doesn't really have a magic number prior
# to the MacBinary III format.

# old version number, must be kept at zero for compatibility
0	byte	0
# length of filename (must be in the range 1-63)
>1	ubyte	>0
>>1	ubyte	<64
# skip Docs.MWII ReadMe.MacWrite "Notes (MacWrite II)"
# by looking for printable characters at beginning of file name
>>>2	ubelong	>0x1F000000
# zero fill, must be zero for compatibility
>>>>74	byte	0
# zero fill, must be zero for compatibility
>>>>>82	byte	0
# MacBinary I		test for valid version numbers
>>>>>>122	ubeshort	0
# additional check for creation date after 1 Jan 1970 ~ 7C25B080h
#>>>>>>>91	ubelong		>0x7c25b07F
# additional check for undefined header fields in MacBinary I
#>>>>>>>101	ulong		0
>>>>>>>0	use	mac-bin
# MacBinary II		the newer versions begins at 129
>>>>>>122	ubeshort	0x8181
>>>>>>>0	use	mac-bin
# MacBinary III with MacBinary II to read
>>>>>122	ubeshort	0x8281
>>>>>>0	use	mac-bin

#	display information of MacBinary file
0	name		mac-bin
>122	ubyte	x	MacBinary
# versions for MacBinary II/III
>122	ubyte	129		II
>122	ubyte	130		III
# only in MacBinary III
>>102	string	!mBIN		with surprising version
!:mime	application/x-macbinary
!:apple	PSPTBINA
!:ext	bin/macbin
# THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN! Maybe another file type is misidetified as MacBinary
#>1	ubyte	>63		\b, name length %u too BIG!
#>122	ubeshort	x	\b, version 0x%x
# Finder flags if not 0
# >73	byte		!0		\b, flags 0x
# >73	byte		=0		
# >>101	byte		!0		\b, flags 0x
# # original Finder flags (Bits 8-15)
# >73	byte		!0		\b%x
# # finder flags, bits 0-7
# >101	byte		!0		\b%x
>73	byte		&0x01		\b, inited
>73	byte		&0x02		\b, changed
>73	byte		&0x04		\b, busy
>73	byte		&0x08		\b, bozo
>73	byte		&0x10		\b, system
>73	byte		&0x20		\b, bundle
>73	byte		&0x40		\b, invisible
>73	byte		&0x80		\b, locked

# 75	beshort				# vertical posn in window
#>75	beshort		!0		\b, v.pos %u
# 77	beshort				# horiz posn in window
#>77	beshort		!0		\b, h.pos %u
# 79	beshort				# window or folder ID
>79	ubeshort	!0		\b, ID 0x%x
# protected flag
>81	byte		!0		\b, protected 0x%x
# length of comment after resource
>99	ubeshort	!0		\b, comment length %u
# char. code of file name
>106	ubyte		!0		\b, char. code 0x%x
# still more Finder flags
>107	ubyte		!0		\b, more flags 0x%x
# length of total files when unpacked only used when pack and unpack on the fly
>116	ubelong		!0		\b, total length %u
# 120	beshort				# length of add'l header
>120	ubeshort	!0		\b, 2nd header length %u
# 124	beshort				# checksum
#>124	ubeshort	!0		\b, CRC 0x%x
# creation date in seconds since MacOS epoch start. So 1 Jan 1970 ~ 7C25B080
>91	beldate-0x7C25B080	x	\b, %s
# THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN! Maybe another file type is misidetified or time overflow
>91	ubelong		<0x7c25b080	INVALID date
#>91	belong-0x7C25B080	x	\b, DEBUG DATE %d
# last modified date
>95	beldate-0x7C25B080	x	\b, modified %s
# Apple creator+typ if not null
# file creator (normally expressed as four characters)
>69	ulong			!0	\b, creator
# instead 4 character code display full creator name
>>69	use			apple-creator
# file type (normally expressed as four characters)
>65	ulong			!0	\b, type
>>65	use			apple-type
# length of data segment
>83	ubelong			!0	\b, %u bytes
# filename (in the range 1-63)
>1	pstring			x	"%s"
# print 1 space and then at offset 128 inspect data fork content if it has one
>83	ubelong			!0	\b 
>>128	indirect		x
# Afterwards resource fork if length of resource segment not zero
>87	ubelong			!0
# calculate resource fork offset
>>83	ubelong+128		x	\b, at 0x%x
# length of resource segment
>>87	ubelong			!0	%u bytes
>>(83.S+128)	ubequad		x	resource 
# further resource fork content inspection 
>>>&-8	indirect		x

# Apple Type/Creator Database
# URL:
# Reference:
# Note:	classic Mac OS files have two 4 character codes for type and creator.
#	Thereby the Finder attach documents types to applications.

#>65	string		x		\b, type "%4.4s"

#	display information about apple type
0	name		apple-type
>0	string		8BIM		PhotoShop
>0	string		ALB3		PageMaker 3
>0	string		ALB4		PageMaker 4
>0	string		ALT3		PageMaker 3
>0	string		APPL		application
>0	string		AWWP		AppleWorks word processor
>0	string		CIRC		simulated circuit
>0	string		DRWG		MacDraw
>0	string		EPSF		Encapsulated PostScript
>0	string		FFIL		font suitcase
>0	string		FKEY		function key
>0	string		FNDR		Macintosh Finder
>0	string		GIFf		GIF image
>0	string		Gzip		GNU gzip
>0	string		INIT		system extension
>0	string		LIB\ 		library
>0	string		LWFN		PostScript font
>0	string		MSBC		Microsoft BASIC
>0	string		PACT		Compact Pro archive
>0	string		PDF\ 		Portable Document Format
>0	string		PICT		picture
>0	string		PNTG		MacPaint picture
>0	string		PREF		preferences
>0	string		PROJ		Think C project
>0	string		QPRJ		Think Pascal project
>0	string		SCFL		Defender scores
>0	string		SCRN		startup screen
>0	string		SITD		StuffIt Deluxe
>0	string		SPn3		SuperPaint
>0	string		STAK		HyperCard stack
>0	string		Seg\ 		StuffIt segment
>0	string		TARF		Unix tar archive
>0	string		TEXT		ASCII
>0	string		TIFF		TIFF image
>0	string		TOVF		Eudora table of contents
>0	string		WDBN		Microsoft Word word processor
>0	string		WORD		MacWrite word processor
>0	string		XLS\ 		Microsoft Excel
>0	string		ZIVM		compress (.Z)
>0	string		ZSYS		Pre-System 7 system file
>0	string		acf3		Aldus FreeHand
>0	string		cdev		control panel
>0	string		dfil		Desk Accessory suitcase
>0	string		libr		library
>0	string		nX^d		WriteNow word processor
>0	string		nX^w		WriteNow dictionary
>0	string		rsrc		resource
>0	string		scbk		Scrapbook
>0	string		shlb		shared library
>0	string		ttro		SimpleText read-only
>0	string		zsys		system file

#	additional types added in Dec 2017
>0	string		BINA		binary file
>0	string		BMPp		BMP image
>0	string		JPEG		JPEG image
#>0	string		W4BN		Microsoft Word x.y word processor?
# if type name is not known display 4 character identifier
>0	default		x		
>>0	string		x		'%4.4s'

#>69	string		x		\b, creator "%4.4s"

# Now Apple has no repository of registered Creator IDs any more. These are
# just the ones that I happened to have files from and was able to identify.

#	display information about apple creator
0	name		apple-creator
>0	string		8BIM		Adobe Photoshop
>0	string		ALD3		PageMaker 3
>0	string		ALD4		PageMaker 4
>0	string		ALFA		Alpha editor
>0	string		APLS		Apple Scanner
>0	string		APSC		Apple Scanner
>0	string		BRKL		Brickles
>0	string		BTFT		BitFont
>0	string		CCL2		Common Lisp 2
>0	string		CCL\ 		Common Lisp
>0	string		CDmo		The Talking Moose
>0	string		CPCT		Compact Pro
>0	string		CSOm		Eudora
>0	string		DMOV		Font/DA Mover
>0	string		DSIM		DigSim
>0	string		EDIT		Macintosh Edit
>0	string		ERIK		Macintosh Finder
>0	string		EXTR		self-extracting archive
>0	string		Gzip		GNU gzip
>0	string		KAHL		Think C
>0	string		LWFU		LaserWriter Utility
>0	string		LZIV		compress
>0	string		MACA		MacWrite
>0	string		MACS		Macintosh operating system
>0	string		MAcK		MacKnowledge terminal emulator
>0	string		MLND		Defender
>0	string		MPNT		MacPaint
>0	string		MSBB		Microsoft BASIC (binary)
>0	string		MSWD		Microsoft Word
>0	string		NCSA		NCSA Telnet
>0	string		PJMM		Think Pascal
>0	string		PSAL		Hunt the Wumpus
#>0	string		PSI2		Apple File Exchange
>0	string		R*ch		BBEdit
>0	string		RMKR		Resource Maker
>0	string		RSED		Resource Editor
>0	string		Rich		BBEdit
>0	string		SIT!		StuffIt
>0	string		SPNT		SuperPaint
>0	string		Unix		NeXT Mac filesystem
>0	string		VIM!		Vim editor
>0	string		WILD		HyperCard
>0	string		XCEL		Microsoft Excel
>0	string		aCa2		Fontographer
>0	string		aca3		Aldus FreeHand
>0	string		dosa		Macintosh MS-DOS file system
>0	string		movr		Font/DA Mover
>0	string		nX^n		WriteNow
>0	string		pdos		Apple ProDOS file system
>0	string		scbk		Scrapbook
>0	string		ttxt		SimpleText
>0	string		ufox		Foreign File Access
#	additional creators added in Dec 2017
# Claris/Apple Works
>0	string		BOBO		Apple Works
# CU-SeeMe_0.87b3_(68K).bin
#>0	string		CUce		bar
>0	string		PSPT		Apple File Exchange
# Disk_Copy_4.2.sea.bin
#>0	string		NCse		foo
# probably StuffIt/Aladdin by Smith Micro Software, Inc.
>0	string		STi0		stuffit
# MacGzip-1.1.3.sea.bin
#>0	string		aust		bar
# D-Disk_Copy_6.3.3.smi.bin 
>0	string		oneb		Disk Copy Self Mounting
# if creator name is not known display 4 character identifier
>0	default		x		
>>0	string		x		'%4.4s'

# sas magic from Bruce Foster (
#0	string		SAS		SAS
#>8	string		x		%s
0	string		SAS		SAS
>24	string		DATA		data file
>24	string		CATALOG		catalog
>24	string		INDEX		data file index
>24	string		VIEW		data view
# sas 7+ magic from Reinhold Koch (
0x54    string          SAS             SAS 7+
>0x9C   string          DATA            data file
>0x9C   string          CATALOG         catalog
>0x9C   string          INDEX           data file index
>0x9C   string          VIEW            data view

# spss magic for SPSS system and portable files,
#	 from Bruce Foster (

0	long		0xc1e2c3c9	SPSS Portable File
>40	string 		x		%s

0	string		$FL2		SPSS System File
>24	string		x		%s

0	string		$FL3		SPSS System File
>24	string		x		%s

# Macintosh filesystem data
# From "Tom N Harris" <>
# Fixed HFS+ and Partition map magic: Ethan Benson <>
# The MacOS epoch begins on 1 Jan 1904 instead of 1 Jan 1970, so these
# entries depend on the data arithmetic added after v.35
# There's also some Pascal strings in here, ditto...

# The boot block signature, according to IM:Files, is
# "for HFS volumes, this field always contains the value 0x4C4B."
# But if this is true for MFS or HFS+ volumes, I don't know.
# Alternatively, the boot block is supposed to be zeroed if it's
# unused, so a simply >0 should suffice.

0x400	beshort			0xD2D7		Macintosh MFS data
>0	beshort			0x4C4B		(bootable)
>0x40a	beshort			&0x8000		(locked)
>0x402	beldate-0x7C25B080	x		created: %s,
>0x406	beldate-0x7C25B080	>0		last backup: %s,
>0x414	belong			x		block size: %d,
>0x412	beshort			x		number of blocks: %d,
>0x424	pstring			x		volume name: %s

# *.hfs updated by Joerg Jenderek
# "BD" gives many false positives
0x400	beshort			0x4244
# first block of volume bit map (always 3)
>0x40e	ubeshort		0x0003
# maximal length of volume name is 27
>>0x424		ubyte			<28	Macintosh HFS data
!:mime	application/x-apple-diskimage
#!:apple	hfsdINIT
#!:apple	MACSdisk
#!:apple	ddskdevi
!:apple	????devi
!:ext hfs/dmg
>>>0		beshort			0x4C4B	(bootable)
#>>>0		beshort			0x0000	(not bootable)
>>>0x40a	beshort			&0x8000	(locked)
>>>0x40a	beshort			^0x0100	(mounted)
>>>0x40a	beshort			&0x0200	(spared blocks)
>>>0x40a	beshort			&0x0800	(unclean)
>>>0x47C	beshort			0x482B	(Embedded HFS+ Volume)
# 0x7C245F00 seconds	~ 2082758400	~ 01 Jan 2036 00:00:00	~ 66 years to 1970
# 0x7C25B080 seconds	~ 2082844800	~ 02 Jan 2036 00:00:00
# construct not working
#>>>0x402	beldate-0x7C25B080	x	created: %s,
#>>>0x406	beldate-0x7C25B080	x	last modified: %s,
#>>>0x440	beldate-0x7C25B080	>0	last backup: %s,
# found block sizes 200h,1200h,2800h
>>>0x414	belong			x	block size: %d,
>>>0x412	beshort			x	number of blocks: %d,
>>>0x424	pstring			x	volume name: %s

0x400	beshort			0x482B		Macintosh HFS Extended
>&0	beshort			x		version %d data
>0	beshort			0x4C4B		(bootable)
>0x404	belong			^0x00000100	(mounted)
>&2	belong			&0x00000200	(spared blocks)
>&2	belong			&0x00000800	(unclean)
>&2	belong			&0x00008000	(locked)
>&6	string			x		last mounted by: '%.4s',
# really, that should be treated as a belong and we print a string
# based on the value. TN1150 only mentions '8.10' for "MacOS 8.1"
>&14	beldate-0x7C25B080	x		created: %s,
# only the creation date is local time, all other timestamps in HFS+ are UTC.
>&18	bedate-0x7C25B080	x		last modified: %s,
>&22	bedate-0x7C25B080	>0		last backup: %s,
>&26	bedate-0x7C25B080	>0		last checked: %s,
>&38	belong			x		block size: %d,
>&42	belong			x		number of blocks: %d,
>&46	belong			x		free blocks: %d

## AFAIK, only the signature is different
# same as Apple Partition Map
# GRR: This magic is too weak, it is just "TS"
#0x200		beshort		0x5453		Apple Old Partition data
#>0x2		beshort		x		block size: %d,
#>0x230		string		x		first type: %s,
#>0x210		string		x		name: %s,
#>0x254		belong		x		number of blocks: %d,
#>0x400		beshort		0x504D
#>>0x430		string		x		second type: %s,
#>>0x410		string		x		name: %s,
#>>0x454		belong		x		number of blocks: %d,
#>>0x800		beshort		0x504D
#>>>0x830	string		x		third type: %s,
#>>>0x810	string		x		name: %s,
#>>>0x854	belong		x		number of blocks: %d,
#>>>0xa00	beshort		0x504D
#>>>>0xa30	string		x		fourth type: %s,
#>>>>0xa10	string		x		name: %s,
#>>>>0xa54	belong		x		number of blocks: %d

# From: Remi Mommsen <>
0		string		BOMStore	Mac OS X bill of materials (BOM) file

# From: Adam Buchbinder <>
# URL:
# Derived from the 'fondu' and 'ufond' source code ( 'sfnt' is
# TrueType; 'POST' is PostScript. 'FONT' and 'NFNT' sometimes appear, but I
# don't know what they mean.
0	belong	0x100
>(0x4.L+24)	beshort	x
>>&4	belong	0x73666e74	Mac OSX datafork font, TrueType
>>&4	belong	0x464f4e54	Mac OSX datafork font, 'FONT'
>>&4	belong	0x4e464e54	Mac OSX datafork font, 'NFNT'
>>&4	belong	0x504f5354	Mac OSX datafork font, PostScript