msvc   [plain text]

# msvc:  file(1) magic for msvc
# "H. Nanosecond" <>
# Microsoft visual C
# I have version 1.0

# .aps
0	string	HWB\000\377\001\000\000\000	Microsoft Visual C .APS file

# .ide
#too long 0	string	\102\157\162\154\141\156\144\040\103\053\053\040\120\162\157\152\145\143\164\040\106\151\154\145\012\000\032\000\002\000\262\000\272\276\372\316	MSVC .ide
0	string	\102\157\162\154\141\156\144\040\103\053\053\040\120\162\157	MSVC .ide

# .res
0	string	\000\000\000\000\040\000\000\000\377	MSVC .res
0	string	\377\003\000\377\001\000\020\020\350	MSVC .res
0	string	\377\003\000\377\001\000\060\020\350	MSVC .res

0	string	\360\015\000\000	Microsoft Visual C library
0	string	\360\075\000\000	Microsoft Visual C library
0	string	\360\175\000\000	Microsoft Visual C library

0	string	DTJPCH0\000\022\103\006\200	Microsoft Visual C .pch

# .pdb
# too long 0	string	Microsoft\ C/C++\ program\ database\ 
0	string	Microsoft\ C/C++\ 	MSVC program database
>18	string	program\ database\ 	
>33	string	>\0	ver %s

0	string	\000\002\000\007\000	MSVC .sbr
>5	string 	>\0	%s

0	string	\002\000\002\001	MSVC .bsc

0	string	1.00\ .0000.0000\000\003	MSVC .wsp version 1.0000.0000
# these seem to start with the version and contain menus