frame   [plain text]

# frame:  file(1) magic for FrameMaker files
# This stuff came on a FrameMaker demo tape, most of which is
# copyright, but this file is "published" as witness the following:
0	string		\<MakerFile	FrameMaker document
>11	string		5.5		 (5.5
>11	string		5.0		 (5.0
>11	string		4.0		 (4.0
>11	string		3.0		 (3.0
>11	string		2.0		 (2.0
>11	string		1.0		 (1.0
>14	byte		x		  %c)
0	string		\<MIFFile	FrameMaker MIF (ASCII) file
>9	string		4.0		 (4.0)
>9	string		3.0		 (3.0)
>9	string		2.0		 (2.0)
>9	string		1.0		 (1.x)
0	string		\<MakerDictionary	FrameMaker Dictionary text
>17	string		3.0		 (3.0)
>17	string		2.0		 (2.0)
>17	string		1.0		 (1.x)
0	string		\<MakerScreenFont	FrameMaker Font file
>17	string		1.01		 (%s)
0	string		\<MML		FrameMaker MML file
0	string		\<BookFile	FrameMaker Book file
>10	string		3.0		 (3.0
>10	string		2.0		 (2.0
>10	string		1.0		 (1.0
>13	byte		x		  %c)
# XXX - this book entry should be verified, if you find one, uncomment this
#0	string		\<Book\ 	FrameMaker Book (ASCII) file
#>6	string		3.0		 (3.0)
#>6	string		2.0		 (2.0)
#>6	string		1.0		 (1.0)
0	string		\<Maker	Intermediate Print File	FrameMaker IPL file