#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Gotmail - gotmail.awk # # 1999 by Thomas Nesges # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This script is part of GotMail. It emits html to a specified File # The AWK-Library htmllib has to be properly installed. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function init_environ() { TextColor = ENVIRON["GOTM_TXCOL"] BackColor = ENVIRON["GOTM_BGCOL"] MsgColor = ENVIRON["GOTM_MSGCOL"] ErrColor = ENVIRON["GOTM_ERRCOL"] TimColor = ENVIRON["GOTM_TIMCOL"] OutFile = ENVIRON["GOTM_HTMLFILE"] PrintMsg = toupper(ENVIRON["GOTM_MSG"]) PrintErr = toupper(ENVIRON["GOTM_ERR"]) PrintTim = toupper(ENVIRON["GOTM_TIM"]) PrintHed = toupper(ENVIRON["GOTM_HED"]) } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- { init_environ() if($2!="reading") { if($3=="messages") { Mails = Mails TableRow("start", MsgColor) Mails = Mails TableItem($5) TableItem($7) Mails = Mails TableItem(Align($2,0)) Mails = Mails TableRow("stop") } else if($3=="fetchmail") { Times = Times TableRow("start", TimColor) Times = Times TableItem($0) Times = Times TableRow("stop") } else { Errors = Errors TableRow("start", ErrColor) Errors = Errors TableItem($0) Errors = Errors TableRow("stop") } } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- END { Stats = StartPage(Title("Gotmail Stats") Body(BackColor, TextColor)) if(PrintHed == "YES") { Stats = Stats Align(Headline("Gotmail Stats",1),0) Stats = Stats Divider Newline } if(PrintMsg == "YES") { Stats = Stats TableStart(1) Stats = Stats TableRow("start", MsgColor) Stats = Stats TableItem(Bold("Account")) Stats = Stats TableItem(Bold("Server")) Stats = Stats TableItem(Bold("Mails fetched")) Stats = Stats TableRow("stop") Stats = Stats Mails TableEnd Newline Divider Newline } if(PrintErr == "YES") { Stats = Stats TableStart(1) Stats = Stats TableRow("start", ErrColor) Stats = Stats TableItem(Bold("Error Messages")) Stats = Stats TableRow("stop") Stats = Stats Errors TableEnd Newline Divider } if(PrintTim == "YES") { Stats = Stats TableStart(1) Stats = Stats TableRow("start", TimColor) Stats = Stats TableItem(Bold("Start/Stop Times")) Stats = Stats TableRow("stop") Stats = Stats Times TableEnd Newline Divider } Stats = Stats Center("start") "GotMail - 1999 by Thomas Nesges " Stats = Stats "" Center("stop") EndPage print Stats > OutFile } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------