reftex-3   [plain text]

This is Info file ../info/reftex, produced by Makeinfo version 1.68
from the input file reftex.texi.

* reftex: (reftex).	Support for LaTeX labels, references, and citations
                          with Emacs.

   This file documents RefTeX, a package to do labels, references and
citations for LaTeX documents with Emacs.

   This is edition 3.43 of the RefTeX User Manual for RefTeX 3.43

   Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
preserved on all copies.

   Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
the entire resulting derive work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.

   Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.

File: reftex,  Node: Options (Creating Citations),  Next: Options (Viewing Cross-References),  Prev: Options (Referencing Labels),  Up: Options

Creating Citations

 - User Option: reftex-bibfile-ignore-regexps
     List of regular expressions to exclude files in
     `\\bibliography{..}'.  File names matched by any of these regexps
     will not be parsed.  Intended for files which contain only
     `@string' macro definitions and the like, which are ignored by
     RefTeX anyway.

 - User Option: reftex-default-bibliography
     List of BibTeX database files which should be used if none are
     specified.  When `reftex-citation' is called from a document which
     has neither a `\bibliography{...}' statement nor a
     `thebibliography' environment, RefTeX will scan these files
     instead.  Intended for using `reftex-citation' in non-LaTeX files.
     The files will be searched along the BIBINPUTS or TEXBIB path.

 - User Option: reftex-sort-bibtex-matches
     Sorting of the entries found in BibTeX databases by
     reftex-citation.  Possible values:
          nil          Do not sort entries.
          author       Sort entries by author name.
          year         Sort entries by increasing year.
          reverse-year Sort entries by decreasing year.

 - User Option: reftex-cite-format
     The format of citations to be inserted into the buffer.  It can be
     a string or an alist.  In the simplest case this is just the string
     `\cite{%l}', which is also the default.  See the definition of
     `reftex-cite-format-builtin' for more complex examples.

     If `reftex-cite-format' is a string, it will be used as the format.
     In the format, the following percent escapes will be expanded.

          The BibTeX label of the citation.

          List of author names, see also `reftex-cite-punctuation'.

          Like %a, but abbreviate more than 2 authors like Jones et al.

          First author name only.

          Works like `%a', but on list of editor names. (`%2e' and `%E'
          work a well).

     It is also possible to access all other BibTeX database fields:

          %b booktitle     %c chapter        %d edition    %h howpublished
          %i institution   %j journal        %k key        %m month
          %n number        %o organization   %p pages      %P first page
          %r address       %s school         %u publisher  %t title
          %v volume        %y year
          %B booktitle, abbreviated          %T title, abbreviated

     Usually, only `%l' is needed.  The other stuff is mainly for the
     echo area display, and for `(setq reftex-comment-citations t)'.

     `%<' as a special operator kills punctuation and space around it
     after the string has been formatted.

     Beware that all this only works with BibTeX database files.  When
     citations are made from the `\bibitems' in an explicit
     `thebibliography' environment, only `%l' is available.

     If `reftex-cite-format' is an alist of characters and strings, the
     user will be prompted for a character to select one of the possible
     format strings.

     In order to configure this variable, you can either set
     `reftex-cite-format' directly yourself or set it to the *symbol*
     of one of the predefined styles (see
     `reftex-cite-format-builtin').  E.g.: `(setq reftex-cite-format

 - Hook: reftex-format-cite-function
     If non-`nil', should be a function which produces the string to
     insert as a citation.  Note that the citation format can also be
     changed with the variable `reftex-cite-format'.  The function will
     be called with two arguments, the CITATION-KEY and the
     DEFAULT-FORMAT (taken from `reftex-cite-format').  It should
     return the string to insert into the buffer.

 - User Option: reftex-comment-citations
     Non-`nil' means add a comment for each citation describing the full
     entry.  The comment is formatted according to

 - User Option: reftex-cite-comment-format
     Citation format used for commented citations.  Must *not* contain
     `%l'.  See the variable `reftex-cite-format' for possible percent

 - User Option: reftex-cite-punctuation
     Punctuation for formatting of name lists in citations.  This is a
     list of 3 strings.
       1. normal names separator, like `, ' in Jones, Brown and Miller

       2. final names separator, like ` and '  in Jones, Brown and

       3. The `et al.' string, like ` {\it et al.}' in Jones {\it et

 - Normal Hook: reftex-select-bib-mode-hook
     Normal hook which is run when a selection buffer enters

 - Keymap: reftex-select-bib-map
     The keymap which is active in the citation-key selection process
     (*note Creating Citations::.).

File: reftex,  Node: Options (Viewing Cross-References),  Next: Options (Finding Files),  Prev: Options (Creating Citations),  Up: Options

Viewing Cross-References

 - User Option: reftex-view-crossref-macros
     Macros which can be used for the display of cross references.
     This is used when `reftex-view-crossref' is called with point in an
     argument of a macro.  Each entry has the structure (MACRO-RE
     SEARCH-RE HIGHLIGHT).  MACRO-RE is matched against the macro.
     SEARCH-RE is the regexp used to search for cross references.  `%s'
     in this regexp is replaced with with the argument at point.
     HIGHLIGHT is an integer indicating which subgroup of the match
     should be highlighted.  `\ref' and `\\cite' macros (and their
     variations) are hard-coded and need no mentioning in this variable.

 - User Option: reftex-auto-view-crossref
     Non-`nil' means, initially turn automatic viewing of crossref info
     on.  Automatic viewing of crossref info normally uses the echo
     area.  Whenever point is on the argument of a `\ref' or `\cite'
     macro, and no other message is being displayed, the echo area will
     display information about that cross reference.  You can also set
     the variable to the symbol `window'.  In this case a small
     temporary window is used for the display.  This feature can be
     turned on and of from the menu (Ref->Options).

 - User Option: reftex-idle-time
     Time (secs) Emacs has to be idle before automatic crossref display
     is done.

 - User Option: reftex-cite-view-format
     Citation format used to display citation info in the message area.
     See the variable `reftex-cite-format' for possible percent

 - User Option: reftex-revisit-to-echo
     Non-`nil' means, automatic citation display will revisit files if
     necessary.  When nil, citation display in echo area will only be
     active for cached echo strings (see `reftex-cache-cite-echo'), or
     for BibTeX database files which are already visited by a live
     associated buffers.

 - User Option: reftex-cache-cite-echo
     Non-`nil' means, the information displayed in the echo area for
     cite macros (see variable `reftex-auto-view-crossref') is cached
     and saved along with the parsing information.  The cache survives
     document scans.  In order to clear it, use `M-x reftex-reset-mode'.

File: reftex,  Node: Options (Finding Files),  Next: Options (Optimizations),  Prev: Options (Viewing Cross-References),  Up: Options

Finding Files

 - User Option: reftex-texpath-environment-variables
     List of specifications how to retrieve the search path for TeX
     files.  Several entries are possible.
        - If an element is the name of an environment variable, its
          content is used.

        - If an element starts with an exclamation mark, it is used as
          a command to retrieve the path.  A typical command with the
          kpathsearch library would be `"!kpsewhich -show-path=.tex"'.

        - Otherwise the element itself is interpreted as a path.
     Multiple directories can be separated by the system dependent
     `path-separator'.  Directories ending in `//' or `!!' will be
     expanded recursively.  See also `reftex-use-external-file-finders'.

 - User Option: reftex-bibpath-environment-variables
     List of specifications how to retrieve the search path for BibTeX
     files.  Several entries are possible.
        - If an element is the name of an environment variable, its
          content is used.

        - If an element starts with an exclamation mark, it is used as
          a command to retrieve the path.  A typical command with the
          kpathsearch library would be `"!kpsewhich -show-path=.bib"'.

        - Otherwise the element itself is interpreted as a path.
     Multiple directories can be separated by the system dependent
     `path-separator'.  Directories ending in `//' or `!!' will be
     expanded recursively.  See also `reftex-use-external-file-finders'.

 - User Option: reftex-file-extensions
     Association list with file extensions for different file types.
     This is a list of items, each item is like: `(TYPE . (DEF-EXT
     OTHER-EXT ...))'
          TYPE:       File type like `"bib"' or `"tex"'.
          DEF-EXT:    The default extension for that file type, like `".tex"' or `".bib"'.
          OTHER-EXT:  Any number of other legal extensions for this file type.
     When a files is searched and it does not have any of the legal
     extensions, we try the default extension first, and then the naked
     file name.

 - User Option: reftex-search-unrecursed-path-first
     Non-`nil' means, search all specified directories before trying
     recursion.  Thus, in a path `.//:/tex/', search first `./', then
     `/tex/', and then all subdirectories of `./'.  If this option is
     `nil', the subdirectories of `./' are searched before `/tex/'.
     This is mainly for speed--most of the time the recursive path is
     for the system files and not for the user files.  Set this to
     `nil' if the default makes RefTeX finding files with equal names
     in wrong sequence.

 - User Option: reftex-use-external-file-finders
     Non-`nil' means, use external programs to find files.  Normally,
     RefTeX searches the paths given in the environment variables
     `TEXINPUTS' and `BIBINPUTS' to find TeX files and BibTeX database
     files.  With this option turned on, it calls an external program
     specified in the option `reftex-external-file-finders' instead.
     As a side effect, the variables
     `reftex-texpath-environment-variables' and
     `reftex-bibpath-environment-variables' will be ignored.

 - User Option: reftex-external-file-finders
     Association list with external programs to call for finding files.
     Each entry is a cons cell `(TYPE . PROGRAM)'.  TYPE is either
     `"tex"' or `"bib"'.  PROGRAM is a string containing the external
     program to use with any arguments.  `%f' will be replaced by the
     name of the file to be found.  Note that these commands will be
     executed directly, not via a shell.  Only relevant when
     `reftex-use-external-file-finders' is non-`nil'.

File: reftex,  Node: Options (Optimizations),  Next: Options (Fontification),  Prev: Options (Finding Files),  Up: Options


 - User Option: reftex-keep-temporary-buffers
     Non-`nil' means, keep buffers created for parsing and lookup.
     RefTeX sometimes needs to visit files related to the current
     document.  We distinguish files visited for
          Parts of a multifile document loaded when (re)-parsing the

          BibTeX database files and TeX files loaded to find a
          reference, to display label context, etc.  The created
     buffers can be kept for later use, or be thrown away immediately
     after use, depending on the value of this variable:

          Throw away as much as possible.

          Keep everything.

          Throw away buffers created for parsing, but keep the ones
          created for lookup.

     If a buffer is to be kept, the file is visited normally (which is
     potentially slow but will happen only once). If a buffer is to be
     thrown away, the initialization of the buffer depends upon the
     variable `reftex-initialize-temporary-buffers'.

 - User Option: reftex-initialize-temporary-buffers
     Non-`nil' means do initializations even when visiting file
     temporarily.  When `nil', RefTeX may turn off find-file hooks and
     other stuff to briefly visit a file. When `t', the full default
     initializations are done (`find-file-hook' etc.).  Instead of `t'
     or `nil', this variable may also be a list of hook functions to do
     a minimal initialization.

 - User Option: reftex-no-include-regexps
     List of regular expressions to exclude certain input files from
     parsing.  If the name of a file included via `\include' or
     `\input' is matched by any of the regular expressions in this
     list, that file is not parsed by RefTeX.

 - User Option: reftex-enable-partial-scans
     Non-`nil' means, re-parse only 1 file when asked to re-parse.
     Re-parsing is normally requested with a `C-u' prefix to many RefTeX
     commands, or with the `r' key in menus.  When this option is `t'
     in a multifile document, we will only parse the current buffer, or
     the file associated with the label or section heading near point
     in a menu.  Requesting re-parsing of an entire multifile document
     then requires a `C-u C-u' prefix or the capital `R' key in menus.

 - User Option: reftex-save-parse-info
     Non-`nil' means, save information gathered with parsing in a file.
     The file `MASTER.rel' in the same directory as `MASTER.tex' is
     used to save the information.  When this variable is `t',
        - accessing the parsing information for the first time in an
          editing session will read that file (if available) instead of
          parsing the document.

        - exiting Emacs or killing a buffer in reftex-mode will cause a
          new version of the file to be written.

 - User Option: reftex-allow-automatic-rescan
     Non-`nil' means, RefTeX may rescan the document when this seems
     necessary.  Applies (currently) only in rare cases, when a new
     label cannot be placed with certainty into the internal label list.

 - User Option: reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers
     Non-`nil' means use a separate selection buffer for each label
     type.  These buffers are kept from one selection to the next and
     need not to be created for each use--so the menu generally comes
     up faster.  The selection buffers will be erased (and therefore
     updated) automatically when new labels in its category are added.
     See the variable `reftex-auto-update-selection-buffers'.

 - User Option: reftex-auto-update-selection-buffers
     Non-`nil' means, selection buffers will be updated automatically.
     When a new label is defined with `reftex-label', all selection
     buffers associated with that label category are emptied, in order
     to force an update upon next use.  When `nil', the buffers are left
     alone and have to be updated by hand, with the `g' key from the
     label selection process.  The value of this variable will only
     have any effect when `reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers' is

File: reftex,  Node: Options (Fontification),  Next: Options (Misc),  Prev: Options (Optimizations),  Up: Options


 - User Option: reftex-use-fonts
     Non-`nil' means, use fonts in label menu and on-the-fly help.
     Font-lock must be loaded as well to actually get fontified
     display.  After changing this option, a rescan may be necessary to
     activate it.

 - User Option: reftex-refontify-context
     Non-`nil' means, re-fontify the context in the label menu with
     font-lock.  This slightly slows down the creation of the label
     menu.  It is only necessary when you definitely want the context

     This option may have 3 different values:
          Never refontify.

          Always refontify.

          Refontify when necessary, e.g. with old versions of the
          x-symbol package.  The option is ignored when
     `reftex-use-fonts' is `nil'.

 - User Option: reftex-highlight-selection
     Non-`nil' means, highlight selected text in selection and `*toc*'
     buffers.  Normally, the text near the cursor is the *selected*
     text, and it is highlighted.  This is the entry most keys in the
     selection and `*toc*' buffers act on.  However, if you mainly use
     the mouse to select an item, you may find it nice to have
     mouse-triggered highlighting *instead* or *as well*. The variable
     may have one of these values:

          nil      No highlighting.
          cursor   Highlighting is cursor driven.
          mouse    Highlighting is mouse driven.
          both     Both cursor and mouse trigger highlighting.

     Changing this variable requires to rebuild the selection and *toc*
     buffers to become effective (keys `g' or `r').

 - User Option: reftex-cursor-selected-face
     Face name to highlight cursor selected item in toc and selection
     buffers.  See also the variable `reftex-highlight-selection'.

 - User Option: reftex-mouse-selected-face
     Face name to highlight mouse selected item in toc and selection
     buffers.  See also the variable `reftex-highlight-selection'.

 - User Option: reftex-file-boundary-face
     Face name for file boundaries in selection buffer.

 - User Option: reftex-label-face
     Face name for labels in selection buffer.

 - User Option: reftex-section-heading-face
     Face name for section headings in toc and selection buffers.

 - User Option: reftex-toc-header-face
     Face name for the header of a toc buffer.

 - User Option: reftex-bib-author-face
     Face name for author names in bib selection buffer.

 - User Option: reftex-bib-year-face
     Face name for year in bib selection buffer.

 - User Option: reftex-bib-title-face
     Face name for article title in bib selection buffer.

 - User Option: reftex-bib-extra-face
     Face name for bibliographic information in bib selection buffer.

File: reftex,  Node: Options (Misc),  Prev: Options (Fontification),  Up: Options


 - User Option: reftex-extra-bindings
     Non-`nil' means, make additional key bindings on startup.  These
     extra bindings are located in the users `C-c letter' map. *Note

 - User Option: reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX
     Plug-in flags for AUCTeX interface.  This variable is a list of 4
     boolean flags.  When a flag is non-`nil', RefTeX will

          - supply labels in new sections and environments  (flag 1)
          - supply arguments for macros like `\label'         (flag 2)
          - supply arguments for macros like `\ref'           (flag 3)
          - supply arguments for macros like `\cite'          (flag 4)

     You may also set the variable itself to t or nil in order to turn
     all options on or off, respectively.
     Supplying labels in new sections and environments applies when
     creating sections with `C-c C-s' and environments with `C-c C-e'.
     Supplying macro arguments applies when you insert such a macro
     interactively with `C-c <RET>'.
     See the AUCTeX documentation for more information.

 - User Option: reftex-revisit-to-follow
     Non-`nil' means, follow-mode will revisit files if necessary.
     When nil, follow-mode will be suspended for stuff in unvisited

 - User Option: reftex-allow-detached-macro-args
     Non-`nil' means, allow arguments of macros to be detached by
     whitespace.  When this is `t', the `aaa' in `\bbb [xxx] {aaa}'
     will be considered an argument of `\bb'.  Note that this will be
     the case even if `\bb' is defined with zero or one argument.

File: reftex,  Node: Keymaps and Hooks,  Next: Changes,  Prev: Options,  Up: Top

Keymaps and Hooks

   RefTeX has the usual general keymap and load- and mode-hook.

 - Keymap: reftex-mode-map
     The keymap for RefTeX mode.

 - Normal Hook: reftex-load-hook
     Normal hook which is being run when loading `reftex.el'.

 - Normal Hook: reftex-mode-hook
     Normal hook which is being run when turning on RefTeX mode.

   Furthermore, the 3 modes used for referencing labels, creating
citations and for the table of contents buffer have their own keymaps
and mode hooks.  See the respective sections.  There are many more
hooks which are described in the relevant sections about options for a
specific part of RefTeX.

File: reftex,  Node: Changes,  Prev: Keymaps and Hooks,  Up: Top


   Here is a list of recent changes to RefTeX.

Version 3.35
   * ISO 8859 Latin-1 chars are converted to ASCII to derive better
     labels.  This takes back the related changes in 3.34 for safety
     reasons.   Version 3.36
   * New value `window' for option `reftex-auto-view-crossref'.
Version 3.38
   * `reftex-view-crossref' no longer moves to find a macro.  Point has
     to be on the macro argument.   Version 3.41
   * New options `reftex-texpath-environment-variables',
     `reftex-use-external-file-finders', `reftex-external-file-finders',

   * *kpathsearch* support.  See new options and
     `reftex-bibpath-environment-variables'.   Version 3.42
   * File search further refined.  New option `reftex-file-extensions'.

   * `*toc*' buffer can show the file boundaries of a multifile
     document, all labels and associated context.  New keys `i', `l',
     and `c'.  New options `reftex-toc-include-labels',
     `reftex-toc-include-file-boundaries'.   Version 3.43
   * Viewing cross-references generalized.  Now works on `\label',
     `\ref', `\cite', `\bibitem', `\index', variations of these, and
     from BibTeX buffers.

   * New option `reftex-view-crossref-extra'.

   * Support for the additional sectioning commands `\addchap' and
     `\addsec' which are dfined in the LaTeX KOMA-Script classes.

   * Files in `reftex-default-bibliography' will be searched along
     `BIBINPUTS' path.

   * Reading a parse file now checks consistency.

File: reftex,  Node: Index,  Up: Top


* Menu:

* *toc* buffer:                          Table of Contents.
* ? <1>:                                 Creating Citations.
* ? <2>:                                 Referencing Labels.
* ?:                                     Table of Contents.
* \bibitem:                              Viewing Cross-References.
* \bibliography:                         Creating Citations.
* \cite <1>:                             Viewing Cross-References.
* \cite:                                 Citations.
* \endnote, LaTeX macro:                 Builtin Label Environments.
* \eqref, AMS-LaTeX macro:               Using \eqref.
* \externaldocument:                     xr (LaTeX package).
* \footnote, LaTeX macro:                Builtin Label Environments.
* \index:                                Viewing Cross-References.
* \label <1>:                            Viewing Cross-References.
* \label:                                Labels and References.
* \newtheorem:                           Theorem and Axiom.
* \ref <1>:                              Viewing Cross-References.
* \ref:                                  Referencing Labels.
* \vref:                                 varioref (LaTeX package).
* Acknowledgments:                       Imprint.
* align, AMS-LaTeX environment:          Builtin Label Environments.
* alignat, AMS-LaTeX environment:        Builtin Label Environments.
* AMS-LaTeX <1>:                         Using \eqref.
* AMS-LaTeX:                             Builtin Label Environments.
* amsmath, LaTeX package:                Builtin Label Environments.
* AUCTeX, Emacs package:                 AUCTeX.
* Automatic document scans:              Optimizations.
* axiom, newtheorem:                     Theorem and Axiom.
* Beqnarray, LaTeX environment:          Builtin Label Environments.
* bib-cite, Emacs package:               Bib-Cite.
* bib-cite-use-reftex-view-crossref:     Bib-Cite.
* BIBINPUTS, environment variable <1>:   Creating Citations.
* BIBINPUTS, environment variable:       Installation.
* Bibliographies, multiple:              Chapterbib and Bibunits.
* BibTeX buffer, viewing cite locations from: Viewing Cross-References.
* BibTeX database files, not found:      Installation.
* bibunits, LaTeX package:               Chapterbib and Bibunits.
* Bug reports:                           Imprint.
* Builtin label environments:            Builtin Label Environments.
* C-c & <1>:                             Keybindings.
* C-c & <2>:                             Viewing Cross-References.
* C-c & <3>:                             Citation Info.
* C-c &:                                 Reference Info.
* C-c ( <1>:                             Keybindings.
* C-c (:                                 Creating Labels.
* C-c ) <1>:                             Keybindings.
* C-c ):                                 Referencing Labels.
* C-c <RET>:                             AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* C-c = <1>:                             Keybindings.
* C-c =:                                 Table of Contents.
* C-c [ <1>:                             Keybindings.
* C-c [:                                 Creating Citations.
* C-c c:                                 Keybindings.
* C-c C-e:                               AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* C-c C-s:                               AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* C-c g:                                 Keybindings.
* C-c l:                                 Keybindings.
* C-c r:                                 Keybindings.
* C-c s:                                 Keybindings.
* C-c t:                                 Keybindings.
* C-c v:                                 Keybindings.
* Changes:                               Changes.
* chapterbib, LaTeX package:             Chapterbib and Bibunits.
* chicago, citation style:               Citation Styles.
* Citation info:                         Citation Info.
* Citation styles:                       Citation Styles.
* Citation styles, chicago:              Citation Styles.
* Citation styles, harvard:              Citation Styles.
* Citation styles, natbib:               Citation Styles.
* Citations:                             Citations.
* Citations outside LaTeX:               Citations Outside LaTeX.
* Citations, creating:                   Creating Citations.
* Citations, displaying:                 Citation Info.
* Commands, list of:                     Commands.
* Creating citations:                    Creating Citations.
* Creating citations, options:           Options (Creating Citations).
* Creating labels:                       Creating Labels.
* Creating labels, options:              Options (Creating Labels).
* Cross-document references:             xr (LaTeX package).
* Cross-references, displaying:          Reference Info.
* Defining label environments, options:  Options (Defining Label Environments).
* Displaying citations:                  Citation Info.
* Displaying cross-references:           Reference Info.
* Document scanning, automatic:          Optimizations.
* Document scanning, partial:            Optimizations.
* Documents, spread over files:          Multifile Documents.
* Emacs packages, AUCTeX:                AUCTeX.
* Emacs packages, bib-cite:              Bib-Cite.
* Emacs packages, iso-cvt:               Problems and Work-Arounds.
* Emacs packages, isotex:                Problems and Work-Arounds.
* Emacs packages, x-symbol:              Problems and Work-Arounds.
* endnote, LaTeX package:                Builtin Label Environments.
* enumerate, LaTeX environment:          Builtin Label Environments.
* Environments, builtin:                 Builtin Label Environments.
* eqnarray, LaTeX environment:           Builtin Label Environments.
* equation, LaTeX environment:           Builtin Label Environments.
* External documents:                    xr (LaTeX package).
* Faces:                                 Faces.
* fancybox, LaTeX package:               Builtin Label Environments.
* Figure wrapping macro:                 Figure Wrapper.
* figure*, LaTeX environment:            Builtin Label Environments.
* figure, LaTeX environment:             Builtin Label Environments.
* figwindow, LaTeX environment:          Builtin Label Environments.
* Finding files <1>:                     Finding Files.
* Finding files:                         Installation.
* Finding files, options:                Options (Finding Files).
* flalign, AMS-LaTeX environment:        Builtin Label Environments.
* floatfig, LaTeX package:               Builtin Label Environments.
* floatingfig, LaTeX environment:        Builtin Label Environments.
* Fontification, options:                Options (Fontification).
* ftp, RefTeX site:                      Imprint.
* gather, AMS-LaTeX environment:         Builtin Label Environments.
* German magic words:                    Adding Magic Words.
* Getting Started:                       RefTeX in a Nutshell.
* harvard, citation style:               Citation Styles.
* http, RefTeX home page:                Imprint.
* Idle timer restart:                    Problems and Work-Arounds.
* Imprint:                               Imprint.
* Installation:                          Installation.
* Introduction:                          Introduction.
* iso-cvt, Emacs package:                Problems and Work-Arounds.
* isotex, Emacs package:                 Problems and Work-Arounds.
* Keybindings, problems with Viper mode: Problems and Work-Arounds.
* Keybindings, summary:                  Keybindings.
* Keymaps:                               Keymaps and Hooks.
* KOMA-Script, LaTeX classes:            Table of Contents.
* Label category <1>:                    Using \eqref.
* Label category <2>:                    Adding Magic Words.
* Label category:                        Labels and References.
* Label environment:                     Labels and References.
* Label environments, builtin:           Builtin Label Environments.
* Label environments, defining:          Defining Label Environments.
* Labels in LaTeX:                       Labels and References.
* Labels, commented out:                 Problems and Work-Arounds.
* Labels, creating:                      Creating Labels.
* Labels, deriving from context:         Creating Labels.
* Labels, referencing:                   Referencing Labels.
* Language support:                      Language Support.
* LaTeX classes, KOMA-Script:            Table of Contents.
* LaTeX commands, abbreviated:           Problems and Work-Arounds.
* LaTeX commands, not found:             Problems and Work-Arounds.
* LaTeX core:                            Builtin Label Environments.
* LaTeX macro footnote:                  Builtin Label Environments.
* LaTeX packages, amsmath:               Builtin Label Environments.
* LaTeX packages, endnote:               Builtin Label Environments.
* LaTeX packages, fancybox:              Builtin Label Environments.
* LaTeX packages, floatfig:              Builtin Label Environments.
* LaTeX packages, longtable:             Builtin Label Environments.
* LaTeX packages, pf:                    Problems and Work-Arounds.
* LaTeX packages, picinpar:              Builtin Label Environments.
* LaTeX packages, rotating:              Builtin Label Environments.
* LaTeX packages, sidecap:               Builtin Label Environments.
* LaTeX packages, subfigure:             Builtin Label Environments.
* LaTeX packages, supertab:              Builtin Label Environments.
* LaTeX packages, varioref:              varioref (LaTeX package).
* LaTeX packages, wrapfig:               Builtin Label Environments.
* LaTeX packages, xr:                    xr (LaTeX package).
* LaTeX-add-environments, AUCTeX:        Style Files.
* LaTeX-label-function, AUCTeX:          AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* latex-mode-hook:                       Installation.
* LaTeX-mode-hook:                       Installation.
* LaTeX-section, AUCTeX:                 AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* longtable, LaTeX environment:          Builtin Label Environments.
* longtable, LaTeX package:              Builtin Label Environments.
* Macros as environment wrappers <1>:    Figure Wrapper.
* Macros as environment wrappers:        Quick Equation.
* Magic words:                           Adding Magic Words.
* Maintainer:                            Imprint.
* Menu, in the menu bar:                 RefTeXs Menu.
* Multifile documents:                   Multifile Documents.
* Multiple selection buffers:            Optimizations.
* multline, AMS-LaTeX environment:       Builtin Label Environments.
* natbib, citation style:                Citation Styles.
* Nutshell, RefTeX in a:                 RefTeX in a Nutshell.
* Optimizations:                         Optimizations.
* Optimizations, options:                Options (Optimizations).
* Options, creating citations:           Options (Creating Citations).
* Options, creating labels:              Options (Creating Labels).
* Options, defining label environments:  Options (Defining Label Environments).
* Options, Finding Files:                Options (Finding Files).
* Options, fontification:                Options (Fontification).
* Options, list of:                      Options.
* Options, misc:                         Options (Misc).
* Options, optimizations:                Options (Optimizations).
* Options, referencing labels:           Options (Referencing Labels).
* Options, table of contents:            Options (Table of Contents).
* Options, viewing cross-references:     Options (Viewing Cross-References).
* Parse information, saving to a file:   Optimizations.
* Partial documents scans:               Optimizations.
* pf, LaTeX package:                     Problems and Work-Arounds.
* picinpar, LaTeX package:               Builtin Label Environments.
* Problems and work-arounds:             Problems and Work-Arounds.
* Quick equation macro:                  Quick Equation.
* Quick-Start:                           RefTeX in a Nutshell.
* Reference info:                        Reference Info.
* References in LaTeX:                   Labels and References.
* References to external documents:      xr (LaTeX package).
* Referencing labels:                    Referencing Labels.
* Referencing labels, options:           Options (Referencing Labels).
* RefTeX in a Nutshell:                  RefTeX in a Nutshell.
* reftex-abbrev-parameters <1>:          Options (Creating Labels).
* reftex-abbrev-parameters <2>:          Language Support.
* reftex-abbrev-parameters:              Creating Labels.
* reftex-add-label-environments <1>:     Problems and Work-Arounds.
* reftex-add-label-environments:         Style Files.
* reftex-add-section-levels <1>:         Problems and Work-Arounds.
* reftex-add-section-levels:             Style Files.
* reftex-add-to-label-alist:             Style Files.
* reftex-allow-automatic-rescan <1>:     Options (Optimizations).
* reftex-allow-automatic-rescan:         Optimizations.
* reftex-allow-detached-macro-args:      Options (Misc).
* reftex-arg-cite:                       AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* reftex-arg-label:                      AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* reftex-arg-ref:                        AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* reftex-auto-update-selection-buffers <1>: Options (Optimizations).
* reftex-auto-update-selection-buffers:  Optimizations.
* reftex-auto-view-crossref:             Options (Viewing Cross-References).
* reftex-bib-author-face:                Options (Fontification).
* reftex-bib-extra-face:                 Options (Fontification).
* reftex-bib-title-face:                 Options (Fontification).
* reftex-bib-year-face:                  Options (Fontification).
* reftex-bibfile-ignore-regexps:         Options (Creating Citations).
* reftex-bibpath-environment-variables:  Options (Finding Files).
* reftex-cache-cite-echo:                Options (Viewing Cross-References).
* reftex-change-label:                   Commands.
* reftex-citation <1>:                   Commands.
* reftex-citation:                       Creating Citations.
* reftex-cite-comment-format:            Options (Creating Citations).
* reftex-cite-format <1>:                Options (Creating Citations).
* reftex-cite-format:                    Citation Styles.
* reftex-cite-punctuation:               Options (Creating Citations).
* reftex-cite-view-format:               Options (Viewing Cross-References).
* reftex-comment-citations:              Options (Creating Citations).
* reftex-create-tags-file:               Commands.
* reftex-cursor-selected-face:           Options (Fontification).
* reftex-customize:                      Commands.
* reftex-default-bibliography <1>:       Options (Creating Citations).
* reftex-default-bibliography:           Citations Outside LaTeX.
* reftex-default-context-regexps:        Options (Defining Label Environments).
* reftex-default-label-alist-entries:    Options (Defining Label Environments).
* reftex-derive-label-parameters <1>:    Options (Creating Labels).
* reftex-derive-label-parameters <2>:    Language Support.
* reftex-derive-label-parameters:        Creating Labels.
* reftex-display-copied-context-hook:    Options (Referencing Labels).
* reftex-enable-partial-scans <1>:       Options (Optimizations).
* reftex-enable-partial-scans <2>:       Problems and Work-Arounds.
* reftex-enable-partial-scans <3>:       Optimizations.
* reftex-enable-partial-scans <4>:       Referencing Labels.
* reftex-enable-partial-scans:           Table of Contents.
* reftex-external-file-finders:          Options (Finding Files).
* reftex-extra-bindings <1>:             Options (Misc).
* reftex-extra-bindings:                 Keybindings.
* reftex-file-boundary-face:             Options (Fontification).
* reftex-file-extensions:                Options (Finding Files).
* reftex-find-duplicate-labels:          Commands.
* reftex-format-cite-function:           Options (Creating Citations).
* reftex-format-label-function:          Options (Creating Labels).
* reftex-format-ref-function:            Options (Referencing Labels).
* reftex-grep-document:                  Commands.
* reftex-guess-label-type:               Options (Referencing Labels).
* reftex-highlight-selection <1>:        Options (Fontification).
* reftex-highlight-selection <2>:        Creating Citations.
* reftex-highlight-selection <3>:        Referencing Labels.
* reftex-highlight-selection:            Table of Contents.
* reftex-idle-time:                      Options (Viewing Cross-References).
* reftex-info:                           Commands.
* reftex-initialize-temporary-buffers <1>: Options (Optimizations).
* reftex-initialize-temporary-buffers:   Problems and Work-Arounds.
* reftex-insert-label-flags <1>:         Options (Creating Labels).
* reftex-insert-label-flags <2>:         Theorem and Axiom.
* reftex-insert-label-flags:             Creating Labels.
* reftex-keep-temporary-buffers <1>:     Options (Optimizations).
* reftex-keep-temporary-buffers <2>:     Problems and Work-Arounds.
* reftex-keep-temporary-buffers:         Optimizations.
* reftex-label <1>:                      Commands.
* reftex-label <2>:                      AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* reftex-label:                          Creating Labels.
* reftex-label-alist <1>:                Options (Defining Label Environments).
* reftex-label-alist <2>:                Viewing Cross-References.
* reftex-label-alist <3>:                Defining Label Environments.
* reftex-label-alist:                    Builtin Label Environments.
* reftex-label-alist-builtin <1>:        Defining Label Environments.
* reftex-label-alist-builtin:            Builtin Label Environments.
* reftex-label-face:                     Options (Fontification).
* reftex-label-illegal-re <1>:           Options (Creating Labels).
* reftex-label-illegal-re <2>:           Language Support.
* reftex-label-illegal-re:               Creating Labels.
* reftex-label-menu-flags <1>:           Options (Referencing Labels).
* reftex-label-menu-flags <2>:           Theorem and Axiom.
* reftex-label-menu-flags:               Referencing Labels.
* reftex-level-indent:                   Options (Referencing Labels).
* reftex-load-hook <1>:                  Keymaps and Hooks.
* reftex-load-hook:                      Keybindings.
* reftex-mode:                           Installation.
* reftex-mode-hook:                      Keymaps and Hooks.
* reftex-mode-map:                       Keymaps and Hooks.
* reftex-mouse-selected-face:            Options (Fontification).
* reftex-mouse-view-crossref <1>:        Viewing Cross-References.
* reftex-mouse-view-crossref <2>:        Citation Info.
* reftex-mouse-view-crossref:            Reference Info.
* reftex-no-include-regexps:             Options (Optimizations).
* reftex-parse-document:                 Commands.
* reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX:               Options (Misc).
* reftex-pre-refontification-functions:  Options (Referencing Labels).
* reftex-query-replace-document:         Commands.
* reftex-reference <1>:                  Commands.
* reftex-reference:                      Referencing Labels.
* reftex-refontify-context <1>:          Options (Fontification).
* reftex-refontify-context:              Problems and Work-Arounds.
* reftex-renumber-simple-labels:         Commands.
* reftex-reset-mode:                     Commands.
* reftex-revisit-to-echo:                Options (Viewing Cross-References).
* reftex-revisit-to-follow <1>:          Options (Misc).
* reftex-revisit-to-follow <2>:          Referencing Labels.
* reftex-revisit-to-follow:              Table of Contents.
* reftex-save-parse-info <1>:            Options (Optimizations).
* reftex-save-parse-info:                Optimizations.
* reftex-search-document:                Commands.
* reftex-search-unrecursed-path-first:   Options (Finding Files).
* reftex-section-heading-face:           Options (Fontification).
* reftex-section-levels <1>:             Options (Defining Label Environments).
* reftex-section-levels:                 Table of Contents.
* reftex-select-bib-map <1>:             Options (Creating Citations).
* reftex-select-bib-map:                 Creating Citations.
* reftex-select-bib-mode-hook:           Options (Creating Citations).
* reftex-select-label-map <1>:           Options (Referencing Labels).
* reftex-select-label-map:               Referencing Labels.
* reftex-select-label-mode-hook:         Options (Referencing Labels).
* reftex-set-cite-format <1>:            Problems and Work-Arounds.
* reftex-set-cite-format:                Style Files.
* reftex-show-commentary:                Commands.
* reftex-sort-bibtex-matches:            Options (Creating Citations).
* reftex-string-to-label-function:       Options (Creating Labels).
* reftex-texpath-environment-variables:  Options (Finding Files).
* reftex-toc <1>:                        Commands.
* reftex-toc:                            Table of Contents.
* reftex-toc-follow-mode <1>:            Options (Table of Contents).
* reftex-toc-follow-mode:                Table of Contents.
* reftex-toc-header-face:                Options (Fontification).
* reftex-toc-include-context <1>:        Options (Table of Contents).
* reftex-toc-include-context:            Table of Contents.
* reftex-toc-include-file-boundaries <1>: Options (Table of Contents).
* reftex-toc-include-file-boundaries:    Table of Contents.
* reftex-toc-include-labels <1>:         Options (Table of Contents).
* reftex-toc-include-labels:             Table of Contents.
* reftex-toc-keep-other-windows:         Options (Table of Contents).
* reftex-toc-map <1>:                    Options (Table of Contents).
* reftex-toc-map:                        Table of Contents.
* reftex-toc-mode-hook:                  Options (Table of Contents).
* reftex-translate-to-ascii-function <1>: Options (Creating Labels).
* reftex-translate-to-ascii-function <2>: Language Support.
* reftex-translate-to-ascii-function:    Creating Labels.
* reftex-use-external-file-finders:      Options (Finding Files).
* reftex-use-fonts:                      Options (Fontification).
* reftex-use-itimer-in-xemacs:           Problems and Work-Arounds.
* reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers <1>: Options (Optimizations).
* reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers: Optimizations.
* reftex-view-crossref <1>:              Commands.
* reftex-view-crossref <2>:              Viewing Cross-References.
* reftex-view-crossref <3>:              Citation Info.
* reftex-view-crossref:                  Reference Info.
* reftex-view-crossref-from-bibtex:      Commands.
* reftex-view-crossref-macros <1>:       Options (Viewing Cross-References).
* reftex-view-crossref-macros:           Viewing Cross-References.
* reftex-vref-is-default <1>:            Options (Referencing Labels).
* reftex-vref-is-default:                varioref (LaTeX package).
* RefTeXs Menu:                          RefTeXs Menu.
* Removing lookup buffers:               Optimizations.
* rotating, LaTeX package:               Builtin Label Environments.
* S-mouse-2 <1>:                         Keybindings.
* S-mouse-2 <2>:                         Viewing Cross-References.
* S-mouse-2 <3>:                         Citation Info.
* S-mouse-2:                             Reference Info.
* Saving parser information:             Optimizations.
* SCfigure, LaTeX environment:           Builtin Label Environments.
* SCtable, LaTeX environment:            Builtin Label Environments.
* Section numbers, wrong:                Problems and Work-Arounds.
* Sectioning commands:                   Table of Contents.
* Selection buffer, citations:           Creating Citations.
* Selection buffer, labels:              Referencing Labels.
* Selection buffers, multiple:           Optimizations.
* Selection buffers, updating:           Optimizations.
* Selection process <1>:                 Creating Citations.
* Selection process:                     Referencing Labels.
* Settings, local:                       Problems and Work-Arounds.
* sidecap, LaTeX package:                Builtin Label Environments.
* sidewaysfigure, LaTeX environment:     Builtin Label Environments.
* sidewaystable, LaTeX environment:      Builtin Label Environments.
* Style files, AUCTeX:                   Style Files.
* subequations, AMS-LaTeX environment:   Builtin Label Environments.
* subfig, LaTeX package:                 Builtin Label Environments.
* subfigure*, LaTeX environment:         Builtin Label Environments.
* subfigure, LaTeX environment:          Builtin Label Environments.
* supertab, LaTeX package:               Builtin Label Environments.
* supertabular, LaTeX environment:       Builtin Label Environments.
* Table of contents buffer:              Table of Contents.
* Table of contents, options:            Options (Table of Contents).
* table*, LaTeX environment:             Builtin Label Environments.
* table, LaTeX environment:              Builtin Label Environments.
* tabwindow, LaTeX environment:          Builtin Label Environments.
* TeX files, not found:                  Installation.
* TeX-add-style-hook, AUCTeX:            Style Files.
* TeX-arg-cite, AUCTeX function:         AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* TeX-arg-label, AUCTeX function:        AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* TeX-arg-ref, AUCTeX function:          AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* TeX-insert-macro, AUCTeX:              AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* TeX-insert-macro, AUCTeX function:     AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface.
* tex-main-file:                         Multifile Documents.
* TeX-master:                            Multifile Documents.
* TEXBIB, environment variable:          Creating Citations.
* TEXINPUTS, environment variable:       Installation.
* Thanks:                                Imprint.
* thebibliography, LaTeX environment:    Creating Citations.
* theorem, newtheorem:                   Theorem and Axiom.
* turn-on-reftex:                        Installation.
* varioref, LaTeX package:               varioref (LaTeX package).
* Viewing citations:                     Citation Info.
* Viewing cite locations from BibTeX buffer: Viewing Cross-References.
* Viewing cross-references:              Reference Info.
* Viewing cross-references, options:     Options (Viewing Cross-References).
* Viper mode:                            Problems and Work-Arounds.
* viper-harness-minor-mode:              Problems and Work-Arounds.
* wrapfig, LaTeX package:                Builtin Label Environments.
* wrapfigure, LaTeX environment:         Builtin Label Environments.
* x-symbol, Emacs package:               Problems and Work-Arounds.
* xalignat, AMS-LaTeX environment:       Builtin Label Environments.
* xr, LaTeX package:                     xr (LaTeX package).
* xxalignat, AMS-LaTeX environment:      Builtin Label Environments.