dired-x   [plain text]

This is ../info/dired-x, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from

* Dired-X: (dired-x).   Dired Extra Features.

File: dired-x,  Node: Copyright,  Next: Top,  Prev: (dir),  Up: (dir)

   This documents the "extra" features for Dired Mode for GNU Emacs 19
found in the file `dired-x.el'.

   Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
preserved on all copies.

   Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.

   Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.

   The file used to create this is called `dired-x.texi', but the
original work that was altered to make that file was called
`dired.texi' written by Sebastian Kremer.

File: dired-x,  Node: Top,  Next: Introduction,  Prev: Copyright,  Up: (dir)

This documents the "extra" features for Dired Mode for GNU Emacs 19
that are provided by the file `dired-x.el'.

   * Based on `dired.texi' by Sebastian Kremer <sk@thp.uni-koeln.de>

   * For `dired-x.el' revision 2

   * Revision of this manual: 2.52 (1994/08/09 16:51:31)

   * Bugs to Lawrence R. Dodd <dodd@roebling.poly.edu>.  _Please_ type
     `M-x dired-x-submit-report' to submit a bug report (*note Bugs::).

   * You can obtain a copy of this package via anonymous ftp in

* Menu:

* Introduction::
* Installation::
* Omitting Files in Dired::
* Local Variables::
* Shell Command Guessing::
* Virtual Dired::
* Advanced Mark Commands::
* Multiple Dired Directories::
* Find File At Point::
* Miscellaneous Commands::
* Bugs::

* Concept Index::
* Command Index::
* Key Index::
* Variable Index::

File: dired-x,  Node: Introduction,  Next: Features,  Prev: Top,  Up: Top


   This documents the _extra_ features for Dired Mode for GNU Emacs 19.
It is derived from version 1.191 of Sebastian Kremer's `dired-x.el'
and is GNU Emacs v19 compatible.

   In adopting this `dired-x.el' to GNU Emacs v19 some material that has
been incorporated into `dired.el' and `dired-aux.el' of the GNU Emacs
19 distribution has been removed and some material was modified for
agreement with the functions in `dired.el' and `dired-aux.el'.  For
example, the code using `gmhist' history functions was replaced with
code using the mini-buffer history now built into GNU Emacs 19.
Finally, a few other features have been added and a few more functions
have been bound to keys.

   Please note that `dired-x.el' and this texinfo file `dired-x.texi'
are bundled with GNU Emacs versions 19.23 and later.

* Menu:

* Features::
* Technical Details::

File: dired-x,  Node: Features,  Next: Technical Details,  Prev: Introduction,  Up: Introduction


   Some features provided by Dired Extra

  1. Omitting of uninteresting files from dired listing.
          *Note Omitting Files in Dired::.

  2. Local variables for dired directories.
          *Note Local Variables::.

  3. Guessing shell commands in dired buffers.
          *Note Shell Command Guessing::.

  4. Running dired command in non-dired buffers.
          *Note Virtual Dired::.

  5. Finding a file mentioned in a buffer
          *Note Find File At Point::.

  6. Commands using file marking.
          *Note Advanced Mark Commands::.

`dired-x.el' binds some functions to keys in Dired Mode (*note Key
Index::) and also binds `C-x C-j' and `C-x 4 C-j' _globally_ to
`dired-jump' (*note Miscellaneous Commands::).  It may also bind `C-x
C-f' and `C-x 4 C-f' to `dired-x-find-file' and
`dired-x-find-file-other-window', respectively (*note Find File At

File: dired-x,  Node: Technical Details,  Next: Installation,  Prev: Features,  Up: Introduction

Technical Details

   When loaded this code _redefines_ the following functions of GNU
Emacs from `dired.el'

   * `dired-clean-up-after-deletion'

   * `dired-find-buffer-nocreate'

   * `dired-initial-position'

   * `dired-up-directory'

and the following functions from `dired-aux.el'

   * `dired-add-entry'

   * `dired-read-shell-command'

   One drawback is that `dired-x.el' will load `dired-aux.el' as soon
as dired is loaded.  Thus, the advantage of separating out
non-essential dired stuff into `dired-aux.el' and only loading when
necessary will be lost when `dired-x.el' is used.

File: dired-x,  Node: Installation,  Next: Optional Installation Dired Jump,  Prev: Technical Details,  Up: Top


This manual describes the dired features provided by the file
`dired-x.el'.  To take advantage of these features, you must load the
file and (optionally) set some variables.

In your `.emacs' file in your home directory, or in the system-wide
initialization file `default.el' in the `site-lisp' directory, put

     (add-hook 'dired-load-hook
               (function (lambda ()
                           (load "dired-x")
                           ;; Set dired-x global variables here.  For example:
                           ;; (setq dired-guess-shell-gnutar "gtar")
                           ;; (setq dired-x-hands-off-my-keys nil)
     (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
               (function (lambda ()
                           ;; Set dired-x buffer-local variables here.  For example:
                           ;; (setq dired-omit-files-p t)

This will load `dired-x.el' when dired is first invoked (for example,
when you first do `C-x d').

* Menu:

* Optional Installation Dired Jump::
* Optional Installation File At Point::
* Special Notes::

File: dired-x,  Node: Optional Installation Dired Jump,  Next: Optional Installation File At Point,  Prev: Installation,  Up: Installation

Optional Installation Dired Jump

   In order to have `dired-jump' and `dired-jump-other-window' (*note
Miscellaneous Commands::) work _before_ `dired' and `dired-x' have been
properly loaded the user should set-up an autoload for these functions.
In your `.emacs' file put

     ;;; Autoload `dired-jump' and `dired-jump-other-window'.
     ;;; We autoload from FILE dired.el.  This will then load dired-x.el
     ;;; and hence define `dired-jump' and `dired-jump-other-window'.
     (define-key global-map "\C-x\C-j" 'dired-jump)
     (define-key global-map "\C-x4\C-j" 'dired-jump-other-window)
     (autoload (quote dired-jump) "dired" "\
     Jump to dired buffer corresponding to current buffer.
     If in a file, dired the current directory and move to file's line.
     If in dired already, pop up a level and goto old directory's line.
     In case the proper dired file line cannot be found, refresh the dired
     buffer and try again." t nil)
     (autoload (quote dired-jump-other-window) "dired" "\
     Like \\[dired-jump] (dired-jump) but in other window." t nil)

   Note that in recent releases of GNU Emacs 19 (i.e., 19.25 or later)
the file `../lisp/loaddefs.el' of the Emacs distribution already
contains the proper auto-loading for `dired-jump' so you need only put

     (define-key global-map "\C-x\C-j" 'dired-jump)

in your `.emacs' file in order to have `C-x C-j' work before `dired' is

File: dired-x,  Node: Optional Installation File At Point,  Next: Special Notes,  Prev: Optional Installation Dired Jump,  Up: Installation

Optional Installation File At Point

   If you choose to have `dired-x.el' bind `dired-x-find-file' over
`find-file' (*note Find File At Point::), then you will need to set
`dired-x-hands-off-my-keys' and make a call to the function
`dired-x-bind-find-file' in the `dired-load-hook':

     (add-hook 'dired-load-hook
               (function (lambda ()
                           (load "dired-x")
                           ;; Bind dired-x-find-file.
                           (setq dired-x-hands-off-my-keys nil)
                           ;; Make sure our binding preference is invoked.

   Alternatively, you can set the variable _before_ `dired-x.el' is

     (add-hook 'dired-load-hook
               (function (lambda ()
                           ;; Bind dired-x-find-file.
                           (setq dired-x-hands-off-my-keys nil)
                           (load "dired-x")

File: dired-x,  Node: Special Notes,  Next: Omitting Files in Dired,  Prev: Optional Installation File At Point,  Up: Installation

Special Notes

   If `dired-x.el' was _not_ bundled with the version of GNU Emacs
installed at your site (i.e., not in the default `../lisp' directory)
then you must put the file `dired-x.el' in a directory known to GNU
Emacs.  Examine the variable `load-path' for a list of these
directories.  If you wish to add a new directory on this list of
directories use something like this in your `.emacs' file

     ;;; LOAD PATH
     (setq load-path (append
                      load-path ; default at top

If you wish to put the new directory at the head of the list (where it
will be found first) then you should use instead

     ;;; LOAD PATH
     (setq load-path (append
                      load-path)) ; default at bottom

   You must also byte compile the file (for example, hitting `B' in
`dired-mode').  When byte-compiling `dired-x.el' you may get messages
about functions `vm-visit-folder', `Man-notify-when-ready', and
`reporter-submit-bug-report' not being defined.  These are warnings and
should be ignored.

CAUTION: If you are using a version of GNU Emacs earlier than 19.20
than you may have to edit `dired.el'.  The copy of `dired.el' in GNU
Emacs versions earlier than 19.20 incorrectly had the call to
`run-hooks' _before_ the call to `provide'.  In such a case, it is
possible that byte-compiling and/or loading dired can cause an infinite
loop.  To prevent this, make sure the line of code

             (run-hooks 'dired-load-hook)

is the _last_ executable line in the file `dired.el'.  That is, make
sure it comes _after_ the line

             (provide 'dired)

File: dired-x,  Node: Omitting Files in Dired,  Next: Omitting Variables,  Prev: Special Notes,  Up: Top

Omitting Files in Dired

   "Omitting" a file means removing it from the directory listing.
Omitting is useful for keeping Dired buffers free of "uninteresting"
files (for instance, auto-save, auxiliary, backup, and revision control
files) so that the user can concentrate on the interesting files.  Like
hidden files, omitted files are never seen by Dired.  Omitting differs
from hiding in several respects:

   * Omitting works on individual files, not on directories; an entire
     directory cannot be omitted (though each of its files could be).

   * Omitting is wholesale; if omitting is turned on for a dired
     buffer, then all uninteresting files listed in that buffer are
     omitted.  The user does not omit (or unomit) files one at a time.

   * Omitting can be automatic; uninteresting file lines in the buffer
     can be removed before the user ever sees them.

   * Marked files are never omitted.

     (`dired-omit-toggle') Toggle between displaying and omitting
     "uninteresting" files.  With a prefix argument, don't toggle and
     just mark the files, but don't actually omit them.

In order to make Dired Omit work you first need to load `dired-x.el'
inside `dired-load-hook' (*note Installation::) and then set
`dired-omit-files-p' in some way (*note Omitting Variables::).

* Menu:

* Omitting Variables::
* Omitting Examples::
* Omitting Technical::

File: dired-x,  Node: Omitting Variables,  Next: Omitting Examples,  Prev: Omitting Files in Dired,  Up: Omitting Files in Dired

Omitting Variables

   The following variables can be used to customize omitting.

     Default: `nil'

     If non-`nil', "uninteresting" files are not listed.  Uninteresting
     files are those whose filenames match regexp `dired-omit-files',
     plus those ending with extensions in `dired-omit-extensions'.
     `M-o' (`dired-omit-toggle') toggles its value, which is
     buffer-local.  Put

          (setq dired-omit-files-p t)

     inside your `dired-mode-hook' to have omitting initially turned on
     in _every_ Dired buffer (*note Installation::).  You can then use
     `M-o' to unomit in that buffer.

     To enable omitting automatically only in certain directories one
     can use Dired Local Variables and put

          Local Variables:
          dired-omit-files-p: t

     into a file `.dired' (the default value of
     `dired-local-variables-file') in that directory (*note Local

          This is an interactive function that creates a local
          variables file exactly like the example above (if it does not
          already exist) in the file `dired-local-variables-file' in
          the current directory and then refreshes the directory
          listing (*note Local Variables::).

     Default: `"^#\\|\\.$"'

     Filenames matching this buffer-local regexp will not be displayed.
     This only has effect when `dired-omit-files-p' is t.

     The default value omits the special directories `.' and `..'  and
     autosave files (plus other files ending in ".") (*note Omitting

     Default: The elements of `completion-ignored-extensions' (as
     defined in the file `loaddefs.el' of the GNU Emacs distribution),
     `dired-latex-unclean-extensions', `dired-bibtex-unclean-extensions'
     and `dired-texinfo-unclean-extensions'.

     If non-`nil', a list of extensions (strings) to omit from Dired
     listings.  Its format is the same as that of

     Default:  `'no-dir'

     The LOCALP argument `dired-omit-expunge' passes to
     `dired-get-filename'.  If it is `'no-dir', omitting is much faster,
     but you can only match against the non-directory part of the
     filename.  Set it to `nil' if you need to match the whole pathname
     or `t' to match the pathname relative to the buffer's top-level

     Default: `C-o'

     Temporary marker used by by Dired to implement omitting.  Should
     never be used as marker by the user or other packages.  There is
     one exception to this rule: by doing

          (setq dired-mark-keys "\C-o")
          ;; i.e., the value of dired-omit-marker-char
          ;; (which is not defined yet)

     anywhere in your `~/.emacs', you will bind the `C-o' key to insert
     a `C-o' marker, thus causing these files to be omitted in addition
     to the usually omitted files.  Unfortunately the files you omitted
     manually this way will show up again after reverting the buffer,
     unlike the others.

File: dired-x,  Node: Omitting Examples,  Next: Omitting Technical,  Prev: Omitting Variables,  Up: Omitting Files in Dired

Examples of Omitting Various File Types

   * If you wish to avoid seeing RCS files and the RCS directory, then

          (setq dired-omit-files
                (concat dired-omit-files "\\|^RCS$\\|,v$"))

     in the `dired-load-hook' (*note Installation::).  This assumes
     `dired-omit-localp' has its default value of `'no-dir' to make the
     `^'-anchored matches work.  As a slower alternative, with
     `dired-omit-localp' set to `nil', you can use `/' instead of `^'
     in the regexp.

   * If you use tib, the bibliography program for use with TeX and
     LaTeX, you might want to omit the `INDEX' and the `-t.tex' files,
     then put

          (setq dired-omit-files
                (concat dired-omit-files "\\|^INDEX$\\|-t\\.tex$"))

     in the `dired-load-hook' (*note Installation::).

   * If you do not wish to see `dot' files (files starting with a `.'),
     then put

          (setq dired-omit-files
                (concat dired-omit-files "\\|^\\..+$"))

     in the `dired-load-hook' (*note Installation::).

File: dired-x,  Node: Omitting Technical,  Next: Local Variables,  Prev: Omitting Examples,  Up: Omitting Files in Dired

Some Technical Details of Omitting

   Loading `dired-x.el' will install Dired Omit by putting
`dired-omit-expunge' on your `dired-after-readin-hook', and will call
`dired-extra-startup', which in turn calls `dired-omit-startup' in your

File: dired-x,  Node: Local Variables,  Next: Shell Command Guessing,  Prev: Omitting Technical,  Up: Top

Local Variables for Dired Directories

When Dired visits a directory, it looks for a file whose name is the
value of variable `dired-local-variables-file' (default: `.dired').  If
such a file is found, Dired will temporarily insert it into the Dired
buffer and run `hack-local-variables'.

For example, if the user puts

     Local Variables:
     dired-actual-switches: "-lat"
     dired-omit-files-p: t

into a file called `.dired' in a directory then when that directory is
viewed it will be

  1. sorted by date

  2. omitted automatically

You can set `dired-local-variables-file' to `nil' to suppress this.
The value of `dired-enable-local-variables' controls if and how these
local variables are read.  This variable exists so that if may override
the default value of `enable-local-variables'.

Please see the GNU Emacs Manual to learn more about local variables.
*Note Local Variables in Files: (emacs)File Variables.

The following variables affect Dired Local Variables

     Default: `".dired"'

     If non-`nil', filename for local variables for Dired.  If Dired
     finds a file with that name in the current directory, it will
     temporarily insert it into the dired buffer and run

     Default: `t'

     Controls use of local-variables lists in dired.  The value can be
     `t', `nil', or something else.  A value of `t' means
     local-variables lists are obeyed in the
     `dired-local-variables-file'; `nil' means they are ignored;
     anything else means query.  This variable temporarily overrides
     the value of `enable-local-variables' when the Dired Local
     Variables are hacked.

File: dired-x,  Node: Shell Command Guessing,  Next: Virtual Dired,  Prev: Local Variables,  Up: Top

Shell Command Guessing

   Based upon the name of a filename, Dired tries to guess what shell
command you might want to apply to it.  For example, if you have point
on a file named `foo.tar' and you press `!', Dired will guess you want
to `tar xvf' it and suggest that as the default shell command.

   The default will be mentioned in brackets and you can type `M-p' to
get the default into the minibuffer so that you can edit it, e.g.,
changing `tar xvf' to `tar tvf'.  If there are several commands for a
given file, e.g., `xtex' and `dvips' for a `.dvi' file, you can type
`M-p' several times to see each of the matching commands.

   Dired only tries to guess a command for a single file, never for a
list of marked files.

     Predefined rules for shell commands.  Set this to `nil' to turn
     guessing off.  The elements of `dired-guess-shell-alist-user'
     (defined by the user) will override these rules.

     If non-`nil', a user-defined alist of file regexps and their
     suggested commands.  These rules take precedence over the
     predefined rules in the variable `dired-guess-shell-alist-default'
     (to which they are prepended) when `dired-do-shell-command' is

     Each element of the alist looks like

          (REGEXP COMMAND...)

     where each COMMAND can either be a string or a lisp expression
     that evaluates to a string.  If several COMMANDs are given, all
     will temporarily be pushed on the history.

     You can set this variable in your `~/.emacs'.  For example, to add
     rules for `.foo' and `.bar' file extensions, write

          (setq dired-guess-shell-alist-user
                 (list "\\.foo$" "FOO-COMMAND");; fixed rule
                 ;; possibly more rules...
                 (list "\\.bar$";; rule with condition test
                        '(if CONDITION

     This will override any predefined rules for the same extensions.

     Default: `nil'

     If non-`nil', name of the GNU tar executable (e.g., `"tar"' or
     `"gnutar"').  GNU tar's `z' switch is used for compressed tar
     files.  If you don't have GNU tar, set this to `nil': a pipe using
     `zcat' is then used.

     Default: `t'

     A non-`nil' value means that `-q' is passed to gzip overriding a
     verbose GNU zip's `GZIP' environment variable.

`dired-guess-shell-znew-switches nil'
     Default: `nil'

     A string of switches passed to GNU zip's `znew'.  An example is
     `"-K"' which will make `znew' keep a .Z file when it is smaller
     than the .gz file.

`dired-shell-command-history nil'
     History list for commands that read dired-shell commands.

File: dired-x,  Node: Virtual Dired,  Next: Advanced Mark Commands,  Prev: Shell Command Guessing,  Up: Top

Virtual Dired

   Using "Virtual Dired" means putting a buffer with Dired-like
contents in Dired mode.  The files described by the buffer contents need
not actually exist.  This is useful if you want to peruse an `ls -lR'
output file, for example one you got from an FTP server.  You can use
all motion commands usually available in Dired.  You can also use it to
save a Dired buffer in a file and resume it in a later session.

   Type `M-x dired-virtual' to put the current buffer into virtual
Dired mode.  You will be prompted for the top level directory of this
buffer, with a default value guessed from the buffer contents.  To
convert the virtual to a real Dired buffer again, type `g' (which calls
`dired-virtual-revert') in the virtual Dired buffer and answer `y'.
You don't have to do this, though: you can relist single subdirectories
using `l' (`dired-do-redisplay') on the subdirectory headerline,
leaving the buffer in virtual Dired mode all the time.

   The function `dired-virtual-mode' is specially designed to turn on
virtual Dired mode from the `auto-mode-alist'.  To edit all `*.dired'
files automatically in virtual Dired mode, put this into your

     (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("[^/]\\.dired$" . dired-virtual-mode)

   The regexp is a bit more complicated than usual to exclude ".dired"
local variable files.

File: dired-x,  Node: Advanced Mark Commands,  Next: Advanced Cleaning Functions,  Prev: Virtual Dired,  Up: Top

Advanced Mark Commands

     (`dired-do-find-marked-files') Find all marked files at once
     displaying simultaneously.  If optional NOSELECT is non-`nil' then
     just find the files but do not select.  If you want to keep the
     dired buffer displayed, type `C-x 2' first.  If you want just the
     marked files displayed and nothing else, type `C-x 1' first.

     The current window is split across all files marked, as evenly as
     possible.  Remaining lines go to the bottom-most window.  The
     number of files that can be displayed this way is restricted by
     the height of the current window and the variable

     Mark all files with a certain extension for use in later commands.
     A `.' is not automatically prepended to the string entered.

     When called from lisp, EXTENSION may also be a list of extensions
     and an optional argument MARKER-CHAR specifies the marker used.

     Flag all files with a certain extension for deletion.  A `.' is
     _not_ automatically prepended to the string entered.

* Menu:

* Advanced Cleaning Functions::
* Advanced Cleaning Variables::
* Special Marking Function::

File: dired-x,  Node: Advanced Cleaning Functions,  Next: Advanced Cleaning Variables,  Prev: Advanced Mark Commands,  Up: Advanced Mark Commands

Advanced Cleaning Functions

     Flag dispensable files created by the `patch' program for
     deletion.  See variable `dired-patch-unclean-extensions'.

     Flag dispensable files created by TeX, LaTeX, and `texinfo' for
     deletion.  See the following variables (*note Advanced Cleaning

        * `dired-tex-unclean-extensions'

        * `dired-texinfo-unclean-extensions'

        * `dired-latex-unclean-extensions'

        * `dired-bibtex-unclean-extensions'

     Flag dispensable files created by TeX, LaTeX, `texinfo', and ".dvi"
     files for deletion.

File: dired-x,  Node: Advanced Cleaning Variables,  Next: Special Marking Function,  Prev: Advanced Cleaning Functions,  Up: Advanced Mark Commands

Advanced Cleaning Variables

Variables used by the above cleaning commands (and in the default value
for variable `dired-omit-extensions', *note Omitting Variables::)

     Default: `'(".rej" ".orig")'

     List of extensions of dispensable files created by the `patch'

     Default:  `'(".toc" ".log" ".aux")'

     List of extensions of dispensable files created by TeX.

     Default: `'(".cp" ".cps" ".fn" ".fns" ".ky" ".kys"' `".pg" ".pgs"
     ".tp" ".tps" ".vr" ".vrs")'

     List of extensions of dispensable files created by `texinfo'.

     Default: `'(".idx" ".lof" ".lot" ".glo")'

     List of extensions of dispensable files created by LaTeX.

     Default:  `'(".blg" ".bbl")'

     List of extensions of dispensable files created by BibTeX.

File: dired-x,  Node: Special Marking Function,  Next: Multiple Dired Directories,  Prev: Advanced Cleaning Variables,  Up: Advanced Mark Commands

Special Marking Function

     (`dired-mark-sexp') Mark files for which PREDICATE returns
     non-`nil'.  With a prefix argument, unflag those files instead.

     The PREDICATE is a lisp expression that can refer to the following
          [integer] the inode of the file (only for `ls -i' output)

          [integer] the size of the file for `ls -s' output (usually in
          blocks or, with `-k', in KBytes)

          [string]  file permission bits, e.g., `"-rw-r--r--"'

          [integer] number of links to file

          [string]  owner

          [string]  group  (If the gid is not displayed by `ls', this
          will still be set (to the same as uid))

          [integer] file size in bytes

          [string]  the time that `ls' displays, e.g., `"Feb 12 14:17"'

          [string]  the name of the file

          [string]  if file is a symbolic link, the linked-to name,
          else `""'

     For example, use
          (equal 0 size)
     to mark all zero length files.

     To find out all not yet compiled Emacs lisp files in a directory,
     dired all `.el' files in the lisp directory using the wildcard
     `*.el'.  Then use `M-(' with
          (not (file-exists-p (concat name "c")))
     to mark all `.el' files without a corresponding `.elc' file.

File: dired-x,  Node: Multiple Dired Directories,  Next: Find File At Point,  Prev: Special Marking Function,  Up: Top

Multiple Dired Directories and Non-Dired Commands

   An Emacs buffer can have but one working directory, stored in the
buffer-local variable `default-directory'.  A Dired buffer may have
several subdirectories inserted, but still has but one working
directory: that of the top level Dired directory in that buffer.  For
some commands it is appropriate that they use the current Dired
directory instead of `default-directory', e.g., `find-file' and

   A general mechanism is provided for special handling of the working
directory in special major modes:

     Default: `((dired-mode . (dired-current-directory)))'

     Alist of major modes and their opinion on `default-directory', as a
     lisp expression to evaluate.  A resulting value of `nil' is ignored
     in favor of `default-directory'.

     Function with usage like variable `default-directory', but knows
     about the special cases in variable `default-directory-alist'.

File: dired-x,  Node: Find File At Point,  Next: Miscellaneous Commands,  Prev: Multiple Dired Directories,  Up: Top

Find File At Point

   `dired-x' provides a method of visiting or editing a file mentioned
in the buffer you are viewing (e.g., a mail buffer, a news article, a
README file, etc.) or to test if that file exists.  You can then modify
this in the minibuffer after snatching the filename.

   When installed `dired-x' will substitute `dired-x-find-file' for
`find-file' (normally bound to `C-x C-f') and
`dired-x-find-file-other-window' for `find-file-other-window' (normally
bound to `C-x 4 C-f').

   In order to use this feature, you will need to set
`dired-x-hands-off-my-keys' to `nil' inside `dired-load-hook' (*note
Optional Installation File At Point::).

     `dired-x-find-file' behaves exactly like `find-file' (normally
     bound to `C-x C-f') unless a prefix argument is passed to the
     function in which case it will use the filename at point as a
     guess for the file to visit.

     For example, if the buffer you were reading contained the words

          Available via anonymous ftp in

     then you could move your cursor to the line containing the ftp
     address and type `C-u C-x C-f' (the `C-u' is a universal
     argument).  The minibuffer would read

          Find file: /roebling.poly.edu:/pub/lisp/crypt++.el.gz

     with the point after the last `/'.  If you hit return emacs will
     visit the file at that address.  This also works with files on
     your own computer.

     `dired-x-find-file-other-window' behaves exactly like
     `find-file-other-window' (normally bound to `C-x 4 C-f') unless a
     prefix argument is used.  See `dired-x-find-file' for more

     If set to `t', then it means that `dired-x' should _not_ bind
     `dired-x-find-file' over `find-file' on keyboard.  Similarly, it
     should not bind `dired-x-find-file-other-window' over
     `find-file-other-window'.  If you change this variable after
     `dired-x.el' is loaded then do `M-x dired-x-bind-find-file'.  The
     default value of this variable is `t'; by default, the binding is
     not done.  See *Note Optional Installation File At Point::.

     A function, which can be called interactively or in your
     `~/.emacs' file, that uses the value of
     `dired-x-hands-off-my-keys' to determine if `dired-x-find-file'
     should be bound over `find-file' and
     `dired-x-find-file-other-window' bound over
     `find-file-other-window'.  See *Note Optional Installation File At

File: dired-x,  Node: Miscellaneous Commands,  Next: Bugs,  Prev: Find File At Point,  Up: Top

Miscellaneous Commands

   Miscellaneous features not fitting anywhere else:

     Default: `nil'

     If non-`nil', Dired does not make a new buffer for a directory if
     it can be found (perhaps as subdirectory) in some existing Dired

     If there are several Dired buffers for a directory, the most
     recently used is chosen.

     Dired avoids switching to the current buffer, so that if you have a
     normal and a wildcard buffer for the same directory, `C-x d RET'
     will toggle between those two.

     (`dired-goto-file') Goto file line of a file (or directory).

     (`dired-goto-subdir') Goto headerline of an inserted directory.
     This commands reads its argument with completion over the names of
     the inserted subdirectories.

     (`dired-copy-filename-as-kill') The `w' command puts the names of
     the marked (or next N) files into the kill ring, as if you had
     killed them with `C-w'.  With a zero prefix argument N=0, use the
     complete pathname of each file.  With a raw (just `C-u') prefix
     argument, use the relative pathname of each marked file.  As a
     special case, if no prefix argument is given and point is on a
     directory headerline, it gives you the name of that directory,
     without looking for marked files.

     The list of names is also stored onto the variable
     `dired-marked-files' for use, e.g., in the `M-:'
     (`eval-expression') command.

     As this command also displays what was pushed onto the kill ring
     you can use it to display the list of currently marked files in the
     echo area (unless you happen to be on a subdirectory headerline).

     You can then feed the file name to other Emacs commands with `C-y'.
     For example, say you want to rename a long filename to a slightly
     different name.  First type `w' to push the old name onto the kill
     ring.  Then type `R' to rename it and use `C-y' inside `R''s
     minibuffer prompt to insert the old name at a convenient place.

     (`dired-do-toggle') Toggle marks.  That is, currently marked files
     become unmarked and vice versa.  Files marked with other flags
     (such as `D') are not affected.  The special directories `.' and
     `..'  are never toggled.

     Like function `shell-command', but in the current Dired directory.
     Bound to `M-!' in Dired buffers.

     Bound to `C-x C-j'.  Jump back to dired: If in a file, dired the
     current directory and move to file's line.  If in Dired already,
     pop up a level and goto old directory's line.  In case the proper
     Dired file line cannot be found, refresh the Dired buffer and try

     Bound to `C-x 4 C-j'. Like `dired-jump', but to other window.

     These functions can be autoloaded so they work even though
     `dired-x.el' has not been loaded yet (*note Optional Installation
     Dired Jump::).

     If the variable `dired-bind-jump' is `nil', `dired-jump' will not
     be bound to `C-x C-j' and `dired-jump-other-window' will not be
     bound to `C-x 4 C-j'.

     Bound to `V' if `dired-bind-vm' is t.  Run VM on this file (assumed
     to be a UNIX mail folder).

     If you give this command a prefix argument, it will visit the
     folder read-only.  This only works in VM~5, not VM~4.

     If the variable `dired-vm-read-only-folders' is t, `dired-vm' will
     visit all folders read-only.  If it is neither `nil' nor `t', e.g.,
     the symbol `'if-file-read-only', only files not writable by you are
     visited read-only.  This is the recommended value if you run VM 5.

     If the variable `dired-bind-vm' is t, `dired-vm' will be bound to
     `V'.  Otherwise, `dired-bind-rmail' will be bound.

     Bound to `V' if `dired-bind-vm' is `nil'.  Run Rmail on this file
     (assumed to be mail folder in Rmail/BABYL format).

     Bound to `I'.  Run Info on this file (assumed to be a file in Info

     If the variable `dired-bind-info' is `nil', `dired-info' will not
     be bound to I.

     Bound to `N'.  Run man on this file (assumed to be a file in nroff

     If the variable `dired-bind-man' is `nil', `dired-man' will not be
     bound to N.

     Bound to `Y'.  Relative symlink all marked (or next ARG) files
     into a directory, or make a relative symbolic link to the current
     file.  This creates relative symbolic links like

     foo -> ../bar/foo

     not absolute ones like

     foo -> /ugly/path/that/may/change/any/day/bar/foo

     Bound to `%Y'.  Relative symlink all marked files containing
     REGEXP to NEWNAME.  See functions `dired-do-rename-regexp' and
     `dired-do-relsymlink' for more info.

File: dired-x,  Node: Bugs,  Next: Concept Index,  Prev: Miscellaneous Commands,  Up: Top


If you encounter a bug in this package, wish to suggest an enhancement,
or want to make a smart remark, then type

     M-x dired-x-submit-report

to set up an outgoing mail buffer, with the proper address to the
`dired-x.el' maintainer automatically inserted in the `To:' field.
This command also inserts information that the Dired X maintainer can
use to recreate your exact setup, making it easier to verify your bug
or social maladjustment.

   Lawrence R. Dodd <dodd@roebling.poly.edu>

File: dired-x,  Node: Concept Index,  Next: Command Index,  Prev: Bugs,  Up: Top

Concept Index

* Menu:

* Adding to the kill ring in dired.:     Miscellaneous Commands.
* Autoloading dired-jump and dired-jump-other-window: Optional Installation Dired Jump.
* Binding dired-x-find-file:             Optional Installation File At Point.
* Bugs:                                  Bugs.
* dired-aux.el:                          Technical Details.
* Dot files, how to omit them in Dired:  Omitting Examples.
* Features:                              Features.
* Finding a file at point:               Find File At Point.
* GNU zip.:                              Shell Command Guessing.
* Guessing shell commands for files.:    Shell Command Guessing.
* How to make omitting the default in Dired: Omitting Variables.
* Jumping to dired listing containing file.: Miscellaneous Commands.
* Lisp expression, marking files with in Dired: Special Marking Function.
* Local Variables for Dired Directories: Local Variables.
* ls listings, how to peruse them in Dired: Virtual Dired.
* Mark file by lisp expression:          Special Marking Function.
* Multiple Dired directories:            Multiple Dired Directories.
* Omitting additional files:             Omitting Variables.
* Omitting dot files in Dired:           Omitting Examples.
* Omitting Files in Dired:               Omitting Files in Dired.
* Omitting RCS files in Dired:           Omitting Examples.
* Omitting tib files in Dired:           Omitting Examples.
* Passing GNU tar its `z' switch.:       Shell Command Guessing.
* Perusing ls listings:                  Virtual Dired.
* RCS files, how to omit them in Dired:  Omitting Examples.
* Reading mail.:                         Miscellaneous Commands.
* Redefined functions:                   Technical Details.
* Relative symbolic links.:              Miscellaneous Commands.
* Running info.:                         Miscellaneous Commands.
* Running man.:                          Miscellaneous Commands.
* Simultaneous visiting of several files: Advanced Mark Commands.
* Tib files, how to omit them in Dired:  Omitting Examples.
* Toggling marks.:                       Miscellaneous Commands.
* Virtual Dired:                         Virtual Dired.
* Visiting a file mentioned in a buffer: Find File At Point.
* Visiting several files at once:        Advanced Mark Commands.
* Working directory:                     Multiple Dired Directories.

File: dired-x,  Node: Command Index,  Next: Key Index,  Prev: Concept Index,  Up: Top

Function Index

* Menu:

* default-directory:                     Multiple Dired Directories.
* dired-clean-patch:                     Advanced Cleaning Functions.
* dired-clean-tex:                       Advanced Cleaning Functions.
* dired-copy-filename-as-kill:           Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-do-find-marked-files:            Advanced Mark Commands.
* dired-do-relative-symlink:             Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-do-relative-symlink-regexp:      Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-do-toggle:                       Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-flag-extension:                  Advanced Mark Commands.
* dired-goto-file:                       Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-goto-subdir:                     Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-info:                            Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-jump:                            Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-jump-other-window:               Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-man:                             Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-mark-extension:                  Advanced Mark Commands.
* dired-mark-sexp:                       Special Marking Function.
* dired-omit-here-always:                Omitting Variables.
* dired-omit-toggle:                     Omitting Files in Dired.
* dired-rmail:                           Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-smart-shell-command:             Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-very-clean-tex:                  Advanced Cleaning Functions.
* dired-virtual:                         Virtual Dired.
* dired-virtual-mode:                    Virtual Dired.
* dired-virtual-revert:                  Virtual Dired.
* dired-vm:                              Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-x-bind-find-file:                Find File At Point.
* dired-x-find-file:                     Find File At Point.
* dired-x-find-file-other-window:        Find File At Point.
* dired-x-submit-report:                 Bugs.
* shell-command:                         Miscellaneous Commands.

File: dired-x,  Node: Key Index,  Next: Variable Index,  Prev: Command Index,  Up: Top

Key Index

* Menu:

* %Y:                                    Miscellaneous Commands.
* C-x 4 C-f:                             Find File At Point.
* C-x 4 C-j:                             Miscellaneous Commands.
* C-x C-f:                               Find File At Point.
* C-x C-j:                               Miscellaneous Commands.
* F:                                     Advanced Mark Commands.
* g:                                     Virtual Dired.
* I:                                     Miscellaneous Commands.
* M-!:                                   Miscellaneous Commands.
* M-(:                                   Special Marking Function.
* M-G:                                   Miscellaneous Commands.
* M-g:                                   Miscellaneous Commands.
* M-o:                                   Omitting Files in Dired.
* N:                                     Miscellaneous Commands.
* T:                                     Miscellaneous Commands.
* V:                                     Miscellaneous Commands.
* w:                                     Miscellaneous Commands.
* Y:                                     Miscellaneous Commands.

File: dired-x,  Node: Variable Index,  Prev: Key Index,  Up: Top

Variable Index

* Menu:

* auto-mode-alist:                       Virtual Dired.
* default-directory-alist:               Multiple Dired Directories.
* dired-bibtex-unclean-extensions:       Advanced Cleaning Variables.
* dired-bind-info:                       Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-bind-jump:                       Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-bind-man:                        Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-bind-vm:                         Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-enable-local-variables:          Local Variables.
* dired-find-subdir:                     Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-guess-shell-alist-default:       Shell Command Guessing.
* dired-guess-shell-alist-user:          Shell Command Guessing.
* dired-guess-shell-gnutar:              Shell Command Guessing.
* dired-guess-shell-gzip-quiet:          Shell Command Guessing.
* dired-guess-shell-znew-switches nil:   Shell Command Guessing.
* dired-latex-unclean-extensions:        Advanced Cleaning Variables.
* dired-local-variables-file:            Local Variables.
* dired-marked-files:                    Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-omit-extensions:                 Omitting Variables.
* dired-omit-files:                      Omitting Variables.
* dired-omit-files-p:                    Omitting Variables.
* dired-omit-localp:                     Omitting Variables.
* dired-omit-marker-char:                Omitting Variables.
* dired-patch-unclean-extensions:        Advanced Cleaning Variables.
* dired-shell-command-history nil:       Shell Command Guessing.
* dired-tex-unclean-extensions:          Advanced Cleaning Variables.
* dired-texinfo-unclean-extensions:      Advanced Cleaning Variables.
* dired-vm-read-only-folders:            Miscellaneous Commands.
* dired-x-hands-off-my-keys:             Find File At Point.

Tag Table:
Node: Copyright190
Node: Top1270
Node: Introduction2212
Node: Features3168
Node: Technical Details4168
Node: Installation4881
Node: Optional Installation Dired Jump6139
Node: Optional Installation File At Point7750
Node: Special Notes8941
Node: Omitting Files in Dired10859
Node: Omitting Variables12381
Node: Omitting Examples15690
Node: Omitting Technical16910
Node: Local Variables17326
Node: Shell Command Guessing19193
Node: Virtual Dired22184
Node: Advanced Mark Commands23711
Node: Advanced Cleaning Functions25068
Node: Advanced Cleaning Variables25896
Node: Special Marking Function27016
Node: Multiple Dired Directories28609
Node: Find File At Point29778
Node: Miscellaneous Commands32539
Node: Bugs37544
Node: Concept Index38140
Node: Command Index40614
Node: Key Index42720
Node: Variable Index43997

End Tag Table