efaxmsg.c   [plain text]

#include <ctype.h>		/* ANSI C */
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h> 
#include <time.h>

#include "efaxmsg.h"

#define MAXTSTAMP 80		/* maximum length of a time stamp */
#define MAXMSGBUF 4096		/* maximum status/error message bytes held */

#define NLOG 2

char *verb[NLOG] = { "ewin", "" } ;
char *argv0 = "" ;

int nxtoptind = 1 ;		/* for communication with nextopt() */
char *nxtoptarg ;

/* For systems without strerror(3) */

extern int sys_nerr;
extern char *sys_errlist[];

extern char *strerror( int i )       
  return ( i >= 0 && i < sys_nerr ) ? sys_errlist[i] : "Unknown Error" ;

/* Print time stamp. */

time_t tstamp ( time_t last, FILE *f )
  time_t now ;
  char tbuf [ MAXTSTAMP ] ;

  now = time ( 0 ) ;

  strftime ( tbuf, MAXTSTAMP,  ( now - last > 600 ) ? "%c" : "%M:%S",
	    localtime( &now ) ) ;
  fputs ( tbuf, f ) ;

  return now ;

/* Return string corresponding to character c. */

char *cname ( uchar c ) 
#define CNAMEFMT "<0x%02x>"
#define CNAMELEN 6+1
  static char *cnametab [ 256 ] = { /* character names */
  "<NUL>","<SOH>","<STX>","<ETX>", "<EOT>","<ENQ>","<ACK>","<BEL>",
  "<BS>", "<HT>", "<LF>", "<VT>",  "<FF>", "<CR>", "<SO>", "<SI>", 
  "<CAN>","<EM>", "<SUB>","<ESC>", "<FS>", "<GS>", "<RS>", "<US>" } ;
  static char names[ (127-32)*2 + 129*(CNAMELEN) ] ;
  char *p=names ;
  static int i=0 ;
  if ( ! i ) {
    for ( i=32 ; i<256 ; i++ ) {
      cnametab [ i ] = p ;
      sprintf ( p, i<127 ? "%c" : CNAMEFMT, i ) ;
      p += strlen ( p ) + 1 ;

  return cnametab [ c ] ;

/* If a non-NULL parameter is passed in then that string
 * is saved as the copyright string to be printed with the
 * first call to msg(). If a NULL parameter is passed in then
 * the copyright string is not changed. The function always
 * returns the current copyright string.
const char *setCopyright(const char *copyright)
    static const char *sCopyright = NULL;
    if (copyright != NULL) {
        if (sCopyright != NULL) free((char*)sCopyright);
        sCopyright = strdup(copyright);
    return sCopyright;

/* Print a message with a variable number of printf()-type
   arguments if the first character appears in the global
   verb[ose] string.  Other leading characters and digits do
   additional actions: + allows the message to be continued on
   the same line, '-' buffers the message instead of printing it,
   E, and W expand into strings, S prints the error message for
   the most recent system error, a digit sets the return value, a
   space ends prefix but isn't printed.  Returns 0 if no prefix
   digit. */

enum  msgflags { E=0x01, W=0x02, S=0x04, NOFLSH=0x08, NOLF=0x10 } ;

int msg ( char *fmt, ... ) 
  static int init=0 ;
  static FILE *logfile [ NLOG ] ;
  static char msgbuf [ NLOG ] [ MAXMSGBUF ] ;
  static time_t logtime [ NLOG ] = { 0, 0 } ;
  static int atcol1 [ NLOG ] = { 1, 1 } ;
  static int copyrightSent [ NLOG ] = { 0, 0 } ;
  int err=0, i, flags=0 ;
  char *p ;
  va_list ap ;
  va_start ( ap, fmt ) ;

  if ( ! init ) {
    logfile[0] = stderr ;
    logfile[1] = stdout ;
    for ( i=0 ; i<NLOG ; i++ )
      setvbuf ( logfile[i], msgbuf[i], _IOLBF, MAXMSGBUF ) ;
    cname ( 0 ) ;
    init = 1 ;
  for ( i=0 ; i<NLOG ; i++ ) {

    for ( p=fmt ; *p ; p++ ) {
      switch ( *p ) {
      case ' ': p++ ; goto print ;
      case 'E': flags |= E ; break ;
      case 'W': flags |= W ; break ;
      case 'S': flags |= S ; break ;
      case '+': flags |= NOLF ; break ;
      case '-': flags |= NOFLSH ; break ;
	if ( isdigit ( *p ) ) {
	  err = *p - '0' ; 
	} else if ( ! isupper ( *p ) ) {
	  goto print ;

    if ( strchr ( verb[i], tolower ( *fmt ) ) ) {
      if ( !copyrightSent[i] ) {
        if ( setCopyright(NULL) ) fputs ( setCopyright(NULL), logfile[i] );
        copyrightSent[i] = 1;
      if ( atcol1[i] ) {
	fprintf ( logfile[i], "%s: ", argv0 ) ;
	logtime[i] = tstamp ( logtime[i], logfile[i] ) ; 
	fputs ( ( flags & E ) ? " Error: " : 
		( flags & W ) ? " Warning: " : 
		" ",
		logfile[i] ) ;
      vfprintf( logfile[i], p, ap ) ;
      if ( flags & S ) fprintf ( logfile[i], " %s", strerror ( errno ) ) ;
      if ( ! ( flags & NOLF ) ) fputs ( "\n", logfile[i] ) ;
      atcol1[i] = flags & NOLF ? 0 : 1 ;
      if ( ! ( flags & NOFLSH ) ) fflush ( logfile[i] ) ;
  va_end ( ap ) ;
  return err ;

/* Simple (one option per argument) version of getopt(3). */

int nextopt( int argc, char **argv, char *args )
  char *a, *p ;

  if ( nxtoptind >= argc || *(a = argv[nxtoptind]) != '-' ) return -1 ;
  nxtoptind++ ;

  if ( ! *(a+1) || ( ( p = strchr ( args, *(a+1) ) ) == 0 ) )
    return msg ( "Eunknown option (%s)", a ), '?' ; 

  if ( *(p+1) != ':' ) nxtoptarg = 0 ;
    if ( *(a+2) ) nxtoptarg = a+2 ;
      if ( nxtoptind >= argc ) return msg ( "Eno argument for (%s)", a ), '?' ;
      else nxtoptarg = argv [ nxtoptind++ ] ;
  return *(a+1) ;