DyldSharedCache.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef DyldSharedCache_h
#define DyldSharedCache_h

#include <TargetConditionals.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>

#include "dyld_cache_format.h"
#include "Diagnostics.h"
#include "MachOAnalyzer.h"
#include "Closure.h"
#include "JSON.h"

namespace objc_opt {
struct objc_opt_t;

class VIS_HIDDEN DyldSharedCache

    enum CodeSigningDigestMode
        SHA256only = 0,
        SHA1only   = 1,
        Agile      = 2

    enum class LocalSymbolsMode {

    struct CreateOptions
        std::string                                 outputFilePath;
        std::string                                 outputMapFilePath;
        const dyld3::GradedArchs*                   archs;
        dyld3::Platform                             platform;
        LocalSymbolsMode                            localSymbolMode;
        bool                                        optimizeStubs;
        bool                                        optimizeDyldDlopens;
        bool                                        optimizeDyldLaunches;
        CodeSigningDigestMode                       codeSigningDigestMode;
        bool                                        dylibsRemovedDuringMastering;
        bool                                        inodesAreSameAsRuntime;
        bool                                        cacheSupportsASLR;
        bool                                        forSimulator;
        bool                                        isLocallyBuiltCache;
        bool                                        verbose;
        bool                                        evictLeafDylibsOnOverflow;
        std::unordered_map<std::string, unsigned>   dylibOrdering;
        std::unordered_map<std::string, unsigned>   dirtyDataSegmentOrdering;
        dyld3::json::Node                           objcOptimizations;
        std::string                                 loggingPrefix;

    struct MappedMachO
                                            : mh(nullptr), length(0), isSetUID(false), protectedBySIP(false), sliceFileOffset(0), modTime(0), inode(0) { }
                                    MappedMachO(const std::string& path, const dyld3::MachOAnalyzer* p, size_t l, bool isu, bool sip, uint64_t o, uint64_t m, uint64_t i)
                                            : runtimePath(path), mh(p), length(l), isSetUID(isu), protectedBySIP(sip), sliceFileOffset(o), modTime(m), inode(i) { }

        std::string                 runtimePath;
        const dyld3::MachOAnalyzer* mh;
        size_t                      length;
        uint64_t                    isSetUID        :  1,
                                    protectedBySIP  :  1,
                                    sliceFileOffset : 62;
        uint64_t                    modTime;                // only recorded if inodesAreSameAsRuntime
        uint64_t                    inode;                  // only recorded if inodesAreSameAsRuntime

    struct CreateResults
        std::string                             errorMessage;
        std::set<std::string>                   warnings;
        std::set<const dyld3::MachOAnalyzer*>   evictions;
        bool                                    agileSignature  = false;
        std::string                             cdHashFirst;
        std::string                             cdHashSecond;

    struct FileAlias
        std::string             realPath;
        std::string             aliasPath;

    // This function verifies the set of dylibs that will go into the cache are self contained.  That the depend on no dylibs
    // outset the set.  It will call back the loader function to try to find any mising dylibs.
    static bool verifySelfContained(std::vector<MappedMachO>& dylibsToCache,
                                    std::unordered_set<std::string>& badZippered,
                                    MappedMachO (^loader)(const std::string& runtimePath, Diagnostics& diag), std::vector<std::pair<DyldSharedCache::MappedMachO, std::set<std::string>>>& excluded);

    // This function is single threaded and creates a shared cache. The cache file is created in-memory.
    // Inputs:
    //      options:        various per-platform flags
    //      dylibsToCache:  a list of dylibs to include in the cache
    //      otherOsDylibs:  a list of other OS dylibs and bundle which should have load info added to the cache
    //      osExecutables:  a list of main executables which should have closures created in the cache
    // Returns:
    //    On success:
    //         cacheContent: start of the allocated cache buffer which must be vm_deallocated after the caller writes out the buffer.
    //         cacheLength:  size of the allocated cache buffer
    //         cdHash:       hash of the code directory of the code blob of the created cache
    //         warnings:     all warning messsages generated during the creation of the cache
    //    On failure:
    //         cacheContent: nullptr
    //         errorMessage: the string describing why the cache could not be created
    //         warnings:     all warning messsages generated before the failure
    static CreateResults create(const CreateOptions&               options,
                                const dyld3::closure::FileSystem&  fileSystem,
                                const std::vector<MappedMachO>&    dylibsToCache,
                                const std::vector<MappedMachO>&    otherOsDylibs,
                                const std::vector<MappedMachO>&    osExecutables);

    // Returns a text "map" file as a big string
    std::string         mapFile() const;


    // Returns the architecture name of the shared cache, e.g. "arm64"
    const char*         archName() const;

    // Returns the platform the cache is for
    dyld3::Platform    platform() const;

    // Iterates over each dylib in the cache
    void                forEachImage(void (^handler)(const mach_header* mh, const char* installName)) const;

    // Searches cache for dylib with specified path
    bool                hasImagePath(const char* dylibPath, uint32_t& imageIndex) const;

    // Is this path (which we know is in the shared cache), overridable
    bool                isOverridablePath(const char* dylibPath) const;

    // Path is to a dylib in the cache and this is an optimized cache so that path cannot be overridden
    bool                hasNonOverridablePath(const char* dylibPath) const;

    // Check if shared cache contains local symbols info
    const bool          hasLocalSymbolsInfo() const;

    // Get code signature mapped address
    uint64_t             getCodeSignAddress() const;

    // Searches cache for dylib with specified mach_header
    bool                findMachHeaderImageIndex(const mach_header* mh, uint32_t& imageIndex) const;

    // Iterates over each dylib in the cache
    void                forEachImageEntry(void (^handler)(const char* path, uint64_t mTime, uint64_t inode)) const;

    // Get image entry from index
    const mach_header*  getIndexedImageEntry(uint32_t index, uint64_t& mTime, uint64_t& node) const;

    // iterates over all dylibs and aliases
    void forEachDylibPath(void (^handler)(const char* dylibPath, uint32_t index)) const;

    // Get image path from index
    const char*         getIndexedImagePath(uint32_t index) const;

    // Get the canonical (dylib) path for a given path, which may be a symlink to something in the cache
    const char*         getCanonicalPath(const char* path) const;

    // Iterates over each text segment in the cache
    void                forEachImageTextSegment(void (^handler)(uint64_t loadAddressUnslid, uint64_t textSegmentSize, const uuid_t dylibUUID, const char* installName, bool& stop)) const;

    // Iterates over each of the three regions in the cache
    void                forEachRegion(void (^handler)(const void* content, uint64_t vmAddr, uint64_t size,
                                                      uint32_t initProt, uint32_t maxProt, uint64_t flags)) const;

    // Get local symbols nlist entries
    const void*         getLocalNlistEntries() const;

    // Get local symbols nlist count
    const uint32_t      getLocalNlistCount() const;

    // Get local symbols strings
    const char*  getLocalStrings() const;

    // Get local symbols strings size
    const uint32_t       getLocalStringsSize() const;

     // Iterates over each local symbol entry in the cache
     void                forEachLocalSymbolEntry(void (^handler)(uint32_t dylibOffset, uint32_t nlistStartIndex, uint32_t nlistCount, bool& stop)) const;

    // Returns if an address range is in this cache, and if so if in a read-only area
    bool                inCache(const void* addr, size_t length, bool& readOnly) const;

    // Returns true if a path is an alternate path (symlink)
    bool isAlias(const char* path) const;

    // returns address the cache would load at if unslid
    uint64_t            unslidLoadAddress() const;

    // returns UUID of cache
    void                getUUID(uuid_t uuid) const;

    // returns the vm size required to map cache
    uint64_t            mappedSize() const;

    // searches cache for pre-built closure for program
    const dyld3::closure::LaunchClosure* findClosure(const char* executablePath) const;

    // iterates all pre-built closures for program
    void forEachLaunchClosure(void (^handler)(const char* executableRuntimePath, const dyld3::closure::LaunchClosure* closure)) const;

    // iterates all pre-built Image* for OS dylibs/bundles not in dyld cache
    void forEachDlopenImage(void (^handler)(const char* runtimePath, const dyld3::closure::Image* image)) const;

    // returns the ImageArray pointer to Images in dyld shared cache
    const dyld3::closure::ImageArray*  cachedDylibsImageArray() const;

    // returns the ImageArray pointer to Images in OS with pre-build dlopen closure
    const dyld3::closure::ImageArray*  otherOSImageArray() const;

    // searches cache for pre-built dlopen closure for OS dylib/bundle
    const dyld3::closure::Image* findDlopenOtherImage(const char* path) const;

    // Returns the pointer to the slide info for this cache
    const dyld_cache_slide_info* legacyCacheSlideInfo() const;

    // Returns a pointer to the __DATA region mapping in the cache
    const dyld_cache_mapping_info* legacyCacheDataRegionMapping() const;

    // Returns a pointer to the start of the __DATA region in the cache
    const uint8_t* legacyCacheDataRegionBuffer() const;

    // Returns a pointer to the shared cache optimized Objective-C data structures
    const objc_opt::objc_opt_t* objcOpt() const;

    // Returns a pointer to the shared cache optimized Objective-C pointer structures
    const void* objcOptPtrs() const;

    // Returns true if the cache has any slide info, either old style on a single data region
    // or on each individual data mapping
    bool                hasSlideInfo() const;

    void                forEachSlideInfo(void (^handler)(uint64_t mappingStartAddress, uint64_t mappingSize,
                                                         const uint8_t* mappingPagesStart,
                                                         uint64_t slideInfoOffset, uint64_t slideInfoSize,
                                                         const dyld_cache_slide_info* slideInfoHeader)) const;

    // returns true if the offset is in the TEXT of some cached dylib and sets *index to the dylib index
    bool              addressInText(uint32_t cacheOffset, uint32_t* index) const;

    uint32_t          patchableExportCount(uint32_t imageIndex) const;
    void              forEachPatchableExport(uint32_t imageIndex, void (^handler)(uint32_t cacheOffsetOfImpl, const char* exportName)) const;
    void              forEachPatchableUseOfExport(uint32_t imageIndex, uint32_t cacheOffsetOfImpl,
                                                  void (^handler)(dyld_cache_patchable_location patchLocation)) const;

    // Helper to get the addend for a patch location since we don't want to put C++ in the shared cache format header
    static uint64_t getAddend(const dyld_cache_patchable_location& loc) {
        uint64_t unsingedAddend = loc.addend;
        int64_t signedAddend = (int64_t)unsingedAddend;
        signedAddend = (signedAddend << 52) >> 52;
        return (uint64_t)signedAddend;
    // Helper to get the key nam for a patch location since we don't want to put C++ in the shared cache format header
    static const char* keyName(const dyld_cache_patchable_location& patchLocation) {
        dyld3::MachOLoaded::ChainedFixupPointerOnDisk dummy;
        dummy.arm64e.authRebase.auth = 1;
        dummy.arm64e.authRebase.bind = 0;
        dummy.arm64e.authRebase.key  = patchLocation.key;
        return dummy.arm64e.keyName();


    typedef void (*DataConstLogFunc)(const char*, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));
    void changeDataConstPermissions(mach_port_t machTask, uint32_t permissions, DataConstLogFunc logFunc) const;

    struct DataConstLazyScopedWriter {
        DataConstLazyScopedWriter(const DyldSharedCache* cache, mach_port_t machTask, DataConstLogFunc logFunc);

        // Delete all other kinds of constructors to make sure we don't accidentally copy these around
        DataConstLazyScopedWriter() = delete;
        DataConstLazyScopedWriter(const DataConstLazyScopedWriter&) = delete;
        DataConstLazyScopedWriter(DataConstLazyScopedWriter&&) = delete;
        DataConstLazyScopedWriter& operator=(const DataConstLazyScopedWriter&) = delete;
        DataConstLazyScopedWriter& operator=(DataConstLazyScopedWriter&&) = delete;

        void makeWriteable();

        const DyldSharedCache*  cache           = nullptr;
        mach_port_t             machTask        = MACH_PORT_NULL;
        DataConstLogFunc        logFunc         = nullptr;
        bool                    wasMadeWritable = false;

    struct DataConstScopedWriter {
        DataConstScopedWriter(const DyldSharedCache* cache, mach_port_t machTask, DataConstLogFunc logFunc);
        ~DataConstScopedWriter() = default;

        // Delete all other kinds of constructors to make sure we don't accidentally copy these around
        DataConstScopedWriter() = delete;
        DataConstScopedWriter(const DataConstScopedWriter&) = delete;
        DataConstScopedWriter(DataConstScopedWriter&&) = delete;
        DataConstScopedWriter& operator=(const DataConstScopedWriter&) = delete;
        DataConstScopedWriter& operator=(DataConstScopedWriter&&) = delete;

        DataConstLazyScopedWriter writer;

    // MRM map file generator
    std::string generateJSONMap(const char* disposition) const;

    // This generates a JSON representation of deep reverse dependency information in the cache.
    // For each dylib, the output will contain the list of all the other dylibs transitively
    // dependening on that library. (For example, the entry for libsystem will contain almost
    // all of the dylibs in the cache ; a very high-level framework such as ARKit will have way
    // fewer dependents).
    // This is used by the shared cache ordering script to put "deep" dylibs used by everybody
    // closer to the center of the cache.
    std::string generateJSONDependents() const;

    // Note these enum entries are only valid for 64-bit archs.
    enum class ConstantClasses {
        cfStringAtomSize = 32

    // Returns the start and size of the range in the shared cache of the ObjC constants, such as
    // all of the CFString's which have been moved in to a contiguous range
    std::pair<const void*, uint64_t> getObjCConstantRange() const;

    dyld3::MachOAnalyzer::VMAddrConverter makeVMAddrConverter(bool contentRebased) const;

    dyld_cache_header header;

    // The most mappings we could generate.
    // For now its __TEXT, __DATA_CONST, __DATA_DIRTY, __DATA, __LINKEDIT,
    // and optionally also __AUTH, __AUTH_CONST, __AUTH_DIRTY
    static const uint32_t MaxMappings = 8;

    // Returns a variable of type "const T" which corresponds to the header field with the given unslid address
    template<typename T>
    const T getAddrField(uint64_t addr) const;

    void fillMachOAnalyzersMap(std::unordered_map<std::string,dyld3::MachOAnalyzer*> & dylibAnalyzers) const;
    void computeReverseDependencyMapForDylib(std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> &reverseDependencyMap, const std::unordered_map<std::string,dyld3::MachOAnalyzer*> & dylibAnalyzers, const std::string &loadPath) const;
    void computeReverseDependencyMap(std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> &reverseDependencyMap) const;
    void findDependentsRecursively(std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> &transitiveDependents, const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> &reverseDependencyMap, std::set<std::string> & visited, const std::string &loadPath) const;
    void computeTransitiveDependents(std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> & transitiveDependents) const;

#endif /* DyldSharedCache_h */