Map.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef Map_h
#define Map_h

#include "Array.h"

namespace dyld3 {

template<typename T>
struct Hash {
    static size_t hash(const T&);

template<typename T>
struct Equal {
    static bool equal(const T&a, const T& b);

template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT, class GetHash = Hash<KeyT>, class IsEqual = Equal<KeyT>>
class Map {
    typedef std::pair<KeyT, ValueT>     NodeT;
    typedef NodeT*                      iterator;
    typedef const NodeT*                const_iterator;

    enum : size_t {
        SentinelHash = (size_t)-1

    Map() {
        // Keep the hash buffer about 75% full
        nextHashBufferGrowth = 768;
        hashBufferUseCount = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i != 1024; ++i) {

    iterator find(const KeyT& key) {
        // Find the index to look up in the hash buffer
        size_t hashIndex = GetHash::hash(key) & (hashBuffer.count() - 1);

        // Note we'll use a quadratic probe to look past identical hashes until we find our node or a sentinel
        size_t probeAmount = 1;
        while (true) {
            size_t nodeBufferIndex = hashBuffer[hashIndex];

            if (nodeBufferIndex == SentinelHash) {
                // This node is unused, so we don't have this element
                return end();

            // If that hash is in use, then check if that node is actually the one we are trying to find
            if (IsEqual::equal(nodeBuffer[nodeBufferIndex].first, key)) {
                // Keys match so we found this element
                return &nodeBuffer[nodeBufferIndex];

            // We didn't find this node, so try with a later one
            hashIndex += probeAmount;
            hashIndex &= (hashBuffer.count() - 1);

        assert(0 && "unreachable");

    const_iterator find(const KeyT& key) const {
        // Find the index to look up in the hash buffer
        size_t hashIndex = GetHash::hash(key) & (hashBuffer.count() - 1);

        // Note we'll use a quadratic probe to look past identical hashes until we find our node or a sentinel
        size_t probeAmount = 1;
        while (true) {
            size_t nodeBufferIndex = hashBuffer[hashIndex];

            if (nodeBufferIndex == SentinelHash) {
                // This node is unused, so we don't have this element
                return end();

            // If that hash is in use, then check if that node is actually the one we are trying to find
            if (IsEqual::equal(nodeBuffer[nodeBufferIndex].first, key)) {
                // Keys match so we found this element
                return &nodeBuffer[nodeBufferIndex];

            // We didn't find this node, so try with a later one
            hashIndex += probeAmount;
            hashIndex &= (hashBuffer.count() - 1);

        assert(0 && "unreachable");

    iterator begin() {
        return nodeBuffer.begin();

    iterator end() {
        return nodeBuffer.end();

    const_iterator begin() const {
        return nodeBuffer.begin();

    const_iterator end() const {
        return nodeBuffer.end();

    const Array<NodeT>& array() const {
        return nodeBuffer;

    std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(NodeT&& v) {
        // First see if we have enough space.  We don't want the hash buffer to get too full.
        if (hashBufferUseCount == nextHashBufferGrowth) {
            // Grow and rehash everything.
            size_t newHashTableSize = hashBuffer.count() * 2;
            nextHashBufferGrowth *= 2;

            dyld3::OverflowSafeArray<size_t> newHashBuffer;
            for (size_t i = 0; i != newHashTableSize; ++i) {

            // Walk the existing nodes trying to populate the new hash buffer and looking for collisions
            for (size_t i = 0; i != nodeBuffer.count(); ++i) {
                const KeyT& key = nodeBuffer[i].first;
                size_t newHashIndex = GetHash::hash(key) & (newHashBuffer.count() - 1);

                // Note we'll use a quadratic probe to look past identical hashes until we find our node or a sentinel
                size_t probeAmount = 1;
                while (true) {
                    size_t newNodeBufferIndex = newHashBuffer[newHashIndex];

                    if (newNodeBufferIndex == SentinelHash) {
                        // This node is unused, so we don't have this element.  Lets add it
                        newHashBuffer[newHashIndex] = i;

                    // Don't bother checking for matching keys here.  We know we are adding elements with different keys
                    // Just probe to find the next sentinel

                    // We didn't find this node, so try with a later one
                    newHashIndex += probeAmount;
                    newHashIndex &= (newHashBuffer.count() - 1);

            // Use the new buffer
            hashBuffer = std::move(newHashBuffer);

        // Find the index to look up in the hash buffer
        size_t hashIndex = GetHash::hash(v.first) & (hashBuffer.count() - 1);

        // Note we'll use a quadratic probe to look past identical hashes until we find our node or a sentinel
        size_t probeAmount = 1;
        while (true) {
            size_t nodeBufferIndex = hashBuffer[hashIndex];

            if (nodeBufferIndex == SentinelHash) {
                // This node is unused, so we don't have this element.  Lets add it
                hashBuffer[hashIndex] = nodeBuffer.count();
                return { &nodeBuffer.back(), true };

            // If that hash is in use, then check if that node is actually the one we are trying to insert
            if (IsEqual::equal(nodeBuffer[nodeBufferIndex].first, v.first)) {
                // Keys match.  We already have this element
                return { &nodeBuffer[nodeBufferIndex], false };

            // We didn't find this node, so try with a later one
            hashIndex += probeAmount;
            hashIndex &= (hashBuffer.count() - 1);

        assert(0 && "unreachable");

    ValueT& operator[](KeyT idx) {
        auto itAndInserted = insert({ idx, ValueT() });
        return itAndInserted.first->second;

    size_t                              nextHashBufferGrowth;
    size_t                              hashBufferUseCount;
    dyld3::OverflowSafeArray<size_t>    hashBuffer;
    dyld3::OverflowSafeArray<NodeT>     nodeBuffer;

template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT, class GetHash = Hash<KeyT>, class IsEqual = Equal<KeyT>>
class MultiMap {
    struct NextNode {
        size_t isDuplicateHead  : 1;
        size_t isDuplicateEntry : 1;
        size_t isDuplicateTail  : 1;
        size_t nextIndex        : 29;
        bool hasAnyDuplicates() const {
            return isDuplicateHead || isDuplicateEntry || isDuplicateTail;
        bool hasMoreDuplicates() const {
            return isDuplicateHead || isDuplicateEntry;
        static NextNode makeNoDuplicates() {
            return { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        static NextNode makeDuplicateTailNode() {
            return { 0, 0, 1, 0 };
    static_assert(sizeof(NextNode) == sizeof(size_t), "Invalid size");
    typedef std::pair<KeyT, ValueT>             NodeT;
    typedef std::tuple<KeyT, ValueT, NextNode>  NodeEntryT;
    typedef NodeT*                              iterator;
    typedef const NodeT*                        const_iterator;

    enum : size_t {
        SentinelHash        = (size_t)-1

    MultiMap() {
        // Keep the hash buffer about 75% full
        nextHashBufferGrowth = 768;
        hashBufferUseCount = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i != 1024; ++i) {
    void forEachEntry(void (^handler)(const KeyT& key, const ValueT** values, uint64_t valuesCount)) const {
        // Walk the top level nodes, skipping dupes
        for (const NodeEntryT& headNode : nodeBuffer) {
            NextNode nextNode = std::get<2>(headNode);
            if (!nextNode.hasAnyDuplicates()) {
                const ValueT* value[1] = { &std::get<1>(headNode) };
                handler(std::get<0>(headNode), value, 1);
            if (!nextNode.isDuplicateHead)
            // This is the head of a list.  Work out how long the list is
            uint64_t valuesCount = 1;
            while (std::get<2>(nodeBuffer[nextNode.nextIndex]).hasMoreDuplicates()) {
                nextNode = std::get<2>(nodeBuffer[nextNode.nextIndex]);
            // Add one more for the last node
            // Now make an array with that many value for the callback
            const ValueT* values[valuesCount];
            // Copy in the head
            values[0] = &std::get<1>(headNode);
            // And copy the remainder
            nextNode = std::get<2>(headNode);
            valuesCount = 1;
            while (std::get<2>(nodeBuffer[nextNode.nextIndex]).hasMoreDuplicates()) {
                values[valuesCount] = &std::get<1>(nodeBuffer[nextNode.nextIndex]);
                nextNode = std::get<2>(nodeBuffer[nextNode.nextIndex]);
            // Add in the last node
            values[valuesCount] = &std::get<1>(nodeBuffer[nextNode.nextIndex]);
            // Finally call the handler with a whole array of values.
            handler(std::get<0>(headNode), values, valuesCount);

    void insert(NodeT&& v) {
        // First see if we have enough space.  We don't want the hash buffer to get too full.
        if (hashBufferUseCount == nextHashBufferGrowth) {
            // Grow and rehash everything.
            size_t newHashTableSize = hashBuffer.count() * 2;
            nextHashBufferGrowth *= 2;

            dyld3::OverflowSafeArray<size_t> newHashBuffer;
            for (size_t i = 0; i != newHashTableSize; ++i) {

            // Walk the existing nodes trying to populate the new hash buffer and looking for collisions
            for (size_t i = 0; i != nodeBuffer.count(); ++i) {
                // Skip nodes which are not the head of the list
                // They aren't moving the buffer anyway
                NextNode nextNode = std::get<2>(nodeBuffer[i]);
                if (nextNode.isDuplicateEntry || nextNode.isDuplicateTail)
                const KeyT& key = std::get<0>(nodeBuffer[i]);
                size_t newHashIndex = GetHash::hash(key) & (newHashBuffer.count() - 1);

                // Note we'll use a quadratic probe to look past identical hashes until we find our node or a sentinel
                size_t probeAmount = 1;
                while (true) {
                    size_t newNodeBufferIndex = newHashBuffer[newHashIndex];

                    if (newNodeBufferIndex == SentinelHash) {
                        // This node is unused, so we don't have this element.  Lets add it
                        newHashBuffer[newHashIndex] = i;

                    // Don't bother checking for matching keys here.  We know we are adding elements with different keys
                    // Just probe to find the next sentinel

                    // We didn't find this node, so try with a later one
                    newHashIndex += probeAmount;
                    newHashIndex &= (newHashBuffer.count() - 1);

            // Use the new buffer
            hashBuffer = std::move(newHashBuffer);

        // Find the index to look up in the hash buffer
        size_t hashIndex = GetHash::hash(v.first) & (hashBuffer.count() - 1);

        // Note we'll use a quadratic probe to look past identical hashes until we find our node or a sentinel
        size_t probeAmount = 1;
        while (true) {
            size_t nodeBufferIndex = hashBuffer[hashIndex];

            if (nodeBufferIndex == SentinelHash) {
                // This node is unused, so we don't have this element.  Lets add it
                hashBuffer[hashIndex] = nodeBuffer.count();
                nodeBuffer.push_back({ v.first, v.second, NextNode::makeNoDuplicates() } );

            // If that hash is in use, then check if that node is actually the one we are trying to insert
            if (IsEqual::equal(std::get<0>(nodeBuffer[nodeBufferIndex]), v.first)) {
                // Keys match.  We already have this element
                // But this is a multimap so add the new element too
                // Walk from this node to find the end of the chain
                while (std::get<2>(nodeBuffer[nodeBufferIndex]).hasMoreDuplicates()) {
                    nodeBufferIndex = std::get<2>(nodeBuffer[nodeBufferIndex]).nextIndex;
                NextNode& tailNode = std::get<2>(nodeBuffer[nodeBufferIndex]);
                if (!tailNode.hasAnyDuplicates()) {
                    // If the previous node has no duplicates then its now the new head of a list
                    tailNode.isDuplicateHead = 1;
                    tailNode.nextIndex = nodeBuffer.count();
                } else {
                    // This must be a tail node.  Update it to be an entry node
                    tailNode.isDuplicateTail = 0;
                    tailNode.isDuplicateEntry = 1;
                    tailNode.nextIndex = nodeBuffer.count();
                //.nextIndex = nodeBuffer.count();
                nodeBuffer.push_back({ v.first, v.second, NextNode::makeDuplicateTailNode() } );

            // We didn't find this node, so try with a later one
            hashIndex += probeAmount;
            hashIndex &= (hashBuffer.count() - 1);

        assert(0 && "unreachable");

    size_t                                  nextHashBufferGrowth;
    size_t                                  hashBufferUseCount;
    dyld3::OverflowSafeArray<size_t>        hashBuffer;
    dyld3::OverflowSafeArray<NodeEntryT>    nodeBuffer;

} // namespace dyld3

#endif /* Map_h */